Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, May 04, 1887, Image 2

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THE MESSEN6EH Or? Collar Per \ear. iww N- 0. Napier Publinbe* mgmmmmmmmm—m i . I '"■ ll LaFavette. Oeprg'u. M»v 4 , COMMUNICA TED. CHATTQOGAVILLE 1)018. • News <>f sny importance-fa thi* •ectioa i» lean* at tbi* tin**' Cotton pleating i» the order of tb* tiny; some planted la*t week but not very many were ifcady to plant much at tbal time. Corn that waa planted in Mareh ia up and Jookiinf.very well consid ering everything. I beliive the people are getting along juat aplen did with theirciop* op to thia tune. Tina aoction of the country hi.a been bleared with fine rain a recent ly, and the farmer* could plow their Land that wa* getting ao hard. Oata nr* looking eery fine at thi* lime, and the piispect for a good wßeit crop ia very flattering also. I received a letter to-day from relative* who live ia Washington, Co, A>k, and th» leltrr a'atea lhat there hi* not been sufflknenl rain to raise the wet went hoi cieeks during ihe »p*ce of 8 ) month*, nad the muall giain cri p ttill l*e n t laj fail nre if it dot i not rain in a v ry aboit time. I think 1 had rather remain »ii o'd Git where we I'ave, min ofietur. On account of the m il line* rutini' ga* they do an l the change in the day cf ptiUkation I wi I liav* to write a week before hand in nr er tor yon to get the ooaunii moatio” in time to publiali next week. Health it gnoil in ocr section *1 be school at W nlnut ©ro*o ia still on a boom, under the careful kupeTrillion of Prof W. }. Doster who i* an excellent teacher. 1 don’t think that I ever net with any teacher who ionld get ao much atudy out of hi* pupil* before iu uiy life. Next Smmlav will be the regular tiiit for communion at Walnut Givve Church. Pleaching by ltev. T. H. .loin slim. ’ Sabbath Hrhuol# are very flotir iihiiig in 11 ia aect'ou at thi* time and 1 hope it at they may continue all the \ ear, and not die down like auch things usually do iu ihe fa 1 of the year. C. C. Johnstou. April 2fith. ' H'ND SPRING. The '‘boom" north of u* is gone dead, aud from the preionl indica tion* the lailread that was to b’e t-uilt. making Crawfish a “IJ oik lyn, ’ Lai’»\eU''H side Station, and niauyothai wonder* to tl»o com munity, will follow aiit, although ground «a» looked oil for a two thousand bciKO ,‘owar msoliine abop, whtreengiui s un Ivurs-ooiiid he built as lust the deuiun.l Would call for them. Too much wind in the euterprme. cons, qucutly it tx.vld not stand the pressure Mowed tip without injuring them gireer and ti'cmsn. Piley and Tnet need now have Bo fears, as their positions .no e tain for fourteen month*, provided their backbones will last tiiat long aud due ip< iou’i explm’e Several p r.iea pa»se I along la t Pond iy, ouc i -oecialiy in a baggy who u: d a women in tils b iggy wdli him, wu* d-'ing some l-eokiees drivtogi occnsiob lit s looting * 4 islul nod cutting up manv unuec esitary didoes that were unbecoin ing in scivilifd community. The livery man ttrst furuisbed the t orso and buggi tor tl a' rul\ ought to hi,ve i elected t*im ills ainoum agreed i poo, a* they |i«i formed douole du vat break nock speed frr aevrrsl ini'es. Hereafter when Cuatinnooga sendicat such urate- I rial, tbe Mayor turd better send a guardian along, eud wriskey that won’-, run * man crazy, simply because pub k calico la atari ing a pirtiouef his eadikiu A C. Gieu» leaves u- Tuosdav foe Ciia'iau roga, * hem he will en ter into the hardware business right away, bond* A I'.ice his suedets or* are m*x>oU» to seh, but should let it be known ttrough tlo» M.s •nrc.n bow cheap Ju. „ % Mis. Ire'.