Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, February 15, 1883, Image 2

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4 d£ MESSENGER. H C. NAPIER, Editor. LAFAYETTE, GA, Fth. 15, 1883. taw fMlaa.ioxa • Tram dy. On« of ilih n utt terr bl trsgedie which has oceur.ml in thi» city for «||t ng time Iwpiwnwl last night about fio’olock.s n gr.j nano <1 To Wiggins cutting hit wife’s throat, •ml ‘hen hia o«A. Tbc (Utailn ol the horrible act, a* gleaned by a Thm r»|>orter, sre •« follows; About • month ago * iwtina and hi* wife separated, aaahe alleged, on •coottal of hU brutal treatment, gbe went to lire with • frond cm Charity iHreeA, between 4th and filb, and be hoordad willy a colored weaaan named Anus Pcott, on Cheatimt a»reet, between 6lk and 6tb. The eeperation seemed to greatly depress Wiggins, and he often vp-lra of hie wife In the moat affectionate maner, and eaid that ha iuteodad trying to reconoila her to come baok and live with him. He did nqt aOe her ui.til almut let day* ago, when be offered her every Inducement to return to their home, which had been vaoeted when the separation took plaoe; hut she stub- Ixirnly refttaed to listen to bia en treat) ea. A saw day* alht having aeon hia wife, a friend offered to go and aee what heyoould accomp'iah toward a reconciliation which offer wangled ly accepted by Wiggine. Tl e frier d fulfilled bie promise, butto no avai During their 1 converaat tote" ahe in limated that. another man was feeling her mnch belt, r than her hatband had done, and ahe preferred to litre witli him. Tide waa oomm«nicated to Wiggina anil appeared to catiae him a great deal of trouble. Wiggina reeolved to make ant tier visit to the heartiest wife. Yesterday afternoon ba went to his boarding bona*, and after dress ing himself ia • eariful man os , took bi* Bible and read for hour*,and tbeo proceeded to tbe hones when his wife waa stopping. He received, piinb to hi* surprise, a most cordial welcome from ber, and they imme diately began talking of living to gether again. Tbe>omau howevei, teemed to regard it at e matter of* an importnnoe, and Uuated him by referring to another man ahe wee going to marry. While this wee going on, her al legedjptfamoar A NBOHO raEACtIIB uam-wdDulUrt. enter, d the room, and aha immediately ordered ber buabasil oat of lie house. Hen plied that ha would go, but asked that the would kite him good-bye. Aa aha oama up U kirn to comply with bie request, he stiaed ooe ol her bands, and drawing a raiar slash ed at ber tbr-al. beß fell to the fioor screaming murder, while be eantinued hie Attempt to out her throat, pul the protected it with her arms, which were literally ■AtJtai) Toriecat by hia efforts. The preacher who had stood by aud watched the struggle told Wig gins to denial. which be did, end rushed at the preacher, who ran out of the bourn ami disappeared. The wife, with the blood streaming from tbe wounds iw krr arms and tbe gash in ber noth, also ran from the bouse to Ohae, Shi cwe,’afew doors distaat, where ate Ml, in an insensible cot dittos. It 4 eatiafied with hasiag cut hie wifc'e throat, Wiggiue walked from the house to the street, taking the raaor from hie pocket, coolly prosesded to CUT ate OWN THSOAT from oar to ear, drawing it across twice. He started down F.fth street and turned up Market, aud just a* he reacb.