Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, March 08, 1883, Image 1

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■ " ' y■ ■ ■ ■ T “ - . « Iron Kittens. Ao Whiskey! ■ Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. • Brown’s Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown’s Iron Bitters: Cin.,o.,Nov. 16,1881. Gents:—The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown’s Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render spgcdy and permanent relict v. Jittar.ntnjs. “ tuojia# simTiar” Solicitor of patents Oavoats. Trade- Marks, Copyrights, etc , WASHINGTON, D. C. Office St. Cloud Buildine, Corner 9tb and F Streets. Opposite U. S. Patent Office. _ JOHN W. MADDOX, attornky at Law S3MMEBVILLE, - EOROIA. Will practice in the Superior, Coun ts, and District Court#. P.M. EQWARDS. ITTORAEY AT LAW La Fayette, - - Go. Oolleetine .1 specialty. Office emtsidc ol ike tqoare. trpl 7 TO H Henry, Afloraey »1 Law, Summerville, - - - - Georgia. JTTM.L •• th« Rnm# and adjoining Cir Vr n ui. r«l!ro *a specially. F. TT. Copeland, Attorney at Law, LaFayettr, - - - Georgia. Xi? ILI* practice In Superior Court*. of Roma V? circuit. Bl6oWh-'ro hr*peclal aerormont. Co! c-etionw a Hprrlally. (Office up Kiaire of Ulckeon’* I lore.', _ H. I*. Lumpkin Attorney at Law, LaFayette, - - Georgia. Y1 ILL five prompt attention to all burinmo V \ eutruated to lum. Office In the Building. Robert 51. W. Glenn, Attorney as Law, LaFayette, - - - - Georgia. WILL PRACTICE In the 3upftiiorC«urt* ofllir W Rome and circuit#. Collrctloiia n apecialty. Office (*n corner opposite Drug store. 3 35 3m. (JtUccllansous DR.J.X RISE A, RESIDENT DENTIST. Kinnquold, - - Georgia. SgSTaQs Offers services in all branch- IddjTTYTes of his profession to the cit’Zens of Walker nd C Io"sa Coun ties. W irk promptly done at modetales prices. All wot k warranted. (’Sice on Nash ville street,'first building west of W L Whitman's store. Ho More Eye-Glasses, MITCHI^^^ EYE-SALVE (A certain, Pafr’ai.d HT live Remedy for SOME, WEAK AND MFLAHEO EYES Producing Inn- s!Jtledne»R, and Restoring the Right of the < >ll. Cores Tear Drops,!Granulation, Stye , Tumors’lle(tJFie«, Matted Eye Lashes. AND PIODITI'IKO Ullti K • ICLItr AND PKKM IMtST CUKE. Alao, equally rffi’acjon* when u-rd In oth-r *nl adi-n, *oeti u Ulcer-. Pever Sore#, Tumor-. Halt Khrum, Burn*. Pit** or wherever Iwtlemniaiion ei l»te, MiTCHELL'O R..LVE maybe uwd to advan tage. Hold by all Druggist* at 25 Cente. NEW RISK BLOOD! PAR-oS** PUitGaTIVR PILLS make New Rlrh Hloof, and will completely '•hawg* the btoed la like eniiraaia'em In three m'-nitis Any perron wo t will tak- 1 pill each right from 1 to 12 week* may ba t«»tored to twnarf health, If aaeb a thing be f#uwu.ie. Hem by ami I for eigUt letter atam^-. 1. S. JOMNHUN k CO. Boatwn, Maaa, lurm* rljr, Baager, Jfr. Walker, County Messenger, VOL. VI. THE MESSENGER. LAFAYETTE, - - - GEORGIA. - *ußSciui>noK ■. One Year - - - - 000 Six Months - - - SO Cent-. Time Months - - -25 (Tints, 1 " ’ It is said that hydrophobia is caused by the bite cf the skunk. Senator David Davis is soon t • he mnrried to Miss Addie E Burr. Judge Underwood of Whitfield issued 128 marriage iieetnes last yaar. Judge Fain Gauges forty dol lars and costs for earryittg conceal ed weapons. The Courier says that tbs cotton ginnirg season in Catoosa county is not over yet. In Ne w Yoi t a mac has been fined fir singing bud iu a choir. We have a few rights left. The Evening Star of Atlanta is a row venture in journalism in that city. Long may it twinkle. I. R. Hix, of ihe Spring Place Times,* as recently married to Misv Genie Giddeus us tint placo. A white partridge was recently caught on the plantation of Colom 1 Sam Carter of Murray