The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, May 18, 1894, Image 1

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{ Si Irwin County r w— : ■ * ' -• - . ^ • i fff*< «al Or^an of Irwin County. - A. DeLOACH, Editor and Prop’r. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. "Yy l. story, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Sycamore, Georgia- jy|ARK ANTHONY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Sycamore, Georgia. Will be looted fur the present nt tlie Doll. | ii House. Patronage respectfully sot.cited. W. KMtlS, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ruby, Gkokuja.. Calls promptly Attended' lo at «U hours. • I respectfully solicit a share of the public ^ paj' ;l ’.mg* Office iu B. H Oockre.l’s store. ^ JTV mk , J* R UfVKUNMK, ^HYSICI^N AND SURGEON, Ashbuak, Georgia. 1« atLswoml promptly day or ui^lit. ytecial atUdUtiou U> diseases v>l women YulUli eu. aTi NX'ON GX'KiVNGlO, M. O. SPECIALIST. COrdbele, Geohoia, Diseases of women, Strict ires. Nervous ed «n«l alt in private 2 to5 diseases. Strictures dissolv¬ out mlvumsm minutes by u smooth current of*, without pain or detention fro.;. bn>; and given to patient in a via! of alcohol. Correspondence solicited and best references given. Utiice uortu-east cor¬ ner Suwiineo House. JO M. FIMZZRLIjK, LAWYER, McRae, Georgia. Practices in the Stuto nnd Federal Courts. Real Estate and Criminal Law Specialties. YY r A AARON, LAWYER, Arhburn, Georgia. Collections and Ejectment suits a .Special¬ ty- tSPOifice, Room No. 4, Betts Building. W. FUivlVOOi), LAW, REAL ESTATE & COLLECTIONS, Timor, Georgi a , Prompt attention given to all business, ryoilioe, Love Building, Room No. 1. J OUN HARRIS. SHOEMAKER, Ashbuhw, Georgia. „ ( My prices are low and all work strictly Guaranteed, DIRECTORY. CITY OF SYCAMORE. 'M-yor—A. G. DeLopcb. CciUDCsilmen—W. B. Dneher. I L. Murray Hi. W. Cockrell, K. li. Smith, J. P. Fountain, Superior October. Courts—First C. Monday Judge, Hay in 'April duns arid C. Smith, ville, Ga. Soli .tor General—Tom Eason. McRae,Ga. Clerk Superior Court—J. B. D. Paulk, Ir- winville. Ua. Jjy^riff-v-Jesse mtL .sheriffs—O. Paulk, J Ruby, Prescott, Ga Irwin- A ! ® ; Win. VnnHouten, cycainore, Ga. W Quarter!) Court-Monrlily session, second iii^BruGiy, session, second Monday April, July and October. J. B. Clements, Judge, 1/vvinviJle,'Ga. County Court Bailiff—William Rogers, Ir- ffrinvilie, G.i.‘ Countv Commissioners’ Court—First Mon¬ day in cm c!i month. M. Henderson. Commis¬ sioner, Oeiila, Ga. OrdinaryVGoui'fc—First Monday in each mouth. J>an|ei Tucker, Ordinary, Vic, Ru Ga. School Commissioner-J. Y. Fietcher, by. Ga. Treasurer—W. Faulk, Irwin- (bounty R. vil.'e. Ga. j Tax Receiver ~D. A. Melon is, \ ic. Ga. '.lax Collector—J. W. P.uilk, Ruby, Ga. I I Surveyor—M. Barnes, Minnie, Ga. Coroner—Daniel Hall, Minnie, Gh. I Board of lu.lncvjtioii—Jno. Clements Chair- Ipian, fvinvilie, Irw i;i ville, Gh. Tucker, ; henry Vic, T. Fletcher, G; h. Ir- D. Ga.',; L. li. Ga.; S. ■raydui*, Irwin vile, E. Coleman, |)c.iilu, B Justice Ga. Courts—001 Dist. G. M Second , ■Saturday in each month. Marcus Luke, N. ■, and J. Wm, Rogers, Bailiff, ■Twin Be ville. Ga. Second .... Saturday , PH District G. M. m ujii month. J. H. McNeese, J. P , vl ^f ” Roberts, Bailiff, Ocala, , hi. >b Dist. u. M., Third Saturday in each oi it'. ... V. Hanley, J. P j David Troup, .iff. Minnie Ga. H pi-t G. M , Third Wednesday in each Ik C. h R -yaj,J. P.. Sycamore, G i. , P. Royal, RuiliftT, Syeamove, Ga. G M . I>. A. R «y, N. P. & Ex ________ pDCS DIRECTORY. | l„sl^a. No 210 if. & A. M Ihmiinicat-ions. furl Saturday. W >.; A. D. Robs, Secretary. jge, F. & A. M.—Regular the 4th Bunday com- ■ihursciuy litli. before J. A. J, Henderson, VV. M.; Whitley, Sec’y, Oehlu, Ga. fcaCH DIRECTORY- ■iYCUMOHE CIRCUIT. H«1 ^knurth Sum lay mill Sunday night, Sunday- Sunday. ■ ■ Sunday and Sunday night. T. D. STRUNG, Faster. ^^■iMITlVE |A-! jmisT I) .