The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, January 05, 1894, Image 2

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ritt* Irwin County Sown Official Organ of Irwin Cowibv. juai I. ciill'XlOK $1.00 A YKAWIS UIVANGK. [Published Weekly A. <>• IHsLOACH, Editor. jfflh of non residents for adecrUscmenis am due after first insertion, unless otherwise pro vided. Entered at the Sycamore, Ga. Postilion as feeond-elasR mail nmuer. Communications to insure publication for Mint week, must tie. in the otliee, not Inter than Wednesday at noon, We arc not re ponsibte. fo. the views, political or others Ise. of mir correspondeiibs. FRIDAY JANUARY 5, 1894 Any man can mi ke a resolution, but it takes a hero to stick to it. The old state capital at, Milled ge villo was burned last Monday. ---«>*- The people of Georgia will rejoice to have a chief executive, that is brim full of old time reilgon. The old printing and publiibirig firm of J.W.Burke & Co. of Macon failed last week. Liabilities $100.00 Assets, $75 000, Some men object to newspapers because they are to be paid for. These creaturee are neither friends in deed or in need Give vfiregryss Georgia the next Senator—and Jet the wire-grass name him—and North Georgia may claim and name the Governor. —Valdosta Times. We are with you, Bro. Pendleton, bis name is Turner. -»-*--*>5*-*---— Indtecistion, DYSPEPSIA, end Stomach disoraers, take B-S IMOK & iTTEJT All deoj« rs keep ii, 51 pur bottle. Genuine has trad«-maxk ana crowed red liiieu on wrapper. -♦-«*- o -W Hon. W. Y. Atkinson of Coweta County formally onnounces that he would like to bo Georgia’s next governor. This may necessitate a plight moving round for General Evans, but this old soldier and phil anthropist is going to reap thejust and long deserved honors in the face of the best organized oppaeition. -- : -»-o- --- Georgia cannot afford to sacrifice upon the political altar such an a b!o (Jivine as Gen. Evans, and when the time comes, she will very "likely vote for him to remain in the pulpit, where he can servo the people to a better advantage than by occupy in;; a seat in the executive chair.—Huivkiusvilks Dip patch and Na ws. If we make a sacrifice, lot it be an excellent one. Ec:id This. Today the News makes its first appearence for the year 3 894, arid we should be pleased to risk the reader to reflect a moment, and geo in what way he has aided the paper in the past year to success and power. Have you road it? Have you said a word to lend it power and infills ence in your community? HAVE YOU PAID FOR IT? Whatever o: the above you have done, is most heartily appreciated. We have no more to offer than we have pi-nlxed before, and that is to put forth every effort to make Tire News a paper of which every cisizeu of our great County can boast. Mark This: Every subscriber who owes foft m re than a year past, will be taken from the list by the 20th inst. unless their subscription is reed, bv that lime. The reason for this action ig apparent enough and can not be complained of by those ' •• understand and appreciate the fact that it takes money to run a newspaper, just the set;a as it i,A. ts mcut, fine bread to ajx'.xin a ■ ■. at tha plow handlui. IVc judge your friendship for '1 «s News by the way you pay for it If {lie policies we have adopted in the past do not. meet your approval, we can-pet tar afford for you to pay and quit, than to hold on and kick and growl and never pay. The News is here to stay, and to insure its ruccess fin Mici-gHy, rmiBu draw a line occasionally. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN’S IR0H BITTERS Wiiftliington News. Proceedings of the past week al the Rational Capitol. Washington, .Tan. 1. Fromour rojehr Germ xnufenl. Pre sklent Cleveland, the members of his cabinet and ladies ol their families, in accordance with a cus tom as old as our government, de voted New Year’s day to receptions official and general, for four hours a procession composed of the diplo matic representatives of all the for eign governments, members of the cabinet, the justices of the Supreme Courts, Congressmen, Army and Navy officers, minor officials and the general public poured through the White House where they were received by President Cleveland as sisted by Mrs-:. Cleveland’ Mrs. Ste venson, tha ladies of the cabinet end several guests of Mrs. Cleve land, including the wife of ex-Gov, Rush-;,!! of Masenchueeits and M Benedict of N. Y* Latex receptio; * were tr ie at (heir several re-.ideu ces by vice President and Mrs. Ste venson, and by mom faers of the cab inet and the ladies of their families. Nearly all of the Congressm have returned. There was a quorum of both the House and senate at the House reception today. By freely circula dug among the returned members of the House your corres pondent endeavored to ascertain whether conference with their cou stituents had increased or decreas ed the opposition to the Wilson tariff bill. In one respect it is appa arynt that it has increased it, That is’ there are more democrats who wj 11 endeavor to secure, in tha cau cus to bo held, modifications of va rious clauses of the bill, but, as nearly all of them announce while stating their intention s that they will, whither successful in getting the bill modified or not, support the bill, it is clear that their oppo sition does not go beyond that which it is perfectly legitimate for strict men to occupy towards a par ty measure not yet approved by a party caucus, and does not j xopar dize the final success of the bill us approved by tha caucus. Senator Voorbees is gc-U a heavy mail these days, and not a few of bis letters contain requests for hearings on the srriff before the Senate Finance commit <i e of v.-kica he is chairmen, none of tl. * - letters have been speed Meetly mu-uv red,be cause he believes that a circular let ter which he is uow having sent oat, containing thirty odd printed questions and requesting a ic ply to each, will ertadle nine-tenths of his correspondents to lay before the committee all the information in their possesion relating to the ef fects of tariff upon their business last as well ns they could if given a personal heaiim;. It is not hie 6e sire to cut any one out of a hear ing nor those desiring to furnish information not embraced by the printed questions til whore their ' promiunnue as mr.uuibvuires or em-mess men i ts .dies A, *> e gives) personal hearing? Representative Holman has not issued the trail for a democratic caucus-, but It is expected that ho will do so this wee it. It is known that President Clove loud has lately given consideraoie avfcontioc to the aelsoiica of a » . nublic printer and it is believed that he has picked, out tha man and tbae his nomination will go to tire Senate in a few days, probably this week. Rumor bas connected the name of Chief Clerk Daniels of the interior department with the position. Mr. Daniels was not an applicant for the position, ^ at n ' : ‘ *xptuleave as editor and publisher of Bewsp-ipurs in N. (j. qualifihim thereforo should it {'urn fiut he is the lucky man. lv every democretic Senator awl R.-prfo entativc has a pars on id i'.reibrence for pnldic printers but they will all be satisfied to see the position filled by any good demo crat. who will give the democrats a show at the three thousand posi {.ions in the Government Printing Office, a very largu misjaiii-y of :vfiicii ore ■ Nil ffiby rc-;jubl. : '«ri8. A new Ln.trg of rumors cum^ru iny: cabinet resign ithms are being sent out-by rfepubiican# ourroppnn dents, there is about a* much truth sums unen ever since tha present ».d aio5r-.tnU.iio eatno in. No action is expected in the ilouai concerning the finances of the government until after the tariff bill has been passed. In fact the Wayes and Means