Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 07, 1880, Image 3

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THE MESSENGER. i . ■— —— LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA. Thursday Morning, Oct. 7, 1880 Rat** of Subscription: Twd»« Moutiif ••• dll Moulin... j Pour Momba 60 i\r, I tttifi# Cepiw v ' Invariably In advance. ANNOLSt EMENTS. For Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob Goodson Jr., ns a candidate for Tax Collector, of Walker county. Election first Wed nesday in January next J. B. I’yrou. The fall announcement of Mr. J. B.'Pyron, appears in this week’s is- J sue of our paper. Mr. Pyron’a purchases this season have been larger and more comprehensive than ever before, and we ha”e no ’ hesitancy in saying that he has now, one of the largest and best as sorted stocks of good* to he found anywhere in the South, and we take great pleasure in commending the house to all our friends and readers, and vrfe are g'ad to note in this brief mention that Mr. Pyron by a liberal use of printer’s ink, and a straightforward one price system, and that price a; the bot tom on everything, he is building up an immense business, that is al ready an important feature of the city. A Com] Hotel. Hotel accrmmodations are of the greatest inportance, to persons who have to move about the coun try on business or pleasure. Just where to go is what every business man wants to knew, when he leaves home. The -National Hotel at Dal ton is one of the most popular r- - sorts in North Georgia. The rooms are neat and well furnished. The attendance is good. Everything is s convenient. The fare is the very best the country affords. The pro prietors are generous, genial and hospitable, and' the charged are very reasonable. W Wardian and Jones. Special attention is called to tht advertisement of Messrs. Wardlaw and Jones, of Rome. They keep a fresh, well assorted stock of goods and are not undersold by any firm in the city. They have a large commodious stable and wagon yard in connection with their business, which is a great convenience to their customers. We hope that all our friends and readers in Walker and Chattooga, will give them a call for anything they may need in their line, when in the city. They are fair in their dealings and liter al and generous to all, and never fail to give their cus'otners the ut most satisfaction. S. M. Glass at the Baltimore Clothing House, has one of the largest and best as sorted stocks of clothing, and fur nishing goods now in the city of Chattanooga. Ilis facilities for handling goods in his line, are such that he can and will make it largely to the advantage of those in need of goods to buy of him. Mr. J. L. Ilarrill, formerly of Walker county, late of Dade, and a generous, cour teous gentleman is with this house and would be giad to see and wait upon all his friends from Walker and Dade, counties. We take great pleasure in commending this house to all those who want good goods, at the lowest possible prices. G. M. D. Heard. Special attention is called to the advertisement of Mr. G. M. D. Heard, while in his store a few days ago, we were shown the Alad din Safety Lamp. This lamp is bound to meet with a wonderful sale, as it supplies a long felt want. For economy and convenience, we have never seen anything to sur pass it, and what is still better it is impossible for any casualty to hap pen while using it. When in the city don’t fail to call on Mr. Heard and get one of these wonderful lamps. For Sale. A 60 acre farm in one mile of LaFayette ; 40 acres cleared; a three room house; land productive and easily cultivated ; produces cotton well: a good peach and apple orch ard; well watered with a splendid location for a fish pond. \\ ill he sold at a bargain. For further particulars inquire at this office. “Kendall’s Spavin Cure.’ —try it and be convinced. For m#u or |>e«st. Bead Advertisement. LOCAL MESSAGES. Business in Rome and Chatta nooga is flourishing in every depart ment of trade. Married by Rev. J. N. Myers, Mr Cicero T. Clarkson to Miss Harriet Hunter, both of this county, on the 28th of September. Our citizens who are interested in the building of a railroad from Chattanooga to Rome must not dis pait of that enterprise, it will err taily he built, and that in the near future. A body of armed men entered Dalton on the night of the first of this inst, and foroebly rescued a wagon ai d pair of mules which had been seized for a violation of the revenue laws. The property hr- I longed to a man in Murray county, j A new book on t’'e horse and j his diseases, by B. J. Kendall M. D., containing one hundred pages, and sixty-five engravings. This is a comprehensive, valuable wc r,< and worth ten times its cost, to every one owning a horse. For sale at this office and sent Post-paid on j receipt of price, 25 cents, in cur 1 renev or stamps. Address all , orders to Messenger. LaFayette Ga. j An offer for the Walker County j Messenger would lie entertained, j Tnu Baptist Sun promises to he a j hrilliv.ilt success, and we desire to ; devote nil our time t« it after the j first of January. Subscribers and : j advertisers to the Messenger, j need have no fears however that ; any trade will be made, in which j i their interests will not be fully pro-! j tected. W. 11. Saylors late of LaFayette j ! is now situated on Market street, i i Chattanooga, engaged in keeping a ; tip tope Lunch Room, where you j i can get fresh oysters in any ! ! style you like them Meals served at all hours of the day. He keeps a fancy grocery in connection with ' his lunch room aud all kind of to bacco and cigars. His prices are very reasonable. We hope our friends v.’iij cal!'or. him. In this issue of our paper will he found the announcement of Mr. Jacob Goodson as «■ candidate for the office of Tax Collector; and in presenting the claia,s of Mr. Good son to the voters of Walker county, i we have no hesitancy in pronounc j ing the gentleman, one eminently fitted for the position. By his straight-forward, upright course of conduct, he has won the respect and esteem of all who know him. His honesty, integrity and fitness for the position is undoubted. With this brief mention of Mr. Goodson, we respectfully present his name to the voters of Walker county, trust ing thev will not fail to remember : him at the polls. Mr. Editor: I take advantage of the first op portunity to express nay heart', ; approval of the communication > published in your la«t issue, over | the signature ot Liberal, and ad dressed “To to the voters of Walker county.” As a republican, I shall j rally to the support ol Mr. Clem ents, and I can assert without fear ; or contradiction, that the great ma jority of Republicans of this conn !ty wiU c '-operate with me. Yes i Sir: Liberal “struck ile” when he j sprung the question of county pride ■ and I’ll venture to say’ that the vn j ters if Walker county will respond 1 to his appeal in a majority of 1200 for J. C. Ciemer Is. Yours truly. Republican. Bird Nets. 15 feet bag and 15 feet wings £4OO. i2O “ “ “ 20 “ “ 500 Veal & Son, Rome, Ga. - am Book Spring Dots. Politics low. So manv good men in the field. Hate to vote against any of’em. Colquitt’s election is about sure, j We look lor some excitement j about the Congressmen after to- \ morrow’s election. J. Shields Sr., one of the oldest j settlers at Rook Spring, left yester