Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, November 25, 1921, Image 7

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(foe¥ \jASFALTSLATE SHINGLES THINK of the up-keep as well as the first co*st when you build your home. Use Carey Asfaltslate Shingles and your insurance rates will be less. Your home will be safer. You will never have to paint Carey Asfaltslate Shingles. The beautiful natural red or green stone color of the slate is fadeless. Your roof will not look shabby in a few years. These shingles cannot crack, they do not warp, wind Joes not get under them, ice action cannot break them. Furthermore Carey Asfaltslate Shingles do not rot. This is because they are composed of from 70 to 60% mineral matter. * 9 They are inexpensive and are very easy to apply. Let US figure on your requirements. James Supply Co., Distributors Kirby-Herndon Hdw. Co. Dealers, LaFayette, Georgia 4sSßk'- >'Ve Mu si Guard jj Our G ixh I t- iilljftiir*' n the threshold of womanhood I t ot.tes the crisis which means ■ health or invalidism. 8 V f K oraticAS ago an old southern doc- I I f . tor wrote a prescription for tho H / / / . ills of women, which ha? become I * known to fame as‘"Stella Vitae;” I , - has been tho right thing at tho I right time for thousands of 9 L young girls, down to tho present B p Saved An da V \7 itfcu l ter. Money refunded it Mlxbl h 1. upcraticn BOTTLii does not benefit. fl ft MR. W. F. NELSON, a merchant At y our dru £ fitore i y Ji'ivn, Tens., says: That the daughter t of one of his neighbe-s, .Mr. James ii J;.- ris, was in such a cor.dii.ion v.-ilb jflj is t’f):. ip i’-cub's that an operation was J ;.>o i-.-J, and the young lady was sent to S Chattanooga ftr its performance. Sba 8 dis Jed tho operation, and STELLA ■ VITAE having been recommended, Ji A » Bti I decided to try that first. She has taken P N VA six bottles and is happily on tho road || H j jj “j lo rwevery SJio is ablp to <lo her usual work and is in better health than for n» f j L Jjf KJißSjijtjt years before, but continues to use it. SRfi « ja Es' * She writes: “STELLA VITAE will do V r all you claim.” Her father gays “She Utgßjjatfifci began ■ o improve a* once, after taking HinN ill it 8 r n '% 4 '* 9 h • 'V§.i» STELLA VITAE.” THAC.HER MEDICINE CO. FOR SALE BV THE f ; j •£ Walravea Center Drug Co., LaFayette, Ga. You’ll get somewhere * with a pipe and P. AJ Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a pipe!—and forget every smoke experience you ever had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed print, Aibtr, I. brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered! It’s z revelation! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can’t bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by ourN ***"** »•** '"* r exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old IBgss idea you may have stored away that you can’t smoke a pipe! We tell you that you can—and j ust have the time of your life on every fire-up—if you play Prince Albert WI What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a >■ home-made cigarette! Gee—but you’ll have a lot of f fun rolling ’em with Prince Albert; and, it’s a cinch JH because P, A. is crimp cut and stays put! « .J! Fringe Albert Winston-Salem- * m 9 m • • . / n : c. _ the national joy smoke WALKER COUNTY MESSE NOER. NOVEMBER 25, 1921. ♦ 4- CATI.ETT 4* f> :IIIIIIIIJIIIII Mr. Burl Quails left Sunday for a few days’ visit to his sister at Menlo Ga. Miss Mabel McGill and Irvin Ar nold, of LaFayetto spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks. Visiting YV. A. Stephenson Sunday wore J. N. Stephenson and family; also P. B. Stephenson. Ed Williams and wife Miss Willie Mae Coulter left Monday for I.aFay eitto where they will make their future home. Griff Eubanks and family were the guest of J. J. Steverson for the week-end. The people of this community will give the convicts a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday at 12 o’cloek and everybody is urged to bring well vlled baskets. Next Saturday is the day to elect the trustees for the Catlett school. Let everybody Ilia is ineresled come out. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Clarke were visiting Mr. Bob Lane's Sunday. Our B. Y. P. U. was largely attend ed Sunday and am glad to say it is progressing nicely. HANIKtLPH 4* 4* •J. CORINTH 4* * * «T -f. * j, Rev. B. H. Howard tilled his regu lar appointment here Saturday and Sunday. , Edward H„ is the name of the little son born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wood on the 16. We are glad to have Sister Lee Cordell back in church after about weeks illness. A part of the finance building for our church reported Saturday night. We arc making a good start on the money part and we will begin haul in lumber at once. The people of Corinth sent a nice coop of chickens to the Baptist Or phans Homo this week, which was no small thing. I