Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, April 14, 1881, Image 2

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OSSENGER. PIER, Editor. i'I'K.GA. Ai'kii. 14. 1"!. third* of the peach crop of i i Georgia, is said to be a total loss. A shrewd South Carolina lawyer hnß printed on his letter paper: To , Colonel : Dear Colonel : Miss Gluddia Homan, of Maple ton, 111., suicided by poison be cause her brother would not allow her to sleep late in the morning. Mrs Robitißon, of Boston has applied for admission to the bar, and is the first Masschusetts wo man to claim the right to practice law. A Georgia boy who wrote to ( Santa Cl us fora pony, was wise enough to add : “Postcript It he , is a mule, Plrse ty his behine legs.” , They know what a mule is in j Georgia. *— Miss Lou Ramey, of Rome, Ga., 1 thoughtlessly swallowed a small sprig of cedar, some weeks ago, 1 and it is feared she will die from 1 its effects. It found lodgmert in the lungs, causing inflammation,!* which has resulted in two severe 1 hemorrhages. Courier-Journal says: —“The Chi- ( nese wall we contemplated build- t ing between Kentucky and Ten- | nessee will not be needed, ’' etude, | after having herself grave doubts ( on the subject, bus succeeded by a scratch in showing that she is an honest woman who pri:;e3 her virt ue and pays her debt.” Col. Torn Crutchfield sold Arn nicola, his beatiful farm near this city, to A. J. Wisdom and Lewis Owen yesterday for 332,000 cash. The farm is situated five miles east of the city, near Rovce Station, embracing between 1100 and 1200 acres, 360 of which are bottom lands. — Chattanooga Times. Harvey Daniel, a colored man who keeps a story at the upper end of Broad street, informs us that his store was broken into Thursday night and robbed of 82-13.75. Sev eral weeks ago, ho lost tlio key to his iron safe (old style Herring), and he thinks some one who had heard of the lost key, found it, and entered the store. — Rome ('mirier. Covington Star: “Three vocks were thrown into the accomodation train on last Thursday evening as it was coming down under full headway, about half way between Hamilton’s crossing and Yellow river, one of them breaking a win dow glass of the smoking car, and the other breaking two of the win dows in the ladies’ car, and throw ing the broken glass over a lady passenger. The rocks were thrown by two men at the side of the road, who were plainly seen by the con ductor and train hands. t Sunbury, Penn., April 8. —This afternoon this community was shocked to hear of the shooting of Lottie Hover, aged seventeen years by her brother George, aged only fourteen years, which took place about three mi'es from here, on the road leading to Shamokin. The boy came late to dinner, and a disturbance arose between him and his sister. J'e left the table and went into an out room, remarking ‘‘l'll fix you,” and got a shot gun, came around and entered the front door, and, on stepping in, shot Lot tie. She fell, and never spoke. Zionsville, Iml., JTov. 3rd, 1880. Da. It. J. Kendall & Co., Cm.vis:— I have your valuable Treatise on the IlorSe and his Diseases and your Ken dall’s Spavin Cure. My Horses have the epizootic, one oi' them could not swallowt'or two days. I applied your Kendall's Spavin Cure twice to her throat and it gave most Instant relief. 1 think l could sell 1000 of vour books. * Please give prices to agents. Yours truly, Petek Bowen An Editor’s Escape. Office Industrial Era, ) Albia, la., May, 1880. j 1o Whom it may Concern: I take great pleasure in making j the following statement: I have been oflLcted with a disease of the kidneys for the past two years, and | have tried numerous remedies j with only partial and temporary relief. Warners’e Safe Kidney and Liver Cure was recommended to, me, and after taking it the pain and distress left me, and lam to- 1 day feeling itrong and well. I ntn perfectly satisfied that Warner's Safe Kidney a. d Liver Cure is the medicine needed, and can cheer fully recommend it to others. G. W. G A MM. FEorn rorsTv. Rome. — At the risk of being *u pcrfluotts. for I see you have quit a plethora of Roman correspondent. I will take up n y thrtirj where I ceased winding last. First of all for a little correction: 1 told you | that the loss by the flood was only about 130,000. This, as the sad I sequel has shown, was a'> error, hut I don’t know ns I should say the flood, hut rather the recee'Mng waters, revealed more loss than the water at its height. The fact is, it washed away a bank in the lower part of the city, which ?50,000 can ! hardly repair. All the “rocks’’ j contributed by our business men and carried to the bank to keep it j on a solid foundation, it appears, were no better than salt, for all were washed away and the whole superstructure was exposed to view immediately after the flood re ceded. I have not yet heard of i any steps being taken to give evi dence of sympathy for the gentle man who built the bunk, but con siderable sorrow lias been expressed by individuals, over the sad calam ity nevertheless. Rome will put on her best looks next May, when the philosophers of the tripod shall come to enjoy her hospitality; and unless signs j have no value, the occasion will ho i one calculated to give mutual j pleasure and benefit. The Ml.