Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, August 02, 1883, Image 3

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i'HK MESSENGER. LAFAYETTfc, GEORGIA. TnvSSLIAY MohNING Aug. 2, lSB.li SUBSCRIPTION s One Year - Si* Month* - * 50 Cents. Thiee Months - - • 85 Cents. ■ L-** Notice is hereby giver. that here after the legal advertising pertain ing to my < ITice will be done in the Wai.kch County Messenger. W. A. Byhd, Sheriff of Dade Cour ty. July sth, 1883. H. P. Lumpkin is authorized to make advertising contractu, and to act ns collecting agent tor the Messenger. PBEFERBED LOCALS- Pure Cuba molasses ot B F Thurman’s a! 45 cts a gallon. A large assortment of Burial Ca ges and Offine, for sale by. Thompson Hii.es, Summerville Ga. V> e will pav the una'ket price for good wheat and oats on ac counts, or in goods. ilit), & Patton. Piles permanently cured hv Dr. Ilammond of L«Fayette, without the use of the knife of ligatures. Genito-Urini! deseaces successfully treated. A pure and simple compouned of Honey and Tar, two ingredients w ose virtues are appretiated by all tbe world, is Coussene’ H"ney of Tar, a remedy for cougb , colds and diseases of the throat and lurgs. Price 50c. For fain by R F Thurman. White’s Creath White Veitnifuge is Thy best worm killer. What is the matter up the stree 1 . Chattanooga so many p» ople going? People going to Cro .b' at 814 Mar ket St. to examine the Ladies fa vorite, that light arm, light run ning, noisclss, Eldredge B Sewing Machine —It, is finely finished and handsome —ELDREDGE B. What does it mean? Why, it is the very latest style of Sowing Machine, for sale by R G Cross 814 Market St. Chattanooga. He deals in all binds of Sewing Machines, shuttl- s, needles and parti; and toes repar ing us Sewing Machines. LaFayette Academy. The 2nd Term of this Institution will commence on the first Monday in July. The first three rnon'hs will be a Public School, duriDg which time tbe pro rata allowed by County School Commissi >ner will be credit d to each bill of Tuition; patrons charged wi - b the balance. RATES OF TUITION: For Ortbogiapby, 2nd K ader Primary Arithmetic aud Go ngraphv 81 00 Fo- Grammar, (ieograobv, & ~ 2 00 1 or Algebra, Rhetoric, Phi os op‘iy, & ■.. 2 50 For Lv’in, Cieek and Higher Mathematics 3 00 Scholars will he cbn ged from the time i f entrance to do clore of the term, unless released by special agreement, J, L. King, Pond pal, Mbs. M. A. King, Asst. June 12th, 1833 The FaTrerm 1883. C-tS'ANDRA HIGH SCHOOL, MALE AND r EMALE. Op ns Ju > 9,h. TUITION - . Primary class SI.OO 1 uterme iiate, $1 50 A'a’em c 2.50 Patrons will have the benefit of public school fund. B ard in good families from 5 to 8 dollars per month. Morals of the comunity gool. No liquor sold in 10 miles of the school. Loration very healthy. .Inst the place to ed ucale your chihlri n. • Biker McC Sm'th A. M- Principal. A b'eoii Horne For file . A one hundred acre farm en- j el >ned with a s'otie wall. Eighty acres clear d. Fifiy seres in clo- j y,r and grass. Water good and j iuexh u-tihle. Tne best f»rm in) North Georgia hi d in Catoosa Cmntv. John K Henderson. Crawfish Spring Gi. 4'- Paul Itrolhe: ’s Violet Ink. B i sending tw uty-fivo cent*to B L Trail, LePnyette, G*.,you cun gel a iiriated receipt f r maki-g Paul {.'other’s