-ui.ility and Batur in.% ■kitud .Sunday and Situr- iMmljy it Saturday l-efore. ami ttann.lay before. K. W. H.HXEBWJ, Pastor. .Iyer—drd Sunday uud Saturday IU.eet.iug'House—2nd Sunday and r I it'ore ve—4th Sunday and Saturday ^-lat Sunday Ku>, James and Sat Gibbs, urday Pastor. before i NOTICE, to warned that no hunting or flsh- 1 Bhuu! llowud on lots Of land Nos. 18, 44, in 3rd digtriet of Irwin i VVii.KV Fuetouiui. One Huniired and Twiuify-Second Dny. Senatk,— Mr. Allen offered a pi'e- Htnlile nnd resoinlion reciting that Coxey, Browne and Jones, •litizens of the lljiited HiiUes, were oil May 1, 189 4, iu the grounds of tho capitol, assaulted by u police force of the Unit¬ ed States and arrested and imprisoned while peaceably entering said gyonude in an. orderly manner.; of and providing for a select commiUee five senators, not more than - two of them to be from (lie same political party, to investi¬ gate all the faet.8 and circum¬ stances connected with said assault and-make such recommenda¬ tions as will prevent such outrages hereafter. The resolution was laid pver until tomorrow.—The resolution providing for the discussion of the Chinese treaty in open session was laid before the senate. Air. Chandler gloved that Hie resolution be consid¬ ered in secret session, the motion was ag'ecd to and the doors were closed. — When the door's were opened at 5 o’clock, a conference report on a bill to regulate tlie sale of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia was presented, read and agreed to.— ,vnotbcr short executive session was held, and the senate adjourned until tomorrow'. House. —Tlie amended New York and Now Jersey bridge bills were passed tinder a suspension of the rules.—The bill for tho building of a government printing office was taken up in committee of tbe whole. With¬ out disposing of the bill the house, after receiving the report of the com¬ mittee on elections in the case of I’. H. Thrasher, contestant for tlie seat of Mr. Knloe, the majority being in favor of Knloe, adjourned until noou to-morrow. /Die Tii ndi’cd nnd Twenty-/bird Day. Senate.—T his credentials of John F. Gear, as senator elect from Iowa, to succeed Mr. Wilson, were pr sent- ed by Mr Wilson, read and laid on Hie table.—By consent of Mr. Alien of Nebraska, his resolution relative to the arrest of Coxey and others went over until tomorrow, and the tariff bill was taken up. Mr. Hoar of Mass¬ achusetts addressed the senate. Mr. Quay .of Pennsylvania delivered a sixth installment of his speech.—The credentials of John Pattoi^ Jr-, ap¬ pointed in place of Hie iate Senator Stookbridge of Michigan, were pre¬ sented and laid on the table.—Tho senate then took an executive session and adjourned at 6:15. House.— In committee of (lie whole on tlie bill for building a public print¬ ing office, Mr. Bryan of Nebraska moved to amend by inserting a provis¬ ion that the site for the building be se¬ lected from public grounds; agreed to —ayes 104, nays 50. Tlie committee rose and reported the bill to tlie house ami it was recommitted to the committee on , public buildings arid grounds, with instructions to prepare a bill for Hie erection of a printing office on land owned by tlie govern¬ ment__The house then went into com¬ mittee of tlie whole on the naval ap- propriotion bill. An hour was con¬ sumed in reading tlie bill, aud after some discussion Hie committee rose i and, at 5:10, the house adjourned. “In Union, Strength and Prosperity Abound."’ SYCAMORE, IRWIN COUNTY. GA.. MAY IS, 18 !M. AT THE CAPITOL. h Synopsis of What is Being Said and Done at Washington from Bay to Day One Hundred nnd Twentieth Dny. Senate.—A fter tlie routine btisinesi Mr. Hinton asked unanimous consent for the consideration of the senate bill lo remit tlie penalty against tlie dynamite gun, Vesuvius. Mr. Han ts objected, and the tariff bill was taken up. The amendments agreed upon in the democratic caucus yesterday relat¬ ing to the income tax on corporations weio piescnted, laid on the table and ordered printed. Mr. (jualy gave tho fifth instolltuoiit of his speech, and, at 2:6t), after an executive session, the senate adjourned until to-morrow. lieu se.