Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, January 05, 1923, Image 4

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■ y 11 ; fjf •' ' Preclou watched "ml from tht door of Ills tent. He ltiui no doubt Hull this ua« uu Illu sion. born, like no many others, of loneliness ami the scorching heat of the UII ml table wastes. For II ft cen months I'reston hud not seen a white minis face. With Ida small company of faithful blacks he had traveled almost from coast to court, erecting the wireless telegraph stations, lie hud had a companion— Hull; but Hull lay under a cairn of stones many weeks' Journey southward and Preston was without companion* ship. Hack Irt/'lCngfattd u glrlNtli* wait ing till the completion of hi* task en abled him to aend fbr- hei'.iliut tjwy might take up life iho< fhar>-* The llgure came frjfVvdHl. i.’!klcf«wt* emaciated by hunger arnlbuthed briefer red by the troplcnl siM: ! '■Ptvtlou <yrr. rled him Into his >•' rj'i Keening came ut lenfttb; tlie.-iaaol whs prepared. The s;leaflet;.alaiiMtiil j signs of reviving. TlllMWitf 'rurtrj.ied Info delirium and bf'gutl’* mutteriug. Preston at. first paid no attention to Ids delirium. GrinfuailyJ however, he became worse. one name per sistently hovered ii|itWi”tii* llpa,- Jl was a woman's numb.' The girt vyg* tils fiancee anil lived i»i Plynaiulh, Kngitind. That mu 'll he knew: Miss Daisy Gibson, engaged to Petep.Jlur uett Yuid waiting for his return with the pearl oyster catch, fliat they might be married. As the sick man grew uiker his utterance of her name be conilnuouH. t once a M idea came Into ■'** s brain. He shook Burnett Prestoi.. violentl.. JU WHnl „ message from Miss 1,0 lie asked lllttl. Gibson? V.j s U (. t( ,,| electrically upon Iho w<^ the other. V,,, U u<.rcd. “She’s in "Messugc?" V , 'S*‘. I enn flush a But listen, mt. Perhaps an an messiige to the awer will come." V„ ll|IITle( j Fired with IhrfMeia. gratae; un(J to the transmitting apphv that was the orltfhi of tl '«\ wirr , esHi message that ever went by '» r( j ,| iH It whs the opetatdf on botfly . U. 8. cruiser "Tenifl.v” who the faint, slgnala and showed the m urge to his commanding flfheer. ran like this: |y ■■ •'Miss Daisy Gibson, Plygtputh, Nug\ hind. Peter Bahtott, .nlclt ,)h North Atisirullu. asks for a massago." There was nn Hignatare. , The message wus flashed out In all directions. It was plekwd up simulta neously* by u Dutch thorcliuiitnian off the Celebes, by a ltrltlsli warship In | the Indian oceiill', by :a German pas senger ship off Surinam. Before noon If wus pouring Into the telegraph oflloe nl Plymouth from a hundred 'different places. ' i'*' . • The newspaper* brought out spe clul editions. By-'tllghtftUi MU* Gibson was a world-faftfdtt* heroine. But of all that Preston was Ignor ant. He had sent flip nsepsage In the lust hope of saving tiie atrauyei'u life. Now, having dlapatched .lt, he sut lie able his guest, Ida head ht 1(1* hand*. All his work had gone for nothing and the liope of life was shuttered, for the message had been to Ills own sweetheart. He took the locket from his pocket and opened It. The sight of her face occasioned him exquisite tortures. The dismal night passed by. Thn hot sun scorched the lauds agalu. The sick uian avaoka. Uc woald re cover now. "What was that you said übout Mlaa Gibson7" asked the man on the bedL "How did you learn her tjanier "From your lip*,” answered I‘rea lou. "You were dolirlau*." "1 should have kopt that name se cret,” said the other bitterly. "You said you had reoelved a message T “I said that one tould be seut," ■aid Preston. "And —" “With the wireless apparatus? My friend, It you sent a message to her you would wrong two people bitterly. “I suppose I had better tell you about It.” he continued. "It Isn't a thing that 1 uni very proud of. hut here It Is. We were engaged neurly two yours ago. Then I went to the Indie* with a pearl dishing outfit, hop ing to make a fortune snd return to marry her. Well, I got tangled up with a girl In Calcutta, and the long nod short of It Is that we were mur ried. 1 w rote to Miss Gibson and told her—-It was” the only thing to do. 1 haven't regretted my marrtugi either, but when 1 think of the dishonor of jilting a girl who was waiting for nn*—well. It makes mo pretty well ashamed of myself." Preston's heart was Insulas hard against the locket. And Just as he reached the wireless apparatus lie hoard the faint click of the needle. He (lit! not know that atl the world was aware of all the details of the story; that Daisy, bewildered by the unending laterrogatlons, had betrayed everything; nor that she, in turn, had been umdo aware of the Identity of the sender. Yet there could have been only one man In that region who could have sent It. and Preston's photograph appeared at that instant In five hundred newspapers. IT,- on «at at hi* table and the needle elicited off the answer to tha tune of Ids hammering heart: "Never mind shorn P. B. I leva yon dearly. Daisy.' 