Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, September 30, 1880, Image 2

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Till- MESSENGER A. Mi II AN, Editor. K. A. Mi II an. I’uli. «i"l I’ 1 ", I.AFAYETTB G.V., Si-p 30. ISSO KOI? PRESIDEST: (if JVinisvlviliiln. FOI! VU'K-I’I’I:>I HUN T: WILLI AH EL E\GLI*2I, Os IMili.i 11:1 rvfcsiOKMiAi, ki.i;cioiis. Fur the Shite nt Ihivi'-C. ('. Black nml It. E. Ken pop. Alter natea A. I*. Ad miis anil I, S. (Ili'iiii. First district—S. I>. Ilraswell, ol Liberty. Alternate Josephus Camp of Emanuel. Second district —\\ . 1, linn inond. of Thomas. Alternate —\\ in Harrison, of Quitman. Third district—C. Snitli, ol Telfair. Alternate—.lames Bb'uip, Jr.. ( f Dodge. Fourth district —I. I!. Ilav, of Coweta. Alternate—ll. C. Camer on, of Harris. Fifth distri t —John L. Hull, of Spalding. Alternate—l). I’. lliil.ol Fulto _ Sixth liisiriit i!. N. NUhit, of Putnam. Alternate —F. F. Duhig non, of P ilQwin. Seventh district —T. \V. Akin, of Bart la Alternate—l*. \V. Alex ander, "f t ilili. Eigth il,strict—Seaborn Reese, of Hancock Alternate—James K. Jlines, of Washington. Ninth oistrict —W. E. Simmons, of Gwinnett. Alternate—M. G. Boyd, o, White. rov t'ONRKKSS ;th DISTRICT : Judsou C. Clenirnts. Os Walker County. •TATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET: FOB OOVFIt.NOIf: ALFRED 11. COLQUITT, run skciiki (iiv oksi ath: K. C. BARNETT, of Baldwin. rod COM PTROI.I.LU IIKNK.RAI.: WM. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. l'oi! Thkasi; i:eu: 1). N. SPEER, of Tump. FOIt ATTOUNKV OK.NEIMI,.' CLIFFORD ANDERsON. -if Ril-h. mm.***.* —a Cl mi HI II ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Senator 44tli District: KiMioni.n, (fa., July g I, ISSIi. 1 niinomiee myself a eamliilate to represent tlit* lllii Senatorial District Ju rile next (.eneral Assemble of (.enr eis. A. T. H ACK K I T. For Representative: I hereby announce mysdf a enn didate foi Representative of Wiiik • r county, at the election to lie held on Wednesday, the Ctii dav of Oe tober. 11. I’. LUMPKIN. Pla'stead’s election is conceded by the Republicans in Maine. Bell, it is said is making things lively for Speer in the Ninth. m ♦ »' Shakspeare iiad only 1,500 words in iiis vocabulary. But lie knew how to arrange them. NVlio will write the obituaries of Atlanta Phonograph and Post-Ap peal after the election next Wed nesday. Gen. Lawton in a speech in Ath ens, a few days ago announced him self a candidate for United Shales Senator. General Toombs, who is hig as ever in his antagonism, s i s "I'm tiled of seeing these little court points made against Col quitt." Os the many charges brought against Governor Colquitt by the “gallant minority, ’’ they have only proven two, namely : That he at tends Sunday-schools and preaches to negroes. ■ ♦ m The government, insl, ad of being for the people, seems to lie mainly run now in the interest of the Re publican party. This is not exactly carrying out the ideas us those who founded it. It is said the Republicans in Maine are about ready to concede tiie election of the Democratic pres idential electors in November, they jtißt as well as they will have to do so, sooner or later. Much of tnc excitement and bit terness that characterized tbeguber natorial contest in the beginning has died out, and the people have nbarP-ujfldo up their minds as to whom ihev « Il support. This will tie the last, issue of the MessENCIICK, before the October election, and we wisl to state as we have done before that none of the cliargs* .against Alfre.4 H. Colquitt Jiave been sustained, by facts or evi dence. A reporter in the Atlanta Conali lU ion publishes Jill interview In recently had with Sam Hill, hut he promisi il to keep out of | l int until Hill was far wav from Atlanta and safe from the dutches oflaw. Hill told the n potelr that he mnile his ' escape from (he lunatic asylum by 1 opening the leeks i f seventeen heavily bolted doers with a stele , toll key which lie had made out of an old rniilli. He sues thill since his escape evervone he has met has treated him tindlv and shown him much sympathy, lie came to At* i laota to see his wife, hut would not till where he intern eil logo It is lielii"’e.l, however, til it lie is lilillnd for New (b'leaiiH Georgia nai I during the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1880, to the internal revenue olfi.