Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, May 05, 1881, Image 2

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.—— « -iK sskn ( i i: Ft. THE Ml>> API ER, Kdlt or. i.AFAVI' ll' '«• . too , I'ETTK, GA. May 5,1881. TIIUH SDAY Al _ n,ovi»:<orv>v. Rome— Well, I BUp|>oge we mny lake it for granted that spring has finally done that which neither the Rank of Rome nor the CHizcns’ Rank of Atlanta ere ever likely to do, become eelt'ed, to the happiness and satisfaction of all parties. Rid you ever notice, dear render, the peculiar effect, the reviving effect, which a change from a long dreary Avinter has upon the spirits of a man —I mean a man who "Seeks to fill his place in the grand conglom erate -of society by laboring for the ’intellectual inlrrtainment of his; •fellows? That man is similar to the plant in the vegetable'kingdom, which droops under the damp chilling atmosphere of winter, but raises its petals under the genial rayj of the vernal sun. In fact man.is a species of barometer at all times, fleis influenced by exterior starrouridings and wifi partake of them in liis inner being to some ex tent at least. That wtsich flows from within, will be a sure mdica- j tor of his We feelings. What • warmth of sentiment could yon ex pect to gush from a person w''o j writes in a room with the tempera- ! ture down to zero. How could you j expect a man to write in dry humor while exposed to sleet and rain? Rut when birds (ill the nir with their songs of praise, when the vio let ar.d buttercup bedeck the carpet of nature in all their vari-colored ! splendor; when trees put on their spring suits of green, when the j meadows invito our footsteps to chase the butterfly, and when all animated nat jre seems to rejoice in new-horn life, it is then above all other seasons of the year, that we feel like adding our voice or em ploying our pencil in giving ex pression to the joy within us. I hope you will pardon this little di gression, if I promise never to do so again and give me your atten tion while I endeavor to be less grandiloquent and more matter of fact. Rome is completely hidden in heavy foliage, nil cut within the past ten days. Green and luxuriant and as viewed from one of our J seven (or more) hills, not a prettier ; spot can be imagined. Oar Wgid Colons have adjourned the Rome Rank case over to Atlanta, where if the depositors don’t get , justice, there is a fair prospect that they (ti e lawyers) will loso noth ing. in which enso they will be more fortunate than the former. I have not yet hear l of any steps being taken for a public expression of sympathy for the unfortunate i managers of the defunct institution, hut Romans arc slow to act in some matters. The magnates of the railways were in town tho other day, to con sult some of our citizens about tho j location of the new passenger sta tion, and i r f may judge from the j proceedings of two separate meet- j ings, the only thing left to Jo is to j build two, one at the upper, the | other at the lower end of the city, j for the uptown folks insist that they j have the only eligihls site, while I those in the lower end are equally j sure that the only suitable place is j at the lower end, and I can see no better plan than to give each parly a new station, so ns to keep pence in the fami'y, you know. Our ex- j oellent daily, the Tribune, appeared ! yesterday for the last time. The people of Rome will miss it to-mor row. The editor says “three dailies ; are too many for Rome.” I always thought so, but then ono good paper like the Tribune will certainly leave a void which it will be hard j to fill. The Weekly Tribune will be ' continued under lire same manage ment in n grentlv improved form, ae the “people’s paper.” More in my next. A. T. Random. Rome. —Robt. Smith Rattey, aged 13, son of Dr. Robt. Rattey of this city, died at Oxford, (la., last Mon day, where he had been attending college for the past two years. His remains reached here Tuesday, ac companied by Rev. AtticuaG. Hay good, and several students of Emo ry College. The funeral was preach ed by Rev. A. G. llaygood. Miss Dora Rudicil has been from Summerville a week, visiting Miss Ella Bailey, of DeSoto. She leaves for home to day, and Tom will doubtless be Wright sad. Mr. \V. M. Humph, died very suddenly on Sunday morning the 17th inst, after doing a hard day’s work Saturday. Rev’s. G. A. Nunnlly and