Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, April 12, 1912, Image 2

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WiiLKtR COUNIY MESSENGER ESTABLISHED 1877 ■■■ ■ 111 I " Official Newspaper ot the County Published Every Frldav —BY— GKOROK M. NAPIKK (For th« Napier Estate) N. C. NAPIKK iCuITOH AMl»!.Vt*N*«m« Subscription Kates One Vi*r « 00 Six Mini Mi rbrae Months.. ** ANNOUNCEMENTS For Ordinary I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Ordinary of Walker connty. subject to the primary of May Ist. I all all deeply appreciate the support of every voter aud if honored with election pledge the people my best efforts to give them a satisfactory administration of tbis important office. E. P. HALL. To The Domoorat'.o rotors of Walker eouui.y: 1 take this means of announcing my self as a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordinary of Walker conn ty. I appreciate she honor the people hare shown me in the past and have tried to discharge the duties of this oltioe w th fidelity to all the people. 1 will appreciate the support of every voter. Subject to primary of May Ist. E FOSTER. For Clerk To the voters of Walker county: I announce myself a candidaie for re electlou as olerk superior oourt of said county and aak the support of my fneudis Subject to action of county primary. R. N. DICKERSON. For Sheriff I hereby annonnee my candidacy for th office of sheriff, subject to primary of May Ist, aud respectfully solicit the support of the voters of the county. A. G. OATUON. For Tex Collector To the Voters of Walker County: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for re eleotiou to the office of Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary if one is held. I solicit the support of every voter and if again honored with this of fice pledge my best effort! to faithfally discharge its duties. ROBT. MARTIN. For Tax Receiver Mr. Ezell's card follows: To the Voters of Walker county: I aiu a candidate lor re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the primary of May Ist, and will appreciate the support of every voter. If re-eleoted Lpiedge a faithful performance of the duties of this office. C. B. EZELL. For Treasurer To the Voters of Walker County: I hereliv announce myself as a candidate fur the office of County Treasurer, sub ject to the county primary election. 1 respectfollv solicit the support of every voter aud if elected pledge my best es fm ts 111 the performance of the duties of the office. W. C. GREENE To the Voters of Walker County; I heieby announce my candidacy lor the office of Oouutry Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary, and respect fully solicit your support «t the polls. L. S. MOWHORIER. To the Voters of Walker County:! hereby aiiuounoe my candidacy for the office of County T.easurer, eubjyot to primary of May Ist. I respectfully soli cit the support of my fellow citizens. O. O. BOSS. To the Voters of Walker Connty: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer and solicit the support of every voter, pledg ing myself, if elected, to faithfully dis •ha’-ge the duties of the office. Subject to the, Democratic primary, if one is held. h. l. forester. To the Voters ts Wslker county: I hereby auuonnoe my csudidacy for the office of county treasurer, subject tothe action of the primary of Mav Ist. I will appreciate the supi<ort ot the voters at the coming primary. W. J. ARNOLD. I am a candidate for the office of rouufy treasurer, subject to the Demo cratic primary of May Ist, and will greatly appreciate your support at the polls. I am not able to do physical labor aud the gift of this office at the hands of the people of (he county w ould be a boon which 1 would nlwavs appreciate. H. E. LEIGH. Howdy, Mr. Candidate' L«*t call for the Corn Club boys. LaFayette should have a Clean Up day. The Corn Club ia a real honor roll of ambitious boys. The cattle-tick proposition now aeems up to I)ade. LaFayette has enjoyed its annual visit from the county teacher*. Dalton’* judicial timber doe* uot get much of au opportunity to grow off well in the Cherokee. Dalton lawyer* want to set out iu the sun-, shine of