-isis. $322,- 074. Os this amount sl9l 550 was collected frimi spirits. $74 j (7 from tobacco, and $12,729 Irom li rment ed liquors. In the same year $ I 35,- ■S'JII .vis collected in Alabama,Blll,- Ittiil in S.iiith Girulina, 8201 ,7'Jt) jn Florida, nod 81,003.725 ir. Tenues see. The total receipts of the yeas wore sllO 848.219. ■> < “Absolute acquiescence ! n the decisions of the majority is the vi tal principle of republics Irom which there is no appeal hut to force. Should we wander from these piin ciples in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety.— T/wiiiaa Jeffi rsori.” Tanner's failure as a lecturer seems to be complete. At Hart ford, Conn., last Friday night his 1 agent sold only three tickets for a lecture which had been announced, and consequently the doctor did not Appear on the stage. nkwsTn general. ( lipped Willi a Sharp I’air of Scissors. ! The University of Georgia'will open Outlier Oil). Texas lias 250,000 children with, in the school age. .Seventy candidates for the eighth soliciloTship in Alabama. Texas diapers report considerable sickness throughout that Slate. The Govingloii Star says: "There was a slight frost about Gnvingtoii on the morning of the 16th of Sep ti mber. A lump of gold being two and j (ine-huJf pounds lias been taken out of the Christian mine, in North 1 (larolina. The colporteurs of the American Bihlo society have distributed 10,- 253 Bibles in Texas during the last lour mouths. It is reported that Justice Swayne, of the Supreme Court will l.e retired alter the session of the October term of the court. An elephant travelling in a car next the locomotive on an Indiana railroad, opened the tank, drank all the water, and so compelled the train to stop. If some of the young mm could pick cotton os last as they talk pub lics, idere would lie more money in the land, and less noise in the air.— Milleiliiriillc Jlcconler. The recepts of cotton at New Orleans fur the past twelve months aggreguiefi7 4.757 386pouniDagainst 574.772.557 in 1879. showing mi in crease ol 99 094 827 pounds. Tiie imports of collie into New ti leans in 1.350 show 30.667.469 piiuniTs ; fur the year before 22 752 - 399 pounds were received, being an inereio, ! 7 914.079 pounds. The Georgia Stock Fair and racis will open at Atlanta on the JBth, ol October next, and continue dur ing the week. Thujnihtary reunion will take place at the Anne time. Gov. Colquitt Inis rib red a re ward of two bundled dollars for the arrest of Andrew Yarbnngh:, the murderer of Edwin Williams,Nn Dodge county, on the 4th of Sep tember last. A German life insurance com pany called Die Le.bensverischer ungageßcllsehr ft, complains of the irregularity of the mails. Out ; would never suspect it of wanting any more lett* is. Gov. Colquitt has ofl'erd a reward of 831 X) for the arrest of unknown parties who Killed W. 11, Waldroup in Spaulding county last August. The father of Waldroup has added S3OO to tl.e reward making it 8(>00. The Atlanta Ow*tilutioH of the 22ud ihst., was an eight-pace trade issue. It whs filled with advertise ments, and claims that the past was a year of prosp .ity and progress umqoaled in ne history of the 1 Gale City. MM Ml .Mil. . . ■»» I Jesse Grant, third son of General 17, S. Grant, and Miss Lizzie Cliap ■ man, daughter of IV. S. Chapman, 1 of San Frimeisco, were married at I Sill Francisco, Tuesday. There was i:o great display, although the apartment in which the nuptial knot was tied was handsomely decorated with flowers. A correspondent from Jnhnato > .Station, Mclntosh enmity, writ's that politics me raging in I. at county, and is i von