Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, December 29, 1922, Image 2

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inilMal.mil Established 1877 Ot’.iu/.l Newspaper of the County E. P. HALL, JR. Publisher and Editor Subscription Rates One Year |I.OO Bix Months 60 Three Months 40 7*" .miiii Advert. Represent*! !*ve ir: AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the I,aFayette, Ga, postoillce tor transmission through the inaiis as second-class matter. New Year means a new oppor tunity, another chancel Everything will get better if we will only work to that end. (— Here’s hoping the new city fathers will give us a white way for the public square. Delay is dangerous, we have al ways heard, but not always to the ! : <|uor dealer. Is it a sign that whisky violat ors are on the increase in North-) west Georgia when the records of arrest and whisky eases are great ly on the increase, or is it a sign lhat the whisky offenders are be ing hunted out and caught in larg cr numbers than heretoforet EVERYBODY TOGETHER, LET’S 00! Whatever the faults and mis takes ol' the year 1922, let us put them all aside, take the good lroin the past year and build for bet ter things in 1H22. ‘'Forgetting the tilings that are behind, and lvuciung forward to the things i.hal are before”, i t us press on J’c.r bigger and better tilings iu the new year. With the sense of a new oppor tunity, let us enter the new year, fall ol determination to live more completely and express our best solves more fully and unqualified ly than in 1922, in the light of a fontideut hope that larger things are iu store for us as indivduals i as a county and people, if we will put forth the effort. Looking back over the past ; cur's achievements in this coun ty, one can see marked and yet steady advancement along all lines, i’he work of construction lus gone on, good foundations have been laid. Churches have mi de great advances in member -4 hip and buildings; schools have lit en strengthened, new modern t wildings have gone up in sever ed sections and a keener and deep er interest has been shown over previous years, in the young life of our county, in its development and welfare. Co-operation has been exemplified in a better way 4 m.mg the farmers and business men and among the farmers them . us well ns among the busi iuks anti professional men them tuclvcH. And we have come to learn lit least, our a b e’s of co-opera tion in reading the results wher ever practiced. With all these good attitudes, conscious co-operative spirit, gmnl foundations laid, we have in 3922, as a people autl a county, a’l opportunity that has never yet been presented us for real prog ». ss. in the light of the past achieve ments, let us at the very begin twig of the new year prepare our *t Ives for a bigger development, ii’ul plan for bigger things n i ♦ ke our coats off, put our shuol <;en. our hcuus and our V.e*i together for the greatest e nr w m our history. Here's to the New Year *n W; lkcr o-—’ty. with nil of its n —t '.'ry - m The povi ruiiiFnt pike from La fayette to Chattanooga is one of •! e most travelled road in the ru r;*l sections of the South, so said a high government official some ime since. Well, about the poor 's) provisions are made for it of any road we know of. Let us get busy and get a larger appropria tion for this road and get it in shape. It is a link in the Dixe Highway and Chattanooga, La fayette, Summerville and Rome are vitally interested in it. We cmi get an appropriation for this road if we want it bad enough no matter what the objections are or who are the objectors. Let ns go after this projeer for all we are worth from Chattanooga to Rome and we’ll get it. What do you say 1 Witnout a resolution, a pur pose, a goal, very little is done Therefore don't shy at New s ear resolutions. Resolve and then put he resolution to work. Tin* aristocraery of the Court, which may be in its delay, may probably have to give way to a !)