Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, January 12, 1923, Image 2

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Established 1877 I C -cnl Newspaper ot the County E. P. HALL, JR. Publisher and Editor • 1 —————————— • Subscription Rates Oue Year SI.OO Six Months 60 Tbree Moaths 40 | n Advirtiiiiwf RepraMntaUva I iL AM ERIC AN PR ESS ASSOCIATION j Entered at the LaFayctte, Ga, poatoilico tor transmission through itm mails as second-class matter. i j Co-operation with a determina tion to win, will get results. isow that the business concerns have taken inventory, the next hnig is the income tax. County Agent, Vansaut reports I that some real work is being done at uic nightly meetings of the farmers. „ ■ The statements of the state and national banks of the country for the past year, reveal improved conditions. Our own county bank statements are most gratifying. The Cotton report to January 1 shows only 9.958,1*07 bales ginned. A pretty short crop, and the price will doubtless go up in the Spring after the farmer has sold. in one county in South Georgia last week over S7OOO worth of hogs were sold. And yet no better section in the slate eau be found for raising hogs than this section. If South Georgia is makng money on hogs, why can’t wet The best argument that prohi bition is prohibiting is that every bootlegger, illicit, manufacturer big or little, every whisky drinker and sympathizer, is scared to death and is trying to make the biggest show at all that no good results arc following the prohibi tion laws. Congressman Upshaw may be playing to the grand stands in bis sensational statements about the House Office building at Washing ton being almost a bootlegger’s heaven, but Washington should be cleaned up first and set the pace and then the other sections will have a good example to follow. Why should the poor man and the man without much money and influence be put behind the bars or on the gang for violation of the prohibition laws, when high of ficials and the society set, who are just as guilty, he unmolested? Get the so-called big dogs and the lit tle fish will he easy. The mail who expects to spend his time on the farm this year, should he doing some of his hard est work now, planning his crops, making repairs, studying his farm und farm operations; in fact pre paring now for the actual work season later. He is the man who is reading, who is thinking out new methods, and who is gathering the best for his farm business Ministers vll 0.-« r the country are preaching on law enforce ment. Some are whimpering that they should preach the gospel ami let law enforcement alone. Uhrist dealt with the affairs of men, their relations to each other and to the Father, and He unsparingly denoun-vd sin and crime in high as well is- low place's, and He ex pects IDs disciples to follow His BEFORE AN OWNER. A SAVER ' There lias been milch written and said about home owners and farm owners. II has been argued that when a man buys a farm and I builds a home he is at once a bet ter citizen, feels responsibility more and takes a deeper interest in public affairs governing the administration of laws etc., and all this is absolutely true. But a man seldom becomes a I home owner or an owner of any f of the stabilizers of life until he has been or is the owner of some sort of savings account. We cannot become a nation of owners until we first become a nation of savers. Thrift and the practice of it must enter into our very beings before we become owners. Thrift week for the American* •people is an annual event in Janu i ary now. And during this cam- 1 paign various phases of thrift are emphasized. Tin; man who wants la home or a business or a farm, and wants it enough to work for it, is tin' man who plans and rigid ly adheres to bis plan, to save at I least a part of his earnings. | into thrift enters the questions of how to work, how to save, how ; to take care of our savings and how to send those savings back 'into circulation. We must have a goal and a confidence that that \ goal can he reached, A people who are owners of their homes, their businesses, their