Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, January 05, 1923, Image 7

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8 Bank of Aaj'ay&ttc Hi „.. , , „ . Capital and Surplus $!Z0,000.00 Where Your Atoney Im Safe * ' =======^===: ======r The Basis of Our Claims \V C ■ ; • l . - v-. .... ;• ,• J * r. f« 1 • • • ■ *4 ’. ,! ' '• / • V -v On the same basis of sound, conservative banking prin ciples, courteous and efficient service, and a deep interest in the progress and up-building of our county, which has char acterized our policy for the past twenty-three years, we so licit your accounts and deposits for 1923. Oordiallj jours, Jp' s ' , \ President. David VV. Stiles INSURANCE 2nd, Floor Bank of LaFayette Bldg. I write all kinds of Insurance and guarantee the lowest prices. See Me Before Insuring Town and County FOR SALE —Seven pigs, one shoat. Eight - year old evergreen hedge bushes—Mrs A M Street, LaFayette, Ga. 1-12 2lx Miss Mary Stiles left Wednesday to resume her studies at the La- Orange Female College at LaOrange. Misses Marguerite Shields and Annie Mae Wal raven have return ed to Bessie Tift College, at Forsyth Ga., after spending the holidays with homefolLs. g^=====3P= Mr. Farmer —i Patronize your Home Mill and we will pay you spot cash for all your surplus grain, and sell you Flour and Feed at a price that is always in reason. Don’t send your money away to build up other localities. We are j helping you bear the expense of our county affairs, while outsiders take your money and j: bear no part of the burden. LaFayette Roller Hills j TELEPHONE 05 Miss * Susie Hammond spent the week-end in Birmingham, the guest of Mrs. Stance! Hart. O « Covey and Jewell Peterson have returned to Young Harris College to resume their college studio.^. —x— Miss Eunice Bird, of Rock Spring has resumed her studies at Agues Scott College, at Decatur, Ga. —o — Eiigar M. Cook has returned to Jefferson City Tenn., to resume his studies at Garson-Newmati College. Miss Roberta Smith, of Ken-ing lon, lias returned to Berry school for (he Spring term. Misses Edna Spencer, Jessie Lee Goodson and Elizabeth Murphy have all resumed their studies at Maryville College, Maryville, I enn., after the Xmas vacation with heme folks. WALKER COUNTY MESSENGER, JANUARY 5, 1923. W. P. Blackwell, of Grcenbush, aft L-r spending his Xmas vacation with homefolks has returned to Ga-Tech io Atlanta. i *»!»-« Miss Jessie Crouch left Wednes day for West Point, Ga., where she enters the West'Point High School for the Spring term. ■" >2* 1 1 Misses Virginia Lee Bowen and Mary Jewell of Chickarnauga have returned to Randolph-Macon Col lege in Virginia. Misses Kara Myers and Clara Langley 'have returned to Milledge ville where they re-enter the Geor gie Stale College for Women, for the Spring term. ” o ■ John C Young left this week for Mercer University at Macon, to re sume his studies after f.h eholidays with his parents, Mr and Mrs J C Young, at Green bush. Miss Florence Pury* ar has re turned to Mary P Willingham School to .resume her studies, after spending the holidays with lume folks. Misses W.innefred Rosser, Marga ret Patton and Belli Rhyne, after spending the, holidays with their parents, have returned to Wesleyan Female College, at Macon. Miss Louise. Shaw, of Shaw Ga., alter spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Shaw, has resumed her work at tile Uni versity of Chattanooga. Judd Hegwood and sister, and the three Pettigrew boys have return ed to Barnesvilie A & M., jyhere I hey enter that school for the Spring term. Leroy fnman, Robt. Steele, Jr., Jesse Abney, Ben Cavender, Clinton Ham mond aigi Chas. I>avis, are the Lo cust Grove Sextette who returned this week (o resume their studies at that inStiluion. The lodal Shrine Club entertain ment at. the old schoolhouso was attended by about one hundred no bles, their families and invited guests. The program was very de lightful, and was regarded the best the nobles have ever staged at Xmas time. A* very enjoyable feature of the evening's program was thd Shrine Xmas tree. ' ' 'SH .vi Jolm 11. Hoa is in Atlanta today on business. —x— Supl. D. H. ferryman spent, the holidays at Washington, Ga. Miss Allie G Carson, Principal of the High schol, spent a few days last week with fr' nuts in Atlanta. —o ■- J. A. Young on Houle 3 brought in a 5 1-2 pound turnip this week frdm his large turnip patch. Miss Lillian Slmford, after spend ing the holidays with homefolks, has resumed her work as (earlier in Ine Chattanooga system of schools. > 0 Mrs. J P Hall and little Miss Mary Herndon left Wednesday