Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, February 10, 1881, Image 2

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THE MESSISmiKK. I.AFAYKTTIC, GEORGIA, cr . - Thursdat M'ihnjm;, Feb. 10, 1881. RIOT IM IHK KMART. A Pitched Hattie In Which one Mail Is Killed ami Several Mou lded. Saturday night after the recent congressional election a young man named William Simpson, came into Rocktrmrt, a small village, situated in Bulk county, on the line of the Olitrofiee railroad. After imhihing | con|iiou*ly of the town shurah juice 1 he |>roceeded to cut a Uaclianalian ] !>ig six of suliioient dime.isi ma 1 1 attract the attention of the inaralial of the i|iiiet little village. The mar shal, Alex Bullock, arrested him, when L. 11. Yors, a citizen of the place and uncle of the arrested man drew near and demanded his re- 1 lease. Upon a refusal by ItullocK, j YorK sailed in for a fight and cut j the marahivl aix times. Uullock 1 made a return in the li 'lit and NiuicKed YorK down, llysland ing frienda of York then began ; mingling iii the fight, the marshal j was overpowered and the prisoner j was recited. The marshal made his escape from thn molt, which pursued him and occupied the ro inujndcr of the night in their search breaking in doors end vowing the ] deadliest vengeance. Not being sue- j cesaful the limb dispersed and the affair was thought to havo died out | York keeping out of town und avoiding arrest. Thursday morning last, York came into town and spent several hours in drinking, playing billiards j etc. Tlio marshal, who had been 1 occupied ail the morning in ntten- j tions to a sick family, came down ! town about half past nino o’clock, and learning that York was in town i immediately started io arrest him. j j >efore Uullock had neared him, > York, menacing and defiant, fired <>iT his pistol. Although unarmed j Bullock continued to approach him j until he had gotten within about 1 thirty yards of him when York pro ! sented his pistol and warned him \ (Uullock) to go back saying: “I’ll j blow your d—d head off if you don’t.” The marshal then turned back, being, ns we have previously stateil unarmed. York, his son and brother followed, the brother, how ever, making every effort to quiet the disturbance. The marshal re treated to w here he had a shot gun, procuring which, he turned upon his pursuers, presented tiie gun at YuYk and demanded u surrender. As the dcnniivid was made the son, Hurd York, fired two shots from liis revolver at the marshal, who immediately changed his aim to the son and fired, the load of bird shot talking effect in his face and arm; completely blinding him and placing him furs du combat. Dur. I iug the lime occupied to do this the elder York fired upon the mar- I shal three times, neither of which shots did any harm. The marshal quick I v turned loose with his re maining charge, and put the load | into the old man’s hand, shatter- \ i:.g the arm and thre lingers. Then Uullock closed in and easily arrest ed the two Yorks, disarmed them j and carried them into Ferguson’s store, where they gave bond and j were released. The town then resumed its quiet j and maintained it until nightfall. | Jim Dean, a brother-in-law of York hud been in town during the inor- | niog’s trouble, and at about three j o’clock had left for his home in Yorktown, a village of Paulding county about six miles distant. Ho returned about night and rallied about him a company numbering about thirty men. D an, his sot) and Caleb Clark,armed with doub le-barrelled shot guns, commenced \ patrolling tiie town, and gathering about Marshal Bullock, began mak ing insinuating remarks about the bird-shot battle, etc., and insulting ly endeavoring to get up a fuss with Bullock, The Mayor of the town issued a warrant of arrest for intim idation and authorized the marshal to summon n posse for assistance. This was done and the marshal de manded a surrender of the whole gang. Jim Dean then stepped hack and said : “I'll be d— d if 1 don’t die first,” and with his remark fired a load of buckshot at the Mar slial, four of then) entering his right side immediately under the right arm. Then an indiscriminate firing commenced between the posse and the mob. The marshal tried to fire his gun hut both bar rels refusid to fire. After the smoke of carnage had passed away it was found that Jim Dean hnd been shot in the head, the laid which must have come from a shot