The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, December 22, 1893, Image 4

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A? A* DM.OACW. Pre*. «Uia mgr, H. A. Vico Pros and Supt W. M, DeLOAQH, Assistant Supt. A. C. DoLOACH, Assistant Mgr SAW ftULLS! WITH DelMs Patent YariaWe Friction Feel THE BEST MILL MADE. Item of Real Merit are Beil Slipj to all Parts ef tie foi. jS A.L3L SIZES i tv & -fir -FROM- u hi .< v \ if 111 i f I i m .o 4 TO 200 m Hi o w- a EL. P. 1 iv* IS:,-- ■x <'\ % « i lliflif 'i ■ Jw A Si ! M e ’ 1, I m - Sill i '' \ -;; Ml' a j p _ > . ‘ I E V 1 Is? wf- St ir m _ a rj~Sr '■■■--? ■■ ■ F~~ AO;- - - . i.->* IS i i- I mmw Ml ijj'i .iff: m m |||; & S||l| II |i l 1 11(111111 III F: I ill! 3 -j" 6 ,. Hi % V; ' 1 Brit 1 ■ K ! 1 b.i: 1,3 i! % WE MANUFACTURE txrist urn* anti Turbina Water Wheels. ShaltiEg, Pollies and Gearings of ail Kinds DEALERS IN Engines, Boilers Planers, Belting J Etc. i ur Mills have been Greatly improved recently BTJT- TKB CHAMPION DUPLEX DOC” old Round and Square timber. They J & 1 ST NOTHING EXTRA with our Mills. d for* Illustrated Catalogue. V u ll I fTc^s j^.TXjA.^TT-A.. The Dairy, Butter statistics are sui-feMsiBg'. Tho census returned show the enor* inous aggregate of OO^UOO tong, oj 1 , 200 , 000,000 pounds,< manufactured In the United States in 1890; and th* quantity has probably Increased since. How much of all this wai oleomargarine, sold under the nann of butter, it is now getting a little late In the day to inquire. But th# the returns are professedly all of gen> uine butter, and this may be tho fact, It is said that the 1890 productin this country would require freight trains of 80 cars each', ami each carrying 20 tons, to transport it, Iowa seems to be the, largest butter producer—her return, three ycar( ago, being a bundled million pounds (100,000,090), worth $21,000,000. lilt nois stood next, with 95,000,001 (worth duct *20,000,000. 45,000,000 Wisconsin’s pounds, world pro* was 19,000,000, and Minnesota’s Rreat—hers While Michigan’s being worth SS.OUOjfOOO, was worth *7,600,. 000. In 1885 the assessed valiie of fcows was $700,000,000—or more than the capital of all the national banks, at that time. Inci edible as it may seem, it appears that the annual dairy butter product of the United States exceeds in value that of all of the lumber, wheat and iron com- bined. That, at any rate, is the Btatement of a statistician who pub- lishes the results of his figuring, Other dairy statistics, milk, cream, and cheese, also make a bia showinar. one way oi^iteepmg \cp. “It is quite fatal to appear stupid and (uninterested when you are out in so¬ ciety, you know,” said the pretty girl to an amused listener to her prattle, “and I have discovered a capital recipe against looking difil which A.’s, I will give ,<o you gratis. At Mrs. the other day, I found older myself at a big lunoheon with a lot of people present; and on ta fcing places at the table I was dismayed bors to find that ono of my neigh- stranger, was who an elderly turned woman her shoulder and a total to and me during a greater part B-, of the repast, the other was Milly who is a dear girl, but has not an idea in her head. After the first few minutes had struck passed in total ‘Milly,’ silenoo, u bright idea mo. I said, suddenly, ‘let’s count; we will look just as if we were talking, and it’s ever so much easier. When I leave off. you begin.’ And I began in my most vivacious man- cer: ‘One, two, three, four, five, six, seven’—then I paused, and Milly, show- Ing her little white teeth ‘Eight, with bona fide merriment, went on: nine, fifteen,’ ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, ended fourteen. and we both with a burst of genuine laughter. “ 'What a good time those girls are having!’ I heard our vis-a-vi9 saying to her neighbor, rather enviously, I thought. talking T wonder what they are about.’ ” Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application*, as tliey cannot reach tha diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu¬ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in¬ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in¬ flamed you have a rumbling sound imper¬ fect bearing, and result, when and it unless is entirely tho inflam¬ closed Deafness is the mation can be taken out and this tube re¬ stored to its normal condition, hearing ten will bo destroyed caused catarrh, forever; which nine is cases nothing out but are in¬ flamed condition by of the surfaces. an mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can¬ not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 53F"Sold by Druggists, 70c. Mediaeval doctors considered chips from the gallows on which somebody had been hanged a good remedy for ague. A Child Enjoys Tbe pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing iffeets of Syrup of Figs, wbon in need of a lax¬ ative, and if the father or mother he costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is tbe best family remedy knowu. a nd every family should have a bottle. The climate of the southern polar region is much more severe than that of corres-* ponding regions to tbe north. Man)' persons arc wroivcii down from over¬ work or household cares. Brown's Iron Bit¬ ters rebuilds the system, aius digestion, re- moves excess of bile, and Cures malaria. A splendid tonic for women and children. Rothschild’s colony in Palestine is flourish- ,ng so well that be has purchased more laud f or it. _________ COBfi'-BS AND Colds. Those who are suffer# ing from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. # should try Brown’s Bronchial Tuoohss. Sotd only in boxes. Th® United States has a lower percentage if blind people than any othor oountry in the world. Brown’s Iron Bitters curefl Dyspepein, Mala¬ ria, Biliousness and General Debilif'. Gives strength, creates aids Digestion, The best tones tonic tbe for nerves— cursing Mothers, appetite. weak and children. women Men with gray and blue eyes are usually better marksmen than those with dark eyes. Beecham’s Pills witu a drink of water morn¬ ings. Beecham’s-no otners. 25 cents a box. If afflicted with sore eyes sell use at Dr. 25c. Isaac bottle. Thom® < n'sEye Water. druggists a rXood’is Permanently Cures Because it reaches the seat of disease in the blood. By purifying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, it expels svery taint of Scrofula, Catarrh, Malaria, etc., and bo renovates and strengthens the vital fluid, and through it the whole system, as to enable it to throw off future at¬ tacks of disease. Be sure to get Hood’s, and only Hood’s, because HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES Houil’s Pills cure all Liver Ills, Sick Headach® Jaundice. Iudiffestion. Try a box. 25 centa. wnu'.namiiBRiimcDcmiiisiiiiitaamnsaiimniDmamimiMiniiBBmiMirmni AN IDEAL FAMJLY MEDICINE; | For HcadfteUe, Indigestion* <;onfttlpation, liiJihtlfejjees, Bad and Complexion, all disorders Offensive of tbe Stomach, Breath, Liver tgestlon and follows Bowelg, their use. Bold mm y druggists or eont by mail. Box ■ rials),TSc.PacIowo free address (4 boxes), »i. bar WANS samples N.w ______ LUEMloai, CO., York. T-Mhtelr uynoh. / The printers’ stories that were told 'about last week brought out a now ono a man named Lynch, which Illustrates the crankiness of tho printer’s nature. lie had cases on The Tribune, but he objected to work- ,ing Saturday night. Saturday night is the heavy night on all morning newspapers, and Mr. Lynch might as well have asked for marmalade with which to paste his “string” as ask to get off that night. But he was a de¬ termined man, and ho had been a printer long enough to be mean, and there is nothing more ornery than a Kuan printer, except a mean proof- ‘renrfer, who does not belong to any supernatural comparisons. So when Mr. Lynch had asked to be relieved of Saturday night duty and had been refused he just lay down and refused to set more than 8,000 ems for any man. The foreman did not want to cut the elevator rope on Mr. Lynch, so "he told him he need not work on Sat¬ urday night at all, and Mr. Lynch was glad. Ho went down to'John Jaeky O’Brien’s plisener tunnel and over a large glass of confided to