Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, May 04, 1887, Image 3

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! AN EARNEST TALK TO THE PEOPLE. nr While others are temrtlnff yon with B. j ,p. Thurman asks you to call artd inspect an U. T T nrivalled Line OF STAPLE AND FANCY GBOCEKIBB, CROCKERY HARD- I WAKE,GLASSWARE, PLOWS, SOOVIL HOES. FARMING IM elements, a new link of tinware, which has just f KEEN EMCIEVKD aND ADDED TO THIS STOLE IS A £5 And lO cent Ooimter, ' Where novelues of every description arc to ba Been at pncee never before thought of. Household goods, Toilet aHide* leaps, Soys and many things to please old and young. A Lot ol Bedsteads, J \ V , . ItTST RECEIVED WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. IK YOU WISH TO'PURCHASE GROCERIES YOU BHOUL TRICK - THIIRMAN’B QOODB- I*" THERE IS ANYTHING INTHE j MENTION ED, OR „ 1 line THAT YOU NEED OALL AND SEE THIS STOwE, ARO .’ ‘ YOU CAN I 230 Suited. i YOU WILL BE SERVED PROMPTLY AND ALL PRICES I GIVEN WILL BE ROCK-BOTTOM HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID FOB ALL KINDS OF PRO DUOE. ... B.F. THURMAN. iron at te hi ill (is CALLED to the l STOCK O E \ GENERAL MERCHANDISE. j’ ON EXHBmON AT Dicboa & Shaw’s, CONSISTING OP 1 DRYGOODS, STRAW AND CLOTH HATS SHOES TINWARB, CROCKERY,GLASSWARE, LAMP I SAN » A ASSORTMENT C ,E GENERAL HARD - ware, also tobacco and cigars. Thin Stock is Fresh, Large,Varied. Willi a long ex perience iij budiiest.. a clone stuely ot th wauls ol llie trading public till • lirin is enabled to meet llie de, mantis oftllose who ni»h honest goods and resonstble prices, Do ifxou wish t« 50 where yen can be suited ifyou wish any tiling in llie above list ol'good*, call on DICKSON &. SHAW,. LAFAYETTE, GA FI HE SHOES. 834 nIRKET 8t LADIES SHOES. GENTLEMEN’S SHOES MISSES SHOES BOYS SHOES THE BEST AHD THE CHEAPEST. Call at H. J .NEWMAN’S t jj ' 834 MARKET St - CHAT CANOOGA TEKN. rIESEUDICKIHSOT. /lr A/n AuMv /" n 1 V Bugsies, Spring Wagons- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, a mtITION TO THE VERY SELECT LINE OF IMPLEMENTS K have made our predecessor chah. rikse ®a*nrS AS HIE IMPLEMENT MAN WE HAVE ADDED THE nm-RRATED DICING MOWERS, REAPERS AND ALL STEEL BINDERS TO OUK LIST. CALL AND SEE THEM. binbb waookts. N ,„ FUK at BS* PA«E <AT tIU.-. U lull: 9EB Market St Chattanooga lem , Locals. Picnic* are upon us. Some few barefeet out, but they •re tender. Mrs. Richard Lue, formerly of Walker, died at Aiwortb recently. Buy your straw hats from Dick eon & Shaw. No decision as yet in the McCoy case. Hon, and Mrs. J. C. Clements left Wednesday for Louisville, Ky. Buy bacon, lard and flour from Diokson & Shaw. Mrs. Miller loft for North Caro lira Wednesday. Her vi.-it was appreciated. Dr. Jos. Underwood and Son will continue to practice us part tiers. At the Wardlaw brickyard, Wu Langf rd is at work making brick. Hu will soon be ready to supply any demand in thut line. When in Chattanooga call on B ate llie Pho'o Artist, 828 Mar ket St., and see the elegant Cabinet Pui'to’s, cr.ly S4OO per dozen. The operation of paracentesis w,s per formed by Dr. Fariss on Mrs. J. E Howell Monday. She is rallying from it finely. Sr 11 Ransom has taken charge of the Academy temporarily. He is a deserving young man, and will do his whole duty. Prof. Me Cay has been sick. Coflius of all sizes; and hand somely finished, always on band at 8. P. Tomlinson's LaFayette. After services at Chattooga on .lie 2nd Sunday Mr. Mitchell will preach at W. P. Blackwell’s at 3 p. M. Mrs. Esther Lumpkin has been seriously unwell, but is now some what better. She has boyne her illne.s with characteristic patience and coi rage. For the best mower, the Buck t je, call on S. P. Tomlinson, La fayette, Ga. Terms easy and prices low. Coffins, Burial cases, and Robes of all sizes and prices at Thompson Hiles and Co’s. Hummervi le. Ga Friday real estate was active in Lafayette. Thu air was full of it. It was a day that would