Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, April 19, 1912, Image 8

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j THE GROWTH OF DEPOSITS g i■ 8 r Os this Bank proves that our depositors are forging ahead financially. J When you market your crops, stock or pro- p duce, bring your money right here and place it 'f l on deposit. j We will gladly issue, without charge, a pass S book and a check book, and welcome you into £ l our growing family of thriving depositors. 1 i There’s profit for you in an association with us. jj] | Tiie Hamilton j j Trust andSavingsJßank 3 Oor.lMarket and Main Sts. Chattanooga, Tenn. § Resources IJI- - $1,400,000.00 5 i exdL I WE BUY Southern Securities Let us know what you have for sale. BERDELL BROTHERS INVESTMENT SECURITIES 34 Pine Street NEW YORK CITY ■' TELEPHONE ISIS, IMS. 1714. 40U JOHN W. tp.ciaUa. in the con.truction and financing of Electric Railway, Watar Power and Lighting Companies. | “Our Personal Guarantee to all Skin Sufferers” Warthen’s Drug Store. We have been In business In this town for some time, and we are looking to Imlld up trade by always advising our patrons right. So when we tell you that wo have found the eczema remedy and that we xtund buck of It with the manufacturer's Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon It that we give our ndvlcc not In order to sell a few bottlea of medicine to skin snlTerprs, but be cause we know how It will help our business If we help our patrons. We keep In stork and sell, all the well known skin remedies. Hut we wtll say tills: If you are suffering from any kind of skin trouble, eczema, psoriasis, rash or tetter, we want you to try a full size bottle of I>. D. 1). Prescription. And, It it Uyv>f hut do the work, this Our incubator Cellars uow running. Capacity (>OOO eggs Hatches March !lOth, April 6th, 7th and nth and every three weeks ther, after during season. Baby chicks 25 s;i.6o, 50 fti.7s, 76 (li 60, 100 sl2 Kgas fur onto mg 11.50 per If, from llighOrale Bred-to- I.ay S. C. K. I Beds, Black Minorcan and White Leghorns Established 15 years. Catalogue free. Address, Poultry Department, Kensington Farm Kensington; Georgia BnnrnmnnmmnnnnninmnnmimmnnnnnmiHiiiHnim: I Help Wanted b i 5 We can give employment to 50 more B B 3 P Loopers, Knitters, Folders and Welt- 3 g ers. We especially desire Loopers and g B Welters. g I Richmond Hosiery Mills I B M. A. STOREY, Superintendent B B Rossville, Georgia. Two miles from Chattanooga, Tenn. B bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alon* to judge.. Again and again we have seen how a! few drops of this dimple wash applied to the skin, takes away the Itch. In* stantly. And the cures all seem to b« permanent. D. D. 11. Prescription made by the I). D. U. laboratories of Chicago, is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlntergreen and other healing, soothing, cooling Ingredients. And If you nra Just crazy with Itch, you will feel soothfed and cooled, the Itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this D. n. D. We have msds fast friends of mors than one family by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer hero and there and we want you to try It now uu our positive nu-pay guarantee. WALKER COUNTY MESSENGER, APRIL 19, 1912. ASSESSMENTS MADE ON CANDIDATES Three Members of County Executive Committee Meet in LaFayette Saturday to Make Arrangements For Coming Primary The special committee from the Democratic Executive committee of Walker county, consisting of Messrs. W. A. Wardlaw, R. L. McWhorter and I). N. Keown,met in LaFayette Saturday and fixed the assessments to be made on each candidate in the coming pri mary of May Ist. The committee ordered that all assessments must he paid to Chairman Wardlaw by Tuesday, April 23rd, to insure the name of the candidate going on the offi cial ballot. Candidates were assessed as fol lows: Clerk SIO.OO Ordinary 10.00 Collector 10.00 Sheriff 10.00 Tax Receiver 10.00 Treasurer ... 6.50 The committee figured that the above assessments would bring in a fund of $135. Out of this fund they will defray the expenses of having a good supply of tickets, returns, voters’ lists and tally sheets printed. They will also al low managers of the election $1.50 each, and $2 for bringing in the returns to the county site. They will also allow Rossville and La- Fayette $1 each for clerks. Sheriff’s Sale Georgia—'V alker County. Will be fold before the court house door in the town of LaFayette, in said county, to the highest bidder for cijrli, on the first Tuesday in May, next, within the legal hours of sale the following described property to-wit: One town lot in LaFayette, (la., and beginning in the center of creek north of Cove street and running west paral lel with said Cove street to railroad right-of-way, thence north along said railroad right-of-way to the hue of Low Clements, thence east to the creek, thence south with the creek to begin ning point. Levied on and to be sold as the property of P. C. Wardlaw bv vir tue of a fi. fa. issued from the Walker Superior Court, August Term. 1912, in favor of W. A. Wardlaw vs. the said P. C. Wardlaw. This March 22, 1912. A. G. CATRON, Sheriff. Letters of Guardianship Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in due form to have E. V. PI ess appointed guardian of Sam Barnett (Sharpe; and Joseph Barnett (Sharpe) minor children of Snsie Barnett, decea ed; notice is iiereby giveu that said ap plication will be passed upon at my ollice in LaFayette, said county, on the first Monday in May. next. Given under my hand and official signa ture. This Aor. 1, 1912. E. FOSTER, Ordinary. Letters of Guardianship Georgia—Walker County. Application having been made in due form to have J. H Fowler appointed