Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 07, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. xv. THERE ARE GUARANTEES AND GUARANTEES!! If a man were to offer you a (hi a nJll for $9.50 you would regard it with suspicion even though Ini I) nl II he should agree to guarantee it to be “good as any *r 1 v 1/111 made.” Let us apply this principle to Harvesting Machinery. . Good money is never offered at a discount, because it is worth its face value. This is true of all FIRST-CLASS MOWERS. Second or third class Mowers are never offered except at a discount They are worth their face value. It is just as important for a farmer to have GOOD MACHINERY as it is to have GOOD MONEY. “Uncle Sam" makes good money. Wm. PEERING & 00. make noth ing but good machinery. THEIR GTJARANTEe is reasonable, fair, honest and certain of fulfillment. Watch the dealer who is too liberal in his prom ises. He may need some one to rr Q-XT_A_!R_A-INITEIEEV him. I New Deering Mowers THE STRONGEST CONSTRUCTION, / X mv!!xr\ m " Jl lrtJT*""""™ THE LARGEST WHEELS, THE WIDEST TREAD, \ THE BEST CUTTING APPARATUS, \ THE BEST ADJUSTMENTS, \ THE LIGHTEST DRAFT, Get a NEW DEERING MOWER and SAVE YGDRsif®™’ flo other machine do this as AN USUALLY FINE ASSORTMENT OF HAY RAKES from the cheapest to the best. The Rakes and prices will be sure to please you. Come and see us. Glad to show you through our stock. OUR TIME AGAINS ? YOURS. Come. IBiese &c IBlaxic, 924, Market Street, Chattanooga, Term. YOU SEEN OUR HACKS AND BUGGIES?^ _ JOHN H. WYATT Whiteley Solid Steel Mower. A Complete Line of Harness, the very best that is made. local, news. o MeELREE'B WINE OF CARDUj for Weak Nenrei. Schmedling of Chattanooga takes the best photographs. Rev. J. J. S. Callaway will take charge of the Tunnel Hill school. Send us your orders for job work, and blanks of all kinds. Miss Avis Fitzpatrick has been seriously unwell but is improving, jj Quinn Callaway was looking his best when in LaFayette Monday. J. W. Whi f e proposes to locate his stave and saw mills at Hanis burg. ■0- WINE OF CAROUI, a Tonic for Women. FrankFariss since last Wednes day has been sick from a mild at tack of typhoid fever. Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fariss moved to the Batts’ house near the Academy. Scrofula cured, even in its worst forms bv I*. P- P-. and y° u will be strong and Wealthy in a short time by the use of F. r. i . On July 10th there will be an all day singing at Valley Head church conducted by Professor Satterfield. Little Giants are the most effectual pill on the market. Safe, sure and certain. Sold and warranted by Farmer s Store and M’fg. Co. tL Sale day, the three Kratz lots were bought by J. B. Deakins for sl6 and the Stoker land by T. B. Simmons for $25. Walker County Messenger. Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for DyipepfU. You should see the late styles and novelties in fine shoes, Ox fords, and evening slippers at Chattanooga Shoe Company’s, 30 Market street. oct 29, ts. Mr. J. W. Dukes and two chil dren of Austin, Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. Landon Smith and daugh ter of Maynor, Tex-, arrived Sun day on a visit to Mr. T. A. Jacit son’s family. A person is prematurely old when baldness occurs before the forty-fifth year. Use Hail’s Hair Kenewer to keep the scalp healthy and prevent baldness. Saturday the engine which D. N. Price of Armuchee was bring ing over to W. D. Mize ran over one of his feet crushing it badly. Amputation of some of his toes may be necessary. Spring medicine is now want ed, for, if you are out of sorts and feel bad, P. P. P. is the rem edy to take and get strong and invigorated. Stolen from S. M. Williams, 156 llossyille Ave., Chattanooga, a dark sorrel horse, about 15 hands high, a white spot in left eye and knot on right knee. Any informa tion will be paid for liberally. There is a stray cow at William May’s on Lookout Mt., marked, crop off of right ear and split in the left. The cow is of a yellow color and has a young calf. Would be glad if the owner would come and get her. LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY?, 1892- In old times it seemed to be thought that a medicine must be nauseating to be effective. Now, all this is changed. Ayer’s Sar saparilla, one of the most power ful alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, the flavor being by no means medical. jjcEIrMj^WINEO^CASDUJIor (•QuledUeuM Strayed about May Ist near Roes Jones’ a dun heifer about 3 years old, crop off right and un derbit in left; was heavy with calf. She belongs to Mrs. Milly Cooper at the Poor Farm, and it will be a kindness to let her know where she is. “Excuse me, George, but when I saw you a year ago, your face was covered with pimples; it seems to be all right now.” “Yes, sir; that’s because I stuck to Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the greatest blood medicine in the world. I was never so well in my life as I am now. South of G. VV. Clements’ is a big gully. Monday about 8:30 P. M. as Hugh Sims with 5 young men in Mr, Webb’s hack was re turning from Trion, hedrove into it. In the fall the top of the hack was broken off. Hugh had the cap bone at the joint of the right shoulder fractured, while Wales Phipps, who was lying down on a seat woke to find his head between the spokes of the wheel, and his feet in the air. ftgjT BLACK-DRAUGHT to* cure* Constipation. S. P. Tomlinson, of Gadsden, is visiting his family here this week. Dark, yellow, greasy akin is a symptom of disordered Kidney and Liver, and unless treated promptly may result in danger ous disease- One bottle of lleggs’ Blood Purifier will entirely re move the cause and leave the skin clear and transparent. Sold and warranted by Farmer’s Store and M’f’g Co. ts. On Monday morning on the C. R. A C. two freights ran together at the 6 mile post near ltossville. The engineer nnd conductor of the south bound bad forgotten the change of schedule made the day before. Druggists say it is a pleasure to sell Beggs’ Family Medicines, as every bottle is warranted for all that the label calls for, so our customers are perfectly safe in buying them. Sold and warrant ed by Farmer’s Store and M’f’g Co. ' ts. At Coosa, July 4th, Miss Mary Jane Robinson of LaFayetto was present when Miss Minnie Hardin was married to her brother, Mr. John C. Robinson, John Hardin, Esq., officiating. Tuesday the bridal party, accompanied by Miss Alice Hardin came to Ln- Fayette. In the lottery of life, John has drawn a prize. His many friends congratulate him. A beautiful head of hair is the pride of woman. Any person can obtain this by using Beggs' Hair Keuewor. Sold and war ranted by Farmer’s Store and M’f’g Co. ts. (■rami Rally. Col. W. H. Daduey and Judge Joel Branham will address the people of Walker county at La- Fay ette on Friday, July 15th, on the issues of the day. Messrs. Dabney and Branham are no politicians, are not aspir ants to office, nor the special friend of any one; but true pa triots and lovers of liberty. We hope they will have a large and appreciative audience. I have been troubled with chronic cattarrh for years. Ely’s Cream Balm is the only remedy among the many that I have used that affords me relief.—E. W. Wilard, Druggist, Joliett, 111. I have been troubled with ca tarrh for ten years and have tried a number of remedies, but found no relief until I purchased a bot tle of Ely’s Cream Balm. 1 con sider it the most reliable prepara tion for catarrh and cold in the head.—Geo. E. Crandall, P. M., Quonocha wilting, It. J. Notice to Teachers. The annual meeting of the Teachers’ Institute of Walker county will begin on Monday, July 11th, at 10 o’clock a. m., and continue in session five days. All teachers are, by law, required, to attend. Prof. W. Harper, Superintend ent of Public Schools of Ameri cas, Ga., has been secured to con duct said Institute. By order of the Board of Educa tion. W. W.lB. Myers, ju7(4) C. S. Com’r. Ilow’s Tills! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J.CHENEY A CO.,Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to car ry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Tbcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,o. Wai.dino, Rinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. N. E. Hakkkh, Prt'Ht., H. It. Brad, Vioo-Prest., "\ A. Hadd, CV ;.i r. Qh.attanooga pavings 'fca.rili, Corner lirotid anil 7lli St., Chattel ga, Tenn. Statkmknt Junk Brtl, 1802. RESOimCEH. LIABILITIES. Loans ami DiaennntH, *11«,510.1ft Capital Stock,... *,>'-’!!!!• HU Stocks ami Honda Ml, 1(15.00 Undivided Not Profits Cash and Sight- Exchange... 40,1101.87 Deposits, 181.d4J.wl Furniture and Fixtures 4,887.01 *245,872.04 *245,872.04 Number of Accounts Opened to Date 1070. Total aimmut of interest paid to Depositors to date, *8,080.110. I‘AVS FI VI-1 PKIt I'l-.vr. PI-: u annij.ii On D#posits remaining in Hunk for full calendar months- Interest, compounded •luntmrv and July of each year. Business confined strictly to receipt and care »1 Savings ami Trust Funds. Certificates of Doimsit issued at the following rates of interest: Orlillinim |>n>nl>lt' oi« ileiiiiiiid - - - I per cent. I’erlilleiileN pii)*Rl»lc In It mimllw - - - •* l"' r ceMl. ('crtidriuo pnynbltt In It month* ■ ■ - II per ~-nl. Certificates in even Hundreds of Dollars issued for one to five years, lit •» per cent. Interest payable semi-annually. DIRECTORS. Xen Wheeler, R. M. Key, J. P. Smartt, J. L. Lombard, A. B. '*■ l.s Willard Warner, S. It. Head, N. E. Darker H. Lombard, .Tr,, W. A. Si.dd Dr. ,Tno. Hull’s Worm Destroyer taste good and quickly remove worms from children or grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price 25 cents at drugstores, or sent by mail by John D. Park A Sous Go., 175 A 177 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. (decß-ly) NininioNN—nuu. On the morning of Thursday, the 30th ult., at the residence of J. A. Park, Sr., Rev. Fletcher Walton had the pleasure of offi ciating at the marriage of Miss Jennie Park to Mr. W. G. Sim mons of Trion. The fair bride iH a universal favorite with every charm of mind and person, while the