Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, April 28, 1881, Image 2

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-l— s s r n g k R. THE .MESSE> 1 K It, Edito r. Tmurn.vY MoUKixr , irl of Bearn ifichl is deau Hullty. «Y’.iuidi'h Ark, Mr*. Nutt in n frenzy, killed her live chil . tlrvii, tlie oldest n lev of twelve. ♦ The Bank of Griffin one of the Stntes depositories, made ;i tender nftlie money due the elide, to tire Treasurer Speer. Speer refused to receive the lueds. At tho firemens parade in da con on the 20th, where three prizes were offered for the fastest work, '(irillin company, the Stonewall, •carried, ofT the first honor. The distinguished i hildron of the •country, onr high and mighty sen ators, are still engaged in the scratching business. Both shies are in a had humor, and they be mean, hefntil, slander, and throw ■dirt, at each other. Harvey Hill the colored murderer of Skelton, the jailorof Hart county was hung April 22 inst, after tie murder of Skelton he escaped from prison. His deUotion and re-arrest were cansed by a personal deformity lie had double thumbs. In Baltimore on the 22nd while a drummer was having a jolly time over his supptr a thief had an equally jolly time in his room. He broke open the drummers trunk and got off with between SBOOO SIO,OOO worth of gold chains. —♦ All of the leading nations havj sent their representatives to Paris to settle the question whether gold alone or gold and silver shall he the money of the world, and if sil- 1 ver is retained, how much silver should be in a standard coin. The Bank of Rome case was bit fore the supieuie Court las', week. Branham of Rome who, with '■ I’rintup, is representing the depos itors, distinguished himself by his able argument. He had the right on his side, for he was pleading for j the poor agonist a powerful State. m ♦ Dawes, ot Mass, has been un- Juc.ty. Ho stated that a cotton manufacturer of Miss, a northern nun, had hern kulciuxed and hull dozed, ]lint his property had been j destroyed and himself swept out of t :e county by the blast of political persecution, lie afterwards shifted his gentleman to Louisi ina and i said his name was Heath and that he was worth, before he was burnt j oit by hi< neighbors, $25000. Now comes forward a prominent Repub lican of Louisiana, who says that Meath was his neighbor, that his j gin house was burnt hut. alas, that that he burnt it himself to get the insurance. She Steered the Hunt. Me, E. R. Sugart, one of Mariet- j la’s most promising young men. j called on Miss Leona Cox, a young 1 lady who had recently mr.ved to this place from LaGrnnge, Ga., and she sang and | laye.J on tho guitar for him, in tho course of which she had occasion to crow like a rooster. When she had finished tho song, the young man said that ‘lie would love to have a little rooster like that.’ Whereupon she replied that ‘ho could get one for a dollar and a half.’ They parted, and two days afterward she received a note ask ing her hand in marriage, which was granted. They were married on tho 24 inst., Rev. D. L. Buttolph officiating.— Marietta Journal. X Itermits Death. New Philadelphia, Ohio April 21. —Word wag received here to day of the death of an aged Ger man, named Christian Zimmerman familiarly k'>Gwn t<> the people of this siction aa the ‘‘old hermit who lived in the rock.” lie was a very eccentric old follow, and for the past few years has been living ; among the hills of Warwick town ship, this county, where he died. For many years he lived in a large rock m the woods on old Town Valley, near li r\ He had hut one room, Bby 10 and six feel' high. Ilia chairs, bed, table and a small atand were nil carved in the solid rock. His door was of' the same material with heavy iron hinges. It jg said that he daily expocted a fortune from his father's estate in the old country, and for fear that lie would he robbed, con ceded the idea of living thus pro tected and alone. His fortune, however, never came. The rock stands as a monument to the old tn in, and is an object of great curi osity to the passer-by.