Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, August 02, 1883, Image 1

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Pamayltnn Nervine. • fruowu r»«v.iflo * nT F' 'lcjrtic riti.\3 AJbo for Bp*uni# ft ai railing —’ i«8«. Ferrous WriVrwHiß .* *r«*-'>o*,l7 rclKTca pl ■-Tea. Cleanses blood and quick.3o . ln/Tidi cUcolfttlon. Feutn* )iip» p»i .'j of lil" .tfl» cod akkr.CM. Corw riA skeptic saicfi ugly blotcbc* aft»i gtt.hborn blood sorea. Eliminates Boll*, Carbaffck* r,.<l3calds. Ijrruuftnontijand promptly curccpnmlysift* Y‘*, It la ft charming and bcoltn. .il Aperient. JUIIj £ti.fill* and Eloga EtII, twlnbiotficr*. Cbangeabad breath to godd.remov* Ing toe cause. Roots bilious tendencies and makes clear complexion. Equalled by nono la the delirium of fover. A charming resolvent aad a matchless laxative. It drives Bick Headache like tho wind. no drastic cathartic or opiate*. Re-. llf Tea the brain of morbid faneles. Promptly cUrea Rheumatism by routing it. Restores life-giving properties to the blood. Ia guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. gyßcllablc when all opiates fan. Refreshes the mind and Invigorates the body. Gores dyspepsia or money refunded. WITbMIs) Diseases of the blood owa It a conqueror. En dorsed in writing by over fifty thousand leading cltl xena, clergymen and phyalclana in U. 8. and Europe. PfFor sale by all leading druggists. $1.99. (88) Their. S. A. Eidunoai Mel. co„ Proiis..St.losepA,llo. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. Charles N. Crlttenton, Agent, New York City. Attorneys. _ Til Oils ». SMI TH; Solioitoi of Paten Caveats. - Trade- Marks Copyrights, WASHINGTON, D. C. Office St. Cloud Building, Corner 9th and F Streets. Opposite U. C. Oatc.it Office. AOtlS.k TV. fIiOCOX, ATTORNEY A1 LOW SUMMERVILLE, - GEORGIA. Will practice in the Superior, Coun ts, and District Courts. W. M Eenry, Attorney at Law, \ Summerville, - - - - Georgia. ||,|, practice in th** Home and adjoining On lY cuits. Oollec tn specialty. F. W. Copeland, Attorney at Law’, LaFayette, - - - Georgia. WtL»l. practice In the SuperiorPnurr*. of Roma Circuit. KNewlicrc bv special nsreement. Col eclion.t a specialty. (Office up stairs of Dickson’* tore.) 11. P. JLumpktn Attorney at Law, LaFaysttb. - - Georgia. ' A tI.D tflve prompt attention to ail business «' entrusted to him. Octet in :tie SIBstSENOBR flnildlng. Hubert 4. W. tilcun, Attorney at Law, LaFayette, - - - - Georgia. Will practice in the Superior Court* of tin*. Koine and adjoining circuits and in the Supreme 0 mrt of-Gcorgiu Of tice on e ist aide of square ill building uiih Dr. J . Hill Hammond. ■ :i.. iimm— ■ iilisaellaheous Advertisements. DR. J.iriL HAMMOND, and burgeon, Offflo in JjoFayetic on the eat ft k i<lc of the square, immediately south of* the brick stoic, where he cun be found at u!l hours, day and night when not profes sionally engaged. Fft.J.S. KJftfiSA, RESIDENT DENTIST . Rinnggold, - • Georgia. Offers services in all branch- of his profession to the citizens of Walker and Oloosa Coun ties. \V :k promptly done at model ates prim 8. All wuik warranted Cffice on Nash 'ill str€»:f, first Puildiro, we.?t ol W L WhUtuut/e store. New Boarding House (th;s- 4>®ot!Qia Bodges, Cor- Market St,. & Montgomery vnne CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Will fnruiah excellent meals ai.J comfortable lodgii.g ;U oue dollar per «l:t f. Don't fail to stop with her when you go to Chattanooga. :ipl263tn Hamilton House, D. B. RAG3DAI.K, Prop.. CHATTANOOGA,TENN Centrally Located, Good Areoiumonn tlon«, Ra «•* Itca»on"ble. Tree Omnibus to ind From all Trains- H|ii ‘>w din J?r.in Killcn. Cholera! CHOLERA MORBUS CHOLERA INFANTUM ABIATIO CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF PirryMs'sP&itiiilli! The Great Remedy for every kind of BOWEL DISORDER. Captafit In B. Foss, of Ooldsborough, ' M.