Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 23, 1884, Image 1

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FOR PAIN.I CURBS RhißHwt ism, Heu ralgla, Sciatica, Lnkiw, Backache, lUai.fta, TMthMtw, an Aia. otu»» “"*a t r “» *™"V, satwftrMieHiMl Dsalui •mrwha*. Fifty Cants* i W kottlf. DhwtWn* U1 > ff| niARLEN A. V#«r.UR W. fssilFT' w ) MUnan. *L,C.t.L jStUe»»u»- n. P. Lwmpkln, e*n. *• Kapl.r, Lumpkin & Napier, Attonsyi aaS Coo»ielor»>t Law and SsllcUsrt'in B*utty. Lafaystts, • • Ueaifia. Will practice in all Hie toints Prompt and careful attention given to all bualne.a. Office in Lumpkin’# buihlicg. •epll ly Wm. E. MANN. Lawyer, Ringgold, Georgia. Will piaetice in all the Courts, State and rederal. Legal businea# of •vary kiadattewded to. OfHcstufront I Cemt Honaa. MONEY LOANED. On Farms; 5 Years lime, AT RBASONABLE RAI S, IN WALKER AND CHATTOOGA BOUNTIES. flW"Loani for lea# than S:KK).OO can ket bo n#cotl.«ted. Said ataaap lor tarmi or apply In person to LUMPKIN & NAPIER, LsFayette, f ia. "i'SIW W. MADBBI. Attornny at Law, SIMMBITILLE, - - 3EOKWIA.. Wili pvaotice in the Superior, Coun t*r. aad Diatrict Cotirta. I ~ f. W. Copeland, Iliariscy nt Law. laFaTETre, - - - Georgia. Xfi t.a »ra.tie. 1b Ike auj.wriorC.iun*,.! R««i, ” '.ir.ttil, k.uwk.H #y .peeUil agrceweßl. Ool •citag a ayaalaity. Bebert *M. W. Ulcnn, Attorney at Law, LaFatitt*, - - Gf.oboia. Will practice in the Superior Court* of the He<a. and adjoiiiiug,circuit# and iw th* #R b 'me Court of Georgia Of #ca *a aaat atiia of aqaar* in building with Dr. J. Hill Hammond. Stiaaellanaans jtduer.tiaementa. " C " J. nFLL H.\MMa:i9 ; Pkjraitciaia and fcurjean, Office in on the e#*' ride of tka <4«ara. imr ediataly vouth o! the hriak atora, whare ha caa be found at all haara, day asd night when not prefes aionally aagaged. »I.J. ». «««A, JtJB IDENT DENTIST. ■Rl(l!tn«ni.D, - - GBORGIA. a&vpygß Offer# servioea ia all branch *f hi# profession to tha nitisea# of Walker and tjtooaa Ceaii tiea. W .rk p-eaaptly done at modeiate* A!i w*ik warranted. Office on ifaib eille atrsat, first building weat et W L Whimra'a atere. LEWIS HOUSE. BrMtkhkßt and Supper Hum, J. Q. A. LEWIS, Propt’r. • Daiaux, - * o*. Within ten erepa of thc'drpol. The home of the eommercial traveicis. 1 Lave recently bought the p-operty known #a the Duff Green Home and bare newly refitted end fir'diahed it throughout. Give mo n call. GK ORGrIA 1 i OUSE and restaurant. CHATTANOOGA TENN.. tos. MaiuTanu Mima ’T*., Kept by CD AS. FETTER. Board $1.25 per day. (Jail and #e> Fetter end gel a sipiare meal and a good drink. The onoleit beer and the ue*i liquor in our city. m lh» working rr»PH. 9ei»d 10 cents III I lfrr po-tAjp. «»d we will man jdhj m« II If || If a rrtrat, valuable box nf >nnupie roo«h« thß , wi || | 4I |j, # wt y or Makii'f mars m«*ey « »•-*» day# man yon »vt* r tli u*ht prwet»l« at anv haalnww. Capital ant requirad. Wa will starl yau Y«n can work all tbu naia or la saar# tine mile. *’Ha work Is ■niveraffillv adAptaN tu ffiutffi a#q#*• vniinf amt ni# You ran •.astir • »ra haN(iaui«t wnv*Tjr €*•►!»»