morning for. a visit to Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. C. I. Holland, at Holland, Ga. | —o— Mrs Susie Kelman, of Bradenfoww Fla., and Miss Janie Ballenger, of Armuchee, Ga., were holiday guests of Dr and Mrs W D Ballenger. Mrs. Robert Brewer and little daughter, of Maryville, Tenn., are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Head. Reuben Chandler and Miss Sarah Dockery wore married Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J II McCurdy, the Rev. McCurdy, officiating. • —o — C. S. Strickland and Miss Emma Gladys Fulmer were quietly marri ed on Dec. 23i’d., at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. J W Brinslle d of fleiated. u • —o~ Mr and Mrs. D M Cornett had as their guests for the week-end, Mrs. Glenn W Hale and daughters, Misses Louise and Foy, of Chattanooga and Miss Enin Cornett, of Ridgedale, Tenn. —o — The *U .D C will meet, next. Tues day aftoffnoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs O W Bledsoe. All members are urg ed to be present and to bring the annual dues as this is the annual meet ing. » The Sunday school at Kensington Methodist church will meet at 9:30 a m on Sunday the 28th., and the officers-of the Woman’s Missionary Society will be installed, at 10:30 a in. Preaching will he at It o’clock. All the newly-elected officers please be present.—jlluth 11. Lee. Mrs. W. C. Evitt, of Ghicknmauga bad as her guesls during the holi days, tier children, Mr and Mrs. Chas. J. Evitt and daughters Mary Frances and Betty Jane; Midship man S L Evitt from Annapolis, Md., Mrs L B Jones, of < trace wood, Ga., and Earl Evitt, of Gbickamaugu. The First Quarterly conference of the Lafayette Methodist charge will be held at Mt. Carmel Metho dist church Saturday Jan. 6th at 11 o'clock, instead of Sunday, as an nounced. All officials and members will lake notice of this correction and be present at the church next Saturday morning at It o’clock — Rev. J It McCurdy, Pastor. The following students from Walker left t liis week to re-enter the University of Georgia at Athens following the holidays with home folks: J It Rosser, Lucius and Archie Langley, Horace Shattuek, and F. G. McClure, of La Fayette; Webb and Glenn Tatum, of Cedar Grove; Fletcher Smith, of Kensington and Frank Young, of Greenbush. Fourteen young men and women have relumed to Powder Springs A & M school after spending the holidays with liomefolks as fol lows: Roy Mulkey, Earl McWhorter, Walter Catron, Robert Rea, Albert McCurdy, Pat Johnson, Jesse and Arch C Greene, John Baker, Clifford McConnell, Thurman Martin, and Misses Denver and Rose Parker and ril lie Greene. Miss Kathleen .Shale, of Clarence Mo., has been elected to till Ihe vac ancy in the Ist grade in the We-t La Fayette school occasioned by the resignation of Mrs. Westbrooks, formerly Miss Exa Roper. Miss Shale arrived Monday and began tier duties Tuesday morning at the opening of the school for the Spring term. Presiding Elder 8 A Harris preach ed at the local Methodist church Sunday morning and evening to goodly congregations, despite the very inclement weather, and made a splendid impression upon his hear ers. The tirst quarterly conference for Ihe Lafayette and Rock Bpring churches was held in the afternoon at the church. The Lafayette church made a very gratifying re port. of the work planned for the voi,r. Rock 1 Bpring church, on ac count of the’Jiownpour of rain, was not represented at the conference. • ' .***’« , w Ten er More Big Carg '.s J Again This Coming Saiuniay and May j Be among the hundreds who are picking up the plums. Cash Coup, n given with every Cash Purchase. j; SAVE YOUR COUPONS | We gave away §5 00 Cash for Coupons last Satur- IQ day. Come early while the Special Bargains last. Any time between 9 and 9. J 111 . s LaFayett4. , 1 I !■ i i ■■ -«in vi—. "a BrTar.-.- . sa i. sa*> Prof. Elmer Levy stopped off l'or a brief visit Monday afternoon en route to Richmond, Ind. Miss Dallas Ertzbergcr has re turned from spending the holidays with relatives at Ainericus. Misses Lizzie, and Bessie Wilson hive returned to Chattanooga, after a week’s visit to Inmcfolk: o Mr and Mrs. Stewart Wright and littlo daughter, Marie Stewart, left this week for Florida, where • i'.ey will spend several weeks. O— Miss Mamie Voazey, of LaFay ettc, Ala., is expected this afer noon, Thursday, for i visit to Mrs. W D Hal longer. Miss Wilbur Moncrief spent the Xmas holidays with relatives at Hogansville, Ga., returning Monday afternoon. _ | Miss Clarentine Knox has return ed to Hapeville, after spending the ! holidays with her parents, Mr