have done credit to the blustriest March. The Trustees of the Osburn. school house, near C awtisb, re que;t us to say that a teacher has been secured for their school. The vacaßcy has been filed. For bargains in men’s, boys misses and childrens straw hats go to Dickson & Shaw. Jerome Rhodes is in the em ployment of a contractor in Chat tanooga, and is getting 10.) dollars a mtntli, bossing hands. The best wearing jeans pants. to $2, at Dickson & Shaw's. Eleven head of good cattle bound for Cm tt- nooga, passed through Tina day. They were in good hands, for Cicero McConnell and Lum Cameron were along. Mr. B. F. Thurman, one of our en erpri-iug merchants, whose ad is in our columns this week, has recently added a new set of coun ters to his store,null has filled them up with tresh new goods. It is a treat to look over his many novel ties, and his liue of general nier chandi-e is unsurpassed in this ection. Give hint a calk If you w nt a good article of Plu i Topacco, ask your dealer for Old »'t>.” O.c of the thrifty and wide a ake Arms In town, whose goods are always tnste.'ullv selected, is Dickson & Suaw They h ive al ways endeavored to cat-r to the wunts of the trading public, uhd ■ iheir increasing business is an evi dence that they h:iv - made a sau ce sin their line. If you want re -1 abl i, first class goods, .t reasonable prices, you can find no firm more ready and able to serve you. Ladies fine Slices at Dickson & Shaw's. Men’s low cut Shoos, $1,5 ) to $3,50 at Dicks m & Shaw’s. Strayed or stolen, from the un de signed, the might of the 20tb, hist, a clay bark Tcxai mare, block tail, branded H on left shoulder, an! Lon left jaw. Any informa tion of her whereabouts rewarded. Address D. L. Caveuder, Peavine Ga, All persona b 1 ntir.g, fish g or fare ispass.ng on the la ,d i . ave ranted wdi oe prosecuted. A J. Wooten, Oa the Coe place. f Squire John Liles, one of the clever men of 11 ay wood, was in town Tuesday. J. D. Clsekler has a good mule for Hale. Yoing, fine sited, and wotkr. well. Rev. f). T. Espy and Mr. Pilte of Summerville pass'd through Tuesday on their way to the Bap 'ist Convention at Louisville. The Academy is always glad to get hold of good material! 'Sam'l and Josiah Edmongou mid John Robinsou are among the recent and welcQu c audit.one. Miag u m Smith, the charming daughter of Mr. Nelson U. Smith, of the Cove, is visiting Miss Stella Thurman. Jesse Bigwell wits livirg with Lis son in-law, A. J Soseby, a couple of miles above Tr.on. On the ‘22nd, ult., when they called him (o get Up for breakfast, it was found that he was dead. Bri' gus .your butter, eggs and chickens. We pay highest market, price. Dickson' A Shaw. M i s. Betty Blackwell, the widow of Thomas Blackwell, and the sis ter of W’ilbmu and Jonathan Wall and Mrs. Wui. McWilliams, died at the old homestead ot dropsy, Friday night. She wrs in the eig ty second year of her age The huiinl. which wa“ largely at tended, was at'tbhatloog'i, Sunday. Rev. D. T. Espy conducting the seivices. Meal at Tomlinsons at 60 cents. Triumph Flour, $2,65. AN UNUSUAL DEATH. Henry Stone, who lived in the Cove west of the Pocket, was suffering fretn a large carbuncle on his ankle. Sunday, the 22nd, ult., he went out to feed hia horse. Not returning, he was looked for and was found lying in the yard, insensible. A physician was calt e,d in, but bis leg began to swell, and the swelling gradually extend ed to the body. With the swelling, 1 the pain advanced up. Thursday hi i symptoms seemed hotter, but* while the Doctor was at the gfte preparing to leave, he was told that his p itieut was dying. He die * about Bp. m. Hu leaves « wife and seven children. His- wfnr is a daughter of :vlr. Henry lliee, of the Cove. Mr. Stone was a good mnn, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. DALTON GA. Chas. F. Adams one of the o'desl citizens of Dalton died last Sunday and was buried Mouditj with Masonic honors. The Did ton Lodge of 1. O. O. F. held an