Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, February 08, 1883, Image 2

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l.ttn, in ih* btitlfulotil mil uv r»ro*n jrntiH, nr.il f, iti .ny borrowed Knoty. Welt, 1 Jidti t mre if it lt»ue bor rowH, l li onod t<vu* purty ind Hlyliidt 1 ktuiwid 1 wuh purty 1 too,*lnr thu gurl» bad rttrltnl inj Lair, atwi the iiuibtuKtM looks I,ting jan e*cb ride ut uiy lt>co, ■ W’bijp_w» react.ltd Ibe liuUci>y ■nr Buamisrvill* the bell ba>t jr«t >:« Barksdeb' Hoi sc nun t'-.ili : ~y ’' tit bait In '. 11 ;•! :r t T ■r r J»]mu spociul for ll a oca- j IRnm. A* wo «i.tereti wo wus tort by \ • uni I'owerful nioo lookin ladion •nd genilfmm, who paid (hoy wus gl*d wo cum, and they wished lift n pleasant rvenir.. I blioeo they Baiot bit 100. fttr ibey peared eo cltvcr like. They eiid theyd ittko u'f to the dress in room, hut 1 thank •dkm w« wus Blready .-dreg t-d. fnfc>llx*el 1, tome lay ofryot r wrap*,” aid we Ivit.t ai d l*id cm, I mv all-wool doub’c •bawl and Pap big brown jeans (pete coat. Titeu they look wg to a ronai tbey called the ladica parlor, but it . pcared to be ta much a gctil etnca » parlor ns a hulitWa Ar. 1 loolod aroun I j*»l thouglit, ‘ lairzy mupoy 1 sborely the gates u? paradige has butted loose and aum tie the aotrels baa brol-a out ” Themgutlg! well, landsakt-el 1 kin Ull you they wus dteeseti out. Why,Hal’s all-wool, green detain •kirt, Nance’s red tuericuie ottr askirt, and Hue’s trailer buff o| -ra j flattnin sack worked in royal pur- ' pie silk, wustit nowhere. There wus one yeung lady wliut had on > red eatin, all kivered over with black lac* —silk it wue 100, fur 1 J.U hit. She worn the yulloreut ye*r bob*, and traodeta and putty j gray eyes mid block huir a!) bunch- 1 ed on bet forehead. Ob ! she wue awful purty, and gum utr them Rome cliape looked j- at like they could cal her the .wue so eweet, an •utn uv the puils ptared ~ke they wished tbey had r. eat her. There wus a nuiber lady that -wore a dress made uv this white .stuff with yards and yard* u-v lice. \ I salud her whet sort ur lice bit wus, and tbs said Spanish; orikrfcd , bit from Spatr.l gueps. SbeJhad putty brown eyes, sud htMr also | (•nrtertillK mound ‘ the lo.H bin”, tl at reception will mu-sup in me j the pleasantest feelii.a for that May- . or and tin in Councilman; that sup pri will awake a appetite that nev er will be satisfied except at the annual inaugural balls, and that dunciu will form the most brightest chapter in the history of Hawk Suantiub. I'.B. —Mr. C di'n’t say nothin about me in hie pence, but i guess everybody seed me and knowod how sweet ] wtie, I'. S.— Tho' little cV up that wore u black mushUsb from Rueco-n Milts must a whimpered aumtbin I sweet to Uie little gurl wbut wint with the Mayor. Uo poured like bit. S. 8. - ■ lii-iNu Fawn, ( a , Feb. 1, ’S3.