Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, March 11, 1886, Image 4

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gi&Mmsvs* MKmaMmrmmmt’ •*Jf£tfS3SSM32* LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA. CTT. ■ iCtflrr i. ' zt.zz~-X - %ani»DaT Moaxiso, Mar. 11, 18M5- —IMI.X.I ll'U..ll«ll» THIS PAPEicW-W f ISO..KU A l o’ N**r|>i.|cr Advvr ■ run (10 SVrn«* Mree». (where Zi-z-7 KNEW VQBK. 0232314 3)331?. Brunswick now bus a_ population oC7.0)0 Tlie vicinity of Fort Valley in o verrjn aitb^fabbiti. The last planting oFoats ia do ing wall all over the Slate. At Bronawiek, all the State tax, except *ll 30, Law been oollected for ‘B3. The stable* of M 3\ allace, near Gainesville, were burned byiucend luries last week. Mitchell county has a curioaily in the peiton of J. W. Itickt, "ho live* 1 mil ex from Catui.la, nud lias been in town but once in 3 years. Mrs. W L ifferty, of Athena, mat yjar rnado *7O selling piga from one sow. Hundted of, hoga are raised every year in the back} ards of Athena. Col. Duncan L- Clinch, of this Stale, baa sold $25,U00 wuitb oi Uis Fiflrida land* to Northern cap ituliata. Green county has paid out WO, 000 for Western horses and mule* this year. At the present pric * this leprcseuta 800 buie* of cotton. The farmer* of middle Georgia will not plum, aa much cotton this year aa lust. The giound where (all oats had been planted is being sowed in spring oats. The Jersey cattle purchased with the money which Lulu Hurst mag netized out of Hie public aie prov ing a profitable invettment. “Papa” llur.t is marketing some fine but ter. The fiieuds of Gov. McDaniel •re urging him to due.are whether lie will ho a candidate for renomi imtion. Toe little daughter J. W. Reece i f Rome, was'painfully burned last Thursday. Sin wns cooking syrup, and in sonic wuy the vessel turned over, sodding her hands and face. A: Milton Friday, J M. Goods complained of having uo work, ami Fink May field oflered to give him 73 < cuts to carry a brick a quarter of a tnilo all day, bn-k and forth. D oda accepted the otter, ami re ceived his pay. Some years ago there lived a man in Green county who bail no use for a telephone, as he could make him self heard 5 miles. His whispers were as loud as the converHutiou of ordinary men. N 8. Lary, Postmaster at Nu hunts, had a hearing Moudav st ] trims wick, on the charge of break ing open letters in transit through hie office. He ie in the turpentine trade, and it is c aimed that some (al lies were endeavoring to decoy liis hands, and that ho opened the letters to find out who the parti were. The trial is still in progress A planter in a Middle Georg a county owned a calf. It was a fine young fellow, and one day not long ago a friend asked him wlmt ho would take for the calt: ‘Six dollars be replied. The very next day the fiiend lushed over in much excite inent and said: "The train killed your calf just now!" "It did! The railroad shall pay me #l3 for that calf: I wouldn't have sold him for #'J5 " The friend was only joking, nowever, and the honest farmer still holds the animal at #C. For eight years Col. D. J. \t ilinibaon Quar«er-Master, U. 8 A sud ex U. 8. Conaul at Callao was crippled with rheumatism. He gut uo redid until lie used St. Jacobs Oil which cured him. No remedy is puls it for pai i. Price tidy cents a bottle. FROM SALEM. 