—T he house in committee of the '.vlaile proceeded to the considera¬ tion of t lie river anti harbor bill, which was read for amendment and discus¬ sion under tlie live minute rule. A number of amendments were made. The only one' affecting the southern states east of tlie Mississippi was one authorizing the expenditure of @10,000 of Hie appropriation for Mobile har¬ bor, in keeping it clear of logs and other obstructions. At 6:05 life com¬ mittee rose arid reported to the house, and tlie bill was passed.—Tito lie-use agreed to adjourn at tho ofose of the night session until Monday, and a recess was taken until 8 o’clock. Tim night session was devoted to private pension and roliof hills. One Hundred and Twenty-First Dny. fc-ENATK.—After rountine business the calendar of bills unobjected to was laken up. A bill to pay citizens of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, win served in the war against (lie Nez l’crces, Bannock and Mioshone Indians @1.00 per day, and to pension tlio wounded and the heirs of those who were killed, was passed.—The bill to remit the penalties on the dynamite gun crusier, Vesuvius, was passed. Tlie senate then held on executive ses¬ sion and at 4:30 adjourned until Mon- flue Hundred and Twenty-fourth Dny SenAtk—I n thr* 8puu(e Mr. Allen’s resolution for an investigation of the circumstances attending the arrest of Coxey and his confreres on the capitol grounds was laken up, discussed and laid over witnout action__Tlie tariif bill was liien taken up and one amend- went voted on and adopted.--A sub- stiInto for the Coxey resolution was olfeied by Mr. Mr. Idler and accept- c(l bv Mr. Allen, and went. over. It • oiniis ,, tiie preamble, , , provides . , for - a select commit,ec of investigation which is also lo inquire and report whethor iurther legislation is needed for the protection of the park and grounds and for (lie protection of citi- zetts who may visit the capitol.—The senate held tin executive session, and (lien adjourned until tomorrow. House.-A fter some routine busi. ness the house in committee of the whole, took up (ho naval approprin- (ion bill, debate to he limited to seven hours. Messrs. Walker of Massaehu. setts and Gtosvenor of Ohio made speeches against the tarill bill, The bill under consideration wont ovei without action, (lie committee rose and the house adjourned until tomor. row. llwmli-ra ana Twenty Kit... liar. bENATK—-A bill to repeal the act of 1822, to “regulate the use of the ' capitol 1 grounds,” r ’ the law under which Coxey was arrested, , was introduced -tii by Mr. Allen of Nebraska and refer- 'resolution red to the judiciary committee.—A was offered by Mr. Poller and went over, providing for a select 'commillje of threo to consider the 'present condition «,f the country witli reference /o the pre- vailing busiuee depression and the large number of unemployed pep. pie, and report what legislation is necessary to give relief.—The Allen- C’oxey resolution was laid before the senate and Mr. Gordon spoke on it, followed by iellei, btewart, biye, Hoar, llama and .aimer, and the re«? olution went over without action, -The tariff was taken up. (several ..... were offered and defeated -Mr. Patton, of Michigan, appeared and .. took i n the official oatu.— A message was received from the house aimounc- . Ini. the death of Representative Brat- i u S, -of Maryland. The usual pro. ceedVngs followed and the senate ad joui tied, at f»rf6, until tomorrow. House.—A few local bills and reso¬ lutions were considered under the consent rule arid passed.—Mr." - dearth Talbot of at Maryland, announced the his ] ;l te colleague, Representative Bratton', and offered the' usual resold- tions, which were, adopted, and at 12-30 the house-adjourned, until to- morrow. GOV. JONES iMtooiAMATFA. ------ Acnmi oi itie niiiiitm’ stato Exucut'ivB luMiiuiiieo. Gov ,, Jones . Has .