Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, March 24, 1881, Image 2

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THE I.AFA v ' K<l . ,t L >r * LAFAYETTE. OA.M.Mtni 21, 1881 ASS'SSI NATION. On ll o 13th of Mnrdt nt, 11 o'clock. A. M., Alexander 11, Cz -t nf Russia, was assassinated in St. Petersburg, by the Nihllits. Tloir work was dime fearlessly m.l «(Tictually. Ah lie was driving along in a covered carriage, followed liy u guard of Cossacks, n gln-s bomb, filled with nitrrt-glyccTi n»*. was thrown tinder I lie enrrinpe. Tnu explosion did no damage beyond tenting off the back of the carriage. Ax tho driver drew up the (V.»r stepped out, nnd a second I Him b was thrown, which exploded nt bin feet. It did the work of death. It sliatterrcd the left log, blowing off the foot and ankle, and almost tear ing the right leg Irani the body. He died at 5:30 P. M., aped 63, and ruler over 85,00f).000 of people. Hip son becomes bis successor under tho title of Alexander 111. m ~ Congressional Notes. Secretary .lames O. lllaino, lias ap pointed his son, Walker Blaine, his pri- i vatc Sect. The Democratic caucus on tho 15lh inst., agreed upon the appointment of rouimiitecs in the next 11. S., Senate. Under this agreement, Senator Joseph K. Brotrn sill be chairman of tho e< m mitiec on Education and Labor. Senator 11. 11. Hi.l. chairman of the committee j on Public Printing. Stanley Nephews on tho 15ih inst.. was nominated by the President, as As- ! sociate Justice nf the U. S. Supreme Court. On the sanio (by the President nUo nominated 1). A. Pardee of 1,n., as Ciruit Judge of the fifth Judicial Cir cuit, and John W. Powell of 111., as di rector of the U. S- Geological Sutvcy. Senator Hill of Ga., on the Mth, inst. created very great sensation in the Senale chamber. Mr. ILII'h bit tor remarks on this occasion forced Mr. Ma hone to define himself politically. Annexed is a portion of Mr. Hill’s speech to which Senator Mahone took exception : -*“Mr. President I will not blume you if you vote, and vote according to the sentiment that elected you; according to the principles which yon avowed when elected.” In speaking of Senators vo-| tin against the sentiment of tho people that elected them, evidently meaning Mahone, Mr Hill continued and said : ’■Who is that one who is ambitious to . ill jsfiiH no man in tho history of this : eounirylias ever done? I stand upon! this high presence, and proclaim from this proud eminence that he disgraces j the commission ho holds. Whoisis it ? t Who can it be? Addressing the Re publicans Mr. Hill said; “Do you re ceive him with affection? Do you re ueive him with respect? lssutli a man worthy your association? Such a man is not worthy to be a Democrat. Is lie worthy to bu a Rebubliean?” After Mr. Hill had concluded Mr. Mahone took the floor and openly declared that he would act with the Republicans. This makes the vote in the Senate 38 to 38. Senators MoDill of lows, and Camci di of Wisconsin have been swortT -ti. A resolution extending condolence to tho government an I people of Russia at ; the assassination of llie Into Emperor, Alexander H, was adopted in (ho IJ I S. Senate on Tuesday the 15th inst. It is rumored in Washington City, j that LeDuc, the present commission of i Agriculture wilt continue in oflico unde; the new administration. Dr. Felton of Georgia has been spoken of in this con- j nection in the event of a change in this ' office. There is not a colored man in the new Cabinet, and the new administration is I not favoring the colored men in the dis tribution of the various offices at its hands. On the day of tho Inauguration of President Garfield, a Kentucky gentle man, amid tjjc huzzars aod confusion liallcred hip rah for Hancock! Police men tried to arrest tho Kentuckian, hut after two or three of tho former had been knocked down, tho latter retired, and squad of soldiers made the arrest. It is believed now (hat there will not ho an extra session of Congress. All the legislation actually necessary was done by the last Congress, nnd unless some unknown emergency calls the pres ent Congress together, there will be no more national legislation in this country until December next. Coseessk.r, Sorrell & Anderson, of Summervile, wish to announce to the public that thev will pay all charges on Watches sent to them from any Post Office, and gourantec a safe delivery for anv work sent by the mail carrier. We guarantee for 12 months. We can reccomend them to the public as competent workmen. 