-.- j SLNGF.i: will be represented f course? Don’t get proud ,i... u J ! tel! you that yotir paper does you | honor, and if it is not appreciated by about 6,000 subscribers before j the year is up, it will not be because j you don’t deserve it. Owing to tbo continued cool j and unseasonable weather, things ! about here are rather backward j compared with former seasons. Tn fact 'we are having northern I weather, and | eople are taken by , surprisoby this climatieal phenome non. Where it is to end time alone ; can demonstrate. Cotton conies in slowly, owing no j doubt to the fact that farmers are busy at home; but our receipts of 110,000 bales will nevertheless he realized before the new crop ma tures. The self-sacrificing character of one of the managers of the Rome Bank is, if reports he true, very commendable. II is made to say by one of our papers, that he wi.l give up all his pri' 'te property to make good the lossrs to depositors. This is only equaled by one case in history, where the great Arterous 1 Ward, to save the Union, was will ing to eacrific all his wife’s relatives, and even the coat off his brother’s back. We will seo what we will see. Yours, A. T. Random. Rome. —Last Monday as one of the Coosa river steamers came up from Gadsden, n colored man be longing to the crew, discovered about three miles below this city, in a mass of driftwood, what he supposed to be the body of a dead man. When the boat arrived here the rumor gained circulation on the street anil parties went down in batteaux to the place indicated. When they reach there they found the body to be that of Dick Griffith who so mysteriously disappeared five weeks ago. He lacked only a a day of remaining under the water four weeks. His remains were brought to the city in tho afternoon and that night, after holding and inqust, the coroner re turned a verdict of accidental drowning, as no marks of violence were found on his peison to justify the suspicion of foul play. On Tuesday he was taken to Rock mart, the home of his father. My only comment, dissipation— death. Wednesday morning at 1 o’clock the fire alarm was sounded, and it was soon discovered tha :he First Baptist Church (col.) wes burning. It had gained such hrnu.vay that, when assistance came, it was too late, ft was entirely destroyed'. It is a rather remarkable fact Mint the been burned in this county during the past two months, all belonging to the Baptists. The burning of | this v. as accidental. A good crowd was at tho Opera i House Thursday to witness the | performance of “Uncle Tom’s Cab- j in.” It is strange that a play which j would not be seen by a Southern j j audience a few years ago, can now j | touch the tenderest placet of the most strong-hearted, ns was ilius- 1 trated on Thursday night. It was ; better than looked for. Last Thursday J. Wyatt sold his ■ liquor business to J. J. Baldwin & j Co., of Atlanta, who w ill continue 1 tm. .raffle at the same stand. "li : pathetic sight of a blind or i gs ett grinder led by a one a. mod 1 beggar was seen or Broad street Fridr . ner WMtehend w 'By .'tween two oar l u* ml In v, ill probal wo .h Only a few wet I . lie .Oh the name way Th comparably no busi ness police court Friday. Tlie' tiM oid coat” him had tlTc de aired «lit cl. A down town dry g< ods house is selling a fashionable hat called “Sain Morgan,” in honor of the zealous Mayor. 0. K. Hills dealer in furniture, failed Ihrl week, and his stock is be ■ ingsold by J. T. Warlick. The interesting ease of deposi tors vs flank of Rome was called j up Saturday in the Superior Court and will be resumed to-day. As the ablest counsel is employed on j both sides and considerable money involved this bids fair to he a very j exciting lawsuit. The “fountain” of Judge Under woods “mercy" ran dry last week and more than one poor fellow was ordered lo be taken care of at the ! expense of the Slate. Civil cases will he in order this week, lion, Judson Clements is spend ing a few days in Rome. He is so modest a man that his popularity j j he ri almost embarrassed him. Forty Shorter College girls walk ing from church yesterday was no j j bad '»ht. Jowth TEXAS. Bkdford. —As I am a native <>t j your state, ami love my old home, | I would like to say a few words to j the boys along the beautiful valley j of Duck Creek. Dear schoolmates, I left you last ; September. 