< niocraey of a little quicker dis patch of business. Churches and schools—these i re foundation stones in our civil i/at ion. Then let us work harder lor better churches and schools during 1922. No matter how utterly you have failed in 1922, you can greet 1923 with a strong determination to make progress, and that's the attitude wortli having. % * I > i ruKvrv-nvK vs \rs ago i 1 Dec. 30 1H97. | i Urlovv will he foiiuil items or news published In the Walker County Messenger twenty-live years ago which will he of interest to the Messenger readers today. At the installation of the officers ol Western Lodge and Walker Chap ter Hoyal Arch Masons on the 271,h., the lodge room was dedicated in due and ancient form and now the Masons have as good and beautiful lodge room as any town this si/e in Hie country. The two performances of the “Deestrick Skule" realized over seventy dollars for school equip i lent and improvements. —ii — On Wednesday night the 291 h the people of Cassandra were calle.l to gether at Walter Lee’s store to con sider the proposition of erecting a school building commensurate wi'h the need of the community. H un lit leers were appointed and ways end means were discussed. Ano'her meeting will be called a little later. From Aug. t, 1890 to Aug t. ISjJ '.he expenses of the couni y farm were s.'>Bl. The total cost of tv n - lung it, including the sala'': r of the ■superintendent was SI2OO. —x*- F. M. Goousoii ami Alf Held v.: ro il.osen as debaters at Fvere'.t Springs, ami the Howen bojs do iivemi essays at the closing c\ei tises for Xmas. Walker county and ' illanow furnishes as bright young ii in as the country can produce. Watch the young Yillanowiu':.''. —x— The Xmas records for drunks in iie lot.owing cities will be inter sling and reveal the secret of pop mtion. Atlanta. 305; Savannah, 93; iiucon, . >; and Home 15. Trcu.- rer I. A Price moved his .tinny ce this week, having rent- I tiiu 'ige Lumpkin house on the . a. iv. road. —»l*-- Howland ha- received tin •ney tor the v\ idnws ,vi,J o'll soldiers. —*K v> .drick, a brother to lake. liursday from Texas fee | \ I.- has been in I e\as f,. 21 j i nr e Thurman and Vr Tee ■ married in Hnwi'town hv F,squire Hale. Ida Scruggs came in v Texas on tin* 23rd to !>'*mc with her brother, uggs, of LaFayelte. The v rs Met came with > *—war«*K'i»*> - - ■ . “ walker COUNTY MESSENGER, DECEMBER 29, 1922 I El lilts OF ADMINISTRATION U; orgiu, Walker County. , Application having been matin in dm* form to have F M Williams ap |n :;teij administrator of the estate of .1 \V Fulmer late of said county deceased, notice is hereby given that 1 will pass upon said applica tion at my office in Lal'ayetle, said county on the first Monday in Jan uary next, this Dec. 4, 1922. \V, L. STANSELL, Ordinary. 4 FAILS SUPPORT Georgia, Walker County. , Jo Whom it may concern: Mrs Del tie Fulmer, widow of J W Fulmer, late of said county deceas ed has applied to undersigned lor a year's support from the estate of said deceasel. Notice is hereby giv en that I will pass upon said appli cal ion at my office in LaFayette, said county, on the first Monday in January next. Given under my hand and official signature, this Dec. 4, W. [.. STAN SELL, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Georgia, Walker County. , .By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, will he sold be fore the courthouse door in the lowa of LaFayette, said state and <*>unty, wilhiii the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January i.< xt to the highest and best bid di r, the following described prop erly to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Kill. District and illi section of Walker County, Georgia, more fully des cribed as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mrs. Gussie Strickland’s at the pike road at a big gate, on land lot no 182, and running east along a road to the land of Mrs. Gussie Sfricklend on lot 183; thence with Strickland's line South to the south line of 183; thence west with South line of lots nos. 183 and 182 to the Government pike," thence northwardly with tiie Government Like to beginning point, containing ten acres more or less. Sold as (he property of Susan Garnett alias Susan Atkinson, deceased. Terms of s:ue. half cash, balance due one year with 8 per rent interest from date of sale, wilh the privilege of pay ing all cash. This Dec. sth 1922. ROBERT GARNER, Admr. Susan Garner, Alias Susan Atkinson Deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Giorgia, Walker County, , lly virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, will he sold he lm e Ihe. courthouse door in the town of LaFayette, said slale and county, /within the legal hours of sale on the lirst Tuesday in January next lo Ihe highest and best cash lic.der, tin* following described prop ertv to wit: All of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Mill District and 4th Section of Walker County, Georgia, hounded and described