Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, May 17, 1883, Image 1

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Iron Kilter*. Failing! That is what a great many people are doing. They don’t know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The Only sura remedy get found ts Brown's Iron BnrßHfi, and this by rapid aad thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and atrength. This Is why Brown’s Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumabsra, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. •04 S. Pact Sc., Baltimore. Koy. 08, >SBt. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and wa* growing weaker every day. I Hied Brown’s Iron Bitters, and am haopy to say I now have a good appetite, aad am getting stronger. Jo*. McCawlby. Brown’s Iron Bitters I* not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the -only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. .Sttoijncgs. THOMAS - !». S.WffiiT" Solicitor of Paten Caveats. - " Trade- Marks Copyright*, , WASHINGTON, D. C. Office St. Cloud Building, Corner 9th and F Streets. Opposite.U. S. Patent Office. jeii.v w. m im»o\, attorney ai Law BUMMERVILLE, - GEORGIA, Will pi-aclice in the Superior,Coun ty, and District Courts. P.M.EDWARQs7 mOK.VEV AT L4W La Fayette, - - Gu. Collecting a specialty. Office east side of the!..snare. .<-pt 7 ss V. M Eenrv, Altci-iicy at Lair, Summerville, - - - - Georgia. •17 11.1. practice in the Home and adjoining Cu Yv caita. Codec « a apeci-alty. F. W. Copeland, Attorney at Law, LaFayette, - - - Georgia. WILI. practice in the Superior Courts, of Homa Circuit. Rl.-ewhrre hv special agreement. Col •ctionu a specialty. (Office up stair* of Dickson’* •ore.) H. P. Lumpkin Attorney at Law, LaFayette, - - Georgia. W 11.1. give prompt attention to all bueincsi \ » entrusted to him. ft?- Otiice iu the MESSENGER Building. Robert M. W. Glenn, Attorney at Law, LaFayette, - - - - Georgia. Will practice in the Supetior Courts of i lie Rome tikl adjoining circuits anil in the Supreme Court of Georgia Of fice ou east hide of square in building with Dr. G. W. McWilliams. 3 35 3m. Miscellaneous Advertisements. DK.J.S. Ktlfvl, RESIDENT DENTIST. Rinnooold, - • Georgia. Offers services in all branch of bis profession to the citizens of Walker and Cloo.sa Coun ties. W irk promptly done at moderates prices. All work warranted. Office on Nash ville street, first building west of W L Whitman’s store. Fain Xiilei;. I THE TESTS OF 40 YEARS PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT Perry DaresPMir IS THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER t THE RELIEVER OF DISTRESS ' THE COMFORTER FOR FAIN THE ENEMY OF DISEASE AND A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT HAND. EVERY DRUGGIST keeps IPerryMMier Walker County Messenger. VOL. VI. THE MESSENGER. LA FAYETTE, .- - - GEORGIA. SUBSCRIPTION : One Year - - - - |1 00 Six Months ... 60 Cents. Tluee Months - - - 26 Cents. COMMUNICA TED - Sor chow China, March 3,1882. Editor Messenger: I have been trying my hand «t keeping “bach" this week. Dr. and Mrs. Lambuth and David have ail gone to Shanghai, on a visit, arid left tee here by myself, alone, with out any company. It i» bad enough to be by yourself in a Urge house at night an\where. But to be by yourself, ».t night, in a large house, in the interior of a heathen country, is worse. And, at night, to he by yourself in a large house in the interior of a heathen country with a graveyard on one aide and aßuddi iet temple with a cremation service in opera tion close to it on the other, is worse. This last reuresr riting mv condition at the pre-eut moment. Toe graveyard can soarcely be called by that name cither, for the coffiue are ail oo top of the ground —some of them covered with dirt or brick, and some with nothing over them at all. One of them covered with only a few brick is Betting on the ground, not more than thirty steps from our back door. The Buddhist temple is just about the same diet nice from our frontdoor. Or.e of the priests died three days ago. This afternoon