county. Cleveland raised her quarantine agsinet Chattanooga last Fridas and all the guards were dischar ged. Ex-Trewurer Polk hes not per mitted his w ife to see him since his imj risonment, and says he does not intend to. John Wyatt, a son of J. M. Wy att, of Sonny Dale, has gone to Paraguay, South America to peek his fortune. The amount of the bond of Ex Treasurer PJk was reduced from 550.000 to 8-0,000 last Saturday, and was made hy him. A man at Conyers, Gn., baa just had a hate of cotton re-packed to pot or. the market that has been lying in hix lot ever since the war —As s f, on as the postmaster at Chattanooga can certify that the streets of that city are all properly .numbered and named, free mail delivery will be established. The Times se.va, that the small pox has been thoroughly stamped out and the health office closed, and that fur the first time in thir teen months small-p«x is not un expei.se to the city. Mr. West Rounaaville, of Rome is making up a subscription to erect another cotton factory in that city, 855,000 has been subscribed and oniv 820,000 more is needed to set the enUrprise in motion. We are iu recei pt of a copy of the first issue us The American In vector, published at Washington, by Smith & Wright. 'Thus. S Smith, this firm is a native of Ghat totga county. We wish the new enterprise and new firm much suc c tss. Gov. Stephens is quite sick, and has hem since his rtlurn, from Sa vannah centennial, He finds much trouble in retaining nourish ment, and considerable fear is felt that his well-known enfeebled con dition wid prevent him from ral lying. ________ The store of S A A J L Iligdnr, of Trenton, was burned last Thurs day night. Nothing was saved. It is thought to l ave been the work of an incendiary, as there had been no Hie t.i the house fer several days. The loss is eptimateu at 81,- 500; insurance SSOO. One Kentucky stage robber sar* cessfufly plundered the driver and three passengers, rifled the mail, took a wheel efif the coach, and calmly went his way. Had there been two or thrie more passengers and aguard.He would have sent his hoy to do the job, w hile he wmt down to Texas to do some man’s work. LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 18P3 COMM VNICATED. Washington, Feb. 25th. The fii-tnds of th >3 hil. to grant naiionsUid to education came near p ssing their hill through the House Saturday. The bill gives ten million a year for five years from the national treasury b> be distrib ute! among the various states on the basis of illiteracy. Because t f the emancipation of ihe negroes the l-.ulk of the illiteracy is in the Sou'll, anil therefore the South would have the bulk of the money 8 > appropriated It is also stipu lated that the money shall be sp plied under existing State laws. Georgia’s share ot iltia futsd would he nearly three quarters of a mil lion a year, or considerably more than the State now applies to her school fund. Ihe bill has been ag itiited in one shape or another fi r several ses-ions <f Congress tied iias nmie such a steady growth in popu’arity that it mast pass before leli'.-. The pe'-ple ate b pinning t > discuss it and take an interest in it T .y am askingith-ir lepreeentit tites how they stand it. In short the great popular powers til's it work which will mtiko Congress ) ield before long. The strongest, spe.ch made in favor us the hill Saturday afternoon was by Mr Clements of yt ur district. He has studied the question as thoroughly as any m u in Congress. His views were presented in a brief, cnnipre he' sive and point'd speech, which received very marked attention on both sides of the House. I have seldom seen so handsome acompli mi nt paid to a member in hie firs l term as he received. His influence