— I notice in your hist issue several dottings from our burg. 1 think! Distrait rather magnified our repu tation ns ;i b nd if drunken brut* s. It is my opinion, that «s long as the good people of Georgia, elect, nmTTiipporl a body of men to the I I ,-lslative hall# of theHta'e, there to make laws to pro’cet us from all evil. Slid to look after the rebuild ing and safety of the rising genera tioU, to make and dealerc laws by which men can honorably obtain li cense to deal to too ‘’dear people” t f our State, denth, misery, rape and ignorance, why be down on the barkeeper, *o heconipliea with the l.i ws of our pood old State? The small-pox has been among ns scattering devastation as it went and every precaution to cheek it j whs freely umd, regardless of ex , pause, but still tho people of door- ; gin | ermit by their silence to let the saloon tlouriah iu thtir midst. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, liny. J. J. Herron,by J. M. Cantrell, Esq., W. N. Howell to Hiss Herron. Hud is a good fellow, and may hi* uuiou he . a happy one. Miss Dora Connally is visiting a sister at this place. Home us our young men arc completely over p rued in tlieir minds. Mrs. J. F. Smith, of Cedar Grova is visiting friends hero. The latent social event of tho day ; w«s a sociable at Dr. Fricks’, it could not have hem otherwise than a success with Mrs Fricks as hoe- j tints. More snow. Scb Rosa, J B -,*"'.*‘'.i‘f -’. WRr pgggMr;* »■u. »r .. •■■ * (Trend ' '.Hi ■■''' <:' » n *> >; •.!. • < » BnHniiii4-.', ikuti f. BHH9E a ou iu deli.mi lro y ™» f ’ r >••“ •*«• .»' w ||gj||lj|^.. I . I ■L to go anil we whether she could do fulfilling with him or not. She went, right into the grocery, end ted him'hnme. j She Bays, every time, ei a eau find ! out when he ie drinking whe wdl go i right lifter him nod bring him | home. Mr. Editor this is a hut, j and the purlieu ere held iu high : etceiu. They gu in the highest j circles of society. This is mill one case out of hundreds I Could mention. Mr. Idiior, what do | you think cf » aeeo, who Ve-l's ull he know*? There are Home such i characters iu tho world. Our oyn ion ie, that a man who will tad *i> he knows; will tell more than he j | knows. Some ii.hu will let tHwr j | own affairs go, to sttei d to other j peoples.’ Well, says old fo?y ; ! "Hob Hindoo is a fool.” Well ! yes, hut toll as eorm-lt.iug w* doui know. If the shoe fits, put it hi and wear it. Juu. 2i)tb, 1883. Koii Hanix.m. Keith, G.v.. Fob 2. ISB3,—Some days Bilico a Mr. ltiadly Centers come from Chattanooga to spbi'*' o» Jew day* with his relatives, w.i.ii lives near Varntll .Statist*. In nj short time ho broke ent with Small-pox, the family where bo ; was stopping thought it best to ! leave ar.d did so, the poor man suffered Uurildy for want of atten tion, iu the first siege ot his illness, a negro was employed to uurso j him, hut failed to aoW, nod con-, so |uonily the pHtient was left to shift for himself. In his mad ra vings for something to eat, he broke from the house in which t.