1 to do penance. He had not been there for over fifty years, not since he had been uncere- 1 monlously dismissed irom high school, and sent, by the wise parents, to work his way through a technical fc school. Os all his boyhood pranks, the one which stood oat clearest in his mind wa* the one which he hud always re- j gretted. Miss Betsy Perkins, n near p neighbor of the Hibbards, had been at thtrty-severi a real “old maid." But It wos whispered ttiat she stftl hurt "holies.’’ Then suddenly there had r burst upon the town the story of Miss c Betsy’s “romance.’ Bhe wss receiv ing notes from an unknown ndinlrer. \ Miss Bejvy grew youngiar.looklng day by duy,’ but Mi's. Hibbard wus un- easy. ‘Tm afraid ’ there's something wrong about It,” she told her husband, anxiously. ’ " j There came a day when Miss Bet sy wns to meet hor lover at the park. Dressed in u new gown, and with shining eyes, she had been there nt > the appointed hour. Os course no man I appeared. Among the boys hiding be hind the trees to watch her, Walter j Hibbard was the hero of the hour. He bud enjoyed writing those notes, v hut he did not enjoy seeing Miss Met f »y trailing desolately homeward, with quivering mouth, and hurt eyes. He found that he had a conscience, and thut It was an uncomfortable pos session. Walter Hlhhard, coming hack as n I prosperous senator, paused to speak ■ to the proprietor of the general store. “Is Miss Betsy Perkins still living?” He detected signs of surprise in the ' man's face. 1 “Betsy Perkins? Sure, Small white house on the loft, up the street.” He I rang the bell and the voice* i eased. After a moment of quiet someone ran $ upstairs, and someone else opened \ fho door. < C She was a very pretty girl, and the senator liked pretty glrlp. j “May I see Miss Perklps?” he asked, smiling. [ “I am Miss Perkin**” replied the girl, "uhleas —unless yon mean my sister, Elfredu." j j, “I was looking fo*. fi. Missyßrtsy Perkin*, who would C “Won’t you con/ , n? yo „ M \ moan Great-Aunt J rt led many years ago. ,of liers? / i They bud coated tliemselves wH£ * there was a 1 80urfiw > , n C Jnslng door, and the noise , of an Chile In the street beyond, j Betsy rose*trembling a little. “Oh, will you excuse mo a minute, I please?" she said, and ran from the room. In a few moments site stood, a tragic figure, In the doorway. “She’s gone; my sister’s gone sway tp he married. She’s only seventeen, and I was trying to persuade her not to, When—when you eh me. Oh, I muat atop her some way.’’ She seemed very helpless, and the senator wus used to thinking and acting quickly. Ten minutes later they were In a hired car, speeding In the direction of Allertou. a haven tor elopers. At the parsonage the woman told them that a couple hud come and gone. “They went to get a ring.’’ she said, and Betsy's sudden alarm died down ugaiu. “We are In time." she whispered exultantly, and the senator no longer regretted having come. They found the runaway* in front of the Jeweler’s shop, disagreeing atormlly. Htfred# was firm; If she couldn't have the kind of wedding she wanted, sho would not be mar ried. Stn- thought she would spend a week In Allertou with Pussy Wil liams. “Wall, that's over —for a while," said Betsy, on her own doorstep. She held ■ out her hand In farewell, hut the \ Senator hud other plans. "Little Miss Perkins.” he said, "you can’t stay here all alone. Let me take you up to the city for a few days. Mother and 1 miss all our young folks. And besides, for your Auilt Betsy's sake—" Because she wanted to see much. Betsy went, *ln the great city stn Mon, when a cheery voice said “Grump!" st her elbow, she wsuld Iravf gone on, but the senator stopped abruptly. He had forgot ten thut Walter, his grand-son and namesake, was to meet him. ltul tbyte flie young man