Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, June 24, 1921, Image 2

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him mii mam Established 1877 Newspaper of the County E. P. HALL, JR. Publisher and Editor Subscription Rates One Year SI.OO Six Months 60 Three Mouths 40 / t Foreign A‘lv*-rl iiilnK K> ipNMMntiktiv* "i ' Till; AME HICAN PKIS.V A.SSOUA [ ION Entered at the LuFayette, Ga., for transmission through the mails as second-class matter. A vote for road bonds is a vote for lower taxes in Walker county, and better roads. Dear to My Heart Is The Lobby Os The Kimball House, so sings the Georgia Solon- Three elections, a murder tr and July 4th.—Walker is well supplied with excitement for the next few weeks. v. m ■" A muffler is a tine thing to put •u a car but you cannot mufflle some MEN even with the facts some times. It seems that the Georgia legis lature rather prides itself on cr<‘. ating now countries; it has bo tome a menace while a mania. Which fellow appeals to you more—the one who is agin every thing, or the fellow who had rath er be a bugler in a hobo parade than a pessimist at a court func tion f The man who is against the road bonds in Walker county be «ause he thinks bonds means higher taxes will be 'agreeably surprised when bonds carry July 2nd - i ii dttlfc SENTIMENT FOR ROAD . BONDS GROWING RAPIDLY The campaign of information relating to the bond issue for roads in the county, is rapidly turning the sentiment of the peo ple toward bonds. As the people become fully informed as to the operation of the bond issue, and just what bonds at this time mean to our county, they are seeing the wisdom of voting in this is sue. When it is understood that the issue will actually lower the tax «s, will guarantee a system of militia district roads, will release considerable sums of money in each district, will bring into Walker county $400,000 of for *ign and new money and thereby stimulate all business activity and make for better times; it is hard to see how any fair minded man «nn tie opposed to the issue. Those interested in the bond is sue in the various districts she dd see to it that all the qualified vot ers in these districts have the op portunity of knowing the actual j facts concerning the issue. If ev- j cry man and woman citizen in the county who is qualified to vote in the election Saturday July 2nd., will get informed ns to the bond issue, the majority for bonds on election day will be unanimous. • Floyd County has just voted in a $750,000 road bond issue last Thursday by the vote of 3115 in favor of the issue and only 67 against it. Dade, Catoosa, Murray Polk. Floyd and all the other j eounties in the Seventh District l with the exception of Walker Bartow, Chattooga and Floyd have voted a bond issue for roads, and Walker will vote for bonds for her roads too July 2nd., ami join hands with her sister conn ties in constructing permanent reads throughout the entire dis trict- I*- * | * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO June 25, 18%. ! i 4* 4 1 Below will be found items of news | Publish) din the Walker County Messenger twenty-ll\e years ago which wilt be of interest to the Messenger readers today. Wednesday Judge Lu mpkin and Col. Glenn left for Macon where they will attend the Democratic State Convention. Squire T. It. Arnold is a J. I>. who never sues a man v.‘liiouf giving him notice. His record in the oilico he has held for eight years is an admirable one. The Hock Spring academy is the nicest in the county and does credit to the community. Under the leader ship of B. F. Lloyd it showed the courage of its convictions. Monday Dr. A. J. Hattie, President of Shorter Colege was the guest of j Mrs. N. G. Warthen. Monday night at the Baptist church he preached one of his characteristic sermons to a good congregation. —o— T. J. Nash, the prosperous young merchant is doing a nourishing bus iness. His store was crowded with j customers Satuiila.. .. luge of bis special shoe and hat sale. Mr. Nash says he attributes Ids suc cess to low prices, fair dealing and advertising. On the 17th, last Wednesday the contracts for the star routes running into Lafayette were let. From Ring gold to Lafayette, the present car