« was staying ami going to a • nigh boring farm house, was in the act of going in, when he was stopped by the owner, who ordered ; him back, and wiih kindness car rii dU a starving man a supply of eatables. He broke out J onday, unJ died the next Saturday, llis : manner of burial was ra.ht-r pecu niar a grave was dug at the door of tlie house and the dead man was drug to the grave by means of » hooked stiik. and dirt thrown in uj eu him. It seems ’tat thepeo- j pie of a community could ceriainly devise ssn.e moan* that a Small pox pslient could have more rare. On the farm of T. E. Whittle there has been discovered whs* peems liksly to prove a ric.i silver , mins. There is a e mnil viin of Sliver and coppt r struck ?oae lor 1 r „ . J jj| •ejf, 1 '■> - - • \-'-‘£?ir : ' ■ WBm^- I*.-.:•. :m ». .' flHfte* utd ii. brcl ',:i t :.ji. jj-.i ”rlck •• I :i ■» ■■ ct in ’-..* ■..% ,et ; about *i!oi)uO A vuiu. ' .n arul c art/uUy chueen art of plum* ij.ic*i a .1 < b“ii u-ttl i»..p»rata» for-when extin3t#u aril superior facilities tor pur?u n/ tho ■ arii nos which ’.bar sit d«*tgord to | iiluutr.n*r j »»<1 in greut ar-reat in i/m.iif ntH.li'tf’uropa as.l the high/sr ; i .«i;«gra of tt ■ oiißa’.-j m iUtuwy- ■ |l eu ian.ron.Mii rtJ a;i .. i':ur sj*xjt > - tlfie fut.jr'ia -til ill:, !!.'.# I>r tot ! Uo h »>,ectr -io; , s aud hu-h pu*«r I'inui.ular ii,ii'.roi.uMp*’, &?.-■ 1 ’■■ Agn.fi'it-ntlr ..-Ji.oa *i.T-h * p a ji ’. .r. L.'tfw boon imp-. >ci- i 1 ItOMI Jk’ir: :«>*• a HUporb WJUO i 1 l ait fc* lor lol##copd rit'i S‘.)■ 1 dwelt, obr. nojjriK ,*ntsoth> a ix.i --| I*rr fiitij. a null iejr'u a a ..i. uow 11 -h. »a; tr rj 1£ ir. p-, A cii!>lrl#, ir.u.uo,- •as i’i j : uii.'f# in «olW*ing Atv.irit-. ■ t isr>»a* ! #!»'#, ! a:. * i"’ " • UKI-, W j i m>:u fie.il* in i cpuc-in- •* • I t.iuu. j fa l hisiurr. x ; ia p*-rl.iiit auliimn ; i baa <■ vt b... om ia l/y lb a laic ; j 3 :;Ih Uooloiiiuti Department • ml i.y Pr f. J C Li tie#' pri'ac i oa' iuot. j Vi a laaii; ft i.u t.ko proai-Joiit, Ur I. Lit (ifftil; la .1 oi.:;.’ „i a. als Bum . ii,ul.,yi J, »a.i 1 i.ai a i: ;i t y la;t;a. ulu:»i ;inui .i.v . i t > i 6 ■■ ’.i Hr, m m is Par.T. ■ .i 11 ‘a r' «V- n TT, zi:, in itd tn hos tu» if'lain Dh partMi’Ot >< a nupil of ’the Hr.atco I’fii.arrratOTv of muiic, Prof* Wai V Cfit’fc, wbo« tit oreticrl un<l I >i, hnii’iU tiaittii’K i» io ftoCorilaßij. | with the mtl i.iU aodftr l iu tbi boat foreign ceunirii i.. lie lma to • i Udr aia.iM’ants so fu #Qla auil ililitfiMioo m re ; i > iie (l*j>re ■of I'lni ii: *y. The importance of t iluca’inst th* taste ia fully recotu OTil, aad it i< a i prouimi ut • ssi .u of the role e'o fumtah ho heat iuStrm tion in ttu)#e ftceetn liai.uuc.a wbcijeiij «rc» m i. uin b <1 ua .fnl aa a uiaana of ae f support and elegant atul honor aliaei-pliwnu’i't auited to their six. The da acmoctof design or fine art# is accordingly placed it) charge (of iui eijcrie'ned artist., Mis« L K, liefisich, #ho, be^jx«i pi liodwa Gca Kuro ean, claw • and modi in statuary and other appliances, gives inch in t notion in art-studies j# wal wiapai# favor,i'"!y with the lx. t art a< hells of oar Ur ie# titos. Wo note with pi .13- mo iha’ a p.iiutiag from ill r iii siituii n trot the ftire at the art j eji ib I .ell ;ii 411 a. '1 he able president, aided hr the enelicul lady-principal, Mrs. T. W. Toby, lissign the government of the college t > be that of a mod i Christian family. :o nhu h i