-d the corner he fell to tbe ground, where bo was discovered in n few momenta by policeman Bud, who procured assistance and carried him to Mller’astoveend tinware »n re nod a physician was summoned with all hatte. In the mom time a Tnrr» repor ter, who was near tbe terrible scene approached Wiggins end arhed him what rrrmpted bun to commit tbe h irribie crime, but le only gaeptd, “I wad to .lie." “Is ebe dead? ' Upon being told tbst bis wife was net as yet dead, s look ol extreme dieappoinracut overspread bis free an lh« sal.* d: *' Wby don't she and — ” but a rush of blood in bis throat prevented hi* fiv.ehirgtbe seelenor and be was soon in a reui-coaecwus state. Drs. lkiklej and M. Reynolds um iii and upon eximiuauoo found that tie ».ud pipe had here nearly cverr.) lii't tbe jugular vein was only •lightly ir juied. The wounds were dnsxdai.d Wigiins wss removed ii his home, aud ut midnight was .■'<] to he dying. His wifu is badly cut al ii'thearnu ■ nd came near binding to death j Irorn tbu later .thd the wrunds in i brrneck. Her wounds were dr.awd by Dr. I’iice but shecan bur.lly live. Wiggins is employed at tbe Ala l.unta (in-fit Houthern shops, and was we I thought of by all wbo knew him. He was never known todiink anything intoxicating. Tbe elixir created a great deal of excitement in tbe eity. Washington Letter. Washinottin, Erb. 12,—Th» tariff discussion in bnlb bouses ass been one of the most interest ing of the late yesre of Congrsn •ior al history. I sru sure an im partial critic would declare that the Democrats hare hud the best ot u iu Ilia Senate as well as in the House. It is especially graiifyinr ui note that the two strongest speeches insde have corno from two Southern Statesmen. Mr. I.nnmr is considered 'he strongest man on the Democratic side ol the Semite. He ipeaks very seldom for the state of his health foihids much exertion but lie never makes | *n ordinary speech. 11c studied | ilie tariff', an lie d i*s every thing j profoundly and analytically and he gave the resul's of hia study in an effort that will command the attention of the whole cou try. In the II out-o Mr. Carlisle has! proven himself the trader of the Democrats end more than n match for the heat of his opponents. He lies n. ne of the sn ail ails of tin politician, hut is a big broad man whom bis pur'y is just coming to properly appreciate. Messrs B ich miun Huinmor.d, and Blount have each borne a part iu thefiveroin ute febate end when the ontlou lie question was up did some very af f.ctive work in shoqing the injus tice of increasing the present tax. The Senate has fixed the rate of duty the same as it now ii, hut the House ffy four majority raised it cndderably. This will lake a leg sum of money out of the pockets of the Southern planter to benefit j the few Northern matnifaclururs ol | cotton (tea, but it is only a sample of whvlthe protectionists are doing every d»y. When they placed j tna por oeot duty on quinine in ; the committee they levied a taxi on mihior.s of people in this coun try to on rich the two great drug houses that control its importation. The House could not stand that and quinine ia once more on the free list. Tbe liepuhlieans see that they cannot pass the tariff' bill nruler the present rules of the Heuae and they dontt mean to leava the question for a Democrat ie llouoe to settle; with their indif ference to preoedent they rerun to fix a eel of rules 16 suit the case ur.der consideration and will