«. That all w-:*» waat wnrk «»a> mat b • boaii.aaa, w naku this an par*Hale- ogar; tn all who ar« m>i w#ti »*u*ited we will Mart fl to P«e for th** »/o*.bla of witlias as. Fill! narth'UUro, flrectjnoe, , e*ai 'ru Tor twtiea Wil* b* male by w fir- Ibalr whole Data 10 the work Great eae#-en.* abaolfteiy »ur«. Doa’t atlar. row. A4dr«ae f rmsns k I 0.. P wtlaad, Wale. air Ul-*4ly SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING FULL JEWELED GENTB’ SIZE WATCH FOR sl2 50. FVSoLYOUAt*N ril». The off r made fo* •S daye only. DonJs tent »»* fiawC. U. J»., a«kt*c( tn inapaatjxn toe:#e»- n»irctoa«»nx. y.P. SrgTBJH Jt Ct>., Jeweler*. Atlanta, 4a. '"fkeeT FffIHI£SEIF«L i A tpi* •, - -Tff t* »•»» rs cin® of tti» rnoel mail « . ui-rtn-W TtHeru.'/ f Aertwiw LtfßMnr -o oA, fTw/mr .v J: m ffawwv. -* Addr«sa OS. WAftO 4 CO.. Iwtflal—■ • tvtn trin Sand *4« rant* furp 'SWjv.ard n IIU' /14 irrelve fr**a, u rtaelly li I«j n whkb “* ** • *' AM * oialtj »tifu uioi.aj r I.‘ veay lima aar’kluj s»ea la this w« J. Ail.jfeiU-r eu*ua«d ft «i Mi-# r T"" brne.i r*vtd to fu cue <,. . m to*lai <;t.r workers, abac.utriy «ure I SCK kCo , Aiiftista, Malar, iffiMOl/ *f JaT T/ T7l Rk |P APT Sjm \ r I | .It. 1 L *S■!\l / I > WALK Eli LOuiMi iUEooCjiMjEiVi VOL VIII. THE MESSENGER. LA FAYKTTE, - - - GEORGIA BBaBMftBBBHWW-W* li siairTioi i Oise Tear - - - - SIOO Six Manilla ... 10 Cents. Tkiao Ifeuths - - - S« Cant*. OOJh MUNICATED. Tit j lug Presrheri. Editor Messenger: The idea lh«t a preacher can preach successfully without being supported by hie churches,, is an idea that ought to be hurried for erer. A preacher can no more preueb. without getting a lieing out of it, than a lawyer can practice low, without pay. lfa man onde:tskes to practice law and wark on a farm he will naeke a failure as both. Thera is not a aaan that can make a success at two professions. I never knew a preacher who had to work on the Liras all the time except Saturday for a living, that made a successful pastor of a ehurch. Gid did not intend that it should he dene that way. He intended that they should live by, or off ot'the govpoi. There is hot a man living that can make a sue ecs* at anything, unless he gives it his study—he has got to have his mind and heart on it. If a preach er makes a successful prsachsr. he has to study the Bibla r.nd In sermon, a d they can’t do this un less they are supported by their churches. When we c»li a preacher to preach for us, it’s our duty to s»e that he is supported comfortably, and if we do not do it, God will hold os accountable for not doing so. It’s the duty of the deucen» of the churches, to see to it, that h'ir partors ace supported; it’s their duty to lay the matter before the cnurch, and it's the churches duty to give freely. How can w» afford to sit down ar,s>Und our tables, with our fami lies, and having p enty «f the good tilings of this world, and not knos bet what our good pastor and hi fauiily are actual by ia need of something io live ujKin. How car we supply oorseiyes and families with all the good, corn lor tab e clothing that :s neces