A. Mc hun, were absent Inst week, uttend , ing the Annual Baptist Convention which was behig held in Athens. Rev. Mr. I’atlillo, is conducting a most interesting meeting at the Foreslvilhi Church. The Union Services will he held nt the Methodist church it. this place each, morning and evening, of the present Week. As an evi dence of the'good being done I y these meetings, several yesterday connected themselves with tile'dif ferent churches. James A. Clement's History of Rome and North Georgia, is nearly ready for 'he press. This promises to be an interesting volume to tin people of this section of Georgia, as: w< ll as to those who anticipate im-- migrating l.itlf *“. The Mountain City Fire Co., gave 1 a “stag” hall last Monday night, after which they adjourned to Sar geanls and enjoyed two hrmrs in speeches, singing and supper. Mr. Mail iron Henry, of Summer ville, passed through the city last Monday, en route for Savannah, where he goes so represent, his town in the'Grand Region, (or grand .something else) </f tire Knights of Honor. Mr. Isaac McArver of Coosaville, father ot Mr. A. R. McArver o! this place, died Thursday morning. He was sixty-eight ye«rs of age, and almost totally blind. The railroad magnates were here last Friday frrorpeclirvg with a view to locating tho site of the rrew de pot tor S. 11. AD. 11. ft. We are 1 now divided into an “uptown” and a “down town” party, each want | ing the dpeot in its respective por tion of the city. j The Daily Tribune has suspended, ! and it is refreshing to know that it ' has not “busted.” It mny be re sumed next fall. ft thinks Rome ] can’t stand more than two dailies j during the heated term just ahead of us. Already are college girls discus i sing that interesting occasion — Commencement. “Maid of Shorter ere we part, Give meback”-my chewing-gum JoWTH, Tax Receivers’ Netted THE LAST BOUND. I will he at the following named (dace i for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1881: : Coldwater[loß3] Saturday,May 7th 1 Seminole [96l], Tuesday, “ 10th Dirtsellei [SMO], Wednesday “ lith Sunny Dale[ooß],Thursday “ 12th Teloga, [927] Friday, ' “ 18th J Trion, [B7o] Saturday “ 14th I Summerville [92s],Monday “ 10th j Subligna, [9o2] Tuesday, “ 17th ! DrCheney’s[94o] Wednesd’y “ 18tlt Dirttown, [94o] Thursday “ 19th Frank Cohdi.k, T. R, Chattoogu county. I will be at the following places, ; namely; Chambers, Thursday, May stli. Ninth, Friday, “ 6th. lilackstock, Tuesday, “ 10th. Ringgold Ist Tuesday in each month Graysville, Ist Suturduy in each month. 15. F. 11 .wills, T. R. Catoosa county. I will be at the following places namely; LaFayette, Thursday, May, sth Wilson, Friday, “ oth Cane Creek, Saturday, “ 7th West Armuchee, Saturday “ 14th B. F. Neal, T. R. Walker county. When Mr. Nunnally’s temperance resolutions were adopted by the Baptist Convention, we thought that the long roll lmd at last been sounded, and that lively times were ahead. Rut instead of a general engagement being ordered, ilieir ac tion was reconsidered, and the ad vance is confined to the skirmish law. We think this a mistake. It is true there would have been any amount of dodging in the General Assembly, when the petition, to re strain the sale of liquor, came up. But when the fight with whisky comes oft', that is the true battle ground, and the churches must make it. The world never will. A I.osing hilv, A prominent physician of Pitts burgh said jokingly to a lady pa tient who was complaining of ill health, and of his inability to cure her, “tiv Hop Ritter.-!’ The lady took it in earnest an used the Bit- j : ters, from which she obtained per manent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his joke, hut he is not so well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient.— Uarri's burgh Patriot. Rome now wants u cotton factory, Advertl .liur Cheats. It has become so common to write 1 the ireginning of an elegant, inter esting article aid then run it into 1 some advertisement that we avoid • all such cheats and ami situplv Call attention to the merits of flop Hit ters, in as plain honest terms ire posailile, to induce people to give them one who knows their value will ever use inYthing else. — Prov idence Advertiser. At the LaFayette Nursery I can supply the people of this section wirli «t| of fbe leading varieties of peaches, plums, cherries, and strawberries, from the earliest to the lalest. Southern -trees for southern soil,'ifyou Want to suc ceed. *1 guurnnte ■my frees I’rneto n line. Trices low. No such prices as you have to pay for Northern tree*. John JuNfek, ’ - - « Try Randall's Spavin Cure, a sure remedy for Spaviim, Curbs, Ringbones, or-any enlargement of the joints. See tlm advertisement. • -» - A British steamer was wrecked on the reefs off Otago New Zealand in April last. Ei hty persons were drowned. GEORGIA %VA'U<Ek COUNTY. Whereas the Reviewers appointed to murk out and make report upon the es tahli-huicnt of a public road in the 956, District (j. M. of said county, to wit: Leaving the Chattanooga' Valiev road 23 feet southof tho north end of William Crutbfield’s gate and running a north easterly direction so as to reach the south bank of Rock Creek three feet cast of the new bridge at the south end of said bridge, thence commencing at the north end of said bridge or three feet cast of said bridge and running in a north easterly direction 33 feet and thence in a northwesterly diicction so as to intersect the main Chattanooga Val ley road about HO yards north of (he old ford on Kook CVeek, have icported that the establishment of said road will he of great public utility. It is therefore ordered that Citation tic pub lished at the door of the Court House and in the Wai.KKB County Mkssen (ieb for thirty days notifying all persons concerned that an order will be passed on the first Tuesday in July next estab lishing tlie same if no good and sufiici out can a: is shown to the contrary. This sth day of April, 1881. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Walker county. R. N. Dickerson, Clerk. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said eoiintv, will be sold before the Court Jlottse door in the town of LaFayette, between the legal hours ot sale, bn tills first Tuesday in June next, the following property, to wit: House and lot of (one acre more or less, lying north of amt adjoining the Patton barn lot, and east of ami ad joining the street leading south from llie < 'ourt boose in said town; also one undivided bail' of town lot south of and adjoining (lie lot occupied by (i. \V. Pat tenon's grocery, amlfbetween said street and the Methodist Chimb : also tint dwelling-house of the lateT. K. Patton, deceased, and the lot con taining four acres more or less, adjoin ing tin-sable; also the farm known as tlie Patton farm, containing eighty acres more or less, and lying on the east part on town and south of the Armuchee road. and being parts ol lots Xos. 46, 63 ami 81, ami 115 acres of lot No. 61, all in the 7th district, and 4th section of said county; also lots of land Nos. s 4, sBl Bud 96, In the "lit district, and 4th section of said county of Walker. Sold as the property of T.E. Patton, deceased. Terms cash. :i: CL Ple'mknts,! K * ecl,tors A. C. Patios, [ Executrix. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. be sold before the Court ~ ~ House door in the town of La- Fayette in said County within the legal hours ot sale on the first Tuesday in June uext tho following property to-wit: Parts of lots ol' land Nos. 107 and 108, bounded as follows; Beginning on the southeast side of Rock Creek, oil the section line botweeu Nos. 107 and 108, running thence from said beginning point across Rock Creek in a westerly direc tion along the notth line of lot No. 107 , to the corner of lot No. 108, running in the same direction to the district line, thence running iu a southerly direction • along the west line of lot No. 108 to the 1 south bank of Rock Creek to the be- 1 ginning. Also lots of land Nos. 72 and ! 73. All in tho 9th district and 4th sec- 1 lion of said county. Leviod on ns ths . property of T. A. Myers, J. M. Myers, and It. Si. Myers, to satisfy a Superior ' Court execution issued from the Su* perior Court of said county in favor of A. T. Fricks, guardian of Joseph H. | Branham vs. said T. A, Myers, J. M, Myers and 15. M. Myers. Property in po-session of said defendants. This 4th ' day of May, 1881. W. M. McClatchy, Sheriff. j GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. : Will he sold on the first Tuesday in June 1881, at the Court House door io , said county, between the legal hours of sale, twenty acres of land of lot No. 32 I off of south side of lot, rcaeh'ng clear across cast nnduwest: and twenty-seven , acres off ot Nti. 41, lying broadude to the twenty acres above mentioned, nil of tho 9th district and 4th section of Wu'ker county. Sold as the property of William Fox, to satisfy a .Ntstice Court ft pa in favor of Williamson- Fox vs.