1 came to Texnr ir. | search of the honey pan and fritter j tree, but I have not found the ob jects ot my search. My money ! gave out, and my pony broke down j and 1 turned him out on the range. I will have to walk the rest of the way, and do not know how I will make it through the sand. I do rot think a truthful man ) could stay here one month, and say he had no sand in his gizzard. If he c.hould do so, he would never part his lips. A man in Texas without a string to his hat is out of luck. The health of this section of country is generally good. I Laborers on the farm get from I fourteen to twenty dollers a month, j I Land here is worth from four to 1 ten dollars per acre. Wood und water are senree. I There are good things in this ■ part of the world, but many bad things are mingled with the good. I have traveled most of the time since I came here. I have seen a little of Texas, and if I was in Georgia I would stay there. I am not capable of advising any one, and will say come ahead, boys, j or stay in Georgia, just as you like. | If you come, tell your pa I would like <o rent some wheat land. I am stopping with an old Tennes seean. He lives in the east cross timbers, and says that “Texas is Texas any way you fix it, and brandy is brandy anyway you mix it.” People who have good homes in j Georgia had better remain with them. Ido not know the feelings j of others, but I had rather live , '< where there is good society, schools, , j and health, than to live in this part of the world. I There is plenty of good and cheap land here, but still it is not a desir- I able place to live. I will tell you how I was initiated when I came here. One fellow gave me n drink, | and two others roped and saddled -a pony about the size of a sheep; when I came to myself I was feel ing of my shirt to see how much of : filling was left in it. If you come : here, boys, eall on tne. You will find me on Little Boar Creek, where ! there k no bad things, but plenty j of peace and hominy, and good i fatty bread. Health and long life to tho M :jc::nokk, and boys of Walker. B. K. Sorghumkatkh. Tarrant Do., March 29,1881. Y. r e have r.n old horse, Sorehum, - j and he’s good, and our correspond- I enl Sorghum, if he is an eater, is a j ; good one, too. If he’ll continue to j I use the same pen, we’ll always be j glad to hear from him. l?" Those Mee Bream ami Trout. "Wo call attention to the new j advertisement of Veal & Son, j ; (Fishing Tackle for tho season.) j j They keep) everything in the line j I and of best quality in the line, and j j sells low at wholesale or retail, j j Call in ami see tho stock, and the ' boys. Joe or Sam Veal will show 1 you how to fix up your fine rod I and reel, with 100 yards fine fine ( uud . - lection of nice out flies. I Then you are resdv for fun Proceedings of the Hoard i Commissioners Hoads and Rev enues u ’alker County met pursu-‘ | „nt to adjournment. Present: L. K. Dickey, N. G. Warthen, VV. I»- Simmons, Wm. McWilliams and | John H. Ungers. Pauper list continued. Bern - Divings on pauper list at 310.00 per. quarter, W. I). Simmons agent. William Burrows, on pauper list at 310.00 per quarter, J. F. Smith agent. Two minor children of Mrs. Amanda Keenum, on pauper list for three months at 32.00 per month J. N. Haggard agent. John Hagan on pauper )i«t, at $9.00 per quarter, W. A. Weaver agent. Clark Turner, on pauper list at 310.00 per quarter, John Shaw 1 agent. Samuel Maloney and wife, cn pauper list at 818.00 per quarter, A. J. Neal agent. Benjamin Spangler, on pauper list for three months at 39.00, Da vid Hays agent. Hoad through James Mixon’s farm in 971st District G. M. estab lished. Road from Thos. Abercrombie’s !in 871st Diet., to District line of 82Gth District established. I Hoad from Union Hill church to intersect Tarvin road near Drake ! Williams, continued. 