Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 01, 1921, Image 5

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■ £ank of J^afayette Capital and Surplus SIZQ.QQQ.QO Where Your Alouey I* Safe Road Bond Election Saturday Saturday is the day for the Road Bond election. The people of the county have informed themselves as to the issue, and the leaders in the movement feel that Bonds will carry by a big majority. The fact that Bonds will give us good roads, will lower our taxes, and will release in Walker county $400,000 of new and foreign money at a time when the county needs this money in circulation, is an argu ment that is unanswerable in favor of voting for bonds Saturday. The Bank of LaFayette, ever for the progressive measures and for the best interests of the people of the county, heartily endorses the Bond Issue for roads. Vote for it Saturday and get all your friends to cast their ballots for it. I ' Oordiallj joars, Cashier. ! . * [ - • • • Town and County y ■ - ■ AUTOMOBILE FIRE and THEFT INSURANCE Apply to D. W. STILES, Agent I SHJPTIC TANKS For Residences, Schools, Industrial Plants or Public Buildings, write for Circular. E. J. NOBLETT MFC. CO. Slayton and Green Sta., Chattanooga, Tenn. 2F r~ " JB ,b ILaFayette Roller Mills Hannlacturers and Dealers In Flour, Meal, Bran, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Hay, Corn and Chicken Feed. Close cash prices—and prompt free delivery any where in the city. I b)e Solicit t/our Patronage LAFAYETTE ROLLER UHLS {TELEPHONE 95 I M - -a. a.—. Rev. C. P. Williams will preach at Catlett Sunday morning at 11. Mrs. W. J Cannon, of Chattanooga was here Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. J. C. Reese and daughter Miss Mary spent a few days in Rome this week. W. L., Walter and Miss Maggie Wiley were guests Sunday of Dalton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. O’Neal, of Tra cy City, Tenn., were Sunday guests of relatives. Mrs H B Kirby, of Decatur, Ala, is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H Kirby. Mrs. R. F. Darner, of Toccoa, Ga. arrived Wednesday afternoon for a visit to Mrs R. V Thurman. WALKER COUNTY MESSENGER, JULY 1, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sitzlar, of Chattanooga, were guests of relativ es here Sunday. Misses Annie Dunn and Elizabeth Hammel spent the week-end with relatives at Harrisburg. Mr. and Ilrs. Z. W. Jones and fam ily of Hapeville, Ga., arc visiting relatives here and in the county. Mr. and Mrs. M. A Park andehild ren of Chattanooga wore week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. S. J. Shaw, -i-i Miss Lucile Paul, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Shaw, has returned lo her home in Chat tanooga. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Danielson, of Chattanooga, who leave soon for tin East, visited DrJ. M. Underwood Sunday Mrs. J. 11. Clarke and children of Forsyth, Ga., are expected the lat ter part of the week for a visit to relatives. \lr. and Mrs. C. C Gilbert and son. Bob Davison, left last Saturday for a week’s visit to relatives in Wood ville, Ga. Mrs. Mary Henry and little daugh ter, June, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting the former’s brother, Prof. E. A. Bailey. Misses Marguerite and Montine Shields left Wednesday for a visit to relatives in Rome, Cartersville and Adairsville. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Reed and daughter, Miss Mary Lee of Chatta nooga were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Ballenger. Mrs. S. A. Hunt and children, who have been on an extended visit lo relatives in Middle Georgia, are ex pected to return the latter part of the week. t •" *I„ I . The announcement of the engage ment and approaching • marriage Julyi2th of Miaa Nannie Sue Perry, of Camilla, Ga., and Mr. George Toombs Groover, of Statesboro, Ga, will be read with interest by the friends of the bride-to-be, who a ’few years ago was a popular teacher in the LaFayette schools. Henry Hammond, of Chattanooga, was the recent guest of relatives. Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Bowman spent Sunday in Armuehee. —A— John Robinson has returned from a visit to Subligna. Dr. J. H. Hammond spent Tues day and Wednesday in Atlanta. R. A. Bates of Macon is expeted the first of July for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Surret. —*! — Rev. p. i). Patrick, of Menlo, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at It o’clock. —o— Rev. J. W. Brinslield will preach at Rock Springs Sunday morning at the usual hour. — o — Mary Lee Rhyne has been visiting relatives in Summerville this week. Miss Mary Jewell, of Chickamauga will be the week-end guest of Miss Louise Shaw ,at Shaw, tia. The Naomi singing class will sing at Harrisburg srhoolhouso next Sunday afternoon, July 3rd.—Com. Mrs. A L Surrott was called to Rome to be at the bedside of tier sister Mrs E. T. Watson who is dan gerously ill. A number of farmers have brought in cotton blooms this week from Rock Spring, Burnt Mill section Cane Creek, Wilson and Naomi. Next Monday being July 4th., our National birthday, and a legal holi day, both the bank of LaFayctte and the Walker County Bnk will be closed. J. J. Ware, who lives on the Hen ry Scruggs farm west of LaFayette, brought in a stalk of cotton Tuesday morning, loaded with squares. Mr. Ware stated that be hgd nearly five acres just as fine as ’this specimen. The LaFayette Woman's Club will meet F’riday afternoon at 4 o’clock at their rooms at the courthouse. Important business to come before ♦he Club and each member is urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Rogers of Chattanooga are receiving congrat ulations over the arrival of a son on June 6th. They will call him Clias. Evilt. Mrs. Rogers before her marriage was Miss Lena Evitt. There will be a brief memorial service at the Baptist church Sun day morning after Sunday school, in honor of Mr. James P. Shattuck, to which the public generally is cordially invited.