ffo. t,...0, renpret.courtesy atnl refiner sent sla, so prevail as to rend, r i ro f and si disciplii.o no ■ . o . at least, vary rare W f on;?;. I ebe-’isnee and lady-Hie deportim o J will be ins‘st**dcD, c.cd pupils who ™ib not unite we '■ .r w c >• si. j tbo werk of impict ' ent, will not lo allow'd t> itnialu H,.t hero !ererviufi ai.iyeujo pleasant as-] i »0( iat’.o,, and rcoei ■ « tno jemonal care of a true b ilie. .Tt ere is no I | intstttiun.to.tosuer th*. jadlito aocta ! risn m it* influence. I IHsuouiina ‘ion preterenetsa- d asslmt’oiu are, ms id*’re with the wish ©fits ' found, i, r.r*«t rarefo ff r* siwet. rt. j Sludetit «r ■ r qe.irud • if ten cl such I places of worship a# Ih.ir {alibis ro iv dckiunaw. t.-aizng the gtaad p iwcr ct Christian principle* upon hontc-l.fo ! and St'' irty, Shorter College strin * to he ss distingunued fonts moral | inlliii nee and ctn.actor, ;’•> fir ex toast re and thorough n-holirehip aud social culture, so that ‘.ill tb.cj ex d .r-cice of a puie, Bohle Chru ian »i uianboo-J tn.iy to diligently cuitiratei’; so that parents and gear dians'usy, r?ith tst'iteconfid'ceo, et - frest ths mint important and critical years r.l their daughtors, ar.d war is to the care cf this iost'tnuon. Tar iiuportai c« ot this trust is fully rey j cognised And deeply fell by all of its tv— bars, not merely as a business j trast, but a* a Christian resp’ousi- 1 ! day.— Chruti'iA hutti. I hays about two theuennd bun- ; riles of lodi'rr ioi sn'e, w II trade t for rouui catt eor b-,s. Ken. Ut, 1H53. J-H.W-.kn.AW. a > ol>JE™ ING of’ I 'o EXCELS!OR J LQ7if?HS H 0 SS£ ~j~ Vo. 310 .Tlarket'htrect, Ikear \inil», ANGOGA, .... TEKnsrE 88EE -*»—WITH A FULL LINE OF-- - Mens’, YoaikV, Boys’ and Childrens’ Clot Sing and FnmisWiig Goods. " w ’ ;e GUARANTEE 3ATISPAOTION. Give as a Trial. e '1 ,28 ::n “ 'EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HOUSE. rioKVf*mrs2 «.»*•« HMtajwm - 4aHnwja*j*tw«sr««iw»M»'«»« ■■■'—— n i w -|> wmm h t rShle- rs f3T l- jISpF ■ u .« uK.yntx. b»,i tot 2*..j !'•* >-iwnls ERectinqbl a rraan^vsaTvy.’ii.- fm \K; 3Ji ii%S& Hwbk*, ts I*l4- rwstasmi F*f lii *i gf*t ■. «L>Oid R B fm.aJ A.irwimi -ws sl<l fU'.jr (•>/•»] ■ Awl" HUlda« if a «<n4*Mn«J Bowk, havtag« ■ alltha Iww fofcrrwun** to lti«..i*m, /tj •* On s p' E 4«3kA4 ft*! pyw#L* u j.y-4 Ov m n ~pii. wi»«. Im B Uh!ttt tfjtft «■ fiaftr r»--» * *»• lr*4). g i Petar Hendcrioi &. Co., | *2 & 07 Cort?un*U In., Utw Vo?!'^j3 InRBBBfWK’ PARxiFsinFa | r N Tlx? R**l, n«*rt)M» »ni 9 L -; Vls. ro*t IHM—I4 Km fl £>‘i , ■ L»-e»v.n > f- ;-aA Itttr Tills ii tttttn B *f., *• . . v ecVx to grx-j g t’ljjtfjfa''' * U- <UC ** B<l 1 M *** ** g Vb ‘' Fitr«lM ftitgM. I# A »»w f»»d sfsAtwgly h% f.' Cjr mol H* lossi fsr«sß>w PARKEE’3 KiKRTOinS A firs Fui)| iS»MM tint If-rev litssieiHix. If f*!u »r« ii r>r hrmw, rwt*m owt with frrw-w.xk, m ■ m»tiyr rvw Joan t>v I*jh2j 9t u«>am <Um*c try I'AitKSx’t Gsmmk T^mjc. If you «• a Itwjtr. •miMf or kt«n««i m*a mu hacMUtihy mwif-.U stint or auiou com ukt ta&Mir»>w2 •ua<uUatt l , but^dißßJPAßJceK’s Cv CU< 'I'VMiC. If ym hiA HhtmootW.,, KJtJney or Gri- r • HiMt. or if yon trt *ro*«i#.Ad with tnr 4»«. nr . 