farms, or who are working and saving to become owners of the same, are a people where good citizenship is a reality, and where , permanent progress is going on. The Ministers’ association in j Atlanta have passed a resolution to the effect that the Ministers of that city will not marry divorc ed people except as the divorce tracts the New Testament. Why should it take an organization for 'ministers io do this? Every true minister, magistrate or man, who may have the authority under the law to marry folks, if he is of the Protestant faith, cannot bo true to his faith if he does not conform lo the New Testament in divorce marriages. The Rome Chamber of Com merce is promoting a revolving fund of goodly proportion, to as sist the farmers of Floyd county to buy pure cotton seed and enloi- 1 uni arsenate, as a guarantee of a good cotton crop this year. The i plan sounds good and is one that ’ the organizations of this county j could follow to good advantage. Try hooking up with your Church and Sunday school and ■public schools and give them the best thought and co-operation ot which you are capable throughout 1023,. and at the end of the year your life will have amounted to something, and you will he able I I to look hack on a work of eou i, st ruction. | - There are some people, so-call ed good citizens, complaining n bout the officers not doing their duty in regard to the infractions l of the prohibition laws, and yet . , these same citizens are not doing a blessed thing to assist tin* of , rs. ‘I ‘I The Mayor of l.aFayette in his 1 address before the City council s urged law enforcement. We are 1 with him and we hope he can car ' ry out at least this part of his in augural speech, for their is much need of it in this fair eitv. We shall wat.:'a h> progress along i this as w ell as other lines with pe l euljar interest t If charaet caught, what j kind of eherae hildrer s os your comm . .. . T fro" i »j “Sir day* shalt thou labor and ALL thy work.” WALKER COUNTY NGER, JANUARY 12, 1923. I l I TUEVn’-HVK VI tISS AGO I January 13, 1898. I 4 Urluw will be found items or news published in the Walker County Messenger twenty-live years ago whi.h will he of interest to tin: Messenger readers today. Dirt was broken for the Hosiery mill Thursday. J F Stanfield is all smiles over the arrival of a little hoy at his ~olise* < . J J*. * Hoy's, brim? in your rabbits, Kit and George are in the business and will treat you right—A F Shaw. J. W. Lee of Kensington has slaughtered his line hoy. It was two years old and weighed 048 pounds net. He doesn’t believe it can be beat in the county. —o — It is said of Britt Williams, now dead, that inside of forty years he had never moved but had lived in three counties. From Murray lie was cut off into Whitfield and from Whitfield into Catoosa. The total amount to be received by Walker county for public schools this year will be $11,795.06. The children of school age in the county number 4300. The work of taking the school census will begin 'at once it is understood. * -O In 1837 there-was nothing but a [trail from l.aFayette to the Inman mill on Duck creek nine miles be low town. Ed Marsh when he was his father’s mill boy traveled that trail scores of tinles going to and returning from that mill. The handsomest apple we have seen in Walker county was raised t his year by Jeff Caldwell. It is large, cone shape and the point of the cone is bright, yellow. He'does not know the name but got the va iriety, with three others, from his 'brother in Arkansas. Pleasant Hill academy, the second largest in the county, was finished I Friday. The vestibule is 8 x 16 feet, (lie main room 48 x 28 feet, and the rear room 24 x 20. It would be a ; credit to any neighborhood. Prof. James E. liosser, one of the rhoving spirits, will continue to teach there. — o—■ For the first time the people will elect the state school superintend ent. Heretofore, the Governor has appointed him but years ago the legislature changed this and the people ratified it at the last general election. So far the only candidate is Prof. G II Glenn. • i Wishing to enjoy a much-needed rest, J