nttiicking the ladies. One lady friend nf his went so far as to say that she hoped he Would lie sick on tin Otll of Oc tober, so as to prevent him from c isling his vote for Colquitt. She t>. ; an enthusiastic “Norwood man. ’ Solomon Terrell, colored, has the present year been running n two horse farm on the plantation of Dr. .1 i). Mitchell, in this county, from j which he has already picked 2u bales of cotton, and if no disable: befalls bis crop will get 15 or 20 naies more. In addition to this, he 1 has made 75 bushels of corn and a j large crop of peas and potatoes. : Who can heat it ? — Jltilla' Herald. Tiie city of Memphis presented n | gala spectacle 22nd imst., it being a j thanksgiving celebration gotten up by the merchants for tin- continu ed good health of the city and the restoration of its commerce and trade. Tiie procession was three | miles long and the city was gaily j decked with arches, transparencies and other insignia of joy. One con spicuous arch was built entirely of cotton bales. Among the distin guished personages present were I the Governors of Tennessee, Ken tucky and Arkansas. An Age of liiqiroveiaeat. W’e live in an age of improve ! menU as is evident to all when we consider the wonderful discoveries which are coming to light day by dity. One of the latest and most wonderful is the discovery of Ken dall’s Spavin Cure, which will cure a spavin, splint, curb, callous or ring-lione, and remove the luyn*. without even blistering or Causing a sore and it, has recently tieen tested for deep-seated pains, heilmatisrri, enlargements and ma ny similar difficulties on man as ; well as beast, and il has heel, found 1 In ivOrlt so well that it is now be lieved to tie the very best liniment j lor external use on man, that has ever been discovered. It can he used full “trength at all seasons of j the year with perfect safety, lleai! , the advertisement f r Kendall's i Spavin Curt*. Tv.i'-'tti .;A'.DYK:ii(T>i:.tßFs4n7'Rir>i?. If HiOHGIA , WALK I.I! COC.XIY. Whereas Win. L. Ihuman administra lor of William C. Lee late of said county deceased, lias applied for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased. This i- to rite all persons concerned kindred and creditors in show cause if any they can, why an order should not he granted on the llrst Monday in No vember next, allowing the idministra- j lor to sell the property as prayed for. This September doth. ISSO. Mit ton IL ssi i.i, Ordinary. annua [a , walker county. ily virtue of an order from the court j of Ordinary of said county will he sold on thcll M Tuesday in November next, between tin* le**al hours of sale, before ihcComt I louse door in the town of La- , Fayette, the follow in# property 10-wit: Lots of laud numbers I. 1(5, .Ti, ,*i(i, .’l7, IIS, • and 17, and eighty acres of number 21, and |orl,\ acres of number UJ, in the 7lh Oistrict and till Section; and lot num ber St, in llih I>ist riel and li h Section : 1 and iiiimher.TJd,in 12th Distriel ami lih section, all in said State ami county; ! and tin- following town property, in the town of La Fayette, (La., to-wit: Lots lyinp; North of the road leading to the \ ard, and Last of the proper ly of d. t . (dementsand IL L. Mire. Town lots Last of the stables of A. Shaw and adjoining A. \. Simmons on tin* North and Mrs. Still's on the East. Owclliui: lion »•. store bouse, A:e., and the lots on which they are situated, all under one leiie ■. Sold as the properly «»l A. Shaw, deceased. Terms: Two equal payments of >ix and twelve months from date of sale, with interest from dale of sale. JOHN Sil AW. \ditiiu. of Aii:\. Siiuv. Deceased. (iblOlUiIA % IfVI Lh'KJt COU.XTY. Hy virtue of an order from Hie court at*Ordinary ofl’atoos.t eeu >iy will he so o on the first Tm sda\ *n N ' end*er tu x' between the U jjal Toms nT sale hefor* the emir house d tor in La Fa e'te. T e * nth half of lot number 129, in tin* Distri *t aodddi section of Walker eoun •y. Sold as ihe property ol i’alviu (J. Tor the hr... lit oT < . ir> ami er**t»i ' UMS. T*»»■'*'* dr, one-halt cash, the balance in so notes due twelve mom Its with interest ti.un date. Koud lor title s?iv*n to nimdn e> Thi- S. premi er tsso. \\ M SMTUI. Admin, of ( . 