an'iiversa y Tucs lay night ut the M isonic llall. The pro gramme consisted of an elegant suppe-, a few speeches, one leci tution and several interlocutory remarks b» Lank Barrett. Mis. W. C. L i'her is spending the week at her father's, Capt. Tim Fold’s. Prof. Luther is expected himself onSaturday when you’ - s truly hopes to beat littn catching fish in Capt, Ford’s fish poi d. Wish John Limber could be with us to register results. We would.compcnsnte him for his ser vices by tebdarmg him the two largest ones caught. One of the Juvenile members of the Tmith fiunil , who had team ed that dentists replaced the natur al teeth with plates of artificial once, said, that when ns shed his present set of teeth and others grew out and he ever shed them, no more Would grow out, and then he would have to have dishes put in. James Simmons is recovering from the mumps. We .went through the. various departments of the Crown Cot-ion Mills ope day this week, and not such a. litlie factory as you might suppose. Two of Mr. Bishop's children iiave ded recently, Tuo baby was buiied yesterday and one or two more of the children ore sick. We humldy trust that the already be rtstrickcn family may not he further bureaved by death's* dark glocm. Parents, whose children are still spired with them can not be too thaiixfu! io our Heavenly Father. Rev. J- H. Hurley has been in i the cby a.day or two this we.-lt I He is in line spins but, thinks his | iiappinss lucomp.ble without Means. ! We ne /le '.ed to " y ' • the death of Rev. M.Hi. In of Hw- I lei's Mills, .whicu occur, su tome lime ago. [oomi r N | llljjjjl 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'I hit powder never vurlei. A •n;>r vel ofpiiflty.Mriingtli am) wl'oleson.o ness, Mine economical thru the <>r filnin jt kinds, mid cannot he sold in competition w I lithe nillllltude of low •st, short weight ilium or pliospliiih pow-defv. Sold oolv Incline, ROYAI. BAhi v» row DKU rn j.»«w>u si. Perhaps the largest nu.nbor ol pmple that ever turned out IVoni Da ou on as in ar o c im, woe la Die funeral. He was a remark able man in point of benevolence and the Church to wl ich ho belong ed will greatly miss his benefac tions, while ibe widow and tho or plian will probably never “look Upon his like again ” Dalton has an infldpl sh.oeraaker, who, while ignoiiug. tho eternal interests of h's own immortal, soul 1 IUV id great'y concerned about the perishing soles of others. John S.ni li Jr, April 29th ’B7. TRION GLEANINGS. Cnlast Saturday morning, tie HO.h of April, there was a Blight frost at Trion. i did not *eo the frost myself, but P. D. Fortune says it was plainly visible in hi;, garden. I am not making any garden this year for the first time since (lie dose of tils late war. If 1 L had any vegetables growing, no 1 doubt I would ha r * discovered the frost, for 1 alway l took consider t»hle pains to have as early a git ■ den a> ..y one* and a la'e Cold snad wai always watched closely. ThePrcsby.erians had a com munion aoryiee .it this (lt.ee yes terday. Rev. Mr. Brown preach ed at lilt Sunday moin rj, service imp also on Saturday night. The Sunday School at Tiion yesterday numbered 145. Some of tue Royal Arch Masons who live cast of Taylor’s Ridge can eto Trion last Saturday to participate in the Gjod Samaritan Festival which had been set for that day, but which had baen postponed, notice ot which had been given in the Messenger and the News. Surely they ought to take one of those papcis. A abort time back I believe 1 wrote to the Mesteugei'Jihat James McPeters, formerly of Irion, but now a citizen of Knoxvi !e, Tun had recently died, leaviug his family in destitute circumstances. That was the information I had, but 1 kave since learned that it is his wife who died. She was v daughter of the late William Duke who was so well kuowu iu this country us a brick mason. P. M. Tatum ot Lampasus, l'exai was at this place last week, on a visit to hi* brother J. D. T .turn. He is in the dry portion of Texas, and speaks of removing to Kc rue, Ga, owing to the hard times at his home, Caused by the protracted drought. He is a dea ler in furniture. Mr. Shutluck's school at Trion is in a flourishing condition, the average attendance being about fifty. Mr. Sbattuck /las gained the reputation of being a good teaouer. N. U. Coker. May 2nd 'B7. ~ «2!