day for Mo. He leaves a host of ! friends. Several others have gone I west. J. M. Henry is the happy man —another girl. Jack Jones was in our burg Sun day. Euteka water agrees with | him. The weather is fine, and every- | body is busy plowing, picking cot- j ton, peas, &e. Some are ready to sow wheat. Tolerable. Best Goods, Lowest Prices. Best Quality, PURE SILVER Thimbles, Fur 25 CFNTS. And ENGRAVED Free Os Charge. Or two old ones for one new one. > VEAL <fc SON, Rome Ga. * In Memorinm. Died of typhoid fever at her heme in Dade countv, Ga., on the 20th fieptemher, 1880: Mrs. Mary Elm Moreland, in the 26tli year of her age. The subject of this sketch was born December 3d, 1854, in Chat tooga county, Ga. In her eighth year she sustained an immense loss by the death of her excellent moth er; hut this was in some measure made up, by the maternal care ot a kind step-mother, whose sound judgment, and eminent piety, well fitted her for training the young ! mind for both worlds. In early life, she was well in structed in the grmt gospel my ate- j ry of salvation. And there is good j : reason to believe that at a very ear -1 !y peiiod, she was brought, by the grace of God cordially to accept of 1 salvation, freely offered, IhoiH'h dearly purchased. In the 18’h year of her age, she made a solemn self dedication and covenant with God. relying upon his grace alone for a participation in the benefits procured hy the atoning sacrifice of Jesu« Christ. In her las* sickness, which was exceedingly painful—she was uu repi nil's and submissive. Her Uti ! nhat d confidence in her Maker; i iier unconditional submission and ! cheerful resignation to his will, : took away from death its gloom, ; and threw over it, a cheerful light. She was a kind and indulgent 1 mother, n sincere friend, of a cheer- J ful disposition, and to know her, j was to love her. Shs leaves a kind j husband and three small children, | with a large circle of relatives and j friends to mourn her loss. | Kutlsfht* AM no, l.er raiaomtal -pint soars Bpy mi, when* spß*niJ»d :!t»? orli of Hay ! inti loving 81‘grltf lead her in bowerN | Where endlea* pleasure, virtu** d. ed> repay. A Friend. ■ : To the Editor oj the Messenger. Dear S:b : Liberal struck the j key-note to this campaign in con j traating the claims of Walker and j Bartow for the next Representative, j I have supported Dr. Felton in ttie | past, and I am proud of the sup j port I gave him : but as Libetal ; suggests, Bartoiv has been honored j with I lie Representative for twenty [ years, and Dr. Felton has enjoyed ! six of the twenty : and it is time to have “u new deal” —I want it dis riistinctiy understood, that ray ad miration for Dr. Felton has not di j minished But. I cannot vote for j him, the 2nd of November; because Mr. Clements is the choice of this county, and iri every respect worthy of my vote and of every citizen in the 7th Congressional District. Respectfully, Independent. Dot tings From Subiigna. Editor Messenger : 1 know oi nothing important to write you at this time. The exercises of the high school closed on the evening of 24th, quite a number of the patrons of the | school were present. Speeches ! were made by the young men and | boys of the school, and also by Mes | srs. Jackson and Martvn. The first hale of cotton brought to Suhligna for sale was bought by Lowe & Millicaii at 11 cents per ib. Business in the village very good. Nominal. Our village has been well repre sented in the way of candidates J this week. Hon W. T. Irvine and ! J. W. Maddox addressed the peo | pie on Thursday, and on Friday I H n. A. J. King, of Floyd, gave a : short address. Mr King is the in depenl for Senator. Uncle Jeff' Lawrence