-sued a proclama- 1,°". offering a reward ot “,f4QU for the arrest ami conviction ot any of tlio persons engaged or concerned in” the riot at Horse Greek. Walker conn- tv, last Sunday night, when the boilers of the Dora mine were exploded. The following signifi ant, paragraphs _ are taken from the preamble: “Whereas, The crime was com nit- ted to tie ter free men in tlie exercise of their inalienable right to pursue happiness, from determining for themselves when and where and at what wages they will labor for their daily bread; and “.Whereas, Such'grave.crimes area disgrace to a slate which allows them to go unpunished, anti a dire menace to the lives, liberties and the property of all good citizens.” The miners’ executive committee lias, at the governor’s request, ap¬ pointed a committee to confer with him. The committee, or state board, is making laudable efforts to ferret out tlie perpetrators of tlie outrage at the Dora mine, and lo prevent any action calculated to injure their cause. Prom¬ minors deny that tlie destruction of the boilers was tlie work of miners or anybody in sympathy with the miners. LfiteMt From the Goal Strike. The .Saxony and tlie Begiua flour mills, St. Louis, Mo., have closed be. cause their supplies of coal were ex¬ hausted and could not be replen¬ ished. Orders have been issued at (lie Pennsylvania tailroad shops at Al¬ toona, Pa., to work only four days, of nine hours. This is due to falling off in business in consequence of the coal strike, and affects 7,000 men. The Chesapeake & Ohio road lias cut off’ twenty telegraph offics. Trainmen, section men, office men and all tlie carpenter-, bridge and painting crews will tie suspehdo.i until business picks up. Two hundred and fifty men will bo thrown out of work. This i.s duo to the loss of business in consequence of Knaawa coal strike. Fatal Fend iu IHii*i8Hipi>f, At Oakland, Miss., a difficulty oc¬ curred between William Fruited aud a traveling y'nyeler, named Conner. They separated, but meeting again, Conner assaulted Famed, hitting him a severe blow on the head and was choking him, when Famed drew a pistol and ehot him, once through the head ond once in the breast, Geatii iu a short while. CURRENT EVENTS Epitomized in Paragraphs, Giving the Cream of the General News. The state national bank of Wichita, Kansas, lias suspended, A world’s exposition was opened at Antwerp, in Belgium on Saturday last. Uai .. iei . . ... Hickman, , of . Lincoln T . , county, J ’ ,,, «V ^ •M GOO 00 ! • "° « "iBiirnnce. ‘ ^ ' e shores of f,he Mod item n inn ex* perienccd further earthquake shocks, 011 Sunday morning. At A. P. Guess's mill, Cantden, Ark., 1,600,000 feet of dry lumber, valued at $12,000, was burned. A " ofli, ial sllltcme " t " f llie Chinese registration under the extended Geary law ® Uows 10£> > 300 registrations. A procession marching to Hide Park, London, to hold a labor meet- ing, was three hours in passing Tra- talgar Square. Whitoly, the negro who murdered Policeman Moran in Charlotte, N. C., two years ago, has been captured at Jacksonville, Pla. Four Btor0B au( , (heir contents, in- d K .. "f , ... l . ,, TW , * J! 1 '! 1 ’.MM - nulltl ,l - liinclo, FJa., Jast Wednesday. * At Mount Carroll, III-, (lie first bap- *' , 8t cimrcli wrecked and its tine was P'bo organ mined, in the storm of Saturday evening. Of tlie crowd that came over the mountains with Coxey only 100 re- main in ettnp at Washington, nearly all the others having left in disgust, During a thunder storm at Cittern- nati, O., lightning struck a tin factory building. In a moment the establish- meat was in flames, Loss $160,000, insurance @80.000. Representative Griffin, of Detroit, Mi c h., who has a Jong time suffered from defective hearing, has become entirely deaf, and will probably have (0 rcB , gll uis seat iu c011 gr CS9 . Jhe colored Methodist : conference, . . . . 