in the House ha- I ee t built up by steady and f dthful work. He D regarded as one of the risit g men and wiil have in the next Cotigress a much belt*r opportunity than he ha* had jo this. The hil! for which he so forcibly pleaded wax kept fr-uit a vote by a n otinn to adjourn ai d that aas car ie lby only out vote. It is impossihiein the crowd ed condition of Congress to get up the educational hill again this ses smn hut the debate of Saturday made it friends who will be ready *o champion it next winter. Tho hope of passing any tariff hill a! this at scion seems almost en tirely gone. The Senate has got ten through a bill but, hut M Kelly ai d his hgh protect!'nist following ir. the Houeodo not think it fixes high enough the duty on several leading articles such as steel, 'Cotton and woollen goods, &c. The Democrats do not wish to prevent the passage of a tariff bill at phis session and are willing to take the Senate hill as it stands, Kelly wants a committee of cot.fen nee which will be arranged by KMler so doctor the bill according to his notions. The Democrats and many Republicans will resist such a ref erence of the bill. Between there opposit g forces it is safe to predict no genera! tariff legislation at this ses, iun. The President has said that in the event of the passage of no bill, he would call an extra ses sion i f the Forty-Eighth Cor gr ss. but that is not now probable. Few 1 ave been called, and every time th> y have hern called on more im portant provocation than exists now. Tie President is the Repre sentative of the Republican party and that party is always in sympa thy with the monied interests of the country. These interests art better pr< tee’ed by tl e prtsent tar iff than they con hope to be by any -i.fi* schedule. Therefore an extra session to bfften a reduction ol their profits is net at all probable, j ft is v.-ry doubtful whether the i Ser.at- wi 1 hold tin extra session of ’ a few d.ys as it usually does (or ! the trai s.ictioi of executive busi ness Whether it docs or not Mr. Anthony, of Rhode Island will be elected Prisident of that body an • ex-officio Vice-Pres : dent of tbe United fc’tates. He is serving his fifth term In theSenaie ; ie a fair mind'd liberal Republican at da I very clever man personally. He is : a big improvement on Daviti Da ! vis, Bpy. J J O’shcr, Tueculum.Ga., save; I' Brown’s iron- Bitters 1, the htet i medicine I ever knew for torpid | live!.” “Broomstick Experience"- Ne W-eus sion -Miliary and Repiorter—Au Opinion. I know nothing personally of ‘'broomstick exptiience." 1 sup pose my esteemed friend, "Subscri ber,” is fully acquainted with such an experience—but I hope not. I‘, is perfectly natural for him to judge otheis’ experiences by his own ; but he bus no right to do so Again;''ln matrimony the starting right shvuld be done before they are linked together lor life”—grant ed. That point was not discus-cd in my article. 1 repeal, ‘'a groat deal depends on the way a couple starts out in life." This is true ir it is not true. Wo were not discus sing how they should start out be fore marriage, hut sgtee with Sub scriber. With regard to tho drun ken gentleman, no reflection >vas meant. The wife was nut to bllfme she was perfectly innocent, and God forbid that 1 should reflect on her, on account of the actions of her husband, which actions, site could not prcvtnt. In the mam, I agrea with subsciibcr, and h niu-t agree with me, if he will con sider the question in tho proper manner. NO discussion. It is not our tlesiro to engage in a discussion with any one. We are not writing for that purpose. It the tuticles which or« published in reply to my random thoughts, receive no reply, tho readers of the Micsskngeu need not he surprised