The Irwin County news. (Sycamore, Irwin County, Ga.) 189?-1???, April 02, 1897, Image 1

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The i *1 Irwin V County News XIV STTXXSTV< S-TXX anil 1’HOMI‘Kim'Y Clifford Grubbs, Pilbjiiher. SYCAMORE IRWIN p.oPNyy 1 1 CKOUGM, FltTl) a Y, APt<iL, "2 18!)7 VOf;. Vin NO. . Honest Goods ®s Our POLICY. Arc Two - Kinds oi Clothing.^? GOOD AND BAD; _possibly you do.— Wc handle the best clothing In South Georgia, come and see. Ol es-p Frioes AlISTD i^-QUICK SALES, Is our MOTTO We Have the Largest STQCKOF DRY < 3Dapy Cti©©®!^ Ever Brought to this section of GEORGIA. Mother, Home and Heaven. GA Some one has said that “Mother, 1 f „.<nme and Heaven" are the three Iweeteat words in the English lan¬ guage. Mother stands first because r^it is the sweetest of the three. Who wrestles with -God for the wayward boy? Who sends him f° messages of love in the prison cell? Who believes he is guiltless when Whe stands on the death scaffold? Who gentlyibidfe his hands across ps the “guiltless” bosom and consigns him to the tomb? Ik it not motb- v ^!r? Yes. All the world believes him 1 (uilty-believes hi* hands stain- are B >d with a neighbor’s blood except he mother. “What! can my boy be Vuilty of such a sin? Can my boy lleia an enemy to man and God? No, ?pe o, no.” She believes the world is oistaken; she can’t realize that pri«er boy is a criminal. No crime powever grave can change her love, a „int, like the eternal hills, it lasts. ’ day forsake last The father may one he boy who once gladdened his neart.and turn against him forever, ch^ s an illustration :Iu one of our at nig cities some time since a father who had bourne with his son for many years finally drove him from 18 his home by saying, “Off, away l from these premises forever! Don’t again apprach as your father.” But ^debauched ^ r see the mother as she follows the boy out into the street, and there, in the sight of a jeering ® u and censuring crowd, wipes the W*dust from the dissipated cheek, Ymootbes the disheveled hair! Hear you er as she confesses to the world p&ejiat he is her son. “Your father Jas driven you Iron the paternal pwe’of, tiut I’m your mother; and now in ttiast I leave my boy? No not as ying as the faintest spark of a lsp jotber’s love burns in a bleeding gl heart and despairing soul. Let me imprint one more kiss of undying 0 j affection on his cheek, let mo love w j him dow as sincerely as I did when bis madly heart was not Stained with sin-as sincerely as a when I first looked into his inno- Sf cent face and beard him lisp moth- Ask the mother who the girl is ! who loves the heathenish ball-room cy'and she answers, oh, that’s my girl liv-thiAt’s my daughter; I cannot 7° check her downward course to ruin L> but I love her now more than wci4« can tell. ““ Oh the love of a mother! Go eU pluck the Bweetest flowers that CO TO Largest Most Complete LINE OF DRESS gooes This side of NKWYORK. Hats Clothing and SHOES- GOODS ARE oOJNg UP KV- Ery Day, come ear’y whileThey cheap, AND NEW. r=£ ■ vQal Jffe a&s ■:inv mV. m *v 5 ? mnm s im/L f bloocn-the rose, the lilly and t >e immortel!e-and weave them into one wreath of everlasting and odoriferous beauty and geatly lay (hem on a mother’s brow. If you have a mother in heaven, by the mound that hides her facs, there ebed-your saddest tear«A nd breath e your most fervent prayers, for the best friend you-had on earth has gone away. “Lead me where my angel mother sleeps.”