rier, J. M. Carver gives place to Joe Turner, of Catoosa. The Villanow route goes to Jno. W. brown, coi. Mr. Tom King who has served ljucle Sam faithfully for four years makes Ii is last round Tuesday. At the residence of Mr. Calvin Hall I near Pond Springs, the grandfather! of the bride, a most happy marriage ocurred Thursday. Mr. F. J. Stir.t tuck and Miss May Hall were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. J. A. Quillian at 11 o'clock. Miss Hall is one of Pond Spring's most charming ladies and is-a daughter of J. C. Hall a candidate for colicc' - or. Mr. Shattuck is the youngest son of Rev. W. L. Shattuck, of Bronco, and one of Walker’s most worthy young men. The many friends of the contracting parties join us in con gratulations. ■i ii ■■■■■ mm I %* i * f NORTH CATLETT ? 4- + H -H- -H-h-pt -« -H-I-4 Mack Coulter and Dewey Arnold of Chattanooga were visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Flutter, Saturday and Sunday. Prof. Tom McGill is attending the teachers’ summer school at Mt. Ber- | ry. Mrs. Griff Eubanks and children of Ringgold are visiting tier parents Mr. mul Mrs. J. J. Stephenson this week. The wedding bolls have been ring ing in North Catlett as Miss Bonnie Stephenson and Mr. Lee Mavity were married Friday afternoon. Visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Judson Ar- 1 Hold’s Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Moon and children. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. It. McGill Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Judson Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. aWlter Coulter, Mrs. Emma Brooks and lit - Miss Murgurite Williams. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McGill, a flue son. Allright, let everybody come out election day and vote for bonds for that is the only way we can have good roads. SUNSHINE. M-l-H-H-H-H . H-H . 1 + I r LAFAYETTE II 3 * * liTr 4 4 4 "4 4 * 4 A 4 • * • Mrs. Ethel Cooper and children of] Rooaville are here this week the I guest of Mrs. S. M. Cooper. Dawson Clark and sen of Chatta nooga were here Sunday the guests ' of O. C. Clark. Ed Jones and Henry Delay and' T. 11 Moore spent Sunday at Round Pond the guest of Wiley Delay. It. G. Moore spoilt Saturday and Sunday at Naomi the guest of Mrs. j Webb Hiltmrn. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Cooper were liho guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. flieek Young- Mack Coulter of Chattanooga was here Sunday with his parents. Dewey Arnold of Rossviilc spent Saturday night at Catlett him guest of Edmond Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Tims. Lankford of Warren was the guest of T. H Moore and wife one day last week. | Well the election is near at hand for bonds and sheriff. The election (for both will be hard fought to the WALKER COUNTY MEBSE NOSE, JUNE 24, 1921. l AS I HE*¥Y IAX PAYER 1 iN 60RDON COUNTY SEES II The following communication to Ihi* Dalton Citizen in Whitfield county, relating to the bond issue! for Uortlon County roads will be oi interest to Walker county citizens, who on July 2nd will vote on the same question that Cordon county settled in favor of road bonds: There Is Only One Way To the Editor of the Dalton Citizen: Continuing my wire that Gordon county had voted overwhelmingly 1 for road bonds. 1 give the following I i data, as 1 know many citizens of 1 Whitfield are and should be inter ested in better road, and BUNDS are the ONLY PRACTICAL things with | which to build them. Our registration list is 2,683. For' bonds, 1,770; against bonds, 313. We I voted for a $300,000 issue to be re tired in thirty years. The money de rived from the sale of these bonds will be deposited in the four hanks of the county, prorated in propor tion to the capital stock of each j bank. We have only one county commis ! sioner, having changed our county laws by local legislation. He is paid a salary under bond, and is on the job ALL the time. When he called the election for bonds he designated f 150 miles of roads in the county that 1 the bond issue would be expended on, an average of $2,000 per mho, which will go a long way under 'lie ! present conditions. The above am ount will build equally as good roads as $5,000 per mile would in the past three years, besides it will givej work to local citizens who want and | need a job, especially after crops are laid by. 1 heard one man say that he would vote for bonds if he knew it j would be five years before it was: spent on the roads—said that the county needed some money to tide over present conditions. 