— Atlanta Cansliluti -n. Kill An has the Fluor, Winter has left us at last —a hard old winter—hard even on us in the sunny south and merciless on our northern brethren, l’or about sev /Pen months they liov.i been snow ; bound and ice-bound up in frozen homes, and the ice is just now breaking up, and great Hoods are overflowing them, and Still they are afraid to move to ll.is blissed land—afraid ufkii-khix and barbarian''. I'm sorry for ’em,'tint [ don't cor.- enough ill out it to w. ej) nod distress mi self. W. cun get iilonir verv well nil bout ’em. We’ve been calling ’em I iodiy Since the war, and given welcome to those who did oolite, and now I am opposed to the calling business. I’m willing to say howdy, and make a passing reioai k about the wen.her, hut that's all. No more 1 taffy, no more 'honey and sugar. ’ We want To bo honeyed some m/r- ! selves. It’s been a one-sided game long erougli. We’ve sold ’em our sugar, and cotton, and riee, and to- 1 bucco, and syrirji, and ■sweet-pota- I toes, and gubbers, and watermelons, ‘ and bought llreir patent medicines, 1 and fly-traps, ainl doll-babies, and * yankee notions, and picture-books, 1 and dime novels and Bulterick’s ' patterns, and all their tom fooleries ' and gone to all their circuses and ‘ monkey shows and paid out thou sands of dollars to hear Vm peddle * and sing at.d jump round and they 1 go back and chuckle and tell their 1 n a hors how much they made off of 1 us, and now because Griffin ex- 1 pressed her indignation in an egg- ' splosive manner, tlio whole of the 1 yankee nation is mad about it. I 1 Our people have long since reoog- ] 1 nized slavery as a dead issue, and : ‘ they needent be sending Uncle j 1 Tom’s Cabin down hero to revive!' it and teach our children a lie, and I reckon the Griffin hoys took the i most convincin way of proving that it was an cggstincC institution. We ! are getting along pretty well and want ’em to let us alone. It looks j '.ike them IVUers up north just keep I 1 our people and our sunny land as a sort of nest egg, and if they come i ! across a had one occcasionally they | j oughtent to grumble. If they cant I get all that we make one way they will another fur they have got the ! money, and money is a power that 1 ! will buy or seduce most anybody.! j Now here is the greet railroad cor.i- ( j bination—this (ripple alliance that i has run the Central and Georgia j 1 stuck uivny up yonder and the peo- j pie say bully and look on and won i 1 der and its made some folks rich ' all of a sudden but the plain truth :is the whole business is a selling j out to the yankees—to northern | | railroad monopolies, for the slock ! !in all tlies i gigantic operations is owned in New York, or up there | somewhere, and the tripplo alliance I Imdent been made three days bo ! fore the freight agents met in Cin | cinnnli and raised the tariff forty I per cent at a jump. Pretty good I raise for the first mooting wasent it, and I reckon they will meet again i before long, and we the people are ito pay for it. The old rule was i that those who dance must pay the ! fiddler, hut these fellers dance all | Highland make the bystandes pay f or looking on. Sometimes when I get to thinking about the greed | grip of them millionaires up north i and how they keep insinuating ; their claws into our country, 1 get | alarmed and wonder how long they will let me keep my land and live ! in peace and seclusion, and