- \\ iilutiu Fox. 1 evied on anti re turned "o me by Jas. J Dawkins, L. U. W. M McClatiiiv, Sheriff. GEORGIA WALKER COUNTY. K. M. Wnrtl having applied for let- j tors of uumiuisteariou upon the estate i of Itlianm Ward, late of said county, I deceased, tills is ttvcite alt persons coil- j cerm-d. kindred and creditors, to show ! cause if any they can, why an admin- \ t<.tutor should not be appointed upon i tlie estate of said deceased on tin* first . Monday in June next. This May 3d, 1 1881. ’ Mil. ION Ul SSELE, Ordinary. j GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. WhereM, rhe reviewers appointed tn mark ou» ami muk>* report upon the «>•- tahliahment of a change in «lie pill, lie road in the head of the Cove, in (lie 57ist district. G. M.. to-wit: leaving the old road at the end of the lane near the Dougherty Gap, and running south to Dry Creak, thenoe up the ereek bank and intersectitrj( the old road at or near the corner of the horse lot of J. M. Iluse, have reported 'that tho establish* tnent of said change in said road Will be of great piiblio utility, It is there'fore ordered that citation be published at’the door ttf tlie Court House anil in the W AI.K I-: It CotXTV M KXSKNrfKIt for thirty days notifying all person* concernd that an order will he panned on the first Tuesday in July noft, establishing said change in said road if no good and sufficient cause is shown to the contrary. This sth day of April, 1881. Uy order of the Hoard of Commission ors of Hoads am) Revenue of Walker county. R. N. Dickkkson, j Clerk. |•GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. I Whereas the reviewers appointed to > mark out and make report upon the as tahlishment of a public road in the nine hundred and filly thit<l disti ict, G. M., , of said county, to-wit: The road lead ing from the county line near Win. B. Evans’s to the hig road at James Hatu inontree’e, a distance of about one-half mile, have reported that the establish ment of said road will be of great public utility and convenience. It is therefore orierod that citation he published at, the door of the Court House and in the Walker County MksskVokr for thirty days notifying all persons concerned that an order will he passed on the first Tuesday in July next establishing the same if no good and sufficient cause is shown to the contrary. This sth day of i April, 1881. By order of the Hoard of Commissioners of Hoads and Revenues ot Walker couuty. 11. N. DICKERSON, Clerk. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. Whereas the reviewers appointed to mark oat and make report, upon the es tablishment of a pnlfrtroad in the eight hundred and seventy-first district G. M.. | of said county, to rvit; Commencing at I the Catlett Gap road about one hundred , , yards east oi tho mineral spring, ! and running in n southwesterly direction j until it intersects the Dug Gap road on the west side of the mountain, have 1 reported that the establishment of said ; ! road will he of great public utility. It j is therefore ordered that citation btt published at the door of the court house and in the Walker < 'minty Mes , senger for thirty days notifying all per sons concerned that an order will be passed on the first Tuesday in July next, | establishing the same if no good and | sufficient cause is shown to the contrary. ;■ This sth day of April, 1881. i By order of the Heard of Commissioners of Roads and Kcvcnues of Wulker county. R. N. DICKERSON, Clerk. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. Will he sold on tho first Tuesday in j June, 1881, at the Court House door ot j said county, between the legal hours of : sale, the south halt of lot No. 145, 7th j dist. and 4th sect, of said county, as the j propel-ty of the estate of W. N. Thomas, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the 871st district, 1 G. M.. in favor of J. R. "an Haw vs. | 'R N. Dickerson, administrator of W. j N. Thomas, deceased. Levied on and retu. tied to mo by Eli McDaniel, L. C. / W. M. McCIj.VTt TIY, Sheriff. GEORGIA WALKER COUNTY. \ Sarah M. Shaw, administratrix of John A Shaw, deceased, having applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, biting