Violet F k, at a cos; of; fit y cents a gallon. Stamps will be taken. Baggies and Harness- J. M B rnwell at the Wardiaw I siard la handling baggies. Tiute male by 8 shier are st«ii*U, luting | and rue like a top. it yo.i warn to make a good investment in that , line call on him. JOB WORK neatly -'xw.iitcd at ihia office Bl inks for Justice* always -. • and. Give ue a nisi. Lot .lt BRIEFS. We icknowledge the receipt of the fol ’owing favors on subscription: Miss Florence Dobscn $ 25 Perry W Harper 50 A R Qu'nn 1 00 C P Allen 50 LC Morgan 50 JwEGrten 100 Miss-Rachel Edwards 1 00 Still dry, hut the indications of rain fsvoral le. Hillary is recovering, after an ill ness otf some weeks. C. W. Holden, c.f Murfreesboiu, Tenn.i is in the villnge. J J Fultor. has been dangerously ill, but was belter Tuesday. By a recent act ot the Legislature maimed soldiers are exempt from the payment of a poll tux. P M Edwatds spent Tuesday night in town. He left Wednesday morning for his new home. Several wolves have been seen recently on tbe east brow of Pig eon Mountain, near lock town. Mrs Wade Kirkliu died Wednes day of last week, and was buried ill the LaFayette Cemetery Thurs day. Miss Willie Henry and Allic Cleghorn of Summerville are visit ing friends in LaFayette, this, week. Mr. and Mrs. G M Jackson and Miss Mamie Dickerson are visiting relatives in McLemore’s Cove this week. Misses Mary and Clara Warthen, who have been visiting relatives in Armuchee Valley are at home again. A meeting of greut interest has been going on at Macedonia, led by Rev E W B dlenger, and assisted by Rev W C Luther. LaFayette is quite a lively place now. The sound of the Mason’s hammer is continually ringing, and everything has the appearance of business. Left at the store house of Messrs, llill & Patton in LaFayette on last Saturday night a puir of shoes and a hat. The owner is requested to call ar.dget than. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. C Dudley and family, whohaye been visiting friends in .LaFayette fur si vera 1 weeks, left Tuesday morning for t'-eir home in Americus. The large four lucked boll is nev er first to open. The small boll with three locks is the first to show the fleecy stap’e Little minds mature sooner than gre.it ones. 'ihc proof reading of the Mes senger is in the hands of its fore man. E A AtcHan. If there should ever be a mistake, which we hope shall never be, his is the pencil that should be trimmed. The work of laying the founda tion tor the Court House, is pro gressing rapidly. Mr. Patton the conductor is here looking alter the work. He wants to gpt the Court Hou9 r> completed during this year. Judge Hill, returned yesterday from Chattooga,where le Ins been visiting fer several days Ore thing that makes his return more pleas ant is the fact that lie brought M ss Annie, the daughter of C<*pt. C D Hill with him. The lecture Thursday night to thechildren at the LaFayette M. B. Cnurch by Roy. G. G. Smith, the S. S. Secretary of tbe North Georgia Conference was a success. He is rarely gifted, ns a speaker to children, a d never fails to iuteres them. p.’es is not tbe ’ast of the n.any diicases whiob >fll es, mankind, but Table’s Buckev Piles Ointment, i made from the Buckeye, used accor umg to the direct!'ns, is a' perma nent cure. Price 50c. For sale by B F Thurman. White’s Crei m White Vermifuge ia the heat wot in killer. About twenty of the sur .