committee,which w!l prepare whatever iinanciai bill that may be determined upon,will not have an opportunity to devote any time to the matter until the tar iff is out of the way. Representative Springer wishes it understood that his bill for a new national enrreney, which was made pndlic a few days ago, is simply hie own idea. The subject has act been considered by the committee ou Banking and Currency of which he is chairman. Ilis principal ob ject in making the bill public was to invite criticism and suggestions. ------------- ’’Perfietly lovely" is what the la dies mv about the calender for 1894 - published , , by C. I. Tr Hood , and , Go., „ proprietors of Hoods Sarsaparilla It is a unique end beautifu’ calen d ;r, which combines accurately of other useful and valuable informa tion with the attractions of orna ment. It is a very desirable and servicable gift. Those of our readers who have not already secured one can do bo by applying to the drug gist or sending six cents in stamps for one or ten cents for two coppice to C.I.Hood & Co. Lowoi!, Nasa. Crisp News. Editor News.The weather is cold this morning, frost is every where. Lost Ssturpay we h-.d Die heaviest rain cf :le so it con tinued through Sunday. New Yeors day passed off quietly. I am in bed with billiousfever, am very weak at this writing, but hope to be up at my next. We learn that Mrs. Nellie Smith, widow of John W. Smith, who was kilEd on tha Empire Mil! Company's tram road, near here, is to be married to Mr. Russell, of Ab hevilie tomorrow night at the borne of the bride’s parent?, ctar this place, we extend to them our best wishes and a happy life. Crisp. ! roia -A Hmiie. Minnie, Ga., Dec. 3t. Editor News • Ono more Cbrintrear ban gone, rc feel so pad when we realize that tve can notreca this Christinas for we think it aa pleasant a one as we ev er spent. We extend heartiulihauka to Mr.and Mrs.Minix, for tha grand ontt-rtsiamemt given us op the ev* or, in of XtaaS. We also o ten 5 thanks to Mr.and Mrs, Troup for their kindness, on Friday night when we surprised them with a so ciable. We'could tell yon a great deal about our Christmas but space forbids. For the last two nights we have had nearly enough rain to to make up the average annual rain fall for the year, all of the streams are overflowed, the mill men sis working to save their da no a. Miss Eli.-i'Wiiliams, is spending the holidays at. her home, she will soon rot urn to McRae, where sbo is attending school. Messrs Charlie Wilcox, and Frank Ewings, are spending Christmas at home they are students of the Haw kmsviiie high school, they have but a few more days to spend with us We have not had , >• v v»: hue;, this vicinity lately, hut think we ii ill 8coo, if she would take chick ens for the girls, the boys would try to raise ebicker s. Minnie. ^ jjL '■■■'V’l.-. 1 :. ■ S.v - . m si ■ ... Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all ent business conducted for mooed aye Foies. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. photo,, desetfp Send model, drawing if patenteble or \vsai free We advise, or not, ckurgo. Our fee not due tw. palen • *'iccured. ri. Pamphlet, e ‘flow to Obtain Fate ; a, v/iih of same ia the J. S. aud foineiga sent irce. Address, C3. Ajmowf P»v*f.r Omos, '"■-'.A' .........•' •' : Ii I k I ” 5 a JVr, 4 ■} j '■ * fl'Af 'V* .-»y t: ■ . A. -y;.' L ■■ & » TA-N . ■V 1 --A.'£Jk Ti T! |j. li. A. JLs.ii .ili T^rs- „ r E. Hiunbletou, Roc’s, b un . 20 , _ , , GOING wKrtr (First column ligure* Daily, Mail and Express, and second column Freight d;ii iy except Sunday.) HEAD MOWN. Leave Lyons, 5 30 n. in. G 00 rt ni Leave Helena, 10 00 a. 111 . 0 30 it in Leave Abbeville, 1 15 p in 7 8 07 to a m Leave Oordele, r 11 p m a m A rive Araeiieus, 9 10pm 10 00 a in Leave Amorieus 10 10 a m Leave Richland 12 25 p rn Leave Hurtsboro 5 00 Arrive Moritg’ry 8 5G A rrive Hiniiingham 11 :51 Arrive Nashville 0 : ti),itin Arrive Pensacola 4:15 Arrive Mobile 3; 15 Arrive New Orleans 7:35 - GOING EAST. RKAD DOWN. Leave Montg’ery (! 