parts of lots No. 4 and 5, in the 7th district and 4th section of said comity and con taining 120 acres more or less. This is therefore to cite all persods editobniefi to show cause if any they can why the said administratrix should not be itraiited leave to sell the said lands, on the first Monday in June next. May 3d 1881. Ml I/TO X RUSSELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. K. N. Dickerson, admistrator of Thomas Roberts, deceased, having ap plied for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate' of said deceased, con si.sting of 40 acres of north corner of NO. MS iii 9th district and 4tli section of said county. This is to cite ail persons concerned to show ratise if any they call why an order should not be passed on the first Monday in June next, j allowing the administrator leave to sell tlie said land. Mar 3d, 1881. MILTON RUSSELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. Enos Martin, guardian of Rolit. E. Jenkins, having applied for dismission from the guardianship of thd person and property of said Jenkins, this is to cite all persons concerned ttf show cause if liny tffey can \thfy the said Enos j Martin shoffM not he discharge;! front his said guardianship and receive letters | ot dismission on the first Monday in j June next. This May 3d, 1881. MILTON RUSSELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, WALKER COUNTY. Henry Rise having applied for letters ! ( of administration upon the estate of S. j IT. Roberts, late of said county, decease!, J tii is is to cite all persons concerned, I ‘ kindred and creditors, to show cause, ; i if any they can, why an administrator j i should not he appointed upon tlie first i Monday in June next. This May 3d, I 1881. MILTON RUSSELL, Ordinal?. ’ I ROBINSON WAGON COMPANY : MANUFACTURERS OF : < WAGONS; Buggies & Phaetons. WE DO NOI ~WANT AGENTS! 1 IVB OFFER OUR STANDARD TRADE VEHICLES 1 TO THE TRADE. Woik that has an established repula I tion, bdJ that can be handled with sat j isfaction, both to buyer ami seller. Send for designs and prices to ROBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. 0- n R I B I B S An<l MORPHINE Elnbl (‘ 9 nP H tail cured inlO to3od«v«. Ten years cs . ill HI IWltaHistutl; 1000 cnmi. Write stat vl I V IVI mg case. D.\ Marsh, Quincy, MuL d ; wadncr’s 7 |SAF£ fIBITTERgi PIJHCLY VCCkTABLE^gy gVin.iMi.’na.'i hJf.u-CT^i At t.ii,. r» VVlVre, ILitiKiiier*, roiif, Fittli**r*, Minister*, Teaohttm, M*n, Farmers. M*- Cliaitlrg, A 1.1. rhr ultl he Varimi' ag'iiiml u i< | aud iutrmliirli g tutu th*li Home* Kohimiiii* mid A.ea li lie K- infill** Mare no such |»r j tMllg**«.ag.i lnat, or fear hi, “ WAkNKKM iMFB BII TKI*. ’ Th*y are wliut tlim nr* «’lall»i*d to !»•*—* ■ hum l**e* a* milk mm cnnialn nn'v niudlcliiHl v.r* , tu«*«. 1 i rant of l.’lioir* V»t'’i«ljl|!i "hly, I hey iDi urn h*lnhj( to tli.it cltt'r-* known K». “Guru All*,’’ i ' hnl oiily |ir-if* •>* D» reach *«••«* where tlw dbt-a** ! »ritfina;i‘» It debilitated Iran.** nnd Impure Mood. A perfect spring and mhuiiht Medicine A Thorough Blond I’uiith-i'. A Tonic Appetiser, IMonsanl to tin-last'*, |o\tgomtliif to tin* body. Toe must *ioln*ut physicians recommend them or their • iirative Properties. one* is*D, i-ki • rcHRKII. Trial *l**, fiOc Tull Fl** flarfiest In market) $1 00 c«i, t it v Tli i: it «t For ilie Kidney*. Liver, and Urinary Or*an*. ti*e nothin* but “WAfcNKK'fl HAFK KIOINEYAMI) ; 1.l VKK 4.:IJKK •' It eland* unrivaled- Thousands i nw> their in tilth ami happiness. OQhWe oil' r ! “Warner's Fti'e Tonic Bittefa” wilt equal confl- I ili-ore. 11. H. WARNER A UO., Rochester, S’.Y. Nov A 3v Holier Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS GENERAL BROKERS No. 2 McWilliams Block Rome Ga. -AGGMTSFOR — HALL’S Flßfc AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. j A cafnplete line of tliese celebHi j ted safes kept in store wliert they can he <6xar fined be fore purchasing-. TW.y will be sold at fac tory prices-, Amt On Easy Terms. Mar. 17, 3mo. ThoWlMireHiamnleH^Medlfine ever Made. Acownblnatlon of Hope* Buchu, Man drakme ami Dandelion, with all Ute best and mostclTura tive proi>crtleß of all other Bitters, oak * p\tho greatest BloOd Purifier, Liver u lA.ator,fnd IJfo and ITeaith iteatorine AK- nt No diiteajie postdbly long exist whore Hop Bitten aro uflAts varied and perfect are their They giYflLMrlAfß ani vi *cr to tho agod