< Ivors of the 231 Ga. Regiment met at Can ton, Ga, the 3d inst, to make nr ringement* for a re-union, Ihe resolutions passed appoint Friday, Aug 31-t, ss the time tor the re union of the regiment at Cano n i Ga. The survivors of Colquitt's i Brigade are invit dto meet with them. The man. whose garden has stood the drought, is the one who gave it diep preparation. Bean vines on ground >paded a foot deep are stili green and fruitful We! pre speaking now of a ne'ghbor’s I garden, and not of the one that tl.e Missengeb is uiieie?ted in. A d wbn' holds good ot a small piece of ground ‘•pptiev just as truly to tlh fsrm. Dc<p r-nki w : ‘-ept’.- owoer from breaking. A Bold Attempt te Commit a Larceny. On last Saturday night as J E Patton, of the firm of Hil! & Patton, with some other yeung men weie sitting on the porch i:i front of the store, Higng'd in an minia ed con versntior, an unusual noise was heard in the store room. Mr. Pat ton thought it was e cat, and at first first, gave it no special atten tion, but as it continued he started into the store to see what mischief, tie out wos up to. As he was en tering the store door, he saw a negro behind the counter at the monpy drawer. The negro broke for the open window and succeeded in getting out btfore Mr. Fatton could get hold of him, and before he could got out lie was oif and gone. The thief had gotten into the store through the window and was making quite a bold effort to pro cure the money from the money drawer. Sun lay morning a pair of old shoes mid a hut was found near the window where the thief entered : but no one has yet been f und by whom the owner of the shoes And hat can oe located. There were several circumstances which lad Mr. Pattou to believe that Jordan Clariiy was theguilty party and he had him arrested, but after investigation he became convinced ttiat was not guilty and had him discharged. It it the wish of al’, tl at the guil ty party may yet be discovered and brought to justice. Tlie prt'sent drought demon strates one thirg, that farmers as a ru'e, leave their corn too thick. Wet or dry the man who gives good distance will make the most corn. To plant light, grade your land. Determine how many bushels to the acre would be a fair and satis factory crop tor ti e land. Corn planted four by four, allowing a hundred ears to the bushel, will give a yield of 30 bushels per acre. Where iliree by four is the distance, if every stalk bears a good ear, for ty bushels will be made. The av erage per acre of any farm would be materially increased, if farm 1 rs bad tlie courage to givy more dis tance In all dhses if it ia checked, leave but one stalk in tlie hill. — Two stalks, under any circumstan ces, is mistaken policy. A Pocket Companion. Dr. C D Barham, Southampton Co., Va., end'raed it. When a small thing full of virtue and spee dy cure,'an insure against sudden dmitii or violent pairs, it ought to I e carried about the person as a pocket companion. Dr. Wot thing ton’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Me dicine is recommended by eminent pliysicnns, statesmen and minisieis as the best and surest cure for all kinds of stomach and bowel com plaint-. Price 25 and 