if they ; don’t git it by some liokus before : I die how long will they let the children keep it. Hut still I am l.opefnl—for they have got to die all the same like the rest of us, and death scatters tilings amazin’soon for its a law of ! nature that a man who lives to to make money and nothing else, raises a pussel of children who live to spend it. Wm. 11. Vimdethilt ! is an exception, hut there ain’t many, and 1 rreop. his children will make it fly if he has got any. j The difference in the happiness of ! mankind don’t depend on the amount of money they have made hy no means, and I never saw the day f would change places with A, T. Stwewart-, who worked all his life like a dog. and his greateit : pleasure .was to break down a rival and break him up, too, and as soon as lie died a man no kin to him gobbled up l.is fortune and some thieves come along one night and stole his bones, and no body eared, and, il that ain’t a strtnan on striving niter liihis I never knew one, but you might as null i P r< ‘ a eh it to a dead horse as to J .y Gould, or Jim Keene, or Armour, or any of them fellows who would see a nation perish to death for bread and meat if it put a few mil lions in their pocke‘. Corners is the w..rd noiv. Get a corner on Miinotlling— tbatp.sjimt the people ill n corner »1 ere they can neither luick inn squall, I raw. the rther day that.they had-got uj> a ci rner ori peas-cow pen*, and had bought uni all up oil thoxly nod was hold ing cm at 50 a buihel by the car load. 1 may he mistaken hut it seems to rue a little higher grade of happiness to lool; out upon the green fields of wheat and the leaf ing trees and the Iduo mountains in the distance and hear tlio d vo cooing to her mute, and the whip poorwill ring a welcome to the i.igl.t, and hunt 11 iwersnhd bubby i blossoms with the children, nmi make whistles for ’em and hear ’em 1 blow and see ’em get after a jump- j in’ frog ir a garter snake, and hunt hens nests, and paddle in the i branch and get dirty and wet all over, aml'ivaleh their /penitent and subdued expression when they go . home, as Mrs. Arp "looks at ’em with amazement and exclaims, "Mercy on me; did ever a poor * mother have such a sell Will Tevui j get done making clothes. Put these J on right clean this morning arid;, not another clean rag in the house! ! tin get me a switch, right straight, j J go! I will not stand ill” Hut sire 1 i will stand it, and they know it - 1 especially if I remark, “Yea they . j ought to lie whipped.” That saves j i ’em and by the time the switch ‘ comes the tempest ib over, and , some dry clothes are found and if thcru.is any cuke in the house \ they get it. Blessed mother! fortu- ’ nate children! What would they do 1 without her? Why her very scold ing is music in their tender ears. I’iu thankful that there are some things that corner in the domestic circle that Wall street cannot buy nor money kings depress.— Bill Arp in Atlanta Cunditutimi. TEXAS Christian, Tux., Afiui.,2l, ’Bl I live 52 miles from Weather ford, 18 miles from the town of l’alo Pint >, 18 from Jacksboro, 20 from 1 Graham City, in the famous Huchi valley. We have just harl a good rain, the first in two months, and the far mers were complaining very much of the dry weather. We have had one of the severest ! winters, that has been in this coun ] try for many years, but it is about | over now. Our farmers are very much be hind w ith tin ir work. On the 14th, we had a freeze that kiln di he vegetation, Corn was all j t>it down. It did not hurt the wheat much. There was very lit tle sowed. | The farmers have all gone wild after cotton, though it is not a good | cotton country. There are hut very few farmers lien ; the most of them j work at something else to make a I living. Running cattle seem to he the order ot the day. Cattle are very I high; from five to seven dollars for i j .yearlings; two year old’s sll. Land unimproved, from two to 1 ! five dollars; improved none selling. All of the Walker County people | who are doing well, l ad better stay there. I would like to see all of | them, but I cant come there and I | would advise them not to come J here until they want room. Wo ! have plenty of that. J l '. J. Stewart. - •m ♦ 9s I’rof. J. C. Stokes, the successful | teacher, is once more in the field 'as an instructor, lie has taken ' | the platform as a lecturer, and has 1 j brought to liis aid in imparting in i formation the Sciopticon, which by j its life like pictures,can throw light !on any desired subject. The eye ■ as well as the ear by this means is f, brought in aa a pleasant factor in mastering any point of science. The field that he has selected for his ' | liihots is the scientific, the moral j and the religions. All who .-'ttend • his entertainments will find them j interesting, entertaining, and the | means of acquiring valuable in ! formation in the most rapid, effect ual and pleasant manner. We know of no way in which an hour can be spent to more advantage than by becoming one of his audi- ! once. As a progressive, liberal, Christian man, who desires the improvement of his kind', and is wonting for the same, weeommend him to all. Kendall’s .Spavin Cure is highly I recommended hy Prof. Williams the wonderful ltorse trainer. Read their Advertisement. a^HHM! vj’.t - l'U-|iru:L*S^;:;elkK'kot.lieClean.of .. *ai.l , i i.nr,\ s.n.-k 1 ei.py, A).-., of el u,r -a u.l . I.iouim inch,'., ei "Yen.tiita I > . ••>'. I'.-.'". ;• black She, ei.KIlHKik. ia ; mniltiy: ' l l.r .tun Ucklcv's M.suke." * SI i ‘ ' ‘ '.■■■■' k.kiel a : ibllilcc..|-v c "Woo-T'a ’ ‘ " ! '’ kilim*. .■ .id, for enljr SUivut , . , »•.! 1,1 onc-c»ct poatnkJ ». .IHI». A»cotj ; •, hlio.ol icnn- I >• noUi'iiatnit fre». '■ -Vowl,Ti.t.aacC -.iatiaaSn York City. \ GEORGIA W ALKER COUNTY. Whereas the Reviewers appointed to niork out arid make report upon the lablirliwcnt ol'a pulilio roa<l in the 951), [patriot G, M. iff said county. to wit:' I,nuvinK the Chattanooga Valley road ■_>:( feet south of the north rod of William (,'inthfii 11’# pate and running a north easterly diteotio" an as to reach the south hank of Honk Crook throe lent oii-t of l ho now bridgo at tin? south end of said bridge, tlntiee commencing at the north end of said bridge or tlirce foot east of said bridge and running in a north easterly direction .13 feat and tlicnooin a northwesterly diieetion so as to intor-ecl thn main Cltattnnooga V ul >v roail ohmit 80 yards n nth of the old ford on Rook Crock, have teporte.l that the establishment of -aid road will he of great public utility, it .i --therefore ordered timt citation he pul lislted at the <i"or of'he Court Ibrn t anfi in the Wai.icbr County Mkssrn | OKU'for t flirty days notifying all persons ' concerned that an onler will ho passed on the first Tuesday in July next estab lishing she same if ‘no goad and stimot eni can te is shown to the contrary. J his 51 h daV of April, 18sl. By order of the Board of Commis-iottcrs of Hoads and Revenues of Walker county. R. .N. Dickkuson, Cleric. GEORGI A, VVA LKKR* COUNTY. Whereas, the reviewers appointed tn mark our and make report upon the es tablishment of a change in the pul lie road in the head of the Cove, in the i 971st district, G. M., to-wit; Leaving! the old road at the end of the lane near the Dougherty Gap, and running south to Dry Creek, thence up the creek bank , and intersecting the old road at or neat i the corner of the horse lot of J. M. , Hose, have reported that the establish- j Bient of said charm in said