Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 28, 1910, Image 10

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I The Denver Lunch Room 1 B At Depot h LaFayette : : Georgia B M To Our Friends and Patrons: u We take this opportunity of thanking you for past favors and we feel under many obligations to you for g S your liberal patronage. It is you who have brought us B B success and enab'ed us to build up tbe largest business of our kind in the county, of which we are proud. W B We are still striving to grow larger. Our motto B P is to do unto others as wc like them to do to us. We give the worth of your money, or your money back. W The fair is coming and you are especially invited B B t> our lunch room where you will find tbe best of order, B M bist of lunches and the most courteous treitnen*. B Bring your ladies and children. B B We also carry a nice line of Confectionery, Cigars B and Tobacco. M ** n M , , "■ '■ : = M ** M ** H 5 Kegular meals '■ 25c Q E Lunches from lOc up 5 M pH S Sandwiches 5c B E Co (lee or soft drinks 5 c 5 m W M M Only white people served B 1 DENVER LUNCH ROOM 1 S 6 Binminfflnmmifflfflfflmm Notice All parties due Wardlaw Bros, for guano by note or account, will find same at First National Bank, due Nov. Ist, as Wardlaw Bros, have dissolved partnership. WARDLAW BROS. Per W. A. W. Look What Your Money Will Do At MILLER-MITCHELL COMPANY’S Men’s and Boys' Clothing at Irresistible Prices Stupendous Bargains in Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear r»n« in* Mon’a p«ii an*t<> n .. „ . . ~ . , The latest creations and designs from New York and Paris SaloDS are here for buS \2SmSoSr* *"*nTo your “ BpeclioD ’“ lie,ery ®™“‘ ,beLoon " E " dT,g sects, worth anywhere from f 7.50 a nn $1800... Jby.iFO Ladies’ $22.50 New Fall suits in fancy Ladies' 54-inch black cloth coats A aa to 110, very spec al £••*/O One lot $4.00 and $4.50 extra” aaa stripe worsted, blues, greys, greens, blacks, $5 values Li.iJO One l«t Men's Fall and winter suits, con- fine dress pants,new snappy pats. etc. Strictly man-tailored, satin lined, with All wool Panama Skirts, some with silk sisting of pure worsted and woolen fabrics. Men ’ 8 fin « P»nts, #w.oo to AAQ . satin collars and four large but- Aqq bands, some folds, and nicely 1r A These suits were bought from manufacturer 50 values tons in front—skirts pleated made, worth 8.00 to 400 _ _ I«DU at an extraordinary bargain and will gc on Boys'Good School n An $27.50 to $37.50 Suits, in every con- Ladies black and bine brilliantinei AA sale at far less than the wholesale a in Suits J. %/0 ceivable weave and color, man tailored skirts, 31l sizes, worth L.OJ i*Vv cost. Worth# 12 50. Will seH for |.40 n.,,- - - throughout, with black satin lined collars, Ladies all wool skirts, new fall designs, M.»-, f.U , „l„ mrilam OT ,I 1K,,,' School .oltt. with bloom,, pub. feg?? g* Yw 22 50 S.SoSdTi'JST -2.98 weight suite in blue and black serges, fancy black and mixtures, worth jaa handsome bargain at Ladies'ss silk petticoats, high gnlde worsteds and cassimeres and other qqo $3 (X) l#%fO 02 inch Broadcloth Capes, Military trim* taffetta silk, colors, bine, black, g;ey, green, popular fabrics, price sls to $lB «7*«70 Beys'blue serge and fancy mixture school mings, all colo'rs and blacks, brass military lavender, etc., made lull a aa Men’s strictly high grade fall suits, in this suits, with bloomer pants, this naa buttons, worth $7.50, Loom- JAO extra special Z.I/O season's cuts and fabrics, wide range of season’s patterns, $4.50 values JLatJO End Price 4 t.2f0 Ladies’black near silk underskirts, with cla««y styles, worth #22.50 to ii aq Boys’ fine suits, worth $0.50 to #8 of), Ladies’s4 inch Coats, best quality Bioad- embroidered ruffle, 150 aa •f-’7 50, special in this sale 14.5/0 all new patterns and styles*, Aa A cloth, handsomely trimmed, cplors black, values SfOC 1/w , . .. , . i very extra ‘l.ifO blue, tan and red. Tailored effect, aaa Good Satine Underskirts a a 100 pairs Men s pants worth aa Boys’ good knee pants, 3to 0 years $ r worth #16.50 to SIB.OO J.jO for jJJC up to #1 r>o. very specia l . VvC • size, 50c values, a pair IOC Ladies* Raincoats, waterproof, JQQ 5 dozen 50c white waists, as long oj* Men’s fine dress pants, new fa’ 1 pit terns , Men's “Slip-On” Gossamer Raincoats, variety of patterns, $7.50 vals.... as they last, each LtOC, aid s’yles, #3.00 and #3.5J | aa tans and browns, #7.bo aaa Ladies's4 inch cloth coats, brown, aaq 30 dozen white waists, worth rA vabes 1. jO values O»uD tans, black, #6 values from $1 to 2.50, choice DUC a— At The Great Hisey Loom-End Sale at The Miller - Mitchell Co. Dep. Store Corner Main and Market Sts. - - Chattanooga, Tennessee A Generous and Charitable Wish “I wish all might know of the benefit I received from your Foley’s Kidney Remedy," says I. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and blad der gave him so muoh pain, misery and annoyance, be could not work nor sleep. He says Foley's Kidney Remedy completely cured him.— Wartben'a Drug Siore. wju &> yiluaow i Villanow, Rfd. 1. Oct. 26.—Pick ing cotton is the order of tbe day- The sunshine will soon bring cotton to a close in our burg. Mrs. Roper, of Poncord, is im proving from a severe attack of fever. Rev. B. P. Hunt is carrying on a protracted meetiog at Macedonia. He is being assisted by Rev. J. L. B irk, of Naomi. I note that J. P. Bomar, who went west two years ago, expects to come back to dear old Georgia. The boys will come home when they try some other place for a fortune. R. H. Hampton and J. C. Cleg horn msde a business trip to La Fayette Saturday. Well, we had rain last Friday. It fell in a good time for the wheat and oat sowers. There are some oats already sowed. The health of this community is to erably good, as far as I know. R. 11. HAMPTON. H.me Seekers, Look This Way If you desire a home in a most fertile section, a salubrious climate, that can't be surpasced, where we have the purest water, and where malaria is unknown, and health is perfect and where ,ands are cheap but increasing in value every day, then turn this way. For information write 11-18-41 DENTON LAND CO., Denton, Ga , Jell Davis County. Our Profit COMES IN SELLING MORE GOODS. our sales increase EACH YEAR. / We buy our goods to please and mark them to sell. MARTINDALE Three Citizens Disturbing Peace - Stork Busy Around Martindale, Too LaFayette, Rfd. 4, Oct. 26—W. P. Jenkins and little son, William, of Chattanooga, were in our burg Tuesday. Mrs. Eva Simmons spent last week visiting relatives in Rome. She re turned borne Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mitchell were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H Jennings Sunday. Price and Clyde Hale, of Trion, were visiting their sister, Miss Alice Hale, last week. D. F. Littlejohn was visiting his brother, T. 0 Littlejohn, Sunday. Miss Dora Jennings was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell- Saturday night. W. A. Ford, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday here. All is quiet in our digging except D. M. Bindy, J. H. Jennings and Oscar Brown, who are disturbing the peace all on account of a big I boy which came to brighten the home of each. C. L Silver spent one night last week with his sister, Mrs. W. M ; Jennings. Rev. Walden preached a verv able I sermon at Welcome Hill Sunday night. LONG BOY. i Lost —In Chickamauga a pocket book containing $207.00 in cur rency, two or three do ars in old coin and SSOO in Confederate money It also contained several Odd Fellow and other receipts and bills. Will give a good reward. —Frank Well born, Rock Spring, Ga. NOTICE Please call and settle. We need the money. All our accounts due Nov. Ist. WiH pay 42c bushel for cotton seed. . A. M. STREET & CO. This is the Headquarters For the BEST BARGAINS in Chattanooga, Tennessee MAX BRENER 218 E. Main Street Fall buving starts with a rush today. The goods are first-class, the stock is complete with the most up-to-date Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's ready-to-wear goods, and I guarantee you that my prices are lowest of the lowest. I cordially invite you to call and see my prices and I thank you in advance for do ing so. I will give you an idea below of a few of my prices: Shoes from It) cents a pair up to $ 5.00 Suits from 1.48 up to 22 50 Ladies waists from 48c up to 2.98 Ladies’ Tailor-made Suits 7.90 to 15.00 Calicoes from 4c up Women's Shoes 98c up Coats and Cioaks 1.98 up Ladies’ Hats 98c to 6.90 Underwear 19c up Ladies’ and Gent's coat-sweaters <• 48c up Suspenders 10c up Fall stock Brogan shoes 100 Men’s 12.50 Worsted Suits 7.50 The best and heaviest fleece lined shirts and drawers 38c Men’s Fine Hats, I,ooand 1.25 values, at....! 50c Men’s Fur and Corduroy 50c Caps -25 c Dress Goods from 10c up When you are coming and ready to buy your fall goods we want to show you what we consider the best values on earth for the money at MAX BRENER 218 E. Main Street Chattanooga : : Tennessee