1 fully concur iu the sentiments and suggestions of Many Farmers’ iu your last week’s issue. There is iu Walker couuty not only a strong, hut a glowing sentiment, iu favor of farmers for legislator*. The in terests of the farmer should not be subordinate—.but paramount to other interests. All that ia neces sary to secure their rights is con cert of notion. The sociable at Mr. Loughridge's Saturday night, was a pleasant as fair Among the numerous guests were Miss Maggie Suutnous, of L:t Fayette. Miss Alice Smith, of CnaHanooga, Misses Edge and tuolber with Miss Uoadrick. of kinviui - I Mis J. T. Ranfro has been very | sick for two weeks; has suffered much, hut is now convalescing. Wm. Swift Br, has been on the ! sic* list, but i* now on the mend The far liers in this vicinity arc ! putting forth manly effort* to catch | tip with their work. They are | using every available mean* to get ready for the coming crops. It is I to be hoped that there will be a I falling off of at feast 82,003 in the purchase of commercial fertilizers in this county this season. Jiio. Limber’s “Jeremiah'’ seems to be somewhat plethoric of chap let s and verees. W. 8. R -iii— ■■ Use.' lt d Str.i Cough Cure eflec tnully. J»r. C. Fawcett, Ul inn Protestant inti/.uury Baltimore Md. No depressing efi’ei st 'news FROM EAGLE CLIFF. The Superior Court knocked the Justice Court of the 95titb Dis trict higher than u site on Friday the 2<3th, by commanding the one who grinds out Justice in said District to be and appear at Lt Fayette, or pay over ttie snug little sum of #3(JO. As w were lacking just two bundled and ninety nine dollars, we thought best to report We met the parties returning from court just 4 miles from LaFayetle; so we rode 34 miles for nought. Court in 93(5 District 4th Friday. Mrs. Dr. Fricks, of Ruing Fawn, is visiting her aunt, Mn. Burkhul ( er. Mr*. Dr. Park, of Chattanooga, is also visiting in our viciuity. Miss Rebecca Flautt, an accom plished young lady from Mississip pi, is teaching school at Ruck creek, near what ustd to be Mimo mi. Miss Flautt is a first-class teacher and descives the enceui agement of all interested in educa tion. Dr. Willbauks, of Dry Valley, is at present engaged in the drug business at the fith Ward Drug Store, Whiteside St, Chattanooga. Sweet potatoes fifty to sixty rents per busnel. We would like for some oi the geutieuien from the south end of the county who vote : for the now road law, to tell us what they will vote for now. us perliups the roads me good enough foi the south end. B. GItEENWi.OD. FOR a DLL Clot's s. Satisfjicg Biteklasl. «• 1 1 1 i 11 u Uriridltf ( nkt i fhlmml by memu Cf Ihtr lluilili !*iy*«mv l»fV lloii, 1 W AKHEK’H 81FK Vi:.\sl, lo bf | •■•III of 111 l lb I C‘*ntn » box. leu cak**B ll your Brs-e'r ilufn not keep or tier it bv n**«il of' Warner’s 8 fe Yeast t o. Rochester, S. Y. Parker’s Tonic. A Purr Family Medicine that Never intoxicates. HISC3XACO. 163 Mlllisins 81., New Terh. Sold by all Druggists ia largo hutth's at One Dollar. finiilll** l wiiisitr habits™** | I U I I I jVj'l At home* withmil l»Hln. M(H)I r i m n .out pubic. Ul lylfl« J WOOtLXT. M D.. AUiIU.Si Smmt SEna mil tw Mailed last v«ai w itNs'V l •roeela* IV ft WllllM u*»ut ou«e«. tP9 t''..s»iati. as pine*. ac. •>?»»