sary fr.r our cooifoil through the winter, without knowing w ether our pusirr, who has labored so faithfully for our welfare and the good of the community, is provi ded with their g rod things or not? if we ever thought about t we wooldsee nftor h-s eo for ; b'lt **• don’t stndy about these tilings. Nevertheless God nmkes it out duty ’o think about them. We pay him a little money some timss, but we dont i.uves ig.ne his cir cumstances to sea whether he is ge'ting enough to sustain him or not. The pesyle are so v*rv tender on the subject of paying preachers, that they have decided that its not o d for the preacher to get np money tor himself; therefor* i> makes it all the more binding on th* deacons to get it fur him. ■ How many who read this do vou suppose will ever thins of it aft- r they have reed it, and think seriously over it? • Earnest C.iattarmoga, Term., Oct 11th. Dfj Valley, Georgia. Editor Messenger: Tnsre bn* been a vreat dra l snid in t e p st few rears in ■ne col umn- or tiie Mt>.ENGEßcniiee ntng 1 mad dug*. Tn-c.ee of Mr M.tc Ftihei’s terrible baith* «*it ; a rab id dog, should tie a warningd© the public. W.ked in t** 1 (lead hours of the i.igc t to he on v buiet ertd by, a mid deg. Mr. Fisher was awaked by th« r.oiae ot tbs dogs fighting. He lUoh dout half asleep without thiriKing. to see what was tbe matter. No sooner bud te cl**re i tee hous?, tbau tha do,- sprang at him, and inflicted a seii oi s wjui d on Pis left eida juslun der the abort rib*. Mr. Fisher ib-n kicked it ioo.se. He kicked so hard LAFAVKTTE. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, ISM. that h* Ml; before he coaid recov j Ot, it made another pa-8 t bi n, j and it cut him across the arm. Mr, F'sber soon saw that his only chance of c*c»pe lay in closing in with it. Tne la-it grab it made at him, it seired him between the thumb and tha forefinger, tiethen caught it by the throat, choked ’t loose, and then with the ther hand hold of it" hind legs, he a-hed its brains out against a i o«t< Ih< dog was a small calico fice. Air. Fish er ip about 50 years of age end weighs near 200 pound*. His wounds me about well. He used a mar* *t"rt, and has been tuning nerd* of a berry that cuius Irmu Louisiana, which originated Irani M xico. This lerry comes highly rpcomwended from Louisiana h> th* atember of Congress from to- Third District and the .Sheriff ot St. Bernard County and seveial other* of that State, Can any reader b’ll m» why the etherisl regions is so red ot an ev ening after puoset and ihe cause ol it lasting so long At times it lasts until 8 p. m. E' en during the day the tsua has acrimion color around it. I suppose that Bruner's Chapel will be said hefar.