Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 28, 1910, Image 7

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BANK OF LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE, GA. Capital $50,000.00 ' a A. f. M«. I J. P. SHATTUCK, President •* »• FORTUNE, Vice-President J. H. PATTON, Cashier wk REFLECT! p '°“ £ds Fr ° m RESOLVE! If You Never Laid and Pay Your Bills Your CORN By Withchecks J Bills You Would Never Paid byCheck Stay Paid GET A CROP! It You Never Lay Every Accommoda- YOUR DOLLARS BY ion Consistent With Safe Banking You Will Never Method. Get On Top! Extended t 5 Onr Patrons. We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits Town and County | Watch and Jewelry repairing at Willis’. John Vail, of Dodge, was in town Monday. The word Lynn is another word for reliability. Use Lynn’s remedies. They are all guaranteed. Postmaster Blum, of Mahan, was isTtown Tuesday. Bring your corn to Town mill. Now ready to grind. Eyes tested free by registered Optician at People’s Btore. Dr. H. J. Arnold was in Menlo several days the first of the week. Mrs. P. D. Wright spent the week-end with relatives in Chatta nooga. For Sale—Two 18 months-old mule colts.—Levi B rd, LaFayette, Rfd. 1. Miss Pluma Ray, of Lyerly, is visiting her friend, Miss Bessie Wafford. z * % IN FORMING A BANK % | CONNECTION § z z jl It is good business policy to open your Q account at a live, growing bank—there O O are always reasons for constant growth. J A O The reasons for our constantly inrreas- Q Q ing business are: Courteous and Liberal O O treatment of patrons and a careful, pru- dential management that conserves the Q <> interests of our depositors, bespeaks ♦ $ safety to the funds on deposit and stabil q ity to tbe bank. Q O We extend to you n cordial invitation A v to open an acoount a* this bank. q s S | Bank Os Ghlckamaiiga | %S. A. Hunt, Jr. Eugene Pless, % g President Cashier J % “’Watcli Us G row” 0* Have your eyes tested and fitted with glasses at the People’s Store. For Sale —Good family and work horse, for cash or note. —W. A. Wardlaw. For the prompt and permanent relief of Dyspepsia use Lynn’s Dys pepsia cure. DeForest Tate, of Chattanooga, spent Sunday here with his father, J. S. Tate. Miss Emily Rhodes, of Chatta nooga,* is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Phipps. The word South Bend means the best watch that you can buy. Sold by W. R. Willis. For quick trips and careful driv ing rent Rea’s auto. Rates reason ble. Phone 05- Cicero McConnell spent the week end in Chattanooga with his brother, J. F. McConnell. Call in and see H. P. Burney & Co.’s beautiful line of Jewelry while attending the fair. Rev. H. S. Smith spent Sunday at Chickamauga, filling the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday evening. W«Hgg- County Come To The Fair w i ' '‘--t: ■ I-*' We Welcome You to Our Store fAnd offer you the best lines | of merchandise to be I found at honest prices FOR FAIR DAYS ONLY, 27-28 Red Seal Flour, 100 lbs $3.00 | S igar, 10 lbs 1.00 Meat, fat strips, 1 lb 12k Tobacco, 3 plugs 25 Rice, 4 lbs 25 Matches, 3000 for 10 SnuiT, 3 boxes for 25 """ I Viask A %6ive. LaFayett© - - Gr©ox*g±a Lvnu’s Chill and Fever Tonic carries a positive gaarantee of ef fectiveness. Try it. B. F. Thurman is in Macon this week attending the grand lodge of Georgia Masons. Robt. Powell and Lytle W ilspn, of Summerville, spent Sunday in LaFayette. Mrs. Jerome Henderson has been elected to a position in the faculty of the Roseville public school. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wardlaw, of Chattanooga, spent the week-end with relatives in LaFayette. If you need a reliable time-keeper let me sell you a South Bend watch. From 110 up.—W. R. Willis. For improved Farm Lands in the best county in the state, write Col quitt County Land Co., Moultrie, Ua. 11 4 4t Mrs. J. F. McConnell and children came down from Chattanooga Wednesday for a visit to relatives here. Don’t mifis this opportunity of securing correctly fitted glasses at reasonable prices this week at Peo ple’s Store. If your watch does not give you good service bring it when you come to the fair and have H. P. Burney & Co. make it right. Buy your Furniture, Btoves and House Furnishings from W. 0. Davenport, West LaFayette. He will save you money. T. A. Jackson returned Monday from a trip to Atlanta and Monroe, spending Sunday at the latter place with his friend, J. W. Mears. Get your Feed Supplies of all kinds from Dan C. Wheeler & Co. Chattanooga. They make a specialty of Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Mrs. Malinda Gross, recently ad judged a lunatic, was taken to Milledgeville Thursday where she will be placed in the state sanatar ium. »Ksq. J. M. McFarlaiid, of Rose ville, is now at Mineral Springs, Vossburg, Miss., where it is hoped the change will be beneficial to his bealth. J. A. Brock has opened a meal market in West taFayette. He is | occupying a store building which he | recently erected ou bis lot on Ar no uchee Greet. Miss Annie Ruth Center, dsugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Center, is seriously ill with typhoid fever Another daughter, Miss Mollie Lee, is also quite sick. Don’t forget Hawkes’ Optician at Warthen’s Drug Btore Nov. 3,4, 5. Strictly scientific work. Latest style in glasses. Reasonable prices. Satis faction guaranteed. Lyon's Cough Syrup is a laxative medicine for cougba, colds, bronchi tis. Purely vegetable, and is the most reliable remedy for sufferers from lung troubles. W. 11. Morgan and sister, Mrs. Jackson, of