Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 01, 1921, Image 9

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■■ ‘MuiiaF Sold only dy dealers give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history 30 x 3i NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD $15.00 $22.00 $27.50 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product Hott’s your liver] Are yon constipated, bilious, grouchy i y Have you dizzy spoils, dull headaches, brd taste m your j month; foul breath? If so, you need Dr 1 hacher’s Liver ■ and Blood Syrup; -which has been knocking out troubles oc * your sort ever since the good old southern doctor first pre- . scribed it away back in 1352. On sale at your drug store. . 2&? °yo« BLOOD T, von „ ou id s*.,y young in health as you grow older in years, have a . "r y 9 !o7yoar Wool LV. Tliachrr’, Liver and Blood Syrup .putt ; £ . into vour Mood; purifies and enriches it; makes it tooe up the whole L. ssr a — g my testimonial for Dr. Thacher 1 f amily with a four-yoar-old child I Medicine, which I have used for twelve had bid kiSeja. caused by B years. Before I mod it I eoul.l.iot d<> » F “„j i, u/do more good E I SfjflSwTtal TSfJoZ .£»« and modicino* that I .v.r got I healthy" * 2] s»i. Prop., k Min. TH ACHER MEDICINE CO., ch.tu».,», w. u. s. a. H PJJP "’sPSTili FOR SALE BY THE Walravei-Genter Drug Co„ LaFayette, Ga, THE slate surface gives you a spark-proof surface. It gives you a beautiful shingle in the natural, fadeless red or green slate color. The asphalt in Carey Shingles is the best quality nature affords, and is refined and tempered to make a water-proof body by the oldest and most expe rienced makers of asphalt roofings. Ihe wool felt too is made in the Carey mills further to assure the supe rior quality of Carey Shingles. ' p James Supply Co., Distributors. , KIRBY-KEPDON HARDWARE CO. ' WALKER COUNTY MESSE NOER, JULY 1,1921. >l* l)U it CREEK * * 4- I •H- -H-I-t-vi-i- rm-WH -Jr lliis immediate section lias hud several nice showers in the last 10 or 12 days which have put a differ ent appearance on most crops. The boll weevil and red spider is at work in our vicinity. Anything approaching a normal crop now is anytlihing hut encouraging. Was sorry to learn of the death of Col. J. P. Shattuek. The county has lost an excellent citizen, one whose place will he hard to flil. We have known him for more than 45 years. Would have been glad to have at tended his funeral but it was over before we learned of his death .We lender our sympathies to the be reaved. We were also sorry to hear of the death of our old friend E. M. Sim onton. We feel that we have lost in in his death a good friend. Miss Addie liavis who has been in school at Berea, Ky, is home for her vacation, i dsM.il Misses.Lowry and Belle Parker, of Chattanooga were guests of the writer's family last Sunday. Mr. Lee Neal and his mother are visiting Relatives at Cedartown. Mrs. J. W. Carrol visited her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Simmons in Home Saturday and Sunday Mrs J. M. Clarkson visited her daughter in Menlo a few days ago. Prof. W. A. J Burns was in this section on business a few days ago. Glad to see honest “Little Bill” out in a communication to the Mes senger. We don’t agree with him on the bond question but he has given things just as he sees them, and we we hope he will be able to see his way clear and vote for bonds juiy According to the old saying we will have an early frost. The katy dids comemnced their music on the night of the 24th and the old saying is that we will have frost in three mouths. L. * * | . I j LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. | I I * : * BONDS FOR PUBLIC ROADS Georgia, Walker County. It is ordered by the Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenue of said county, that an election be held in said county, under the rules and regulations governing such dela tions on the 2nd day of July 1921, to determine the question of whether said county shall incur a bonded' debt, and issue bonds therefor, to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of building, improving and repairing the public roads of said county, anjl the construction of the necessary bridges, sewers, and drains on said public roads. Said election to be held in accord ance with the election notice here inafter set forth, which notice is hereby ordered to be published in the Walker County Messenger, a newspaper published in said county in which the sheriff’s advertise ments are published, for thirty days next preceding the date lixed for said election. Said notice shall be as follows: NOTICE Ob’ BOND ELECTION Georgia, Walker County. Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of said county, that, by order of the Board of Commis sioners of Roads and Revenue of ?aid county, passed this the 3 day of \lay, 1921, an election has been call ’d at the several voting precincts of said county on the 2nd day of July 1921, in accordance with the Consli ution and laws of the State of Georgia and in accordance with the irder of the Board of Commission rs of Roads and Revenue ot said ;ounty, to determine whether the iualilled voters of said county will issent by the required two-thirds majority to the issue and sale of the ollowing bonds: Four Hundred Thousand ($400,- 900,00) Dollars of bonds of Walker Jounty of the denomination of One thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, b<-ar ng interest at the rate of live and me half per centum (SV&) per an num, said interest payable semi-an mally on the first day of February and the first day of August of ach and every year after the date if issue. Said bonds shall bear date f August Ist. 1921, shall be num ered serially from one to four hun ired, and Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollars thereof shall mature on •ebruary Ist. 1923, Ten Thousand $lO/100.00) Dollars on the first day •f February of each and every year hereafter until and including FAb- Miary Ist. 1927; thereafter Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars there if shell mature on the first day of j February of each and every year I until and including February Ist., j !932; thereafter Eighteen Thousand 'gift,ooo.ooo Dollars thereof shall i mature on February Ist <> r each and | every year until and including I eb ! ruarv Is*. 1947. at which time nil of [said bonds will have been paid T anil retired. All of said bonds togeth er with the interest on same, shall be payable at such places as may be designated by the purchaser of said bonds and assented to by the Board of Commissioners of Rouds and Rev enue of said county, or such other authorities as may be in charge of the finances of said county, in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, and the interest on all of said bonds to be evidenced by coupons falling due semi-annually and to he payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fine ness. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall bo used in the building, repairing and improve ment of the public roads of said county, and for the construction of the necessary bridges, sewers and drains on said public roads. There shall be expended in each of the several Militia Districts in said county for the purposes aforesaid, a per centum of the sum of Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00 Dol lars, equal to the percentage which the tax values of each of said dis tricts boars to the taxable values of (be whole ofsaid county, as deter mined by the tax digest lor the year 1921 I’.vcept the sum t ■ be expend ed for the purposes aforesaid, in LaFayettc, Chiekamuuga ami Dry Vallej Districts may not exceed the sum of filly per centum of the am ount of the per centum of the sum of 'Three Hundred ($3)9 fOO.OO Dol lars, lo which said district i would be entitled under the or > rate ot said sum according to the tax va'ucs of said districts, as hereinbefore pro vided. The sum remaining from the proceeds of the sale of the aforesaid bonds, after deducting the amount to be expended in the several Militia Districts, as aforesaid, shall be us ed only for the purpose of con structing, improving and repairing the public roads of said county, and for the construction of all necessa ry bridges, sewers and drains on said public roads, as said Hoard of Com missioners of Road« and Revenue of said County or other governing au thorities of said county may here after determine, and may bo used for the purposes aforesaid, in con junction with State or Government assistance, or without same. If said issue of bonds is assented t, o by the requisite vote an annual tax shall thereafter be levied, be ginning with the year 1921, and run ning through the succeeding twenty five (25) years, and collected by au thority of the Board of Commission ers of Roads and Revenue of said county of Walker or by authority of the officers charged with the making of the tax levy for said county, on the taxable property within said county, a sufficient amount to pay the interest annually on said bonds and for the payment of principal of said bonds as same mature, and the funds so raisod on account of the amount of the principal of said bonds shall be applied only to the payment of said bonds, as they ma ture, and shall be held as a sinking fund for the retirement of said bonds when they become due. Tho proceeds of said bonus shall be ap