gun, blowing part of his head entirely off. Joseph Dean, a son of Janies Dean, was shot in the back and neck. His wound is considered I mortal. A man named Elep Park was also shot in the back. These wounded were of the for ! css of the rioters. Aside from the ugly wound received by the tnar s ml none of tho posse wiro hurti though the marshal’s half brother was shot through tho clothing and a young man named Prince caught one lord shot in the upper lip. The dead man was taken into j Whitehead's store and laid out and the wounded wore cared for, Alex Bullock, tho marshal, is now in Cartersvillo at the home of his relative, Mr. Kit Conyers, re rtctti" rating from his wound and keeping out of too reach of the | moh. He says he will return as soon as lie is well and resume the | i duties of his office, j This is a truthful history of the | unfortunate ull'.iir a Kockmnrt, learned from nil eye witness. —Gar- lerxr-iUt h'./prect. Minnies of the bast Vlnoting of the Board of Roads and Revenues, I j Board of Commissioners of Roads j and Revenues of Walker County, I met pursuant to adjournment. | | Present, N. (i. Warthen, Win. B. .Simmons, Wra. McWilliams and ;L. K. Dickey. The minutes of the | last meeting approved. P. 11. Shatikles, vs. Alvin Leslie, i i rule Ami, to open private way'. Rule innde absolute and defendant re quired to re-open private way. Citation ordered published itt the Court House and in tho Mes-j hknukr, notifying all persons that the road petitioned for through James Hixon’s farm in tho 971st ’ District, O. M., will he established i jon first Tuesday in April next if ; I no good cause is shown to the con- ! | trary. Notice to he given in tho Mes ] benei- it and at tho Court House, j that the road leading from the farm ( of R. M. Baker, in the 871st Dis j trict, G. M., in an easterly direc j tion and intersecting the Alabama | Rond nt James Lowery's in the J 8661 h District, G. M., will he cstab | fished if no good causo is shown to | the contrary, on first Tuesday in April. Notice to be given nt the Door of the Court House and in the Mes sENfiEtt, that, an order will he pass- 1 jed on first Tuesday in April next | establishing n change in the public j ; road at the Shiloh Chum.h in tho i 1053rd District, G. M., near Will- I iiun Little’s, Sr., if no good enuseis shown to the contrary. The Reviewers appointed to mark j out and make report upon the es- j \ tablish'nent of a public road in the ! 1053rd District, G. M., leaving the j j LuFayettfc and Villanow r md near ; John Moores on tho west side of I Dick’s Ridge atu! intersecting the j j roa I leading toSuhlignn nt Suttie’s ( mill, have reported unfavorably, j Ordered that the petition for said road be refused. Notice to be given nt the door of the Court House and in the Mes senger, that an order will he pass- j ed on the first Tuesday in April j next, establishing a road in the 881 j District. G. M., leaving tho Cove it ; Chattanooga road near Tlios, A her- j crumbie’s and running by the res- ] idence of Dr. Jones and intersect- j i ing the Ridge road leading to Chat- j | tanooga nt the District line. J. H. Clarkson, J. J. Coulter and ; j T. T. Brown appointed Reviewers ! j lor proposed change in the public road at the Dougherty Gap in tho j 971st District G. M. G. G. Gordon, J. A. Heed and J. ■ B. Wheeler; appointed Reviewers for road petitioned for, eommenc- i ing at the Mineral Spring nt the j foot of the mountain on the Cutlet ! j Gap Road, in 871st District G. M., [ j and intersecting the Dug Gap Road i at the mountain on the west side, j Josiiik Fisher, M. M. Phillips & V V, F. Allison, appointed Reviewers for road petitioned for in the 956th ! District, G. M., leaving the Chatta nooga Valley road, about 75 or 80 ; yards south of where said road i crosses Rock Creek on Wm. Crutch i field’s land, and running in a north | earterlv direction about 25 yards to the south end of tho new bridge \ across Rock Creek. Then com mencing at the north end of said I bridge and running on the land of Mrs. McCutchen in a north westerly direction up tiie bank of said creek | 75 cr 80 yards and intersecting the Chattanooga Valle) road about 30 yards north of tho ford on said j creek. 