they dug a ditch about six feet long and half a foot or a foot deep. Then brou; bt ou’. two conga. (A cong is a large, earthen ware, vessel about the size, and shape, of the half of a kerosene barrel.) Put one of conge with a small ho'e in the bot tom of it over the trench, thee put in some wood and poured a lot oi p tch in on it, then brought ou* the defunct pries’, set him down com fortably on the wood and pitch, turned the other cong upside down over him, set fire to the pitch through the hole from the under side, and left him to the tender mercies of the fl inreo, He is burning and eizeingaway out there now, and smoking like a tarkiln. I am not frightened of course, hut I feel just a little like I did that n.glit at Singapore, when Mr. Soothill and the Frenchman all went away and left me alone with that dark looking Maylay, Os course I have had a time with the rook this week, trying to understand him, as well a* trying to make him, understand me. It dote seem to me like, sometimes, he cant comprehend his own na tive tongue. For instance, just now when I asked him if they burned theTauist priests, he repli ed, oh; no. that is not a tautze they a:e burning that huzong in, it is a oong. Liter: The old priest burned, and smoked away, until yesterday morning about 10 o’clock. I have juet been with my Chi nese teacher to the scene of o|t*ra tione. Saw a brother of the de ceased gathering up the few re main*, in the shape of aches, and bones, and putting them m a small cong to be Bt owed away in the temple. The death of this follow aaemed to wake nn hie renaming oompsn mi,a in imposition. Thev hive mad# mure hideous noises in the last few Have, than they hud made before in months. Thev ere hard at work now doing tbeir part at eooth : ng the turt'e. They do thie by whacking awsjr. for hours and hours, with a little wooden laminar cn a hollow piece ol wood which, by a mighty stretch of the imagination, oan he conceived to have the faintest resemblance to the head of a mythical animal, of some a rt, that nobody has ever i#*n. You peop'e ir. the Unite 1 Stans lilt'e know what a debt of grati tude ycu owe, to these aatne Budd hitt priest*. It is to their unceas ing eff >rts th»» oor old world owes iu firmness and ala' iluy. Thie is the turtle, that supports the world, god these are the priests, who LAFAYETTE* GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 17* 1883. eoothe him, by tapping him on the bead, and then persuade him to hold »*ill and not turn the world over. Now and then a time comes when there are m> priests 'appirg him —be ge’* and squirms —hi nee earthquake*. If tbe priest* were to get obstinate, and refrain from their duties, for any length of time, he would get an wralby, he would tear the world all to pie ces. 1 send you a specimen compo sition, written by one of >ur Chi nese me heal students, who has been studying English, mid rn-di cine about tore# \ e* - s I Copy it verbatim, ct literatim, et punctua tint, and that you may sea that I have made a faithful copy, I send the original. There is no h.ading, but you will Lave no < ifficulty iu diecovering, wlist be is writing about. * "The Lamp have many pattern. itisGUs-. iron and copper, The glues 1 ave many c. lor as red. white, and Green also have p-ct ure on the out side, by the under put coal »il. middle has wick and have glass chimney on the top. The Lamp have large, larger, and small. The larger to be bung ou the middle, The Stnal can take iu The heand find things The large Lamp can put on the tible read books. Beat that if you can. I hope to beahlo to sen.l another specimen soon, Hector Pare. Coosa Baptist b. ». Convention. The Sunday School Conveattrn of the Cooes BAptist Aeaooiation met at New Liberty B>ptiltChurcb, noar Graysville, Gu, Friday, April 27th, 1883. The Convention was called to order by the President, H.B. Moore. Prayer by Rev. J. M. Staneberry. R. H. Blalock wae elected clerk rro tem. Names of delegatee were then en rolled’ New Liberty Church—Brethren H S. Moore, R. H. Blalock, E. Foster, L. M. Cart- r, J. 11. Parker, J. N’ Huskey, J. Y. Foater, F