cut off debats enough to push tbe bill through. The Sene*a kill is retch the (tet ter, giving lighter rates of taxation ,on artielee in geueral use among tbe agricultural classes *t.d actual ly raising uirve revenue. But Mr Kelly has declared that it is the special prerogatrvr of the House to raise rever.rke end a majority of that body will insist cn it* hill. An eatra eession was tlirenU-m d by the President in the event that Con greet panned no tariff bi'l, and this hat atirml the Rrpablvrane to ex- j traordinary efforts. Many reeritoriona metrfvres will fail to pisvtiinply for wmitoftime. •Soma of them have gone through the Senate and will die on the deak of tl>« Clerk of the Hou«o. Next aeeeioit they must begin afresh. One reason why the debates have been so spirited this seeeinn is be cause both parties* are skirmishing for ground for next year’s big con tent. The iisue between Democrats and KepuMicans orv tbe tariff, has been pretty writ defined. Tbe Democrats want a tariff for reve nue with incidental protection fair ly distributed while the Repuhli cubs claim that the prime object of the tariff ie the protection of Are*r iuen industries. These two theo ries will probebly be deerly put forth in the rext netienelplatforms. The Democrats claim that they ceii carry a heavy vote in the West on their opiKwitioii to monopolies, quite enough to clvot a President with the aid of the South. They ore more harmonious and much ' aiore confident than the K*|iulili . cans. Brv. , W. M. 1/edliethr, one mile i north of Trion Factory, has for ! esla, the Cashmere ootlou seed. ! Lit year be raised 2100 |H>unde of jtliai va-iety of cotton ou one I acre. Mr. Editor.— Bome time weeks ago J. N. Haggard of this count) undid A horse to Frank M. Kaig of Dado county for a cow. The hot*.- was d livered at once and tbe cow ess to be delivered on the next day. It. fore Mr. Mi Kaig got borne with ’ tiis linise he became dissatisfied with bie trade, and turned tbe horse loose I oa I.<Hikout M aintain. Mr. Hag . g ird w> nt (or his cow in pursuance of tbe contract but was inform, d by Mrs. Mi Kaig, that the row belong- ! ed to her, and that Icr huabaud bad no right to trade it, so Haggard bail to return wituout tbe cow. Mr. Haggard then appli id for and obtained a warrant for Mr. Me- Kaig, had I im arrested and bound j in a bond of fifty dollars fur his ap- , [earance at the next Superior Court to be held in Walker enuuty to ans. wer tbe charge of cboating sod swindling. Upon the iovisugation of tbia etiarge before the comioil ling court McKlig prove! that, the cow was bis, and not bis wife's Shortly after these proceedings Mr. Haygard procured the ass'st ance of Henry Hire, constable, ol the Upper Core district and Nowton Powell, and made a drive for the cow. Mr. Htggard b und the cow droreber borne and locked kor up, Mr. Hise then levied on tko cow an Mr.lllaggnrd’s property, Mr. M. K«ig then surd out a wrrrant in Dade county against II 'g gard, II so and Powell charging ibcre with, causing a fruudulcut and illegal levy to lie made Tbe parties werejurreated under Ibis warenut by Dquity Sheriff Gray of Dido county and curried to Bisirg Fawn where the warrant was returned to Esq’s. Can’rail and Forrester who af ter investigating the matter rrqo'red Ilaggt rd and lliso to give bond in tbe sum of fifty dollais each for tbe: a appearance at tbe next term of Dade Soj erior