I shall avoid any discussion. If any one has a subject which he de sires to discuss, let him present it to the readers of the Messunguu. and lead off on the affirmative or negative, and I guarantee, he shah find some one, who will deb its' with him. ‘ mi.l.A'.n,” AND ' REPORTER." Will their discussion never end? 1 am of their opinion, th.af they should use there able pens in ‘some other direction." Let them read Spurgeon’s decision on the two words under discussion and "close nut." II they areatetermin ed to continue the discussing 1 shall continue to read what the* aav, but think I could gaiu mart information from them on some other important question. I think Reporter has gained the victoiy so far, hut many do not think ns 1 do, and I guess it is well enough that they do not. AN OPINION. A Philadelphia Judge has deliv ered an opinion, in which to as serts that Atheists and all who do not believe in a Divine Creator, and rewards and punishments, are in competent witnesses in a court ot justice. He says: "It, followa'tl a' the faith of a wi trass should be a religious belief of semi kind, in the existence of an omniscient being who will reward anti punish either licre or hereafter, for good and evil deeds.” This is an opinion that may I e discussed by those who are anxious to get into tt discussion. Root. Random. March 6th, 1883. The following short letter, and preamble and resolutions we pub lish by request of Dr. A. Clem ent’s father ol Dr. W.F. J. Clement-, who was killed accidently by being caught between tbe cats and c.ir shed at Walnut R'dge, Ark., be tween day break and sunrise on the morning of Dec. 9lb, 1.H82, being the same day the little child of his sister Mrs. M. A. Cavender, died, and four or five weeks after her death: Dr. A. CtemenU: Dear Brother.— l herewith en close a copy of the preamble and resolutions in accordance with the order of our lodge which is expres sive of our Jove lor and esteem of your son atal nor brother W. F J Clements, and which expr.w* the fadings of all who knew him. hard ly with en exception. t J. JJ. Anderson, Secretary Whereas it has idca-ed tl e Hu pfeme Architect of the Universe, to rernov-t from us onr touch loved and highly esteemed brother, W. ]•’ J. Clements, while in the vigor of hi* a thertby breaxir g again the chain of our immediate brotiuh hood and adding scolher to the great Lodge of Ku rnity, Thtrcfort.'Jx' it Ilev Itcd, bv llein- 1 tLin Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A. M. Ist. That while we sincerely mourn his exit, we recognise in bis dentil the hand ol that Gi d who do eth nil 'things well and humbly bow in submission to his hmy will. 2nd. That in the removal of our Brother our Lodge litis lost an hon ored and esteemed member, his wife ft good husband, and bis com munity one of its best citizens. 3rd. Tlntt wo tender onr heart felt sympathy Ui the herein ed film ily end command tliiui to the God of all mercy. 4th. Thai while wn cherish his memory lit re, we consign his hotly to the tomb and commend bis spirit to God wl o gave it, let Ch it lty incline os to throw a veil over his foibles, whatever they may have been ami not withhold from bis memory the praise thatjiii vir tues Imre claimed. sth. That we wear the badge ol mourtii g for thirty days in honor of his mean ry, Ctlt. 'Unit ;» page cf our rtcord Book he set aside and suitably in scribed to his memory. 