- long by the con larenca. Fathers of both Dry tnd Ciuttauong - Val sye can you not combine and unite and bur toe Church, if sold, and e*tabli»h a permanent school, that will last 10 months in the year. I wou-d like to hear what t!W people o' Chattai oo a ValUy have to p»« about a qchool house, especially the part. If the |isople wart preaching let it bn union, but, not let preach ing inlcr-'ete with the school, C. P. Mr, H. H. Cummer, Newtoi Bio K. YorK Ca. O- ario, Canada. stales that ha Buffered with a pa - ful sore on ois right ankle. ju» t a few external application- ct St. Jacobs Oil, the gr at pain cure, the lump sof'ened sudgr* lually disap peared. Tr it, Helen’s Correspondent BY ETTIE BOGIBV. “And she took him for the king; So fixed her fancy on him.” It w*i four o’clock and the train was not due ti i five. Th*re was an tour to wait. Helen h'd made her prepara tions ear'? —she niaie « virtu ol promptitude, and, besides, *b« was aaoi.iwhat re* !« s young lady, and an event wae near- that made her impatience very oiJ 'i'atp ; A table for aft-.rnoo o a., - ready Ini ■in tl-.e p-e* > , n ca 0 till id W.iicu Op, eu ' v id a sweet c-nctry orchard; ihsrjoaiat vtses were fii'eu with Irea-dy cut ttUtnmn floWars—pink retur; n o di.hiia* of myal Ml, d.iii ty ««p Kin* covered delicious cakes and honey and cnn*-.-rve« in curiou* clishes of ot 1 shim. S ray sun hcauTis d*rc«d ovsr the Oiiitieu floor, playnd fantastic tricks in n long mirror embsllbhed by fe>ith aiy sspara,Uß sprays, and with msgio touch transmuted s ee, and glass td diamond fire. Fresbne** and purity prevail'd everything about the apuftme: t. and distir guished the slender yirl standing on the threat oid u.azinp thoughtfuil townd il e g-ay man sard of tbe insignificant railway Italian, jo*' vmitile »b'>ve the tliics tree* t at cr- uted a *r< n *'-c ivi ty. H r lenGa*'o i wa*» oara b—<o with a 8f inti d cout teii‘-i ce »,,u marvelous bi.u k eves, mischievous nrj.i lender, UO'attji 0; »t,|i-. y.- worn white —a harm tig giri*b dr s, -nth ■>( anu* -t r d emai •’ndosi g'e rni-y rvc tt»'*r *n. tsAloMS'l i' besmo th -»* *d n.r i»t*t t air. ‘Sti 1 six » mo nte. M, • ' t) ought, flashing an iJi <pn ' gl» c* low»rd the anC'ft't n aliugaio ic* tha' loomed qui e to the o i 1“ ‘and everything H ready I imn a mind to ge .up tiie -o.id a r-it; 1 i want a'liaie of tbnae ,nyel notter cep* »r. the hill I II I sbouid j uiiet him I wonder w tuld heguvsa my identity? 1 shall know I im in glantiy, I funyy.’ Ha t way up the alcpw Blie heard the rimining of s train upon tne great budge over the rivgr and she paused in same sur prise. ‘lt must be Bome extr*, perhaps Ko‘*e exonraion tram,’ all deeded, »,« ii stopped for ami u 1 at the liu. e wa- station, Ic-ving thtre a pa sangc, woo shorty pp«ar.'d oorau.a dnwnt i i i th. He urns from th*rmd toward the vilag«- —hi ku tlio pa it that leads straight t" th* cottage gate,’ was list mental observation. ‘Cnn it he hi? How intently he gases at the house anil the uioun t ii’ ashes ‘tint I described *■> twin* Utah in mv letter* 1 Why it must be—try correspondent. He ia certainly handsome —-just the man ly, elegant *ort ■ f young g*-ntl«- man I ’»d imagined him.’ While she w as thus cogitating ha had apprachnd very m>>r, S- ■ tooK a s'ep toward lno>, hesitated, and blushed vielantlv. "You are Mr, Knight—Phil K light f" M -sfi 1 V alia qu ri d timidly. Surely I am,’ ha rettirmid with vivacity, his li: n eye* . expressive of so mu- h admiration that the blushing girl was unmindful as hia obvious wonder And you?’ he -ddc-d inquiringly 'I sm Hel' i Gaston, of course,’ ahe smi’ed; ‘and althnugh you have forerun Tour train, -on are • nor.