guardian of the p rson and property of Nettie Pauline Russell, minor child of W. M. Russell, deceased; notice is here by giveu that l will pass upon said ap plication at my office in LaFayette. said county, on the .irst Monday in May next. This April 1, 1912. K. FOSTER, Ordinary. ASCALON Anniversary of Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox Recalled Ascnlon —Last Tuesday was the anniversary of the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox. We never think of this occasion with out being impressed with the loy alty and devotion of Gen. Lee to his soldiers and his soldiers to Gen. Lee. We are also reminded of that attempted farewell ad dress by Gen. Lee to his soldiers: “Men! We have gone through this struggle together. I have done the best I could for you.” Here Gen. Lee’s voice choked with e motion and tears rolled down his cheeks, while his stout-hearted brave heroes, loyal folowers for four long years, clad in their rag ged uniforms of gray, were seen to weep and to wipe away their tears with the sleeves of their short gray coats. Our heart swells with emotion, gratitude and admiration for all the heroes, living and dead of the “lost cause,” when we reflect on the sad scene at Appomattox. We are not unmindful of another golden hearted magnanimous hero, though the South’s most obsti nate foe, in the person of Gen. U. S. Grant. When the Union army began to cheer on hearing of Lee's surrender, Grant quickly gave orders to stop the cheering. When Lee surrendered his sword to Grant, he refused to accept it; when Lee asked Grant to allow the Confederate soldiers to keep their horses, Grant willingly granted the request. All honor to Gen. Grant. We shall always love and honor him for those kind hearted, generous, magnanimous deeds. Let us think on this scene and its incidents and as loyal southerners, let us be no less loyal Americans, and let us all bv truly imbued with the sentiment of Daniel Webster: “I was born an • . V’ American, I live an'American,' 1 shall die an Aiuerean-'.” CATAMOUNT. SOUTH MT. CARMEL Last Week's Letter. Well, we have had some fine weather for farming which we were all glad to see. There was some corn planted in this section last week and lots of land plowed and fixed for planting. J. C. Coulter says he thinks he will come on all right now as lie lias got him a stalk cutler. Our father and brother, .1. D. and Uarison Hampton, of Vil lanow, were visiting at our cabin last Sunday. Arthur Patrick was in Trion last Saturday oil business. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Orr of Con duit were visiting thir father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. I’. Orr, last Saturday and Sunday. Charlie Carnes was in Chatta nooga one day last week. Don Griffin is all smiles—it is a bov. I • The little folks of this place had an egg hunt down at Mr. Coulter's last Saturday after noon. which they all seemed to enjoy very much. Deed Wallin, who has been liv ing on W. H. Stoker."s place, has has moved to his new home. Our singing was a success last Sunday. We had with us some visitors from other places. We have made a change in our sing ing as from now on we will sing lon every second and third Sun | day; on account of preaching on i the first Sunday, we are always late getting back to singing. We will not sing any more until the fourth Sunday. Everybody come. . MIKE. We He Ewrytliing ia Faint • From a Tube to a Barrel House Paint, Barn Paint, Floor Paint, Screen Paint, Natural Wood Stains in all colors, Enamels, Gold and Aluminum Paint, Buggy Paint, \\ agon Paint. Small bandy packages for chairs, flower pots, etc. Japalac. We can fit out your paint needs from cellar to garret and roof. You can save one-fourth by painting your bouse with True Tagg Paste Paint It is a paste paint—that is, it is ground as thick as it will go through the mills. In using it you add two gallons of oil to each 25 pound can of the paste. There is economy in making and marketing a paint of this kind, and the saving goes to you. We have sold this paint many years and know the saving we mention is a real one. Come and talk it over with us S r LONG BROTHERS Dealers In Drugs, Paints. Oils and Window Glass School Books and Stationery Cor. Main and Market Sts. Chattanooga, Tenn, We are agents for International Stock and Poultry Foods p•- - • ' I LaFayette Bakery and Case IS OPEN TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES Our Bread is always fresh. Nice line of Cakes and pies always on band. Com e -fco Our Case IFOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT We will appreciate your patronage and if we please you it tell others, if not tell us. Block of the LaFayette Bank j Phone 79 C. N. SHROPSHIRE, Proprietor g II ‘ i ,> * i ■■ Spencer Bros. Bleat Market Fresh and Cured Meats of All Kinds t We have just received a carload of ice and from now on will sell ice any quantity. ' We also buy Dry and Cured Hides. Spencer Brothers NEAR DEPOT I LAFAYETTE, GA. • ' • •• i. ,-rrr-v rrf £ r-—= < ' ++++++ **++++ +*++++ s Davenport’s Store | * £ t X t Springtime is here and you want a =: £ r ss pretty pair of slippers; I have M. C. |f % • .2 Kiser & Co’s, famous “Shield Brand” f j, t *4* ► line for men, women and children. They » I f .2 BS, 5 * aas are dressy and up-to-date and the prices * | are very low considering the high quality £ £ of the goods. Come and let me show ® £ f* B t ~ you--“enough said.” g 2 j r I ■■■■ Furniture + I lilt A magnificent | X tL- _ §5.00 high rociter ? now | i Hm Diner * t + f 0 ■ I ■ When you need furniture T ■ ■ don’t fail to see me. It * £ |** I means a saving for you. : ■ —=—- | { W. O. Davenport f | NEAR DEPOT LAFAYETTE, GA. • | £ «■+++ +++++4 H- 44+++++ ++++++H-+++ +++++++ 4-44444 H-4444