-ine, saVs : " One of my sailors was attack ed severely with eboUra morbus. We ad ministered Pain Killer, and saved him." J. W.SinwnJs, Bratilc ro, Vt.,says: "In •cases of cholera nimbus ..rid sudden attacks cf summer complaints, I have never found it to fail." ALL THE DRUGGISTS SELL IT. il* ••TM« BE*T IS CHSAr-CS'l ■jgJHBESHEBSSKi Wa LKE I I Co UNT Y M KSSENG E It. VOL. VII. » THE MESSENGER. LAFAYETTE, - - - GEORGIA. SUBSCRIPTION : I One Year - - - - $1 00 : Hlx Month** ... 00 Cent*, i Thice .Months - - -* B Cents. The Possibility of Apos tacy. If the Condition of n Man s Salvation Comes to an end in Conversion then He Cannot Fall. - * If tne Condition of Man’s Satvatiou Continues Through Life He Can and May Fall. I SERMON PREACHED BY RKV. N K MCBUAYMI, AT NEW PROSPECT CHURCH IN MCLEM RES cove, waijceA county, ga., july 5,1883. Text-Phil. ii. 12, 13. ‘‘Wherefore uiy beloved as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence ouly, but now much more in my absence wmk oul your own salvation with fear and tremb ling. For it i* God which worketli in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” In lh : 8 text is located the ques tion upon which tve-y theological hatt'e that has bten fought far ages hns been fought The question is what amount of work will God do in or ler to save mankind.and what amount of work will mankind have to do in order to he suve 3. Now, upon all the first rr'nci pies ot Chri-tianity we are attend; that is to say, we believe in God ; that He is Cr-ator of all things; in the fall of man, and in the gift of the Son of God; that he tasted death for every man ; tliatitisGod w' o justifieth theungod l )’ through faith and tbut man must repent and helieye in order to he justified. The only theological question at issue upon the present occasion is whether a man who has beenjosti Tied, can so fall away as to be lost forever, or r.ot. The only logical question in my mind is, does the condition of man's salvation co.ne to an e d in conversion, or is it continued through life? If the condition of man’s salvation comes to an end in conversion then he cannot fail, but if it continues through li.e, then he can and may full so as to be lost forever. The first class of scriptu equota tions are those scriptures that teach beyond doubt ibat the condition ol of man's savation is continued through life. In Math, the 24th chapt, 13ih verse you will find tbit. “He that endureth unto the end the same shall be saved.” But you say the end of want? Rev., the 2nd chapt. 19th versa fv is said. “Be thou faithful unto death ar.d I will.give the? a crown of life.” But then yon say to whom does be refer? InHebthe3rd cbtpler j 12th and 14lh yews it is »>id: 1 “Take heed brethren Its' there he in any of you an evil heart of un belief in departing from the living God. For w./ are made partakers of Christ if.we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” From (hese quotations we take the pos’tiofl that the conditions of I man’s salvation does continue , t rough life and ih?l be can ar.d ■ may fall We now propose to pm cut. lat class ot quotations li at prov. that God is a God of me 1 hod. and that ne hath made his method known ! unto men: In II- Ihrnn. xv.-2, where it is said unto A*u, Jo ia and Berjt man. “The I/jrd is _ rith you while ye be with him/ and if ye seek him he will *e found of y >u, hut if yo» forsake him he will for s'ke you” and also in first Cliron. v»viii;9, David in speaking to Solomon said, Ts thou «eek him lie j will tie found ol the*; hut if thou I forsake him he will Cast thee off forever.” Again in E*k. xxxii':l3-15: “when I sbn‘l ay t> the righteous that he shall surely live, if he trust to bis own lighiteotfhi egs, and e.imnvt iniquity, all t*ii» righteous- 1 ne.-s shall lot he < renumbered ; | hot f r ni* iiuqui'y that he ha’h j cwimi.i ttd, he afhiU die for it.”j LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1863. ‘Again when I sny unto the nicked, thou shall, surelv die; if he turn from hi* sin. ami do that which i* lawfu'and rii lit; he shall surly live, ha shall not d-e.’’ In Sim xx'ii: 11 -13, we learn that Dicid uiquirid of the Lord <!>UB “Will tile men of Keilah de liver me up into Ins (Saul’s) hand! Will Saul come down will ihe men of Keilah deliver tne ami my men info the hand of Saul?” and the Lord told him. ‘He will come down, they will deliver thee up,” and yet Saul forhiire to go forth. He never w».nt to Keilah, nor did the mer. of Kei lahoe-iver David 01 his men up to Saul. Fray, why? I’lirre was no condi tion named, ar.d yet, aa in thou sand of cas*B it was implied. David left So Saul never went there. In Jonah iii:4, and Jonah began to enter into the city, a davs jour ney, and he cried and said I ' Ye!, forty days and Ninevah shall be over thrown.” Yet Ninevah was net overthrown and why? Because they repealed at the preaching of Jonah. A condition implied th- ugh uot expressed. Again in Mutt. x x:2B. “Jesus said unto them, verity I say unto yen, that ye which have followed me in the regeneration, when the Son of 5 an sha'l sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve throve*. Judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” A promise mad? to the twelve Apostles. Judas being one of the number. “But heboid, says or.e. ‘Judes was a devil from the bjg’nning.’” This assertion I have never been able to find in die Bible. Ilutin I John xii :27, it is said that “after the sop, Sa'an entered it.to him.” What, Satan enter into a man where he is a'ready? Strange in deed! Doss not the word enter ini ply that Ito w»3 out? If no' I know nothing of the meaning of words. Hence he was out, he ca terer'; and it is said of him, “He is a Devil.” But to ro'u-n to our di-cot proof. In the 18 cnapter of Matt, beginning at the 23 verse, ar.d c.>ntinu ; ng to Ihe close, Christ say*, “Therefore is the Kingdom of Heavrn lik-ned unto a certain King which would take account of his servants, and when he hal be gun to reckon, otic was brought unto him which owed h'm ten thousand talents,” and inasmuch as he had not wherewith to pav, his Lord commanded that lie and his wife and his children te sold and payment mad*. The eerrar t grieyed fell down at his Lord’s feet end hegg d him to he patieot with iut, and he would pay him all. .and hi* lord taoved with compas sion for ave him the debt, and he “Went out at d found one of liis fellow servants whiuh owed him an hundred pence; ar.d he” to .k him violently and vast h’m into prison until he payed 'he utmost far thing. Notwithstanding liis in terCHSt.iii.is, and when it was told hi* Lord what he had done, he callef him op and said; ‘Did not i forg ve thee, the whole debt and cou (let thou not hav* d tie unto thv fellow servant even as I have dene unto thee.” •'lnasmuch ns thou did it not thou sbalt he delivered unt > the hand-of thy tormentors until thou pay ts e utmost-' faith iig. 8v likewise shall .ny heavenly father do 1 so unto you, il y« from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their tre-pass's. igain in Deb vial, 5, 6 is said : “It rs impossible for those who aie once ei lightened, an 1 have tasted of the htavenly gift, and were made partaf ers of the linlv Ghost, and have lasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come. If they should fall sway to renew them again unto repentance, seeing, they crucify themselves ihe Son of God afresh at d put Him to an open shame.” In lleb. X:2ft.-29, it is said, ‘ If we ►in wi fully after that we hsye re ceived the knowledge of the truth ther- remaineth (10 more sacrifice for tins, hut a Certain fearful 1 looking for of judgment 1 nd fibry indignitum which I *lifc!l devour the adversaries, Ha j that desfiaed Muse*' law, died without merer tinder two or three witn-used. Os how muelt sore pun ishment suopos". ye shall, ho he thought w rthy who had trodden u ider foot ihe Son of God, and hath couuted the blood of theC >v onnnt wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and. hath done dtspitc to the spirit of Grace.” Again in