50 cents. O W duesdny of last weui< M s Polly M ze went to Anniston A'a to see her son Riot. tl. Miza who wan at tbe tiuue hopelessly sink She found him conscious though in a dying condition. II -i died Tburs day morning and his rem tins were brought to L Fayette, and after an appropriate funeral service by It v. W L S lattui k, were interred in the Cemetery at this place. It -bert was a young mao of good cha.acter was a member of tbe B iptisl C linch and had a host cf friend*. II s mother aud sister base the i-ympa thy of the entire community in iheir bereavement. Miseries of Mosquito Tims. They bite at night with great de light. and pul most pe-'ple in a nervieh fright. Their hil Is they itick with poisonous prick in children’s Heidi and make them rink On lUz zmg wing the insect sing, before inserting their wicked sting. Vic tims complain of cruel pain, a> d would rather not ne bitten agiin The pain to stop, apply one drop of Pehuy Davis's Pain Kii.ebu from tlie druggist's shop. Tlie Duck Creek Bridge, the County books, and the last Court are all to be paid for tlie present year. When you add t) tuese the tw- Jvefh nis imi dollars for the C'omt House, and the regular tuxes, vou have an amount that is U rmidable Ws have every prospect of a short ! crop. If the indebtedness of the county could he paid in three pay ■ meiits it would lave many a man from seriius emha-rassmei.t. I •‘Tne most beneficial resul a fol low the use ot' Phen >1 Sol iqae ! as ari ex'enr 1 application f.u that annoying erupt to. «f • - kin k town a- v e :< ■ u-'-t i* on * ' r •' *'/• * j /'refbyttriun JuUiV.aU Wednesday the fifteenth instant ! is the lime fixed by the B *ard o'. I Commissiotx rs of our County for the people to pass upon ttio qnes- j ti.'.i’ as to whether or not bond 4 | shall be iestod to pay fertile build- ; injfof the Court House Ttie p oposition i. 10 issue bomls for tint sum of eight theusand del- . tars bearing interest at seven per cent per annum, which will be is sued in denominations of one bun dr. d dollars each, and will be ! sold for their fi.ee value, oie half ot these bonds \vill fall due in 1884, and tbo balance in 1885. By this arrangement oiin-tbird of the cost of building tlio Conrt House will ba paid each year until the whole is pit i. It is tl e wish of the C imuiUsioners that evert voter will go to tiie pol's on the day of the election, and east his vote 3 insoientimi3'y for what he believes to be the best interest of the people. 50 Fits ill*2l Hour-! “I em|ilnyed some of the best physicians here,” wrote Win. K. Tanner, of Dayton, Ohio. "They all said my child could net live three weeks. It had 50 fits in 24 hours. We give it Sanuiritin Ner vine and the ircdicii e eAect'd a permanent cure.” Druggists. The New Postage Stamps. The portraits on the new pos tage stamps tint come in use Oc tober Ist are: One-cant, Franklin ; two-cent,Jackson; three-cent. Wash ington; five c»nt, Jeffers"!); t*» lve cent. Clay; fifteen cent, Scot; thir ty-cut, Hamilton; ninety-cunt, Perry. The drop-letter r ite of pos tage wi'l remain unchanged, tuat is two cents per half ounce or frac tion thereof at free delivery offices' and one cent at n'l other offices ; and no changes are tpude ip the rates of postage on Heoond, ■ third and fourth-class matter. . Tile burn tonic medicine— «p< tbnl In enl com rawed nnrally of nleoliol or w111.11.y- In Knrwn’e Iron Rittttnir It I* guaranteed to be iifNi-lutnilen ting mid 'vill nbaointely kill nil desire fur whinkey mill oilier lm*l« , niit-'. li line been ilioruuirhiy tea ted mill proved itself in every Intunm-n never fnll hit! eurw fur dw*P’ p*lu, Indigestion, Mllluuiuii , ii», weakne**, debilirv, overwork, rh< hhi iUmm, " rnlgm, eoii.oniptive uUe .