-neki* improvin'* tow ly witb a p.chpe •of recur ru c oy '«tt»se mUai'oa. \ W jr, jihler thou iu ■ df-o'H leaving this.•-•o'uir unity and faint*, Cv/Use.jaeij iy u wul be ird I'vr :<uu to het.vr Ins locatiou. So r.e complaint about coin not ] coming up; ground too hard. Cot ton too like condition, nnlthe cry is a little rain for moisture, provideJ it will eome just light. j. I). Cat lock's aehool closed fosterd iy for tso month* rocrea tiom then be will take up the free school. 1 learn that while Squire Kilgore war hoMing court at the court ground the other day, he became veiy sick and fell of! Wa tienefci was j.Vgdod health and knows no cruse for the attack, be f* yet very feeble A whobo ne dog 'ax would cure hydrophobia in Walker county, a* several worthle** curs would have tp btto the dust It ia now an i very day occurrence of dog* go ing mad and doing mischief before they lire killed. Why not appoint a killing committee, elect a “dog peltcr” and go to business and ship uny further trouble: Rev. Z. M. McGhee will prcacli a' the Cove church the second Sunday in May, at 4 o'clock in the evening. IHa L and Wulter Holman were out on a v'sit laat Sunday. They appear in a healthy condition and resemble two chaps that are doing well. tJoinr again and stay longer. Wonder if Dave can tell what became of that “Rulls eye” knternt Owing to nil anticipate 1 failure of the railroad, Osburn & Oorgo a ill not start their sawmill till after harvest, and us I can’t engage a* Tol recommends, the bmunes* in .)• go slow. However Bob never flicker* and it will start »ne of l licho (lays. Cicero bud some no tion of putting in a new mill to saw cross ti*v, but be will wuit now till the whittle blows. Leforebu • !s t! e timber. J. M. Lee lias two of the finest gut' siu the coi n‘ry which show good architecture and taste. Were put up by Mr. Ransom who hus b si doing his |minting. Dr Jones, family are weaving along with tbe mumps. Has es pecially is autlering very much M ss Kiln Glenn t o, bis been suf fering with tbe mump*, but is now better. Also J F. Bonds, children have had a pretty ba d time witb them. Morgan l’rice will have n picnic a‘. Horse foot cave r.ext 2nd S .tur tlav, M»y7tli. All come wi'li full baskets as it will be an all day ounce! ii. John Limber. April HO,It. CRAWFISH SPRING A* y u have not inoro than n dozen correspondents in our dig gum! thought 1 wmld gi/e you a few dot*. We had a regular 'lrog strangler and g'llley wusuer of n rain Fri day night and it put the farmer* in h ood heart except those who had hillside furms. Wheat looks well iu our section. Mr. J ones Veitutoo ha* the finest field I have seen <n Mr. J >hn Hatfield’s pla-e. Mr. Piildean S dnuitt is on .the mnd again We are alt uutious to si o the you 'g man oat a iiiu •i Ii * has had an awful lime of it. We a o having a be..vy Sunday retionl ut the Osburn s hu.il I 10t,a,. .1 uiiii« \\ i . uni Muitis is Captain of the ivalry and L\ C. Johnson of the Infantry, Flunk Osbur i wishes to 'now whe ehe o | u ohase a giant second him 1 it onb nor or a setting of ei.gire e.gs by the time the tail road come* by Caw till. He also wisiics to know when he (an got * mail t) keep the temperature Will aoine t ne inform him through the eolum'ia of tbe Me s«n.se*? I recommend C. C Joins*on very helghty, but of course w# could rot expect iiim there on Sunday and let his eempany g > to lack, foi- we. all know that an army vUhnrt dis ci ptim- is .ike a house without a rool. 1 guess roosters iu our comm i nityare uot plentiful sinow tlie big euo"V, a* I tiave not heard of any one being disturbed since the cock J iew r.p n the atump and crowed j for dav befjre it wu* night Reii Bird. ('PDAIt GROVH We bat a fine rain. Proapeo'a ' for wheat re