The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, December 22, 1893, Image 3

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•win, Co. News. JL.ooafci and Personal Jtev.G. P. Reviere ha* beee rs- turned to Eden, in tha Savannah district. He will preach here Sun- day at 11 o’clock and at night. — -- — ----- J. W. Griffin will have freeh fish and oysters at the depot every Sat¬ urday. Stanley Butaev came in iaot jjj^t,t from Hawkinsville, and will entei Sycamore lestitute in Jan¬ uary. lira. D. T. Swearingen ia off on a ■week’s visit to friends and relatives in Macon and Door; counties. Xmas Trtx. Hayes, Smith & Co. have just received a full assortment of fancy lamp*, salt and pepper castors, gob¬ let* etc* Their collection of fireworks is the largest in the city Mr. Lewis Jackson, ot Vidalia is in Sycamore to spend the holidays with his father, Capt. Jackson. Now is the time to buy your i^dy-n>*d* clothing. sacrifice. We are sell- it out at a great 1 Hayes, Smith St Co. -->-*-•-«- Mr. B B Hayes returned last nht from Union, N. C.,wh«n# he hi been on business for sevsral vks. B. Arnold was in town Wed- C- ■ ay, aswl very kindly remem- c 1 os. U rage your Xmas turkey from », fimith km. * Tayss, Smith St Co. are receiv- it; a firs lot of new goods. Hayes, Smith & Co. have 4st recieved a fresh lot of E- /aporated Apples, Dried Peach is, currants, cranberry sauce, [Meat /Apple Butter, Atmore’s Mince and a full line of general confectioneries. PROGRAM. Fo* Mite Society, Which Meets at the Residence of Mr. W. B. Dasher, Dec. 29th, 1893. Seng—Glory to God in the high- «st. Roll call and paymsnt of du-**, Minutes. Local business. Izist. solo, Miss Margaret Smith. . Recitation,Mits Alice Swearingen Reading—“Ganderfoot’s Letter”, Edwin Smith. Chorus. Recitation, Miss Susie'Cockrell. Vocal solo, Miss Stubbs. Reading, Dr. Anthony. Cbristm&s number of the Mite Cracker, by it’s Editors. Doxology. MIsb Stella Dasher, Miss Florrie Smith, Committee. Ocala Items. Ocala, Ga., Dec. 18.—We have but few dots'to give you this week that will b* of much interea • to the read¬ ers of the news.'6.'imes are very dull for this period of the year. This esmmunity was threatened with a hurricane last Saturday, we learn of some timber, fencing etc., being blown.down. County Court convened in Irwin¬ ville laet week and quite a number of cases were disposed of while in session. Judge Clements, is very precis* and despatches business rappidly. Marcus Luke, Esq , of Irwinvill is racting for himself a commodious hotel, and will soon be better pre¬ pared than ever for the reception of his guest. We slso learn , that Mr. J. J. Lee ii erecting a handsome dwelling near Irwiaville. Look out Mr. Lee ! sotneboby will guess who that young lady is. There was preaching at Reedy creek last Sunday that being the regular appointment at that place. Hon. J.B. Paulk, Irwin’s estimable representative, returned home re¬ cently from Atlanta, this session of legislature being closed- A merry Christmas to you Mr. Editor. Thomas Bustfll* Dots From Ituhy. Ruby Ga., Dec. 19. If you wilL ex¬ cuse us for our short comings late¬ ly we will try again to sendyoua the new* from this section. Prof. Hendricks school closein op the 13 th inst. at Hearn Creek acad¬ emy, every thing passed olf qAieUy with exercises in the common school studies, one could tfuickly see that each scholar had bfcen well drilled, which Bhows that ’Air. Hen¬ dricks wa* an expert in tRie school room, Master G. W* Fletcher the eleven year old son of G.VVvFletcher wod the first prize in th e higher class, and Sarah the seven! year old daughter of H.II.Fletcher vyon It in the primary class. We can chesrfull recebmend Prof- Hendricks as on«* who is equalled by few, surpassed by none as a school teaeb er. Well w# ought to say something of the dinner the good ladies prepared on the day the school closed, and for fear we will do an injustice to the matter we will only say it could not be surpassed in quantity and quality, one can only hope that we may live to enjoy many just such an occasion at the hands of the good wives and daughters in the