Court, to answei said charge. M' Kaig then had Haggard and llise arrested under a possessory warrant for the cow iu dispute, which isfortrialat Rising Fawn or: next Friday the 16: h instant. The litigation is becoming quite inter esting aud it will probably be some time before the questions will be finally determined- The Defendants, Haggard and Hi bo, cls'm that the courts of Dude county have no jurisdiction in tbr possessory war: ant proceeding now pending, us they are citizens of Wel ker county and tbe cow was in Wal ker at the time tbe warrant was sued out. 1 will give you tbe result of tbe trial next week, Rfporter. Fuicks, Oaf, Feb, 10, JIBBT I am obliged to complain of news being scarce. Since my last 1 was iu Catoosa a. ar the new railroad aud learned tbat 150 men were employed to each of th. cuts and it would take not less tbau threejweek* to clean there out. Oo J. M. Lea’s farm were several bales of cotton not picked Mr liinn sa>d be had a three year's siege to n nke bis and gather if, hr cleaned up the field year before lasi tended it last year and was picking it Ibis. La Fayette Bhaw will work at 1! ime Georgia, for a few moi ths at his trade. Sam Kirkcs it gone bark to Colo rado. Tbe excitement is up yet about mad dogs several f.norite ones has l«n killed. Considerable umoun of stock killed that was bitten b* the dog*. The items are too many to eall over; tbe w id is watch. Ther was a dog come into tue settlement, we do not know whee from; had . several combats with other dog»; this was the beginuiug; we know not the eud. We expect every dly to have to kill all tbe dogs in tbe boat of that one. A. F. Fuaw. Shin Honk, Feb, 11 th, 'S3. —A/i. Etlilor. —Having seen nothing of S late in the Mkskkni.ku from thin neighb "rh.v'd, I thought I wonld ! try my hand in giving you a few i ileina. i The wevthcr ha» been sn bad that we tterve done hut little to Advance our firming intcrerla, except in ths 1 prep .ration nf compost, da. M. K. Hammond baa boon get ting oat limbers for the construe lion of the bvhtge am«s Du'k Cr-ak He ,0-* at such t 1 ga wi h a vim. Our srh». 1 at Chattooga Church ! is doing well, ai d if we are not de ceived will continue to prosper as the weather gets betn r. There »re new eiinething over titty in atten dance; i or hope is for success be yond anything ol the past. Give us an educated community and pros i perity will be ours. We rrgr. t very much the loss of our Corel • House at La Fayette, Lul I suppose the beat thing we ran do. ia to build I a better one. But we are not pro- ; pared to iicjej t Mr J. M I-ec'a prop- ; oMticn and move to Crawfiah j Spring (that would nut euit u»J. j We have enough mud between ua and Lafayette, without taking into conaidrralion thedietanre, Ac. It would be nice however, it we bad , a railroad running from Rome to Chattanooga, by the way of La- j Fayette and Crawfish Spring, but 1 our hopes have been raised and crushed again and again on that j subject, until we have lost all faith ‘ whatever in such an enterprise and | we have in ide up onr minds to ta • things as we come to them, in the old way of dragging what we have to market over the same old mud dy roada that we have always been uaed to. Onr hopes even of a pik ed road have long since die I for want of advocates for auch a mad. We should have but two objects inlifo: First to make ourae'vrs ' and everybody elao aB well a- pos