Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 14, 1910, Image 1

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COTrON 14 5-8 c THURSDAY VOLUME XXXIV—NO. II CEDAR GROVE Uncle Warner Lewis Honor ed By Colored People-Boys Go to See Teddy Cedar Grove, Oct. 12. —The 4th Sunday in September was a jolly day for Uncle Warner Lewis, one of the very best colored citizens that our county has. The colored choir of Kensiugton, about 5 > in number, in wagons, buggies and horseback all loaded down with good things to eat and their song books, made their w-»y early Sunday a. m. to Uncle Warner's in the head of the cove to sing for Uncle Warner and his good lady. It was a day long to be re membered by those present. Many white people were present who say they were well paid for their trip in the good music they heard. Uncle Warner is just over-joyed with the good songs and the good conduct of the crowd and insists that both white and colored come again. Sunday school at Cedar Grove was •conducted by W. G. Hunter Sun day. the superintendent being ab sent. Mrs. Hettie Bell and children vis ited her brother, 0. P. Andrews, Sunday. Dr. Crowder and family visited W. C. Andrews Sunday. W. A. Hatfield and wife visited V. F. Ransom Sunday. Geo. Woods and family spent Sunday with James Ivey. H. B. Ransom and wife visited our cabin Sunday. Mr. Ransom is thinking of locating at Everett Springs this fall to put his children in school. We wish him good luck wherever he goes. George and M rs. Vesta Shankles and Miss Stella owings are back irom Knoxville. All report a good time. Charlie Shankles and Elmer Hunter, two of our brightest young men, are at present in a business college in Atlanta. Lucian Crowder and Charlie Rogers went to Rome Roosevelt day. I guess the boys had a fine time and saw Teddy. I have not seen them to get the details. A. T. W. MARTINGALE LaFayette, Rfd. 4, Oct. 12. Rev. W. M. Griffith filled his regular ap pointment at Chattooga Sunday. Considerable moving will take place this fall. J. E. Brown has sold to K. W. Dover; W. K. Mann Bas sold to J. E. Brown; H. R. Max well has soid to W. K. Mann; Ollie Brown has sold to H. R. Maxwell. All will give possession some time this fall. Lumber is now being hauled to Build the new church. Work will Begin at once on the building. Miss Clara Hale, of Tnon, was visiting her sister, Miss Alice Hale, here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. H. Morton and Mrs. W. G. Mitchell were visiting Mrs. S. A. Jennings Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Davis has as her guest this week her sister, Mrs. Thomas. Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Brown are visiting friends in Pickens county this week. W. A. Ford was visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jennings were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 Leigh Sunday. Mrs. E R. Silver, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Rossville the past month, has re turned home. Rev. Flavil Hall administered the iites of baptism to four candidates Saturday at Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of Cane Creek. Dr. and Mrs. McArthur, of Guild. LONG BOY. Walker Count y Messenger. ELECTION RESULTS IN DADE AND CATOOSA Dade For Representative: Lee Pope 274 W. W. Cu reton 218 R. F. Tatum 70 For Clerk Superior Court: S. J. Hale 414 Lee Forester 135 For Sheriff. W. N. Tatum 332 J. T. Wool bright 218 For Tax Collector: W. P. Pace 300 W. G. Wallen 248 .For Tax Receiver: Sam J. Hale 257 Thos J. Hughes 187 Virgil Stewart 102 For Treasurer: R. S. Rodgers 341 G. L. Gass 207 For County School Commissioner: G. A. R. Bible 553 For Surveyor: W. G. Morrison 548 For Coroner: W. M. Hale 282 Robert Case 248 Catoosa For Representative J. C. Bryan 455 J. W. Smith 288 For Clerk D. A. Trundle 785 For Sheriff S. D. Ward 431 John Clark 331 For Collector A. P. Yates 439 G. E. D. Russill 381 For Tax Receiver W. T. Thomason 358 W. R. Williams 197 W. W. Batey 146 J. A. Hooper 85 For Treasurer L. R. Wiggins 570 J. H. Anderson 201 For Surveyor R. B. Trimmer 710 For Coroner H T. Gordy 745 For County Commissioners Robt. Ware 601 Z C. Thornton 566 W. M. Smith 506 A. 8. McCalla 499 J. A. Jones 170 Merritt Dill 134 For school commissioner A. M. Bandy 499 HARRISBURG Harrisburg, Oct. 12. —Rev. H. M. Strozier filled his regular appoint ment at Macedonia Saturday and Sunday. Lon Carter and wife, of Atlanta, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Story, of