• •!. saiH>iw>n« artJ • .luabi* 4ttw«u, at t»r tiai'iiof till »»»*«»♦• «r BUKTAULX aa4 ri4MVI KN» M»*. Hl’l HH. etr. lavaiaakT W aa esiwsta'is la ktailel Uardea-r. Send tor A D. M. FtaaV * CO., Detroit, Mk-nitw, - THE LIQHT RUHkIWG - SEWIMQ^IACKKiE HAS NO EQUAL. PEtlh EC T S.l TIG FAC TIOi . IIST HCffiC SBil3i£ MdhMuS Cl —ORANQC, MASS.— N Unto* Sywa, K, Y, CWcugi, tl It. Uah, Mo. AMmU, Ca Ssafrc.xecc.Ca. i ',,-puraSxzr~~ T A k S . BE TRY. PAL. ON GA. Pretty Wo lien. ! Lalios who would letuin fiesh ss and vivacity. Don’t fail to try Wells’ Hea th Keuewar.” "Btugk on F*in* Cure* cholera, colic, cramps, dlarrhixn, aches, pains, sprains, hesdnclie, neuralgia, rheurnatisin, 20c. Rough on Pain Plasters, 13c, Tliiu People. “Wells' Hea'tli Renewer" restnr es health and vigor, cures I siu. Impotence, Sexual, Dehi.ity. <I.OO. nrK OLDEST CITY IX TUX. WORLD. fCdito' M'U'ittjtr: Mr. J. Smith says: “Can anyone tell us through the Messksokb the oldest city in the world and by whom to i < Damascus was a city in the days of Abraham and has ban a contin ed existence from thut time until now. 1 1 is said to have been found ed by Uz the great-grii lid-son of Noah. This makes it a city of I 0 0 years. It now has about 130 000 inbubituuts. CENTER DASHES. We learn that Mr. .Will Mizo has moved his engine and machinery from Center Pose, to Rock Spring. Has a considerable lot of lumber there to dress uud match for par ties at that place. Baccess to our enterprising young man. Some of our neighbors have gone to Rome with cotton and po tatoes ini ending to purchase their phosphate (or their next crop. Oat sowing is now the order of the day with the fanners We pre diet u largo iimouut sown this year if seed cun bo procured. Mr. Lumpkin of HubJigna had on exhibition at LaFuvette during court., the model of an adjustable harrow, which we think the farmers need We saw the other evening the annual r. minder of spring time viz. the leaves burning on tiie moun tain. A question for (lie Bib’e student. Does the Bible anywhere say that every knee shall bow, every tougiie shall swear? If so tell us where the text may he found. Mrs Neal, consort of A lam Neal dec'll, was attacked suddenly the 24th ult. with a severe chill, bor dering on congestion, she is now thought to be inip-oving. Hope she may soon be restored to health, M. M. Crowder, returned from Atlanta where ho has been for some t'aie attending lectures ut the Medical College. His many friends extend to him a hearty welcome. Miss Ula Bo r s, and her conuin Miss Sue Massey, made a visit among their friends iu Shinbone the ‘27th Were the guest of Mr. 1). Thurman. We may venture to say they weie welcome visitors In the sad death of that promis ing young man, Dr. Pharr, tho be leaved relatives and friends have our warmest sympathy. J. Smith. With bright eyes and elastic step *t gray, lusterleis hair. Lt is un natural, needless, barker’s Hair Balsam will restore the black or b’own prematurely lost, cleanse froiu.all daiidrull, and stop its fall ug. Don't surrender your hair withont an ellort lo save it. AGENTS WANTED verywuere for our popular Sub c riptiou Books and Elegantly 11 usttated FAMILY 111 NILE*. Best Books! Best Terms Address H. M. Whaktox, Pub. Baltimore, Md. AYER’S Ague Cure iS W\ H NANTBD to cure alt ttsw* of m» trim tli«i a»« . Mi*fc its t ii Apw, infer «»r t h'!l ttwiaiUrbr i'*ver. rt»** h At»«p. IK.iotM !