« ihe lese wrlcomi*.’ ‘But —hut,’ he faltered, delibera ting how he could gracefully in form th • girl Ciat smnewh.re tin re mass vast mistako. How con'd he tall that, confidant and gratified eresturv th it he was not the indi vidual whom ah'* bud expected «lld wlinsv name, I’oincidcntiv, »na t!.o ssußOft' hi? own, 'hat ■* was hu a chance tr*v lar hi* *a. to the irr-lat'' 1 1> ret nver on er? And rerhap* h raihor eo j oed .be adventure, an wkr not Otb *o begin Hi ,cq s iitanre nit h this impulsi -o and piquant young in fy While he hesitated she stood by his M i l ’ regarding him with q“PH tioning eyes. ‘You are too kind. Pardo i on- I—l 1 lie » aoimertid, and ti e-' the nasc-et exp'anation (1 umiered aw*v into aihmt obscufit. Fin c niing an h tir be'nm the appointed time a: «ll I >r'on von? Stic interpolated coquettish y. W e will discusa that wotle havu g n< r te».’ ‘I a;a glad it : H ready,’ she con tinued. aifl. a preliy sir of (mst - talitv,‘for 7oq uiu*>, im d i cur an lone a journc .’ 'll,.- ■•fcti'i ;.t vou, • «r in .'Si a. j cent. ‘Dluintioif atvd idea' rh o I W’ysrnne. enju cd, rn- h ufird, and totally nusund* i- ■ i g im •Yon will not inert m aunt Hel en just vct—cli -* is Helen Ga-tnn too. you knowjsbe 'ahway, and I have something to -av to you be fore she retu r ns I b »v« never tol tier boa out corriapondence ' egari 8 e wniild haw dim ©proved r,l niy c- price ’ Tii'O d!'cm, eried the gouth • mu vriti » roguish twinkle iu hi* piiuied ‘yes, I wrote ou, I b»lieve, that J found ’he addl'i-s in a mix of bnn bon*' she risnn.‘d; it w a tne meisMt acrap 11 p"p<*r, evidently torn fro Ilia ei dos a o.es age Tbs tragm**, an order sot ? We, p, int ri tO o'. 1W ? .Ur C <1 !.a ).* lin «•!,>; I, a -i-- | <CII r, ,11 e - Iha w < d • uniat •• i u*i a s f n clt i r ki ift it n w |ll« ,’ * R *e j C ll II , .1 d »■, I e 1 t- e .ill ctl I u war "ll e an " ‘A I 0 tha <-aif en , i ■ ... ol ! pl®a»,. i Coirr-.p I.denar, i rK , ed i ► aeutl ■ • ■ . b Cin'nl il,e il ~ II ‘l* ha, I■ceil pla , a ' t it" , -ne assented tr ■ aty '.-no t». afirinl. Y nr laltare were away- i a r»ci* i?a, alwu es .grs'in. ry* .•*<•«• interesting nd je a f .a. *util ciently grateful,’she added AantJy, ‘that you wrote • o nonsense.’ ‘And if I had?’ he queried, much amused. *1 snotild have C" jentured 'hat you misapprehended uk,' *oe An swered with gravity. •Any non.etise could hare ended it t it dir'-otly. ’ I slculd have i'ean ashamed, us vagary, a >d talt that I wa» ba il c put: *h »d.' ■g is unique,’ thought ne di vert- f ' "Ulp’llliO I. White cbat'itt th*' had crossed t-i* h intning 4* im and bad an larac t o pteusaot tea-rooin. Helen wm an entertaining boet trs a' d be was an sgraashle gues‘; and the h"ur tbu, pass 'd w: s de lightful to both. From tha span asaaien'* were distinctly visible th* bridge and ravine, <o*a lu hitig distant. Per haps that eyentlul extra