11. L. Duncan and Joel Simms ! appointed Road Commissioners in j Cane Creek District in lieu of E. K. < i Garner- and Overton Harris, resign j ed. | William Ilawkins and J. R. Con-1 | ley appointed Road Commission ers in lieu of tis X G. McFarland and John Hawkins, resigned. J. N. Haggard appointed Road Commissioner in Chattanooga Val ley District in lieu of W. N Davis. H. P. Tomlinson appointed Road Commissioner in Wilson’s District in lieu of J, J. Morgan, removed from said District. Notice to to (riven in 943rd Dist. G. M., (Wilson’s) for 20 days noti fying nil persons coroerned that Li cense to retail Liqoo'sin said Dist. will be granted to B. F. Day, if ap plication is not made in that time to bold an election under the local 1 option law. Board adjourned until first Tues j day in April next. GENERAL NEWS. j ,1. c. Mix, of ilie firm of Hlx, High | A Co., Inis sold Ills Interest to W, 1). Mix ami T. 11. Hi 'ti. All of Subllgin. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. -I . Hon, Dawson A. Walker, of Dalton, Georgia, a prominent Republican, did to-day at Ids home, Harrisburg. I*:i,, Feb. s—The 17!h ballot Ini U. S. Senator to-day result ed: Wallace (!!!, Oliver MB, Grow -hi. There were several scattering votes. In Newberry county, Southf'arolina on the 17th, Miss Rede Wents was outraged and murdered. Two negroes were arrested, confessed and were killed. Gonery Woode, a noted character in Hawkins county, while out chopping wood, some days ago, was accidentally struck in the abdomen by an ax handle and died soon afterward. At Whltevalc, Out., Friday, Mrs. ! Sheppard, during the absence of her j husband, killed her two little boys, one aged three years, the other seven months, the former with a revolver and the latter wilh a butcher knife. She then stabbed herself in the throat, and will probably tiie, Rank Romiery.—On Friday morn ing early, alter a clerk had opened the bank at Comlcrsport, Pa., two men came in. and throwing a blanket over the clerk’s bead, fastened him in a vanll in Hie rear of the banking room. They then curried off about 1,000, which was in a table drawer. The clerk was released on the arrival of the cashier. The Senate bill to allow the princi pal officers of tiie. Executive Depart ment to occupy seats on the floor of the Senate was reported favorably, A bill to appropriate $175,000 for a search for the Arctic steamer Jean nette was passed. Mr. Morgan’s reso lution denying the right of the Presi dent of the Senate to make the count of the electoral vote was, after consid erable discussion, passed. New Orleans, Feb. -1. —A special to the Democrat from Little Rock says that on last Wcdlisday, three men at tempted to outrage Miss Georgiana Gamble, a highly accomplished lady, who lives in Augusta. The men were caught an I put in jail. During the night a mob of about twenty persons broke into the jail and took oat the prisoners, took them across tiie river, and hanged them ami threw their bodies Into the water. ■ ll# »■! The Funding Bill. The funding bill, which has passed the House, authorizes tho issue of 8400,000,(XX) in bonds, hearing three per cent interest, and redeemable in live years, and pay able in ten; also, the issue of 300.000,000 of tci , twenty, and fifty dollar certificates bearing three per cent interest, and redeemable after one year, and payable in ten; the bonds and certificates to be ex changed nt par for any outstanding and uncalled in bonds, bearing more, than 4) percent. The differ ence in interest between tiie bonds to he allowed holders. The Secra t.iry is authorized to use 50,000,000 of the gold and silver coin in the Treasury in redeeming the 5 and 6 per cent bonds. All bonds redeemed to be destroyed. The new 3 per cent bonds to ho the only bonds re ceived as security for national bank circulation. It is thought the Senate will pass the bill, but will charge the rate of interest to 3} per cent. Burning of the Ann ie Works. Charleston, S. (’., February 4—The works of the W’.uitlo manufacturing company, on the Ashley river nine miles from Hie city, were totally ile stroyeil by lire at noon to-day. The buildings anil machinery were valued nt SG.*,OOO and the works, with tiie ma terial oil hand, were insured for $Bl,- 0(H). The works and machinery are a total loss. A Raster Made Happy; 1 have been greatly troubled with my kidneys and liver over twenty years, and during that entire time I was never free from pain. My medi cal bills were enormous, and 1 visited both tiie lint and white Springs, noted for the curative qualifies of the water. 