as follows: That part of land lot No 20. bounded on the east by the Chattanooga Valley read; on the north'by the John iTtterson Property; on the west by the Partin property; on the South by the Henry property, containing thirty one acres more or less. Also all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the llth., District and ith section of said slate and county, more fully described as follows: Commencing at east ori ginal line where road crosses Hue. running South wilh said line to cor ner. thence west to a stone corner: thence north to (lie road at a stone corner: thence with the road to the place of beginning, being part of lot No. 21, and being ten acres more or less. To be sold as the property of Tom Partin, late of said county, deceas ed. for the purpose of paying debts end for distribution. This Decem- Lir 41 h 1922. N. B. PARTIN, Admr. Tom Partin, Deceased YEAR'S SUPPORT Georgia, Walker County. , To Whom it may concern: Mi - s Ella Test, widow of J F Test late of said county deccas d has applied to undersigned for a •year's support for herself and 2 minor children from the estate of said deceasel. Notice is hereby giv en that I will pa>s upon said appli* a:'on at my office in LaFayette. -aid county, on the tlrsl Monday in ‘nnuury next. Given under my hand ..nd official signature, this Dec. 4, t9?2. W 1. STAN'SELI Ordinary. NOTICE All persons indebted to the esiate f W. W. 8. Myers, deceased are e,ebv notified to make settlement of said indebtedness with the un dersigned. 'll persons having ■’ .inis against the estate of said W W S. Myers, oereaseu are hereby notified to immediately file same v’i'h Hie undersigned. Till*, yj;,, ,iav of November. I'*"“' n A* * f* ' ***»' r* » • Jrf2’lQSJ:a£K3£S:2L.£tf Accept ' No Substitutes ?" for \ Thedfor<”s || iLACK-DRAOGH \ 3 Purely ff | Vegetable g a Liver Medicine g j BD m BB aDßßßSsasdksnc' ft • : *» a roiNic t Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply | Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. * Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, luvtgor* 'ting Effect. 60c. IF YOU WANT' to sell your rarin oi A you want to buy a farm see mp I work both ways.—T, A O Neal, Lafayette. Ga. ts Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine. " E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. 1 OR SALE—One Child’s High Chair and a tricycle—Mrs S A Hunt, S. Main St., LaFayette, Ga. ' REMEDY M ) FOR THE RELIEF OF A Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS ,-SOI.P EVERYWHERE -9 To Stop a Cough Quick take* HAYES’ HEALING HONEY • a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of drove's O-Pen-Trate Saive through the pores of i the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in ore ca-ton and the I cost of the combined treatment if If f •just ask your dran&K A HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. NOTICE All parties owing the old firm of UpII & Kvitt or S P Hal! & Co., eith er notes or accounts must settle by ..'Binary 1, 1923 or same wih be put out for collection. 1 have disposed tis my interest in these firms and he outstanding indebtedness must < e settled. I have wailed long and patiently and Ibis is Ihe last notice. S. P. HALL LEAVE TO SELL Georgia. Walker County. , J B Bell, Administrator of C T Bell has applied so the undersigned for leave to sell the real esla'e be-1 longing to said estate Notice is here j by given that I will pass on said ap p’ieation at my •'.ffi.e in LaFayette. -aid county on the first Monday in January next. Given under my hand cii.o official signature this Dec, 4, l; 22. \V. f. STANSELL Divi'an y, SHERIFFS SALE Georgia. Walker County. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of LaFayette : said state and county within the le gal hours of sale on the first Tues day in January next to the highest! and Lest bidder for casli the follow-! mg described property lo wit: Four hundred and seventy nine atres of land known as lli> Dave Peler'on Land, being lots numbers 293. 291 and 295 in the 2til 1 1 District j •nd 3rd Section of Walker County. Georgia. The aforesaid real estate levied on and to be sold as the property ol J E Manning io satisfy a II fa issued ! from Ihe Superior Court in favor of A f. Kinsey and auainst .1 E Man ning. Defendant in possession noti-; fled. This 29th day of November 1922. i L. W. HARMON. Sh riff. in )|H (i FEUD 9 IT! IK' of • j tr*<r)/4« #« m fVif* r 'l‘L »»* F.A SEAGIE, Put*. & Gent Manaciii E.C. SEAGLE, Sicmt»^ W. A. SEAGLE., Vice’ President J G. PaiNce. Trcasurkr J. W. BENDER. V,crP«.i = i«T PHONE M»in;44o ~ PHONE Main 443 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OFFICE: 21st and Whiteside Streets. High Grade ROLL ROOFING High Grade COMPOSITION SHINGLES Special Brand, Extra Clear WASHINGTON RED CED 'JI SHIN GLES The Best of everything in LUMRER AND PLANING MIIL PRODUCTS. .