00 a m Lcm-t*. Hurtshoro 10 05 L vc Iiieldand 2 35 pm 15 pev v- 00 75 4 ; • >s‘ L ■. J L nVti lit j ail Arri ve Lyons :o co Arrive buvannah 6 ;45 Arrive Charleston 12:2<> pm A LB A X v DIVISION No. 9 Nu. H Daily 3.x- Sunday Sunilay only Leave Corltic,. .8 t'Crwi 8: CDiua A. rrive Albany...15 :35;ii;i 10 -1 Cam 10 No. 12 Leave Albany... & : >0p:n 4 :4;>pux .Arrive Cord. It..GtOOniu G:C0pia Ooon-'i'Uuns at Savannah, Albany, Aim riru.- mill Montgomery with the va rious diverging lip UN, ;i lid at AVibcville wi.i. in: Abbeville and Wayeivss R. It. I’a-sengers will be al’owed to ride on aii tmight trains of 8. A. <& M. Railway. C.B. WILBURN, Gen. Pass. Agt. Aineriens, Georgia. FOR SALE Twelve head of choice Full bloods, Crossed and Grades JERSEY, HOLSTEIN and DEVON f-4 YT| ill be sold at the very lowest prices. Apply to II. G. Irby, 12--Sr Irby, Ga. nrE? CUT HT T. I I , LyysiLL LL BUSY, CK4Y. —DEALER IN— lL y Qevdb, and No C- * tiosis of every doscription. -0- ■0 He has, also, a complete stock of CANNED GOODS, MEAT, LARD. SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, TO BACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, CANDIES, CRACKERS, TIN AND WOODEN WARE, and Infact, anything usually found in a first-class country store. My goods are fresh,' of best quality and prices to suit the hard times. Give me a trial when in need of anything in nay line. Respectfully, B. IL Cockrell - apr.14.vl.98. TP BEST SFU y Ite % v ip* bL.RAT I EVER KIAQE. ; wmim iNf ', M i t ■ / Sc, Tho-re are einglo retail shoe etorca in our large cities which sell 2,000 pairs of shoes a day, making a net profit of $250,000 a year. Wo sell shoes low, but wo soil a groat many pairs, the clear profit on they cell only 300 pairs of shoes a day they would earn $525,000 n year. We should be able to pay a yearly div- dondof $5.25 & share, or over 50 per cent, a year on tha investment. We Rolitho stock at 510 a share. The price must inevitably be ranch more than $10 a share. No stock has ever been sold at less than this price, which is its par value. Stock non-asoessabh. Incorporated, Ur.pital $1,000,0C0. 'We have over 1,000 stockholders, and Iho number ?E holders kicreaidiig daily. Some of tfeo principal stock arc: T. 8 . Wall; ,g, N V.; I T. PotWr,Boston; for U the of Write a prospectus containing names bur'rtc-fiEhcl; :r. • etc., or / ml cn,order for stuck, r-ncl- Orders < : .ng taken cashier's for 'checkf-cash shares. of money Price, order. $10 one or mom s share. REPAIR-SHOP. l'am prepared to do all hinds of repair work on buggies, WOgOUS, shoin$(ispec- Carts, etc. Horse laity. Res pee ’fully, Marcus Lukin Irwinville, Gh. Cots iMeis V 7 felTO U ■ ptf.$ A? , j.ui . iilill -''j - ELEGANTLY FINISHED, J ' ’ ‘ . HA.., it. We guarantee to furnish you these goods cheaper than you can get them from Macon or Atlanta. We solicit your patronage and will please you, T E Y XJ S. liee.idcij um above good:-', we k«ep . : store of almost everything you need. We keep good goods, and wo will soil them as cheap as anybody and always treat you right. We bay Cotton, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Wax, Lard, and everything you have to sell that we can possibly vise, and pay you the highest market price for them. We look to our customers for trade and for a living, and we are bound to treat you square. Call on us and we will gladly give you our best attention. Yours for trade, WA,Xvsny&G Ashburn , Ga. ang.l6,tf.lS9J. TwE— m-s c: EiSlI ("m V U TIEl a;id L mm rsssii td RAILSOAi>. ° /rflrv O t'. m A' ■ j CZ-J. — o FULlfiiAH BlifFtT SlEGRnS CAS USE B2TWX6N Tampa, Fla., and Fashyllle,Tenn. VIA JACKSONVILLE, LAS! CITV, MAC31J A83 ATLANTA, KAKtKS SOKMECTiCB lii UNIOM DEPOTS AT mm, hiiififiTa & nasmville for Art poiwts NORTH. 