Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, November 11, 1910, Image 1

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COTOTN 14 l-8c THURSDAY VOLUME XXXIV—NO. 45 * PROMISING LIFE ENDED 1Y TYPHOID :- • « Death Claims Miss Annie Ruth Center Friday Night —Funeral Sunday Miss Annie Ruth Center, aged 17, ■daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Center, died Friday night at mid night at the family residence, follow ing an illness of less than three weeks duration. Death was due to typhoid fever, the disease beiDg of a very malignant form, and from al most the first leaving but little hope of the patient’s recovery. Rarely has any death in LaFay ette been so universally deplored. Possessing a beautiful character, the idol of her parents, a sweet and gra ins <jgirl—truly, death found a shining mark in Annie Ruth Cen ter. The funeral was held from the Baptist church Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, Rev. H. S. Smith, her pas tor, who received her into the Metho dist church four years ago, conduct ing the sad service. A quartet sang a number of selections, while at the 4 rave a beautiful song was sung by ■ the young ladies of the Philathea -class of the Methodist Sunday school, -of which Miss Annie Ruth was a member. The pallbearers were classmates in the public school— Tom Patton, Julias Underwood, Roy Lowe, Clifford Ball, Wert Garmany and Aylsie Sparks. Her parents and three brothers and two sisters survive her. WARREN LaFayette, Rfd. 1, Nov. 9.—Robt. fillers has sold his farm to J. W. Perry, of Calhoun. J. E. Thomas will soon move to Cherokee county, Ala., having bought a farm there. Mr. Painter will soon leave for Oklahoma to make that his home. Ollie Johnson is spending some time in Whitfield county. Mrs W. T. Scates visited her father at Trion last week. Charley Loyd and Miss Della Moreland were quietly married re cently. Mr. Charley has won the model little girl in these diggins and we hope for them a long and happy life. Miss Bertha Leath and Miss D. Rosser were visiting Miss Ora John son Sunday. T. P. Batten is about to close a deal for a farm here. C. W. Hill is digging a well for Warren school, something long needed. We understand Prof. Julian Size more will take the school for next vear. Don’t know who the assistant will be. Well, we failed to have any cor respondents' picnic, as we think, on the account of not starting soon enough. Maybe our editor will do as well as Editor Shope, of the Dal ton Citizen. They failed to nave their 'nic and he set them a nice dinner under the rules of close com inunion. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rhndy spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents near Naomi. Hello, Susaner. you may get over what Subscriber did for you, but how will you look! Henry Johnson is on his way to the Philippine Islands. FIBHERMAN. Lodge Meeting a Regular communicatirn of Western Lodge, No. 91, & A M , will be held Saturday night, 12th. All visiting brethren cordially invited to meet with us. W J BBATTUCK. W. M J, H. HAMMOND, Sec. Walker County Messenger YILLANOW VOTES NOV. 24 WARREN ELECTION NOV. 25 The Messenger was in error last week in stating that the no-fence election in East Armaches district would be held Friday, Nov. 25tb. The date for the East Armucbee election is Thursday, Nov. 24th. The error was made by Judge Foster, who confased the dates of the Villanow election and the election in Warren district to determine whether local taxation for public schools shall be continued, which will bA held Friday, Novem ber 25 th. Warren district has had local taxation for schools for the past three years and the law provides that after three years trial it can be discontinued if two-thirds of the citizens so vote. A petition was presented Judge Foster praying for such an election and he fixed the date as November 25th. LEE & GORDON’S MILL Roseville, Rfd. 2, Nov. 9—After an absence of several weeks we will take up our pen again, although our pen is rusty and oar knuckles stiff, but as we scan the pages o’er and see none of the happenings of onr town, then we will try to wake up. Cotton kicking is about over and has made a very average yield. People are also quitting corn which is very good this year in this vicinity Everybody seems to have plenty it seems, for one of our neighbors has tried