1». wSu ii h, deceased. u..%"«VnT() sellu ( i>i:AU:Kx v?sinr> n VJ Cat Tills Notice Out U SA 11*1 -fl«l It IN 'I N. .II lip; 111 Dll 11. 11l .( 'KXUAtL -T N ’I’ll) III.HI II «H( I S FOBT B & CO II Ciucinaati 0. LI (DENTS NVANTED lo sell the UEEDF GENERAL HANCOCK l»> T. K. VVJl.sov. l*iliD-r».d SuiV \ w Y->nj V\drill. Willi ai Is ;ni«l li n xiin e On* .1 ya n|' waelunu”*>ti \ evi . iii .T.i'l ' I’ it \j'’lT.i;s. A lx«i*X iv rli liavi i;'. v i 111 I' * ' '• o. u ._ tMtiou-'. ; iii dm tiYtnpt of price. The uuT * i fir ter if i>’i n« ««■». ;» • • I-. *»• . E. li.TKE.% I’, I uldi-ht r, T.A7 H t ua«t;v«y, N. V. T mmumsm — wm außTgWt' vf^L'tJUPB»VMT .V VTCP'W*'— V-’g At the Balloon! At the Balloon! f f X IiUTTKKH K'S T |J Pniirr l’nllcrn* I k fl 9 to nil otlicru TO Nhd I<■■> i ; ; 1 :il» i '>if ■. g f L L fS f L o $- i 5 0 H H E’on LOW PRICES CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. I'lvrrylliing gcarniilri-c! ;!■< rcprt'M'itft'd or asonry re rriiiiiriri!. Since we have decided rot to hi-II nut, our Ntw Y..rk buyer has hcen piling in the goods by (he car load, until every corner is full and running over WITH BARGAINS ALL OVER THE HOUSE. lioliasj*, E’asjpy <»o»c>*, 33 iUiticry s*oo<lm, <’:jrs« tiiaeivx, .fe'c.Ws, CoUnandcs, BVshS*, ii>o*9K-«sit«, Bsaciie* Lt»rti Ntiiii*. THE .»cr. COUriTES b FjLl GF PIEW m USEFUL ARTICLES at a much less price than you can get them elsewhere. THE b«GT. COUfiTEB HAS IVSAtiY ARTSGLtS THAT WOULD, cost you 25 to OOeent at other places you will save mnnty by making your pur chases at the balloon. THE SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT. The largest variety of first class Machines in the State, such as, The Eldridge, Whi e, Royal, St John. Weed, Victor, Remington Domestic, Ameri can. Davis, Singer, and Wanzer. Tliq W. ra *r and Singer arc our cheapest machines. Persons wishing cheap 2nd Hand rnn« hir»'s, can always find a pond assortment, ftxcfiance new ma chine.* for old ones, fc’ell lor cash an on monthly payments. Don’t Pall to call at the Balloon before buying anything in our line. 11. E. SO IREK, Chattanooga, Tennessee. ra&ff a ißiHfcw i r o. v. oka r*4. w ns/'?u? h % $ g Cilia I Wl© (OP VEGETABLE nl- : 1 PH I [fag§ 'l k* n la|& './«i H "a; A m sL, w„ h e3 gj £,: i *8 k iffi h % >.t iA $ **22 2 U ;ij For Interna! rntf External Gse, *' Is 3 SUuC CJPI' fv ?!l ihs Disew* f:r v.h!ch It is rccemncndedv jT , “ ! and is ALWAYS PI.f:?EC7LY sAf£ In the hands of /{'}?■. /.--j *; Y*\ car, the mat »ne»f»r:le:.ced fertens, -.p- •.-rt'C /,-. - . * j; ;. || n r it •:«:*.• *< J r <*J>r«T3S* POR2 » • • YlS'i . 4 *:»; ;.-S LL.i i . • r. ;»V .# • f i ! lovil!!! L’ tl.-V ': *-.‘l »-.u i‘iKl'RALtii-l. - * v .. t.Ti ri * . >•. • •• '• *• - *ivl >• jwt-.T Afidftd ra 'Ws-r-'i- f vJ ; • f V ! •■• •*»•; jv Ti'K 'JC-'oir, I g /. , ! <; J ({.<; ffv.ilU, I -tt /h> , • •: li * .l: yj'g \/ v- mv 1 svvi .'.l'l'Cil w <*(( ‘1 t:;t r ' . ■ r.- i'Sahvs, vr.oi.KUA, D.iAXttutEA, ■i * '-i \ ’* i\ i I ,< i. ■.! i'/i iu>-.vii., ..e ».w s ■ IS .$ ; | km sm@n« ■ a• ■ ts i • • ,1,5 v : % lilE i» All Ap CUS2ATES. ; 5 » h EX(C« ■I . -V- • (I- w’.oi .:• as! .. ~ Hi ...... V! ,ut> ■ ■:.' ~ : ( ■ j ... . .. ... , L. . \ ' ' ' ViS n f : . ij. -■ . : : i> • .i -.v. . s - A . ■’ll ; f : .. ■■ r ! * •'' ' \ . •.• *. >- 'Vwe j.fv.-.v, v«. f- : ' 1 '. • -111 \ : V.L '♦..■■» 14 L Vt'vV Y.t'-A* C V- ' ' . ' • : 'r ' .. • • .... ** - ' .• u • . . .. .1 Vn I! ' '•.i’fl ttVCi t»*l v«.. :. 3 f *. •• ‘‘ ‘ ■ -'■ ■- ■ - t h kM ft U * *• Ss. 1- - . > s .- Vt- • -.if ft' j . <v •* . i : r • SSWEiI Wkh®VM © JE —.-1.3 ' *y‘ r M.'t-tv?r wrarar 4 «“ w OSCILLATING S'.,-.' shuttle sewing machine a I iT. ’V-'vvlV. '..Ms* 'A g^g:?.i£^a b £=M%'*- - vr'LIMSSI Uk *-* op **- . —ka^toaML TIE BEST SEWINP s WORUD. I SEND FOit ILLUSTRATED CATA- F-1 i/ '4 f* LOGUE No. 230. 