Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 01, 1921, Image 7

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ft* 4, *il iC ',Bl TWON * l-M-i-M-H-I -I- l-M-K. M»M« Miss Anniloe Brimer and Marion McClellan were married at tho brides home by Rev. T. H. Williams. .The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brimer. Mr Mc- Clellan is an employee of the Trion 30x3*8 Standard Non-SkidTire V D..1. pacity of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined pro duction on a quantity basis. All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. Firestone Cord Tires * Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires as having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high-grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment. They are the quality choice of cord users. Cord - - New Price $24.50 32x4 “ “ - - “ “ 46.30 - - “ “ 54.90 Palace Theatre THE PICK OF THE PICTURES Friday Tuesday JULY IST JULYSTH William Fox Presents Kralart Picture Corp. Presents William Russell in Alice Brady in “THE CHALLENGE OF THE LAW’’ "THE FEAR MARKET" A smashing, thrilling tale of love What is tho strongest of all Inl and lawlessness amid the pines and man motives? Is it love? or hate? snow-capped peaks of the great Ga- greed, perhaps, or lust? Fear never nadian wilds. A love story as sweet bargains, it pays wliat d is told to as the breatli of a June rose. Don’t pay. See “The Fear Market. injss , t Comedy, “LOVE LESSON” Comedy, ‘A CHEESE ROMANCE” Saturday Wednesday JULY 2ND ! JULY 6TH Uli Episode A ROBERTSON-COLE SPECIAL “TIIE DIAMOND QUEEN" “WHO’S YOUR SERVANT” Comedy, “PALS” ALSO MUTT AND JEFF A Sensational story of society life. Comedy, “BE CAREFUL KATE” Monday Thursday JULY4TH JULY 7TH (Show Starts al 2p. m.) The little flapper girl is here , again, With a rip-roaring western D*- (; lH dys Wallen in lure, starring DESPERATE YOUTH" Roy Stewart in If your heart is a banjo, play your “KEITII OF THE BORDER” self a tune. It It lie an old Plantation Melody that’ll haunt your memory Come and see him mop up with the as y 0)1 g e e “Desperate Youth." bandits on the border and win the A picture ,ps thrilling as love at girl of his heart. first sight. See this picture, it was Also 6th Episode made (0 chase the blues. “THE PURPLE RIDER” Comedy, “HIS FOUR . ATHERS’ Adults 20c Children 10c Co. Miss Ada Williams spent several days last week in Chattanooga the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Willi ams. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Caperton spent Tuesday in Home. Miss Gertrude Thompson had her tonsils and adenoids removed in and returned Thursday. She is im proving fast but not ye. tout of her WALKER COUNTY MESSE NGER, JULY 1, 1921. room. Dougherty Mallicoat is visiting Mrs. Auslin Smith at Mentone, Ala. Mrs Hill Ramey is visiting her sister, Mrs. It. A. Lloyd in Chatta nooga. Miss Stella Parris has returned from a visit in Rome. Miss Venice Fallis of LaFayelte spent Sunday here with Mrs. John Hammonds having accompanied Laura Null Hammond home. Miss Fannilila Conyers and sister of Cassville are visiting their cousin Mrs. W. F. Bennett. Miss Nonnie Pullen left. Satu.ruSij to attend summer school in Atlanta, her school having closed Friday. J. H. Thomas lias been real sick for the past week. Fred Thomas of Atlanta spent . rat days last week with his par ents. Mrs. 11. F. Freeny and children of Chattanooga are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Powell of Sum merville spent Sunday here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Richardson Saturday June 25 a son. Mrs. Richardson before her marri