1 mn liappy to say 1 am now a wt-li man, and entirely as the result of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. With udi glorious resell l am only too glad to testify regarding tiie rem edy which 1 as made me so liappy. (Rev.) R. F. Haukufk. Coal Run Crossing. Arkausa-. IM UK COUNTY. Rising Fawn. —For the past two days and nights we have had a tre mendous gale of wind, and it has kept us all busy chasing our hats over fences and across fields. From all appearance there will be no fruit this year. It ig thought that tho peaches and apples are killed in the hud, and some think that fruit trees will hardly have any leaves on them. Business is fljsh at present. All our merchants appear to enjoy a fine trade. Tho furnace is still improving. | Preparations are being made to in crease the manufacturing interest, j They are building a foundry which when completed, wit! give employ ment to hundreds of hands. Suc cess to such an enterprise. Messrs Andy Brown and Webb returned from lower (ieorgia recent ly where they have been to sell a drovo of horses and mules. They report stock ns bringing a good price. Mules wirth from ono to two hundred dollars. A little daughter of W. A. Chad wick. died the 31st inst. She was burned some four days before her 1 death, from which she never recov | ered. The parents arid friends have 1 our deepest sympathy. The election contest is over and they now await tho Governors de- Bcision. This contest will cause elections to be held to the letter of tho law hereafter. 1 noticed a company of la-fies and j gentlemen in our hurgon Saturday | last from Sulphur Springs. Now j some of our young gentlemen have ; palpitation of tho heart and are nearly beside themselves. All we can say is to come again; you are always welcome. School is on the increase. Every thing works like a charm. There were a large number present at the church last Friday night, to wit ness the monthly exercise of the school. Both parents and children appear to be interested. Success to the Messenger. More anon. Sun Rosa. Smith Ga. —Died on the 31st of Jan., little Cardie ChadwicK aged 5 years and two months, from the ef fects of a burn. She was the daugh ter of Alex ChadwicK. New store at this place, J. M[. | Forrester Proprietor. . A. \V. McWhorter & Co., start j their distillery to-day, J. S. Ramdn j their store iceepe. Frame Lewis is starting a shingle | mill. Mt. Zion debating society lively. Distrait. CHATTANOOGA MABKETS CORRECTED WEEK I.Y. Wheat 81 00 to 81 10 Corn, sacked 541 to 58 Flour $5 25 to 80 50 Corn Meal 00 | Bulk Meats 0 to 12 j Bacon 7 to 91 I Lord 91 I Butter .18 Chickens, young ~..12 “ old 10 , i Eggs 20 j Dried Apples 2 “ Peaches 3 ! •' Blackberries 0 J Feathers, prime to choice...3s to 40 j •• duck £0 I Beeswax 18 Cotton Rags II to 2 j Tallow 0 Wool, unwashed 22 to 28 “ tub washed ...32 to 40 “ cotted and burry 12 to 18 | Hides, dry > 10 to 14 *• green 6to 7 ; Potatoes 25 to 30 ; Onions 81 25 I Cabbages per head 11 | Ginseng Root 81 25 l’ink Root 15 THE BEST PAPER I TRY ITM BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTEATED SBIU TEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Ti| c.wkxtific Ax krican is a large First Clnsr Weekly New of Sixteen Pnges, print- -d In (tic iiiiistliMtuUftil style, protuscly Ulus'rated with spun iliti en.-ravlng*. representing tho newest Inventions nn<! tin* in«*t Advance* In tin* Arts and -Sciences; It cludlne New nnd Interestirg Facts in Agricultur. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical I’rogresf Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronc my. The ui<»-t v tinable practical paper-* hvemfcte wr-terv in all departments of Science, will be sou in the Scientific American. Terms $3 20 per year,§l.6o half year, which la clnd- s powtaue. l*i>count to Aitents. Single cnple ten cents. old by all Newsdealers. Remit b postal or-ier to MUJi N tk CO., I'ubTellers, 37 Pax Row. New Yo«k. 1> \ r V r In connection with the -a*. .1. IJ i ’ .1 k « Scientific American, Messrs. Muon & Co. are Solicitors of Ameriemi and Foreign Patents, hay** had thirty five years’ ex perience, nod now have tin- larjpsi establishment in I the world. Patents are obtained on the best tern.