1 ’ ’ Reeled . . two Inshops, . . lhe choice tel u l ,on S ’ b '- "Him,ns of Louisville and E. Cottrell of Dyerslmrg, Tenn. •Judge Alexander Boarman, of dm western district of Louisiana, is hold¬ ing a special term (he United States district court at Birminglitnn, for the purpose of clearing the docket. It 1ms been storming again in .the northwest: Moxva City, la., was dam- aged @200,000 on last Saturday by .bail and ram. Windows and glass fronts were smashed iu and stores and dwellings flooded. T we"ty-th.ea of Galvin’s commo,.- weaiers were arrested at Elrod and carried to Pittsburg, Ba., and looked U p They had boarded and taken * sion o£ an eagtboHn d Baltimore nd ohio £reight tl . flin . Justice , . ... W. ... W. Mansfield, . _ of „ the , Bopreme comt of Arkansas, has re¬ signed on account ot age and bad ed h ® a Jnd th ! K» a "«] Jamos ,hc p Hldd,ck ot Dreeno couut v to 6Ucceed hlrn . - - Janies Wolf, governor of the Cine- aS!lw Nation, has been indicted by a g™'' d D'Y of his countrymen on the charge of embezzling a large amount of annuity funds that should have l* ce '' distributed per capita, A son of Hon. E. W. Butt, of Blairsville, Ga., seven years of ago, while the wagon In which he was rid- ing was going down a steep hill, fell in front of the wheels. When picked up it was found that his skull was fractured, A dispatch from Woodviile, Texas, says: Sheriff Enlo arrested VYill Cooper for killing a man in Greenville, Ala. It is said that 'Cooper was run¬ ning a blind tiger when lie killed bis victim and a reward of $200 is offered for his arrest. Mines Nos. 6 aud 7 of the Consoli¬ dated Coal Company’s mines at Staun¬ ton, III., are in operation, and it is believed that Hie strike iu that section of Illinois is drawing to a close. Ali miners who desire to work have assur¬ ance of ample protection. Tho store and post office at Ilosser, Carroll county, Tenn., was broken into and robbed last Wednesday night. On the night before robbers entered the store of Mr. Parker at Wildersvlllo, blew open a safe and took $125 and other valuables, The late Jas. H. Means, of Boston, bequeathed $10,000 eaclt to the Arme¬ nia college in Turkey, tlie Normal In¬ stitute, Hamptom, Va.. the Education¬ al Commission for the new west, the Boston City Missionary Society and the Academy at Bradford, Mass. At the close of a speech by General Aubrey, of the Coxeyites, at Ander¬ son, Ill., a wealthy man named Mc¬ Carty, told him he would send to Washington all tlie men he could get to go. This stimulated recruiting, and 200 recruits will pvODabiy go with Aubrey. Albert liandall, has been arrested at Galveston, Texas, and will be car¬ ried back to Jersey City, on a charge of forgery. Mrs. John Ladue, who eloped with lain, and has been his con¬ stant companion awaits, at Galveston, a remittance from Her mother to en¬ able her to return home. $ 1.00 a Year in Advance. YOU. V. NO. I. A. A. d«loacm. prr*. tana nsgr. H. A. toUOACH. i^ird f-'rcs » ;d Supt W. M DotOACH, 53 scant Supt. A t; Dot.OACH, Assistant Mgn A la .JLLS! WITH- DelMs Patent Yr isiilo Frictioii M. THE BEST MILL MADE. bn of Real Sail are Bsini Shipped lo all Fails of Hie fit * Mil m li, I A.T.TJ SIZES m ffiS# '■! ' Ff IS --- PROM--- V. : ■ **> : :;Wm III I If; t 4- TO ) % I i i # il •O. \ i l. p. m < •• \ 1 v- m u \% I m S' ^ A .V'C * ■V& . M' ■ mm : m I n'i m *•- ... id • f iii| m V I ! L .1 BV, ' ' r m, . ■ ■ t 'S" I 1 ■ m ' A.r<. s, *33" !• Cf! • ■ /! m it 1 Qfwls 'ii^jfeS aBa Il •:V v \ \ Hi? MIS? W Lr 'SI "-a .. M wm \ i 1 m cl St Wm ®§aas . m V- j Mil :'v a i bj.; ; ■V £ 8 HI 1 1 ■I ll ■a mm WE AyFAGTU ?? E Grist Mills and Turbine Water Wheels . Shafting, Putties and Gearings of ail Kinds BUY THE “CHAMPION DUPLEX DOC” fco hold Round and Square timber. They COST NOTHING EXTRA with our Mills. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Mai 1 r is m rr.