had de ranged th* train-time for » cat* strophe was o'ming. Suddenly hr • xpr, 88 dsabad past the station, snd.thundered upon th" maesive hridgn; an I tb > same inatantua oppiwing ocom I'iye 'plunged • rci’nd tbe sharp curve iieyond. T n* two mnnsl-rs of fir - *tid vtecl met with groan* and hitkes, and a frightful cr*sti, and h«n toppled into the gorge h*:ow, dnirging with them h * digrailed coae'ies. Hi.lvn and h r go: st sprang to their lest in dismay, and both t* ere as pale as ghost, ‘Amt l Helen was rytpiiig on th five o’co-k train,’ the girl criad excitedly. A d my father toe,’ ?ft'd Phil p Knight,i“ dis * assert accent.‘l most a?k you to stay in the cottage,' tie iniorpo-ed, detaining haras sin* hurried wi.cil" tnw rd the door <Y"ti o n do no good Over there and i\ sivSl "fin :ae |i"or passeo g-rs would drive v u wad Fot your "iy, R»kc, for my aaK . 1 j.,1,,,j ;••• i '•>“ to do as 1 wish.’ 8 •« '• • k • I at him tor a •ii-ni' n p . ) tl..belli •"* *<«» 8 01 thing in th»i-firm v«ine -o 'tin g m t, ,ut mani'i ful c uoteiH'.c, ■ i|,,-d, caliiie- and o nq-ier • her. I will In yon wist:,' sin p.oii ,s«d A <i evan in tbi' m i «« l of li.rrcr **■ wsi. cm s.-imi- o 1 . i ,gna 'a,,B»-ion of joy. I’ l ' js'er us ho l'( #rt bail barn ra v vied to and die t>v# tioi Wi>* Van waat, Bi)*wacli:d liin wistfulh ns oe stride »w y towar l the scene , f (JiMster, me ■■ all whs Uial ill* ■ hoi cinfu-i on. ■ Pr»k«ntiy sit* espied bins return ing no' amne. Hur a.iiit wi walking t y lr* "'de, and before ’ -aiueivr-il "eraons w r« I earn g awn d i n I 1 an tt"( • ti" • [ u, * V M* ‘ t * ti . . .n . n ' cto ii ■■e.< ‘deis my InU', Pioiip Kn.gbt > xpla -H : p," cair n enter . d, *lt smbsc.s Urn' lauraunt m.d he ara friend*. 110 is peculiar ic many w, s and Ue c. treatad her not to lcc'c liin That is why alia dc'ircd.h'm nroug t hares.’ T • n,o>t c'Hiitnodiuur apart inept in h" coney I.ouhh was de votni to the cowl rt of Philip s part ' , whose injuries were more painful toan d»ngar nr; rid who was nut l" uiucli afllic'ed ti mail ifes u l roimoi ci.d nduiiraiori for ilu • darJJ ian Gaston, «i d * live ly ttpi r- ci- iioo of her care and indness. ■He ia slisulutelv iiifatuiite apt on ? ty,' t. »• yi ungar Ilel i-n rein rke*t . a d,t e ban u.. g, l ■ ; « vr- g Ami !| a,: , It 11.> t' J tl il il y. . ■ klj .ft It '<■ I afore .1 II •? 1 i im ti) o. :»i .. i on toe lr . ’ t in, li a •it tie Indy co - • i ,"car co. a • ty Wa ! • a., u a i fi* ? rn '■ t uri ,g . Ia f ■ ,i a ffatornlly w (i d ti l rarnoin «i'enl ii *,nu'e time. liHaed, I aid we ta k-*d » y r gre.' d a I w»? pie sad -it ti bin. from t,.a j fiigi •, i I iw know thin 'ha ’a* i dm* nsr ci , * I*• fo* II 11., j. it thar-- is II d"t»n. wi *:e rof hia b n.g * m"g axcell ot man. His !»'« wile wa u Holman es Villa d'Or, and we well know what enviable aoarriagao the beautiful Hu'mau sisters made. NO. 14. Ho did not afceoruinjnir name; tin til ju.t Imfuip ihat.drrudful rollis ion. He m-oiwoil graniy jratHli-d. 'I KHk persuaded tliAt you wore ill* rw-t to twoman iu the •riir'il,' h< whisperna, Htizinf both rnv hand*. 