also around occasionally I looking very pleasing. We wish Uncle Jeff much success, and are i confident if he is elected that lie | will make an excellent officer. Peas, potatoes and persimmons in abundance. Radius. ■ ’ Trion Gleanings. Trion, Ga., Oct. 5, 1880. Editor Messenger : I have to announce the death of ! another of our citizens. Mr. James ; Esliriger died at this place Septem . her 29th. 1880, aged G 2 yenrrf. > Mrs. Hamby and Miss Peggy Morton are quite sick. Miss Mor [ ton has been sick a long time, and i her friends despair ot her recovery. N. H. Coker. LaFayette Nursery. I have a very fine assortment of peach trees at my nursery in La- I Fayette, any variety from the earli i est to the latest. I will he at home from the Ist to the 15th of Novem | her, and will deliver trees at the nursery at 15 cents apiec. 4t J. Jones. * Taka the Mkmu*■»»«. CHATTANOOGA MAKKETS COKRECTED WEEKLY. Wheat old 81 05 to 81 10 new 75 to 81 00 Corn, Backed 45 Flour 85 50 to 8(1 50 Corn Meal ... .55 Hulk Meals 51 to 8 Bacon (>J to 0 Lard 84 Butter 121 to 15 Chickens, young 10 to 13 “ old lti Knits 9 Dried Apples 3 “ Peaches 4 Blackberries —nominal. Feathers, prime to choice ..35 to 10 j “ dues 20 ; Beeswax— 18 to 20 Cotton Ragß 11 to 11 j Tallow —nominal. Wool, unwashed . 25 to 28 “ tllh washed —35 to 40 “ cotted and burry 12 to 20 j | Hides, dry 10 to 13 •• green 6to 7 Potatoes 50 Onions 50 Tomatoes 50 Beans 50 Ochre 81 00 i Squashes 75 Cucumbers 81 00 Roasting Ears per doz 8 Cabbages “ ...75 to 81 00 Ginßenu Root 90 to 81 00 j Pink Root 15 to 18 | ROME l’itHT>: Veal dt Moa, JewelfM. Gold American ..ever. 850.1X1 Ladies Gold Watches 20.00 I Gents’ Silver American Le vers 10.00 j Gents’Silver Swiss ~... B.oo' Gents’ Nickel American 3.<X) I Gents’ Plated Swiss 5.00 | Composition Swiss 3.00 i Seth Thomas Clocks, fine 5.1X1 ; Plain Mantle Clocks 4 Os) i Medium Good Clocks 3.00 . Common Clocks l.tX) j Fine Gold Opera Chains 20 00 | Solid Silver Teaspoons, par i sett 5.00 Solid Silver Forks, per sett... 12.00 ' Silver Plated Teaspoons, per ! sett ". 1.00 Silver Plated Tablespoons, per sett 2.00 I Double Lined Violin, Bow and wood case 5 00 | Solid Silver Thimbles, (name engraved on) 50. , Heavy Solid Gold Wedding Rings, (names engraved')... 5.00 PRisccllancous Advertisements. §i®gpsi§ BUCKEYE MOWERS AM) REARERS, SVVEEPSTAK ICS THRESH ICRS, CANTON MONITOR OiCSNES, WHITKWATER WAti(INK, WHEAT BRILLS, HAY RAKES, STEEL and CHILLED PLOWS, Walking and Riding CULTIVATORS, DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS, IT LL STOCK OF BEST FIELD SEEDS, AT c. ultyia.y & <•««.. KK norsi,, CEiallauooga, Trim. ! OPPOSITE ATLANTA DEPOT. R. A. EtIKEC, manager A I Richt chance to make money. 1 | |t I II l%’«* hr**«l a pi** - twni in cvrviowri S"2I 5 I If in i.ikc »u')s>*n|iiloi' fnr'hcijir V/l \y La. l J S .•>!, I »»»>•* ll (I U'l a Hit I I!) I. piihncnli hi mi lll** wo'ld Aiiy mi•• can li* coiim* <i or cm*. "ii elegant works of »rt itlr.-ii !>•*•: '»•Mi*riu*T-. | The price is so low that Minimi «*r*-ryk«i-ly *lll> BcrihcH. line agent n pnr n nki g l*i»* -••**»*• fill r* h ilay A ladv itu*-iil r< |n*n- make * over .fil'd* cl- :ir profit in tt>ii -lavK. ah who cugngi* mak*m*)i*»y In t You can ilcvnti* all tour Mm* to the lniei<-c>n, or only your spa r e tiinft You it-rd lioi lie away from home ovt r night. You can do It «t* well a« others. Full directions ami Irma* tree. » 'egfat. and expensive * *iitMt (>•«. If )"U t» ant proNiahla »A*ork send u< \nur nidi* -r at one**- ll c«*l<« " yll * log to tty the tiU'liti:*-. No nor who rneag* s lailt i*i mnkc greai pay. Adilress (iuoaoi risaoa. k Co., Portland, 'la ne. P *»P- •• W g'fM) PAPERS FOR SALK AT office, at fifty cents per lien 4n<L Saeemse.v w i \ ri:r\ SELLU SUKiIA RS t,.I>EA M.Eftl* _ ys |/i ■* month ami *p* •“*** I 1 $ ! U«) n o Ft**. | f Cal This Notice hut U SAihl set il it wit your application, aleo KNL) A3c ST A VIP in in nr a .swtr I m s. FOST R & 00- Cincinnati 0. ROME HOTEL, J. 4. Pro., Broad St., Rome, Ga. ¥N the |uini!i(*al Busincs”* S'juin* of -““t he Oity un i in rousfen* of UVdioad. No omnibus needed. New ami clean from top to bottom fK . week in ymir wn town. $- r >**uffli U I 1 |*'ree No r<sk. It«*a«|.-r, i you waul a /H |H| -si icsN hi will h iier-on of either sex VK Vr >1 nek* l gr -< *-iy -tl the tinn* thay work, write " r I * li H*l. fc <’«•, ParHaml, Whlii« i*«p S If , f HI WORK DONE AT THE I mjwsm4 «intr 1 a NEW j U r will issue (he li»t week in January ISM the first inmihee of Til© SA.'iR'OPZS'I? £3YJ-lSf, And weekly io Niilim rilicrs (Jimafler. THE SUV ivill b" a four-page Iwenty-elght oolumii paper. We shall ns# la Its pahlitalliiu a new power press, n*\v type and s_ th'.-t rate arti It- ot paper, ami shall spare no paina, luh.-r, or eaprase iit the t rturt and purpose to make it hundisonie.il paper publLnrd in this eoimtry. —•- lb»si(l(‘s Mporial attention fi» prfm’lplps mill progress of iho (fenom* inatiou, the paper ts ill (H.ntuin the falloYviiig lippm'tinentu, carctully cilitcd: im LE&OIiIS EYEHTS. Vlllsot?«iJS EDITORIALS. SHORT HEWS ROTES. r i\>pi<*fc» 4’oi* (lie r rimc!S, By the. best writers in our Denomination. riie/JPulpit, . SermoiiH by Bcv. 11. Spurgeon ami otlicra. ! A Sunday* Kefiool Y^ r<n’!i --; Expositions of the International Series, w ith articles and extracts from the most prominent SiimNy-aehool worker.. FRSH ALL ALOHQ LIKE, Coi*i“e«p«2i(leiat*e, Nows «ns<l Fresher and fuller news of our denomination than i» given by any other paper. Bible Ileadaun-N oat J {apti-st l^aiYli, Kaeb issue will oontuin our Bible on Baptist Faith, making It iis-gfel in esUiblisbing tlie brethren in the doeiriiw of our Church. Or.i 1 Yoiing Fobiw’ anesit, Will contain besides original stories, choice selections from the very best liter ature published for tin* young. Subscription 1 ’rice: In ord-t- to meet the views of a large titer in our chtiroh, and find our i wav in a weekly visit in-o humlieds and tlnmsainls of homes iliat are non des titute of Baptist literature, we have concluded U) put the price *»f lUK bltK at OME X3QI.iI.jA~R, invariably in advance. At which price it will be the cheapest denominational paper published in America, if not in the world. THE ENTi:itPlthSE. W- have had she subject under consideration for some time, and we are fully convinced from information and facts we have gained in relation lo t!m wants and desires of the denomination, that Hit* publication of a cheap, live, newsy, aggressive Baptist paper is a positive necessity. “And in the name of our Hod we will set up our banner,” AHD WITH MALICE FCH HOKE, m CHARITY FOR ALL. The 23£vpti>st Giian, Will he hold, out-spciiking ami unmistakahlc in its advocacy and defence of the distinguishing principles of the Baptist faith. - • —— Wo want 5,000 subscribers for the (list issue of the paper, mnl in order lose cure the co-operation of all anti as many active agents and canvassers lor the paper as possible, we make the following liberal oiler of CLAJS.3I 1 •reset!laiaaj**, I as follows: (AABollaw-To (lx- Aarr«t Mixlins «!** Ux- Ins-aentl I (I II c iiikt tj#-r oS’ mßimt Ixt- »>y (*«' iir.-4 tt-l 8):"!( .3 tai ww tiai j, (in- uuHilNtr lti rtt fs t! ttiH- hunt,*' ,i . » w ill |*ay :i cavil premium ui Om- lluutiriil i>uiLiS'M. C ADitllarv. ijl| for (lie srctmtl l.irgrsl dub, (be umulter (o r\* liily, Filly Ooliifiji-s.. nri)oll*i% / j For (lie ll)iv<S target*! ISh- Bi’Diber !