—Rev. I. S Leonard. Reports from H. P. Mashburn, who was injured in a car colisior with the South Bound T. A. <i. passenger on June 18th, indicates that bis con dition shows slight if any improve ment. —o— Friends of It. A. Whatley who last week was operated on for appendi citis at a Chattanooga hospital, will be delighted to know that lie is vapidly recovering and is expi.cm.. home the first part of next week. R. B. Davenport, Capt. Lyerly and many other prominent bankers and business men from Chattanooga, as well as from other sections of the state attended I lie funeral of Mr. James P. Shattuck hero last Sat urday morning. Election tickets and blanks have been mailed out to the various dis tricts for the Sheriff's and Bond election Saturday. If the managers do not receive same by Friday’s mail, please telephone, wire m write to the Messenger office and a new supply will he sent. • O— ~ Walker Chapter No. 140 R. A. M. will hold its regular convocation this evening, Thursday, at the usual hour. All companions are hereby notified. Sojourning companions cordially received.—J. 11. Hammond, H. P. ••-O Rural route carrier, W. C. Smith, on number five , brought to the Messenger office Tuesday afternoon, a well-grown cotton bloom from the field of Ed Chandler on Route 5. Mr. piiandler reports that there is no sign of the boll weevil in his field. This is the first bloom of the season to be reported. Next Monday the Consolidated Textile corporation will celebrate the Fourth with a most splendid program and barbecue for their em ployees. Special music for the occa sion by the efficient band. A big contest in the afternoon in which the people of Linwood will partici pate will be*a specially interesting feature. I FOR Quick Service and I GOOD EATS Russell’s Restaurant I NEXT DOOR TO PALACE THEATRE j LaFayette, Georgia A ' """ ~~ A Summer Class in Music at the Wright Home on South Main Street PIANO ANO VOICE MRS. CAROLINE ARNOLD LaFayette, Ga. The Crystal Spring Bh achery, un tler the direction of its President, T>. A. Jewell, will celebrate the Fourth at Chickamauga Saturday of thirf wkeek, with a big burbecuo for the people of the mill village. Speak- 1 ing, music and other attractions will feature the day’s exercises. Crochet Club Meeting The crochet club was delightfully Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. L. Inman. After an hour spent in crocheting and exchanging of patterns, a ‘ship’ contest was enjoyed, Mrs. J. D. Mc- Connell receiving the prize, a beau tiful collar. Besides the regular club mem bers present were Mrs. Lula Mose 'ly, Mrs. Tate and Miss Glenna Tate. Refreshments were served, Mrs. Scruggs and Mi9S Tate assisting the hostess. The July meeting will be held with Mr. J. D. McConnell, xxx Mrs. McKown and Miss Carmany Joint Hostesses to K. K. K. A very delightful occasion on Tuosday afternoon was the meet ing of the Kil Kare Klub at Mle home of Miss Jennie Mae Germany, Mrs. W. E. McKown and Miss Gar inany being the charming hostesses. The entire lower floor whore nine tables were placed for progressive rook and heart dice were made at tractive by quantities of summer flowers in pretty arrangement. Miss Maggie Phipps making high* est score was given a lovely hand embroidered linen handkerchief. Later in the afternoon the guests were served an elaborate chicken salad course. Assisting the hostesses in • uL*;r taining and serving were Mrs. It. 8. Germany, Mrs. W W Garmany, Miss Ruth Hammond and Miss Pearl Bartlett. LOST—Wednesdey in LaFayette one motor license lag no 55,185. Finder return to R. L. Vansant and receive reward. I VOTE FOR BONDS I And let’s build Good Roads all over Walker County. Bonds and Sheriff’s election results carried at our store Saturdaynight. See the results on our Board. - - - * CALL ON US DAY OR NIGHT £Oalraven-Center JDrug Co. ii “The Safe Service" I Ilafayeite . . Georgia! Colds Causo urip and Influenza LAXAI IVE BROMO QUININE TlbloU remove the cause. There Is only eue “Bruno Quinine." t»W. tiKOVP.'S signature on boa. Ms COPELAND—LeFEVRE The following announcement ap pearing in Sunday’s Atlanta Consti tution will be of interest to the friends of the bride-to-be here. “Frank W. Copeland, of Rome, Ga, announces the engagement of his I daughter, Lois Ruth, to Rex Wood ruffe Le Fcvre, of Gadsden, Ala, the date of the niarriago to be an nounced later." A Splendid Medicine for the Stom ach and Liver "Chamberlain’s Tablets for the stomach and liver are splendid. 1 nevre tire of telling my friends and neighbors of their qualities,” writes Mrs. William Vollmer, Eastwood, N. Y. When bilious, constipated or troubled with indigestion, give them a trial. They will do you good. | WANTS ~ W. 8. PARkEß—taas a splendid Jer sey milk cow for sale, now fresli for sale cheap for cash or bank able note. Call or write him ou Trios, Ga. Rfd. 2. SALESMEN WANTED, to sell tires direct from factory to user. Ex ceptionally good commission. All or spare time. Address, Burr Oak Cord Tire Co, Burr Oak, Michigan. 7-8-2 t LOST OR STOLEN-r-On Tuesday June 21st, one 35 x 5 Goodrich Cord rib-tread casing, Firestou# rim and tube. Brond new. Deliv er to me and receive reward.— B. H. Rea, LaFayette, Ga. Itx FOR SALE—A tOO-acre farm, on the. Villunow road, I 1-2 miles from LaFayette forms to suit ]>uv chuser. — J. W . U.u'hk u, Lai - ette, Ga. 7-22-itx. No Worma In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worm* have an un healthy color, which Indicate* poor blood, and aaa mle there le more or lots etomacb dlaturbanoe. »ROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given rest torly (or two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Improve the digeulon, aud act era general Strength ruing Toole to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dUpel the worm*, and tbeChlld wUlbe la perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle