Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 28, 1910, Image 9

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820 MARKT T. FARRAR SHOE CO. Chattanooga . . Tenn. FITTERS OF THE FEET The time has passed when customers would come in and call for a pair of shoes, size 6 on E last or D last. •We are fully prepared to meet and supply the demands of the public in all sizes, all widths, from tripple “A” lasts to C and D lasts. Do you know that not one person in 500 should wear a shoe on an E last? Short wide shoes are injurious to your feet, causing corns and bitnions, that often you never get rid of. “Courtesy and Honesty” our motto The well known line, “Drew Selby” for Ladies The Celebrated “Hanan” for Men se vSu u r s FARRAR SHOE CO. MAILORDERS I Hllllnll UIIUL. UUI to Over SIO.OO. CORINTH Lots of Moving for This Fall —A Well Trained Sing ing Class LaFayette, Rfd. 2, Oct. 26.—N0 sickness to report this week and as Tom Morton used to say, everything is lovely and the goose hangs high. Cotton picking is the order of tke day out in the sticks. If this fine spell of weather would continue for ten days longer cotton would he almost all open. We are all looking forward to the fair and expecting a nice time look ing at the exhibits and meeting with our friends from different parts of the county. Willie Hegwood and W. Fletcher, of Concord, were here „ Monday on business. Arthur Harmon, of LaFayette, came out one day last week and traded W. P. Ilegwood out of his pair of match horses Van Wheeler attended the fair at Bummerville last week. Prof. Ralph Deck and Crawford Keown, of LaFayette, passed by our place of business Sunday night be tween 11 and 12 o’clock on their wa 7 back home. Ralph called for me as he passed by but I did not under stand what he said, but I think he said that he wanted to get home and take in his smokehouse for fear it got frost-bit. Miss Jamie Moore bad as her guests Sunday Misses Mattie and Ora Parker and Clemmie Roberts, of Cane Creek. Mrs. Nancy Langford and daughter, Maggie, were guests of Mrs. Maggie Moore Sunday night. Bro. John C. Jones, of Tunnel Hill, began a meeting at Lee school house Oct. 19 and preached until Sunday night, 23rd, when the meet ing came to a close. There was good interest in these meetings that were conducted by Bro. Hall and Jones; large congregations and fine sing ing. They have tbe best singing class at Lee school house that I know of anywhere in the county. They are trained to sing without an organ. There will be lots of moving around in the sticks this fall; some coming in and others going oht. LaFayette Duncan is remodelling and rebuilding his house. It is said by his carpenters that he will have an excellent mansion when fin ished. SUBSCRIBER. LETTER TO J. W. BALE LaFayette, Qa. Dear Sir: Here’s a mail order paint —there are several such —45 per cent of its solid part is barytes and whiting, and 35 per cent of its oil is benzine and water; the rest is zinc, lead and oil. Barytes, whiting benzine and wa ter have nothing to do with paint, except to make more gallons for victims to buy at $5 a gallon put on. $5 a gallon put-on will buy the best paint there in the world; here’s a paint, about half neither pigment I nor oil, imposed on the unsuspect ! ing. What is the r»raed>? What is the victim to 00? D 1 you favor a pure paint law in your State? North Dakota has lately passed such a law; it is worth, we presume, $5 a year to the average man. W’hat is wanted, of courae, is paint of such strength that 10 gallons will do a 10 gallon job and wear a long time. Devoe is that paint. Bhould counter |f»i's be put-down by law? Yours truly, 95 F W DEVOE & CO. P S Deek & Deck sell our paint. Sweater Coats- RIGHT FROM THE FASHION CENTER— New York We want you to see ’em—you’ll like 'em alright, alight. BrcSj Walker County Messenger, October 28, 1910 WOULD MAKE SONS HONORARY MEMBERS Columbus, Ga. —When the general confederate reunion is held at Little Rock next year the Georgia division will make the suggestion that steps be taken looking to the amendment of the constitution of the organiza tion so