3-3; Gmo. No remedy for kidney diseases heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Ctfre.—C. A. Harvey, D. D., J Washington, I). C. Cabinet Notes. Os Gut field's Cabinet .Tillin' G. 11l line, Bern tiny of Mute, « I Maine, is 51 years of age. J ’us bet n school teacher, editor, member of his Mute l,< gishilim- for live year*, mi ini i r of Congress, and Unit'd Slates Bei ntor sit.ee 1077. The S< end,*ry of Hi* Trwann, William Wiiitlotn, of Minin coin, is 53 years of age, a lir.vjirbv pro fession, hits •erved in Hie National I louse of Represent ill vi s Is vr term.’, appointed m nt,tor oi.ee in d elect'd twice. The Secretary of the Interior, .Siininl J. Kirkwood, of L>wa, is : 07 years of age, nrvul in a drug store, studied hit*’, tun,id f. rim r 1 and (pi'll r, WHS elected In the State Legislature, three linns chosen ' governor, nnd elected twice to the Cni'ed Blabs Senate. II • is a Mery lander by birth. The Puatnuisb r General, Thomas 1,. James, of New York, 50 years of age, lias been printer's «vi . editor, lies held various '■ivil posi tions, such us collector of canal tolls, inspector of customs, weigher and deputy collector. Bince 1872 ho has been postmaster of New York. The Secretary of War, Robert Todd Lincoln, of Illinois, is the only surviving son of President Lincoln, n lawyer by profession, and about 37 years of age. The Secretary of the Navy, Wm. H. Hunt, of Louisiana, is n South Curolinian by birth, has been n muchly married man, is a law* er by profession, and was appointed by Hayes judge of the Court of! Claims in 1878. The Attorney-General, Wayne McVengh, of Pennsylvania, is 47 years of age, a lawyer by profession, j and heat of nil, the son-in-law of | Simon Caouron. Tin Cabinet lias plenty of brains. To the Voters of Wilson, I seo from a mil ice liy the Ordi- I nary that there is to lie. an election ;in Wilson’s District to decide 1 whether there shall be liquor traffic jin that district or not. As 1 have j been a citizen of Wilson’s District, j and have many friends there, I ! want to say a few words to the voters on this important question. It seems to me tho time has come when everybody can see the evils of intemperance, and take steps to drive tho use of liquor out of the laud. There lias been a great deal said on the evils of intemperance; ! b.it the half has not yet been told. Think of tins seriously before you cast your ballot. Think that your vote in this case may save some person from n drunkard’s grave, or that it may cause some one to be put there. If you want to sell liquor, vote for restriction. If you want to make it, vote for restriction. If you want to drink it, vote for restriction, berfuise you are in the most danger of being overtaken by the tempter. Just think of the crime in tho upper corner of Mur ray county. The other day a man killed another at a still house. A very good man in this county, nnd a member of the Baptist church, got drunk, lie said l;o only took one dram. Think of that! Only one dram to make a man drunk. I saw a man yesterday who said he had not drank any liquor in a long time; hut there was to he a very important trial at Subligna. He went and got drunk, and did not hear the trial. Vote for restriction and move this dram drinking out jof the country. Some men say I do not want to vote away my liber ! ty. Poor liberty that will take away a man’s senses and bis strength and place him in the power of everybody. Mothers, ask your sons to vote for restriction. Wives, ask your husbands to vote for re striction. Girls, ask your sweet hearts to vote for restriction. Ladies would it not ho well for you to go to the election and electioneer for r«s notion? It is of more import ance than any election we have had. Now is the time to strike. This is no child’s play. Every man, woman and child is interested in it. I have known somo very good men that would not go very far to get whisky; but would get drunk at these dram shops. Borne men think it would he better to let everybody make whisky and drink it and there would be less drnnken nes\ My plan is not to make any, I not to sell any, and he sure anil not Vo drink any. Just, think of our law-making power, the wisest and I best men we have, enacting laws authorizing the traffic in this j poison. Now, let everybody rise up en masse; let there be no division Let everybody .unite and put this traffic out of '.he country. It is one of the greatest curses the people have to contend tilth. I see an account that in one of the old ountii .