road will be of great public utility. It is therefore i ordered that citation be published at the j door of the Court House and in «lie Wai.ki:); County Messknoku for j thirty days notifying all pel sons coucernd that an order will be passed on the first j Tuesday in July next, establishing said J change in said road if no good and j sufficient cause is shoWn to the contrary. ' This st!i day of April, 1881. By order of the Board of Commission ers of Roads and Revenue of Walker county. It. N. DtCKKIIsON, Clerk. Georgia, walker county. Whereas the reviewers appointed to J mark out and tnako report upon the es j | tabiishment of a public road in the nine I | hundred and fifty thitd distiict, G. M,, j • of said county, to-wit; The road lead j | ing from the county line near Win. B. j Evans’s to the big road at James Ham- j montree’s, a distance of about or -half mile, have reported that the nslublish- I nient of said road will be of great public ! : utility and convenience. It is therefore j | on ored that citation be published at the { j door of the Court House and in the j I Walker County Mkssenof.u for thirty i | days notifying all persons concerned • i that art order will be passed on the first Tuesday in July next establishing the ! same if no good and sufficient cause is I shown to the contrary. This oth day of i April, 188). By order of the Board of Commissioners I of Roads and Revenues of Walker j i county. R. N. DICKERSON, t'letk. gkohgia, Walker county. Whereas the reviewers appointed to j mark out and make report upon the os | tabiishment of a public road in the eight j hundred and seveutv-first district G. M.. j of said county, to wit; Commencing at | the Catlett Gap road about one hundred i yards east of the mineral spring. ; and running in a southwesterly direction I until it intersects the Dug Gap road on I the west side of the mountain, have j reported that the establishment of said ! road will be of great public utility. It is therefore ordered that citation be 1 published at the door of the court house and in the Walker County Mes , senger for thirty days notifying all per sons concerned that an order will be ' passed on the first Tuesday in July next. . establishing the same if no gortti and sufficient cause is shown tn the contrary. This slb day of April, 1881. 1 By order of the Board of Commissioners) of Hoads and UevenUes of Walker county. ID X. DICKERSON, Clerk. r GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. John'A. Shaw, guardian of Avis L. | Fitzpatrick and John D. Fitzpatrick, ' ! having ulUdc application to resign bis , trust and naming ft. N. Dickerson Be a suitable person, willing to accept the ! trust. This is to cite the said It. X. Dickerson find the next of kin of said : wards to show cause, if any theycan, on the first Monday in May, next, I i why the resignation of Joint A. Shaw I as such guardian should not be accepted and It. X. Dickerson appointed in bis stead. This March 2!>tlt, 1881. , MILTON RUSSELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA WALKER COUNTY. Whereas John A. Shaw, administra tor of Alexander Shaw, deceased, represents that lie is desirous of re -1 signing said trust, and recommends K. i N. Dickerson as a fit and proper person to take said administration. This is to cite said K. X. Dickerson and next of i kin of said deceased, why the saitl H- X. Dickerson should not be, on the first Monday in May next, appointed | administrator tie bonis non of said I intestate in the place of Joint A. Shaw resigned. This Mart’ll 29th, 1881. MILTOX RUSSELL, Ordinary. ROB2NSGN WAGON COMPANY manufacturers of Spring* WAGONS Eug-gies & Phaetons. IE A’ DO NO'I ~WANT AGENTS! WE OFFER OUR STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES TO THE TRADE- Work that has an established repula * tion, and that can l>e handled with sat isfaction, both to buyer and seller. Send for designs and prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO.. I _____ _ CINCINNATI. 