%SSF~~' IRjc reduction of iuternal rev enue and tile taking off ..of rcVen uc stamps from Proprietary JMedi ci„es, no doubt has largely berie titted ihe consumers, ns Well Us relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Eepecially is his the case with Green’s August I Flower and Ihsches’s German Syr • up. as the reduction of thirty six c nts per dozen, has been added to the size of the botles contain tig ; tlie-a; remedies, thereby giving 'one.fi fth in nre medicine in tire 75 cent size. The August V'ouer lor Dyspepsia aid 7/iver Complaint and tiie German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have pe haps, the largest sale o. any medicines in the worl !. T ie advantage of tho increas d size of me*i>.At:6s will ,e greatly appreciated uy ihe s. a aa i affli ted, in every town and Milage in civil zed countries, jample bot.les for 10 cent*, rein -iu j we some *Ue. Hew Store In Town W W. CENER ! DESIRES TO INFORM THE PEOPLE THAT HE IIAS OPENED UP A NEW STOCK 07 GOODS AT THE CENTER & MIZE SHOPS, WHERE lIE OFFERS tiSXHUP 1 IF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE,: ETC., ETC. Come and Exam 'line his goods SEE FOR YOURSELF, AND GIVE HIM A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE. EVERY EF FORT WILL BE EX ERTED To (Jive Satisfaction. SPRING GOODSi ALL NEW 11 J.’E * PATTON ;GIiNTLY| RE MINDS TUB CITIZENS OF (WALKER THAT HE) HAS JUST OPEN ED UP A] BRAND NEW STOCK OF GOODS. THE LARGEST AND MUST SELECT L/nfi of Dry Goods ever brought to LaFayettc. Tho ladies are re quested to call and examine; it is a pleasure *° show tl era through My StocK Boots and Shoes is Unsurpassed. A Splendid line of Hats and Caps. I also have a' large and select stock |cf the freshest Groceries. ALL KINDS. CHEAP. I have Garden Seeds. Best qual ity. fr is and a Hpleu did line 'of Agricultural Ample- I mwts, lloes, Rakes, Plows, etc. My stock of Harness, Plow-gear, and Bridlee, will_ bo worlh the in spection of all whp noed such goodc, Call and see we. To The Ladies. I have just received and liave on exhibition! tho largest and most se leet liue cf Milleuory ever shown iu this section. My stock of Ladies and Misses Hats is superb. All styles, sizes and prices, bom 25 cunts to Fivo dollars. It is u real treat to see them._ Be sure and see them. J. L. PATTON.' 5 and 10 Cent Counter. Come and see the sQi pris ng bargains which I goffer on my *5 AND 10 CENT COUNTER! You will find Lad os Hose, Gent's Hose, Busponders, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Inkstands, l’ons, luk, Sta tionery, Blank Books, l’ockot Books, Purses, and an extensive line of Glassware, Tin Wave and Crockery. Come and see my stock before purchasing. J. E PATTON. "salesmen "W-A-dSTTUID to canvass mr the sale oi Sursei \ Stock! Steady employment guaran teed. SALARY. AND KXPLMSKS I*Alio. Am'l.v a r °nc», stating age. Chase Brothers. (Refer lo mispiqier.) ROC M ESTER. 1». Y. A man whp. has practiced mep cine for 40 yea's ought to kuow salt trow sugar; loud what he say si Toi.ano, O', Janr 10,'1887. • Messrs F. D. Cheney & Co-- Gentlemem—*l have been in the general practice of m dieme for most 40 years, and Would sav that iu all my piaotice and experience, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success Si lean Hail's Catarrh Core, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great inanv tiroes and its effect is win derltil, and would say in conclusion t at 1 have yel to find a case of ; Catarrh that it would not Jure, il j they would take it according to j directions Yours truly L. L GOUSUCU, M. D.. Office, 215 Summit St. \V„ wil; give SIOO for uny case of teat can not be cm si witu AU..