M. Foster. Burning Bush —Dr. A. T. Park, Z. C. Thornton, A. 8. Cain, Jnuaes Carlock. Pleasant Grove— Weelev Rhodes, Tho<. Harden. Wood Station —J. C. Cain. Valley Hend-J. M. Shaw. Valley Head Sunday-School, R. F. Shaw. LaFayette—E. A. Mcllan, W.T. Russell. Shiloh—Dr. McWilliams. Crawfish Springs —R E Dyer. Antioch Sunday School —C E Rowland. Ringgold—Abijah Johneo/i. Mount Zion —J R Smith. Vi itnre— J A Burn*, J M Stans berry, E H Rood, J E Rond. The Convention now went into the election of President and Clerk to preside over the present meet ing. Rev. II S Moore, elected Pres ident, R H Blelock, Clerk. Breth ren E For ter. L M Carter. J N Huskey, and A T Prrk, ware ap pointed as a committee to arrange general buisness for the Conven tion. The Committee reported the following as the order of buianets: 1. Address of welcome. 2. Appoint a Committee on Let ter* and Communications. 3. Appoint a preaching Com mit e#. 4 Diocu** subject* proposed by the Elvootive Committ'-e --5. Elect Executive Committee. 6. Hear report of visitor* rep resenting books, pape s, &o. 7. Read report of Commit tees. 8. Miscellaneous buainea*. E Fo»teb, Cbar’m Com, Dr. A T Park. E A McHau. E Fi s’er, L M Carter, appointed a* Preaching Committee. Committee on l<ett*ra and Com rouni atron* —Dr. A T Park, J Y i Foster, F M Fos er, and E A Me-j Han, M D Lunsford. Subject* were now diieuseed: 1. “Who should tench in Sun day Motion ? ’ by J N HueStov, R >b ert Dyer, J *'■ Cain. 2 “Home Sunday Pct-ocl. or teaching the BibU in the lentil) by Rev. J A Bums. The Committee on Preaching now submitted the following report: R H Blalock to r«'« l ‘ c h Friday night; W T Russell, Saturday, 11 o’clock; H S Moore, Sunday night; WT Russell, -Sunday 11 o’c'oek; H S M.vore, Sundry, 2 .'clock p in. Convention adjourned until 9 o’clock a in Sunday. Saturday A| ril 28—Convention; met puraunnt to adjournment. Prayer bv Rev. J C Cain. 1 Address of welcome, by R H Bla'oi k. 2. Union Sunday School*; by E A MuHao, EFixit' r, R H B m ck, W 1 Russell and J M Stans’.erry. Convention now adjourned lor preaching by W T Russell. Convenion reassembled at 1:30 p. m Prayer by Bro. J E R*»"d’ 1. “Bible authority for Sunday Schno:*; by W T Russell, J CCain, J E Rood. 2. “Sunday School Convention and Institute.); their use and mnn ngetnint; bv R-v. H S Moore. 3. “Women in Sunday Sobmd;" by J M Stansberry. 4. “What should be taugb in Sunday School?" by R H B ulock, W T Russell, J E Rood, E H Rood and Thos. . Union Diet-ussi jn of subjects being over the following brethren were elect, d as an Executive Comiuitteo : L M Carter, W T Rustcll, A T Park. The following brethren were elect ed to fill the office of Vico Presi dent in the Assncation. First District E Foster Urayaville; Se cond-Rev. TCTueker, Cassandra; Th rd -E A McH.-m, LaFayette; Fourth—Dr. McWilliams, Green Bush; Fifth—Rov. J G Bynum, Trior Factory. Convention now adjourned to meet 9am Sunday. Sundny April 29. —Tin body as sembled at the hour appoint* I. prayer by Bro. T Harden. Called for report of Commit tea*. On Let ters and Comnninicutions reported that all the school* represented in the Convention are in a flourish ing condition, averaging 53, inclu ding officers and teachers. Papers, books, etc., wererepesen ted by J M Stansberry. W T Rus sell made an excellent speech on the necessity of reading good hooks. In glowing terms he showed how the mind is truine 1 , expand.d unci developed by study. On uro'ion, the following papers were requested to publish the pro ceeding* oftbc Convention: Wal ker County Me-isenger, Catoosa Courier, Christian Index, Baptist Reflector. Resolved, That the thanks of this body are due the brethren and sit ters of new Liberty Church and the p ople ol t .is community, for tl e hoqutable manner in which they entertained the Convention. Resolved, That the thanks of his body are due Mr. J K Rood and E H Rood, lor the kindness in fur nishing the Convention witb mu sic. Several good speer.heß were made to the Sunday School, after which the Convention adjourned sine die. H. S. Moore, President. R H. Blalock, Clerk. AI) VICK TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and of your rest bj a sick child suff.-ring and crying w.th pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mr*. Window's Soothing Svrup F r Children Teething It* value is incalculable. It will relieve tbe poor little s.'ffrer immediately. Deper d upon it, mother*, there is no mistake .bout, it. It cures dys entery and i’arthoea regulates ti e atom o-h and bowels, cores wied col ic, Softens the gums, reduce* inflaur niat on and gives tone and energy to the wool# system. Mr*. Win slow’s Soothing Syrup For Chil dren Teething « pleasant totbe taste and is the prescription of one of tbe eldest and heat female physician* and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggist* through cat the world. ' Price 23 cent* a bottle Last Saturday morning, between Iwo and three o’clock, the dwell ing house of Mr Poll \1 riokle, fi' ailed in the aoutheaetsm part of J town, ws* destroyed by fire, to- j ge'hwr- witi most of the house k.id efle t*. Toe lir- it- ti i-’g t o i e of inoor.di i j origin. — North Geor gia Citizen. ! Atlanta, May 7,1883. Members of tbe Legislature are coming in to attend the extra session which begins Wednesday amt will probably Close Thursday. The entire work will he the count of the vote in the recent electicri, {the total of which will probably not ekceed 25,DU0) and the in.iu giuiion of Gov. McDaniel. This work, like the election itself is made nscoseary iiy ttie defect in the Constitution which leaves no eueceraor ready to step into the I la- eof the Governor in case of diatb or remove! otherwise An arnrnrin.ent to provide for the election of n Lieutonnnt Governor herenftt r will, in all probability, tie proposed at the Summer session of the genera! assembly. Owing to the tact that the capital is still draprd in mourning for Mr. Stephens there ig to be no regular inaugural bail. Guy. McDaniel will j>ave an infor nnl reception at tin executive mansion on the evening after be ig inaugurated. The mansion has been fitted up in har diooie sty le Tire new Governor is * man of hospitable habds mid will kiep up tl.e establishment in nsiyle worthy of bis station. Gov. Bo.vnton hss found full consolation for his fail ure of election in al-appy marriage. L. st Monday night tie was mar ried to Miss Susie Harris of Wa.ton cot nly, a lady of wealth and cul ture. They hud been engrgr d fqr over four years slid were finally joined in the holy bonds by Gen. C A Evans of Atlanta and Rev. G A Nunnully of Rome. On their return to Atlanta they honor ed w th a reception which w: s at tended by many Indies nod gentle men of this city On the expira tion of his service Gov. Boynton wi 1 return to Griffin und reruioe a fine law practice. He lias made an excellent record ns Governor and leaves a brief but clean record. He is young enough jet to have p ilitiocl aspirations while his po s ion as President of the senate will keep him prominent before ihe public for a year and a half yet. It is already reported that in spite of Major Bacon’s declaration that he was out of public life some of bis friends, are determined to bring him out as a cat.didate for the governorship next year. Major Bacon is not dependent nn politic* for reputation <>r success. He is sr able lawyer with h lucrative practice and liis political services have been worth more to the State thun to himself. Senator Brown writes back to his family from Hot Spring* that hi* health is good and he is enjoy ing hi* jaunt through the West ve ry in nth. From Arkansas ho will go down through Texas to visit tbe scene of some valuable investment* he has out there. He owns about 30.000 acres of very rich laud in a part of the State that is improving fast. The thrifty town nf Colorado is rising on part of it, and a* the Sena'or i* selling only alternate lots, ho will soon own half of a large arid prosperous city- Os ah the ecource* of hi* wealth Atlanta and Texas real estate are pe-haps the most desirable. His fortune is variously estimated but he is sure ly worth stout two million dollars —I doubt il ihere is another man in Georgia wor'h on# half so much, lie is stronger now than he has been since ’7(5 and attends to the minute details of an enormous bus iness with great patience and pre cision. AH liis sons give promise of doing wi.il Julius, the eldest, lias tiui.i up a handsome law practice end by judicious investment* baa already becom* a rich man. Joe, the next boy is General Freight Agent ol th# State Road and one of the rising railroad men of the South Elijah and Georg# the younger sons give evidence that they have inherited some of tire strong com mon sense of their parents. There is only one married daughter and and one single who is now quite a favorite iu Atlanta so'iely. The Brown’s lire a remarkable family. Spy. The Mr con Telegra, h i-‘ our >-u --.i*. r'V lor ■ ■ statement ha r Mr. Nunnaiii ias sold ni loierert in tbe lud;X to Mr. Uarusou. * NO. 42. Atlanta is discussing the practi cability of building a large sowing machine factory. Athens has had s surfeit of con ventions, the doctor*, teachers, knights, colored Baptists Ac. t'he Sunduy-ecunnl Convention in Augusta was an imrnons.j Affair, per ,ups Ihe hugest religious assem bly ever gathered together in Geor gia. It is to he hoped Major Camp bell Wallace, the oldest member of the Railroad Commission, will not carry out his intentions of resign ing. Can the true followers of Wtsley approve the departure from o'd forms in worship made by thut fashionable church in Baltimore, which on Sunday Inst, chanted and recited nresponsive service? W. 11. Vanderbilt is a pleasant guest a* luncheon. At his sou’b —Frederick Vanderbilt —the other dav, when he arose to leave he pulled ou* a deed to Ilia old eighth Avenue house, and tossed it over to his son. We learn from tho Rising Fawn Progress that Anderson Clement, who was sentenced to imprison orient for life for the mur der of liis rival, in Newnnn, Go. was kicked to death by a mule at Co e City lust week. Internal Revenue Commissioner Green. B. Bruum, w*d too honost for tbe Arthur administration, and his official head taken eff, lie hav ing been forced to resign. He ought not to hnvv tieen th# friend of John Logan and pure p- litics. Phenol Sodique in pecuhurly the remedy for those living in the coun try, at a distance from physicians or druggists; the former especially, who hug more or less stock, cannot do better than to keep a bottle on hand.— Presbyterian Journal. A smart yunkee has clir.oovored iu George Washing ton’s sptcia ac count a large sum is not account ed for, and above this balance he received one hundred and sixty one thousand dol urn, more than he accounts for. These deficits were caused by bis disbursements during the war for independence. At Dablonega during ths late storm a Mr. Smiths house was blown away, with his infant child asleep in bed. The bed was carried a quarter of a mile from home, mid when found the baby ncs fast asleep, all comfortably covered up, and unharmed. A log was lying across each end of tire bed. The Constitution speaks of the Slingcr trial in Duhlonega, “Devel oping dramatic features.’’ The wives of the murdered man Gaddis and the murdtrer Slinger, were sis ters, “While the young widow, with her little babe in her arms sal ou tbs stand and swore to Slinger's guilt, she looked struigbt into the eyes of her young sisur, n girl—ml - mo#' a ohild—slender srd helpless,- who sat by the side cf her guilty husband to hear her own sister swear his hf# away. Itwasascene to make th# stoutest heart star d stii. wi:ti hormr.” One of 81’* Suspicions. Old Si weut to the theater to see the magician performance tha eth er night. Next day we asked him: “Did you see that roan handle that money last night?” “I I'd for a fuel" “He made il come and go in ail aorta o! ways.” “Youug hoes, dut man’s | owerful slicK wid silber money,” “What did yoa think of him 8.?” “Dat man fool’d round dar wid dittuunny toll he roused up my ’spicions, he did.” “Suspicions of what?” “Hiltak* lots of practise f-r ter make ahas dollar ’pear and d s'- pear in dut stile.” "Os course." “Dai’s what meks me had a ’ipisluin dat wlrte man wuz one timed cashcer ob a freedutan's bins —an’l .t'-s. >.et i-r bsnnel ’ j him a f v in. r rot. sho’s you bofn.’’