another circuit. • • I A Dividend Earner The report of the receiver of the Trion Manufacturing Company for the first three months that the mill had been in operation under bis direction showed the remarkable net' earning* of $43,000 for the mill and $4,000 for the store. This i* at the rate of net for a year and illustrate* the won derful earning capacity of the Tfioft point as well a* the favorable oAndi>* ten* under which the cotton mill* of the country are now operating. f 11 With such potential earning power it seem* regrettable that bocm ar rangement cannot be made whereby this great property cannot be eaved to the stockholder* of the plant: » ■ 1 ' t ' V , 1 The people of the copoty expect every road overseer to c|o hi* fluty- The county commissioners are issuing a fair warning to the road overseers. The city council is on the right track—giving a discount to the citi zen who pays bis tax promptly. The members o' the county board say it is easy to get the people to talk good roads but it is bard to get them to do good road work. Dalton people are agitating the new circuit of Walker, Dade, Ca toosa and Whitfield. We wonder if they really think the Cherokee circuit is too large or if they are not merely desirous of getting away from J ndge Fite. M. C. Tarver, Whitfield’s repre sentative, announces that he wants the dug tax act repealed. The legislators at their coming session will proceed to kick the bound dog around. There is this much about: if the legislators do not repeal that aw soon, all the dogs in Georgia will soon be dead, as far as the tax lists are concerned. NEGRO DELEGATES ARE FOR ROOSEVELT The first steps toward building up a white lepublican party in the Seventh congressional district were taken last Thursday afternoon in Rome when the congressional con vention departed from the old rule of one white and one black delegate, and elected J. I’. Dyer, of Adairs ville, and L. H. Crawford, of Dal top, both whites, as delegates to the national convention. Robert Jones, of Roseville, and A. N. Tumlin, of Cave Springs, were named as alter nates, and th 6 two votes will be cast for Taft. lacensed at this denial of recognition, negro delegates, fifteen in number, bolted the convention aud held a convention of their own in the other end of the hall, amid a pandemonium of confusion. This oolvention named A. T. Atwater, of Floyd, and S. E. Thompson, of Cobb, both negroes, as delegates to Chicago, and instructed for Roose velt. They will send a contesting delegation to the national convention. White leaders of the party declare they are through with the negro, and will build up a white party in north Georgia. MARIINDALE ~ Last Week'* Letter. Tbis section was visited] last Tburday aud Thursday night by the hardest rain that we have had in many years. The Chattooga creek was the highest it has been in about 25 years, doing considerable damage to fence* and land. Both ends of the bridge recently built hero by the county, consisting of wood frame work, was washed away. It was al most ready for use, but it will be tome time now before it can be used. The box supper at Ridgeway Fri day night was a success, a nice sum of money being raised for the church; didn't learn the exact amount. Mis* Lillie Boyles, of Ridgeway, wou the largest vote in the contest a* being the handsomest lady be tween Ridgeway and Welcome Hill. I’rof. J. B. Davis’ school at Ridge- Walker ixmijiy Messenger, April 12, lvi2 way will close Friday night with an exhibition. Alias Nannie Littlejohn is indis posed at this writing. Rev. W. T. .Brown remains right feeble. . . > E. Brown is on the sick list again,.. * ■ LONG BOY. WALLACEVILLE )<*! i*.-; K sir.