*, A sjncial notice is outdo in the Scientific American of all Invention* putei ted through this Agency, wltit the iimpr and resid-v-ce of the Patentee. By the imuiei.se circulation thus given, public attention Is directed to this merits of the new patent, ami sales or introduction la often easily t fleeted. Anv person who has made a new discov*ry or In vciti u. c:*u ascertain, free of chatgi, wlietbera patent can probably be obtained, by writing in Sliinn it Co. We aDo semi free our Hand Bimk about tl*p Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trad** Marks, their costs and how procured, with hints for pru curing advances on inventions. Address foi the Paper or concerning Patent* MUNN i, t'O., 37 Park Row, X. V. Branch Office, cor. F A 7 h tfts. Wsshogtou ft. C i A OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE f J luttuEn exhibition fHisoeiianeoua Jtdvertisement*. HAMILTON HOUSE, CHATTANOOGA, TENS. J. V. JtJtQI.fDJtT.K At Wr *W’«- Centrally Located 5 Good Accommodations; Rate* Reasonable. Terms- sl-£oto $2-00 par Day. _ MORNING NEWS SERIALS. A ('banning New ’.Story. VASCO. OR. UNTIL DEATH. By Mr 3. E. M ZIMBEBMAII of Lako Irna, FioHJa- TJie Weekly Mews, OF SATURDAY, FEiSKIMRV S, ISBI. Will contain the opening chapters of an intensely interesting story with the above title, written expressly for its columns by Mrs, 11. M. ZIMBERMAN, of Lake Irma, Florida. We are unwilling to anticipate the pleasure which the admi-ers of well wrought ami elegantly written tietion must derive from the perusal of the above charming story, l.y even hinting to them in advance the intensely inter esting and strikingly romantic plot which the talented author his devel oped with such consuinate skill. Suf fice il !o say, that VASCO; OR, UN TIL DEATH, is a charming and ex eedingly well-written story, abound ing with scenes, incidents and situa ions off illing and novel interest. Tho, story is located in the South: the characters are faithfully and vividly delineated, while the interest of the well-chosen plot is sustained without abatement to the closo. Tn story will run through some six or eight numbers ot the WEEKLY NEWS. New subscribers who desire to have it entire should send in their names at once. Suhstriptions $2 a year, $1 for six months. Money can be sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Express at our risk. J. H. ESTILL. Savannah, Ga. 1881. 1881, THE CONSTITUTION. Nuvcr in our history bus a reliable, FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER been so essentially nended by the Southern people a?* at present. Never has Til 14 CONS PI PUTION beer, as Thoroughly Equipped and mo fully prepared to fun.jab such a paper a* nr present. With a EI.EGRATTIIC SERVICE UnEQCLEC by any southern piper With trained (’orrespoudeiit* in every locality In winch its readers itr* interested, With a CAPABLE EDITORIAL STAFF. a curps of efficient r* porters, and the best of •‘special” contributor*, Thi Consth atiun can promise to its readers tha It will lie belter than • v<r before, and will coi firm its position a* the leading Southern Newspaper. \\ bile Tits Constitution will carry the general news of the day, and express Us opinions frankly ob political topic*. it will devote special attention u die development of Southern Eesourees in ali legitimate channels or directions. Every Georgian and every man interested is southern eirtrrprise an.i growth, should read Tn CtN.-rn i tidn in ne of ite editions. TEiIMS—D Iv, one year, fib; six months. .s!> three months, §2.50. W, :> .-kly, on year, fcl 50; si * months $1; to eliD-e of ten, one year, §1 25; u>clubs ol twrmv. ON*4 D< >LL AK A YE\|{. riOU I’HKIIW CITLTIVA Poll, one year, 1. r»0; to clubs of ten .$12.50; t<» clubs of twenty, §2O. IV» ckly Const it* tnm and ( ullivator to same nddr •m, one year, §2 50. Address THE COB STITUTIOH, Atlanta. Georgia f[fOT| If ■- '■ MUlfllfil lans'R'lairw TilK LEADING SCIENTISTS OF TO DAY gin c tiint most diseases are caused bv disordered Kidney* or Liver. If, therefore, tho Kidneys and Liver nre kepi in perfect order, perfect health will be tb- r»»*u t. Tills truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great a*o ny without being able to find relit f. Tlie discovery of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver ('lire -mark* a new era in the treatment of these trouble*. Made from a simple tropic il leaf of rare value, it contain Just the elements necessary l<) nourish nnd invigo rate of these great organ*, and safely restore and keep them In order, ft is a POSITIVE Hep kpt for t II the diseases that cause pains in the low er part of tin* biitly— for Torpid l.iv-r- IDadaelir* —J’inndice Dizziness Gravel —Fever— Ague-- Malarial Fever, nnd all difficulties of tile Kidney* Liver nnd Urinary Organs. It is an excellent an J safe remedy for female dur lug Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation nnd I* invaluable for Leticorrho) or Falling of ill« Whmnb. A* n blood Pmifier it is uneoqu tied, tor it cur*" the organs that make the blond. HEAD THE RECORD* “It saved my life*”—[E. B. Lukely. Selma, Al*. “It Is the remedy that w ill curt the many disease peeu'inr (•» women.”