>v*r, «n*l l.lver (!nm* !*'■ ’int. I* m» of f.A’l*rr, after tine trial. .lortN w ere nulht'rinMl. bv «mr chewier of J«h Id, IW»2, l«* refund tUe money. Dr. J.C. Aver ACo., Lowell, M«s». l>y all 1 *i tifgbu. I Vra W¥\’j.biiwb.-t» H 'A; B•V •' I HUi.-e In Vw \n u. I , «\ mu Aut. Jorr.ili i « R- M B -tX ‘’lkr. Ab V L ■ M B 10-Afprvm'y 1? ■ W y *'•"** «*f h «1 .• » j pi PP rMi < tPOkl '*>• o I* •njftrilu-rli'rTua |»! >► ci<u-.. «!*<*»•/' * b<*n« kwd ** * " rMflK«MalnfC«'«aNii''iu »*•• r.v» ■ 1 jhw*> 1 .ittj* wyTruAtlm— nl 4 •?*Ajf.'MwEAoW. Xo. «fl JMtt* 9* . v I ' Did you Sup pose Mustang Lini nent only good for horses? It U for inflamma tion of dl flesh I CURE FI la. j fktn I *sy fWt ISo not #v*r*lr (*••*? »h«* ffr* ’ tt«M S*ml I r» t..f **■*■'**•'■ • I"*** * «« • 1* ftnaatltociN'Mvini' rr*r ®r * - 8* tt «IC«NrM • i w.nmut f f • #*• w< rs* «*•«*. |>*r4iiM •■ * • « *• '* f. l»-r ■ t S' w esrstv .* • e» In„ f«.iHl #»T •* ’ * • '' y> * 1 ' ■ *1 P'»< OC It *ti f • l*' th **f I Ml>l I w *l* ■* *• ■’■■' I*A I tt ►• f ’ I ■* samarhah ! ?<NEVERFAI^>^ jhEfivffio hmiorrti, ar ftenlnaJ WiaJma. I twl lAt ntbrr Maplnlaur’* We claim It# mtctAe, -Imply. beetuee the elm* of ell dieeeeel tvte*. from the blood. Ite Nervine, RMOtvcat. Alt«r»t,To to<l leUWI pfapertlea meet »II the yiiatit.uui haretu referred to. U » known reertd It uniat* and comDoaevlhe patio tit—not by thi fctroductloa of opiate* and draatie cathartics, UrU by the reatoraUon of activity to the stomach and nervr*** system, whereby the brain lb rt* ftuvetl of morbid fancies, which are created by the cansee above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyer*. Literary men, Mer ehanta. Hankem.Ladfee and all thoae whoae ted* * eat ary employment causes nervous prostration, Irregularities es the blood. stomach, bowels or I ildoey* or who retire a nerve tonic, ap jUlxe* I ar aiimnhbnt.Samaritan Nervine is in vain able. I ThouMiulA jroclaim it the raont wonderful in* I ri go rant that erersnsUlned the alnkinr system. I ft .SO. Sold by all Druggist*. The Oil. S. A. RlCilll4»Ml> MED. CO., rropr'a,St. Jaae jA, Ma For tt«f*nionlils and circnlar* send stamp. *. CctUiUn. Ajsat. Nnr Tork CiU. OMv u. stm:** hiu t'ho Old, Well Trlod, Wonilen. Keaitti Renewing Remedies. 'ROM'S SAfiAItVE FILLS £^£l^ •ir c.,ro|#l.’iu*. Ksfa auna ilia Hov*«.v Fu:if/i'*r • niiHMl.CUaiß.liur tf**M Malarial TsHt. K or* • cure f«r Mrk llruiljchf. Can*i»palU ; ail Wl.ltM*- IlUvrSri i, . „ . . >r s plctqral pills !Sr^;Sft ht.UUn Ineiiru besiUty ap|R-tn«,c*«H' dwos ..la iv of ms Imwela. A »ranl..**u !«•»■ ii-wl* f. mule*. wHtthioa and h**®*B< the .... hi, , ...1 ytviuc tiro*- and real*a w«rj • . .tv Fold by Prutfirist*. For Pamnblota H "M, M Co.. It CUdar bt. N-V-UV . .if T 6 “ nL\ : 4ME BAG, a;.o make EiG SCORES, USE Emimm IFLES-ASL2. jSHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvement*. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Co., SOLE ACENTS FOR E.REr.IINGTON&SONS’ Sporting Arms and Ammunition, 281 & 233 Broadway, NEW YORK. WXBTKIIN OFFICE D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., 73 State Street, Chicago, m. | ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. : RAIL 111 THE BEST RaNHEB, IT SKILLED WORKOEI lEREMB.'B THAT DUB BSCOI ABE ALWATS REL ABLE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE SEND FOB CIRCULARS. MKISuTOIf AC' 'ULTDBAL CO., llelDA, N. Y. ntrvr ' f' n ’hpenhnra StrnaC. Mason & Hamlin GROANS: p, A ,i <>-> 5 as s:i ORGAN ASDFIANOCO. i 164 Tre mni St.. Boston. <« E l4th 8t (Union ®f X M Y 14*l%Aabs*.i* hv«.. Chlcao* Ami 4v .i \ HfYN r*reo llUir iiiiiiii'uitbiMii i>ain. t ••ok k i r “ •' )*v»lr«>av. n"*« free. MEN ONLY A QUI O f NT. CENTAI# COffCTOR I-o*t Manhood. Karrsuatn Weakness Lack of Strength, Vigor or Dsveloptnonfi r«n«ed br indiHeretion*. exeMwe*. no Bonefltr In a <J«». Cttrvw urua'l. within amon'b. ho IVftp. eii nor Quaekory. P^tf 'm Proof*, full •ewrlrtiob aad Utter of A'lfic** In nlnin wnl*. 4 •*»* v.irrn, ipitffc MrniPti n.w bw 8,, '-’ # 2LI ! CONSUMPTION. 1 baTaapo#lUror»ra*Aty t-r il«*aboTßUl»rAß*; brUi 1 «*• t*vMM*n-Uorc»»< R. f » j w >»kt fcl i lßnJof foni 1 »4. » I** • «•' «*«*!»Bi/fWti iatti9Eary.tb.Ailw. t a vlf • O b *1 I J.I J MIE*. .«wMh*rw. taVßt.ratl.Krnkimdotiih.adisaaM Id aof guff I r. ti. v*r •• * *lf '>l F * 1 Jitr i|. I 1 ua tA. sluuu. tu r*RH<b,U«« Tut PAYV* wUREL ' .milUw. ‘ n«4 Mi. WrIimIALI F ; mm r;h»rS«t t ov r«u «d,itnd rocomt |wy ah •Mt * *» BPiln am fqllr, and a*n*t atawr FLESH Tlm Umar* SouUwni K.nnojic»- <• frmkrrH »..► *r «*• Wmt. if mum* mm 4 r+mml a. Anawera “J h*f'» Er- Ua'i Osba.’' It eonUiuJ/'i«i ft* AmhA tWita naatMadel, H> (n* H, J ri-vi a rnwia of (••& J ft FV»d. Sdliter u HCUUARD BUM. AtLaHTa. ta*. A BIG OFFER. To iDtiwlncethem we will i>ive away 1000 self op elating Washing Machine*. If you want one semi us you name. P. O. and extirt'ss office at once. THE NATIONAL CO . 21 Dev St. New York. 18 4t Q BURNHAM’S IMPHHVH) STANDARD TURBINE. i-lßnl.|i‘r. rile | erra nt*gv «MW> power. •• •'b e.< <t i. • Iran |f| aarnry. p« » - P"*” «»**»» \j|L| Ljr *••> <>*h-r ■•'•ebi*** |n ih- w .rid r*. Li <*Ynr|t.» i<w *t*«frr«*\ j BURNHAM BRQ *. \ORX. PA RUSSELL’S <?j3 LIVER INVIGORfITOR MANIJFACTUCKD ONLY LI WT. RUSSELL & CO, i iiiL - - - - - TeDßfhW. 11l rc ntovi ml liable tiieriicitie wu» a soverpljfn p # bw!y amony the *m j hi d edii.T.iilCiieioiurt: PliyjiciMtut rt-BtHiued in the Staiet amr Mil) t»*.; 'ol the 'ribs» Weal. CUR 'S ALL LIVER DISLASES. Thai onri.H..r oftH* medicine was cured wnen a youth, by an eminent Cherokee phvslelail of a clLenauil liver ia a ehronle anil aggr-vated farm, »h.l it «»< Irom this Mtine phveh-ian that he le»i i.e.l the component . aria. I, ha O. oven itself a great modi due for Dyapepalea, Constipation, Indigo* j SUiiiiiwli, Kcver and Ague, Cvllc, Sick Headache, Drop*}’. Jaundiee Khln.-j A Section, * Is a Purely Vegetable Compound. tyjjjg j 3 mauuliictured in D r ug or Powder form na well ut In tlie PRICE: ipUID FORM, • * $1 00 I POWPERB • 60S. OR SIOO pr MARVELOUS PRICES. *** BOOKS FOR-IHE MILLION Cnmnlete Motels and Other Works, by Famous Authors. Almost Given Away! P . uhlldtied In bg»i B»n»pbl*ttonn m»ny of iht-m liuitdouuielj lllustrnted, •t“l •!! *rerrlßt*4 Th* follow toe book* ai* l'uWi ••* The* treat of a K r « l * •rlrt) of aubjecM. wid ** think no one can esMuioe tb« ***oanv VuTt be or ibe would Uke u» po*.ea«. In cloth bound form tUeee book* would coet fI.OS Kacb book it complete ia It^lf. , The Widow Ifcdott Paper*. Thle I* the book u. At the World'* Mercy. A Novel. By Fsore»eo -,VrTh.