1 was sur prised at Ibis statement, coming from a tight listed farmer, living 10 miles out. He returns his property at | $7,000. Another man who returns his property in this county at $12,- 000, is 76 years old and lives in another county. He came here elec tion day and worked at the polls all day FOR BONDS. To the man who said that we could not afford to issue bonds he was shown that the cili/.ens of the county had paid the amount ui the bond issue, $300,000, in the PAST TWO YEARS, in EXTRA deprecia tion end upkeep of a'l kinds of ve hicles on account of our present in ferior roads. These figures were based on the 1,000 cars and 3,000 buggies and wagons in the county, and did not count (he time lost and extra hardship on the stock. To the man who said he did not want to leave a debt for his child ren to pay, was asked if he were worth twelve million dollars would he object to leaving a debt of three hundred thousand dollars if the money owed was for something his children wanted he could only say no. ! These figures were figured from the lax digest. The county taxes return ed are better than $6,000,000 and the county is easily worth twice the amount, and free of debt. It was also shown the town of Calhoun would pay one-sixth of the bond issue, and not one dollar of the money would be expended in the town, yet its citizens who would have to pay this one-sixth were for bonds almost to a man. Os the 750 votes polled in the Calhoun box, only twenty-three were against bonds. While not a citizen of Whittleld county, 1 am a small taxpayer of the j county, and would be glad to see them issue bonds and build roads, j It is the only way. No city ever had] waterworks, sewerage, electric lights, good school buildings, street railways without a local issue. No county has ever built roads worth while of any length without a bond 'issue. No railroad was ever built without a bond issue. Yours for good roads, with a bond issue, T. M. BOAZ. I end but we hope that bonds wii! | carry all over the county for we do need good roads and can l ha\ e ! have them without money to pay for j ! the labor to build them. So come on ] t boys and vole for bonds so our | ! county can keep up with the other j I counties in the good work. Good | roads means, better schools and bet-j J |.er things for farmers in general. Jts tiie lies! time that has ever been : for people |o shed the seales from . theo'r eyes that have been blinding j them for these many years, so lets jail step out on the progressive side I and do something for the upbuiht- j mg of our county, and nothing will, | i>r nu the change quicker than good S roads through our county from sid< j to side. Vote for liotpls and see.. j j, c. Jones will preach at Catlett j next Sunday at It o’clock and \\ I i Harris will preach at the same place | * after Sunday school in the evening ! T. 11. MOORE CARDUI HELPED ! REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed—Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala.—Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near here, recently related the fol- I lowing Interesting account of her re covery: "I was la a weakened con dition. I was sick three years In bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervoua, depressed. I was so weak. I couldn't walk across the floor; Just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn’t get any relief. I 'couldn’t eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn’t heard of and taken Cardui I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven’t had any trou ble since ... I sura can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don’t think there is a better tonic made and I believe It saved my life.’