r«o<l. Oat* and clov-r baproveiog in. >adv lor smview* at tb: r,g- O a ... >« .0.. i» la,li : tu, J. F. S null, aider an absence of ! j six yiaisai4«*ar. j Since my iaat letter I hay* visit- 1 ed Rising Fawn and tbe magnifl ent iron work* and or# beds, ff sbo wir.t lolls timing city o Cnattauoogs; visited several of tbe l*rg maiiufuclories, ar d saw Hi* great bir'hhiig boom from Jpameron Hill, an t brak a ride aroond the city on tbe Bill Road, and what enter pi is mg people cm (to. J visited saver si of the churcbos and sab mill schools, audit fwnt tq the conclusion lhat *ibatgir.eoga has a* nble ininisty as any city in the Houtn. I went' to the Young Mena Christian Association, and was well pleased with thier noble work and worsb p and the appro priat* abort talks. It wa* pleas ant to see all denominational linns none away and to see young men full of love for their feliowmen and full of the Holy GUont, inviting ihsir fellows to come to Christ and be saved on tbe simple plan of tbe Gospel. | I’Vhcn I saw and heard what I did, lam astonished at any minister or prof ssor of |relig iou for opposing suck a society. I wish we eould organize one in tbe country. Etna. Apiil 2!* 1887. ROSSVILLE. Th re will be a strawberry an l icpcream festival at Dry YaVey Arademv, Friday night May the 13, the proceed* of which will he d na*ed to the Academy for tbe ;purpo <e of purchasing desk*. The vaiious committees areaclive ly at work and tho occasion bids fair to be one of much latere it. Let every [body attend. The present term of the Dry Valley Academy will close May tbe 13. The school bns held up far beyo id the expecla ion of tbe people. The past term has been one of entire satisfaction aud tbe future of the sebnul is very hopeful The Literary society, in connec tion witb the school, has proven to boos much value to the young I men of the community. Tbe fah term, of the school, we learn, will begin about the lust of July. ,Tbe L’roL thinks that in a short time another teacher, and a music teacher will he needed. Two or three new dwelling I house* are being erected at our little village. Ji dge Rule* :in 1 family have moved to Heart,a Tenn. “What we lo»t Sparta will gain." We wish them much happiness in their new I omo. Mr. J. R. Conley is convalescent. Misses Maggie Kn x, and Sallie Price, two of Sutnmeiville’B fairest dai ghlcis, have just returned f’-orii a visit this place. Also Miss Lula Conley i* visiting her brother Mr. J. R., Conley. Such visiting ai these are always welcouitd, ly tbe bachelors ol this place. Mr. J. R. McFailanil is improv iu 'liia pro rises, in the way of plana fmcing. Mad un Kumar who is a very ’ruthful old lady, says there are uotnnMy going lob, three wedding in the ion munity ioon. Tl e 3 Sunday nf May, will be given to the children, at Divine Chapel, sn' is kuown as: ‘•child ren's day.” Strawberries are beginning to be t'ie order ot tl e dav in this see!ion The crop ii fat*. Peaches aie uot all k llcal. Wheat, looki well Farm irs are about up with their work. Tuo “Kids - ' of tbe community are goiug on an ex ursion to Look out ii.cnntain on Siturdav next. Our mu reliant* arc doing a gorst busineas, while R. R. building con ti tiues. Purlin. April 28ih 'B7. LEE’S MILL j Farmers aie about through i planting corn. Wheat piouiioc* .va average yei’.d. ! Elmore Henderson had his eye very painfully, if not serious'y hurl last week, Ly a tbern piercing ! the ball. There is to be a pienut at Blue | Spi ng. neai- T. C. Napier's, the 7tb of Mav. Everybody is invited to coin - aud in i'ig Uisket* filled to , o-e-'i i.vii.g. t’inw and bring your family, Mr l.ior. Sbcriil Bryan i its to-lay to '<' '■-■■ ■ soic , wi , r- John L-«d pi, " o 4 -ajou a u :.ic f ws m in ha- b«oo. s Uuigeiv u- Jaw. April 28t'i, 1837. Mountain City Business College, and School ol Hand, CHATTAfIOOteM TF.NN, OPEN TO BOTH SEXES. BESSION DAY AND NIGHT I Regular Business Course Rfiok'klcpiiifi, llu**i*M*>* Ai illunetic. Plain and Rapid liii*inrM* Writing. Commercial Law, Spelling, Praelial, Cirammer; «tt**ine*** Form*, civil (»<)vt-riiK'lit, Political EcoViO my, Actual llusine**. $l3O CASH WILL PAY TUITION, PRIVATE BOARD FURNISHED ROOM, STATIONARY FOR A TERM OF SIX • ! MONTHS. KSfHend us the nntnos of UO pereoim who think of attending a business ollegr, and receive a beautiful specimen of Pen Flourishing. Address D. M. A?ey, Pies, or J. W. Agey Prin. * . «* * M. Henderson & Co. (Successors to R. W. Prioe & (Jo.) i HAVE HARKED SHOE* DOH A, DOH A. WE HAVE THE NOBBIEST $3.00 MEN’S •" ! a SHOE ON IHE MARKET; THE IIAE*T *2.00 BIIOF. EVER OFFERED FOR THAT MO.AEY LADIES KID BUTTON $2.60 CALL AND SEE US; MENTION THIS PAAER AND YOU WILL GrET A BARG-AIIV. 835 71AIIU IT ST CTIATTAAOOGt TEA A NEW FIRM,NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES SAVE YOUR MONEY. AND BUY YOUR CLOTTING ■i. ‘ AND GENTS, FURNISHING GOODS, AT THE FAMOUS CLOTH NG STORE OF KLAUSE BROTHER! 830 MARKET ST., WHEELER BLOCK. CHATTANOOGA TESN. We arc now offering tvlraord nary indiiccuiciilN, in Men** and Aonllia Drcaa and ISii*in«*>** Anita, Paul*. Mliirta and Underwear Soft, *liir, and Btean Elat**. Trunk**, aid Valid I *, all ol'tlic heat Material, lateat Styles adn lowcat I’riees. C 3 R/SFIETE LINE GF BOY'S / KD ChUDREN CLOTHING ETP. The Seven Cuticura Boys These seven beautiful boys irwe their beauty of skin, luxuriance of Imir purity of blood, and freedom from hereditary taint or limners to the ed ehrated WTU'im Kkmkiukh. Thousands of children are born into the world every (lav with some eczem atous affection, sueli as milk crust, snail head, sdurf or dandruff sure to develop into an agonising eocemn, the .itching, burning and u Alfti).nation of which make lijff a juolqpg|d, uuless properly treated". A warm hathwith CiTtorßA Soar, an exquisite Skin Bean tiller, ui d a single application of OtTUTRx, the Create Skiu Cure, with a little C. UCUBA 11k ho.-.vent, the Sew- Blood Purifier, is ’often SitxSclent'tti aSgbst the ' progress of tire disease, and iVtiut' to a speedy and psfoM&ent euro. . j "Your most valuable' I'rncrßA Rrvr- 1 i URs have done my child to n.nvH pood that I feel like saying this for tie- bem tit of those who arc troubled with skin disease. My little girl was troubled with Ecz.ana.oiid I tried several doctors and medi tit -x, but did not do her any i pood until 1 used Ct-wcra Kkmkpiks, ' wide h speedily ciireel her. for w hich I j owe you many thauks and many nights of rest. ■ Ax'TCWf BJSBMIRK, Lduih.. _h, ind, Suld ever) - where. Price, \ii ~ra, Stlo.: Soap, Hoc.; Knsoi.vnsT, ft. Pre -1 are i by the I\>rrxn Dbco asp c uau uau t'o~, EosVj:-,Ma» u-CSend fi r "Kr % to ury Skin Di»- asaa v” of page*. SO illuMmaona, and 100 testimonials, s J W m ami Scalp presorv mHOT Ued Mid beautified by j. edt •. ated Cutler. *a Heap, j Our eldest child, new- six year of age, when an infant six months old, was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All onlinury remedies failing, we called our family physician, who attempted to cure it; but it spread almost incredibly, until the lower |sir tion of the little fellow's iieraon, from tlte middle of his back down to his knees, was one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotch ed, and malicious. We had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, we were advised to try the . ntienra Rem edies. The effect'was simply marvell ous. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leaving the little fel low's iierson as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In n-y opinion, your valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he is a strong ! heaithv child, perfectly well, no ■ rep»W . tiflon of the disease having ever accurr ed. UEO. B. SMITH, Att'y at Law and Ex-Pros. Att'y Ash land. <>. Reference: J. G. Weist, l>rug gist, Ashland, O. SVi* v >xr s’i the utieiua and Soap ' cured a little girl in our ltoase of the worst sore head we ever saw , and the Resolvent and futissra arc now curing ay< ung gentleman of a sore leg, while •tile physicians ace trying to have it am putated. It will saw his leg. K S. B. ay|Tti A 880., Covington, i uticars Remedies are absolutely jiuie. and the only infallible skin bcaii ti.ier and blbod purit wa niyltet, black-head* obappeld jgel | m >ily skin prevented by Cuticura Medicated Soap. ■ 1 u BBM— l.—-~ DATIDHON *fc 801^, DUE PBICE CiOTHING EMPORIUM, v AND STOCK OF Clotliing*, i .». ~ Jb£ ATS. I CrmsrißUXlsr^S, Etc., Etc., Is now complete. We invite you call anc inspect it. DAYmsoN &■ worv, 811 U&ItKET STREET. liONG & COLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OJ Cloths, Mattings, r #CIR PE TS^> •Vindow Shades. &c 739 Market >l. , CHATTAMOOfiA, lean O. Aultman dj Oo»" CANTON, 0. Ma ’ufact ♦ wers of the celebr s atdd Buck \ >ye Mow • Q' s, Reap ers and Self Binders. Viliratine Threshers,'Monitor Engines and Plantation Nan Milts. Also Healers in Hav Rnkea. Wheat Drills Wagonix and Farm linplenii nts. For Pri en and Descriptive lists, Address S. A. Cunningham, uiau&?»r, Branch llonse, - - Chattanooga, Ten*. GIBSON, HJECIS & CO —MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF Stoves. Tinwsre, Queensware, Glassware, SLATE AND TIN ROOFERS SHEET IRON WORKERS. 66 and 6&, Market Street. CHATTANOO«A, - - - - TEAM JAMES HAWKINS, NOAli HUDDLk HAWKIIS & 'IUOD.F. —DEALERS ill HARDWARE and CUTLERY, rials, and Field Needs. agents for the gale chilled .plows. TELEHHONE STillD* 236 MONT'j.IMEIU- AVEN'UE,_____^ amam urn Si GAMUT, A7 1 9 n A23’ B. MONTGOMERY AVENUE. N >■ 2jJ or f i >-• wO OGA TENNESSEE. C H;Y[ Ymr IPPLY OF THE BEST GUANO WE KEEP ON HAND A BTG G COMPOST thatIS'.OLI. ALSO E , KKYBO m-. P° . i7.‘. A,.«1 d»* of Mi. reli move our stock We IwV'i and Whiskeys into the lM» ot F »nc> M°ciws»" inakinsour fcnsints* bulldng adjoining oil § k a we „ selected s fP* r !Hl*»ev Boils and Shoes, enough to snpidy etocMof Dry 1 .... 150ni ,b1e prices. Wc will no* undersold.* S'sujmlffei ■» iSiTpl & CABMAH*. GEORGI A. W ALKEIJ"COUNTY By vlrunof an oruer I'mni the Court iif OrJintuy of iWalke.- Conrtv will be solo liefme the Court House door in the town of LaFayetU-, within the legal hours of aa'e mi the first Tufsiliv iuJune all of lots oi land No-, IST and 13% in she 26 th Disct and 3rd rectihn, except eixtv acres off tue north side of lot So IBS. With eucmn heranee of dower on said lots in | fav.,r of Mrs. S.M-..Tate. Terms of sale i cash, be lance Dec Ist I 1687. with interest. J. W. Caven ler. AdruhiislrEtoi' of Juou A. T te. d.'i' d I ' • •- - ’< M & WA>TI» (MunplKT" MMkmisk GEORGIA; WALKER COUN T¥ | To whom it may concern; Henri etta Clark, widow of Richmond : Clark deceased, haring applied to | me for an order appointing apprais era to set apart a yeayVsupport for | herself and minor chii.l from th» estate of said deceased and said . appraisement having been made and returned as the law direoU; this is to cite all persons concerned ! to show cause if any they can on the brat Monday tn June next why ! said year s support should not be> gr intcd. Tli s May 2nd 188*. VV B Foster.Gi dinary. - THE LITTLE GIANT. In America. sa*°l»M|tr<«)«lriJf tg*>”