—[Georgia Major. I r,».. .AJurmW*! THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY fsZJf for pair: ll, "’’lnlp anl ram | ij: Ull I.IM.VTISM, , W Jilll!! 11 |j Neumlala,. Rilt Mifunm. : l|§ BtmCßt, TOOmCRV |j SORE THROAT, ffi gunner,«« BUI MM* 1 »«AIWI If tor""". •»«, B™*. •ffi PROBTBITERj If BIIU», ate At. ON. •9|} And all Mlicr I»ANj t. kn m wi.J p*J a*. M nm cuii i lOTni •Hfli Hold by all I'mcHM* ani Jiff peal*. U.r.«u«w Uii ''III Tbs Ch»rlet ATopk: Zh Oall.mtns 84., b.k.l. OFANOTHERAGEr (irailmil y Knap* by t* Hotter Artie 1 * Oortuln Okl Tiling art* Done Anar*. In the gcurr.il reception l oom of rfio Western Viiion'lVl«;'i-a|>b building on Uromlwiiy, Nov York, air exhibited the com ae, crude ~ml clumsy instru ment* of tlie infmiuy of the telegraph. They me only relies now. More per r feet machinery has siij.'irsedetl them. Yea's ago what is now Htyleil the old-i.ishlnued porous plaster did solve good service. There was then noth ing bet ter of the kind. Now all that In changed. Science, and study have gone deeper Into the secrets of medi cine and produced URNBOVB CAC CINR I‘OttOl S TI.ASTKK, which oinbodles all the excclh uuies thus f r possible In an external reined;'. Thar , eld plasters were slow--the Capclne is rapid; they were nnecrt'iln —the Cap elite la sure. Cheaper article* hear similar names. Jte careful, therefore ~ that some thtllty druggist does not de ceive you. In the centre of the gen uine is cut the word CAI'CINK. Price 25rents. Soabury and Johif.ion, Chemists, Netv York. / w <iL VER \ V fmYlitti f A SPECIFIC FOR 1 mr EPILEPSY, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLISM. OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLV BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, ■ NERVOUSNESS, SiOK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. 253r*1.60 per bottl#. at druggliti. Tie Dr. s. A. Fiichmonil M Co, Proprietors. Bt. Xoceplx, IvCo. (31 > Correapondcuuu freely anawmd by Thyali laua. Per te*tlmoiilnl" nn*l circular* cc-nd itam|i. C. IT. OMTTEITTCIT, Agent, JTew Tcrk. . D. P. Henderson & Co., Suooassors te Jady & Co. llcadjanrtcrs for ' Book**, Stationery, Wall f t|»cr, Fietu *e I ranu* anil Moulding*, Drawing Mate rial*, Croqtie t Sclw, name nail* Write for sample* OF WALL PAPER I lubber Name Stamp for marking' olothea mailed to any address on receipt' of seventy-five cents. RYAN BLOCK. 1 DOfcykct Street Between|;tb A Bth. Respectfully yours, DAN. R lIBNDERBCN. Pell. IB IHB2 CONSUMPTION. I h*rn a positive remedy for tho abuva dUuamj; by It* Ohm ttinupßiKia of cams of the worst kind and of f'.iiif I Handing havabeoo cured. ludoftd.aostroatr l< tnv faltb. I In It* •inrncy, that I will Bond TWO liOTTI.Ki yi'.r.K, »j --i gwthnr with • VAM' Abl.H 'IUKATIBK on thta dltmaw, ta I Mi/ •uW*r«*r. Olvo HAi;roWMin.U». O. atldrfM. IVtt. T. A. itLUVIM, UI A'ewlbi.Naw Tor*. No More Eyeglasses, EYE-SALVE |A certain, Fnfc und Kff**cUvo ilroiinly for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES Producing long ef'iliteducM, and Honoring lht» Siflit of (Jim Old. Cures Tear Drops, (■rnnuliitlon. Sty* Tumor*. Red Kyes, .Hutted Kye I,ashes. ANb paOIUN'INO Uttlt K BBI.IKP **» PKKMANKMT CORK. Alho, Kjoalh ••Iflcacioiiii whnn u»«l In otln?r 11U ndi'-a, woci »m P*'vnr 8orr?, Tiinior*. dull i. it um, Itmr *. pilot or wlierrvrr inilnmiiHitioo I*;-, VI .'IC 111 f.U’ti 8 *LVK may bo uacil to til van l»ge. Holil by nil Hfiriirlata •! 95 t'eiitf. I CURE FITSJ Wh.n 1 wav cut* 1 1. •1. ;nn art Bwrfy Mt'P llftn :• » a M-ua aud ibca bav* tiicin tetirn W.an um.it eai enre. I have nimln tho rttwaawo *■( l 1 Tri M’lf.ErtfY rr KALi.lltG BICIUfa lnngaMi.lv. Ka .rrat.t inf ki-tnady to e«<e the worst ciuch. Do-'nvta others hav* failed fa uo i<saaon for not now »cor«. tlurdt* e.icj for a trvetlae and a Free Bot io of my InfaUlbw >nedy. tflve Kapreat at-.l Poel it ce*ta jet* •ettdfci far a trial, and I wllletire yoe. _ ■TtWi W. U,«. IVW. mrwrUV.Pwr ta