this place. Roy Spears and sister, Miss Willie, of Trion, are visiting [friends here this week. R. V. Thurman made a business trip to LaFayette Monday. J B. Henson and Miss Cora Mas sey were married Sunday at Trion, I by Rev. Swafford. Mr. and Mrs. Henson have a host of friends who ' wish them a long and happy life. John Ford and family, of Teloga, ! were visiting his parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. A. J. Ford Sunday. Willie Story, wno has been indis posed for some time, is able to be 1 up again. A. M. Martin, who has been 1 working in Chattanooga for some time, is at home for awhile. BACHELOR. A Beliabie Medicine—Not a Nar cotic Get the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. It is safe and effective. Contains no opiates. Refuse substitutes —War- then's Drug Store. LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1910 GENCHAT Tribute to Uncle Jimmie Loup: Who Died Last Week—School Resumes Cenchat, Oct. 12.—Jas. R. Long, an old and highly respected citizen of Chattanooga Valley died the sth inst. and was buried at Cenchat the following day. Funeral services were conducted by Rey. Charles Gray, at Rossville. Uncle Jimmie will be greatly missed by the Bap tist church at this place of which he has long been a consistent member. He has also been a regular attendant at Sunday school as long as be was able to come out. For more than a year he had been confined to his bed at the home of his son, B. E. Long. He was born and raised in Tennessee, but was one of the pio neer settlers of Chattanooga Valley. His wife, Aunt Peggie, preceded him to the spirit laud some two years ago. He fought in the Con federate army, enlisting at Dalton, Ga., in June, 1862, in Co. E of the 4th Ga. Cavalry and fought under Col. Avery in Capt. Cook’s compa ny and was subsequently assigned to duty under Gen. Joe Wheeler. He bore the reputation of being one of the bravest and most daring sol diers in the Confederate army, but in peace be was one of the most or derly and unassuming citizens of Walker. He was the oldest of eight biothers; one dead, one living in Missouri, two in Texas and three in Georgia. He also leaves eight chil dren, five sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. School at Cenchat academy on ac count of scarlet fever scare sus pended for two weeks, but reopened last Monday. Giles Hollingsworth, of Eagle Cliff, in some way got into a diffi culty with Raborn Oliver, of Flint stone, and was struck on the bead with a hammer. As a result we learn he is in a critical condition at the home of his father, B. F. Hollings worth. These are both young men and we regret to hear of this trouble. C. F. Scheerer has the Fliutstone pike completed to Rock Creek, with in less than a half mile of Flint stone. For the past week or so he has been doing a fine piece of road work just south of the Allison bridge on the Cove road. We don't believe there is a better road builder in the state than C. F. Scheerer. Bro. Miller, of Riceville, Tenn.. who was chosen pastor of the Bap tist church at this place for the en suing year will preach next Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. W. A King, of Trion, is vis iting homefolks at Cenchat. We are glad to report that her health has greatly improved in the past two weeks. JOHN OLTORF. MT. CARMEL LaFayette, Rfd. 4, Oct. 12—The health of our community is very good at this writing. Picking cotton seems to be the order of the day. Several of the young folks of this place attended the singing at Chat tooga last Sunday and all report a nice time and a good singing. Well, it seems that the farmers are almost done pulliDg fodder and what are not done had better hustle or Jack Frost will gather it for them. Guy Mitchell was visiting bis brother, of Wesley Chapel, Sunday and Sunday night. Alvin Cagle was visiting friends in and around Martindale Sunday. The meeting which has been go ing on at Guild broke up last Sun day night. Don't forget the singing at Mt. Carmel every first and third Sun day. I think we will get new books before loug. SUSAN ER FLINTSTONE Oct 12—Giles Hollinsworth was 1 pretty badly hurt last Friday. He was struck in the head with a ham mer by Raymond Oliver. The boys were at work in the clay pit, and it seems that the trouble was caused by a bet about the election. The others thought they were in fun and 1 it seems no onb was mad except the 1 Oliver boy. He left as soon as he 1 struck Hollinsworth. 1 Giles seems to be getting along ' well and the Doctor does not think his injury will prove serious. 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Will Landers moved to Cbickamauga Tuesday where Mr. ’ Landers has accepted a position with 1 the Bleachery. ' Tom Thurman, of Cedartowu, and 1 Lois Thurman, of Chattanooga spent Sunday with homefolks. Rev. Mr. Logan, of Chattanooga, filled the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday, preaching here in the morning and at Bruner's Chapel ' in the afternoon. We heard the fox hunters horns last Friday night; wonder if they 1 had any luck. Miss Grace Walden left for Cbickamauga Tuesday. Messrs. Forest Varnell, Luther Talley, Charley Morse and Brooks 1 are spending a short vacation in the upper cove on a hunting ex -1 pedition. Mrs. Jessie Knaves died Tuesday morning, at her home of typhoid ' fever. Mrs. Knaves had been sick only a short time. They will carry her remains back to Copeland her old home for interment. 1 She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her loss. Two of the children have typhoid fever and were sick before their mother was taken. BETSY. i WARREN i i LaFayette, Rfd. 1. Oct. 12.—1 am > glad to say the sick of our com munity are doing well at present. i Last week one of our grand children over in Whitfield county > came near to death with membra neous croup. Miss Minnie Harris spent Sunday > and night with Mra. M. E. Wheeler’a family. Many from here have been at tending Bro. McFarland's tent meeting. U S. McCarter made a trip up near Ringgold Sunday. Bro. J. F. Smith, president of Walker County Sunday School as sociation, will meet with Warren Sunday school at 2 p. m. the fourth Sunday in this month, 28rd, and requests old and young to be out and we think they will. Ye scribe au 1 daughter visited Cedar Grove justice court Monday but not in their own interest. Within just a few days there will be a call for a meeting of those who want an interest in a telephone line from LaFayette to Rock Spring. People, this is one thing we need and we should build it and control it. We should not wait for some one else to build it for us and then get the profit. By observation, most all want phones in a short while. Let us be up and doing be fore it is too late. Mrs. Levi Bird was visiting Sun day, but we don't know where. Mr. Tapp has moved from Ross ville to the Dr. Smith farm. Miss Mollie Rosser was at home Sunday from Chattanooga, where she is taking a business course. J. B. JOHNSON. Notice We will gin cotton for $2.00 per bale and furnish bagging and ties. All over 500 lbs bales 50 cents per 100 lbs extra. 10-21 McConnell a wriout. CHICKAMAUGA Many New Buildings Going Up—Tacky Party at Hotel Friday Night Cbickmauga, Oct. 12 Chicka mauga is a very busy place now. 8. T. Carson is remodeling his house, and M. A. Camp is building a nice house aud J. M. Moore is making preprations to build a nice house up near I>r. Rudicil’s. We sure will be a big place some day. The school improvement club will give a “Tacky” party Friday night at the Park Hotel. The prizes will go to the tackiest married couple, the tackiest girl and young man aod the tackiest little girl and boy. There will be music and speeches after which there will be refresh ments. A good time is promised and a big crowd expected. Admitt ance 10 and 20cents. The proceeds go to the benefit of the high school. The North Georgia Fair Associ ation met last week and set the time for the fair. There will be two days, Oct. 21 and 22. There was some talk of annuling the fair grounds but Pres. Carson says there is no truth in the report and that the Association is just as able fi naneially as it ever was, so every body get ready and come. Mrs. Jessie Gray gave a party Tuesday night in honor of her cousin, Miss Minnie Simmons, of Morrison, Tenn., who is visiting her this week. Quite a number of young folk were there and amused themselves with games and music. Mrs. J. L. Miller is very sick with fever this week and is not ex pected to live. We hope, however, that by the time of this print she will be greatly improved. James Spencer, of the firm of Spencer & Co., of Chattanooga, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Moore returned home i Tuesday from an extended visit in . Chattanooga. G. L. Bonds made a business trip • to Chattanooga Tuesday. Miss Nora Jones, of Pond