to get people to haul his corn on the halves, but no, they had enoqgh. No room for any more. Titos. Christian spent a few days last week with his uncle at Villa now. C. C. Hullander has been suffer ing considerably with rheumatism and neuralgia. Saturday night we were attending the box supper at Cenchat. Tbe proceed went to the orphans’ home. While we were over there we noticed that John Oltorf will have a wedding to announce before long, for I saw Jesse Williams swinging chlico. It might have been his sister or some of his neighbors, but he bad a wo man all the same. We were indeed sorry to hear of the death of our friend, Frank Loner, of Rock Spring. We extend conso lations to the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith went to Chattanooga Saturday shopping. Mrs R. R. Shaver and son, Llano, are spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Irena Massey, of Dry Valley. Mr Saunders has moved into his n6w house and again he feels at home. Hon. Leander Nix and family, of Dalton, came up Sunday to visit relatives. He reports good crops in that section and seems to like that part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shaver, of Lytle, were visiting their parents here Sunday. While out hunting one night last week Wm. Martain and others found a very large sow in an old well. She will weigh about 850 pounds and bas crop.off the right ear. Mr. Martin would like tbe owner to come and get her and pay expenses. Columbus Smith was in onr burg Sunday. Mrs. David Smith was visiting Mrs. J. W. Christian one day last j week. We noticed in last week's issue that we had snow before tbe first killing frost. Will say that tbe weather man has had things mixed up some for we bad frost several days before the snow anyway. All garden stuff killed about tbe 23rd or 24th. B. B. Pursley made a business LAFAYETTE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1910 DEMOCRACY SWEEPS COUNTRY Dii Elected in New York, Wilson in New Jersey, Foss in Massachusetts, Harmon in Ohio—Hooper Wins in Tennessee—Lee Has Walk-Over Democracy swept the country at the national election Tuesday, a ver itable landslide giving the Demo crats a majority in the next con gress. Democratic governors were elected in many of tbe doubtful - state*. Dix won out in New York with a plurality of 66,000; Woodrow Wilson carried New Jersey, Foss carried Massachusetts, while Harmon was victorious over his republican op ponent in Ohio. In Tennessee Bob Taylor, demo cratic candidate for Governor, was defeated by Hooper, fusion candi date, by a majority of 15,000. In tbe third congressional district of Tennessee Judge Moon was re elected to. congress, defeating his opponent by a large majority. GORDON LEE VINS ‘ EASILY OVER AKERMAN Gordon Lee won easily over Aker man, of Cartersville, his republican opponent, carrying 6very county of the district. Walker gave Lee a majority of 865, Mr. Lee receiving 1019 votes to 154 for Akerman. The vote by districts was as fol lows: , District Lee Akerman LaFayette 191 81 Kensington 70 2 Wilson 44 3 Cane Creek 26 4 Roseville 75 21 Lisbon 14 10 Chickamauga 162 9 West Armuchee 27 1 East Armuchee 67 8 Rock Spring 109 15 Cedar Grove 75 1 Chestnut Flat 38 20 Pond Spring 62 16 Chattanooga Valley 38 9 Mountain 31 4 Totals 1019 lIT Lee’s majority, 865 trip to Chattooga last week. No weddings to report, but Craton Archer says that he is half married —he has his consent, but not hers. Now if seme young lady wanted a good home there ia your chance for “Bub’s” not hard to please. Water has been so low that the millers haven’t had a good run in some time. Somehow, brothers, tbe paper seems lonesome and why is it? As I look over the pages and read the letters from the correspondents and note their breezy newa and ready wit it makes me feel sad when I don’t see anything from Cooper Heights where our brother and aged friend, A. F. Shaw, lived so long; somehow we catch ourselves looking for Uncle Arby’s letters. But it is no use; he has laid down his pen and gone on to that beautiful land where trials and troubles never come. Yet we cannot read his letters but we can think of the good advice that be has given us and maybe his words have not been in vain. Why can’t some one from Cooper Heights take up Bro. A. F.’s work and put us in some news once in awhile? As one of my neighbors is fixing to