- l4»Ht Weyk> Letter There are several cases of the measles through here. Mrs. Olive Child teas has been very low with them, but she is improving to the fleljgbt of.her friends. There*wi4 be a memorial service 4t the, Wallaceville church the third and ay in April of Mrs. Susan Hixon, mother) dl Airs. W. L. Bradley. Ii will be conducted by Rev. B. F. Allen and C. B. McFarland, APPLE BLOSSOM. VILLANOW Last Week’s Letter A number from here attended the Sunday school convention at Wood Station Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to report that the Sunday schools of East Armucbee are doiog some fine work, if the people will just attend regularly. Mack Raine., who has been at tending school at Menlo, is at home for the summer vacation. Grandma McArthur is very sick at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery. The singing given by W. F. Heg wood Sunday night was erjoyed uy all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hatfield and daughter, Mary, ts the Cove, were tbe week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Griffith. Everyone is cordially invited to at'end the singing at East Armuchee Sunday, for they are expecting to have their new organ by then. LEAP YEAR GIRLS. Friday Dickens' Lucky Cay. Charles Dickens was not one of those who are superstitious concern ing Friday. It was on Friday that many of the good things came to him, and it was on that day that ho enter ed upon, paid tko price and took pos session of Gads Mill, the one thing he cherished more than all of his oth er possessions. It was Gads Hill thut he had gazed upon when a wee bit of a boy, with a hope then giving little signs of fruition, that ho might live to own it some day; and It was Gads Hill whose walls he, covered with mir rors in almost Oriental magninceuce. —''os oc-rd. Life’s Two Classes. The world Is divided into two great classes, yourself and other people. The latter is mere numerous anu the former more Important. j® Y. C. Russell hP /Ik Jjß land all over \mmr thecoiintry. I | Delta Land a NFW-#• lIL If QUALITY. iHOME WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you pmvhaae the NKW HOMK you will ha\ 6 a lift* ilwl ml the price you pay, ami wiU uot have an < mlUwa chain of rvpain. 4f. i . - ' -J ■©■ Quality IL-*’ wl k as the H in the end to buy. If y«ai want a sewing wrjAMk li, pulelpsH} Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of II ij Sip, Ky., writes: “I was It ■ so sick for 3 or 4 years, U fj I had to hire my work K |1 done, most of the time. R ■ I had given up hope. When i| 13 1 began to take Cardui, I |9 knew, right away, it was j| il helping me. Now, 1 am Irl J 8 better than ever before in I ' M my life, and Cardui did it" || IZCARDUI The Woman’s Tonic j§§ Cardui has helped thous- I I ands of weak, tired, worn- H ■ out women, back to health, If m It has a gentle, tonic ac- ■ ■ tion on the womanly sys- Es m tem. It goes to the cause I I of the trouble. It helps, it p ij helps quickly, surely, safe- p fl ly. It has helped others. II H Why not you? It will. B Ej Try it Get a bottle today 1 I £}r. J. M. Underwood LaFayette, Oa. Office in Bank of LiFayette Bdg. PAUL D. WRIGHT Attorney-at-Law LaFaybttb, - - - Georgia Office in Farias Bnilding. Prompt attention given to all business. OSCAR N. CHAMBERS Attoeney-at-Law (Notary Public) Offloe over poetothce and drag store Phone Main 990 Kossvllle, Oa. H. P. LUMPKIN Attorney-at-Law Offloe in Bank of LaFayette Bnilding LaFayette, Oa. Will practice in all the courtß—State and Federal. D. F. Pope Attoeney-at-Law LaFayette, Georgia Office in Bank of LaFayette Bnilding Will negotiate lioans on Farm Lands Will secure funds to build von a home. Sari Jackson Attorney - at- Law, LaFayette, Ga. Practices in all the coarts, Offio. a Jackson bnilding. Chas. Robert Jones ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Koksvili.k, Ga. Will practice in ali the Courts o' jeorgia and Tennessee. J. E. Rosser ATTORNEY-AT LAW LaFayette, Ua. Office in Jackson building. Collection. A specialty. Jas. P. Shattuck ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LaFayette, Ga Prompt attention given ail bus inees entrusted to his care. Os Hoe in Bank Building. Dr. Shannon P. Warrenlells DENTIST Room 811, Bth floor Hamilton Natl. Bank Bldg. Chattanooga, Tenn. Branoh office open Saturday’s only at Chickamanga. Ga. ~ FARM LOANS For $ 1000,00 and over, promptly negotiated. No red tape Apply to Lipscomb. Willingham & W right; Attorneys-at-Law l-S-S-4-6-6-7 Clark Bldg., Rome, Ga WANTED—AGTIVE MAN W EACH LOCALITY To Join this Society. Sick, accident , death benefits. And Introduce our Memberships. Ail or spare