It Feter i:5-10, it is said: ‘Add to your faith virtue, and to lirtuc, know.rdge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, paiintce; aird to pa tience, god lines* ; and togodliurs , brotherly kindne-s ; and to broth erly k : n(.’ness, charily, fur if these thing* be in you and abound, ’liev make you that ye tthall neither be harrtn nor unfruitful in the kliowl edge of our Lord jesus Chri-t | But he that lacketh these thing* i blind and cannot see afar rdf, and hath forgotten that he was purged from lii* old sina. Wherefore the rather Irclhren give d ligeme to make your c tiling and election sure, for if you do these things you shall never fall.” From the quotations in Matthew of the servant, we are taught tint th“ pardon was revoked upm the ground that he failed to comply with the conditions implied—net expressr d. From the quotations in Hebrews and II Peter we are taught that it is necessary to comply with tin* conditions upon which salvation is offered and if we do these things we shall never fall ; that is to sav Add to your faith -virtue to virtue knowledge to knowledge temper ance to tempernnee patience to pa tience godliness to godliness broth erly kindness to brotherly kindness cnarity. Again in Rev ii, God Rpenking to thoohurchat Ephesus, “E-mem ber therefore front whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works, or else 1 will come unto thee quickly and will remove the can dlestick out of his pace exc-pt thou rep nt.” Again in Rv. xxii: 19 it is said “If nnv man shall tuk.i avay from the word of thi“ prophecy God shall t ,kc away his pa t out of the bonk of life and out of the hoi* city and front the things which are wii'ten in this hook.” From these quo tatio”* we nr l taught that God will take from those who fail to comply with the conditions upon which salvation is .diered even that they have t.ie cand rstic.K, hi* part nit’ of the hook of li'e and the holy city. He must have had the can dlesticb and a part in the hr.lv city, and nis name written in the hook of life, or words mean nothing. We now pit sent that class of quo tations that teach that tnep who were in favor with G id have fallen away and have been lost. We lake fust the case ol Vianl the fi'sl King Israel. In I Sain. x:6, it is said the spirit of the Lord Will come upon thee (thr. is Paul) and tiou shall prophecy with them and halt, he turned into aoothc man and in the 9th verse wa read. ‘‘Anri it was so that when he had turned his l»*ck \c go fiom Samuel. God gave him another heart and all those signs Cnrtte to pass that day” Again xvi:l4, we r. ad *Br f the ( spirt « f the Iv-rd departed form Halliard an evd spirit from the Lord lioullcrl him,a d Ssularcr vant said unto him Behold now, i n evil spirit from the Lo'd trotllfeth thee.” In xxvii•:6,ls, wo r-ad and when Stul inquire I of the Lord, the Lord ansv ered him not neither by dreams nor by Urim nor by prophets and (when been-! quired ol Samuel) Samuel sa d to Saul, why has* thr u disquir ted in to bring me up, and Mml si rwe ed I am sore rlistressc.i for th- R' dis tine* make war against m« an ' G-.d is departed from me ami an sw>reth me no mine neither by proj lifts nor by dream* therefore I have called thee tha' thou mnyesl make known truin' m • what I shall said Saol onto liis armor bt-*». rj draw thv etforti and thrust mri; through therewith’ Irst these uti ci»CLincised come atirl IhfcFi rue; th Faugh and abvse me. But bis ar mor boart-r would no!; for t e Was sore afraid. 