terity bh comfortable aa possible, and second prepare ourselves for eternity. Zio Zao. Triou Oleaninint Tuion, Feb. 13, 1833. Editor Mes»mgtr. All of our sick people are ira" proving, so l)r. Rudicil informs me. Little Bobbie Bryau is able togo to school strain. W, C. Kelley went to Horne one day last week, and brought up a hex r.f dynamite cartridges to blow up stumps for Mr. Allgood. They tried what effect it would I have on fish. A cartridge was pre- j pared and thrown into the river j and 33 fish came to the surface of the water in a stunned condition, and a'l one had to do was to lake them from the water. Tiion Mfg, Co. have received two new spinning frames, which they will have running'in a short time. Ix>. flarlis has gone to Arkansas or Texas. N. H. Coker. — Tbkston, Feb. 10.— It may be nveful to some people to know that English peas will come as well as other peas when covered deep. You rna* cover them too deop for » beu’a . law< andtkey will come up and do better than when covered lightly. I have seme up now planted Christ- ! mas week and covered 10 inch> s j deep. There has been a general killing of dogv and cats here but they ftf not all killed yet. Q. W. D. ATTENTION!!! I desire to inform the farmers < f Walker and Catoosa t'oun ties, that I nm nowof fvring them for 1883 the Cr'rbratrd Pendlr ton’s Plioeph.it(iuan •», John iH rrr y inan's and OI«l I dominion (■uanos. 1 have two car loads now, and will ha»e from time to time as required the Standard Brands of Fbos- i pliatrs and (inauos. Will sell as liw’as can he sold st. Will take notes at Trion or Ringgold. Resneetfullv. j. li. tones. Ringgeli, (ia. A PERFECT LIGHTS ; Hie cttal success achieved by th* RF.D “f" OBI* motif by the HKD •C"01L Manufeo I 1 hiring Co., of Itailtiniore. ha# iuduced imitation* GET THE GENUINE. It la lirntfo of the fa-4 neiwtfd cni«k»p*»troU»mu far fatuity u**. It baa novcrWn known tonm*) j an Ht'i'Mcei, anrf tuuccciui fa* rntmaltd t<» the ' nsc of any member of the htwwholii II bttvtM tilth a pure white end brilliant flame. Dun not Wooke nor crust the wick. Has no hatl odor. Cau la* used In any Koronene touitp. Ask you! W»r«liti[*cr far it. ami see that he gets l\ c. a. Mantissa c 0.7 Osreral Commise'an Merchaats, Warket Street. ChattamxMr* • | hasiu.e as •vf.i-’ALTmI-* Lime, Hay.lOat*, Flat ter, ll.iusihj; and Ties, Mold anil Warden Seeds. — Vt.KMi.i FOR— PENDLETON CELEBRATED GUANOi $47 Market Value. FROM THErSOUTH. A Perfect Combination with two sal leut AthanUgri -\\ by It Concern* yon. There is in* mistakenliout ft,” re- t marked l>r. M* F Flowers, of t• ;illiitln t Missoni i, JHK.VSC>.\*S CAP< INK I*o - PLASI'LRSsre one tis the mmt esi combiii.ilions ever produced. They , In?© two kind of ml vantage* over dll other*, which we may eall the minor j miff the major. First, they are clean ami pleasant to u*e, never soiling the ; handsc r the linen of the wearer. They aet ipdcklv himl |>o wilfully. I have ' tried the C>i|K‘itie IMaater on myself for imetiinoiiia, and on my imtieiits for va rious riscawes, such as neuralgia, Mus cular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Kidney trouble, etc., anti in all cases relief hue followed in from three to forty-eight hours. ” l>r. Flower merely voice* the written or oral opinion of thousands in hi* pro region. BKXSOX’S CAPCLNE I*o - PI, \M KKS are the perfect ex ternal Application. The genuine have