«•*. liver complaints. ki.i hu) (collide*, etc. — - M K Polk, the late Treasurer of Tennessee, lias been found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years. He innite a njoti n for a lie"’ trial, which W'S overruled, and the ra*-. goes to the Supreme Court. m POWDER Absolutely Pure. 1 hl< powder never varies. A marvel or ifiirfy Nirengfli and wh OH*oniene*b t Mure miiiniiilitnl 'linn file ordinary kind*, and chiihol Ih sold hi coiiiuHitlnii Willi flu* uiulmtitli* of low lent, short W'-ift'ii, Hluiu or pli<lM|iiiaM! powders. but.u mti v NCANriItoYAL Baking Puwum ') Will I Street iV. oet 19 tcimlfptf GEORGIA, W;.LKKB COUNTY. Whereas n| p’icntion having been mode Pi have an adtninislra'or up pointtd upon the estate of John Wallin lute of said county diceas ed ; this is therefore to cite ail per- SMiS conC'-rne I, to sho'w cause it any they can. why an order should not be p ißF.ed appointing It N Dick erson, Clerk of the Superior Court administrator of said John Wa! in deceased, on the first Monday in S’utemher next. This July the! 31st, 1883. I Milton Bl's-ki./,, Ordinary 0. P. Henderson & Co., Buooessor, to J. U« Jady St Oo , ilea’’ quarters for Boeki, Nlaliontry, Wall r ipcf, Pit lii e I ratni’s a»t tl liciiitliugN, e Iffen wing tfaie* rials, Ooifort Hull* & Rats. RYAK BLOCK. JCt! oarket Street Ketween Ith & Sti„ WONDER mm. NOT htmku of ft ho .. r I:w ii ' t | >r,r ■« hips. - < ifHt'Hif- o« •>!» v i T. T()*{s A a «-•—i*ro e :•»» I -w. 88 i>m.t l"|iie fu'r, /OffN B ALDEN iu.nM«i,l# V«*t/ »| ,V. V Dr-Worthihgtoss & Cholera Iramp IfApHOFAfSJRE OTE* II YEARS vs«^ The host renicdr fnr I’helrm. Crumps Illrtr rituwn IlyMMerf, ’-oHimer O«oi»,d«lnl. Ilripenaln. •lei.fi iiUev a/ecM**** ii/lAfi itownf* aM (•»*■«'»• lulwiiiwtii ia the trmy. I*«i hr fiartwa fleMni C. 8. A. Kowwii ijMtded liv Oim. W»rreu, Pi..Trvor-flencr»l; Hint. K.at. noth He . tier Hollollnr 11. H. Trvuurjr, and othera. Pill*. i.N •*». Hold hr Dnuciu* Bad Dealer*, only «enutni tl our bims ie blown iu bottle. Hole proprlelora. TNI CHAHIIS A.VOOtltl CDMfASY, H AI.TIMOBB, Ml*.. U. 8 A. I w - Marly m cort r hionti (J nnd I'rnctimJ Kroworanow w*ont in our Motto “Thut lli«* Itn lIMT North Kim’ilh urn prmvn lh<u>nriirr thrir p rod net will br.” Vo offer tliiii ye*ir n full ItOe «»f Htnliuar>U > otßturiL Irtio touaiue. irnerrion dry upliuvl; Bcotoli l'yfo him! IlliioStein Vlieat. WhiteHimtsiaii(>utx; 1- tuiui Dnire.Bß'd to huuno week earlier than Early York; our North Ktnr Yello-.v Dint Horn Ntill taken the lend, nml lor fodder in equal to nuy; of onion wh-.il, tomMCH s. ear rot*, |hmih. A;c.,Ac, a lull lino crop, nil livti tmmth on our own fttruin. Wild lti« o for dmlc ooude always on hand for tsprlinr or Fall eowiiur. ?th Annual »■*■«. T, >l. JHK'N'A I.rower, liupoi urA Jobber,Sl. l'uul, .Uiuu. Chickajaw Route! MEMPHIS & CHARLESTON R. R. Change of Schedule -2 DAILY TRAIIST3 TO ARKANSAS & TEXAS. In Effect Derrmher 17th, IHV2. (STATIONS. | No. I. | No. 9. I ,ra\ ■■ I 'hitt lanoo'j t . . | Drill |i in I H.:i!l :i i,<. “ M.