*h tour «raud»otber* Uujhed Ull they Warden author of "The Hooo# on the Mwah, etc T, r,..?.' .. ........... 11. 3,lMr.d Trev..lon. . N...1- " Tb. D.c» " Panov M ark f#r Motile Adornment, »o en- e *i. author of • Afolty B»wn, etc. n. w work Tinuu thti euhject. cout.il.tog r».j and M l»,»rk l»nya. A Kovel. By Hu*h Cmway. autboe tuatru.'tioni for waking fancy haekeie. *kll of' (Ailed lltclt ' etc. L-irt. hracket*. needle work, embroidery, ow., ete., Fro- I'l The Mystery nftbe Holly Tree. A NoreL «...-i« w'r..t ••i.-oanil* llluatratel By the author of ■ Dora Thorne. I s' t ' rlrr.m'a Piilrv Mtorte# for the Young. The Shailuwion the hirow. A Kovel. BjB.L.Fm- Wnr.t nifTcTou of fairy etorie. ever yubliahed Tliechlld jeo u author of • Br. ad-nud Clieeie and Klmc*. ' otc. ST wlll S l£5H *«h*em . „ il The «rny \V«mnn, A Koiel. B, Hr.. Oa.kelU r 4 Th. I a.l» 111 the l.nke. By Blr Walter Beott. author of Mary Boiwn. etc. •• Tt*. Lviv of ifc Lake' 1* a romance In and of all j] The Frosrn IHi p. A Kovel. By Wilkie Colllna, ti.c no: it* of Scott none le more heautifkl than thi». author of " The Vt ui. au in White." etc. * & Haomil »f Kliauetle Lailin *nl Onithßui • 2.1. Med Court farm. A hotel. By Mra. Henry r?i(one'sau I gooi brewllng. (It I tig the rule# of Wood, author or • fa»« Lynne, etc. ■iler^.tt^. * #lor“llicca.k. n .. , „ . 24. Iti Cupld'e AeL A Kuril. BytheAulht oP'Dar* S Thn Wandurd Letter Writer for Ladle, and Thorne " . „ „ _ L eomplete luldv lo correapondence. glriti* 25 flack to the Old Home. A Kovel. By Mary Cadi rlain dlreciton* fotih# composition of letter* of every Hay author of 111-ldei. P.ril./; etc Ciikl™ with FnnuineraWs forma and example* 2# John ItowerltNiik’N YY Ifc. A Kovel. By Mi»a 7 Winter Kvenlna Keereatlons, » ; »rft collection Mu lock author ol ‘John Halifax t.entleasati. etc of AeTt &sS“ «W*uv t.a.ue*. Hurtle*, etc . for a7 . Lndy Gwendoline*. l»rcum. A Novel. By tbo aocial Catherines, private theatrical*, and etenlog* at author of ' Dorn Ti orue.' etc . _ home Llu'trated. 28. Jasper Ikane’a keeret. A Kovel. By M»*e M. K. * IMatotfura. Recltatlona and Keedlnge. a lar»e B,a.ldon. author of-Aurora Flovd. «‘ c - . aud oh .?'**“ ecttuufor acboo. exlUb.tiou* aud public kbd n l.eollne. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay. author of II 't* *PaHolr' *M an lo 'a a d Obemlcnl Espcrlmenta, so Gabriel*. M arrln*e. A Kovtl. By Wilkie Collins, _ book which tell* how to p.-rtonu huu.kre.laot auiutiug author of ' N«> Name." etc tricks in magic and iuttructivs experimenu with *lmple j| |» B , Id If tint. A Kovel. By Mra Ann B. Stephens, • author of" Kaahlon and Famine, etc. _ *!« The Home Cools Rook and Family Phyal- 82. Heaping the Whirlwind. A Kovel. By Mary rlnn, containing hundred* of ev'clirut cooking recipe* Cecil Hav. aniln.r of ■ Old Middleton a Money, etc. aud him* n h»u*ukeepur«. ulllug how to cure all corn- u Dudley Curleon. A Kovel. By Ml** M. k. Brad nmaallwenta by »lmidv homo remedy. don author of " I.itdr Aud ley * Socret, etc. 11. Manner* and t'u.tom. In F*tr Awav l.anda. 34 Ea.leaf on Tit* Mvstbbv or «* H*"* l *"; * a very lit.