7th. That this preamble and these resolutions be .spread upon the Minutes of our J.ntlw l , *tmd » copy thereof be sent t.o the bereav ed family of the deceased and one to the aged father anti one t > the 'Gainesville Press and also to the Jonesboro Times for publication. H. Anderson h J. C. Anderson, "Com. I. J. Stacy. ) Gttotl Advice. You will prevent anu cure th greater part of t.bo ills that afflict mankind in ti is or any .section, it you keep your stomach, hv«r and kidneys in perfect working order, t’iicio is no medicine known that Joes this at surely as Parker's (lin ger Tonio. It will keep Jour blood rich and pure, and giio vou good hcal'n at littlo co.t. S e other column. ’ I’kavink, l'Vh. 2(ith 1883. Editor Messenger: The discussion between Hillary and Reporter in your paper bae ex cited tho attention of some Bible readore in these puls and while n( a first glance the ditcursi *t» may seem tit.important, y< t in the light of Scriptures or revealnl truth, that •hit. s, piersous nod places should have their proper name ortignill oa ion, < r rutner lie inter,ireti d according to God s mind which is contrary to man's, and men art contrary towards each other, in it igp ar- in the disjiution. Tl (. word Sub hath is frequently mtntiono l in the Old and Now Testament with injunctions to keep it bo y ; but the w'ord Sunday is not once even intimated and inu-t therefore be of man’s invention and can never be recognized by the great 1 Am. But God's children shouid observe the day as b;i!y, and not lie quarreling about its ap pellation. Tbe word reverend or reverence is only applied to God Himiclf and c nirnon si rise it aches humbli- Bible student that it is a sniiitti 'l discrepancy ltd very irreteientl In detach from God's p! ry, nml t.<;- stow it /t) a sinful fallen crotiure line man 1 have abut dm.e>- o Hoiipture for the truth of the above statements and will furnish them ■it any one desiring the aanje let m stiek fast, to the trutt', if wo wish 11 prosper individually, socially or nationally. «. Yours Respectfully, Bi.uk Grass. Gone ,Veter to Ko’uni, Gardner, Me.— Mr. Danii I Gray, u prominent lumber merchant writes that his wife had severe rheu matic pains; so severe ns to render her unaMe to sleep. From the first application of the famous Ger man Itemedv, S'. Jacobs Oil, she experienced unspeakable relief, and to two hours tbe pain had entirely g ip e. '«P ♦ -- - Beamy is inly dm deep, and sometimes it is only as deep, as the powder and pa : nt. Gainer, 205 Biutogh* ton street, Bivtffinab, says; ‘*l f. tve taken Brown’s lion Bitters for my b.ood and it has dor.erne good ’ NO. 32. From (ho Orange (trines. Dear <l u*amgtr,‘ 1101 l llmygi'd Doc. 28tlt,nnd iif- I' l lwo -.lay* in Atlanta anti one In Savannah, I lauded iu Jacks: nyille Jan. 2d. I got aboard the steuin himt Walaka at 2:3 )'p. m. and wan Km n Hunting up tin* St John. There urn many thiogato attract the truevler on ibo l:i. John, lima a nice ornngj grove, tin ra a I ii'ge hotel with the United .Slut, < flag floating ahovu it. Al >i mt eight miles up iho l'ivar from Jacksonville is the winter homo ol Unmet Beecher Stowe of "fncle Tom'a Callin’' no tnr'oly. . Wild ducks could h - seen' by the thousand, also phnty of water-turkeys, licrntm and cranes, 1 haw been with an jr. ng*’ blu er ever tince I have bean in Flcri dn. He buys them on the trees for from 812 to iT> pi r tin ustund, Wo gather, box and ship, ‘ tVc have i;!iip|e',l over 310,000 thi* rousfn, I h..' hccii' over a good deal of Orange coanty, und I t o** new liiiilihn.esgoing up in all purls, Linds i.ra very high, I'inn lands around Sanford that would not ho cultivated at all in North (leoiyi i, sail for #SO and #75 per acre. They jju ll grow lemons, hanannat’, | I'O' '■ |/fdi -, A.*. li* I. , hilt. Mill so tm'i’fiubly as ilia oiang . . 