1 nerefir* Saul tm’K j a awoM, and fell upon it. And when hi* armor hearer s-w that Haul wa* dead, he full likewise up on hi* swr rd, and died with him.’' By this oisn we are taught that God turned Saul ir.t> another man and gate him another heart and it you say In turned int-» a hail man ail gave him n bad heart, we say Gol lots changed. For in the beginning it ; s sit'd when he had toad- all things they were good and not only good; but vert gjod. Now we say he made him a good man, gave him a pood heart; and that Saul turned away from the Lord urd the Lord forsook him; ami he fell upon a sword and kil'ed himst-lf. » J ohn s-iya no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Jud<* Iscariot is an-ther example Lit us now caltn y inquire into the history of Judas and spe whethef os not, the tact is clearly estnbli-di tid dull lie was ever a good man, a Christian. I oil r in pro-d of this the following facts and argu ments. Judas and eleven others were chosen hy Jesus Christ as his Apostles. (John xv:l9) and sritd oul hy him to preach, heal the sick, cleans'* the leper, raise the dead, cast, i u>. devils. What! a Jcsil cast out devils? Impossi ble. Did Jft,us Ciiri*t olio>so a devi 1 to do liis work? S' range I The tllitli is Judas wan Christ’h own familiar fritnd in whom hetrosled for in PsUios x! :9 we retd, vie my own familiar friend in whom l trusted which dal eit of in bread ha'li life! up hi* lici-i against n c.” In John xui: it is written, I speak not of you all, 1 knew wnom I have ahoton 'out that the scriptures may bo fulfilled, ho that, eatetli bread with me, hath tit led tip h'S heel against tit-. Ie Acts i:l(5 17. 23 23, it is written: “Mm and hratliren, this scripture must need have been fulfilled, w hi-li the holy Ghost by (ho mouth of David spake before concerning luda* whioh was guide to them that took Jesus For ho was num bered with us and had obtained part of this ntinis'iy, and they ppointad Joseph ca'led Bar aabns, wlio was surname! Jus'.u and Mathias, and they prayed and said, thou L rd, wlticii knows the hearts of a'l men, show wheiher these two tliou h*st chosen. That he may take part of this ministry and Apoi.t’eship, from whi /h Ju. das by transgrossi-u fell, th it he might go to his own p ace. From t|,es quotations we aie taugictlhat Judas w»» Christ ftii.iliar fiiend that he wis one of hir A;> is|lo*, and that he did hy tra Digression hill.' In I Ton. i:18. 20, we find its fol lows : This charge l commit uit'-' thee son Timothy aceor iiug to the prophecies which went' I ctore are these that thotl by thr in might's! war a good waifare holding faith anr! a good onn-eionce; hi Icli some having put avtay, 0 ncerrdng faith ha- e made shipwreck. Os Whom is Hyii eneus and Alexaodc ; whom I have del vererl unto Hatm. that, they it ny barn not to blas pheme. ’ Then in chapt r v:l2 we have the case of the young widows who bad “Damn itinn hecau-e tiiey had c.isi iff t! eir first forth.” By these quotation* Ye are falubt that we cm make si ipwr-ik at it cast (put) off faith. N wif you say that this was bad faith, you charge Paul with falselic d, t- r tln-y ‘.hut have j had faith are already condemned, | thence they could cot have din n i | tjoa tier am o hey ci.-t oft hill faith, hence th- exhortation. "Add to y. ur faun virtue to Virtue know! j edge t > knowledge t-rnp-renc- to I t-mpergio i: pa'ience to pat:-nec god'ioe»s io godliness trrlhei'y kindness to h-olherly kindness rhcli'tv.” and if y udo these things you will not make shipwreck, nor have damnation. Nofir if we can *kow t'-nt tl cy fell by ihe thou nar.ds will y:n lip satisfied ? “No,” say* one. “not unless you first show • hat they were partakers of tlhrid.” V. ry well, sir. In I Car. x.l-12 we Sead, ' Moreo-er brethren I would li'if lhat yt'U should he ignorant how that ad our fathers’ were un rl-r the cloud and all piss“d through the s a, and were all bap tiz d unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and did s i eat the o;H»o NO. 2. spiritual meat, «»•«! did nil drink the same spiritual drink f.:r they drank of that spiritual rock thnt iVlowed llionri on - * thnt rook wna Christ." Tl eso quotation* plainly teach Unit all the Children < f T-rarl thnt were led hy Moses from K'yp linn bondage into the wilderness we. e made partakers of Christ, for they eat of the spiritual meat, ftil'l drank of the spiritual rock that lot. lowed them, and lliut rook was Christ, hut wi'h many of