a number of gentlemen who had arisen jTom sleep as If awakened by an alarm clock upon his entrance that ,the maa who would toil Saturday night was little less than a serf. Thereafter Saturday night idleness began to irk Mr. Lynch, and in less than a month he came down one Sat¬ urday afternoon, took a chew of to¬ bacco and started for his case. "Hold on there, Lynch! Where are you going?” demanded the foreman. Lynch. “Going to work,” said Mr. “Oh, no; this is Saturday night.” “Mean to say I can’t go to work?” “Certainly.” “Going to make me stand a bobtail week?” “Of course.” “Then as a member of Chicago Ty¬ pographical Union 16, with my dues paid up and a working card in my ■pocket, 1 want to say that before I’ll let any slave driver of a foreman pre¬ vent me from working seven days a week I’ll resign.” And so be did, and went to work in the office of the Plumber’s Gazette, where the typo was as big as dough¬ nuts and the proofreader marked commas in the middle of woTds. A Nice Sort of a Tramp. “There was the nicest tramp alond here to-day,” said Mrs. Highland Parke to her husband, at supper last night. “He wasn’t a bit like the or- dinary tramps, all dirty and with a lot of matted hair on his face, and a red nose and bleary eyes and all thali sort of thing. Of course, his clothes weren’t very good, but he was clean, and he was so polite.” “What did he want?” asked Mr. Highland Parke, as he covered his tea biscuit with honey. “Something to eat, but he didn’t demand it as his right, as most of those fellows do. He told me that he had been out of work for. a long time and, on account of the strin¬ gency of currency, he was unable to get a job. He said be had consump¬ tion—galloping consumption—and ho had a fearful cough, and while he was "dsed talking to me he took his hut ofl and good grammar and looked so pitiful that I offered him a meal. He wouldn’t consent to take it unless I would let him do something for it, and, even when I told him that he was too weak to work, he insisted on doing something. He asked me if we didn’t want the lawn mowed and, when I said we did, lie insisted on mowing it. I watched him while and he did a pretty good job, I guess.” Mfc Highland Parke, “Hum,” said as he spread more honey on another tea biscuit, “he was an extraordinary tramp, that’s a fact. I guess I’ll go out and sec what sort of a job he did on the lawn.” In a few minutes Mr. Highland Parke returned with an ominous look in his face. “He was, indeed, a very nice tramp,” said he, in a peculiar tone oi voice. “Why, Highland!" exclaimed Mrs. Parke. “What on earth is the mat¬ ter? Didn’t he cut the grass?” “Oh, yes; he cut the grass. “ “Well, don’t you think he was a pretty nice sort of a tramp?” “Must have been. He stole thi lawn mo wer. ”—B u ffalo Ex d ress. gsaa E^»H:E-RS For Severe, Lingering Coughs, Weak Lung's, Bleeding from Lungs, Asthma, and Consumption, in its eariy 6 tages, Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discov¬ ery is a sovereign remedy. It not only cures the cough but also builds up the strength healthy and flesh of those reduced below a standard by “Wasting Diseases.” Will not make fat folks moi'e corpulent. B. F. Wiley, of Box Elder, Wyo., Converse “I Co., writes: had , bronchitis for twenty years and over, and I opuld out coughing not work hard with¬ so as totakoiall my strength away. I took five bot¬ tles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov¬ ery, and give you my i word and honor that I can do any work that A there is to do on my v v- ing. ‘ranch' I have without not cough¬ taken Z m any Medical of Discovery tho ‘Golden ’ for Mr. Wiley. a year.” WHY NOT YOU;? BRA 1 SSMFR 0 NT I I oHerV >RHt What "are politiciana, the Tow po- ro BraLe-Baraishers: •EA®TY Desiranie for all women, - Free \ libcal many and.otberB. and especially t for those 8 oratos-R, with plain faires • requjredtbBmd F rm IT COSTS m I ^ W _ wouldI Ttiat t ike • for to J which be attire ^wom6h often A B l iness'^by Desiredheir' • I pugilists • Ht CortM •' bus! *t. ■’ even Committee's a ny we f You ter of pay return money on are that'^S»oiply ref cot postage sealed with udy, your if on report write otlliheUere the answens^nw AvrardJngj out .te you—j whatig , 'ftTO 8 T3MY MAN spend fond of too showy much money./ , - ■ v . Mitchell, Dixon and others the don't answers forget that required if your to'.wim answers and, ‘Or woman, youth or only partially rieht you will still wtat ImaidenToetween t.lie KXPLAN ATION.