'm*. *K>wae)i.k#irtm. litoodomtrrtt sou c#»u La lured by FajM»’» Ufmfcax ionic If you are snjwg ttrty§mia„ . 'Lv'tmHow or inydivAie e srtkoMtiM remot e- •.ttynu'ar.: t*k» biHGhit Toxic tt once: iiwi'l n» gcr*:; t.'.d ktuld yon up from the fiflrt doM but wi! ncvmr u tr--\kj#». it am MvoJ of Ii red it may »*y« your*. * CO., m wr.* ft. i*»w x «*. sm. wd i MjdWiwi, at all dsn.su ia ssrdtoms*. ■■•JlW&ittr"-' AT* SfV«. . ■ y-|'---4 ift.j v j r :.c ''' .* V s ) A; '"&■& Y-j'-Wn-V l&Z >. . V,. • , - jas s..w It !»»i I s ‘eff.’ VtAi«fc ,y c « ' JtAfif £/**«£-•"'SVal!, V <4 id* T wsw; »,i| Will, t aa b„s<a it 1 J«:gla». te* j.i . S.r •. t »„. * Wreowp- 1 ' It Appall £#» Or4a 4m iy*4. »* bamt ” Big Btoe*4— "riijoo’titwjoai.-.ir ;#*:» Ttw^**. 4 ; >tt« la tw kindar' , iwaSia4*|«.' m uw 4ia» It. If atc ' bjst,’ » .1 ib* f»i-t* ?» .) «;»•»,-inior U jju wil; (fat is . *•••?» *■»•, •dm* Aoariant. oa» r*r two *k.ss ’/fy ’jv t X-mk o•yv>^. , (Lot T6UT f W««U M- ' Aie I'll J* may #k*4» »* fel t»4 a! i.l Ik a pa t. and v Jailing!.” Sii.j laar- slouw ♦*'•*!{ *4rA"|*-rtVi; j k. Mka*. t . tcuu* 14a •. mjloA 'a U- be U»Ua*« tiia l:»#r, t t**- . -a. . J f in* til* m alutaea to it a# . - cad lUxdftnt r*Bii>Mr M MtisW; iueb LtiiUrka, katrttirw, ■ u.. '.*.* , a»->l ml 1 tiiccMof ratjutfaw * i«al *-«>j v - pwryutos* er yhyilt. It *a«at s>»t.'a« »te* BM &'•»+*, *-v» v >w w ’ rd boiUA. »!*d -* yu*» f» d*lig!liriaj •Uy . * ii nk, tLit avrrrbixly Lies it. U aocloutii aud oocis tka fauV-w *> i rw*r -i\ I*4 is • r~u ;'#i now kr #b« ksAua«<lm . !,vt -. It otit.JMur Uj» i-aaj't nf rkv»4\» rrliaiar kiP-"#y “®'« Wi'tAr? brajt* *i l y**.., u Ua c*ck. Ow dyapafSiC* d art; *tba a .a, . ; )M- r • *fu*l in cam.if a rjw*-,.. „ . a, racama'aodati f.>r p*M. a* •* ,* «-• Wi »; K .aata, el *iks. k.c4a< .m, 4'tr4-r < ' 4,..1a. tavnar# atd all f«■•«« >. :>« t-**.; er.J’.'i liO* »ad ar* tt« l±*4b • * - j- j f-JOliurpld bawaU. U ywu r** wl.# . -. . ■, IClliKi ton|Nt, fDui Oitttl, Im< o * #. « •: , oral aiucu'.akMM, Bai'..y’a .->##: a* • U t'srfcrm» Uf.jf *. .< t-.vs . .* , liaaaaol tod pal»l»k!w, a»«l tout > * *• t-fcUlar farsril - rc» . ;.: t o •- w*. . ,'v»u h .p.ihlwa *ui keaica iußl » ‘i.w, Wutar, aud uju.it a. ?j«a.urt. ,w -u#-. . •Tasj-maera. j. , fl.,idhwi, A Wo«fl»’3 ES/JliDf. At rwTta's *tT>» * 4 poritvtj c/ys'vn s toy, tbw-a koriee arrlain linatlea. aotaa v>.ns rtai at- . Tlimw rosnpiMrti tou !Nm'fti.«i‘OTtidr. t* *ir flrl’a Ufa at at*: -er. and toilvw ’p .ir . t aa io Ibortlad wtcito nniil a>»» of U£.v* e.nv.o La#« b«4!m- k er*, r*T-a.r jt \ \ Tran's' aud itarvnnn p.-nHra*tto, 4. im- bad j l-bMlsn lip*. t.frl4Vt s*rt. riMrU. 1 k,iu •ttat* no%r »rr.:i sAtafr.: ir-a<r!! v ■;»%», rti-r t- L v*t : | aern.# •* and uk-rr. k-•w «r eud Mugg , , Eoiii», cUtau.e lito^T.«»<» •. cM««ogtr . <ji I U»*. •' *- Art- ' .»,»ti« vue l ■ .xrtfna. Unfit') ' f ’ kipar.atv.. w-:cfa t< ausearr'i- wvwaifMflt felmtn * i. A) »M. Cv>- f - VCttoK lU'V .7 soi ujmikk; jISUi. 1 ft nova. 1.. Ik* twudi a ,iT : know It* - *,ta o: .a? t jß . rim } lai.ar. a! 