them God was not well pleased for they wore overthrown in the*wilderness. Now tlnse things were for our ex ample to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. Bth verse the Apostle svyi: Neith.r let us commit to'nica'tio’t ass me of ll.otn Committed and fell in one day three arid twenty thou sand. Again in the 12 ye ge he gives the stro'g exhortation. Wherefore let him that thinketh he strndoth take heed lest he full. From the quotations in the 8 v«r<-o we are plainly taught that th >so who had drank of that efcritual rock did fall by the thousands, lienee the strong exhortation that liiin that thinkoth ho stamleth take heed lest ho fall, teaches plain ly tin; possibility of a fall. N.nv if a mart cannot fall, these qitnta'ion < ire calculated tod*CliVO—t: nmKe a false impression. If I was to tnice one of my children and hind hi u hard and fast in n stock or to a tree, and then in the midst of the corn regaliot exclaim to the child ‘‘take heed lest, you f 11-I nek what would the congregation ll,nk of me, and what would they hive »rgl I to say. You first would th nk 'hat I was iiienn \ or intended to deceive, and to ray ii I mis not iusans that I kt.ew the dal I could not fill, and therefore I in'indod to deceive. Yon know tbo ' Ongrega tion would have a right t> arsril my vurue.ity and charge me vviili falsilmod iri lliat I had made an attempt to deceive and to say that mm cum ot fall is to charge the pui ot inspiration with the fame ai d why should (rod attempt to deceive? But says one, if man can fall, is there m prevent salvation? I answer there is salvation Irom am the power and dominion of sin. Make the tree good and its frail w ill he Rood, f r in Malt. vii:l7,- 19, Christ says every Rood Coo btimr lh forth good fruit; but a cii rapt true briugolh forth evil fruit, a good ires cannot bring forth evil frilit —neither can a cor. rnpt trie bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth nat forth good fruit is hewn down and cast inlrtthe tiro. In the 20th verse He says wherefore hy their fruits ye shad know them, lhat is to say by 'h*ir works or wha* they do ye Hindi know them ’’ John says ho that is horn of God sini i th not, tiul says one, he meant tho spirit sinoeth not -ho ae, did not intend 'o teach tint tl e tody does rot sin. Christ taught mule the trie good, end hs frui'S are good, lhat ir, make a man good and what he is, and what hedoes is good. And Christ says in Matthew vi; 24, No man can serve two minders for either tie will hate the olio and love the other, or else ho will hold In iho one anil despise the other— ye cannot servo God and iriauion.” Toat is to say you cannot he lead’ hy ihe spirit and hy the flesh at the eair.e time. I'.iu'f.ayf,Rom viii;l, 2, there is therefor*'now no conde-unation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after tlie flesh : but after HeSpiri . For the law Ilf the Spirit of ll r e ill Christ Jifiuc hath made me free from the law of eiii and death. Again says in I Cor. ix:27, I ket p o filler my body and bring it into rtfhjefition, le.*l that }>v any means when I have preach ;d 11 ctiiers I myself should he a cast uway." Ted me Pml what you know fduut relig ion ? ‘‘l know I haye bean tharged from death unto life because I lo>*e the hritliren, the things 1 or ne ha ted mrw I love, the things I o; ce loved fio w I halo,and we know lout were this earthly house of our t.ab err aclc dissolved vre have n build ing, a bouse not made with bands eternal in 'he heavens and beside.; this God’s spirit bears witnrs* w itL my spirit that I aut a child of G*d anJ if it child then aa heir of GoJ rtn 1 uj i!i.t beir with the Lord Suh C' rthi K."in tn> i-c quotations vve come i t" *b* oi.fii'lusi ii thnt if a man Id ! c t ntißc I from (iCufi Onto life that lie k n ii s ho has be- n eh ingcd. flow, can a man who lias hern born ot tlie >pif:t of Gml with one ii lalildc >s.rr rci snj* that I kn >w I ivi" g l to bail ten ? I am.