-The btoeh Mrclco In caefc Stnfly represent ;i iust proportion of the and full! Bddrwj ages of 10 and 70. who letter*, jlm reekln* winning- answer*, ttyto^thlnfc «*f Then write your:name aOd can supply the fait list, of correct answers omitted definlUoos find eoninln underneath your answers Beoq,’ to the adjoining four .Skeleton Word Stud words whirl* wS»en folly epelled will Ct our tJiem to ua If yd# fail to unn:)yam »V ^ lea. with piY.porlaonafce award for a -angle ko ia*«y bitenl tw you Sad circle* and letters in above ducMcd. ' } are then at perfect liberty to ttoppfj ; ■ « B D < i* r u to onb <4f tbe our. , * w ■» *• ^ correct! ns swer ant * .-a—EW8CAH, PUBUSHINC^CO. mar cum 93 , jersey , > Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder.’ It is Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia^ ikTA’rifi'nri a e safd to show that young men flu not, on the average, attain full (physical maturity until they arrive, at the age of 28 years, Prof. Hcbeilhsm of Harvard, asserts, as the result oralis observations, that young men do not-jaVam to the full measure of their medial faculties be- fore 25 years of age. A shrewd ob- server has said that “most men are boys until they are 80, and little boys until they are 25;” and this ac- cords with tho standard of manhood, which was fixed at 80 among t,he an- client Hebrews and other races. \, New Hampshire Curiosity. In Hillsborough County, N. IT., there is a solid rock with a channel seventy feet deep and thirty feet wide cut through its side. A flight of rude natural steps leads to the top, where there is a natural pulpit and pool for baptism. a Judgr Syrup” J. B. Hill, of the Superior Walker county, Georgia, thinks enough of German Syrup to send us voluntarily a strong letter and endorsing education it. When men and of rank thus use recom¬ mend an article, what they say is worth the attention of the public. It is above suspicion. “I have used your German Syrup,” he says, “for my Coughs aucl Colds ou the Throat and Lungs. I can recommend it for them as a first-class medicine.”— Take no substitute. & WE CAI^^SOT SPARE healthy flesh:— nature never burdens the body with too much sound flesh. Loss.of flesh usually indicates poor As¬ similation, whicii causes the loss of the best that’s fn food ; jthe fat-forming element. Scott’s‘Emulsion of pure cod liver oil with hypo- phosphites contains the very essence of all foods. In no oth¬ er form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated. Its range of usefulness has no limita- I tion where iveakness exists. PrRnnrod by Scott A Bowne. Ohemiati. Now York. Sold by all druggists. Scrofula writes: Miss of • Boston, Delia I have Stevens, Mass., al¬ ways suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians,but none relieved me. After taking six very;grate-EdKHys bottles of S5I§53|jj$' I am now well. lam fnl to you as I feel that it saved me from a life of untold agony, and Cured shall take pleasure in i speaking only words of praise for the wonderful medicine, and | in recommending it to all. t I Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. THE JUDGES dm the 01 WORLD'S EXPOSITION Have made the HIGHEST AWARDS (flledalH ami Diplomas) to WALTER BAKER & 00. On each of the following named articles: BREAKFAST COCOA, . . . . Premium No. 1, Chocolate, . . Vanilla Chocolate,..... German Sweet Chocolate, . . Cocoa Butter........ For “purity of material,” “excellent flavor,'* and “uniform even composition.” WALTER BAKER & CO., DORCHESTER, MASS or commission to hand WUi; tne Kew Patent SALARY Chemi- cal Ink Krasin U? PenciL Agents making $50 per week. Monro Eraser Mfg.Co.,X70l, La Crosse, Wis. JP'A nkTCHTt—THOMAS I bit I W Washington, D. C. F. Ko SIMPSON, atty’s fee S until Patent obtained.Write for Inventor’s Guide Am N U No, 5J 1893 cnenper silverware, Some solid silver tableware 1s now wholesaling as low as $1 per ounce, and there are manufacturers of silver who expect, as an outcome of tho present silver situation, that forks and spoons and other simple utensil® will ye.t sell at a much lower rate, Some prophesy that plated ware in small articles will give place to ster- ling in the homes o f persons moder- atcly well-to-do, and that with thr cheapening of silver will coioeamuch wider use of tho metal in the arts, Garbage Destructors. By the int roduction of garbage de* atructors, the refuse of cities may be turned into a source of very consid- eiabio profit. A. destructor in the town of iVidnes, England, generates Beat for an electric p ant capable of lighting the town hall, market, free Bbrary, technical schools, and part street lamas XMA money! FOR ! Boys m Girl PHOTO Kill ley, Hill, Sbernian, Blaine, Depew. ItuseeLi Butler. Conkling, Whitelaw Rei4 marclc, Horace Gladstone, Greely, Daniel Gres¬ VYebater, Bl| ham, Carlisle. They v. r«*. the best and are mounted in a m new and talcing style. Above group complete for AGE 10 cents, TS, coin or stamps. selling BOYS ANI> GIRLS are thousands and coining money. IIOISII & (JO,, 504 Exchange Building, Boston, Mt ass. We have Boots, preachers, price. Actresses and Presidents at same H : *jr EARN ip you erne them help. You cannot do this unless you understand them and know how to cater to th elr requirement#; and you c aauot spend years and dollars learning by ex- perieuqe, by so you must buy to the knowledge for only 28 acquired others. We offer this you cents. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWK WAY, even If you merely keep judiciously, them as a diversion. In on tier to handle Fowls you most knot* JSiTin^a a b giv^ST^eex 11160 * lMa wan6 wear€ »r a pn&ical vd bo o k ixmltry It ricSr^for written by (Ollljf who ?5Ci put fcweDty-n years. time, was and 1 amau making his miUil, and money to a sue peas business—-and of Chicken If raising—not will profit as a pastime, by his t twenty-ft hut as a you v« tears’work, you can save many Chicks annually, ana make your Fowls earn dollars for you. Thi point is, that you must, be able to detect trouble in tho Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and know how to remedy It. This hook will teach you. it tells how to detect’and cure disease; to feed foi . eggs and also for fattening; which fowls to save fot breeding purposes; and everything^ indeed, you should postpaid know ou for this twenty-five subject to maiceft cents/in profitable. stamps. Sent Book Publishing House, K Y. City. 134 LEONARD St.. HQRS^ OWNER ought to think wieh enongh o£ his animal to to u® — able to cafe for it properly It * in bealtb a%fl«iclpe Of bis pocket 8 S. is Ir i money out accomplish ho does not. To this result we otter oar One Hundred Pagg ll- Wif wir.n > AStfiK ^Illustrated for 25 cents. Horse It te&chesyou Book // WJr know pick iraperfcotton# out ft good Her®e; and so i gaa^d agaiuat fraud; d«- (uv \ tcct disease and effect a WwmWi WiimiWvk^) iwJidwble; mU cure when tell tbe same age is by poasi- ttoo ■M JLi teeth; what to call »ui- the ; ' X different parts of the i ■ 'M S- 'IfiWnm Him I properly, nial: how etc., to shoe etc. a Horse Mi W and other val- Sc /f Ail this information can be faV i, obtained by reading oar x One Hundred Page Illua- . Book, which [rated Horse forward, post-paid, will on receipt of price b^® in d stamps. Assuredly the Horse is too good knowledge a n to man to be neglected for want or which can be procured for only twenty-five cents. PujiLxsuuf** House, 134 LeonoxdBt., H.Yjvttyj 3> SB cs m Buggy Pole to shafts In a mlnufco i my e©uplfcy<. By 351 ail, 25©, pair. AUENT 8 . B locmvlUe, O. PISO'S CURE FOR Consssniptlveo and people wi wbobuvc weak lungs or Asth- mu, should use Piso’s Cure for §§§ Consumption. It has cared thmixandH. It has not Injur- B9 l od one. It is not bad to take. 189 1 ' It is tbe best cough syrup. "V. Bold everywhere. 95c. M H I’^^SU MPTIQN .