and j Mrs. John G Knox. Violet Jessie, the dauglit or of M* and Mrs W A 1» O’Neal return*''i Sunday from a visit to relatives in Dade county. Mr and Mrs A G Walker, of New England, Dade County, were recent guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. A D O’Neal. Mrs. Maxwell Stiff, who spent the holidays at Roanoke, Va., returned Monday afternoon to resume her tiufr ties in the high school. After spending the holidays with her parents at Fort Valley, Ga.. Miss Hutli Taylor, is at. her post of duty in the high school. Miss Irene Hanson, after spending her vacutoin with relatives nl .Sum merville, has returned (o tier work as teacher in ttie Lin weed school. Miss Carrie Greene, after spend ing (lie, holidays with relative# at Ringgold, is again at her post of duly in Ihe West LaFayetfe school. Miss Frankie Ross resumed her duties as Principal of the LinWrtort school. Tuesday, after spending Die holidays with Home relatives. Miss Jennie Mao Garnany, after spending the holidays vith ortr parents. Mr and Mrs. R S Ga "dany,' has returned to Chattanooga where she teaches in the city seh-.ols, 4k Mr and Mrs, W P Garmany and children, after a visit, of it,roe weeks willi relatives here and in Ihe county, have returned to their home at Ncwberg, NY. • , ► O- - Mr and Mrs John Garmany enter tained on the aist in honor of My., and Mrs W 1* Garmany, of N -vhenC N Y. The guest list Curnpris -1 in timate friends of the honoreu#. , •—O—• Mr and Mrs. G D Wilson enlerlain od with a. New Year party at their home in Lalayet.t ■, Ga., In;:..ring Misses Pearl and A.i u'e Headrick if U is city—Clittanoogo Times, Miss Georgia Thomas, English teacher of the LaFayetfe High school, returned from Dublin, Ga., Monday afternoon, where she spent 1 the Xmas holiday with hornefolks. i Miss Margaret Meß'c, Expression teacher in the LaFevetle - schools, spent the holidays with relatives at Moultrie Ga. She returned Mon ( day afternoon. Edward Leonard is off duty at \VhyM's witti .a serious case of flu. Igl .y _ ltg Miss Fannie Rea has . recovered from an attack of grip. i/'MkvEttfol Cl. nnenden, of Bridge poyj, ** visiting Miss Glenn# Tate; <■ » Mr and Mrs Walter Hood and Miss franc Hood, of Teloga, were among...; Thursday’s visitors. —o— Mr aipl Mrs J W Houston, of Ar muchee nave rented rooms from Mrs E E’McCarter, moving Monday. —o— 1 Mrs. N A Rhinehart. of Leaksville, Miss., eanio Monday for an extend ed visii, lo relatives in the eounly. Miss Frances French, of Rossvillo was the week-end guast, of Mrs. J. E. Rosser. 1 —o — W. J. Hhatt.uok of Columbia, S. U., spent Iho holidays with his family here. ± —o —• The many friends of Henry Ball, who has been confined to his room, tl.e past three weeks with grip, are delighted to see him on the streets again. t Miss Virginia Leonard left Wed nesday for Summerville to enter for the spring term at the Taylor Institute. Miss Mattie L Clements, of At lanta, spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs Frank Shaw, at her home in the Cove. —o— Mrs. Busier Ballard and Frances Ballard, of Menlo, were recent guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. E L Hammond. *—-O—• Mr and Mrs. J A Shahan, of Vil- Innow spent the past week with with their (.laughters, Mrs. R D Love and Mrs.. Reece Neal, Mr and Mrs B il flea and child ren and Mr and Mrs R A Harden and sou of Chattanooga were guests last week of Mr and Mrs J H B Rea. Miss Derelle Earns and King Far ias, of Atlanta were called here this week, on account of the critical ill ness of their brother, S W Farm. Jr. j —“O-—• Miss Emmie Lumpkin left Sunday for Marshalville, after spending llie' holiday s with her mol tier, Mrs II P Lumpkin, to resume her dul .i s as teacher in the Marshalville schools. Miss Lola Waldrop who .pen, ! bn holidays at her hornj at Good Wa fer, Ala., returned Mondtv to r— s inaii .hpr work at the head of li.o Music Department of the I .iFay ette schools. * The condition Thursday morning of H W Farids, Jr., who on Sunday stifforpdla severe hemorrhage of tlie stomach, was reported to show con siderable improvement. His friends I ere and in the county regret to learn of his illness and hope for him a speedy and permanent recovery. —o— Hcv. T. S. Leonard announces as his subject for next Sunday morn ing’s eleven o’clock service at the local Baptist church, “Gideon’s 3 fl o Or the Faithful Few.” The p'-b’-o generally is cordially invited anil all.members are urged to attend - - - - - -- w «- « «■ « FOR SALE—I 4 pigs, 210 1 months old, four miles Souln of CiiicK*- mauga, Ga., near Pond Sivjn; —■ Stephen Wilson. vi i» iuu \