-veiinoii .... I 11:1'* |i. m. lii:o*»n. 01 *• IliiuNvilli* . . | ti. in. I I9:*'s p. in. “ lifi-Hltir ... H.n.la. hi. I;9'i |i. oi “ I'mloiii . .• I 7:I H n. nt. | |t. in I'nml Jiiuctlnn . | W.‘JO I. in. I ?.‘!0 ji. in Arrive Meui|ihii* . . . IIM a to. I 9.30 |i. 111. “ I.litli H»ck . . I I9:lil itiylil j I*l.lo noun At l.ittle Rock closu* connection is niftilu with douhlit iliiiiy i*uH»»ehgt*r tniitißcor ttU Texas iioints. No. M nakes Hose coniUMMion at Ar gciitu tor KortSmilli. Knrcka Springs and all points on t lie linn of Little H«x*k i ml Fort Smith railwav. No. 1 carrion through passenger coach from < to Little R i k wlrhont chantrc. y* MILKS SUORTKK than any • other route. Time between Memphis 4 TO 7 HOURS QUICKER than any oilier route, MV NY hours and milcMof TRAVKT BY TAKING THIS JtOl'TK. Emigrant lion fa ll on or write to A. M. SUTTON. Ajrt. M. O . Box .Olio. f'lnttiiliootth. Teen T s Diivunt, A <; I» A I A Dope, (IPATA. Memiilil*. T<*!in. Lyno liurff. Va. . i Every Mifftreaa of a Home In the South should lave THE NEW DIXIE COOK-BOOK, it containn the cream of all the other books on COOKERY AND HOUBE KEEPING. Over 0,060 receipts, true and tried, from old fnmily receipt bnok*,nnd 10,000 new hints and helps and facts of value. Sold by MbKHption. AGENTS WANTED. Send for specimen pages and terms. 8. A. CLARKSON & CO., ATLANTA, CEORCIA. No More Eye-Glasses, MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE IA verfnlo, Haft* amf'l ffeeflve Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES Producing loiig'*l|lit«!.ilierH, himl Itdofing (he rtlglit of the * »M Cure, Tear Droll*. tJnuiiihitioii, Stye Tiihimi’k Krd Rm, Multctl Kyc Liihlics. avo riiomx ivu iicick iibi.ikv anip I'KUW l \KVT UIIHK. a | ••<{«•«11 4 ff i<- .rlmik wiii’ii tie*.l in oin-r tal. Nd|i-*, »4)«-li Hr IMi efd. Pever Hofe*. T||iiui|h. Kali Hb’-oin, dor *. I'll* * or * Me, H.TI H 1.1.'.w r* ,|,Vi 4MV h- IlHio ad van luge -old by all Mrirj'fleir at 9.' Olitr. "jplßl fi'** l *' ' *"ffELCCM I * 1,1 " l P"°* r * **** ■ A ~' ■* Slle'lwil or r*u wpr • HMI f. BEATTY. WiSHIIBTOH, STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY. «n«atd<m.RrAjr. p,diai.eki6a‘»eKjn»»{ci»i.<t.if«. Pile ?o l’iof. »ei, «id 11natrucD •*, iernifte.-CiM ki Air rjcjliun I, ?*<prmal e**l <e*i C*. jimvrci.il CtfilPvaaf M'l’t v Tut' • -u.'l } It'l : f»w:i ft on.f’.'f) pe r»tirr-i. D d . ••»•*»,rl*c f. H.lh -m tre. Y• In Xr\is t:M|w/i • • ■■*.{* lif*' /B.*r. tt.nld risy. ,«mi».a ... , ■ . i <’K i <p. f-t t*» -.1/ ■*. <-.e« « in*/ *<l*i xi.deAO-OM - le 4 * utart a ««.')-« 14 dafHUCK; for niaKQmt apt.iy f.,dei *.v, a.lwvaßAi../.r m/z . 4|X. I'at»#h -Boa. f’i *7.. P.ctidwiil <A iht Coil- s*, lA\mtlou,Ky■ FRUIT & VEGETABLE rftVtl WeWiJKs wi :: f rIJH' * Itto ’ ln*«Mii»i<' *. imKim, -i* H3V £» • • i~- ■•"■•■’" 1 Viimi.l.l.. PH >, "’ , ABB mill wlih li'H* l.inor 1<Wl«bl«>» ■syjp&i.s# ipg xi»iHtf.'rh.'ft*r I>i hml oii oiii hrytM'. ' m}'*^ i *" Kvii) Monitor tot K«r Mm! of I’rleen f\,C JT * \«,m( >iii ( iuHim Vt^ , > imiiiu ii In the besfi illntlo of Hu* brwlmnlrrinl: lI’AT OP TI.H. .Hr»l liriiis ■‘mi b« k|«>ftin, (hey ni'«* Wiiminlcd ntfl l<» blow