1 Road from farm of R. M. Baker j east to intersect Alabama road at | James Lowery's, continued. Road in 971st District at the foot iof the Dougherty Gap and inter . I secting old Road at J. M. lluse’s ! horse lot to bo advertised in Wal- I kku County Messenger, for thirty | days. i Road at lhe new bridge across Rock ' Creek, in 956th Dist., to be ndver ! tised in the Messenger for thirty I days. Road across Pigeon mountain and intersecting Dug Gap road on j the west side ot the mountain to be advertised for 30 days in the | Messenger. J. C. Wardlaw, A. It. McCutchen j and A. A. Simmons, appointed Re | viewers, to review and mark out j and make report upon tho estab ; iishment of a public road from the | farm of R. M. Baker, by the Round i Por.d,and intersecting the Alabama j road near tho N. E. corner of said j county. j Rond leading from County line j near W. R. Evans to big road at Jus ; Hammontrees, to be advertised in the Messenger for thirty days. Sheriff ordered to summon jury ■ to assess damages on change in road ! through Wm. Little’s farm in 1053 j District. Account of Walker County i Messenges for legal advertising amounting to 837. §0, allowed. Allowed account of E. C. Cordell, i for four dollars. Allowed account of E. B. Ward | law, 81.50. License issu 3d to J. E. Stout to j peddle in said county for one year : for eight dollars. Fifteen dollars appropriated to I building rock culvert across ravine in road at Dug Gap. Accounts of W. N. Thornton for 37.00 disallowed. Half dozen stone hammers fur nished for SG9th District. Board adjourned until first Tues ! day in July next. TRIOS GLEANINGS. Trion, April 12,1881. Editor Messenger: My gleanings this week are rot very cheerful. We are having very unfavorable weather, and several cases of sick ness. Mr. John League has been quite sick with peneumonia for a , week but is thought to be a little better to-day. Trennie Myers is also very sick with the same dis ease. Mrs. Nannie Myers has ca tarrhal fever. Mrs. Mary Clark had a severe attack of palpitation of the heart last night but is better to j day. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore was sick last night and this morning, hut at the time of this writing (noon) she is better. R. M. Eubanks received a pretty bad hurt last Thursday by a mule stepping on his ankle. Our Sunda; :hool is doing well; there were one hundred present last Sunday morning. There was no preaching here last Sunday; the Second Sunday being “vacant.” Our citizens propose to organize a singing society, for the purpose of improving in church and Sunday school music. There will be a meet ing at the church on Thursday this week for that purpose. All lovers of good music are invited to come. N. H. Coker. For mail it lias no equal. For heart ilt is not excelled. What? Kendall’s Spavin Cure. See their ndvertiement. Bones 00. COMMISSION MERCHANTS GENERAL BROKERS No. 2 McWilliams Block Rome Ga. 1 -AGEHTS FOB HALL’S FIRt AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. A complete tine of those celebra ted Safes kept !h stole where they can be exar fined be fore purchasing. They will lie sold at fac tory prices, And On lia*y Terms. Mar. 17, 3mo. ofLu. ii.e.- ' v.. ;,k-iiirii of let enedby tho strain of ttrstoil):nroveriimT your duties avoid Wf flight work, to res stlmulantH and use jf tore brain nerve and Hop Bitters. ■waste, use Hop B. If you aro young and ■suffering Trom any In discretion or disHipaMtion t if you aro mar- I ried or single, old or ■young, buffering from poor health or Uu.gtiihhKi ng oil a bed of sici uetw, rely on Hop|Bitters. Whoever you ore M Thousands die an- i whenever you feci « i", nunlly fro m nonie j that your system form of Kidney needs cleansing, that might ing or Humiliating have been prevented wlthouttnfoxu Unij, Iw ’I by ft tun e ly use of take Hop Mi T- Hopßltters Bitters. • Mwi j#A Have you tfys pe t wa, kirtiu g i q or urinary . . ~ plaint, dl»'u-i|'9 Jw an absolute of the ofomcu/i.l f,T itnT) land irresiata bmcels, ft/o.M/.j l\ I H I I Y cure for Uver orn ervea JLiiil LL\J A. dninkoneas, You will be W dseof opium, ; D|TTf|lo If you are p inn- • lulllLllv Bold by drug-J j {owßDlrited “HI NEVER ||s rculnr. 9 • aiUoS? i FA 11 hop bitoebs 1 life, ft has inlL "’ ro co » I saved hun* jg j,j Boeheiter, N. Y. 9 dreJß. - St Toronto, Opt. 9 1 A REVOLUTION A. W. JUDD, Portrait and Landscape PHOTOGRAPHER, has secured the exclusive right for the city of Chattanooga to use tho WONDERPTJL AROTYPE PROCESS. This is the process which has brought about sue ll a startling revolution in the manner of producing photographic prints. The arotype prints are made with printer’s inks on a common hand press, and are therefore absolutely per manent. The most remarkable feature of this improvement is the cheapness with which the prints can be produced. VVe respectfully solicit an inspection of the exquisite specimens of the work on exhibition 2VJ Market street, Chattanoo **• “'Tw’iCDD. J. 11. CADY & CO.. 