Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 01, 1921, Image 10

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A. C. Jones Found Dead Near Tunnel on T. A. G. Ry. TUESDAY MORNING —P RELIMI WHY TRIAL HELD WEDNES DAY—CROMER AN UTHOMPSON ROUND OVEH AND AKE NOW IN JAIL CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OK JOVI S Tuesday morning at 0:30 o'clock A. C. Jones was found lying in a ditch liy the side of the public road about a hundred yards from the end of the T. A. G. railroad tunnel on tin 1 east side of Pigeon Mountain. Physicians were summoned and found that in addition to minor bruises his skull was seriously fractured. He was brought to lus home in Linwood where lie died Tuesday afternoon at lo'clock. Will Cromer and Joel Thompson with whom Jones had been out all of .Monday night were put under ar- Lest. At the preliminary' trial before Coroner Wednesday morning it was brought out that Thompson, Cromer and Jones hud been out all of Mon day night together and lied heed drinking rather heavily. Cromer and Thompson claim that Jones was in tho cur alone on the hack seat coming down flic mountain and tiiat when they missed him out of tbs car they returned and found him ly ing in the ditch. They left him there and returned to Lafayette. Cromer and Thompson were bound over by the Coroner’s .jury without bond for further investigation by the grand jury. Isom Lee was alsu recommended to bo held under u hundred dollar bond us a witness in the case. Jonso leaves a wife and one child. THEY PLAY BALL AND ARE SOLID FOR BONUS IN LISBON High Point, Ga. fl-26-21 Ed Messenger:—A few lines from High Point if you please. High Point, 13, Cenchat !>. There was a crowd of some Iwo hundred but to witness the defeat of Cenchat Sat urday. Batteries, High Point; Mul lins and Parrish. Cenchat, llixon and l lury. High Poii had planned to play a shut out game but white fewthers seemed to show on the Cenchat locals on their arrival so it was decided to be good lo them. This being the second time High Point has defeated Cenchat. The first at Cenchat June 11th, score 14 to 3, and having been defeated two limes( the tie will be played oil at Cenchat next Saturday. Some of the features of the game were the home runs made by Sny oer, Johnston and Oliver, three bug ger by Ren Heed and double play made by Harry Smith. For Cenchat, Hraeketl knocked a home run and Victor Long made a slur catch. Everybody had an en joyable lime. High Point and Lisbon District are solid for the road bonds and are hoping that it will carry by a large majority. • 1•• TEAM CAPTAIN Vote Saturday And vote for Road Bonds. They mean better times, bet ter Roads and lower taxes. Vote for Bonds Saturday and trade At C. W. Forester & Co. “Where You Pay Less” La Payette, Georgia MASONS OF THE 44TH. TO HOLD CONVENTION VI I.AI AN ELITE WITH WESTERN LODGE SATURDAY JULY 231 H) WORSHIPFUL MASTER LEE 11. OYER I IU.ES ALL LODGES TO SEND MESSENGERS The Utli Senatorial Masonic Con .•enlion, comprising the counties of Walker, Catoosa and Dade, will meet in annual session at Lafayette, with Western Lodge, Saturday July 23rd. An excellent program will be ar ranged by tile Western lodge, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of the visiting brethren »nd delegates will be done. The officers of the convention are as follows: Lee 11. I*yer. W. M. Tom Hunt, S. W. J. I*. Hall, J. W. Webb Tatum, Sec-Treas .. J. A. Kartain, S. L>. Clias Ireland. .1. D. Hoy Hall, S. S. L. M. Crowder, J. S t IN MEMORY On or about May Ist, Uncle Jim Cooper was called to meet his God face lo face and live with him throughout eternity and well pre pared lie was for lie was 72 years of age and from boyhood on through life lie lived a model life. His broth ers may have erred in many ways but he hewed to the line. If his par ents wanted to know just exactly how things were they went to Uncle > Jim lor information. He was a man that loved God, a man that, loved and read his Bible, lie was glad when the time came to go to tho house of the Lord and he always had a testimony; he lived to please God and serve his fellowmen. It can well be said of him as it was of a certain Bible character, "He hath done what he could". He went about doing goixt. It wasn't the big things as the world counts in public life that made him gr eat but it was the little things that counted so much in his life. He went to the groves for secret prayer. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man Is peace. He was at peace with God and lus fellowmen. Follow peace with alt men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Pears f leave with you. My Peace I give unto you. He knew what that meant to a believer. And now in conclusion let us in lmmlile submission to the will of God and sing Holy! Holy, Lord God Ahnightyl Sinners, friends please surrender and go with us. 1-Tom one. who loves your soul. MRS. A. H. DALTON. WALKER COUNTY MZSSE NGER. JULY 1, 1921. TO AILING WOMEN A LITTLE SOUND ADVICE WILL HELP MANY A SUFFEHEH IN LAFAYETTE No woman should consider herself healthy and well if the kidneys are weak. Poisons that pass oil in the secretions when the kidneys are well are retained in the body when the kidneys are disordered. If the kid neys and bladder become inflamed and swollen worsp troubles may quickly follow. This is often the cause of hearing down pains, lame ness, backache, etc. Uric poisoning is also frequent cause of headaches, dizzy spells, languor, nervousness and rheumatic pain. When suffering so, try Doan's Kidney pills, a remedy that has proven effective in thousands of such eases. Let a I.aFayete woman tell of her experienc. Mrs. J. P. Phipps, Oak St., LaFay tte, says: "I have used Doan’s Kid ney Pills at different times for many years and have always had wonder ful relief when my buck has been weak. It is a pleasure to say that Doan's Kidney Pills have never fail ed to help me.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—g Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Phipps had. Foster-Milburn Cv Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE TO FARMERS As a result of our efforts to se cure orders for a car load of syrup pails and fruit cans for the farm ers of the county we have only re ceived orders for one-third of a car, consequently I am not in a position to contract with the shippers at this time as I had planned. I am writing the shippers today asking that they give us one or two more weeks to work in securing this car load order. If you want to buy buckets at a 33 1-3% saving and are interested your neighbors buying them at the same price do not hesitate in the placing of your orders at once. I want the farmers to understand that I am not insisting that you make a special effort to raise money for the purchasing of syrup pails or any other material, because it •vill be of material benefit to me. As your Connty Agricultural Agent, I am doing all within my power to as sist you in saving money by means •if cooperative buying and selling. The success of this cooperative marketing depends upon the coop eration of the farmers. United we Stand and divided we fall. Which is cur motto? Farmers in all sections of the county are finding boll weevils on the young cotton plants, and a large number of these farmers are begin ning a systematic plan of destroy ing the weevils and punctured squares by hand picking. Just at this season the winter boll weevils are laying eggs in the cot ton squares. Very soon after these squares are punctured and the eggs layed they die and fall to the ground Your time will be well spent now by employing every farm hand in the work of picking these, adults wee vils and the fallen squares and burning them. If these eggs are al lowed to hatch out, the young wee mis begin puncturing squares very 'soon which makes the tight against ‘the weevil much harder than if the light, had been against winter wee j vil and the squares they puncture. If the regular farm laborers can be used in this work without a great deal of expense it will pay to con- I Mie the picking of weevils and 1 squares for one month. By doing this you can retard the develop ment of the weevil 20 to 25 days which gives the cotton sufficient time to put on enough fruit to make a good crop. If the winter weevils ‘are allowed to start early in the_ held without any hinderance they will puncture all squares as fast as they appear making it almost im \ possible to make any cotton at all. The Mexican Bean Beetle has been located in three sections of the ooun ! Woman's Missionary Society Misses Louise Milam and Mary Lizzie Patton were joint hostesses to the Method:. Woman’s Mission ary society Thursday afternoon al I the West I.aFayeUe Community house An unusually interesting pro gram on "Recreation and Education in the Rural Communities" was con ducted by members of the society, who gave raidings and talks on this interesting subject Special music was cindered by Miss Parker, which ‘was yery much enjoyed, j After the devotional amt business hour, delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. xxx "Se Quin.ne itut Dae* bet kueet the hs* of its touic an-.t biiUvt effect, LAX* i IVS 9BOMOQUININE