-i in Georgia, where a pn acl.i i had to dismiss the congre gation oil account nf the niisbe t avior of some young men. Don t you know tin v wi rcihunlt- NuW, my old fiicnds, mi have to die soon and let us leave the com try in ns ; ir oil a ci ndil.'rin rs we can. n old man that has keen in I lie habit it drinkStg lodes to give it up almost as I ad as he hales to die; , lot h t us Ini’, e the world with as ii w drinking places as possible. I’.-i Ru rairrto.'. Trick urn, Ga., M r-1. 11, 1881. t irt ovt n nit. Pkavisk — I regret that 1 mir.-c-d out No., and M) liilV? t<d kept ell ! ti rely up with t e dirtufsion, i n ] the niijtct if i o’.tun phu ling, tot enough has !ai!<n under my i mice. ! to nmvii.t e ii,e ll at a v< r. lively | .nil wordy sl'innoh is g- big on I el wn n tneil ill* r "t ei.rt spoi dents of your very inteirs eg pat e-. St'U.e se; ii disposed to snor five ! ti mo <■ i.d la lor lor tie suite of theory, nnd o.hcrs ign re theory f< i the sake of nut i-n.y. Now, some where I cl w een tl e»e twoextrnmit’n s j lies the golden nr.ran. ' ti er things . being equal. Hut equality ol con- j ditions and circumstances is out < f the question, the proof cf which is lotied in the fact that one cores pondent found it necessary to break, j cross-break, and then bed, following ! the bedding furrows with the sub- j Boiler in preparing for colton. I | am a little like Young Farmer, I j shrink from so much work, and in- ! cline to the opinion that this worthy correspondent lifts been ex- j pcrinicnling with land that is not suitable for cotton as land encum- j hired with a very apochryplinl j crop prospect. The truth is, differ- I cut kinds of soil require somewhat j different management, and the in- j telligent reader by the use of n little conservatism, may profit by i reading after each of your learned and worthy correspondents. But all the correspondents have ex pended their wisdom cn hew to i plant and raise cotton. Not one : has told how to make it open. It | is easy enough to lead a horse to water, but who can make him drink? .So, it is comparatively easy to plant, nnd raise cotton, but how do you make it open? Surely j this is an important matter, and I j nst so surely has it been overlooked by the cotton grannies. I beg to i venture an idea scl'lly, that cotton plnntiil.on land having an abun- j dance of vegetable matter in it, | such as fresh land, may be made to j open by barring it off about four | inches from the row with a small j turning plow, about the time it begins or should begin to tv—',uie. It checks growib, warms the roots, i and hastens maturity. Auixis. C » Those Nice Beam ami Trout. Wo call attention to the new I advertisement of Veal & Son, j (Fishing Tackle for the season.) They keep everything in the line ; and of best quality in the line, and sells low at wholes tie or retail, i Call in and see tho stock, and the 1 boys. Joe or Sain Veal will show [ you how to fix up your fine rod ; and reel, with 100 yards fine One ! and a selection of nice trout flies. Then you are ready for fun. SOME PRICES t Vca! A Non, Jewelers. Gold American Levers §50.00 | Ladies Gold Watches 20.00 Gents’ Silver American Le vers 10.00 I Gents’ Silver Swiss 8.00 | Gents’ Nickel American 8.00 Gents' I’hited Swiss 5.00 ; I Composition Swiss 3.00 ; Seth Thomas Clocks, fine 5.00 t I Plain Mantle Clocks 4.00 ! ! Medium Good Clocks 3.00 j | Common Clocks 1.00 Fine Gold Opera Chains 20.00 Solid Silver Teaspoons, per sett 5.00 i Solid Silver Forks, per sett... 12.00 Silver Plated Teaspoons, per sett 1.00 Silver Plated Tablespoons, per sett 2.00 Double Lined Violin, Row and wood case 5.00 Solid Silver Thimbles, (name engraved on) 50 Heavy Solid Gold Wedding Rings, (names engraved)... 