-re-iiug and Instructive book of travel*. de*crlb Kovel Bv Ktia VY Pierce, author of "The Birth Mark. ete. infifiapcculiar hfe. habit*, manners aad cu.tom* of the ,v>. A Gulden Pawn. A Kovsl. By th# author sf p-i.pio «f foreign countrle*; Illustrated '• Dora Thome ' etc. _ 12. Hlvtriti Complete Btorlea he Popular Author*. ss. Y'alerle’a Kate. A Kovel. By Mr*. Alexander, SNihraciuo lo*e. humorou* aud detsoti> •» atorite. »t#rles 01 author of •• The Wooing O l.' cw. . Bocicit life, of advouture, of railway life, otc., nil rery In- 37. Slater Itoae. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins, author te:c«li-ig of "The Woman in White.” etc. . . H. The Htidaol, of YY'lt, Unmoral td Fun, a tare# S«. Anne. A Novel. By Mr*. Henry Wood, author sf collection of lint funny atorlc*. rk**tehsa. nt.tedotea. poem*. "Kg.t l.vnne." ..... w and juke* t'-at have been writDn for aowe v» *r«; lllu* ted. *». The I.nurel Rush. A Kovel By Mi*« Mulock, 11. rat-ful Knomli-dce Tor the Mill* *>*• » h »ndr , ul hor of "John Halifax Gentleman, etc I book of u.cful Information for all, upon many aud vanou* 40. Amo* Hurt in A Novel Hv George Kliot, author au'yeoU; lllu trated. . of • Adam Bede," "The Mill on the i lo**. eu. 1 ' 15. railed llnclu A Morel, By Hugh Conway, author ntm iiairAim I Pfh APFFD. VTe will »end any four of the»e hook« and nor cataTogne. eontalnlnj OUR UNEOUALLEP UrFEnS Pfi<e«ofalllridingpaperaandbooli«ft»rl«eenCaI # n«tampa. Any g hloka I MO vlo-Xtbr whole To r.t #I.(M». Fen AI•O.4HIBr ICO ft Pub. CO., Phlldd d, P(L Koto. KagUured Letter, or Monty Order, and addreu at once. ' ,IO K 13. PA rroi^, SnrrcKNor to R.‘ A. JOII.VSTOK, Howard Nt. Planing Mill Ro.ne - - - ga. 1 won U respe tfttllv annoorca to the citiion* of Walker and CWonr» eou- that having .«umed rontrol of the abovo named Paining. Bill, lam P &ki to fur*ii.sh a ihort not tee, s \s ll IHOGLDIACS,.BRACKETS See.. Ac. all ma«qlkornr»d from Native Lumber. And will keep in Hock a ful s<r m -nt of dressed LUMBER 1 have now in stock and rereir . « 10<i d .IC NGLEB Cal I and sec o«. JiYmZTS H Y a. NMITII , Wholesale and Retail Bofak and Music Dsak Keep Constantly on Hand a Lar*c Slock of Blank Bovrks, Eelter Gap, KTote Paper, Envelopes, Ink. Stale*.' Ensravina*. Pen Holders, t'hronins, «*l»olojsrapn Albtim*. Pie* , <■*, Pic -111 re Frames, Woll Paper, Borders. Win dow Shade*. Etc. AUo Asent for Chickerini? & Co., and Southern Gem Pianos Also Mason & Hamhn Organs. BO,HE, - - - - GEORGIA. {IOO.OO A IM 1100.00 1 SAVED / BY A GENTLEMAN IF HE HAVE 11IS CLOTHES DYED CLEANED AND REPAIRED AT I ItTNEB’k DIE HO I*. 10 530 MARKET STREET. Ladies should bring their (Irrtses to have them rr-dved. I pay ex penseei.iio », y on gnoits when rliargea Hirmnnl to $3 00. Both wajfc when charges amount to s6(io. P O. Box 261. Sewing Shuttles, Machines. JlAsJim Needles. OILS m ATTACHMENTS, Repairs for all kinds. Old Machines rebuilt. OIJJ MACHINES TAKEN ON ACCOUNT AND IN PART PAYMENT FOR NEW O pf p,ni.» .-wd-nff mvite >e mv line wit! do »f , l 4 e loy e< me. •*v - g>» r *h* wnven.ent* of tracliioea »itmtion,f«>r tfkir Send o nc I L 4 l ire.. n o Cross An. 4SlHarket eU., CiATTASIDB.I, TRVKEMEE PECK'S SUN, MILWAUKEE WIS. geo.