isbctiei than cr< 4 tn\» I Jtnoine ari *o* . I vi. • * U.V ,WV V* “ - '''• WOULD GO FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE TENNESSEE FARMER WANTS TO GO FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE AMI TELL EVERYBODY ABOUT TANLAC “If I were nol so busy with uiy farm work I would go from house to house and tell the people about Tanlac,” said A. J. Livingston, a well Known farmer living near Ashland City, Tenn. "1 bail stomach and kidney trou ble and suffered torment with my nark and side. The doctors could do nothing for me so 1 wrote to a friend of mine in Nashville about l'anlac and he advised me to try it, saying he had heard so many favor able reports about it and sent me a bottle. ‘After taking the first bottle I: felt so much better that I ordered j another bottle myself and the result' is 1 am a well man. I told a friend of mine about it and ordered a bottle for him and he had line results. 1 can eat anything I want and it hurt me and can sleep like a log. To tell the truth, I just simply feel like a new man and have more strength and energy than 1 have had in years. R is simply the grandest medicine 4,ri the world. I would like to see all of my friends and get all those suf fering to try it and 1 hope you will /•each them through this testimonial which I have gladly giyen.” Tanlad the celebrated medicine which accomplished such remark able results in this man’s case, is a wonderful tonic, appetizer and in- j vigorant. It builds up the system, I creates a healthy apetile, promotes digestion and assimulation. of the food makes you feel strong, sturdy and well as nature intended. WEEVIL KILLING FORMULA MAKES THE PEST A JOKE Dublin, Ua., June 27.—A formula for poison that will kill the boll wee vil and keep a Held clear of the i pest until August, when the migra-! lory weevils are in action, is being used this year by Dr. W. B. Taylor, of Dexter, Laurens county, who has. been growing cotton in Laurenrs for the last three years in spite of the boll weevil. Last year he made 139 bales on 150 acres, in spite of the weevil, wet weather and other hin drances. Dr. Taylor lives about 14 miles from Dublin and has become the. recognized boll weevil expert of the county. Saturday a friend in Dublin, asked him about the weevils on his farm. “Why the boll weevil is a joke,, with me," he replied. “I laugh every! time I think about him. 1 can rid any Held of boll weevils for 25 cents per acre, given just two successive days *)f sunshine." He was asked for an explanation, and when he replied that he had worked out a formula for poisoning the weevil and was using it, was asked for that formula. Here it is just as he gave it, and it has the endorsement of the county demonstration agent of Laurens •ounty. J. B. Tyre who was present: Take molasses, 2 gallons: saccha rine, t ounce; ice cream powder, 2 packages: calcium arsenate, 10 lbs.: vater, R gallons. Mix the ice cream powder and the saccharine both in a little water before adding to the oth er ingredients. When you have i'e all mixed together well, be sure il is kept agitated that the poison does not settle to the bottom. Make a mop by taking a small stick and tying a roll of cheese cloth, around one end about two inches wide. Get an old tin can. till it with the solution, keep it stirred and walk down the row and put a few drops of the solu tion on the under side of the leav es near’ the bud of the plant. Be sure the mixture il; well stirred while putting it on. Only a small amount is required for each plant and with this amount of the mix ture scientifically applied it will cover 20 acres- Some however ap ply a little thicker and it may not cover more than 10 acres. A few drops to each plant is just as ef fect i'e as a gallon. ty, but m small numbers only. We trust# that Ill's year’s crop of soy beaus and eowpeas will not be at tacked by tliis insect. It is appear ing on garden beans only at this Ume. There not any known remedy Dial will destroy tliis insect after it , ppears but it will be of interest ,f every farmer who has his in sect on his farm to become inform d regarding the proper methods of preventing the spread of it. Ibis in formation can he aotten at the -ur’y Ac'id’s office on request, it. 1 VANSANT, County Agt. Bill Giving Walker Two Representatives Passes Both Houses Wednesday JAS. P. SHATTUCK’S DEATH CAUSES PROFOUND SORROW (Continued from lirst puge) here making it a big, live organiza tion. At various times has has served as Moderator of the Coosa Baptist Association and for over 20 years! was its treasurer. He always attend ed the Southern Baptist Convention, and the state conventions and was a trustee of the Baptist State Hospital at the time of his passing. A strong professional man, a suc cessful business man and a great re ligious leader lias gone to bis re ward, and the many positions of responsible service made vacant n j his going will be hard to till, llis church his community, ,his county and this section of the state will miss him, because lie touched them all at their vital points. In his death his sister and brothers have the deep sympathy of a host of friends who mourn with them today. -j j , t ii CARD OF THANKS For the interest, kindness and sin cere sympathy shown us during (lie , brief illness and death of our dear bro ther by his many friends, we desire to express our most profound gratitude. Also the tribute of flowers that spoke so elo- _ quently of the love and esteem in which he was held touched our j sorrowing hearts and we desire to ■ express to these who ministered so graciously our deep feeling of gen uine thankfulness. May God endow each and everyone of you with the riches of His grace. Mrs. G. W. RANSOM F. J. SHATTUCK IV. J. SHATTUCK FOR BONDS AND GOOD ROADS ’ Ed. Messenger:— I' I see in last week’s Messenger that Roy Adams had roasting ears last Thursday, he claims to be first. I beat that. I have had them ever since the 12th of the month, out of my own garden also tomatoes on the same day out of my garden and have been puting them on the mar ket for about 10 days. We found our | lirst cotton bloom today, the 27, on ' my farm. Now who can beat that? No news, all the talk is of the elec tions, bonds and sheriff. I am for bonds of course, as good roads are ’ the greatest advantage to a county that can be, so lets build them and ' enjoy them. | Crops are looking well but need *in| rain at present. J. R. HORTON, Chickamailga, Ga. I GET m OF FRECKLES El IS a Rj g] Complete line of Cream and [g g Lotions to remove Sunburns [g a and Freckles. IS m I g |g jj Boai Election Saturday | a Whitmans and JYunnally’s Candies S Always fresh 3 TRY OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE THESE g a HOT DAYS g a- g g Service Day or JYight jj « Rhyne gras. | a PHARMACY g a Jhe Recall Store $ LaFayette, Georgia 'j Day Phone No. 11 Night Phone No. 132 jjj The bill introduced at this session of the Legislature giving Walker county two representatives instead of one, as is now the case, was re ported to have passed both houses Wednesday afternoon. J. H. McFar land received the following telegram Wednesday afternoon: "Bill giving Walker two Representatives passed both Houses today, calling election within twenty days.” The following bills were intro duced in the Senate Wednesday morning by Senator Pope: By Senator Pope of the Forty fourth. —To amend section 4747 of Parks' code providing for compen sation of jurors in justice courts. By Senator Pope of the Forty fourth and Senator Nix, of the Fif ty-first.—To amend section 4224 of Parks annotated code by providing for recovery for homicide of minor children, bastard children and foP other purposes.. SUCH IS LIFE I “Eighteen years ago 1 had three ribs broken, fourteen years ago my right leg; eleven years ago 1 nearly iwent over with typhoid fever and since then have had awful stomach and liver trouble. Was filled with gas most of the time. I would have colic attacks so bad as to become , unconscious. No medicine helped me and doctors advised an operation. One day talking with a stranger lie recommended Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy, which helped me at once.” It is a simple harmless preparation ,that removes the catarrhal mucus com the intestinal tract and allays the inflamation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and -in testinal ailments, including appen dicitis. One dose will convince money refunded.—Walraven-Center Drug Co., and druggists everywhere. JNO THE BAPTIST CELEBRATION A MOST HAPPY OCCASION The celebration of the A. I. Leet lodge and the Marthada Chapter 0. E. S., in commemoration of John the Baptist, at the Kensington Hall last Saturday night, was a most delight ful occasion. The ladies served a most sumptious supper after which timely and eloquent addresses and recitations were delivered. Col. W. B. Shaw spoke along the line of un selfish service and made a splendid impression on his hearers. Short talks were made by Dr. J. H. Ham mond, J. P. Hall of LaFayette, Joe White, of Rising Fawn and Lee H. Dyer, of Pond Spring. The recita tions by the Kensington talent was thoroughly enjoyed and hepled make the evening most delightful.