—Ex. MYSTIC DOTS. Mr. EditorAs I see you have not a correspondent from this place I will give you a few dots. The farmers of this section are having quite a rest spall, waiting for their land to dry off. Much of the low land is still boggy, and will not do to plant for some time yot, however the farmers seem to be quite contented with the situation. They have learned that the earliest planting, in such backward Springs as we have been having for the last few yaars.does not always give the beatresultB. Our school is progressing very nicely at present. Prof. Warwick nas succeedd&kn, eliciting quite an intereat in both patrons and pupils, and’we feel sure that before his ten months Rave expired that there will be still greater interest manifested than at present, as he is a man who pushes forward his work, and tie seems especially fitted for his call¬ ing. On last Friday evering quite , a number ol patrons and friends vis¬ ited the school. After going through the program Prof. Warwich gave us a 8 peech in which he mads some very impressive|remarks in regard to the necessity ofjpushing forward the Fducational cause. 1 f . , We have organized a Sabbath chool at Reedy Creek church, in which wejhope there will be'as|gaea interest, yeajeven more, shown than has been in the literary echool, as we feel that the phjldren of our community are being brought’tip with too limited a Knowledge of the truths which we know to be essen¬ tial to their salvation. Sunday the 21 inst. Mr. Reason Fletcher drove in town,, his mule became frightened and ran away threw Mr. Fletcher from his part and escaped through the woods with the cart. The mule waBgoqt caught until Thursday evening • ..................... ......,U w Y * . JEEFEEY 'nmssa And B0CBI1T Aa®8 Yet In The Ring With Prices that will Make your Eyes Twinkle. We can and' will Undersell Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Valdosta, and Fitzgerald Thrown in for boOt. COME Arad 3EIA1IIE Our Mammoth stock Of Clothing Ani You will be convinced that we are doing business on as cheap eoale as man in the United''States of (?) Georgia, WE DO NOT QUOTE FRIGES. ALL WE Is To Get You In Our Store and we “W ill Sell You Something, “BLIND TIGER” in A8MBVRN. Vulgar Cards were distribut¬ ed Over The Town. CITIZENS HELD AN INDIG- — Nation Meeting. » .The Ashhurn people are making a raid or the “blind tiger” business. One, Will Loving, la now boarding with the keeper of Worth county prison, and another man of color is peeping through the windows of Ashhurn calaboose, because they vainly thought they could vend the ruinious liquid without a lioans and escape -the penalty of the., law. “The way of the transgressor is hard.” It is dillicult for anything to escape the vigilance of Ash-burn. The citizens of the town held an indignation meeting in front of J. 8. Betts & Go’s, store last Saturday morning to give expression of their disapproval of the circulation, of- obscene cards, by a certain man who had only recently moved to. Ashhurn. At least 100 met in mass and passed resolutions as follows: WHEREAS : A class of very ob scene %ud objectionable literature is, Seing circulated in the town, and r WHEREAS : WVhave reason to believe'that said -literature is sent out aa ah advertising scheme by one 0. L. Wadsworth. We, as citi zena of Ashhurn, wishing to uphold the majesty of the law, and main tain peace and dignity at all times, and above all, to protect our Mothers, Wives, and Daughters from such gross insults, as. are,cm braced in said cards, do hereby en dorse the following resolutions: Rb 30 lved : That we will.not willingly submit to such insults; and that we pledge ourselves to use every means in our power to suppress and rid the town of Buch literature and its author. Adopted unanimously, without a dissenting voice, that the .meets:: ing, as a committee of the whole, be afmointed to w-aitYin Wadsworth and read 'the resolutions to him. Wtiich was done. ..(Signed) W. A. Murray, Chairman. Don’t allow the lungs to be im¬ paired by the continuous irritation of a Oodgb. It ie easier to prevent consumption than to cure it- Ope Minute Ootigh Cure taken early will ward off any W, R.Kfflitja <^, 90 ^ . V.'