lij*. Our Kviip .r'iUii'in ho ti nt tlifl «ir \v*<i ii Ibis l«en mois tened hv lussintr ovef mm iriiv id fruit, o.innot be ntiv feuoh any otli-r trnv. Ini’ puss nut nl tnn'e. In Ibis imiv, fin r(> i« n 4i|m ivt>'slrnnm of linntedair of the muni* ilvu| Ptutore |,nssioir, nt nil times, • 'vnr, ini ler i|id thrmi li I'anh ir iy "f fruit, Hy nil illji ii nm 'Ttf of lint iir (lues and tlidii|i> rs) it in Hi • i ♦lirifti 1 Wwevi r, I lint (l»o nniiunr, nl InMit rllrecud tn any |i ui oI tne K v :i |mi it!• >rj mnv h« reiiulil'ed it id varied nt will. Knr n mni|ilei« mid CHgily nndi rs'ifnd explanation of how this is neconi|ilished, see our circular, send fur a clrotil ir, whether you vvnni n Dryer nr noli No 1, best I! I ill'll Ilnn.d'ies 8 eit'diel* in 24 hntlfs .. ;.s4(f Off No lh st (In I vii ii [zed Iron, dries 8 bushels in 24 linui'i 50 Off No 2. best llliick Iron, drins ltl line! els in 21 hull s HO Off No, 2 heel OulvniilZ 'd Iron, ores I(‘> Inis'ieis m2l Innir-... 75 00 Ayeuts wanted in uvrv fiiiiiiitr, where not already appointed. E ir further information apply to McClang Manufacturing Company, orTisoin* ten Mi, icmi) knoxvills, lENtf, CHATTANOOtiA, TICNN • 1 - "Vh wiTY-fFgVreifflifrrr I W Fnrdidjilp, I*. €►., Froiik tin l ib,' liy., nix ntilch from Prnitltfort. Man Mir m«st W W ii'Mitli/iil oiiti iii'hui I fill I • x.' n 11• •11 lit thoSlriiit. I.tt l»y ifitu ns w.il u : |i«*nt« tl by Mt «ni. A full . 1) , ■} ami able ColFflnilty. lvipniM<<*iu*Un-ili riitf nsnttj* Mr> t-•• In-n <*i>li<w. Pnriloiii yoar TMtibL*- u iH gliib Sept. 3. For C'aUfot; nett, ctfc., eMtre«» ns above « (H,. It. f>. ALLEN, MupC. ONLY S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINC3EU MAC JINK. i;«iiuil T» Any Hlngorlii Tli<* >1 urkH.' Th« ill**>vii «in r*ft*r»-»**-i»|« the most |ii*| iilur uiyi* for ill** people w111<• 11 we •*!Tor you fur ill* Vi* yln ■ uric* of fill ti*'«ti«*iitt>**r, tv • li*. not • you i • pu until ion Imve -•••*!» Ill* murlil «• MVr In*vli.*f nnilli* il 11, If It I" i'*»t‘"l xx « repr ill P lum In •uni ■»uitr»i»«(oi**'. i‘«mi«ml’ tour |ui* revoi .mil f-r ilitml nur*', or semi for rlP'iilrri mol lovllinniUilo Aitilr*:x IMIIM'H x. W'M’fi -• • No 17 M Titiuli S ~ |'ulln<l"lpl'i.i I-i nin* 3 HU ftL£X,H.ST£PNENS. The lilo ol* rhi* f Jl«ih*rionH p>* I riot, hum ol' Life ol Ocn. Ilunm k , iliiMr led. pu|»tT, ".0 clm olotli 2*> i*ih I'omi ueo MiumpH MH'oivtd. Nor »old v\ do*ilor«. O'lfu’otfiie frr.. •'Tim iiioh iinii|iJu viri'ure in tt litoiary wuy t vl iidi M e public. ha* Ihm*o iir *l. | I> »ily A oiei'ii'iri. Nmlivi'lo. .1(1 I * I VI.OK.V Publi-lior, is Vnwy r N .v V.iiv. RUOTTO!IU^p j•* ■"» 'ffr* L. Spencer, Tennessee. i:i' Vi .‘ .. fro ii Hick f lnit«l, pn i*p’i r*-rniliiit 1 A %M. I. I . io i| |*.*« It 11**• • (lotlip ion ii iiiol.i'luiiil hi >;ii|um l.nc* *ii > • on •ii »•»!• • pol'lftll Ii * miunnlt'i inioi Jto<i il mill <n •Ii Ii lo(T; < < llmo l*om|il**t** fur *» •'!* u • Hi.Pi*, I'llif. H \* 11. Hll |* l'< ‘N , -Hi all m mmm. \V**y tin* Diiiitor Was 1» Irctmli d, n wli.it All){li limvm Im iii Iloilo YVI lion II in*, ‘•Well, ivlli' o «i'il |i.. B»—*•, n» lio fim-nl In liouae, \vlilt'ii *♦ m ►i'u n* oln ii r ii > vll <i#e In cei.nul .Vi vv V irk, . I invn yn In.ok from it li.n «i<l rlrotry i|<jt non, if 11*111111110119 t«m 11 nm iln|*i». I*l Mil 111 III* |lli IHOM **’linl«n f. Tlf. III! M*'|l?. • "1111 l 'll' IU 'll W Unl.l’t *IVM I'l llllllllflltf. t* II*'II In ImM I linil Mol* tin '#r«lin iry itMi'l of i " i<! If ll'i ■>iiii|#H}*«i Aodiv 'ml #eijn o.onitfli to pi|i 11 |tf N Ur.’tMl'* IKK I'l H* If?