time. SSO to S3OO a month. Every Member se cured gives you a steady monthly in line Experience not needed. Write SL' plans. Box HJ-293, Covington, Ky. ••VARNELL SELLS IT CHLAPLK” = Rubber Roofing Let us show you our roofing and give you our figures. I 5 You can cover your house or barn at 7 » a small cost s 5 Ask For Samples *= VARNELL HARDWARE COMPANY ? = Corner Main Street and Rossville Avenue, Chattanooga, Tenn. ‘‘VARNELL SELLS IT CHEAPER” American Field Fencing 2222222222222 S4l inch fabric 21-4 mesh 12c It. “ 35 inch fabric 21-4 mesh 11c It. . nch jfo J{ ( All kinds of Iron and Wire Fencing and Gates " for all purposes; also — Sharpies Separators and Cycle Hatchers. T. W. BROWN & BRO. T5 7 *'■ 1135 Market[St. Chattanooga, Tenn. Tax IST otice. I will be at tbe following places on the dates named, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., for tbe purpose of receiving tax returns for 1912: Chestnut Flat April 1, 29, May 21 Villanow “ 2, 30, “ 22 BGreen Bush “ 5, “ 1, 23 Cane Creek “ 8, “ 2, 24 Wilson “ 9, “ 3, 31 Cedar Grove “ 10, “ 16, 30 Pond Spring “ 12, “ 14, 27 Rock Spriug “ 15, “ 16, 20 Chickamauga “ 16, “ 6, June 3 Rossville “ 17, “ 7, “4 Flintstone “ 18, “ 8, “ 5 High Point “ 19, “ 10, “ 6 Mountain “ 24, “ 9, May 28 Kensington “ 22. “ 15, “ 29 LaFayette “ 20, “ 4, June 12, 13, 14,15 Zone, April 3am Furnace p m Reo, “ 4am Trans p m James Coulter’s “ 11 Win. Hixon’s. April 25 Pipe Works “ 26 a m Mission Ridge p m Lytle “ 27 a m VVolmceville p m Cassandra “ 23 a m Cooper Heights p m Noble May 17 a m Naomi June Tam Bronco June 10 a m Harrisburg p m All parties failing to make returns as provided by law will be double taxed. This Marco 18, 1912. C. B. EZELL. T. E. W. C. We Refund Your Tuition We do not guarantee positions, and no responsible scEool does, but if we cannot secure you a position within two wteks after graduation, we will return your tuition. The great demand for our students enables ua o do this without fear of loss. Our 26th Year Opens September 1,1911 Write For Full Information WILEY’S Mt. City Business COLLEGE Cor. E. Bth St. and Ga. Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Nervous, Chronic and Special Diseases Scien" tiflcally Treated by a Specialist of experience. DR. ALEXANDER M. STUART Is in Chattanooga to Stay If afflicted with a disease which is included in Dr. Stuart’s specialty, he will gladly make a thoiough painstak ing examination free in each call that will call. L'r. Stuart deals with his patients in an npright, honest, legitimate way which always creates confidence from beginning. His charges are always reasonable and terms satisfactory. If ed icines carefully prepared and furnished free in each case accepted; his office is equipped thoroughly, modem electrical appliances, nebulizers, high frequencies, diagnostic outfit whereby a thorough examination is made in various parts of the body. Dr. Stuart keep* strictly abreast with the times, and offers all modern new discoveries to his patients. If afflicted and tired of experimenting with patent medicines, incompetant uiedica' aid. so called specialists, Dr. Stnart wants yonr case; He WiU Cure Yuu If He Tells You So. Dr. Stuart treats the following diseases: Piles (no knife) Rupture, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Nervousness, Weakness (male), Emissions, Private Diseases, SvpbUis, Old Sores, Kidney & Bladder, Catarrh, The Htomache, Wo- . men Diseases. all (ccrable) Nervous, Graduafe Maryland Sfedical College of Chronie.and Private Diseases. Baltimore, Md. 10 years experience Office hours Ba.m.to 7 p m. daily, Sundays 9:30 to Ip. m. only If interested l)r. Stuart will be glad to have you write him g.ving a full deacription of your case as it is today and he will write you giving such advice as possible. One visit in beginning is always necessary for office examination. It does not necesitate vour remaining in the city for treatment. I>r Alexander M. Stuart, Specialist, News Bldg., 2nd floor, (no elevator), opposite the postoffioe, Chattanooga, Tenn. Plume local and long distanoe 3306, SPECIALIST * Uar * suits a. a, s. s.-a ■«. tloos NSWS SUILO.NS (No Chattanooga, Tennessee *