'You ire nil l expected—alul iimu'i and i: you cm o.ira enough for r o yoo (t'lHlrgO lo Min fiel Is UR mi wilo’ I wa* quite us ouisHoil at ris abruptness, and I did not n?ali un derstand why ho had on suddenly become ai-mreand familiar. I understand new, lirwee - , that il wan the mistake—abont the letter* dear.’ ‘The miatnKo—ahoti* the li tter*!' r. poilR") Helen .bewildered. Hei ohoek'' flume I, tows of nvirl fi a lion rushed to her eyis ‘Yin,d«ar,' t e ei gn inj linle aunt ounlinu d. *Y< ui.g Mi K« gi t has hie father's baptismal name, and Piiip Knlghi. oenr., wo* *our correspond!ml,, who war niterly tinawnre of the exietunee of anoth or Flo’en Gaston ’ His ami.who has been sbrcrt form M «sfiel Is f r Si'Taral years, was ■il meet him at the hotel hero Am* I must sav, dear, if you had hem eager end precipitate veil nuuld not have hder. ho mistaken.’ ‘I have been silly and Mu .’d »1- torether,’ lamented tho vnunger Helen, ‘Hut aft-r rll.’ she sup plemented ntisohievoualy/ynn have no reason to oompl lin.sinofi hv my loll? you will have a husband.’ ‘Aro you not a little rude?’ was the blushing rebuke. ‘I suppose I am.’ pouted Helen: everything l do it wrong or ridi culous. And I dare tar yon will contend that Phil wee quit* right in Permitting me to he deceived. B -t 1 will re er forgive him.’ Sip turned huniedlv to !e v* th■ room, ’lesrs of v«x-tli<*ri iil m at hlirdvd h».r. «i d -hr d’d nut perceive ’I. !■ r:e»t.od ms* g c-u ilgiurn s:a ding directly brio i li«r. ‘H« entraets von to fora"" ■ him ’ said the manly voice that bail svh thri 'rd her, ‘lal'o»cd vnn'orem-ip nils' ken h'-ci'ist- I fcs-ed v m w uhl he shy «nd tinspp-o mb die : f you knew ihe tmth Ai d m» hear' went oni to you th* mnns"' ' I 10-'k'-d upon yonr face, love. U sides Mi-* Giaton 'in* a| propria toil your correspondent, and new—’ 'And now you are hghing at, me’ Helen interrupted, lu‘ not in rii«- ph-asnre. ‘Not at ell," he averred, ‘lf I at- Oonnlid a poor pl«a»nnlrv, I an o e the h*» eernest I *a*reu. « ->• h t •.1 111--I l-H* \V I! - .if-H- V Th- qn -Rli-.-o tans too direct for sin eov evasion. ‘Yes, phU,’ ah« ei seated almost meet » And thus w«?r.i two liappv mar r ages avolvod from tha complica tion of carries and mistake, atul ttie coincidence cf name. Tax Collector’s liitice. I will ha at Itock Hpri-g, Sat urday Sep. 27ih, Monday 001. 27th and Tuesday Nov 11'h. Crawfish Spring. Mtndava Sep 29th aud Oct. l3tti and Tuesday Oet. 28th, Dry Valle?, Tuesday* Sip 30 I and Oot. J4th ami Wednesday Oot. 29ih. Chattanooga V ■ tley, W ,-dnasdaya Oe . Ist ae,d 15. h and Thursday On' 3'ith. M ii da in Tome lava Oct. 2nd 10 i *n I Kri-ta- 00-. Slat. Upper Cove Fi iduv* Oct. 3d and 17iii, and Saturday N v. Ist, Pond Spring Saturdays Ooi 4th ai d 18tb aud Monday Nov 3d. LaK-ivettc, > on nv», 001. (1 h and 20'h and Tuesday Nov 4th. At* ' Tnuriday, Friday arid Salur dav Nov. Mib, I4tl» and 15th. Wilson, Tu-sdav O.t. 7-h slid 21s 1 and Wedu-«d*y N'nv 6th. C*ne Cr«tk, Wednesday Oct. B ; .r and 224 and Thursday Nov <s:h. Want Armuchse Thursdays Chit 9'h and 23d and Friday N v. 7t«. Earn Araauchee, Friday* O . 