'koaw troutinr «* fe., »rtr*»»#l to J . I*-* V*s fc- .w p»»e from tk***;to.>. '»T.. It' D.- tv : aid wtll—t»*tl r~-f‘so stßr kwEa “* r rU ak» ?«a kmi ! k# wtjiHiyi sc w..i\< .i at *i! ui'BJwßVi .<] »i a. . : Ski V 1....: .Liw., » lAy \ j. t.' j A E3lTDnteJ^Wr i lllH i -ffg g iftgd rh3 jf.-Ya: JiK'i-r'Stli'rilfriyJ tv t?’<s U*n Sj by IM v ’Oil. »s i X l CET TMS It is a- Yi*r*ftiiou tsv •• ' -Icru laps .n't# j frnr film :. 1. i Itfcas:, verbeou | inr.c 'ui i bctiiv tan be t >t» | v filth a V l * 1 -saal.«t.’ mi t ’mate. Pocol.i mv. ■ i. r t tin wivk. i!«* it > bail.o4 • Ca'v Iflksi in a.yEt : •*> v? »’ I nuy|». Auk >/k|< vr for it, fcf.-l .'■ U:ul Lo g» i*U. i £'. — ,-.-^rrr ■■V I LOWE’S mmi S MACHINE CS. j Mann,act,nr 0f— ... . [%, ■ " - ' - „ ' • T. '••' «, • ; ' ' ■ , ,' '■ ' ■- - ' '- 1 *. " >..•-• \- . ■-- --- 3 -'•■*'** >s **&>*#& | r MILL JC-- " ' '*** iorjiblrand SlationerVlElggii-vcs. r , Boilers, Tli’iLn, Wheels, TIilJ .IfatSiitin s' i ■'}■/■ Al-./ii-Hlors in orisrs presses, e3c coeit sveioels, A '•nil Mock of those V ith Kit# es rebti.lt, k, pi ~„ htt.tl-alw ageuU for ~11 KtJMW of wood working Duu hinerv. £fcmt ior circulars. • a Lowi <Si Kikk, ( Te*n. I ■ ■■ - " " —— ' ..._.. ‘-'^<••3l,^r",^l— ’TT' 2 - JX* SK‘o''^ t ’ WHOLESALE DEALER IN Stoves, tinware, mv. ow WAFI2 Mififflhtri *t: Kau3£-r»MttMt**«ac2s, *e. Agfr.ifor tfaj A«ist«r,{>i Wtvi&T'CVxi Sil ilsve —masepactures or— Galvanized & Sheet-Iron Goods fe Corsica CHATTANOOGA. - • TEN NESS. TE • • *. of Va. J. G. Lee, of Walker Co G\ GiCSOfi, LEE £ SC., (Successors’to Williamson A Co.) KARUFACTUBERS ASD WHOLESALE DEALER 3 13 STOVES, TINWARE, AML Eousa Fcrni&Jiing Goods, " J Crockery, UWiiseli China, PLAtD AHB CUTLERY, 1-0, MAUICKT STREET, i HATTANOOOA. TEWN. - kiitufivt! ATT. «i:y ! ATTEWIiOM We t ail (he allftilka es e»r Wa kcr t®. (trie at!» to tke eew siid EXTOMS STOCK OF HARDWARE which we arc new tarrtiug, in aiMUion to a fu line «i utu EUil itaprsvtd imiplemeat*. Mitchell Wggons, and Best Grade of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Plea ie pave Ksacp.U wGc-s y«u cause *o Chattanooga Howard, Glover & Ewing. .'.'notice to planters of”" |ak flod Catoosa Eoiik —■— fitn now rcceivini; raj stook'of AeiJ Pho.phstei freoh on ! direet froaa t K Brers all o( thou. fr#sh KO->d- au i :ieAOA»rsxi> of the bixbtat t«s', Etc! trli .-'on t*/iu lo recsiro ray stock of Uaar.o.. PuclicjCottoa A, T.jl’ho'i.h -.to, fP*t Tod), Cash S3O 00 “ ‘ “ “ G,i til,-..- idotxjy a ,to, Nov. I*l 88 00 11 “. “ “ Cotton 0) ti;u, Nor. Ist 60 00 Baldwin* A cid FL..■ .■ bite, ((.“r tuTOa h 50 00 M “ l>.i lira ■ L. h l«t 88 00 “ « “ Cotton I n, Not. l.t 60 0) 7Ah tLJToss AmraoniitedJSuper Pboiphftte. “ “ Craao. OAk k 3." s, Otatao. R*m*;-*ecliSd ’Gt?es G:nao, all Ist dace goods. Will tsko cot :. option -tote payable at Ri:; it gold Trios Factory, ‘Gi. Or. hr Tli.iqd. a. J- WHIT'ITT, ltinggold, 6*. 1 "fewMh, ft mrft !=■» ■■ 1 »_.• -'Ll 11 ”L LI \"3 ■ T.^'— m kaihkte Net: u*f cb eulh will Bake h»a* I- * w/.'s CViid.t. tn jt I too*. Sow —wyaitow. or ootot *7 kmM to" towngh. i. 9. An»r?<r- # LnwKitffaai«. v 11 " <3 ?•' r ' :