0, Allen’s Planet Jr Hand- I Drills and WUKUt. liOKS. TIIUKRIfW ! Kyle*. “They aow like a cßcrm." and hoe I U tter, easieruml eix times Taste- jPXr K* «hmn the h»ni hoo. SEMPLE, *l* HtKdK & l!i>. IB s, Aluitt fru Louia, Mo. Ctrt ulttffrtv. ArWal>*lKjEr!Lr anto-linexcrvtown, w«»_- aJ“ Please iuu in vrlmt Paperyou ratit..'*- M||J|B|Bnfuut! In I t > •• I>\ s. 'ion ycarsc I Joncw Sc Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AX if GENERAL BROKERS Nj. 2 MeWillirms Block Rome Gn. —A<>ILVi'N IOR HALL’S FJRt AND BUHGLAR PROOF SAFES. A I'flinpletu lint* of these celohfii- j led * ■»(•% in (.tore where they can be be fore pmclmsiii”. They w ill be .sold at fne- , tory j trices, Ansi On Etui’ Turin*. Mar. 17, 3mo. j ( fe\r If vtiu arc n rutii you axe f'fl.u iucHs.wt ak gflV man of let- j onod by tho Ktiuin ol ter* toilinu over mid your duties avoid W night work, to ros- Htiinalantn and ua e Vm tore brain nerve niul Hop Bittera. ■wa«to, use Hop B. If yon aro youmj antlltrafferlng from any In- , discretion or (L-tnipuHtion: it von a:.; mar ried or nintrl*. old urHyounjr, Hiil/erln* from poorhualth ou lamniLhftLln* on * b*jd of sick uowi, rely on H O pggß’ttbrt. Whoever you are, Thousands die an- 1 whenever you foe I ffl nnully from some that your NysGu; jSn i -n of Ktuney needs clflaCmrlmr, too- *dJV|b*(!Lsea’>e that iniuht Inpr or Htiin'.Kntiuff jßßra hnvo l.teen rivvented wirhoutfntox/r itinu, Hml by a 1 1 ui el y use of take ’Hop V Hopßltters Bitters. MfKk Harp you dy*- P'P*>A, rj l. C. or uritiaru cum- KIP" 11,1 , . . . plaint, disease Hg an ahsohite of tho ttomach, W ITHTI P. nd U-fls, blood. W |-l||K hie i’llre fur liver or nerves t '■p A. drunko ness, You will be opium, cumllf you use ,£ HlTirnfl tobar*co» or Hop Bitters fl KIS I ftKS lUU ’ Ifyhnareshn-B8 UIM LIIU Qoldbydmff-J | ply weak and HJ -, ri/rn »rLsts. Beudfora 1 tow spirited, try 9, NIVIK Circular. d r I p-Aii "•y*"- a Illfe. It hos S r/\ I L * f 0 C - ’ I saved hun- Mi Hofheiter. N. Y. I , dreds. lyj. ■ T. 11. CADY & CO.- j. 198 Market Street, i CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. j —§o§— Keep on hand a full line of ! Newspapers and Periodicals, Books and Stationery, Whole sale and Retail, Wall Paper, Variety Goods, Wrapping Paper ami I'a per Bags, School Books. -§o§- \Vill sell any Book published. If not in stock will order promptly. —§o§ — Call and sec me mo when you come to i Chattanooga and bargains. | • £ fcUßE*fif TUB I. HA I UNO Srf RVTISTB OF TO PAY n irutf lint iiiu.4l di misuii art* rnUsO’il by disord *.ri:d Kidiiuys or i.iver. If, »h«r*»fnre, llio Kiduevs *nd liivor ur« k«*pi m purffct order, perfect health win I It** tiie repii't. This truth lms only been known a i slmrt lime and for vents people suffered ureal m«»o --nv wilholit iminir nhlu to find relief. The disco vary j of VV.iriier’s Sale Kidney amll.iver (’ore markr a ; new era in the tr< ;tfineni of these troubles. -Made ! fiom a Kimpie tiopical leaf of rare value, it eontai «s | jilst ihe elements necessary to nourish ami ii.vlyo j rate liofli of these irreat < leans, hud »af< Iv resto*** 1 and keep them in order. It is a I’fiSITIVK Rew kdy for i li Hie tilseases that cause tGiinsiu tlie low’ er part »f tlm Imdv—for ForpM i.iver- ibadaehr* —Jaundice— litatchies*—Grnvelj—Fever—Ague-- Malarial Fever, and all dilAculties eftlie Kidney* Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe retro dy for female dor ing Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation ami ir invaluable for l.encorrhoj or F ailing ofthe Wlnunb. As a blond Pinitier it is unenqualed, for it cureo i the organs that make the blood READ THE REC )RD. “It saved my lif l .”