Chattanooga, came down last week on a visit to Mr and Mrs. C. M. Conley. They will remain here until after the fair. , For the convenience of those who may not be able to come to our store to have their eyes examined, our optician will call at your residence without charge. —The People's Store Mrs C C. McConnell, of Teloga, spent several days here last week, going up to Chattanooga Friday for the week-end with her son, Frank McConnell. Bhe left Tuesday for her home. The Messenger is -equested to an nounce that Rev. Z. M. McGhee will preach at New Prospect church on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Oct. 29 and 80. The first meeting of the creditors of W. C. Moreland, bankrupt, was held in Rome last Friday. R. M. W. Glenn, of LaFayette, was elected trustee to take charge of Mr. More land’s property. Jesse and Martin Husky, aged 3 ana 0 years respectively, children of George Husky, of West LaFayette, were taken to Decatur Saturday by T. A. Jackson, where they were placed in the Decatur Orphans’ Home. Saturday morning beginning at 10 o’clock at the late residence of Mrs. M. C. Wardlaw will be sold at public outcry the following personal property: Household and kitchen furniture; one cow.—J. H. Ham mond, Admr. I have purchased the Alsobrook gin and will gin your cotton for |2 00 per bale and one bushel of seed. New bagging and ties furn ished. Will pay market price for seed. I solicit your patronage Jacob Deck, Rock Spring, Ga. 11 3 We desire to direct, the. attention, of our readers to t e coming brief engagement in LaFayette of A. K. Hawkes, as announced in this issue of the Messenger. This visit should not be confused with those of the ordinary travelling ipticisus or so called eye specialists (usually merely peddlers or fakirs), is it is of a strictly professional and legitimate nature. The fi m of A K. Hawkes, located in Atlanta, (la., is the originator of the celebrated “Ilawkes’ Spectacles and Eyeglasses, ’’ and has been favorably known to the public for more than thirty years. As one of the leading optical establishments it has a reputation throughout the Uuited States. Any statement made by this old and responsible concern may be entirely relied upon. Per sons alllicted with defective vision or eye trouble in any form, would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity to consult a strictly tirst-class optician. Arch Daley, who lives near the army post, was tried before Judge Foster Monday on a writ of lunacy, but following the evidence was dis charged by the ordinary. It is un derstood that another trial will be held at Rossville on Nov. 2nd, when a jury will be empanelled to decide the question of Mr. Dalev’s sanity. Doubt as to Mr. Daley’s sanity was aroused last week, when it is stated that he twice attempted to set his residence on lire. Mr. Daley ap peared perfectly rational at his trial Monday and explained to the ordi nary that his actions were due to the elTect of medicine which he had taken to relieve a severe headache. With the idea of having a large number of stores and residences wired fore ectric lights by the time the city's electric light plant is com pleted and ready for operation, the city council has employed R. B Wicker, an electrician, of Rome, to do wirin t for any citizens of the town. Tne city will do the work at cost plus ten per cent, the ten per cent being added to cover freight, storage and breakage, so it will be seen that people of the town can have wiriug done practically at cost It is hoped that the people of the town who have decided upon the in stallation of electric lights will at once give their order to Mr. Wicker, so that he van have a large number of jobs completed by the time the current is turned on. The fine weather during this month has greatly aided the con tractors in rushing work upon the waterworks and electric light sys tems. The reservoir was completed last week and this week the finishing touches are being put on the power house at the spring November 15th is the date now fixed by the con tractors wtieu they will have every detail finished and the plants ready for steady oieral : cn. Save Money Take advantage of the low prices. See our exhibition df magnificent A x A styles in I Millinery Suits > Military Capes »Milrl Skirts i/11118 /A&ists ''f l-VrWl ■ and a " tf,e nove,ties a,ul accessories far riir THi ■ to mi,Hd >’ B drtsß * W in 1 | We are also prepared to fit up all f /ill I ill ,e children. Mil iH 1 Come to see us and make this headquarters wlien in the city. MISS BERNICE STEPHENSON, Trimmer MRS. ANNIE CULBERSON, Assistant MIS 3 BERTHA TYNER, Saleslady Mrs. C. F. Linn t ■ , j ROBBERY In Drug Store Prices No More The small child Can tigurc the difference Between 75c and 85c and One Dollar This is what it used to be One Hollar, no less; thin k back. You can remember Years Back W. F. Wesenberg, who now owns the Rossvillc Drug Co.; originated Living Prices on drugs and promised Chattanoo ga and Worth Georgia that he would be their friend das He Kept His Promise? Think of the old prices; then what you now pay— Don’t this say—Yes? Don’t 2 plus 2 make 4? Wesenberg’s Rossville Drug Co. [new] Phones 288 and 4021 Living prices here —just same as at any of my Other Stores “Hitch Your Horse With Us.” Rev. 0. M. Ponder, pastor of the Chickamauga charge, has been compelled to give up hia pastoral work on account of ill health, leav ing Monday for a short stay at his honje near Newnan. Later he will enter a sanitarium at Peachtree Heights, where be will spend two months before resuming conference work.