groom is a fine young man with plenty of energy and sterling business worth. Life to them is full of promise, and their many friends wish them unmeasured happiness. TIIEONI.Y ONE EVE It HItINTEII. (IAN VOII FIND THE wount There is a three-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. The same is true of each new one appear ing each week, from the Dr. Har ter Medicine Company. This house places a “Crescent” on ev ery thing they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you Book, Beuutiful Lithographs or Samples Free. jan23-ly Though the weather was bad, there was a fine crowd at Trion on the 4th. The balloon ascen sion in the still air was a success. After going up about a quarter of a mile, the aeronaut released the parachute and started on his ter rific descent. It soon filled, and with its support the earth was safely reached. After two innings between theLyerly and LaFayetto baseball clubs, the unfavorable condition of the grounds put an end to the contest. One pleasant feature of the occasion was the recitation by little Knox Millican of bis speech “Dess What’s in my Pottet.’’ He was heartily ap plauded. A NOTED FARM In the Lovely Dogwood Valley for Sale- I offer inv farm for sale. It lies in Dogwood Valley on the head waters of Chickamauga it miles from Dalton and 6 miles from Tunnel Hill, and contains 1(10 acres of choice land, 100 acres cleared and in a high state of cul tivation. It is admirably adapted to wheat, corn, clover, grass, cot ton and all the staple crops of this section. The orchard is one of the best. The place is well im proved, haviug a comfortable two story brick house of six rooms, witli halls, verandas, etc., and barn, stables, etc. No more com plete home was ever put on the market. Address, W. A. Andeiison, june3otf Trickum, Ga. McElree’s Wine of Cardui awl THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Walker County. Pr. I). C. Farina A Son, LaFayette. J. W. Ninth, H. J. Shaw, I-ctcr Wallace. Crawfl«h Spring. J. F. Shaw. Frick* Gap. J!. C. -Touch. Rock Spring. Jhh. M. Welborn. “ " Favcmler <fc Shahan, Vwauotr. Ward A I’urvear. “ “ JAMES MOItRIHOK. Kiin i'HMir to ,1. N. McFarl»ml&C»., Gknkkai. Mekohandise, KohhviijTjE, Ga. I have just erected a new l '«>m and Feed Mill and .1 am now pre pared to grind your corn into tine meal, or your cob and corn into stock feed. I will exchange at any time meal for corn. Mill will run every Wednesday until further notice. june‘23 ts A Mass Meeting Called. The democrats of Walkei coun ty are requested to meet at L&- Fayetto, Friday, July 15, for tiro purpose of electing delegates to the Congressional Convention to beheld at Chickamauga, August 24 th. Evory democrat should show his intorest in the cause by lining present. Col. Dabney the war horse of democracy, and the gifted Judge Branham will ad dress the people on the issues of the day. All will be well repaid for their attendance. Item. Ex. Committee. That “Tired Feeling.” The newspapers are having a good deal of tun nowadays over that ‘'tired feeling,” so much spoken of in inedieal advertisements, in connection with the ill-health of females. It may lie a source of hilarity to witty paragraphin'*, Imt not so to suffering women, who, by overwork, and a disregard of the laws of health, have lapsed into a condition bordering on invalidism. Whatmostwo men need is to be relieved of some of the slavish work that is piled on them, and u free, lint judicious use of strengthen ing tonic, such as P. P.P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium), the greatest blood purifier and invigorator in use. Superb as a builder up of women, bringing back lost energy to the body, and color to faded checks, restoring the appetite, and thus renewing in her that healthy vitality long lost. P. P. P. (iiros all blood diseases, such as Rheu matism, Syphilis, Gout, Scrcfulu, and all ulcerous affections, even van-push ing that melancholy enemy of man, Dyspepsia. All druggists sell it. A Philosophical Family . Amelia has pimples, and sorjs in the head, From humors internal her nose lu,s grown red; She’s a boil on her neck that is big is s bell, Hut in other respects she is doing unite well. Ami pa has dys|H-psiu, malaria and gout, His hands with salt-rheum are all brok en out; He is prone to rheumatic* that mske his legs swell, Hut in other respect* he is doing unite well. And inu has night sweats and a trouble some cough, That all of our doctors ran t seem t drive off; She wakes evsry night and igli quite a spell, Bat in other respects she is doing unite well. There is nothing like philoso phy to help oue hear the ills of life, but in the case of this family what is most needed is a good supply of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It would cleanse Amelia’s bad blood, cure pa’s ailments, and check nut's cough, The “Golden Medical Discovery,” by its action on tin liver, cleanses the system of im purities. It cures humors,ulcers, boils, scrofula, salt-rheum, ery sipelas, and all kinds of sores and j swellings. The only guaranteed - blood-purifier. NO. 27