* IM,4V| , |;.< 110 H|. - foil irii lio no.ilii hvi* l«*«n nil *l;»ln In .hi lo ur • r imo. Hill i*"ino lollm i.f rlow lo |e..iii,” fold'd il,«* old . |iiiyii* Go, *w 1 lowing ill** of nti iiini p t> n *v|i|* l. • U wio- I'K-I Ji»*» iuoipl lor liim. •Mu I r 1 w 1911:11 poop I' do learn. • v. ill iii/ii .loH. 'l'li.. 1 old ioer*nuliii( ii»> ofll<- -on' .iiMii'oi p "V.' tlilM ' lyi'iid ijii.-'lli.i . iiinl tin* u"• m i.r- .14 on in t'i ik *uv**i| >ii u -u ofili-ro ui*< » k m 1011. O nil enp'i"|i' i*| Ii inn of! I d uy <1 p'.i lor !fi-ii*'iii*> .I'M" t Avidly on*l «• o, *v. i 1.0 !p!i|lll"l« Ii V*' no* *v oil •* »fi ‘ISK cut 111 'li. *•• i.'or, I't r df/r-i u, M-nlioiy ft. Joliiumu., Olr iiil«lM, N. vt V*»rk. NAVAL CATTLES OF THE WORLD 11/ EliWAul) Silll'l’K 1, M"lionI l» n!C* oi 17. H. N - A Tlirifii*»n Picru'-iai iJiit'rry ni'ilie W iHd’i firunl Sea Kiybtf. with dpHufiiri'iie of Navi! As .nifeeMin »' tall w/ K. \ fle if'l ol VVonrJi.i f u Kxfiiti'tr* mint inti renting than fiorjnn. I I'rii**; oolv sl. Ir Mil In t*« ery whore. > .VHfi N'| S iii iku 4 UHf.iH) ler n.orifh, j Atliir / 0 Mcoi/.ii>y & Co., Flitht*’ I dnlpli'M, I’li. I NEW HWIBE. Thatcher, Lewis Co., CIIA'ITANOOUA. TKNN m Ift'uei’H nth 'ifnl fyji n.i Marlei St.) WHOLESALE AND retail Grrcers aa<l Provis- ; or> Dealers «’< ilU)lA/d,Y INVITi: THE THAili: or WAl.Kl'lt OOl’N j TV TO UJVE HIM A CALL. !w •* »*i*,. •» full t; 1* *of firoft'i’ii'H al Il«a? | Ii «f< A |;rii*r*< t - id* foitnd. Wk jsuv roHNTity I’UontK'E. OIVK I’H A CALL \NI> WB OIAI'.ANTKK TO I'LKAMK vor. THATCIIKJC l/lvvaa « ( O Wd »*- [UGHTRunkihi I -SEWINGMACHIMECO* CHICAGO, ILL.'^— I ORANGE, MASS. I^and pjjWl Propnlt'Tonfi'K BftmSe % wMtP„ ton :ut f.r *«•* conM nlwn, • ivr ii««i>/**■ u**e, ».;* wumiii^r, wwSfmETS^Sr rtofllcrv in Typo Pressoc, Paper Cutters, nod nil kixactx of Pmitirm Materials, Miilf fcew itai Heeoud-hniiii a corrftctofJ tiwl of prices r wtHl wrcklt, ti nil rrmi n.rt »u iu»n<f for aoto, (imrrli of witfcii *rf ifttmiuu »xrtg/n»m> will I » ■ miiilerf free oft npirtfaitiou. Wo coo fur mm* anything from m ftodkiu tn n Cylinder IVanm. I *-r r«. , r.»[ »r|n,» H'(•• Till Kill, Jiltlt, Hi. *•* VN THK vSiIcHtWT. B A fi.i,: „u t’Ut W*< mu (/»••!#. iiiiiiuMi4«. ■ U Xurfi*«l.ooX,»<Mie.M • ■ ■ • JUNES OF BINGHAMTON, JR Wj2 fly jtir.uiMa'fox, ». ISiRAMSfBLEY&CO, SIIRNIP €3§eed ! Tnew crop maw Sf nd for )l CATACQCUE A PRICE LIST. HIRAM 6IBLEIY&CO. ROCHESTER N.Y. CHICAGO ILL 179-183 MAIN STREET, 200-206 E.ndolpliSt, Os Kentucky University, LEXINGTON. NT. Ti v ■ '<> noiiilulM the Kalt Hu»iß»te Cnure* ilwuf TT), »*•*•. '1.4*1 »f r*Hl..n. Hlglior-rf. *'• 7*n«/rfphr u»fM. »"««• tor oiw .»•■*/ If Jr,l«l. free >**»l» 400 tuutoi.U from 21 »Ut«* toe* )tu. *.<*»< .«.r,..f o lrr*'l«efet. „ . . Mu.lii.O «»n tor-la H *"1 »■•••. no »»«Mlto*. fall reeeloo N(k*e >e| tomb* r IlMli. X«i fu>l pt 'rtraUre, »Mrr>> WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky/ Vo prrpnrAflot . L>*a withanyr/ruH^pen l.-riuj rk- S l ''-»"XVji!i£V Rj'-toi-aj i>l* : i. va * Am’*, AJ B'IRN HAM'S |-