*, r ro. Now in coiicloston I will prioCmt the two tier riel in contrast: First t present the theory thnt i i Ilian "Minot fall.' It (omrsto tire outside world and gays : “Yon are a free wor d agent: ‘That in you bun the power ofliu'nnn vofnion or a 1 tinim will, i.nd by will Is meant that yon Imvc th; ability '.a choose between tw6 cr rtiofe fful j cts and that you must repent and turn away from sin, that is quit sin and believe i n the L-r 1 Jesus Christ ' r vou wi Ihe darane I. There is no power that can seres yoti' to , boose or refuse. You must put or> 'lie Lord JisUs Christ or he forever lust. . But von mv I cloved breth ren 1 have latter news for you. You who lia-e been' horn of God on ii ii'd go foil away iis to be lost eternally, you may curse and swear as (till f' ‘'or—commit ad u I Cry and murder as did' David. In short yon' may do everything that is bad and nothing thnt is good and j At if you lufe been a child of God, G d will see to it that yon shall finally be savod. You may fall under the displeasure of God mi l reciove tho cbnsteuirg lod, hut that is all. Heavea ii your home you cin not, ho lost for ever. Now I present what I nuefftf stni.d to he the true theory in con trast with the theory above, fa the oiit-'i lo world 1 say you are free moral age it-;- you have a will that is unfettered and may choose 'll s day whom you Will serve. You must repent nud believe the Gospel, that is leave off yo ir si o'* and put or tbo Lord Jesus Cluist or you wi T lie damned forever, etui you my belovfd brethren wild have put on tho Lord Jesus Christ—so walk you ia him; for you ton are flee moral agents mid you can, and runy so full as to'be lost forever. And now to ell tbr se who believe tl e opposite—let n e say to you; your theory is the same as ours, Until a uinn is horn into the Kingdom afi l if he Cannot fall he will never ho damaged one par-* tide if your theory is nover taught iignin; hut if yo' ir theory lie false you will be reckoned os tho blind lending the blind, and it is (aid if the blind lend the blind, they shall belli h.JI into the ditch together. Married In a (treat Hurry. 1 The quickest courtship on res cord,” said one old resident, “iv is llmt of Dr. Nick McDowell, who driving along the stre t io liis buggy ono day. eflW a beautiful gir* h nii'difrg at the window. Ho in,mediately stopped and hitched his limse' rang the boll, inquire! tho lady's i lime; wins lisle.red into tho pallor, announced Ida own nuonc.siid he «•.« “pleased' with her appearmre and wished Ui ii).>rry her at once.” Nothing but llro kiinwlc tge th «t vlie wan actu ally in th pf Hence of the celebra ted physician ki pit l,fir from faint* i'g. To her plea. ofsurprise at tlio unexpected aiinounceuici't lie on ly replied, ‘Now or never.' When s'ie askfid to take a week tO CtiiieU!- i,r,’ he said: am goijlg down sir, et 1 1 att ml a ciiticul ease end have no time lu spurs right now.' ‘(iivc me a day, then.’ ‘l'hi tell you what I'll (ko. When 1 uin through with Him pre fcs*iuna! visit i'll (Iriv .* around and get a preach* r If you’ve made lip your mind to m«rry me by that tune, all right;’ a.id lie ’« ft her breathless snd ulna tilc In uilieul.te another wold. \1 hen lie returned they were ajui e'ly oinrri.'d, ‘Xo cards.”' St. Louid Puit-Dixputch. Georgia, liko T«mn»s see, iinds d g id excuse for not raising more w.t,l. A Culhbert rounty paper sayi: “The word is elipp»j and marketed, md would have been a s urcc of oend h-rshle revenue hut for the depredation of numer ous prowling curs. Oh, for d IA is’atur : with fie moral cour age to enact it dog low l* One week from to-day (lie exp:- Hi linn «i lootii-ville will be Opened wiih ill pie-iivc ceren.cnifs. The preifu'en* wi'J lend bit rr-sencp to ill * etd a rlistin-. usbed company wilt b.» anili red to toko part in the proceeding*. L'm&ciJ e has wer :* (1 tti f oily for Kuccea* <*f the en'erprfo*. md on city wiefi'* Ter lict er r.i.varl than does +'■* I lant-.. l Take > "Ui u ittrt.. p ip'f.