and indrn. To nil whoso c%oij»loyiiu'ntarauao irrt-Kiilari ty -if irutiy organs, or who re fjiiirc an A and mild Stimulant, Hop Btttc la are without Intox- Icatina. No matter what your clings or symptoms are w!iat the disease or allW'H'Ut Id use Hop Bit ) ter«. I>ont wait until you tdc!c but lr you only feel had or m!serablo,Bu s, 'tht*m at once it may eave your lifc.lt hasl saved hundreds. SSOO v ill be paid for a cal«« Vf 7 cur«-or help. Do not Buffer^ Korlotyour friends j tuCfer.but uioandurgo them%* ouflo HOP B Remember, Hop Bitters L; v * < ‘» d . drapken nostrum, but tho n '* I{cHt ! M'-dlcine ever mado, tho | and HOPE” and no pt-rabn or 'lould bo without them. bmbbA P..1.C. i**nabsoluteandlrmClbl* ctireK .rl>mnlieniWß,uiWof opium, t-i’toeco and S FSjfl l amotics. Allsold by d; jggista d j f.-r circular. flop BUtm ■/*. Co., Nitfra ft H and Torouto, Sf alSa J. H, CADY & CO~ 198 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE; —§o§— Keep on hand a full line of Newspapers mid Periodicals, Books null Stationery, Whole sale and Retail, Wall Paper, Variety Goods, Wrapping and Pftper Bags, School Books. —§o§ Will sell any Book published. If not in stock will order promptly. —§o§— Gall and see me me when you come to Chattanooga and get bargains; ROHE PRICES: Veal A Son, Jewelers. Gold American Levers...- 850.00 Ladies Gold Watches 20.00 Gents’ Silver American Le vers 10.00 Gents’ Silver Swiss 8.00 Gents’ Nickel American 8.00 Gents’ Plated Swiss. , 5.00 Composition Swiss 3.00 Seth Thomas Clocks, fine...... 5.00 Plain Mantle Clocks 4:00 Medium Good C10ck5........... 3.00 Common Clocks 1.00 Fine Gold Opera Chains 20.00 Solid Silver Teaspoons, per sett v 5.00 Solid Silver Forks, per sett... 12.00 Silver Plated Teaspoons, per sett I.oo' Silver Plated Tablespoons, per sett. 2.00 Double Lined Violin, Bow and wood case 5.00 Solid Silver Thimbles, (name engraved 0n)..... 50 Heayy Solid Gold Wedding Rings, (names engraved)... 5.00 HAMILTON HOUSE, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 3. 1L * mu?,, drop’s Centrally Located ; <;ood Accommodation*; ltatcs Reasonable. Terms; 81-50 to $2-00 per Day. I Ooiue To l lie I Walloon ! ! Having cor.olud BALLOON fend c.l to continue in JKf getting Bomo of the Dry GOODS - TEPICKSA W ° nderful business I havo H lA i- • B bargains that nrfe purchased a new ifJ V “ | er PaUtr,, “' U being oAe re d stoc, which I B EK i will offer at suc’i day. Dress goods extremely low ‘ 9cto and UpWard prices, that no Printß sct " Bnd one should visit \ ’’’ ’ ,caim , " C,B Chattanooga with “ dup, " ,d out calling at the ' erything in this HOUSE IN THE SAME PROPORTION. THE SEWING MACHINE DEPRTMENT TPlic Largest Xu Ttie S*tate, S 'N£M7’ith over 250 mac hines to make you t P * ” selection from, ranging in price from yl ten to 60 dollars. WANTED, JufljL * Machines ia exchange Pi. for NEW ONES. Or will Repair the old 7y ones. Charges moderate. > T fWh Secoh'd haftd Mcbines for sale 1 ' r all iu good running order and d And -will Ido sold Olxect]? j NFEDa.ES AND PARTS Fori Ale machines. Don’t buy Sewing Machine before calling —AT THE BALLOON TO GET OUR VERY LOW PRICES. Remember Tlie I tollooii. H. H. SOnDEE. : I . . ■■_■■■ ■■■ ■ i-1-S! !—LL-J Importanl' To the Citizens of North Georgia. J. R P YItON, Proprietor of the “GREAT ONE PRICE GASH EMPORIUM,’* aO.T and 307 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA, - TENNESSEE has been (or several years earnestly engaged in building up and perfecting hig “EMPORIUM,” and has now liruilylestablisbed his Onk Prick Cash Srtij’E** of doing business. So that »bi n the people of the various sections adjacent to Chattanooga come into trade, they can buy goods just as cheaply as the mos a pert “city shopper.” * o . Tlie One I’l’ice EiiipoHiini Exhibits for the Fall and Winter of ISBO, a Mammoth Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS/ NOTIONS CARPETS, FRENCH MILI/IN- E Y and DRESS MAKING. , • • . ’it The largert stock by far ever shown in Chattanooga. fTbe entire building (3 stories high) being tilled io its utmost capacity. Whenjyou want to buy goods at RoSk Bottom Priees, r.nd in a store where old, and young, jich and poor, are sold at exactly the same'prices,Swithout a jingle exception. Go to : J. B. PYKOtf, 3<>.»’and 207 Market Street, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, . S. Especial attention pa]d to filling orders.