* For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully, in the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, take Cardui. It may help you, too. At all druggists. S 85 Money To Loan I have $50,000 on hand to loan quick on farm lands. Loans made from SI,OOO up. D. W. Stiles LaFayette, Georgia •dC/Ngc-vl Money back without question \llf HUNT’S GUARANTEED \I SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /fTf fc/J (Hunt’s Salve and Soap), fail in fII rY the treatment of Itch, Eczema, i/\ Ringworm,Tetter o' other Itch* ins skin diseases. Try thin treatment at our risk. Dispensed by Wal raven-Center Drug Co Colds Cause unp ana Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove tb cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine.' ►** W. GKUVF. S signature on box. 30c. j For Sale By The UALRWEN-CENTER DRUG CO. LaFayette, Ga. A TONIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, invigor ating Effect 60c. Bp \ if wJMLwJLh For Sale By The \YAI RAVEN-CENTER DRUG CO. LaFayette, Ga. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy Evers’ family should keep this 'reparation at hand during the hoi j 'Ummer months. It is almost sure I'o bo needed, and when that time ■ it i« many times its cost. Buy it now. “Varneii Sells It Cheaper” Oil Stoves If you burn yourself up cooking on a range Don’t Blame Us We carry a complete line of Stoves, Ovens, etc. Come in and see them. Our Prices Are Right . I mm «mmmi _ mmm Varnell Hardware Co. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. F. A SEAGLE, Puts. & Gent Manager E. C. SEAGLE, Secretary W. A. SEAGLE, VictPresidint J G. Prince. Treasurer J. W. BENDER, Vice-Phesident PHONE Main 440 PHONE Main 44] CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OFFICE: 21st and Whiteside Streets. 1 High Grade ROLL ROOFING High Grade COMPOSITION SHINGLES ’ Special Brand, Extra Clear WASHINGTON RED CEDAR SHINGLES. The Best of everything in LUMBER AND PLANING MILL PRODUCTS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED . . LET US SERVE YOU . . . -$•— — ——4* I i | PROFESSIONAL CARDS j i 1 R. F. McClure W. A. McClure McCLUhF & McCLURE Attornevs-at-Law Hamilton National Bank Building, Chattanooga, Tenn ■*ractice in the courts of Georgiaand Tennessee. W. M. Henry Earl Jackson HENRY & JACKSON Attorneys-at-Law LaFayette, Ga. Practice In all the courts. Office in Jackson Building. J. E. Rosser V/. B. Shaw ROSSER & SHAW t, Uorneys-at-Law Offices Walker County Bank Building LaFayette, Georgia Hamilton National Bauk Building Chattanooga, Tenu. » ■ ■■ i ■ i ■ »■ n SHAITUCK & SHAITUCK Attorneys-at-Law Jfflce in Bank ot LaFayette Bldg. LaFayette. Ga. 'rompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted to their care " DR. W. D. BALLENGER Dentist' - illice Over Mrs. J. 0. Reese’s Milli nery Store. JACKSON BUILDING LaFayette - - Georgia. DR. ALLEN P. WARRENFELLS Dentist .aEayeUi - - Georgia Second Floor Bank of LaFayette Building Telephone 1013-J Rooms 7 & 8 J. J. FARMER, M. D. Specialist in the treatment of Hem orhoids, Piles and a>l rectal dis eases. Office 208 1-2 Broadwny ..Rome, Ga. 11. Neil Andrews S. W. Fariss, Jr. ANDREWS & FARISS Attorneys-At-Law Office in Bank of LaFayette Bldg. LaFayette, Ga. Claude 11. Porter W’. B. Mehane PORTER & MEHANE Attorneys-at-Law Rome. Ga. Practice in All the Courts DR. J. M. UNDER WOOD LaEayette. Ga. Residence 3rd story Street Bldg. N. Main St. Office in Jackson Building Residence phone 2 S. on 59—Office Phone 51 J. A. SHIELDS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Cooper Building. (Over 10c Store) LaFayette, Ga. Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 a. m.. .1:00-2.00 p. m. Telephones—Res. 151, Office 86 TOO LATE v Death only a matter of short time, Don’t wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD MEDAL W The world's 3tar.*lm ! remedy fcr kidney* liver, biaddei and uric ac*d troubles —th-* National Remedy of Holland since Guaranteed. Tureo sizes, all druggists. l>oli for tho mur.c Gold Meda! oj> o-rery i>o« nr** s<*nint tie W.H.PA.YXB,Prea. Ft. B. AIoCLU/tE, See. North Georgia Abstract Go. I JVC First National Bank Bldg LaFayette, Qa. We have recently compiled the records of Walker county and can furnish reliable ab stracts of title prompt ly* OBDDUDDDDOODa Accept BO No Substitutes » tor 3 Thedford’s f| BLACK-DRAUGHT H Purely B Vegetable 3 Liver Medicine 3 sa p. 9 gsa OQaßßßootssQaa