« ft *“ u eeetl Iwenly-live, Twen(.v-!ive ilvllan. THE PACER FREE.—To ivory OIK- M-ixliuff tsw a (-tub «!' lon MiiliKcribcix (<«• one your, one ropy of (lx- Papt-r One Year Free. Let every one who w ill volunteer to aet as agent or worker for the paper, send its their names and commence an active canvass for Tiik Si n at once. Agent* are ret]nested to report names and port office address of subscribers taken, twice a month. Of :it OBJIXJTi To aceoHipiinh good for tlx* catt-r of (hr Ktftlfvm era kiiigdoin tit tin uorl<!. OXJ2FZ. MOTTO 3 “TIIE WHOLE WORLD FOR CHRIST.” To Raptiwt every wbrre, wr appeal lbs* pais osaose ami a hearty co-operation' ikb osliiblisktux TSI3-; M'.’i. Adilms ail luiTcspondruit lo 1 E. A. McUMr XuUiMho*. Peccllancou* Advertisements. Kenaail elpavm Cure Tin. M'tfiT pUI.'CF.SBFUIj REMEMY everdls rntiiiH, hr H l ; certain Irt lt>« effect* snd docs nat hlUter. head proof below lVoni lIU V. I*. \.«rangcp, I'r. "tiling Eider of .he M. Albans IMairlct. Hr. Amarr. Vt.. Jan. 90 h, IBAO. Ur I! J, K**t»*i.i. NCo. «* lit" In r**plv to ymu |< tier I will aav thit mv cgperi* no- w l:l» ‘ R' ndall * •>|.rv(ii t urs:*’ hn.H been v.try "rtMs'net.'ry Indent. Three or lour v Rr* ago ' pr«*«ircd a bottle of y» nr agent, iiit<l with It, • areg a liofßp m ißuienei* ci.uk **il liy it opRVi. I art eeußO.i NIV tiorio became vcr> liltin' riml I turned ilm nst lor n f* w w. ••tin wh*-n he became l» iter, Inn w N«!t« I put lilm on the road h* lr , t\ wore, win'll I dKo"v rcil Ilißl • rlughin r wa« terming, I ;•••i.n .i a bottle of K«'ii<l.*tll*M .-pavtn i up- iimi wiili lcr> Ilian « liotlln fun d lilm •«* that he ik not la;*.", ii* Ithcr can the rnineh bn f >untl. ke*pccilsll)' yeses, I', N* OiItANGEK. IVrH'in’ftiHf Villi Tell. Hfoi tutTou, Mark.. Ilnn li dill, 1880. R. J Knrui. k «G* ill" : —ln justice to you mill rnv-ell, 1 think I t > let v * know that I have .ee-ov.il two bone .gnvii." with “Kendall's ."It ivl.i i are,” one very bug** nil , do- T know how loi g ter •l avln l.nd been Mi- n* I have «... tied thfl Hi* ii"r«:e eight aionilitf. It look rue lo ir montha !•» Hike tin- large one id) mill tvto far the aiimll one l have a- 1 d ten bottle-. J'lie ln.r*e I" entirely well, not at all All/!', and ho bum'll to he *• en or f> It. Tina i« • wonderful «i. -dipiiie. It i" • nrw thing lure, hut if d dot h lot ail what Itlma done foi me It" able Mill he very ffreat. Respectfully yours, CHAH. K. PARKER. Kendall's Spavips Oure. rom oki), N IV, January 2nd 18S0. It. J. Kfnsal.i. tk • (ivntlmat. We have a beautiful roan mare that watt given to uh on nceount o' ;t "pavin nil her lef, wllleli ni <de her dead lame We took off her "horn an allowed her to run In the turn vard in the fill •« the year,applying “Kendall’" spavin sure” uccotdluf to direction We did not itm* her for a ai-uith. Hie was . ntir* ly cured, and nr Luneii completely u moved, and has never been I atilt* mnee. Wet ate what we know t«» he a fact. We have Mild twelve dnften bntlb R in the Hlmrt time that we have acted a- >«ur amenta in Concord. K-rineet iillv yourn, UNUKUHILI. k KITTREDGB. Statement MADE UNDER OATH. I To Whom it M»t l oan rn —ln the vmr 1875 I treated w I'll KeiidalPa r*paviu Cure, a bone spavin of several month"’ growth, nearly half as lame as n lii'ii'k ecu, it is *1 completely Stopped the Imnein'Hs and lemoveii ihe enlareiueiit. I hay worked ill* horse ever hinei' very hard, ami h* never has heen lame, nor could I ever ace any dill* rei.ee in the "lae of the hock joint" since ! treated him with Kendall's ."paTin i are. WA. GAINES. r.nor.burah Fall*. Vt.. Feb. 2-*>. 