‘ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED . . . . LET US SERVE YOU . . . -————— . W. H PA YSB, Pres. R. F. MoCLURB, See. North Georgia Abstract Co. /JVC First National Bank Bldg LaFayette, Ga. We have recently compiled the records of. Walker county and can furnish reliable ab stracts of title prompt ly- • for • CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble • -SOLD EVERYWHERE- * 4 | Severe | 1 Indigestion 1 is "I had very severe attacks of fl) ■■ indigestion,” writes Mr. M. H. Wade, a farmer, of R. F. D. 1, B (|| Weir, Miss. ‘‘l would suffer l|J ■a for months at a time. All I dared ■■ M| eat was a little bread and W lu butter... consequently I suffer- 111 |B ed from weakness. I would try H B to eat, then the terrible suffer- Kt || Ing in my stomach I I took If Bl medicines, but did not get any ■■ W better. The druggist recom- m H mended 1 Thedford’s 1 BLACK-DRAUGHT rn and 1 decided to try it, for, as I ll’ say, I had tried others for two |L m or more years without any im- ■ rn provement in my health. 1 soon IT Ul found the Black-Draught was fL S 3 acting on my liver ana easing ■ [II the terrible pain. J] “In two or three weeks, lU, M found I could go back to eating. K fn I only weighed 123. Now I |T |y| weigh 147—eat anything I want H. B to, and by taking Black-Draught K fll I do net su«er.’ T Ul Have you tried Thedford's JL B Black-Draught? II not, do so ■ M Over 8 million packages told, |L H a year. At dealers’ ■ UNDERTAKERS AND EM BALMERS MOTOR HEARSE Phone 51 for Day Calls. Phone 35 for night Call- TIIf: TRION COMPANY Trion Georgia. No Worms .n a t.ealthy Child w All children troubled SV :rms have an ua hoa.thy coior, which indicates poor bicod. and ass Mb’, there is more or l ess t-omach disturbance. •ROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu Isrly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whok ystem. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health* Pleasant to take# 60c per bottle L i lultt tfcfcu si rrlies of ai xinrt* f ro*n Dan C. Wltoalar & Co* Chattanooga. They ,f Cx.*iL»r Seed Met -- : j t ——.... ».jft I i / PROFESSIONAL CARD* t I i* 4 l«. F. McClure VJ. A. McClure McCLUht & McCLUHE Attoiuevs-at-Law Hanliiton Natioual Bank Building . Chattanooga, Tens Practice in iue (.nurts of Georgians* Tennessee. W. M. Henry Earl Jackson Hl\ltY A JACKSON Attorneys-at-Law LaFayette, Ga. Practice In all ‘he courts. Office la Jackson Building. ■ • 1 • - »■ m J. E. Rosser W. B. Shaw ROSSER & SHAW 'ttorneys-at-Law Offices Walker County Baak Building LaFayetle, Georgia Hamilton National Bank Building Chattanooga. Tenn. NORMAN SHAHUCK AUoruey-at-Law Office in Bank o' LaFayette Bldg, LaFayette, Ga. I Practice in all Courts, Stale and Federal DR. W. D. UALI.ENGER Dentist office Over Mrs. J. c. Heese’s Mint, nery Store. JACKSON BUILDING LaFayette - - Georgia. J "-"~ ■ ■ ■■ ■ DR. ALLbi\ r. WakUENFELLS Dentist aFayette - - Georgia Second Floor Bank of LaFayette Building uu. J. .u. UNDERWOOD LaFayette, Ga. Residence vrth Mrs. J P Ward law, North Main Street ouitf in dauKsou ouiuniig Residence Phone 2 shorts on 44. Office Phone 51. U.IUS RINK Attorney-At-Law Office With j Jackson and Henry LaFayette, Ga DR. J. J. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon Special treatment of Eye, ear, Throat and Nose. Also Diseases of Children i Ifjes Examined and Glasses Scion* tiOcally Fitted Office at Residence in Lin wood 6-30-22 Call 1 L 1 S on 1« J. A. SHIELDS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Cooper Building. (Over 10e Store) > LaFayette, Ga. Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 a. m... 1:00-2.00 p. m. •Telephones— lies. 131. Office 81 I am occupying an office on the Second Floor of the COOPER BUILDING Where I shall he glad in see my Friends— Dlt FARISS DR. SHANNON P. WARREN FELLS Dentist. tt Chickaniauijn, Ga. On Saturdays City Office, llnom 811. Hamilton National Bank Building. Corner 7Ui and Market Sts. Chattanooga, Tenn. 7-29-23 The Quinine That Doe* Net Affect The Head Cf .ii* ' ”-<1 hr«H effect. LAXA- V- ) ran K.. ...