trust (hat they will get a blessing out of it and I Know the little children, 255 in one home will enjoy them. In as much as you did it to one of the least of these you did it unlo Me. U. F. S. H..I ■■ ■ > i*“~ a A TONIC m Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel Us strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c. Remember? Little Margery wanted to talk over the telephone with her mother, who wns visiting a friend, so her elder sis ter gave her the phone number and let her call Central. A few days after this conversation, when the mother was paying another visit to the same friend, the older sister overheard Mnr gery at the telephone. Central evi dently hud been asking for the num ber, nnd Margery was explaining veho mently: “Central, I want the num ber I had Thursday. Don’t you un derstand? The same number." Many Substitutes for Tea. There are more thnn 30 plants used In different pnrts if the world ns substitutes for ten. One of them comes from the dried ionves of a fra grant orchid, a parasite like the mis tletoe, nnd allied to the well-known vnnllln of the odor of which It reminds us. The Africans have long used Its leaves as medicine, nnd the Infusion of them ns a drink. Its taste Is some thing between vnnllln nnd bitter al monds. Have to Eat the Leavings. The women of California mid othet fruit-producing stntes of the Pacific toast are complaining that, while they ire charged high prices for the fruit lint they must buy, they are unnblo o get anything but the second-grndg ,)roduce. Under ordlnnry clrcum itnnces the choicest fruit Is sent te he eastern markets nnd only when lie market Is glutted are they able t« et the best. HHMHHiMi | TAX NOTICE | || I will be at the following places || H on the dates mentioned below for || m the purpose of collecting State, » ,jfi County and School Taxes for the ||| B year 1921. fl| H Ist Round gp Mountain ....-.-...0ct. 17 Lisbon Oct. 21, a in. js&R Cane Creek Oct. 18, a. in. Pond Springs Oct. 21, p m Wilson Oct. 18, p. in. Cliickainauga ....Oct. 24, p. m. Shk Rock Springs Oet. 19, a m Flintstone Oct. 24, a. in. 918 9HB Chestnut Flat Oct. 19, p. in. Rossville Oct. 25,11 a. in. to 2p. m 998 Cedar Grove Oct. 20, a. in. Last Armuclie Oct. 26, a. in. IRSc Kensington Oct. 20. p.in. West Armuchee Oct. 26, p. in I 2nd Round || *55 Mountain Nov. 7. Lisbon Nov. 11 a. m. jjK Cane Creek Nov. 8, a. m. Pond Springs ....Nov. 11, p. rn. BgW Wilson Nov. 8, p. in. Flintstone Nov. 14, a in * i Rock Springs Nov. 9, a. in. Chickamauga ....Nov. 14, p in wffl) Chestnut Flat ... .Nov. 9, p. m. Rossville Nov. 15,11 a. mto2p. in JUgIS Cedar Grove Nov. 10, a. m. East Arinucheo Nov. 16, a m. Wjffig Kensington Nov. 10, p. in. West Armuchce Nov. 16, p m HR I 3rd and Last Round 1 Mountain ..Nov 22 10 a m—2 p m Flintstone Dec. 6, 10 a m—3 p m X 0 W. Armuchee Nov 2310 a m—3 p m Chic’mauga Dee .7,10 a m—3 p m Cane Creek Nov 24,10 a m—3 p m Rossville Dec. 8, 10 a m—3 pin Wilson Nov. 25, 10 a m—3 p m E. Armuchee Dec. 9, 10 a in—3 pin MSS Rock Spgs Nov. 28,10 a m—3 p m LaFayette— - wJS) Ced Grove Nov 30, 10 a m —3 pm VT . _ . n , Kensington Dec. 1, 10 a m-3 p m November 5, 12, 19, and 26th. ju»gg Lisbon ..Dec 2, 10 a m—3 p m December 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, jESj Pon dSpgs Dec 5, 10 a m—3 p m 16, 17, 19, and 20th. , II The Books will be closed Dec. il | 20th, 1921. All persons who, fail §§j | to pay their Taxes by Dec. 20th §§f | will be required to pay all cost of §|j i collection with 7°| o interest. || | Henry Brown, T. C. ffjj i Walker County, Ga. Hi 1 . I SHHHHHHRi “Cock a Doodle Doo.” Several years ago my small son and I were visiting In Die Ozarks. The child's grandmother gave him a beau tiful white bantam rooster and lieu to take home. Wo traveled In a chaff car and I put the tiny chicks in n pn per box and put the box on (lie car floor, thinking it would be safe for the night I forgot nil about the possi bility of the rooster crowing. Enrly In the morning that little bantam started In, long and loud. I have nev er tried since to transport live stock. —Exchange. J I'lb Use SAPOLIO li|! I 1 For Every Room in the House EJ In the kitchen SAPOLIO cleans pots,pans, ft c ( oilcloth and cutlery; in the bathroom I B SAPOLIO cleans porcelain, marble, tiling lil'j! —the wash basin and bathtub; in the II I hallway SAPOLIO cleans painted wood |j ’ wink, ;I■ i--ill. .hi I . ■n.l'j or .lone Snake No Match for Ants. V That ants should be able to kill < snake may seem Incredible, nt first. When an enemy Is sighted the alarm Is given at once and the whole com* inanity of ants arises In a body. They set upon the reptile, striking their nippers Into It nt thousands of points. The attack Is made with such enor« tnous numbers that the snuko has noi chance of escuplng. When the snaka Is dend the ants will tear off the flesh In small pieces, taking all away with them except the hones and skin. j