plied'exclusively for the purposes aforesaid and in the manner afore said. Voters at said election favoring the issue of said bonds for building improving and repairing tho public roads of said county, and for the construction of the necessary bridg es, sewers and drains on said public roads, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “for tin 1 issue of Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000.00) Dollars of Bonds for Building, Improving and Repairing of the Public Roads of said county, aiid*ioTthe construction or the ncc cessary Bridges, Sewo. s, and Drains on said Public Roads.” Voters at said election opposing the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words “Against the of Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000.- <XI) Dollars of bonds for the Build ing Improving and Repairing of the Public Roads of said county, and the Construction of the necessary Bridges, Sewers and Drains on said Public Roads." The election wii! be conducted in accordance with law, at all pre cincts in said county, so that all quuliflcii voters may have an op portunity I ' vote at said election, anil this notice is given in pursuance of the order of the B. ard of Com missioners of [loads aik' Revenue, of Walker County passed this dale. Given under our hands end of ficio! signature on this the 3 day of May 1921. M. A. McCONNELL, Chairman P P. BALL f'LAUDE CLEMENTS j. r. McFarland W S. ABERCROMBIE Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Walk er County. Georgia. CLAUDE CLEMENTS, Clerk (Georgia. Walker County. I hereby certify that the foregoing TT» M’Trn’rTVT'i'T WTp *■ BETHEL ''"*'* * Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Weaver enter (tained the young folks with a sing ing Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter had as their guests Sunday Rev. J. W Gold smith and children of Alton Park and Miss Lincey West and Mrs. Martha Ellenburg of this place. Oscar Weaver spent Sunday at Chickuinauga the guest of Roy Jay. Misses Grace Ellenburg Ruth Log gins and Gladys Bird spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bird. Mrs. Tom Wavts and children of Linwood spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Graninore. J C. ltullcn of Boynton spent tho week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs Jas Bird. Everybody remember singing next Sunday and also remember S S. at 10 o’clock. BLUE EYES 4* ■ ■? •H-M-M-hM* 'l* 4* «*• * CORINTII * 4* 4* »p*j**i-*y. l a The called conference on last Sat urday night was largely attended. After business session Rev. W. L. Mavity preached a fine sermon. The family reuninon at Bro. llan dlph Greene’s was attended by a large number of friends anr rela tives. Rev. B. 11. Howard preached at 3 o’clock. Well not much news this week hut* I wont you to know we are still here and on the job. If you want to help your community, boost it in the Messenger and read it, when you do this vote for bonds and you will do more for your county thatjj you can in any other way. I be lieve we will n Saturday July 2nd. U. F. S. ptir our smps on tm scvem sxas Ship and Sail under the Stars and Stripes More than fifty freight and passenger services un der the Stars and Stripes are ready for your use IN the harbor* of strange land* where the Stan and Stripea had become but e memory, they are now found once more on regular tchcdule time. The grand son* of a generation dead and gone have seen the return of the Flag to all the seven seas. Help to keep the Star* and Stripes In its rightful place, all over the world, by sailing and shipping on American owned and operated ships. "We cannot sell successfully,” said President Harding, “where we do not carry.” American ships are now available. Be sure to use them whenever possible. Operator* of Passenger Services Admiral Line, 17 State Street, New Yoik, N. Y. Matsun Navigation Company, 26 So. Gay Street, Baltimore, Mu. Mumon Steam Ship Line. 82 Beaver Street, New York, N. Y. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pacific Mail S. S. Co , 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y. U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Ward Line. (New York and Cuba Mail S. S. Co ) Foot of Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Free u*e of Shipping Board film# !he of Shipping Board motion picture filrm, four reel-., free on of any mayor, pastor, post master, or organi zation. A great educut ional picture of ships arid tße sea. Write for Inform ation roll l.aue, I Erector Information Bureau, Room Oil, 1119 ''l'" Street, N. W., Washington, L) C. SHIPS POR BALB (To A merit on citlaout only » Stael •learner*, both oil and coal burner*. Also wood steamer*, wood hull* and ocean-foing tug*. Further information obtained by repeat. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, write any of the above lines or is a true and correct copy from the minutes of the Board of Commis sioners of Roads and Revenue ol -aid county for the meeting held on May 3rd., 1921., ns same eppears ol record in the office of the Clerk o' said Board of Commissioners ol Hoads and Revenue. This 3rd dav of May. 1921. CLAUDE CLEMENTS, Clerk of Board of Commissioner? of Roads and Revenue. SPECIAL SHERIFF’S ELECTION CALLED FOR SATURDAY JULY 2 State of Georgia, Walker county. WHEREAS, a vacancy occurs and now exists in the Oitlce of Sheriff of said county, caused by the death of A. G. Catron on the 28th day of May 1921. Wherefore it is made the duty of the Ordinary of said county under sections WHi and 1901 of tho code of Georgia, (1911) to order an elec tion to fill the vacancy aforesaid. It is therefore Ordered that an election be hold at the legal pre cincts in each Militia District in said county on Saturday, July 2nd, 1921, to nn the unexpired term of the said A. G. Catron, Sheriff of said County, deceased, tho same to bo held under the rules and regula tions governing elections for mem bers of the general assembly. Ordered further, that the manag ers of the different precincts send in I heir returns by one of the man agers of said election to the Court house of said County on Monday July 4th, 1921, by 12 o’clock M, who together with the Courthouse man agers will consolidate and declare the result of said election. Given under my hand and official signature at the Office in LaFayette, Ga., this the Ist day of June 1921. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary, Walker County, Ga. To Stop a Cough Quick lake HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a much medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissue*. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEARING HONEY. The Salve should he ruhhed on the chest and throat of children suffering Irom a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes’ neunug Honey in shle the throat combined with the healing effect of (•rove’s O-Pen-Trate Salve through the porea of the skin soon stops a cough. Doth remedies are packed in one carton and the cost of the combined treatment h 35c. Just ask your druggist (or HAYES’ HEAUNG HONEY. ' 1 . LETTERS OF DISMISSION Georgia, Walker County. ' 8. I‘. Hall, administrator of T. C. Hall, late of said county, deceased, has applied lo the undersigned for letters of dismission from said ad ministratorship. Notico is hereby given that 1 will pass on said appli cation at my office in LaFayette, said eounty on tho first Monday in July next. Given under my hand and official signature this June 0, 1921. W. 1,. STAN KELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION Georgia, Walker County. G. W. Ransom, guardian of Tom Wallin and Kvic Wallin has applied lo the undersigned for letters of dismission from said guardianship. Notice is hereby given that I will pass on said application at my office in LaFayette, said county on the Ist Monday in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, this June 0, 1921. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in duo form to have Willie May Green appointed administratrix upon the estate of Will Hailey, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said aplieation will be pussed upon at my office in LaFay ette, said county, on the first Mon day in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, Ibis June 6, 1921. YV. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in duo form to have Mrs. A. G. Calron appointed administratrix upon the estate of A. G. Catron, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be passed upon at. my offieo in LaFay ette, said eounty, on the first Mon day in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, this June 0, 1921. YV. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION Georgia, YY’alkcr County. G. D. Clements, guardian of his minor heirs lias applied to the un dersigned for letters of dismission from suid guardianship. Notice i 9 hereby given that I will pass on said application at my office in LaFayette said county on the first Monday in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, this June 0, 1921. YV. 1,. STANSELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in due form to have J. C. Langley ap pointed guardian of Esther Bird minor, notice is hereby given that said application will be passed upon at. my office in LaFayette, said coun ty, oil (.lie first Monday in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 0. 1921. YV'. [.. STANSELL, Ordinary.