kill bogs I'll quit, for I cannot do anything if there'is any fresh meat around. JACK SLASHER. The vote over tbe district is given below: Lee Aksraun Lee's Maj. Catoosa 331 67 334 Chattooga 531 33S 333 Cordon 333 300 353 Murray 483 346 130 Whitfield 013 180 39) Walker 1019 134 883 Polk 498 160 338 Lads 183 83 130 Cobb 733 Bartow 148 Paulding 100 Floyd 945 104 841 Haralson (estimated) 130 Lee' majority in district T3R! HIGH POINT Thinks Corn Contest Accom plished Much For Walker —Farm Sold High Point, Nov. 9 —The late freeze completely annihilated the late cotton crop. Potatoes are not a full crop. Hurrah for the Walker county fair! Neighbor, did you know that the corn contest of the Walker coun ty boys increased tbe value of tax able property of Walker county a million dollars? Think of growing from 112 to 141 bushels of corn on an acre that formerly produced from 20 to 30 bushels! There are thou sands of acreß of land in Walker oounty infested with weeds and briars that are susceptible of being brought into this wonderful state of fertility and productiveness as the acres cultivated by the plucky Wal ker county boys who entered the contest this year. All honor to tbe public-spirited men of Walker who offered prizes to stimulate the boys in their effort in giving us an ocular demonstration of what tbe ge aero us soil has in it s a reward for the earnest, intelligent, branze-faced plow boy. Stick to it, boys, you are on tbe highway that leads to the summit of independence. Mrs. Sberwin has returned from an extended visit to her children and friends in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, of Battle Creek, Mich., are spending the sea son with Mr. and Mrs. Sberwin. We spent a few hours pleasantly Sunday afternoon with this genial, clever family. We have sold our fruit farm to C. H. Ellingwood, of Chattanooga. Mr. Ellingwood will iooate here. We predict for him abundant suc cess. We are married to Walker county and the clever people who make her citizenship. We will con tinue to roost somewhere about here aod when life's toils shall end, we will rest beneath the sod of Walker county. Somebody tell us—is it the in trinsic or commercial value of the little feathered tribe or is it to satis fy a morbid thirst for the blood of tbe poor little inoffensive quail that brings out to the country the army of men and boys, regular travelling arsenals, to shoot, cripple and kill, until tbe whole feathered tribe is completely annihilated. Boys, do stop and think one moment. Turn the muzzle of your gun to tbe ground: go home a better man or boy and let the birds alone. OBSCURITY. Notice to School Patrons Annual election of school trustees for every school district in county will be held on Friday, Nov. 25. C M. CONLEY, 7 c.s. c. ELECTRIC LIGHTS BY THE 15TH-0R 20TH Bplendid progress is now being made on the waterworks and elec tric light plants by the contractors aod indications now point to elec tric lights being on by tbe 15th, or by the 2<Hh at least. Work on the waterworks system is somewhat be hind the eleetric light ayatem and it will be some later before the water works will be in operation. The matter of selecting a super intendent for the plants will not be settled until next month and it is now thought that tbe superintendent will be named by a joint meeting of the old council and the new mem bers to be named at tbe election in December. A representative of the J. B. McCrary Co. will be in charge of the plants until the first of Janu ary, when it is thought the superin tendent will take charge. REV. H. S. SMITH'S LAST APPOINTMENT At LaFayette Sunday—Dom ing Conference Will As sign Him To New Field —»I I II I ■* W §* ‘ Rev. H. S. Smith, the beloved pastor of the Methodist church, after four years faithful will bid adieu to LaFayette next" Tuesday, when ho leaves to attend the annual conference at Athens. ~ Sunday morning and night he will preach at tbe Methodist church, these appoint ments being the last services he will conduct here for tbe year, It is doubtful if the town has ever had a more universally popular pas tor and splendid congregations will heaf his two sermons Sunday. 1 Having served the local church for four years, under the rule of the church Mr. Smith will be assigned a new field by the coming. confer ence. lie will leave Tuesday for Athens, and will not return to La- Fayette after conference, going di rect to bis new work. Mrs. Smith will also leave Tuesday, going on for a visit to relatives in Middle Geor gia while conference is in ses sion. TRANS Trans, Nov. 9.—School has opened up at this place with Prof. G. P. Hunt aa teacher. Let everybody send to school and have a school that East Armuchee will be proud of. Our singing at East Armucbee was a success Sunday. Concord singing class have de cided to have a singing next regular singing day in "Winning Voices” song book. Everybody invited to come and bring your book. Don’t forget the time, every fourth Sunday evening. L. H. Price ia going to make some additions to his residence. Tbe many friends of Mrs. Ruben Keith will be sorry to hear that she is very sick at this writing. Mrs. B. F. Hunt aod daughter, Lucile, are spending a few days at Rome this week. Elija Robbs, a colored man of this place, bad tbe misfortune to lose his house by fire last week, He was not at home at tbe time and every- I thing he-had was burned. He will I greatly appreciate anything uny body | will give him. Grady Kinsey and Otto Morgan of ConOord, are attending school | here. j Billy Clements says he is getting ! tired of running foot loose and be :is going to try to get him a boss, : see. Guess who? ME AND YOU. For B*fo—Good sow, fresh.—M. P, Orr, LaFayette, Kfd. 5. ONB DOLLAR PER YEAR BURGLARS INFEST THIS B Foster im atuiiuw ur oiaiE Local Stores and Postoffioe At Summerville Entered —Ohickamauga Visited A gang of burglars infest this sec tion of the state and during the past week a number of hauls bare been made. Last week the postoffioe at Summerville was burglarized, Satur day night two La Fayette stores were entered, Sunday night the local postoffice, while Monday night three of the Chickamauga stores were robbed. A good haul was made at Sam - merville, SB2-63 in cash being se cured by the robbers. The post office safe was blown open and while several Summerville people heard the explosion, they had no idea safe blowers were at work. The LaFayette stores entered Sat urday night were Deck & Deck and Nash & Lowe, about $25 or S3O in merchandise being taken from each store. At Deck's entrance was affected by breaking a transom over the rear An automatic revolver, sev eral knives, safety razors and other articles, amounting in value to about $25 were missed. The burglar entered Nash A Lowe b* using a ladder to reach a rear window. Two Buits of clothes were mused as well as smaller items, a mouniing to about S3O. flunday night the local postoffice was entered, the burglar making a wateriptal this time, hpwever. No clue has been secured to any of loeal robberies. Chickamauga Store* Entsntf Monday night burglars entered three stores at CbiokamSUgS, the Henderson Hardware On., Elder's Drug Store aud J. L. Moore's, tak ing considerable merchandise from each store. Dogs were secured from Chatta nooga and placed on the trail Tues day morning. The dogs went to the house occupied by Sam Osborne A search warrant was sworn oat against Mr. Osborne, who works at the bleachery, but none of the miss ing articles was found at tbe boose. No credence is placed in tbe work of the dogs, as Mr. Osborne was at Wallaceviile Monday night with a sick relative. ~~CATLETT Many People Hauling Their Drinking Water In the RMges Rock Spring. Rfd. 1, Nov. B. Well, news is scarce in and aronnd Catlett, all except people visiting and that is very poor news. Esq. H. S. Cordell has been right sick the past week but is better st present. R. H. Wilboit is right sick. Mrs. A. 11. Cooper had one of her bad spells last week but she is better. Mrs. F. D. West is very sick at present. People are about done gathering corn in this section. The people are having to set up with Qordou Williams these days; it's a big girl. Thomas Williams, son of Henry Williams, moved last week to Chat tanooga, where be has a position with the street car company. Well we hope before this goes into print that our Qordou will k<e elected. There will be a small vote cast at Catlett from what I can bear. Water is getting low in tbe ridges. Some are having to haul their driuk ing water. ROY. Lame back comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the muscles Quick relief is afforded by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Sold by, all druggists. * 4 10 Pages THIS WEEK