1H79. ."worn tud euh-cribed to before uic tliiv 25th jd-y offcVk.. \. I». I^7B. JHIIN G JENNE, Justice of the Peace. Kendall’s Spavin Cure On Eliiman E'iesh. I'attir'■ Mit.t.a, Waahli.gton t’o., N. Y., ) Feb 21" l. 1878. \ 11. J. K iNDAt.t.y n.: D*ar Hr : —The parti- a lar etn>e mi which I used your‘‘"pavin .re” was a malignant ank'e vprain of "lrt* en m* ..tbs'stand iua I bad tf-'d many things, but in vain. Your “ pavin Cure" put the loot to the ground ac'in, for tin fi «i time finer* hurt, in a natural position. Kora family liniment it excel" anything we ever' used. Voura truly, UJ'.V. M. I*. BEL*., Pa«to M. K. chnri’h, l’aiten'.s Mills, N. Y. b KMiAi.i.a Shavir Curb is pure In its effect*,' mild in i>« action av ii does not Idis'cr. yet it is pen etrating and powerful to reach every deep Rented pnlri or to remove my bony growth or other enlarge to* lit, "iich as RpaviiiM, splints, curb*, cnilnu*, prai swellings, any lauiimes" aud ail nnlarg**- menir of the j dnts or limn", or rheumatism in man and f**r m y purpose for which a liniment Is uaed for until o» lieg-t. It I" now known to be the beat liriniieiit for man ever used, acting mild ami yet cer tain in it" effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which w# think gives itositive proof of its virtues. No remedy tins ever loci m uh hucli unqiialiti- d puceenH to our kiioub'ilgc. for beast as well as man. Price sl. per bottle, or "lx bottle* f**r .'s*. Air, Ori'iioirts imve l» or can get it for you, or It will be -enl to any address on receipt of price by the nroprlefi.r** fin. li. J. KKNlitl.l. k. CO., Enos bura Kalb, Vermont. Hi nt, Harris 1* I.amaß, Atlanti. Ga. 1 KkkRY, I'KMOVILLB k Co., Nashville, V Agents. I eitm>see. ) June 18 ly f d \\ Svl Fs and Aid H ,\\j 1 SURE CURE VOB Coughs, Colds, Sor« Throat, llron chitis, Asthma, Consumption, And 111 lllaeiaaea *»f Til ROAT «»d Ll'lSitift Put up In Cjuart-S'.io itn tIM for Fnmllj Use. j Selent'fio Jly p:vn»r«-! of ftl'anm Tolu, Crynt.slllr’.efl' R«ck Osmiy. Old Uy«. and other lonics. The Formula is known to our ; pnjpician", is highly command# i by them, and toe analyaU of onr moot prominent | ch*im»t. Prof. <1 A. MARiNKH. !a Chicago, la oni tba Ini si of avrry h-ttla. It in wall known to tha mad leal pn*to«al-m Ihat TOlifJ ROi'II tnd KV Ii will afford th » Si #«!»*• ( raliwf for f.'ougiiß, C i.da, lnßuanxa, Bronohlti", -.ra Throat, Wu*k f.unga, nl«o Conauraption, in tha in- I aiptenl ami a<lvAnc.«d at**.-*** ! C«ed in ISKV K.KA'.F. and APPRTfZKR, It make#a dal gntful t •uh- f<*r f» ily use U pleNiAilt to taka ; it j wong nr da ihtatad.it glvsa tona, a« tiflty and atrani.t'i to Ih.* whole ioi'iiau 1r ru**. (rAfUnnV OCMT BEOECEIVEOV Iv A U 5 lw.>a by unnrinclplad deal- \ «--• who L r y to palm u’’ upon you itook and Rya In ■ place of our T« 1 1. Li ROCK A Nl> RY U. which in ■ tha only ui-JOlca!»'d *r»ii-iatuada (Aagauuina hav- W !ug g C)VEKNUF.WT BTAAIP on aach huttla.^ I,A U itKKt i! dt U.tUri\, S'roprletora, 111 Uitdlkun Bti-art, < nUagi;. fT’Aik your Ili'nXKllt fa*' lit i o. or .'«K".*r for 1» ! t r.k»x yo(j v Ultra V 6 t*vcli*n| for It • , i it.'idceu, utA yauc dumoiu for Ifc'f I I#t be f>‘ ? '.'V "tTM, U W’CK'i'.lii itttd U Z \ r. >J r. \ t Si A. K 'L a V«. X M 'a«r*o. ! Made under Cooley’s patent. Elegant, Mwy. grace ; fulimdhealthf.il. Satlafaction guaranteed. I nder j the clasp is laid a quilted pad, which renders rusting impossible. Beware of infringements. Ark for I Cooley's Corset and take no other. Send to u» ! through vour dealer for a sample Corset, rungintf *rv price from 75 cents to 92.00, aud your order will no filled by i.durn mail. Manufactured only by tho Globe Manufacturing Company. BATES, REED & COOLEY, sir.. m,i ::i7 nro*<i*e«y*‘ W WHSHALY w>