Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, November 25, 1921, Image 6

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lit Three Inseparables One for miIdness,VIRGINIA One for mellowness. BURLEY One for aroma,TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and blended !Oforl5 f (t&\ W *IHWTif.AVE I I TemftrrovYjl Alright 1 ■ |JJ n mild, vegetable laxative to ■/, ffvl relieve Constipation bud Bill- fH ouHr.cHH and keep the digestive and Hr' normal. >*< tahli i• '■> An One-third the rrgu 2-a l« r dose. Made of wshr name ingredients, f then candy coated. Jy If|| For children and adults. :fe' Walrnven-Ceiilur Drug Co. Announcement To The Public! I desire to announce to the public that I have purchased the Palace Theatre and assumed control Monday morning. I propose to give the public the Best Pictures and Service possible, and will deeply appre ciate your continued patronage. My motto will be to please you. Harry E. Center, Prop. L GEtI!iI E Below is the Bill of Pictures for This Weefc: Palace Theatre ~ "" " 1 ' ■ i M i " i—j 1 ■ " 11 m Friday Tuesday NOVEMBER 25TH NOVEMBER 29TH Wililam Fox Presents Wanda How Ivy in ShlPiry Mason In “THE 1101 SE THAT JAZZ BUILT” “LO\E Hill.' Adopted from a Saturday evening Paradise is always where love Post story, “Sweetie Peach” by So dwolls, love makes fools of us all, phie Kerr. A love triangle that tlnal both old and young, big and little. ly cornea out fair and square. If you “Lovelime" is sure to idease. See it. love a jazzy picture be sure to see . Comedy, “NO PI.ACE TO LIVE" this one. A laugh from beginning to ■ — end. , , Sdtlirdfly Comw, y. “STOP kioihng” Tar Wednesday “THE WHITE HOUSEMEN” Comedy, “AROUND CORNERS" NOVEMBER .'SOTII Also one of Aesops Fables— Bryant Washburn in “THE FOX AND THE CROW” "SINS OF ST. ANTHONY” __ A story full of thrills and action. - Comedy “STUCK UP” Monday NOVEMBER 28TH mi - Franklin Farnuni in TnilF^fl/lV "THE GALLOPING DEVIL" / The mysterious romance of the far DECEMRER IST western prararics. A story of man s Louise llulf in lion-like courage iu the face of evil “WHAT WOMEN WANT" —of thrills and grasps-of rapid- William Penn said “Love is Heav- Hre gun-play and reckless horse- en on Earth”. Shakespeare said: nmnship, with plenty ol love and “Love is merely a madness." What • laughter. do you think? See “What Women Also Helen Holmes ill “Tiger Rand” Want" ( A railroad and western picture. Comedy. “TOOTH CARPENTER" Adults 20c Children 10c VV ANTS IK YOU WANT to sell your farm or it you want to buy a farm see me. I work both ways.—T. A. O’Neal, Jial ayette. Ga. ts BRING ME YOUR COTTON SEED- Will either buy them or ex change rueal and hulls for same. —G. F. Parker, LaFayette Ga. WILL BUY—Your cotton seed cr will exchange meal and hulls for same. Have meal and hulls on hand now—G. F. Parker, La- Fayelte, Ga. A FEW Ladies’ Pattern Bats at cost or less.—Thurman Bros. FOR SALE—A Classic Talking Ma chine, Victrola style, cheap.— Paul Blaylock, LaFayette, Ga. PATTERN HATS—A few Ladies’ Patera Hats at cost or less at 'Thurman Bros, LaFayette. Piles Cured in 6to 14 Days Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after first application. 60c. A PAIR MULES—For sale. In good condition and will weigh from 1050 to 1100 pounds. Bargain.—Jno. It. Ilea, LaFayette, Ga. NOTICE— I am now located at the barber shop near the depot and will appreciate my old friends eall infi around for their barber work.— C. P. Williams. 12-2-4tx. AT COST OR LESS—A few Ladies’ Pattern Hats.—Thurman Bros., LaFayette, Ga. (JET YOUR FEED SUPPLIES of all kinds from Dan C. Wheeler & Co., Chattanooga They make a specialty of Cotton Seed Meal WANTED—Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for tho genuine guaranteed Hosiery, full line for men, women nnd children. Eliminates darn ing. We pay 75c an hour spare time, or $36.00 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Nor ristown, Pa. WALKER COUNTY MESSENGER. NOVEMBER 25, 1921. JET’ YOUR FEED SUPPLIES of all kinds from Dan C. Wheeler A Co, Chattanooga. They make c specialty of Cotton Seed Met; and Hulls. NOTICE—I am in the market for pine logs, gum and popular, 10, 12 14, 16 feet long. Price sll per thous and f. o. b. mill—J. H. B. Rea, LaFay ette, Ga. COTTON SEED—SeII me your cot ton seed. If you need meal and hulls, I have them. Will ex change them for cotton seed if you prefer—G. F. Parker, La- Fayette, Ga. NOTICE —All parties owing Swift Fertilizer Co by note will find notes at Walker County Bank. Those who never gave notes will (Ind their ac counts at - the Bank of LaFayette— L. D. Little, Agent for Swift & Co. FOR RENT—The Richardson farm near Mission Ridge Station.—Call Main 3810 or write A. S. Oakmon, 409 E. 9(h St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 2t FOR SALE—Comprele set farming tools, including motver, rake and corn shelter. Also new top buggy & harness.