stood, lint In blind, looking expei unity toward the girl. Betsy Perkins was very prelty. and Walter, like his grandfather. at> predated prettv faces. Having liitrmlmed them, the sen* ter > .itched them keenly; obviously they were getting on. Well —he had never regretted marrying young: Dae". Ills son. bad married at twenty. Walter 'rare was twenty three. and Miss IVtalus was a charm ing girl. It would never do for her to experience a misfortune tike hor great a unfa. “l/ueie. Waller," he -a t “we’ll ha\, a cosy eveulo a' home Iglu. and I totac..cw you esi rhow •* Perkin* | i ft* sights of th wn. tt yo; iUft'l to d" ‘The Moiwm Short Story Mres Thomas. Edward’s “Uncle Isom’s Spectacles” —Mrs. Stiff. Special irnisic lias been arranged by Mrs. Caroline Arnold. xxx Notice Odd Fellows The officers and members of Crawfish Springs Lodge No. 36, are requested to me A at their hall at Chickamauga on their next regular meeting night Jan. 13, 1023. Busi ness of importance. Visitors wel come.—R R Shaver, Sec. WANTED—7 x 9,7 x 8 and 0 xB— l-2 white oak cross ties in car load lots. State how many you have and I will quote cash prices on cars your shipping piiirtt'—D. B. Murphy, Kensington, Ga. * 1-12 2tx ■ —— ■; W. 0! Scott, of Chattanooga spent Xmas week with his mother, Mrs. A II Neal. • *, I OR RENT—Level productive land lor corn, cotton ana hay. Will sell work stock and farm tools to good farmers on easy terms. —D B Mur phy, Kensington, Ga, ’"OR SALE—Baby pigs or will trade for corn or pea hay—M N Veler, Lafayette, Ga. It. 1. ltx *25 REWARD—for information to convict parties, that stole chick ens from my barn last Saturday eight—D B Murphy, Kensington Ga. FOR SALE—Hatching Eggs from Regal Dorcas White Wyandottes, $1.50 per 15 eggs; $2.75 for 30 eggs— Mrs. R. T. Goodson, Chickamauga, Ga. 1-12 2tx FOR SALE—3O mules 4-years old and up. Cash or bankable note — L T I>avis, Chickamauga Ga. R. 2 1-26 itx FOR The Old Reliable Fisk Tires end Tubes, Auto Accessories, that Gcod Gulf Gasoline and Supreme, and Greases, see M L Crowder, j satfffc 81 .... „*>Jiave any sick stock ot 169 for the veterinaW^, un ter, D V M La Fayette, rrr: — Bible Thoughts for the Week Sunday. RIGHTEOUSNESS BRINGS PEACE. —The work of righteous ness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and as surance forever, And ray people shall dwelt In ft peaceable habita tion, and In sure dwellings, and In quiet resting places.—lsa. 32:17, 18. Monday. THE TWO GREAT COMMAND thy God with all thy heart, and MENTB.—Thou strait love the Lord with ell thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with alt thy mind: and thy neighbor as thyself/—Luke 10:2T. Taaaday. THERE IS NO DISCHARGE.— There Is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power In the day of death: and there Is no discharge In that war.- Kccles. 8:8. Wednesday. HOW TO PRAY. —Therefore I say unto you. What things soever ye' desire, when yt pray, beWeve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. —Marl: 11:24. Thursday. YE SHALL BE SATISFIED.—Ye shall eat in plenty, and be aatlslled, and praise the name of the Lord ytrar God that hath dealt wondreus ly with yau: and My people strati never be ashamed. —Joel 2:26. Friday. THE ROYAI. LAW.—If ye fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: but If ye have respect to persons, ye commit stn, and are convicted of the law us transgressors. —James 2 :S, 9. Saturday. CURSING OK BLESSING?— Cursed lie the man that trusteth In mna. and tuakelh llosh his arm. and whose heart depiirteth from the Lord. PUP REMEDY r DON THE NEUCF OF Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS I ' -SOLO EVERYWHERE- Pharmacy and Clothing Store Get a FREE CHANCE on $50.00 fc**' ’ l * To Be Given Away > , CTaxL. 27, 2 IP. 2VC. You Must Be Present When Numbers Are Drawn Our Stock of Drugs is and Complete. Our Service Unexcelled. Give Us a Trial Loach’s Pharmacy AND Clothing Store The Stores With the Smiling Service I 4 ■ ? —■ - ■. y 7 Fully Equipped fee—Efompt and Efficient Auto Service, a Big Line of Accessories and parts, the authorized Ford products agents, a Mechanical De partment Unexcelled and a ser- '' j vice whose motto is to please, we solicit your patronage during 1923. * t Don’t forget to call for Your Tick ets 1 on the FORD SEDAN to be £ given away Jan. 27, at 2 P. M. f, ' H , ; I * | ■; i Lafayette late Ceipaty LaFayette :: :: Georgia