*« Ca&rrtt Cure. 'Taken I nlernoiiy. F, J. CUE.NET& Co, Props ’ Tr icdo, o. ; tv I) As. . \*+., jV'x \ Georgia,walker oottN UIV ill'll A, W A lift hit IJOUfIXI. fly virtue of an order from the Conti of Ordinary of Banka county, Georgia, ■vill be sold before the court hoaM , loor in the town of Lafayette, Walker ‘onnty. Georgia, within the 10/al hmim of oalo, on Tuesday in Juno next, tile following property, to-wit; One tract of land lying in sam county, if Walker, containing flfty-tliren ana me third acres more or loss, it being she north’tUvinion of land lot Number j OS. in the 9th lain diet and 4th Seed On, originally Cherokee, now Walker louuty. Haul pOMkrty belonging to the estate of Joseph P. Bird, deo'd. Sold 'or the purpose of paying debts and distribution among the heirs. Terms cash. This 35th March, 1887. AndrkwJ. limn, Administrator of Joseph P. Bird deo’d. UKOBGIA, WALKER COUNT!*, Will be sold before the Couil Ho nee door, 1 a the town of LiFaj ette, witli.r. the legal hours of sale. •>n the first. Tuesday in Juue next ot of land IS , 15*, in the 2(1 h Detect. and 3rd S«c.ihfi of Wa,k ,r County Georgia. 8 dr! an the uopertv of VV. f>, T ,tl> to * satisfy t Justice Comt life issued, from the .Justice Court of (he IQ&3 j>ig. trier, G. ,M, in favor of Jchn Pur . J' VH vv . I’. Tste. Levy made and roturned to me b> J. VV. Bolt, i< C. Thin May 2 1887. VV. A. Foster. Sheriff G K( )RG£A, VV A LKKKCOUNTy" J I"'. Huith adiumstrat,or of Kobt Anderson has applied for leave lo sell lands belonging to the e-tate of said deed, and this ia to cite all persona co icerned to . b'idw cause on tin Ist M m lay iu Jons next why an order should not be passed allowing tli i n.luiiu'stralor to sell s lid lands as petitioned for. This May 2nd. ISB7. iV. 15. Foster, Ordinary. A BIG SCHEME r 28 S' ? W Njt k(J.HINUS WlVft’ft AWAV 11 Jil M ORMMIN KAVN, Beginitg on WEDNESDAY Jan. 19th, and closin*v on SATURDAY, March 19th, On Sunday, March 20th I will publish llie number o' Mach) see given away. On the heels of a Real E.-da'e advance an iinmeuso Sewing Ma chine boom springs up which will • coop all minor schemes and attract eve 1 y dollar spent iu the linej of goods kept bv the. BALLOON STORE. ,Tuat think of ill One Machine ev. ry other day for FIFTY-TWO DA YS, and every article yon get for loss mom v than car bud elsewhere au.l TWENTY-SIX Sewing Mac hines thrown in at the expiration of tho Fifty-two dij-B. These Macmnes UIVEA A WAY ARE NOT NEW, BUT ALL IN GOOD OItDEH AND DO GOOD WORK THEY ARB WHEELER & WILSON, GROVER & BAKER, FLORENCE, LYON. BLHKBE, HOWE, WILSON. 1 AND HOME SHUTTL Pi.ax you oivixo THf.M awtr:- — Ea h M .chine will nave Home, number attached, Which will nr respond to home of the numbers of tickets given oscb purchaser of ono dullur, and every Huccoeili'jg dollars. If yod spend #5.00 you get Five Tickets, and so on. 3'he larger lb i purchase too more tick ets you get. This plan will give 'be poor « good opportunity to g>t a Hewing Mathine as well as the ltich. Everyone of these Machines giv away ure exchangeable for new Ate chine* by paying the differ. uc - You simply buy what you wrant, and have 20 Hewing Machines in sight. J livery Article la the ■ioiiae aUrnilineßM gniut CLOAKS, DOLMANS, and JACK BTH at Hairl’rice.an I twen , ty-six Sewing Maohnea at tho end . of Fifty-two dave. > - ■ - millinery clear bows, and Twenty-six Hewing SineliiaM ' at the end of the race. I DRESS GOODS Cheaper than i cheapest, not forg tling tho Swwin t Machines. t KNIT GOODS, GLOVES, HO SIERY, CORSETS, lieow low ‘ water uiurk, a d a Hewing Maetiiiiw rvkky oTHE.t nxv. Towels, Tab la 1 Liuoiis, an I Napkins. Mnny mr * * odes in stock ure f.om ten HIKSCH BROS. Bankrupt Bale ’ arid uro decide i bargains Aon may esi esruTed ilia BALLOON * Si ORE prmidaA nettling that * anuot be nrddtced NO IIL'M -1 BIG. SIMPuY ?6 SEUrSi* 1 m ACHiNEs given avvax. A. A. bUUutS. < |,J llnnoog: Ttanem .