age was Miss Lizzie, Mae Mullinax. Mrs. Lee Shamhlin and son of S. C., are visiting her mother, Nfrv'J. F. Jones. A party of six representing the Billy Sunday Club of Atlanta will lie here Sunday for the purpose of or ganizing a ladies auxiliary to the Billy Sunday Club at this place. The 3 o'clock services will lie for ladies only. * 4-4-H-H-I-I* -M-H-I-I-I-H- * SIX GILLETTE BLADES WITH HOLDER $1.26 PREPAID In Attractive Case Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded This offer for a limited time only Remit by money order or cash—(no stamps) FRAD RAZOR COMPANY 1475 Broadway New York City ♦H-I-H-H-P 'i-i-H-H-I-H’ 4 fLet Us Estimate on Your Pakiting Don’t put off painting. A house that lacks the protection of good paint invites decay. Spring is the time to paint— we’re ready to give you esti- ' mates. We recommend Boy White-Lead oil. Mixed together, I iiake a paint which is ig-lasting, economical /WfiS \ :ost per year. Call us / £ \ ir prices right and our I 1 I i Vote for Road Bonds Saturday and Trade With US. gartlett hardware Co. LaFayette, Georgia 4* i|i *!- SOUTH NAOMI. 4* 4- 4- . *.t .♦ t »,» ♦ ♦. t « i » l.l* ikiiki IHII i i Rev. 11. S. Cordell filled his regu lar apointment here Sunday. We were glad to have Dr. Lentz and his class with us at the sing ing Sunday afternoon.. The crowd was small hut we had some good singing. Quite a number from here attend ed (lie singing' at Pleasant Hill Sun day. H. C. Shelby spent a few days this week in a Chattanooga hospital. The B. Y. P. U war reorganized here last Sunday night. There was a large crowd out at prayer meeting Sunday night and we wore glad to see so mnnv. Everybody come to S. S. next Sun day morning. Freckles. 4*4—l*4* *I-M**M-I* -M-M-P 4-M-j' 4* BRO OUT OWN VALLEY 4* 4* 4 4*4*4-M~'-*4-»* r -* :-I*4-M-M*«F v Eugene the nlli" son of Mr. and Mrs. N. K .Gilreull: who lias been seriously ill for some time shows slight improvement. Miss Leila Hood of LaFayoUn was here a few days last week with rel atives. Henry Tvlor had the misfortune to lose a good cow last Saturday also Zaehey Gilrcath lost one a few days ago. REPORTER. ESTRAYED— I have at iny place near Pond Springs, one 2-year old red heifer. Has label in ear with No. 50 on it. Also lias one horn. Ownor call at once and get her.—H. It. Owings, Chickamau ga, Gn. Rfd.3. It FOR SALE—A 4-roont cottage in West LaFayelte. Apply to Roy Gilrcath at. Walravcn - Center Drug Co., LaFayette, Ga. Ux. LOST—The cameo out of my lava llicre Wednesday afternoon bo l.ween Napier Street and Evans and Tate Garage. The cameo is pink. Finder return to Eunice Tate and receive reward. Habitual Constipation Cured w In 14 to 21 Days •LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" Is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to tt days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. eVery Pleasant to Take.* 600 per bottle. SPECIAL : Read The Following: Prices and Trade Here Sugar, 12 lbs SI.OO Rice, 16 lbs 1.00 10 gallon keg Molasses 6.00 Clean-Ezy Soap 5c Octagon 5c P. & O. Soap, 2 for 15c Washing Powders, 6 for 25c 10c size “ “ 2 for 15c Poultry Powders, 25c value...., 15c Soda 5c Matches 5c Corn Flakes 10c Armour’s Pork and Beans, 3 for 25c Good Jelly 10c glass Apple Butter 10c glass 1| lb. Can Sausage.; 35c Brains...... 35c Can Tripe 35c “ Corn, 2 for 25c Tomatoes, 2 for 25c Salmon, 2 for 25c Macaroni, 2 for 15e Best Green Tea 25c lb. or 5 lbs. for SI.OO Best Mixed Tea 25c lb. or 5 lbs. for 1.00 All grades of Flour Best Lard and Compound All Kinds Feed Plenty of Fresh Vegeta bles Chickens and Eggs Fish on Saturday. L D. LITTLE Near Depot LaFayette, Georgia