vacihity of Hearn Creek Academy. Mr.and Mrs. Overstreet of Worth County called their children and grand children, in family reunion on the 3th inst. the meeting was prompted by two motives, one that of the married children being scat¬ tered at such a great distance that they bad never been together at one time since scattered in marri¬ age, theother was to commemorate the death of Henry C. who died at Sumner on the 8th of Dec. 1891, where be was employed as agent of the B and W R R. Mr Overstreet is seventy two years old, Mrs Over- street is about fifty eight, they rais¬ ed a famil of fourteen children, one little girl died when an infant, out of thirteen now living, there are six sons and seven daughters, one of the sons are married and bnt one of the daughters are single, Delia, the oldest daughter married to Perry Summerlin, she has fine children, they were all present, they live iu -Berrin County. The second daughter, Lizzie, mar¬ ried A.H.Shaw, they have five liv¬ ing children, they also live in Bsr- rin County, and all were present. The third daughter Mattie marridd D.N.IIorne she has four living chil¬ dren, they live in Colquitt county and from some unknown causa was not present, The fourth daughter, Arjane married G.W.Ffetcher, they have three children, they live in Irwin County, and were all present, Clayton the fifth daughter married H.H.Parker, they live in Colquitt county, they have one child, and were present, Lilia thesixlh daugh¬ ter married G.W.Crumb, they have no children Jive in Coffee county and were present. Frank married Miss Eason Willis, they live in Worth county, haveAhree children and were present, the single ones are Jim, Joe and Dave, by 11 oclock had all gathered under the paternal roof and by 1 p m dinner was an¬ nounced and served, indeed the best of judges could find no fault, it was understood that the children should help in the dinner and they seemed to vie with others in the matter,un- til the table seemed to groan under the tremendous weight of the good things to eat. the family which came together on Friday morning naver dispursed until Sunday mor¬ ning, when they all returned home with glad hearts, hoping and. to meet many times more, enjoy them¬ selves in a family reunion, it was unanimously understqod that they meet again on the 27th of next Oct. 1894, that date being the old gent¬ leman’s birthday, not giving this near justice, but space forbids say¬ ing anything further on this sub- ;ect. Chulit ssivjs! dollar tarred it dollar earned" a v * Tfcla Ladle*’ Solid French XXrntfol* Kid But- or Postal Note tor ■ ■ Haul* mij w»r th. boot, Mid In >11 ntmtl .ton. foe ■ *3.60. Wo n»k. thU boot U ■ ourMlvM, therefor. »e ffuar- anltt th. jll. Halt and «mo r. M •S ud if an/ on* u not »U>aed w. will refund the money or eend another pair. Opera fix Toe or Common Bene* igLi^Xeizee wldthe C. D, E, *t 1 to S and half mUTSfi ■\w nta tea. Stni will your fit tits; me yon. i 1 Illustrated l I Cat*. login, DfXtS FRCE SHOE Qq T43 FEDERAL ST., ; Hfttial ItrnAtfjMkrs?' Irwi n’s Legal Advertiseme nts. CITATION. GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all whom it may concern. M. F. Mobley administrator of G. J. Mobley, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for twelve months support for Eliza¬ beth Mobley, widow of said de¬ ceased, and her minor children. Said application will ne beard at my office in Irwinville on the first Monday in January next. Daniel Tucker, Nov. 27th 1893. Ordinary, I. C. 12-lr2 CITATION. GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all w hom it may concern. Jane Whitley, adminisratrix of Richard Whitley late of said coun¬ ty deceased, has in due form ap- plied to the undersigned for tweive month’s support for herself and minor children. Said application will be heard at my office in Irwin¬ ville on the first Monday in Janua¬ ry next. Daniel Tucker This Dec. 4th 1893 Ordinary I. C 12-8-r3. CITATION. GEORGIA —Irwin County. To ah whom it may concern. Nrtiee is hereby given thal J. B. F. McCall, administrator of Lyman Dixon, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dis¬ mission from said administration. Said application will be heard at my office in Irwinville on the first Monday in Febuarv 1894. Daniel Tucker, This Deo. 4th 1893. Ordinary,! C. 2-8-8 4. CITATION GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that It. W. Sanders, administrator of Marcus R. PritchAd has in due form ad- plied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said adminis¬ tration. Said application will be heard at my office in Irwinville on the first Monday in Febuary 1894. Daniel Tucker, This Dec. 4th 1S93 Ordinary, I. C. 12-8 8-5. CITATION. GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all whom it may concern. A. A. Mobley and Lewis Mobley, administrators ofArcbibal Mobley, deceased, have in due form ap¬ plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said decased. Said appli¬ cation will be heard at my office in Irwinville on the first Monday in January next. Daniel Tucker, This Dec. 5th 1893. Ordinary, I. C. 12 8-r6 SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Irwin County. Will be Bold Before the court house door of said county between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January 1894 to the highest bidder for cash, the follow¬ ing property to wit: one lot of land in the town of Sycamore number 12 in block 2 as is shown in the plan of said town, said to contain one hundred feet square more or less, levied on and to be sold as the property of J. W. Smith to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from Irwin Superior Court 1893, return¬ able to the April term 1894, in fa¬ vor of M. Y. <€■ D. I. McIntyre vs J. W. Smith. Tenant in possession notified. Levied this 25th day of Nov. 1393. Jesse Paulk, Snerifl. 12-lr4 Notice. The rule requiring the payment of freight and exprsss charges be¬ fore the delivery of goods, will be strictly complied with after Jan. 1st next, without ANY exceptions. * J. W, Gkiffis, Agent, G. S. & F. R R Elder Parker. Elder J. W. Parker, of Ozark, Ala., of the Primitive church, will fill the following appoints: Mars Hill, 4th Saturday and Sun¬ day ; Bevzer, Tuesday; Pleasant Hill, Thursday; Ty Ty, Friday night; China Grove, oth Saturday and Sunday; Rocky Creek, Mon¬ day ; Ty Ty, Tuesday; Bethlehem, Wednesday; Adel,Thursday. The Sycamore Institute closes this «v *n ing lor the present quarter. The closing exir- cises will eomist of speaking, reci- tations * January Sales. GEORGIA—Irwin County. By virtue ot the power vested in us by a certain mortgage deed ex¬ ecuted by W.G. Dorminy on the 15th day of June 1893, and record¬ ed in book “B” folios 474 and 475 on the 5th day of Julj 1893, in the clerk’s office of superior court of said county, to secure the payment of one certain promissory n< te datedAhe loth day of June 1893, payable to ourselves, for the sum oi $210.54, due Oct. 15th 1893 : we will sell at public out-cry, at the court house in Irwinville, Ga., be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January 1894, that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and bein : in the 4th district of said county, containing two bun dred and forty-five acres of lot No. 172, bounded north by lands of Jacob Dorminy, east by lands of Green Ball, south by lands of Wil liao> Horter and west by lands of R. V. Bowen. The proceeds of the sale to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest due on •aid note to wit: principal, $210.54, interest,*$8.42, which sums are now due and unpaid, and the expense of this sale. Titles made by the un¬ dersigned. Terms cash. Lee &, A. Leffler & Son. Attorneys. 12.8r January Sales. GEORGIA—Trwin County. By virtue of the power vested in us by a certain mortgage deed ex- ecutep by S. P. Troupe on the 15th day of June 1893, anb recorded in clerk’s office superior court of said county in book B folios 472 and 473, on the 5th day of July 1893, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated the 15th day of June 1893 and made payable to A. Lefller & Son, for $210.54, and due Oct. 15th 1893: we will eell at public outcry at the court house in Irwinville, Ga., be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January 1894, That certain tract or parcel of land situated in the 4th district of said county, bounded north by lands of Dixon and others, east by lands of George K. Wilcox, south by lands of R. G. Bowen and west »y lands of George Mins, being lot number 24.9, containing 490 acres, one hun¬ dred acres in cultivation. The pro¬ ceeds of the sale to be applied to the payment of said note, principal $210,54, interest, $8.42, and expen¬ ses of this sale. Titles made by the undersignd. Terms cash. Lee & Giles. A. Leffler & Son. Attorneys. 