10ih and SJ4‘.b and Batmday No - | Bth Cbeatnu; Flat, Samrday* Oc 'llth and 25th and Vo: iv N ' 10th- Immediately after th boo!;.* . clo*ed, in accordance rn,h the b-.w executions wiil be issacd aga inst a defaulters. JAS. C. HALL T. C. of WJk»r County. u A. MOKO3S k C0.,- —DRiißna of Ji SEED, ‘ t V* A.W. * A '4 y ♦ —— (*At kS -*»—• - • -»• ■ i.me, _ » rntrisß imuh # CCAGXT, FEaTE3,BZER9. Till, C»rru « OA£!«IK«. Lt» PLASTER,' PEABALTOAf* ddUlftW. ( ollon Sfccitcu ojii *««■ at v And ('oiumiikiict). a A. MOKOftS&CO.* Ciigtlunoogii, Tonnmaw. Ye tw*a cno!) tlf.VLTt* r-9 T TT*M tmMAt* Irctai !r «r<t<ut liiSiM Dff. eAM.?OftG';S.MVfc~R IHjSi^RATOR nbttt ll« wapiti,ft; a VciMublo WW{ Mcui6in<}.nn4 fnrdu.vn' h res'jltift'f/ fWiV d*trniiß*i or torpid condition of tb« Limr; Miah aniitHouaeiM*, Cc*tiv«<>iOw«. atandire, DyrpuMi.v JUrdcriA, HcadiMtbi l , eto. Au Invnlnfibla J , 4r>, lly McdHint*. For full information eon<t fomr nd dromi u:\ A .vwtcl Annl f. r I A page lookea+uf ** Livor and lia DieeiueV to DaL. k> An I'OItD, >4 Dunne fUrnet, JT<mv York. l>\ UUViMilkk Ml IJ| 'fall MOV ITS ULTITATIOk. D. P. Henderson & Co., SaooeEsors to J. !!• Judy & fto . ~,1:1110 for Slnlioitt'ry, Wall 2' iper, I’ii'lii *e I nuiiti ' and Mouldings, Drawing Male rials, 4 roquet Weis, Bair Malls A Bats. D. P. HENDEiiSOh & CO.. RYAN BLOCK. 706 Mm ti l Street, Between 7tli A th Pb STOMACH FITTER 5 PrafoetloH. No flirt protonl vu against nlitlla end fever ami other diM*u««s of a inaluria type exiuts a* HostetU-r’a Htomur.li Ilium. It relieve* constipatlou. hver disorder*. rnoit* mat ism, kidney und bladder ailments with certainty und promptitude. A change, as gruliTying aa It is complete, soon take! place in the anpeurancr, un well aa the sensation, of the wan and haggurd Invalid who uaea this tuuudurd promoter of hsa'Ui and Mlrengih. For solo by all Druggists and Dvalura .J. - general!/. LORILLABO’S RAC6A3SY SNUFF. CAUTION TO CONfUMEKA: As aiany Ittfaior itniudoa* have appnarad upas lie at irksf In pa<k*f*§ »<« a-Waiy r«*«u, bliiif hum sa ia d*celfs Ui* nowsry, we would iMtuaar ika purdt**«r to sea itiai the re.t litlmgraplied Hu anas o which it Is pmksd always Saar. Our Nauts and Truda-Mark. In I upilig ilie Irmf(at art von |>u» a* mut it far an tifanor ardcluoM (iiv |*M*li.a cost*# BEBU ’.E YOU C3TAI3 OEHOI3B LORILLAKD « CMIUI fULTAIJ PLUG TOBAOOO- The Fine>t Swrel Sary (hewing Ti bso iui MsJ.. THaOf aulas always hnn « Us J Tin Tag with our ttsiae BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, Parker’s Tonic A Pa.e Family itedicine that Never In tox'Oatai If f >u .re n uron.niuur fl.tiuer, worn ml witii ovurw.uk or a tu.iiiiur run ow ■ l y taint y or houw.holJ duliaa try Paiker’a Tonio. fIISCOX k 16* Hilllaia Ktrrnt. Men Tork. 50c. and *1 file., at at. diwler. in •*,wk uioua. Ijr.at .avuiy in liuyioa dot- Inr un. ju>2»B4 */9 nkTffin er u f *a Lira# *»f ail tka AGENTS, ~ » «i *»n' ear priea n. o-a:-suol".*a ha«! -.«w.:«a jnaf- W4S' it Aay . inwfc". j:n . •'Aif.i •*# n« IVrm? fro# * i.tsTp.»*a i* ■ * d 4 * laa.