1 think Kliftita sliouhl have been nulled Out "Land of Inker, '* instead of ilwrL n.i of Flowcis,” 1 have scenffiore flowMs in one yard in Georgia, tluii, T liavc s**n in the State of Florida; hut lulus am without ' umber and nr. of all sizer, •Sanford is a the hand of naviga tion on the S; Jnliim K'.Vi r. and the no' lh tcrtuir>us of the South Fkni da KuilroiiJ. ft is li.aut.ifnliy *it- U.de 1 011 the fj.iUtll side of luike. Moarno, and conlaios about one thousand inhabitants It has (line hoteb, four clitirohut and will mood have water-works. We haw plenty ofcabin#'*, and ISnglishpeangniciiiiihors, hems and tomatoes will sootl ho in. Hi K. Saolnrd, Fia., Fell 21th, 1832. aovick ro mohusk.s. Are you d'sturbed at night and of jrour rest by u’sick ohild uuffeiiog and crying with pain ol cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a Lottie s f Mrs, Win«'o*’s Soothing Sirup For Chil Iren Teething Its value is treat trouble, It will fnlisvo the noor llitle S'.IV rer iniiinajiuloly Depend upon h, tuolhcrs, there is oo mistake id O 't, it. Ir, <nn 3 <jyu eolei'V and d'.ir* boca, regcl i'.-s 1,1 . stomach and ho vela, ictces ,*.i*.■ I . ■■ ■!• in, s ficus the giont, ie !lie a ti.il in mat on and.gives tone and eery) 1,0 the vrhdu svstiiu, Ms, W.o slew’s So.lhng ti/rup For Chil dren Teeth eg H.leaiinit !o rhe lade and is the piVM ip'ion of one of the eldest an t In efc female physicians and nurses in the United i*>ic. -, I*:it is for sale by all diiiggwa inongh cui the world, i'np; "iDt cols u bottle A young luun In ion a wan so impatient to see his yiii that he paid #lO for w lo omothe to mn him thirty-five nido*. Wnon he got there she was smirking his lirul, and a vary hi*: d* g had pu s »»ion of the fr mt (loot eotriincc. Shinny dcn. Well’s teal til Ueiievvee. AI>S"l0le eurc* I'cr nei von*. *iel)ility aid nv.»4,. iiesmi ;lte generallve finiiaious. ,f I. Al. drugyv-n*, I,*,*, Depot, I.amai*, Han kin At I.suak, AU.inia noil llj jii Oa. A farmer recently rlinounced that he was about lo build a con dition’ to his house I'.r a “jhd-p --li- room” win rein to enter!, .in bis guests in a ho-tile manner. Why Welcome. Wiiu' makes FI ireston Cologne welcome on cv i} lady’s toilet table nits listing tragiante and rich, flowery odor. When a nigyer lells rue dat lie l'lhf* his neighbor as hlMsell. he has n • he a mighty heap bigger dcu 1 i- ter keep me from calling him a bar. “Hough on K it ;.” The tiling destrcil I'd,out at In it Aik kinggAu for •'Hough on Hal*,'’ I* c rari" I rats, mio* , loaches, 'flies, ted-hilt*. 15 . I exes The’’yi d man” .ho has ' s-n causing s ich m.ceisiiu s< ie ibought to ho t * caurpatgn editor ol t! e Chattanooga iJ.-.m cr.it. ti:e cheat german {' REMEDY teSf FOB PAIS. ■PJJB BRcmuniO^ ; jttß' |. Nournlgla, * -'Of J - edition, l iiM'tcfjo, i '’33W*K> j>.- —nrf* ISIHIM, tOOTSIKH MRE THROAT. QCIKHY, »WltLLl#Q«, «r*n.n, iS'V iMm to*. totm* Miff'*'**? nonmrtx ;i Aul all otkar V-Cg mN ■’.v 'fM. ~s;::." r tuseenm Hu ClwrUiA.Tofdv fc. l4i i..Hr (*••«.»•"» A. V«.U» A•*) f.'T ■■ , - J B«lU»ar*, JU, K. H. A. m:- MM tvt’.w. FROM THE SOU I H, A IN rfi'vt Couihliuitlon with two Hhllui Aril<l i>tnw* -Why It Coiic«-riiH you. “ J’lieio if* no mistake about it,” re* marked Dr. M F Flowwm, of Oifllatli*, M sonri, m:\SDN\S CADDINK IN»- iiOl’.'i ri.AS i'KKSare one of the nent i s combiun. ions ever prod need. They lr*vr two kind of udvuntngo overall others, whirli may rail tlio iidnor ml lie major. lfl rtf t they nr<* clwui and nh-asunt to use, novel* soiling til.) ttniid'M r i In* linen of tin* wearer. Tliev art ipdeklv tun! pow ei fully, I fiiife tiled the Caprine IMnMe-i* on myself for pneumonia, and on m.v patients for va rious risi snes, mudi as ncurnlgla.'