E Patton has sold out his interest in the firm of Patten, War jthen and Sparks to Messrs Warthen 'and Sparks. This is of general sur prise because Mr. Patton has been a potent factor in building up such ,a splendid business. He will not rest llong however but will employ his splendid powers in other lines per haps. The town election Thursday re sulted in the election of the follow ing officers: W. M. Scott, Mayor; J P Shattuek, Recorder; P A Cooper, J H Hammond, T A Jackson, N C I Napier and J M Underwood, coun ! oilmen. Dr. Underwood received the highest vote. The retiring officials leave matters in yood shape finan cially, there being about S2io in the treasury and about 850 yet to be collected. With the means in hand and the revenue for the current yc.i", if the expenditures are made judiciously and economically, much can be done for the improvement of the towu. SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia. Walker County. Will be sold at the courthouse dMr in .-aid county on the first Tuesday in February 1923, within tin' legal hours of sale, the follow ing described real estate to wit: Situau d. lying and being in the Bth i list rid and Ith Section of Walker County, Georgia and being that part of lot of land No. 59 described a fellows: Commencing at the South w'st corner of property formerly ow'od bv It G Welßvu and run- Ining ihence East 32 rods; thence j v 36 rods and 6 feet; ther.ee West 32 rods; thence South 36 rods and 6 feet, said tract containing seven and eleven fortieths (7 l!-i0) I ores, with improvements thereon, said property levied on as the prop ' V H Rice to satisfy an exe ned on ‘he 18th day of !P“2 fn Superior . «... Walker Cog Gp.vvin. in favor of F. W Shaw reams! V ” Hice. Defendant notified This 29th dav TV -..her T W. HARMO horiff. [ V* AX** 1 wJ»# li - it t - Accer.! *•*• , y No Substitutes a Icr n li BLACK-DBAiiiili B Purely i Vegetable a Liver Medicine £ dq p. 9 nn BDBBBSSBSaaDff * A TONIC Orove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. ' Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, luvigof- Hind Effect 60c. IF YOU WANT to sell your farm or A you want to buy a farm see me. I work both ways.—T. A j 0 Neal, Lafayette. Ga. ti Colds Cause Urip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine. E. W. GROVE’S signature on box. 30c. BET YOUR FEED SUPPLIES of *1 kinds from Dan G. Wheeler a Co., Chattanooga They make > specialty of Cotton Seen Mm To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES' HEALING HONEY* a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. ; The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey In- ] side the throat combined with the healing effect of | Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of I the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in ope carton and the i cost of the combined treatment it Sr * Just ask your druse** Z.! HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. Lafayette Auto Go. Authorized Sales and Service i Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors Cash or Terms if Desired. | face Your Order Now To Insure Prompt- Delivery. \ ' I HOW TO GET BACK j THE “JOY OF LIFE” LIFE isn't worth living if you’re so weak and ran down y ou can hardly drag yourself around. If the rich red blood, full of health and vigor, were pumping through your veins, the joy of life would co;pe back soon enough! Gude’s Pepto-Mangart | has worked thjs magic for thousands— it will do the same for you. Take it for a short time and see how your health and strength improve. Your , druggist has it—liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude’s Pepto-^angan Tonic and Blood Er.ricker Hands chapped IMENTHOLATUM 1 j quickly and^^ YOU HAVE a Veal calf for sale ; •otify r. I. Williams, La Faye tic, j RM 2 H" pays tho highest. «! ' T.mc. I-19-2U, F , A SEAGIE, Puts, S. Qin’l Manage* E. C. SEAGLE, SeckctaHV W. A.SEAGLE, Vicc'Phesident J G. Prince. Treasurer J. W. BENDER, VicE'Phcsigent PHONE Main 440 PHONE Main 41] CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OFFICE: 21st and Whiteside Streets. High Grade ROLL ROOFING High