. ■-■fv S-.i ■*>.,- RETAIL SHIRTS, uumtlried and Uniaundried, OAfe'f/t'pce ■gGffiftied', C^l </ ir.odf given away. Mi I e want of Our PatrQns is a Call. r-2 », S :w. EVERY IS/IA. 1 ST Who Invests His Money i:i a Suit of our clothes will he as Well Pleased as the AbOve Gentleman Is J. 3 . EYAL$ & COMPANY, CORDELE GEORGIA. -DEALERS IN-- Oris, ledicmes. Chemicals SchoolBooIS, Paints, Oils, 'Vapnislieso Dye-stuffs, Fine Toiiet Soaps, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder Braces. Letter Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys. ^Physicians’ prescriptions Accurately Compounded^ * L an dr ©th.s’ Celebrated Graiden Seeds- We purchase theae seeds direct from the extensive seed farms of Messrs, Lan- dreth, and they s iouH not be classed with the seeds left en commission through¬ out the couiitry. Use Landreth’s Seed and h good vegetable garden is assured. FarminglLands ’ FORSALX! Jf.ygu want a home In the Wiregrase Belt, the finest farming country lu „the South, I.can furnish you-with one, improved or unimproved, at reas¬ onable prices. Among the many good locations I offer the following IMPROVED LANDS.| . 600ACRES ; Ninety Acres of which arr- tin Cultivation, mmm acres. • Forty Acres of which are in Cultivation. .These places have (good dwellings ?snd all necessary outbuildings located oil tbem^ and the land* in cultivation have good fences around . them. & Either would be a BARGAIN to the buyer. ALSO a Lp My $Iipfeil Land . That 1 Wilfcut up in quantities to suit purchasers. 3 ■TERMS EASt. Apply to W. 1. M©FHAIJ]L ? i . . ^SYLVESTER, GEORGIA _ m \ Mil. 8a. Largest Stock of Cloth,- - ing In Ashhvrn, — $e Buy Oar stuff Direct from The' - M anu fact-urers.— C'ffi Gf/a/(//cman V Mo/,t We Are Going to S elL Regardless or the cost, COnr Parly and ji-iroxu the rush. An Unsuccessful Effort to reach A Wedding Dinner. On last Sunday morning, Mr Oscar Sumner, of near Sumner, Ga, ■*u leaf's! married P.T%yal to ||^g^i is <ti, d-u^b* L as stated in ih •r column. The Associate editor, wifi your humble scribe, and bis bl er, G. L. Jackson, were invite! attend home of the infair, given at] tlx* groom’s father, We hired a horse from otjr low townsman, Mr. J. P. Rri and Dr. W. B. Cone was so kin to lend us a buggy, and we Sycamore about 10 a. m., en rofTte for Mr. Sumner’s, in the highest of spirits and with the thought ever in our mind of how we would puli turkey bones. But, Oh, how soon onr highest ambitions were oooled off! Everything ran smoothly along until we reached Little river, about three and one half miles from town. It was a little higb, but not enough to have hindered anyone, with a good horse and buggy, from crossing. We had just gotten across swim micgjwstf.r, and feltjjthe wheels touch bottom, and the next! thipg that happened, we touched bottom We .pulled the buggy out and found it torn in three pieces. Alter having tied i t together we turned our horse’s head toward home and reached hereabout 12o’clock,. Nothing ever looked nicer than tha big fire at home as we walked in the. front door, looking like drowned rats. That buggy is in the shop now 1 guess it will take about all of our money to get it out. Faying ^Positions! GUARANTEED in WRITING. Students complete the course in one, half the time, at oue-half the expens o other Colleges. NOTES ACCEPTED? tor scholarship. CAR FARE PAIR. Board and Lodging, $8. per month, FREE TUITION. t0,any boy and girl n each county. Students,can enter any week day In the year. , Anna) enroll ment, 700. Write at once to GEOBGIA BUSINESS COLLEGE Macon Georgia 12 in mly. One minute is all the time neces¬ sary to decide from persona] sxpt- rience that One Minute Gough Cure does wb»t it name implies. W. R. Smith & ol