.Mns etibn RV'iinialUin, I.iitnhngn, Kidin jr trouble, etc., and in all imh'h relief ha * to’lowed in trom three to forty-eight houn.” Dr. Mower merely volees the wiliten or oral opinion of thousands In h h pro fe* ion. hl-.NSONM ( AIM ’INK Fo lio! s I’I.AMT.KS are the perfect ex ii * nil Application. The Pennine have »In* word ( AFCINR cut In tlx; eei tr.i. Cnee *2o re Its. ' ' dMiiyw .Johnson, (.’hendsls. >evv Vo,k. * leh 15 It. WHAT EVERY PLANTER NEEDS V pie ty of seeds, l ets pel do* papers. a * hier mill $ m <*> to * 35 o.» \ Wind Mill 125 1)0 to 1500(1 \ Vi nil Dr\ or, 10 00 to 3CO O.t \ I Mew, 57 50 to 05 0 i A !;i lin v, < 'ulllvafor, 37 * r > ) A Wdkioir (lull I valor, 2(10) A Wheel Horse Kake, .*lO 00 to 35 i» ASe io\v i’utv«*i iser, 135 00 to 21000 \ Field K dler, 45 00 to 75 00 \ One lle' se Harrow, 000 to 1100 \ Iwo Morse Marrow 050 to 22 50 A ?dower t» I tea per. Me.CtT'oieks. 135 00 to 300 00 A I'wo 11 or Turning Flow, 750 to 12 00 A One-Horse Turning I Mow, *1 00 to 850 i llaimao or Fergu *l n Flow Stock, 1 (Jo \ i>ed ( utter, 850 to 83 00 A r;i.: >n Flaiit"i* f 10 01) to 18 00 A < '•«i a Flan- , 105 to 18 00 V < • rain I >ri 11. 81 00 to 125 00 A Hood finin'. 010 to 20 00 A SpriMg'Tooth Solkey Harrow ami Seeder combined, < I 00 A Far-II i: 11. 500 to 20 00 And w.* have them tor ) ai. All warranted, 5j <t cent, dlewoimt for ui'HK with order. .lanes’ or Jlcr -10 ;.-.’ C'ot.toii Seed at if:.' 50 per htl. ' -Pli/IST ISfiCSOTN.- W 1 have a laryi* Kioek and will sell elio-ip lo start tlio ball. Heller foi eat i|e Ih.in iin'nips, tud eptH ially jjood lor Mill 'll I'O’VS. Mood Turnip He ts, per'pound BOn I on# Bleed Jlect, *' 7 fi o l,o»i: Red Mangold Wor/.el ” 500 Hon d illobo “ *• ”, 55u < .olden (• John “ ” *' 65c < AKHOTS !>I \t< I' VFJ.LOW UI TTEH. Orange < 3trro|, " 000 f.m Yellow Ih ljflan do " Uoo I our poumlH will plant an acre. Tom at in's are lixeellent, for Cowh Alao. 1 1 of a 11. will plant a pood patch 7*~"? H- Haltle-mako \V Pei melon seed, s*)»i ’i* Add !(• cents per pound If to go by mail.,./4dJ .‘-.end for Frloe I,lst of Field Seedi. Mark W. .loliihoii A Co., ;l MarietlAStreet, ATtAWTA,OA. B i’lfiit* siikcl fi'lowfriir -AT TUB— Lookout Oreeuhouec * Chatt TflU'iegsea. The largest mid most eompiere In tl u Sontli. I ran supply ion with an\- : needed for the Mower yard and Iruli .garden. INaiita fre»h Hue mid cheap. I can furnish Twelve liosee Tor $1 00, Twelve Qeraniu jiii fort! 00, Twenty CoJeua f>r $1 00. Tweni Verbenas ft! 00 ('an be shlppi lat any time. Semi for a catalogue, /tddmt* If. M NIXOV, lookout Uivenlmi ‘i?s, ( hattmiortga, 'i'enii. junlo J. A. BASS & Cl, 0 Molitgome;v A venue. MI HTA MHXM, 'JTJ.N X FSI EE Dealer n 2 ? :>B3!i!y Gimrit'K, Si.-y O'mkW, lotion*) |{atTlnaiT ;;n<l Ajjri «• aiti:raSluiplt*:n«■ r U. littliWp 12*37 ! T - DWH tfffl A T,oa/?|i»ar Tendon Pit j-H f. *», " m lien e«fali.w.h • *« » (lflwei.l KvwYowL. J I’-'- IQ lwribeCnreef 1 (' g £?IU2PTIC FITS. riU 5,«-2 cO t'ininMnjAirM)X(jtUedl' i \u in\ r SI. i- r< )€ TatJ »f l/’ir<lnn),%hn tnukof A . * J ' !»: •. . h*« wlllHH'i, •J.iuUl te.-itM an<l Mr*4 . i >, i/ih ’ io luKi'hyrtcUii. « », •., ~y i .H t i..r,'«liir.)f; li of cmm of • . , »• u uji-i’jmi.f V] rnavil hjr hl,.i. i , .. | ». .. ,« *. tut it,lo **ilrh h« •••-J* *, t.. r-u I,- .ii fifC.owifl-riatort f,«.4 l*» mnf *ufc i wi,, fc.uy * ••*'! i >. •• 11* o. Aihirtw* ** t i,!,0 *>« m. Ah. l>». ttJut'o Bt., How Yof*- H. P. Lumpkin & Co., AM-.h'i V mi: tiik Purcik.io ami Sale of Keal Eatato l\ -I III', IML'VTIK* i.* Chattooga, Catooea. Dade ana Walk*!. OH. I *l,mi .-oivw:i-» to ull who may wish 10 tuy or .oil. In Bulling they will u»a every oy.-rlion to ulfuei an ailvaotagooua vale. In buying m give entiel'u ti nto 11 e |.uich.: ir. Couiniitviuns low ami »i.l i- JVL-r miverliring, itorieei'or.dr noe, examining t in tiller, an! the making i.-'io-ed*. A -li.m llteiu at l,ar.yelte, Ga. ______ K 'l‘JlAr.ti tn tke >h rii f'jtitiiii:«-«« and PrUt L'.t, I*l ,u. fr.r e,m t«! ■ .> IML Al LfiLLI /. .A i Ui. do Maukld. Okta.