12-8r Road Notice. GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all it may concern. All persons interested are hereby notified that if no good causobe shown to the contrary an order will be granted by the undersigned on the first Monday in January 1894 establish¬ ing a New Road as marked out by commissioners appointed for that purpose. Commencing at Swan Ga. thence in north easterly direction throgh lands of Drew Bros, through lands and by the residence of B.W. Williams, thence through lands and oy the residence of David Troupe, thence through lands of the Empire Mills Co. and E. H. Moore, via the residence of and through lands of J. M. Hanes, thence through lands of Robt. M. McDuffie col. thence through lands of Jacob Dorminy passing near Sturgeon Creek Primitive Baptist church, and intersecting with the Jake Dorminy and Dorminy mill Road about 300 yards north of the residence and on the lands of L. J Prescott, said road being located in the 432nd and 1388th Ro'ad Dis- triots of said county. M. Henderson, 12-SrlO Commisfioner. CITATION. GEORGIA—Irwin County. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that R. W. ClementH, administrator of Mary E. Ross, has in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said administra¬ tion. Said application wifi be b.ard at inv office in Irwinville on the first Monday in February 1894. Dee. 7th 1893, D nisi Tucker, 12 15 8-7 Ordinary, IC. HAYES, SMITH & COMPOY. SYCAMORE. GA- To the Purchasing Public. This Announcement Is 1T0T Made to fool you iuto our storo wo moan every word of it when we offer to SELL YOU GOODS AS CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE SOUTH OF MACON Doing a legiti¬ mate business. Give us a trial and if we cant do it we will consider ourselves out of the business- WE MAKE IT A POINT To carry the OOMPLETEST STOCK, oi Ladies and G-ents HUE FOOT WjEA® . to be found in Wire-grass Georgia^ Our “Smith. Shoe” bsats anything in the state for the money. * We Can Dress You From Head to Foot for less money than y ou could imagine. Winter is coming and our Summer Stock of clothing must go re¬ gardless of price or cost, to make room for goods in season.' and will gpay you tne highest market price for all your iarm products. May©©* Smibli & Ccl 9-22-tf Sycamore, Ga. UEO. W. MARVIN, President. J. S. l'ATE, Vice P esldest. The First National Bank of Cordeie This Bank ia now OPEN for Business, arid Solicits the Accounts of Lumbermen, Manufacturers, Merchants, Firms, and Individuals. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. JOS. E. BIVINS, Cashi ®- MILES & STIFF COMPANY, —MANUFACTURERS OF- The Cooper Piano! --DEALERS IN--—- Pianos, Organs and Sheet Music 134 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. aug.l6,'93.6mo. SHIP YGTO COTTON — TO — W.B.&O.G. Sparks MACON f GA. Parties shipping to us on Through Bill Lading to Savan¬ nah, Georgif, care of Union Compress, Macon, Georgia, win save 50 per cent, of freight. will explain mode shipping Railroad Agents drayage of 10 of hair, in this way. Also cents ver will he sved W. B. .$0. G. SPARE'S \ i r I 5 HL.f BEN-HUB BEST valu e for th e MONEY STRONG and DURABLE. 1 1-4 Cushion Tiro, $75.10 1’Uv.umatic, ^OO.UU. * , i * Central Cycle M'F’C. Go., INDIANAPOLIS, INC The CENTRAL 1 Wfok I* I <3-13. E ST . C3-R. .A. ID 3E- • • v Fries. $135-0 « DISCOUNTS to DEALERS. . CATAT.OO.UJI ERUmO .......... 'll — ' ! ■ ■■!__________1—■U I U--J-!! ' ---BggS -* ' SS S SS SSS U B SURE to Seat YOTOB SJAMIE IN TIME FOR THE FIRST ISSUE the ram! SUBSCRIPTION ONLY ulOO.-o: o— SAMPLE COPIES F . m