—[3. B. Lakely. Selma, Ala. “it the remedy ti nt wilt core tlmmany disens# peeu inr to women.”— [Mother** Magazine. “it has pa.-sed severe tests and won end- rsements from some of the highest medical taient in ih« ..ountry.”—[New York World. . “No remedy heretofore discovered can be be for one moment in comparison with it.” [Rev. *- A. Harvey, l>. If, Wni-hington |>. U. 'i’liis Remedy, which has rhino such wonrh rs, i* put up in tiie LARGEST SIZFI) BOTI’LE of any im diciiH ti'ion the market, and is sold by Driiceist* and all dealers ni .$1 per bttile. For Diabetu’s, 1 | enquire for WAKNKRM SAFE UIABETF* i-l RE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H. If. Earner A- to., Rochester, N.Y Nov. 4 ‘iv ROUE I'KICES: Veal X, Son, Jewelers. ! Gold American Levers $50.00 j I Ladies Gold Watches 20.00 j I Gents’ Silver American Le vers 10.00 I Gents’ Silver Swiss 8.00 Gents’ Nickel American 8.00 Gents’ Plated Swiss 5.00 Composition Swiss 3.00 Seth Thomas Clocks, fine...... 5.00 Plain Mantle Clocks 4.00 Medium Good Clocks.. 3.00 Common Clocks 100 Fine Gold Opera Chains 20.00 Solid Silver Teaspoons, per sett..- j 5.00 Solid Silver Forks, per sett... 12.00 Silver Plated Teaspoons, per sett..... 1.00 Silver Plated Tablespoons, per sett 2.00 Double Lined Violin, Bow and wood ease 5.00 Solid Silver Thimbles, (name engraved on) 50 Henyy Solid Gold Wedding Rings, (names engraved)... 5.00 A OFFICIAL HISTORY OF TIIE ft I UiNTENI EXHIBITION -rjome To 'All© 1 Walloon ! ! Having coi.chid WALLOON ond snme the t)ry GOODS ! « the Wonderfu ' l business I have By Ja* bargains that aro Ki I'naier Patterns. 1.. „ , purchased a new Wm * ■ being ofle re d stoo , wliich I t y EVE It Y will o’frer a t suc'i day. Dress goods extremely low * J.jglijr'/ Acts and upward prices, that 'no Prints scts ond in.r -! -uni vi it . •_ up, .leans Diets Chattanooga with ;■ and up, and ev 6ut calling ut the -35 r erything in the HOUSE IN THE SAME PROPORTJ ON. THE SEWM6 MACHINE DEPRTMENT Tlie Largest In Tlx© J^tate* over 250 mac hines to make you selection I'roiu, ranging in price from ten t 0 60 dolUr *' tVANTED, SOOOanua. i. wnm —for NK W ONUS. Or will Repair the old a / ones. Charges moderate. \ ! / \ "ICXCA Second hand llchtnes for sale B / f jl. | all in good running order and ■ A - rici ’will Ido sold Cliea-p ATTACHMENTS NEEDLES AND PARTS FOR AXE MACHINES. Don’t buy any Sewing Machine before calling —AT THE— BALLOON TO GET OUR VERY LOW PRICES. lieiiicssibei* Tlxe BaUoon. 11. H. SOtJDER. a ■ Important To the Citizens of North Georgia. .r. 15. PYRON, Proprietor of Sire “GREAT ONE PRICE SASH EMPORIUM/ 20.? and *207 Market Street, CHATTA N’OOfpi A, - TENNESSEE has been for several years earnestly engaged in building up and perfecting his "EMPORIUM,” and has now lirmlylestablished his Onk Price Cash Ststkm !of doing business. So that al,i n (he people of the various sections adjacent to I Chattanooga come imo ffadi-itlifiy can buy *66ds just aS cheaply as the mos e j pert “city shopper.” The One I*l*l©© iSixiporixmi Exhibits for the Tall arid Winter of I'SSO, a Mammoth Stock of DRY COODS, CXOTHING, SHOES, H ATS, Sill RTS; NOTIONS CARPETS', FRENCH MILLIN'* ERY and DRESS MAH'INO. The largert stock hy far ever shown, in Chattanooga. "The entire building (S stories high) being tilled io its utmost pyy.acitv. Whenjyou want to buy goods at Rock" Bottom Prices, and in a store where old and young,'.rich and poor, are sold at exactly the same a ‘single’ exception. Go to J. B. PYRON, •dO.Vtintl *207 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. . S. Especial attention pa|d toTiliing orders.