—Lucy J Street. TOR RENT—Two storo rooms in West LaFayette on Chattanooga St., near the depot. City Water and lights—D. W. Herndon. NOTICE TO FARMERS After Saturday November 19th, we will run our gin and do custom' grinding on Saturday of each week. —McConnell and Wright, Center Post, Ga. 11-25-2 t Good Health If you would enjoy good Health, j keep your bowels regular. No one! can reasonably hope to feel well | when constipated. When needed, take Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are mild and gentle. Habitual Constipation Cured • in 14 to 21 Days « *<JtX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates, a Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c , per bottle. j CLEAN-UP SQUAD FOR EX-SERVICE MEN For. nil* wction at h mil of- Cl UN I! 6-12 —ALL EX-SERVICE Vi l> THIS COUNT SUBJECT T . I*f OVISIO'S O ! «.o\E|t\. VI VI URGED T o TV. I- * O Through the American Red Cross, the government clean-up squad lor the beneltl of the ex-service men, are carrying out a campaign which is nation wide. The headquarters for tliis section is Rome, and the date when the squad will be at Rome is the week of December 6-12 in clusive. The purpose of the campaign is to, fully advise all ex-service men of their rights under the War risk in surance act and the vocational re habilitation act; to assist disabled ex service men in securing compensa tion, medical treatment and hospital care; to inform and assist all claim ants regarding procedure necessa ry in tiling a claim for compensa tion and insurance; to assist those whose claims are pending in secur ing final action, where additional BIG BARTLETT HARDWARE CO. BANKRUPT SALE STILL ON We are now back in business at the same old stand. We will from this date on sell strictly for Cash. We know full well to sell for cash we must make the price right. We have a large stock of goods on hand, and we expect to make BIG CONCESSIONS IN PRICES— Prices you haven’t found in this town in a long time. Look over the following prices: § 7.50 Leather Collar at §4.00 1-2 gal. Spout Can, best 6.00 “ “ “ 3.00 grade, Veedol Auto 16.00 Slip Harness “ 8.00 Oil at 90c per can 12.50 “ “ “ 6.50 1 gal. Spout Can, best 8.00 Check Lines “ 4.50 grade, Veedol Auto 7.00 “ “ “ 3.75 Oil at 90c per can 35.00 to $40.00 Buggy 50c size Auto Tube Patch- Harness at $17.50 to 20.00 ing at 25c package 3.50 Buggy Bridles at 1.95 30x3 Rid-o-Skid Auto John Deere Open Bug- Chain at.... 52.00 per pair gies at 75.00 30x34 Rid-o-Skid Auto SBO and S9O Range Chain at.... 52.50 per pair Stoves, at... 550 to $60.00 31x4 Rid-o-Skid Auto S3O to S4O Cast Cook Chain at ...$2.75 per pair Stoves at... sls to $25.00 32x4 Rid-o-Skid Auto 50 lb. Tin Lard Cans at 60c Chain at ...$3.00 per pair No.B large size Gray Enain- 33x4 Rid-o-Skid Auto el Tea Kettles, first nn at... $3.25 per pair quality, at 85c w °® d Auto Chain /5c to $1 Glass Lamps Weed auto Chain at 50c to 60c at $4.00 per pair 5, 6 and 7 lb. Smoothing 31x4 Weed Auto Chain Irons at 40c, 45c at $4.50 per pair an( j 50 C 12 gal. English Wash r -$5.00 per pair 6 U . * nn Cole s Famous Hot Blast Fots at P 3 -00 Heaters at about * price 12 gal. old style Sugar AH sizes Boys’ Kettle Wash Pots at 2.00 Wagons price Just to be plain about it, we expect to make ex tremely low prices on everything we have in stock. We will make it to your advantage to trade with us. COME TO SEE FOR YOURSELF. BARTLETT HARBWARE COMPANY Please give us a settlement on your account and re ceive a Present. evidence is necessary to connect disa bility with service or other data re quired by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance and the Federal Board; and so provide for immediate phy sical examination where necessary, and furnish hospitalization fpr urg ent cases. D. R. Thurman, of LaFayette, is the secretary of the Walker Chap ter Red Cross and if there are ex service men in the county, who feel that they are entitled to compensa tion, hospital treatment, medical care or who desire vocational train ing, they may report .to him- and free transportation will be provid ed to Rome and return to meet the clean-up squad Dec. 6-12. At squad headquarters lodging and meals will be furnished and and all ex-service men during the necessary time. The Government is anxious that every ex-service man have his claim adjusted and the Red cross is the me dium through which proper adjust ment may be made. It is rendering the government a distinct service i this matter, and at the same time is the best friend of the ex-service men who are subject to any of the above stated provisions. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY I have money to loan on City Prop erty in amounts of S2OOO and up. Apply to D. W. STILES, LaFayette, Ga. ■H-H-I-H-vr vrn-i"t "H-W *l* A MOUNT AN VIEW * {• * Joe Long, of Oklahoma, After sev : oral days visit with relatives and I friends in Chattanooga Valley, has returned home. Joe Janeaway are going to- Flor ida for the winter. B. F. Hollingsworth will move to (he place vacated by Mr. Janeaway. Bro. Smith filled his regular ap pointment at our church Sunday. The new concrete bridge at Rock Creek is complete and is open to traffic. S. B. Agnew is building a new bungalow at the Agnew spring. Rike Hollingsworth is (lie game warden for the Lisbon district. He was around last week distributing cards pertaining to the game and fish laws. We understand that Justice court for convenience sake from now on will be held at Mountain View. The turnip crop this year is the> best in years. We are in need now of some hog killing weather. Notwithstanding we believe the League of Nations provided all the necessary' machinery for the limita tion of armaments on both land sea, here’s hoping that the Armament conference may prove a success. We do not like to hurry the work but we are getting anxious about.’ the good roads provided by the bond issue. JOHN OLTORF.