the word CAPCIBIE cut iu the centre Trice 25 ce.iU. Seahury & Johu-on, CliemfaU, Slew York. febls4t WHAT EVERY PLANTER NEEDS A plenty of seeds, 45cis per do*papers. A cider mill $ 1.0 00 to $ 35 00 A Wiiul Mill 125 00 to 150 00 A Fruit llryer, 40 0® to 300 00 A .Sulky Plow, 57 50 to 0; 00 A Hiding Cultivator, 37 50 A Walking Cultivator, 20 00 A Wheel Home Rake, 30 00 to 35 00 A Screw Pulveriser, 135 00 to 210 00 A Field Roller, 45 00 to 75 00 AOne-llofse Harrow, 800 to 1100 A Two-llorwe Harrow 050 to 22 50 A Mower A Reaper, MeCcru licks, 135 00 to 300 00 A Two-llorse Turning Plow. 750 Lo 12 00 A One-Hore© Turning i'low, 4 04M.0 8 50 A Haimaii or Fergu son Plow Slock, 1 05 A Feed Cutter, 850 to 85 00 A cotton Planter, 10 00 to IS (M) A < orn Planter, 105 to IS (Hi A Crain Drill. 81 00 to 125 00 A Hood Churn, 040 to 20 00 ! A SpriiigTooth ulkey Harrow and Sccut-r coinhined, 71 00 f A Farm Hell, 500 to 20 00 | And we have them for you. All ; warranted. 5 per cent, discount f»r money with order. Jones’ or Her log*’ ('otton Seed at $2 50 per Im. -FU.\T BEETS.— We. have a large stock and will 8«-|l cheap to start the hall. Better fu cat tle tli in turnips. Mid specially good lor milch cows. Blood Tur;.ip Be its, pm* pot.n I 80c Long M'Kid Beet, •* 70c Long Red Mangold Wor/el u 50c Rou..d (Jlohe *' *• “ 55c Oolllt‘1) (rltllM 1 l( “ “ 55c CAIiKOTH .WAKE YELLOW HfTTEK. Long Orange Carrot ** Wh* Large Yellow Belgian do •• 00c Four pounds will plant an acre. Tomatoes ©rr Excellent for Cows Also. i 4 'ofa 0. will plant a good patch 73c > 4 It. Rattlesnake Watermelon Iced, 60c tW*Add 10 cents per pound if to go by mail. ..££3 Send for Price List of Field Seeds. Mark W Johnson k >7 MurlftUi Htreet. ATLANTA, GA. nm* •SEWING MACHINE Co* CHICAGO. ILL.-— ~ 'ORANGE,MASS. L and ATLANTA. OA. J A Common-sans* Emnt<ly. SALICYLICIA. >o more Kheamati m- boot or Xvuralgia- Immrdlat' Kvllvf WairanUA l‘rfuianvnt (n.e •iiiuranlwil. rivr jrar* raliliiniii <1 amt nevor known t» fail lu » *lti|;lr cum*, *« uta <*r rhrwnto. , K. r. t to nil |»roMtl.T*jat i»b)»ltl.uo nud tlriiKßitO for <ine •tnnUixa «f iwllryllnt. SECRETI ! I 118 OM.V UlirOl.Vl H i*F TH« FOIFON llC» U.lf! ACII I WHICH EXIBTK l\ TIM; 8,.00U OF RHEL'MAII. ANU OOI'TV VA | iIV.MTA. B*altrylim ti* known comma>n ***** rvmrtly, | b< mu* »l dirvclly at l!»c mu-« of ID>* utwaom t.o'it nn.l !S. ural|ti, nliMi* no wait) »o railFil ritf * Hint »u|>(NMeit |>4imcva.« ovtty tr**t locaHy iti* rlf * I*. It It»- kMW mtCHM by rminrnt «»• *S»»I ! t>mwar<l r*pli'-<tU>'R», meh ** rtAWm wuh ois j mnm 'Ht*, limlM' nU«R4 iw(Mll| Mlw« ri mil enuf p;iir iltr-r « whtrh »rr Me rrult of Ihc ; pm-oiui H*• It Iv'oo* wriila Uric *cl«|. MUCYI.I 1 A »< rk* w ill trtifd* • ©*« t *•« Oil* arid, »ml so rewmo* I , »r*»«n4* r. *» l* wow nclu- tr I) u«rd b> il»c «*l*l*r.e**a pit stclnn- A net |r« and Europe Hifiod M»-dl«ii Academy of p iris repaact Hjpvr rviH. cuw &in |!tr*« «ia>«* BEMEMBER tSa 1 KALILTLU Alaa minMi c»»»r »'•’ Ufa*- MtlMß.Oont »mi Tfc* nr»« m : trns* |man> turn wobdiH tt aiiu>*»l p**«r Ultr il a ItW. K« U«l g»i raMtrts* *** MKWtcy n i fun** tfa I 'llMH»a*Hl* ofwsllinoalaiv win «r a*flir*aod. $i a Box. o Boxva for $5. . t*cnt l. • by ms* <* re \>k im i DKUHiisrr roR it. Hut do a-t hr MoM mn wktlu in" -Ii hii w su'« or nomniun* r, as “ju i *s mat !” liMSmillw f liultw «•!**» *•*«* »»his of W ASH 'if R V k CIK, *mi v.n*H fa»* , *vf a*■ t- £M »r- i % it citrtnically pnr - imbr o? ry anm. an St.p. naiMr r» lo ln*ui* —»cgri*< m »h« ireal , mean. I akc »other, nr «adIU m* Wanhbunar A C#- r*op«wi *rs. 2tT> Uk"ap« at, vut. **'.ad« rr- NtW Y »RK. THE BEST WAGON —ON WHEELS — IS HANOKACTL'KJII) IST FISH BROS. & CO., RACINE. WIS., W* MAKE BVBKY VAHIHTY OF Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, And by confining onraelvee strictly ta oue class of work; by employing none but tha 13oa| of WOHKMKN, using nothin* bat KIKHTCLANB IMPKOVKD MACHINERY and the VKJi? BBMTof > ELECTED T> Mil hit, and by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the bualueaa, we haftl lastly earned the reputation of making “THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS.” Mannfactnrers have abolished the wamuty, but Agents may, on their owu reaponalMßtf* iKW the following warranty with each wagou. If so agreed: Wo Hereby Warrant the PISH BROS. WAGON No to be well made In ersry parSf alar and of good material, and that the atrougih of the same le enAclent for all work with fern ■sage. Should any breakage occur withiu one year from this date by roaaoa of defective material or workmanship, repairs for tbe aama will bo furaiahed at place of aale, free id charge, or wm price of aald repairs, as per agenl'a price Hat. will be paid in ca&h by the pooekaaor paoEnolbg • •ample of -the broken or defective parts an evldeuce. Knowing we eon suit you, wo aollcll patronage from every aecttofi o i the United Mahon. Bm# fat Frkoo and Tarma, and for n copy of TUB RACAK* AGRICULTURIST, to AUU BEOR 4k Bosiws WM* ROME SADDLERY WORKS. 15. ALLEIV & 15110., HAVE R-9TABLI&UEDjTIt £IR. LARGE HARNESS AND 1 SADDLERY WQirS, At 115 Hkimd Stbekt, ROME, GKOROIA. Whore tltoy oflVr to tin* triple tlielurgcst :unl most complete e f HaM4< Made Collars/ Amiyt vrryiliiiiir in a first c..«h* burne#* store, Ht prices below uiiyiliitiK over uflrml he to re in this nutrkrt. Wo guar antee the quality ot our goo<l*ptofbc cqunl*to the best; we use* wo rewing ma chine; we pay no agents to sell our goods, but give the buyer mil tho margin there is in prit es. We keep a full line of H*<l4Wy, II Hrviwnrt*, Oxk uml Hemlock Bole, Upper, anil llururHf fsuthrr, At lionom puk'kh. Come and see uawheu you come to Romo, before you buy; we take pleasure in showing goods, Don't forget the place B. ALLEN 8r BRO-, 00013 MEDICIIXKS, »R.;n. s. Til l t in; it's I-IVEI?, BLOOD SYRUP, Prlec 25 and 50ct*. G«k>*| rnrjnll complaint* anclntf fu,in ajilisniden d Liver.or k wenk|Kfdnsys.lßeHev lus-tiki.-he, dMweiiM-**, dizviiicps, pniutf i» the back. " , ‘. DR. H. 8. THACHER J S Cholera Mixture For lire cure of al* Pixhlen »ftacfc.«]of Cholera, or Cholera,Morbus, Diarrhea. Dysentery, or any t f the bowel*. Price -Jsrrs. Dr. H. S. Thacher s Improved Liver Pills Kit readily an«f"rns|'y_ftn the f i»er. raining It twrtcMnae tbs wMrbynti’m without elrkaew. The PIM act wlthntit pa’n and brave the bowels In good order. Good Un lAc bowels when e.eei|va®o» kns.td trp drive £sct». DR. H. S. THACHER’S WORM ST -TTJELTJTP* Pleartint !•» the tiHie-aml cblM will take it. Nn ca«*tnr‘oll*oriany medicine needed after Ik It is PiUlre.y Veg-table and euro tiHiring the wor»*i*. Price 2.' s’*. DU.| 0. 