—[Mothers’ Magazine. “It lias passed severe tests and won endorsement* from some of the lil'jhest im'dicnl talent in ibu country.”—[New York World. “No remedy heretofore discovered can be he for one moment in comparison with it.” [Uev. « A. Harvey, D. IL, Washington 1). <\ Tin* Remedy, w hich has dom sirffi wonders, l» put up in tlie LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any im diein-A MiHiu tl»»- ni irket,n’id is sold by Druggists sun) all dealers at «12» per tattle. For Disbete’d, enquire for WARNF.tt’- SAFE CURE. It i* ■ POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WABXEU & CO., Uwbester, N.T. Piov. 4 2 v INTOTICS l I^TOTICB ! A Change in Business, -AT THE- Ball | * oiolins? | o o n! Out ! S , Ball o o n I Ball v oo n! On nncl o>ft€?.r* £Faiiu-, ary li>t, 1881,1 n ili otTt'r my essm-e slocS of DRY of rninotiK prim to i»Mrre a speedy Male. Thin Mle will-bc EAFLFStVEI.Y FOB CASH 088 WAHK ABiit; a’Ai w mien t ah exception. Counfrv merchant will do well so look over ftsese bargaiiitt before making their purchases. Finding my Tlie SEWING MACHINE Pfeij DEFAHTMEBT. 1 - > CJrowiMg so rapidly I « m pT. compelled to have more room, fft&jS-'tL an(S »* order g&W tSi “ s avc decided to close out P \ / * my Dry Goods and bring the SBWiHQ MAcniXfiS to;tke <rout. In this announcement I will take occasion to mention Machine, which I offer for cash or on the installment plan. Prices and payments to suit the purchaser. Before buying a Sewing Machine call and examine thelargest stock and greatest variety in the State- Tine White, Domestic, Gldridge, Household, Remiifg~ t«i», St. John, Weed,[Victor, American, Grover 'Si Maker, Wilcox «V Gibbs, Wan tier, Singe**, Wheeler & iWihon. From the above assortment the most fastideous can bejplcased. Prices from 610 to 660. lam using the Elcelsior Needle which is the best Sewing Machine Needle made. Cheap needles don’t pay. Mr. Barrett, a first-class maehinist, is in my employ, making repairs to piease all who try him. Bring forward your old machines and have them re built, or exchange for new ones. B*®™All parties indebted to ms for Dry Goods; will confer a favor by calling early and paying up. All accounts not settled by cash or note before March Ist, 1881, will be turned ovir to an officerfor collection. Thanking my numerous friends and customers for their liberal patronage duringfthe last seven years, I trustjthatthcy may feel inclined to avail themselves of this closing out and make my loss their gain. Respectfully, n , , H. H. SOXJDER. February. SMHIs,' ISS3, 2 will increase Bntlcricb’s Paper I’attern Department to four times its present size, thus affording my numerous patrons a better opportunity than heretofore enjoyed ot having all the Latest Styles,Jfor jail ages and sizss as soon ns they are brought out. H. K. SOiiDER. ' Imp oart o,;ol t To the Citizens of North Georgia. t 0 * J.B. PYRON, Prcprietor of the “GEsEfIT SHE PRICE CAetePMH," 205 a tad £O7 Market Street, CTIATTAHOOGA, - TENNESSEE* has been for several years earnestly engazed in building up and perfecting ]» “SiMPORIUM,” and has now llnnlyje6tablished his One Pairs Cash System of doing business. _So;that when the peopie of the various sections adjacent! to Chattanooga come into trade,[they can buy goods just as cheaply as tho most es pert “city shopper.” o Tli© On© Price Emporium Exhibits for tho Fall and Winter of ISBO, a Mammoth Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS,SHIRTS, NOTION'S CARPETS, FRENCH MILEIN ERY and DRESS MAKING. The largert stock by far ever shown in Chattanooga. JiTho CDtire building t 3 stories high) being tilled io its utmost capacity, Wbenjyou want to buy goods at Rock Bottom Prices, and in a store where ok) and young, Jrieh and poor, are sold at exactly tho same,prices, without a [single exception. Go to J. B. PYRON, 205 and 307;!ffarkct Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. P, S. finpeoial attention paid to fiffag orders.