5.00 CULVER’S IRON DRAG SAW With Snell’s Extonsion Shaft. 1 Oneoftlio most profitable uiachln -s In t’n WorM. anti sP.ouhl he iw ii. <1 |.y ovrry farmer or luuiln rman luvlug » m!*er to cut. ALSO — BwfcpMnUcH Ih’/t'i Ratv with f.aff Trarhu: I iroulur ?%ttw and I rainu wit It Tattle fair cuitiug* cord-wood, etc., et;\ Eead for description r.rvi prices to SEXPUB, BIHttK <& CO., CIO IVn<diia£toti Are., NT. LOK SS UT and say in what paper you this. TONIC I A PERFECT STRENGTHENED. A SURE BEVIVEnJ TRO\ BITTERS nre highly recommended for all dUetwea rc- j <|ulrin;; a ccrtiiin and efficient tonic; es]>ccial ly /«</ ir/estion, Jhjepepeut, Inter- I mi'lent I'ctcrs, Jl ’ant of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Leek of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscle*, and gives new life to the nerve*. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such ns Totting the Food, lielehing, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc, TllC Ollly iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Bold by nil druggists. Write ior the ABC Book, 112 pp. el useful und amusing reading —unit free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. D—Jiwj ■■jiwu n—i-auwi >-rrnrfr—» •- rwrwrc.. K. p. MOORE. J. P. McMII.LIN, JR MOORE ft M c HIL L! M, Vi iiolcsnlc Deasrr.i ill DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, O'lS, SOAPS, PEBFOMEBY, Toilet Articles ad Fa cy btationery, Also .Sootliern Agents fV.r YtILLICK RUOTMSiRN PAMTB, 22.1 (llar.hct Street, CC.ITT.4AOOttA, TICA'A'ESSKIC. C, SUNDQUIST. I’. BENGTON, Manager. A. B. PETERSON. The ?>, Sundquist Manufacturing Company., Miinvfacturerv and dialers in alMeindb of I'I'RAETI’RIC, fIATTRICSSICS, PILIiOWS, CBaaLR RH.V* I’ARata.AtftSC«, .ISICTALLSC3 CASES i\II WOaMCA COi l !.\S, Hock XSottoiix Prices, Order* IVOIII a distance tilled promptly. J\o*. 102 assd Id 1 Market Street. CKATII KOOttA, TRXBESSEK. ■ mi i ■■■■wjji. ,, mw jjxmrtr: ~r~ n—n ■bbubbwb?. ciciras mexararsxrzMsauczil o. MOROSS «fc CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —ALSO REALMS* BAI DU. PEXDLETOX & C©.’* Cniiaiao and Phosphate. TMSO.MPSOAf & EDWARDS . „ „ Raw Phosphate. v; A LTO A, W3BAA’ A' & f’«*. Celebrated Plow Brand Giiasso ALSO ITELD AKDGAS»t:.B SEED*. Teissa. nmsaisr arcv»'*tirirjtwwilCTWMWßaiaaUiiT aw«irfl r*v •rrrsrr. T r iiMigi 'U ii tifit't, 'id flw VEGETABLE Iff ®MM EHII gi |g& I irailS 6&li<bsk*tysi brYJ A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY [ T| Far Internal cntl External Uce, / A !j i JURE CURE for all flic Disease. for which It Is rccoreacndei, jfi; ■ ' and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In t'.to hands cf /f- ,/■. ... evou the Rio- 1 liiexpcricaccd persons. 7&» -• > or-*- \fl\ jt la a snre and quick vein oily fer ('OU(«IlS, SOKE '!, • -.‘"'s hi THROAT* CHILLS and tlmllur trmbt uifun: • iistant r*i. f j I-* ' f# '-'S A 'B bn, in iho most nztiign ant forms cZ IITMITIIKtIai i« |!ie beat | ; \‘j ' 2 'irt known remedy fur KiiLl .UaTIM'I lbl >LI ! IUI.CIA. THE OLDEST, BEST, ANDI/iOSYwiaEIY KNOWN "1 V; -V-' i s FAMILY MED!CINE IN THE WORLD. i Sia »■'«/! It haw been nwd with »ncli wnndeifnl nocccni f» ors i Il parts nr' tt.e V >rld t tftv.'rl I’', CHOI LliA, 11 lAli-KIK I'A, i fe9 \\W\\ ft hfea MYSENTEUV, ne l alt HOWIX rOAU’I-UATS, that a i.< •*’ ' v [tj'iflf considered an ut\f ailing curs for she** tliscusts. il Sill HAS STOODTHeYeSTOMOYEARS'CCNSTAKT •:j ||s,Uaß | USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. NllSlU Wl/’jlvM nls KECO.AIMENDEU by rkyairfauu, JKwtanuric.. • * sh>J \ S i IlJl Hiannacr* of PTnntaciourt* WcrL-*ui- ♦ i • ! 1 5d ' sci ‘ 5 2 V] Factories. Nur*ca h. Uosi»itoH-i» bhut, Ly Lvcrybct.y Y'J.J |E/ © P. ewrywhere who haa evsr given it a trial II || 4y I m IT is WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. Bj Ss* , / S/1 ■ !: 3M| It should always tv u*-! Cor Fuin in th«* t'.jcii it:-i • a (I pi 11 WoMt *nd brings speedy and jirnna?.snt relief In all Cft-ibO 0* lil'Uls,Oh 3 V\ JM / iffagfl Cuts, Snrnins, Severe llurtts, Scalds, etc. * . _R no FAMILY CAN SAFELY BE WITUisVT IT. It \.‘M !»>.* —t-v slm.J annually aavo many times its cost in doctora’ bills, and i'.