~w7eck, Fditor and Froprletoa Tb Fianlri Paper la C*'r»t What Vaceinatioa ia to Small pox, PECK’S SUN ia to the blnea PECK’S SUN. Is one the moat widely read and popular papers in the country to-day, and stands without a peer in its specialty. The Originstor of the celebrated BAD BOY PAPER SPEIREt C OPIES FREE TO ANT ..ADDRESS. Bear aiind that bj>endina a Postal 8AM p iE COPY OF PECK’S SUN Will be f/ail»d yon Tree. Don’t neglect to send at cnce and tell your neighbors to. WORTH OF FUN FOR le, ADDS 8S GEORGE L. LORD, RMLW/UIE, ■ • Wtß ONLY S2O PHILADELPHIA SINGER gMYiSmmi er. ami usual out lit omvelvq __ Warraited 3 vesta. m*riKr is Davs’?^; rVjIgQV I (MX house before you pny P■ J flgs Wi Hi”.; .. one rent. -A'o othei nru inf} I machine ivarwfnciurtr in the !«/ /¥¥ United Staten (turn lo wnkn IT i|VI thin offer. Tiley Are bund- All uffff sonio. durable, ami light iHil Same aa other «••- panics charoa frow S4O to ISO* Purrhnae fromuo nml 2 , £! k1 for circular ;«nd 1 C. A. WOOD & CO., testimonials. J 1T N. Tenth SU, Phllad’e, Fa. MILE whistllj I 1 tie loudest mud moot M | pierriogly ahrH be heard Crora one to »'«*’* lar» " figPr* ll *" a a I amor afcwnt have Order nowj &rfk£Blm9Er §■««! NovomiX etc!* ifidVe!* C. A. MOROSS l CO., . —Dealers ix— SEED, CRAIN, SACKS, EIRE, PLASTER PA WIS CERENT, FERTILIZERS, DELTA TIES, COTTON BAOKINe LAND PLASTER, PENDLETON’S OF ANO Colton Rectirrd on Stor age and Commission. C. A MOKOSS&CO.. CLattanoog-a, Tennessee. Tlie story ol (lie Baptists Fourth Edition now ready for de livery, Thousands of copies sold The most popular and fastest sell ing book Wanted active, enger getic Agents in ever community. “Every Baptist family ought to have it.’’—J. B Hawthorne, D. D. “It is very necessary to have it.” Wayland Hoyt, D. D We warmly recommend it to the consideration of the public.”—Bo ligious Herald. Cloth $1 50. Jiloroceo, $2 50. Liberal discount, address H. M WHARTON, Publisher, Baltimore. Md. 18 The ntlcai anbjeet. For fever .ml .cue, .mi rrmMuit*, in the debilitated. bilious and nervous. Tp uch persons, line tetter’* Stomach Bitters atlordr Adequate protection by increasing vitr.l stamina and the resistant power or the constitution, and by checking irregu larities of the liver. stomach and bowels. Moreover, it eradicates malanal com pliant? of an obstinate type nud stands alone uueqnalcd among our natioual remedies. 1 or sule by all Druggists and Dealers gone rally. ■» you are a man of tauu.cos, w.aketied by the skreinofl ■ yooc flu biea, avoid stimulants and oae 0 IVvOV If yon are a man of letter*, telling -*ver year mMsljll work to restore „rain nerve and waste, use VvQV WCVTOtS If you are young and suffering from any luJautkS or Aliflpation; if you are married or single, old or fyocng,suffonn;fro-ti poor health or laaguieb- ing on * sd of sfckncss, rely on ■ wov wxtoiss Vhoever>on are. wherever too are,wbeneveryou fas* that roar -- Ac \ noet’s cleansing toning or iwimnt without tntoAeoling, take Hr YIOT wvtc&s! ■av vou dvtprpntx, HCney oi urinary complaint, djß fawdtk) sfoautdh, baurU, bl c-t Uner.arumrmdT Ten wii! be eared if yea use \w? Jf you are s*mHy week and low spirited, Brit! Bay IK ItaXEt oponlt. Your dnnrgisl keep* !•» I It may *mve you r life. It ku saved budreda. Coach Csrata thei*«t«%ssf-at»n4bMt. Art rhiidnen I fhlhp Pod for Stetnorh, Ltrv uj KAwn, liray*H«rto4| M*n. C«m Sy abo-rptna. It taporfim. Atk i f, L C. bit liahv o-ii-tmOU-•< wn t* trjjtma.usq ■MB e»ra, er ar.Mia, fROM AV—» rU tor *v,4it.if)p Bitter* M!g_.loastif, X.L