that sons of veterans can be come hoaorary members. In this way, it is believed, new life and en thusiasm will be injected into the ranks of the sons of Confederate Veterans, and at the same time the present camp organizations will be kept intact, the sons gradually taking the places of their fathers, so that when the last of the old soldiers shall have passed away the camps will continue in existence, fully or gauized and in smooth working or der, with the one mission of keeping alive the traditions of the confeder acy. This step will be taken by the Eyes Tested Free Special Announcement For The PEOPLE’S STORE I have bought a large line of Optical Goods, such as Spectacles and Eye Glasses, and have engaged one of the best state registered Opti cians for the benefit of the people of LaFayette and Walker county for testing and correcting all errors of refraction For One Week Beginning Thursday, Oct. 27th And Ending Wednesday, Nov. 2nd Those who are troubled with defective eyes are requested to call at my store and have your eyes tested Free of Charge. Price for glasses within the reach of all. Specials ZETox* TZtxe ZE^ad-x* Ladies’ all wool Sweaters, all colors, red,4 QQ Ladies’and men’s 10 cent Handkerchiefs OCp gray and blue, $3 value 7 for Cheaper grade ladies’ Sweaters, worth fiOf* Bi K ,ot of ladies’ Underwear, Children’s SI.OO and 1.50 Union Suits, Men’s Underwear will be Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, sold at great reduction. 33ft discount on regular prices. Over.ll., .pecUl, value sl.lO 79 C Big lot men’s Clothing will be sold for hOc on the dollar. 50 and 75c Dishes Free to all customers who ' SPECIAL trade $3 worth and over during Fair. Red Wrapper Soap, 7 bars for First Patent Hour, 100 pounds $2.85 Only to 1 customer Old Ladies’ Comforts, $1.50 value.., 99c 2 boxes Capital Matches 7c Great Bargains in Every Line. Don’t Miss It. Everything For Your Benefit. Ask For Prices and Presents WATCH OTZTZR -A.ZD ZDTIEIXZT "W~ZE3ZE3ZKZ THE PEOPLE’S STORE Next to First Nat. Banh LaFayette, Georgia Georgia division as a result of action at the closing session last Thursday, following addresses by Charles Har per, of Rome, state commander of the Sons of Veterans, and John W. Bale, of LaFa ette, commander of John R. Gordon camp of the sons of Veterans it that | lace. Commander Harper made his annual report to the veterans association and appeal ed to them for assistance in organ izing camps of sons of veterans and in encouraging the young men to at tend the meetings. Mr. Bale, who is solicitor general of the Rome circuit, made a really eloquent appeal in behalf of the sons of veterans, lie urged the camps of sons of veterans to build monuments to the women of the confederacy, for he pointed out that i when engaged in such laudable un dertakings as this the enthusiasm of the members is kept at a high pitch and they can accomplish wonders. A resolution was offered and a opted immediately after Mr. Bales’ peeoh, stating that it was the sense of the Georgia division that the necessity for such amendment to the constitution should be stressed at the general reunion at Little Rock next year. EARLY IMPRESSIONS LINGER LON6EST Teach your children the splendid accomplishment of memorizing, and at the same time instill into their young, impressionable minds, un consciously, an idea of the import ance of saving their dimes and dol lars, by requiring them to committ to memory and repeat to you each week, the pointed and attractive sayings on this subject, to be found in the ads of the Bank of LaFayette, one of which appears in this is sue. The impressions made, may exert a powerful influence for good in after life. The truths pointed ,<>ut in these weekly ads will be apparent to all. Read them. Notice to Sohool Matrons Annual election of school trustees for every school district in county will be held on Friday, Nov. 25. C. M. CONLEY, C. 8. C. Get Married Young folks- get Married If you knew of the handsome new Toilet Sets that w« have, one of which you might g-t -s a wedding present you would run the "awful risk." “Get Married." fJrclj