-t i > •»< Ai- - « i brio,T9 it within tho reach of aIL It is eoM at Sac.GOc*acd 3rI.GC‘ a bottle, and can be obtained from all unim»i£.m. PERRY DAVSS & SOW, Providence, R, ! ROBINSON WAGON COMPANY I C>!-nPAriciisiw i;a .thi S ofGee. I 5U cents per hundred. M\NUFACTU KERS OP Farm & ■■■ Spring »* nUullu S Peter Henderson’s | i H COJIBINEP CATALOGUE OF | Buggies & Phaetons. WE DO .Y 07 ir.-l.vr AGENTS! Fref^U> E OFFER 01 R B On* Experimental Grounds fit I STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES |?i^rT^saMmoT C ompi?Tot 0 TO THE TRADE- |f^W^isS. ,, f£ , £sS“S! I B llso largest In Aiucrk-a. Wotk that lias an oslablishe:! reputa- IPETER HENDERSONS CO. I tion, and that can lie linn .Hod with sat- ■ 35 Corfcsr.tit Sleest, New York. isfaction, both to buyer and seller. K 3L jSaS Send for designs and prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, 0* * AAim^acbuAtsConUiicumavijO*. .V iulliisinosN, —a.' fl.' mi is— Ball | ciosinaA oon! Ball o o n ! Ball o o n ! ?3iRSE .sl^Mv GtiOßft at rK!»»««< (I'tfps to tUMirp a sneedvsale. This nale will be fc .ut!*SYHl,l'£I f OR, (;.|K|| or BiifK> ASi EE B’API.R, W tTISUET AW ILYCEPTIOJV Country merchants will do well <« look over these bargain* beioie ranking their purchases. rinding my .p The SEWING MACHINE i'pZtl DEPARTMENT.’ Growing so r.i)iidly I am h b compelled to have more room f:' ’ and in order tuynccGiiipUsli /•;. A!/ «!»* S»ave decided to close out / \ niy Dry Goods anil bring the f «EW|W« MACRIWES to the I ron t. In tliis announcement I \vHI take occasion to mention the' Stwing Machine, which I tfftr for cash or on the installment- plan. Prices and payments to suit the purchaser. Before buying a Sewing Machine call and examine the largest stock and greatest variety in the Stale. The White, Domestic, Eidrsdge, Household, Renting t«n, SI. John, Wet<!,s% ictor, American, Grover «&: Baker, Wi!f»t & Grhh«, W’antzcr, Singer, Wheeler &. Wilson. From the above assortment the most fnstideouscan bGpleased. Prices from SlO to Shy. lam using the lilcelsior Needle which is the beet • Sewing Machine Needle made, ('heap needles don’t pay. Mr. Bairelt, a first-class machinist, is in nty employ, making repairs to please all who try him. Bring, forward your old machines and have them re built, or exchange for new ones. 8@“A1I parties indebted to me for Dry Goods* will confer a favor by calling early and paying up. Ail accounts not settled by cash or not* before March let, 1881, will he turned over to an officer for collection. Thanking iny numerous friends and customers for their liberal ! patronage during the last seven years, I trust.thatthey may feel inclined to avail themselves of this closing out and make my loss their gain. Respectfully, H. H. SOURER. February 20 th, 1881, 2 will increase Butferick’g ] Parer Pattern Department to four times iis present size, thus affordin '- j my numerous patrons a better opportunity than heretofore enjoyed (d | having all the Latest Styles, for ail ages raid sizes as soon as thev are j brought out. H, H. SQUOER. anww.,»«Ti«>" _J«« M. tr-.-ra. sawn ■■ rmanKenran Zx3a.p> ortant To the Citizens of North Georgia. J.J3. PYHON, Proprietor of the “GREAT ONE FUSE GASHIE&PORiUM,” 30.1 mid *207 llarket Street, (lIITTA.\OOGA, .... TEAJAESSEES has been for several years earnestly engaged in building up and perfecting his “EMPORIUM,” and has now lirinly'established his One Prick Cash System of doing business. So that when the people of the various sections adjacent to Chattanooga conic into trade, .they can buy goods just as cheaply as the iuos o pert “city shopper.” Tlie One JAriee Emporium Exhibits for the Fall and Winter of 1880, a Mammoth Stock of !)RV GOODS, i'fiOTil2\G, 811 OF*, HATS, SHIRTS, AOTIOAh CARPETS, FRENCH ItIILLIA ERY and DRESS .11A k I AG. The largert stock by far ever shown in Chattanooga. ‘The entire building (3 stories high) being tilled io irs utmost capacity. Whenfyou want to buy goods at Kock Bottom Prices, and in a store where old and young, jich and poor, are sold at exactly the same prices, 'without a 'single exception. Go to J. B. PYRON, and 207 llarket Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. . S. Especial attention paid to'.filling orders.