36TAN AGENT / S WILL DELIVER A MACHINE AT YOUR #'• ti' RESIDENCE. FREE OF CHARGE, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. 11o ‘ J CLOSED - Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 129 & 131 State St., Chicago, Illinois. U. 8. A. i Sale L> .1. .li. K«'«! A ('<)„ Itomo, (Li. j I ankw i>i:PAinxii k, He ttsSi llir (ii'»( wed. in January (§Bl (Sir iirif IE If 111 her Os Tlig baptist And weekly to Sulhtribei'M Ihcreallcr. THK SI X will Im» si foiltwenty-eight column paper. W<‘ u*e in iu |»isl>li«*;i l l«>ii a now power pre§s. new type :i ll< 1 :i tlrnt rate article of paper, and .-hall -pare no pain-, labor, or expense in the effort and purpose to make it handsomest paper published in this country. — —— ■ Besides giving special attention to the principles and progress of the denom ination, the paper will contain the following departments, carefully edited: LATE LEADING EVENTS. VIGOROUS EDITORIALS. SHORT NEWS NOTES. r i\»piew foe tine Timew, By the best writers in our Uenohiinutlon. r i lie Pulpit, Sermons by Kcv. C. 11. Spurgeon ami others. .V Sunday*Nehool "Worls:- sliop, Expositions of tlie International Series, with articles and extracts from tin* most prominent Sunday-school workers. FROi ALL ALONG THE LINE, Ooivespondeuce, News and Notes, j Fresher ami fuller news of our denomination than is given by any other paper. Uil>! e Readings on Ra|)tist Faith, Each issue will contain one Bible Reading on Baptist Faith, making it useful in establishing tin* brethren in the doetrins of our (.'htireh. Our Vomig iiient, j Will contain besides original stories, elioiee selections from the rsry best liter ature published for the young. Subscription Price; in order to meet the views of a large number in our church, and find our ; way in a weekly visit in'o hundreds and thousands of homes that are now dc.-- J liuite of Baptist literature, we have concluded to put the price of Thk Si:* at T%I TER* a v -3 -IT R - fj ! invariably in advance. At which price it will be the cheapest denominational ' paj er published in America, if not in the world. I THE ENTERPRISE. We have had the subject under consideration for some time, and wo are fully ! oi.vinced from information am! facts we have gained in relation to the wants | and desires of the denomination, that the publication of a cheap, live, newsy, i aggressive Baptist paper is a positive necessity. “And in the name of our (»od j we will srt up our banner,*’ AND WITH GAUGE FOR NONE, AilS CHARITY FOB ALL, TJa.© Baptist Bun, Will be bold, out-speaking and unmistakable in its advocacy and defence of the* j distinguishing principles of the Baptist faith. } »<• want 5,000 subscribers for the first, issue of the paper, and in order to se cure the co-uper.,tion of all and as many active agents and canvassers for the paper as possible, we make the following liberal oiler of S*jS!7V5 jJLib I PremiuniSj as follows: 1 A AUoUju's—To (he Agent Mending is* (he lar;r«l IUU S4,aMllM ‘ 11 ’ °* wHlweeibers. by (he first oi aes( Jan «ary, (he numbn' to exceed one hundred : we will p.-sj a tash preiuattsn of One ilundeed irull;u>. r A Dollar*. nil i'Oi (he second largest clnh, (he niaabci' to ei 't'eedfllly, Titty Dollar*. A r Dollar*. / 0 For (he fliird largest cluh, (he liomhcr to ex ceed twenty-live, Twenty-live Dollars;. T2!F PAPKK E'Ri:ii.—To every one sriidiiig u* a dab often sabseribers ("or one year, one copy of (lie Caper One Year Free. I.et every one \\ Im w ill volunteer to net as agent or worker for the* paper, us their names anil eoinmeuee an active canvass for Tin; Si n at once. Agent t are requested to report names anti post office address of subscribers taken, twice a month. <> I S l *> 15.1 EOT : To accoinpli*h gtood Cor (he cause o(* the Reedeem tr* (Litsttdossi in (he world. OUR MOTTO: “THE WHOLE WORLD FOR CHRIST.” • To SSaptist everywhere, we appeal Cor (talroiiage and a hearty co-operation in (‘Ntsbiishing TEIK STIV. Address ail correstpondence to i E. A. McEAN, Publisher.