Springs, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mar tin Tuesday. Rey. Ponder filled his regular ap i pointment at the Methodist church Sunday. There is to be services at the Presbyterian church Sunday next; Rev. Clark of LaFayette will preach. PIERPONT. WEST LAFAYETTE Misses Potts, Nell Henry and Hattie Bale Jones, and Robert Powell, of Summerville, and B. A Powell and daughter, Mary, of Rac coon, were guests at the home of A. T. Powell Sunday. Z. A. Borders of Chattanooga, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Borders, Monday. W. 0. Davenport spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. Misses Ellen Coker and Pearl Chatman visited relatives at Trion Sunday. Z. Adams snd daughter, Miss Maggie, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends at Lin dale. Mrs. Tennie Clayton, of Lyerly, spent Saturday night and Sunday the guest of Mrs. Berry. W. B. Brown, of Mentone, Ala., was visiting Mrs. A. 8. Huskey aud family Sunday. Miss Maud Neely spent Monday in Chattanooga. Miss Grace Mize returned Wed nesday to Cenchat where sh 6 and Prof. Q M. Clemons will resume their school. Mrs. J. W. Wafford is spending a few days with friends in Chatta nooga this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of 12 Pages THIS WEEK ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR CORINTH LaFayette, Rfd. 2, Oct. 12-There is some sickness in our settlement. Mrs Tom Peppers is sick. Fred Smith has a child that hasdiphtheria. Dr. Rhyne has charge of both cases We are glad to report Rev. H. W. Head on the mend. Mrs. M. J. Silver, of Harrisburg, spent several days here last week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Maggie Moore. Bob Delay was in the sticks last week making syrup. Mrs. Nancy Lansford and daugh ter, Maggie, were the guests of Mrs. Maggie Moore Saturday night. John Ragly visited at Trion Sun day. I hear that Andrew Kirk, of War ren, bought the Rev. J. A. Clemons place last week from Mr. Crow. Luther Clemons and Otto Morgan made a flying trip to Nashville last week. Ye scribe visited Elder John C. Jones, of Whitfield, Saturday and Sunday. We attended preaching at Nickajack church in Houston valley Sunday. I had the pleasure of get ting acquainted with a lot of people in and around Nickajack. I sure was glad to meet a bey by the name of Rbmehart. I knew Melvin's father at SubUgna years ago. This boy’sfalher and mother both died several years ago. I was glad to see Melvin taking the lead in th 6 singing society. He is a line singer. I am always glad to see orphan boys and girls make use ful men and women. Miss Edna Carter, of Naomi, was the guest of Miss Cammie Wheeler Saturday and Sunday. Farmers are finishing up pulling their late fodder this week and cot ton picking is on in full blast. The rust is on all cotton. Cotton crops are short and if we don't get a good price this fall, we poor sagers will be in hard luck. SUBSCRIBER. Notice In the matter of sale of lands of Mrs. M. C. Wardlaw, deceased, in the sale there will be sold only four sixths or two-thirds of one-third of the farm known as the “John Ward law farm," Bouth of LaFayette. The balance belongs to Julian Wardlaw and myself, and the sale can only sell an undivided interest. And the same proportion applies in the house and lot in LaFayette, that is to say, the house and lot is owned in the same proportion, two-thirds of one-third undivided interest only to sell. Oct. 13, J9IU. PAULC. WARDLAW. - * —— t Good Little Farm For Sale For sale—3s acre farm on pike near Rock Spring; 10 acres in tim ber, balance cleared; no buildings. Price $1,050; terms if desired. J. A. GRAHAM, 10-14-4tx LaFayette, Rfd. I. Dry Valley, and Oscar Williams, of Trion, were guests of Mrs. A. M. Morton and family Sunday. R. A. Watson spent Sunday in Summerville. Mrs. S. N. Dillard and children, of Monroe, arrived Monday. She joins her husband who recently ac cepted a position as foreman in the LaFayette Cotton Mill. They will occupy one of the J. D. McConnell cottages. Among those who attended Ring ling Brothers show in Chattanooga Wednesday were A. M., Robert aud D. A. Borders, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Epps, Mrs. BeufordDuke and son, R. A., Miss Delia Smith and C. C. Mashburn. Miss Docia Higdon, of Chatta nooga, is spending a few days this week with Mrs. J. M. Shaw. Mrs. Joeephaue Berry and chil dren, of Lyerly, are spending this week with relatives and friends here.