3 AST & WEST. to a## ps joaaamr fate —--VIA- -—-vo ALL POINTS WEST *9096 Z4Sppaosjf ONLY line S ^isfr.7 SoeMs lallgM Trains DET'vVEEN pas — WITH— toaal Sleepsm on flight trains. Our Paiatka-Miicon Night,Train carries Tampa-NftShvHle Sleeper, North bound, from Labe City, Fla., Making all Connections as above. Passengers from Jacksonville fer Ma coo should take Coca! Sleeper at Cake City, ty doing this they can remain in Sleeper till 7 a. m. Information as to Rates, Schedules, Sleeping Cat accommodations, etc., cheerfully, and promptly furnished cn applies-G .yd to lire undersigned. A. C. KNAPP, TiaffiC Manager, MACON, GA. L O V A L -: - S C H E D U L E. -NORTH BOUND Day Passenger,........ 1 I7p. m. liny A ceouuuoQaticn,... 7-10 a. m. -SOUTH BOUND.--- Day Passenger......... 2 48 p. in. Day Aecoo-moclutiou,... 5 20 p, in. ---NIGHT TRAINS.—— Going North,.......... 13 59 a m. Going Houiii, ....... 1 38 a. m. Al! oofii' traimi, (Nos. 3 /iuici 4) will hop l«g Co,-dele ami Tilton only when f.ngH. . y i'-'.v ; nvilEc Louge. No. :P5 F A ;f.- E-gular comir u nicutipns 3rd AitunLiy. F. lii Taylor, W. M. R.W,Clcmcat» Sec Sycamore lnstitr^ MLE AND FEMAL;:^ o/CAMORE, I ! GtORGi English Classical and Sciem ic Course; with Physical Cul ture. 'Jnder its present ABLE MA T AGEMEN f, no other school in the south offers SUPERIOR FAC 1TIES , for Obtaining A FINISHED education. The commodious school building, bavin:: been thoroughly renovated, and FURNISHED with MAPS, CL A RTS tfcc., ie now one of the !-Iv' v ' EQUIPPED Schools’ Georgia. Rates of tuition, $1.50 per mo. After Jan. 1st 1894 $1.00 per mo. *,c all who are within public school ages : viz : from 6 to 18 years. Good board can be had in ti best of families for $8.0- to $J. per month. For furth • in form > tion address, Mrs. M. E. Fields. A. M. Prin. or E. R. Smith, Sec. Bd. RipansTabules. Rspans Tabuies are cor widely pounded from a prescrip used by the best r cal authorities and are pre sented in a form that, i coming the fashion t xty where, |f /? AG A A if; - V - 'T I Ripans Tsbufes act ge but promptly upon the i stomach and intestines; < dyspepsia, habitual const: tion, offensive breath and he.- ■ 1 - ache. - Or'e tabule taken at i first symptom of indi biliousness, dizziness after eating, or de spirits, will surely » . t-uGCy remove the whole a alicu-lty. Ripens Tabuies ma tained of nearest dru« J hiiir Ripans Tabuies are easy to take, , ...... . . quick to act, and/^ save many a doc>ajL , tor’s bill A’- ?- m m IY and the change in . put you by buying goods of us. We have opened up a full lit e f GENERAL MERCHANDISE in the Story building formerly occupied by the Racket. Store, second door below J, W. Walkers. These are the C60 0(KOCO CCKCOQ GOGUSJ cao IlAEDEST TI. FF cov tOonoz woaco CGOSGy Cf the country has seen for years a ’3 propose to meet the tight t' r y (luting the price on every wtiei ii. house. “Live, and let Live,” i, ol We* This is not an o adver • • : to fill space in a ntwspapo o.. we mean every word wt say. Give Ur a Cal! Examine oar goods, and get will prir. , tore buying elsewiiere, it ns. Trusting that we may share . iiter.a. portion of your patronage, We ure your friend Thompson S' Gi • rt ASHBURN, GA Letulurs of Low Prices. fig^P. B .—Highest price. , foi all ouutvy produce. nug'Jb, ’i'.Cfvci. Dram BEST @1.50 6B0E CO-Incf. SHOE IN m if "A dollar saved U a dollar ..tmed," . 'Shir it- H Sol f <1 Wench i>or s-ol» SSliS i tan Boot delivered free anywhere In the tr.A.os ^rrr -a reccii’t ofCaeh, Money«. • dcr, V" ■ ' ' . A i? or Postal Note for $1.50. Equals sold every wry the boots In all retail e'.or.n f. t A H'';". ' U 52 . 60 . We none his b - Sf lWdM \ onraeives, &o ft, therefore style w@ a.J t in. e life,; S and if an /one le not . '• v ’ ’'Vbl.&’ijSk b ' we oraeudaiiotliorpakc. will refund the money Opera Dexter Special Shoe CqT to 5|A«£ Dealer* .......v term *-< ..