198 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA,TENNESSEE. -§o§- Keep on hand a full line of Newspapers a ltd Periodicals, Kooks and Stationery. Whole sale and Retail, Wall Paper, Variety (foods, Wrapping Paper and Paper Hags, School Books. —§o§— Will sell any Book published. If not in stock will order promptly, —§o§ Call and see me mo when you come to Chattanooga and get bargains. ! T" W*R Id Est 'ST —HB irare KlitEVO^fil SiC CURE W THK LEADINU SCIENTIST* OF TO I>AY earee that most di-eases are caused by disordered Kidneys or I.iver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and l.lver ore kept in perfect order, perfect health will he tin* result. This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great aeo nv without being able to lind relief. The discovery of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure mark* a I new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made. from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it contain* I just the Clements necessary to nourish and invigo ! rate both of these great organs, and safely restore J and keep them In order, ft is a POSITIVE Keb . vi'Y for t II the diseases that eatw* pains in the low | er part of the body—for Porpld Liver- Headaches | —Jaundice— (Haziness— tSravelj—Fever— Ague— I Mnlariat Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidney* ! j Liver and Unnuiy «*rgans. j It Is an excellent and safe remedy for female dur i I ing Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and ie I invaluable for Lrucorrh® or Falling oftho VVhomh I As a blood Purifier it is uneaquahid, for it cure* j the organs that make the blood. READ THE RECORD. “It saved my life.”—[2. B. Lakely, Selma, AI». “It is the remedy that will cure the many dlscas* peculiar to women.”—[Mothers’ Magazine. “it lias passed severe test® and won endorsements from seme of the highest medical talent in th* country.”—[New York World. “.No" remedy heretofore discovered can be he for one moment in comparison with it.”- [Rev. *■* A. Harvey, I). It., Washington D. O. . This Remedy, which has dune such wonders, It I put up in the LARGBhT SIZED BOTTLE of any i medieln * upon the market, and Is sold hy Druggist* ! and all dealers at $1.95 per br.Hle. For Diabete’s, . enquire for WARNLR’S SaFF. HUHETF* | LURK. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H.H.WARNER&CO.,Rochester,N.T. i Nov. 4 2 V Come To 'JL'lie Balloon ! I Having conclud- BALLOON and ed to continue in Jnf*' getting some of the Dry GOODS M A the Wonderful M BUTTERICKS P business I have pO H bargains that are i i paper Patterns. fff . . purchased a new Wi M being oife re d stock, which I £ VERY will offer at such day. Dress goods extremely 1o w ’ 9cts and upward prices, that no 1 \ Prints Sola and one should visit • up, Jeans lOcts Chattanooga with and up, and ev out calling at the Sntff erything in the HOUSE IN THE SAME PKOPOETJ ON. THE SEWING MACHINE DEPRTMENT "rite Largest In r JTlie - -j. “'AMT’ith over 250 mao bines to make y ou r TT selection from, ranging in price from ten to 60 dollars. WANTED, si Machines in exchange for NEW ONUS. Or will Repair the old 41 it M ones. Charges moderate. If % \OO Second hand Mchines for sale i \ Lr, n “ B " v, '^ r all in good running order and iJfedagk AJ3t<l -will -foe iA * ~ sold Clieap ATTACHMENTS, WEDGES AA I) 'PARTS FOR A LI. IB ACIIIIVES. Don’t buy a*iy Sowing Machine before calling —AT THE— BALLOON TO GET OUR VERY LOW PRICES. XL em einl>er Tlie Balloon. H. H. SODBER. Important To the Citizens of North Georgia. JT. B. PYRON, Proprietor of the I j “GREAT ONE PRIDE GASOMPORIUH,” . 205 and 207 Market Street, j CHATTANOOGA, - - TENNESSEE has been for several rears earnestly engaged in building up and perfecting his ! “EMPORIUM,” and has now tirmlyjestablished his One Price Cash System l of doing business. So tha! when tho people of the various sections adjacent to | Chattanooga come irto trade,.they can buy goods just as cheaply as the mos e j pert "city shopper.” o— - Tlie One TPidee XCiiipoi'iuni Exhibits for the Fall and Winter of 1880, a Mammoth Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, NOTIONS FAR PETS, FRENCH MILLIN ERY' and DRESS MAKING. . The larger! stock by far ever shown in Chattanooga. *The entire building (3 stories high) being filled io its utmost capacity. Whenlyou want to buy goods at Rock Bottom Prices,"and in a store where old and young, lich and poor, are sold at exactly the a jingle exception. Go to J. B. PYRON, » 1 t ■ ’ 205 and 207 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. . S, Especial attention paid tojfilling orders.