8. TEIACDEtt’M ’ XT *P JE2 RI I KT A A valu i l*N* wash* for F'tWlls that are troubled with Leuearrhea nr Whiter, ep any mpi# from iM; private part*. Prict-prOa*. Dr. H. S. Thacher Prepare* a number of vMuablefmedlelnee that have b*-en ttwdln ('haitaaoogu fm\ ear«, nwi all well known C ough Syrup, B'anh fsr ttmrn mouth- A number of Mbrrnrhrlnn all <>l flit heat Mad. AP nfihe above medicine* prepared by The Dr. H. 8. Thacher UVedieine Company, Wiirfcft B«reet,near Tintlt Chattanooga, Ten it C. W HOW A Rl>. A. 8. GI.OVER. T. H. KWINO, ( r .»'l; *f J U Warn.r k c». HOWARD, CLOTH i EWING, WHOLESALE lIA RDWAHE, Igrtiutural Implements Buggies. Etc., Etc., Chattanooga, - - Tennessee. ' Agency JIITCTIEI.I. WAtiOltf, it no at n « ifii.i.ro ri,«w«, JOBLPUB’ PATEST BARIIOtt , I OOBITHE SCALES, Avery’s Steel Plows *as“Ci>m9i)ondence solicited. SgIBLEY’SgEEDsX rif Ju, rum for ALL CROPS. for ALL f'M./k il MATKB. .AU an* tested; only tlm tw«t pent out fTN f Jr*ill surd Farat Manual; Wb-tnry and baet method* fl Ms j of ml tore of Drain*. Knot Cro;. , a, Grew*, iodtler fitjv, 'i'r-• Plantnrr.- etc. only KVl*. Jnnuat tagmm ah A Frir* Lit* t*f pnga CFfllK, M*vt*ral th(Mi<wnn vanegaa. FUEK* stciLY's sues HIRAM SIBLEY & Co< Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, ill, . .'A 1 .-■■■!■ ».»i ■. ui i.? y '■— jsl— .. ,■ ■■mu tWiud&Sßt Uetvca\(vvo. dprtins, Pain In the Back and Side. There la nothin* more iMdnfh! than the«c rtlucaaea: but iho ok in ean removed «ud dtsoaac rttred T.y uae of PEttRY DAVIS* PAIS KILI "K. This remedy la ast a clieap Benzine or Petr'-leum pro-1 i*; th A nuzt l« V.evl away f«m Ve or heat to owotd dangrr of ciplsuloa, m-r is it on (LiSiod expevrateitt that xrtj do more harm than pood. PAIN KILLER has been fa onartAirt uae C rty yeer* and ,he otilretyal te«i ! >»m alt ports of the world la. IT SEVER PA ILK. It not tr'.y oflfefte a pen.'»ar.err« err, •. I hut it reltevee pain alm«j*k instantaneously. Being a purely Yt.'Ctablc remedy, f£ i- pafa Irr tfct* hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures hy the use - of PAIS KILLER wor.M fl): v- lnmer. Toe lhKcarhtg extracts from letters received ahow what those who have tried U think S4*&f Cady, Owatonna. Minn., saya: I G.H. Walworth About a year aLnoe mr wife became to Meet toL h'";' ». -u-n' ‘ Wl r Piik*Ki^ to aevere aufferiiur from rheomafiam. f>nr * f ‘ F rm*Tt ww» the Pa*B Eu.LJta, wtudvsjawfily K.IOrKM _ , relieved her. I haver**d jmv *'»t.a F r i :«a feeikecmerirnai •ud have w i-tw* . Charlea Povretl writes firom the Sailors' Baiton Edar Home, London; f Save . < trr fWrlr T-*ar< l had been aflicbed three yearn with ttenraWa . n-J Irv- f.-'-vt ; ( .. ia,..,ee and violent *rv*«rus the stomach. The d- atop * at Weatni!t«ab*r H.’Vjitjd grave up my oaaa fd Hr. bordl’t vn'lCS : 4r*i«ir. lbMymrP*r«KaLn,sailK|W« t- ■ r»lieffc*/*••••««rvcatnwa, r.x* immediate relirf. I have mr , fhn Glloer* ?a. ttlitse: sud urn now able tofullow m> uenaf Yrrir actu*l Rtr. i «ncA» .. >l- i ai» kiu re la tl* b»«t me*iiein» I zt* .? -t. Aii dmgTrlsts keep TaIX Kilt.xr. fls price 1* ao low that it Is tr«th!n the re-. I* ot oil. and U wOl save many times its ri«f fn doctor' hi la *k.i and ?«.oo » bm*.o, PERRY 9AVI9 a son, Proprietors, Prowltience, H. L MAI/r ||C|JC I IV" IWlftlni I 11 L BTS CiS I Ki ..--tra*to. He t.v _ tfc n ShorWa*' |w d RBB I I ■■■ Hi w ■■ ■* ■ po Vd»n> .re to m iUiv pan **a Uh»*are*c 1 eaiaabi *. JVxhmc **« earth will make ben* lay like Sheridan>po F<*wderv. yi piut too X Sv-id «v«o wUvrv, ut acui by maD.*- 'Utter-sU»i«. X s-/ou>,m t *\k, KOmoy, fla^a.