Grade COMPOSITION SHINGLES Special Brand, Extra Clear WASHINGTON RED CEDiR SHINGLES The Best of everything in LUMBER AND PLANING MILL PRODUCTS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED . . LET US SERVE YOU . . . XV. jli PA Y.Yb, Pres. R. B. MOCL.URR. See. North Georgia Abstract Go. f.YG First National Bank Bldg LaFayette. Ga. s We have recently compiled the records of Walker county and can furnish reliable ab stracts of title prompt ly- • for • CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble i * -SOLD EVERYWHERE- f | —■——l IISSQ&SPS&IQSS3ICS3EISSBS2 rOBSMTaSSSaBBSQQQ CBn&SSSSII3SSIBXBiS3C!SI3GgI3I2SSISihiZLMMkMfICmSEIQCiQ Weak !( Back 1 || Mrs. Mildred Pipkin, of 81 I R. F. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., § 1 says: “My experience with gl S| Cardui has covered a number cf || I years. Nineteen years ago ... li I 3 a I got down with weak back. 1 |n I was run-down and so weak and lb I nervous 1 had to stay in bed. gjj 1 I read o! k I CARDUI ji !! Hu Woman’s Tonic | nil and sent for it. 1 took only one | IS bottle at that time, and it helped b 1 me; seemed to strengthen and I N build me right up. So that is |, Ha how I first knew of Cardui. | B bb After that,... when I began to . get weak and 'no account’, I L sent right for Cardui, and it never failed to help me." If you are weak and suffering j from womanly ailments, Cardui j may be Just what you need. § Take Cardui. It has helped H thousands, and ought to help Eg I ! you. ilj At all druggists' and dealers'. || E 97 BEUBBaannBSOBOBBcapniPWtPaM-JiJiBO UNDERTAKERS AND Ey- BALMERS MOTOR HEARSE Phone 5» for Day Calls. Phone 35 for night, Calls THE IRION COMPANY Trion Georjjia. - No Worms ,n a healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a jule. there is more or I ess s.omabh disturbance. •ROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given rega larly for two or three weeks will enrich the biood. im prove t!. e digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole, ystem. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and theChlld wSlb* in perfect health.* Pleasant to take* 60c per bottle. JET YDVH FH n SI l‘ ici *e." '»r» f g«. •’‘bar wake i mtv oi Jt< - Mon! iiolls. + « I | I PROFESSIONAL CARDS j * » * H. F. McClure VV. A. McClure IIcCLUhF & McCLUKE Attomevs-at-Law Hamilton Natiom.l Bank Building , Chattanooga, Tenn Practice in ine (.dirts of Gecrgiaand Tennessee. W. M. Henry v Earl Jackson HENRY & JACKSON Attorneys-at-Law i A jFayette, Ga. Practice In ali *he courts. Office U) Jackson Building. J. E. Rosser W a Shaw ROSSER & SHAW Attorneys-at-Law Offleea Walker County Baak Building LaFayette, Georgia Hamilton National Bank Building Chattanooga. Tenn. NORMAN SIIATTIICK AUoruey-at-Law Office in Bank o( LaFayette Bldg, LaFayette, Ga. Practice in ali Courts, State and Federal OR. W. D. UALI.ENGER Dentis* ifflce Over Mrs. J. C. Reese’s Milli nery Store. JACKSON BUILDING LaFayette - - Georgia. J ... <i 1 DR. ALLc.iV r. trv.iutENFELLS Dentist -aFayett? - . Georgia Second Fluor Rank of LaFayette Building Dlt. J. M. UNDERWOOD LaFayette, Ga. Residence w.th Mrs. J F Ward law, North Main Street Office in Jackson Building Residence Phone 2 shorts on 44. Office Phone 51. JULIUS KINK Attorney-At-Law Office With Jackson and Henry LaFayette, Ga DK. J. J. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon Special treatment of Eye, ear, Throat anil Nose. Also Diseases of Children .yes Examined and Glasses Scien tifically Fitted Office at Residence in Unwood -30-22 Call 1 L 1 S on 10« J. A. SHIELDS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Cooper Building, (Over 10c Store; LaFayette, Ga. Office Hours: 3:00-9:0(1 a. m.. .1:00-2.00 p. m. Telephones—lies. 151. Office 84 I am occupying an office on the Second Floor of the COOPER BUILDING Where 1 shall be glad to see my Friends— DB. FARISS DR. SHANNON P. WARRENFELLS Dentist. O Cltickamuugu, Ga. On Saturdays City Office, Room Stl. Hamilton National Bank Building. Corner 7th and Market Sts. Chattanooga, Tenn. 7-29-2# Tto frdatae TWNifW Affect The Heed by throne without capsing lutflaM lie**. L. ''V 1 : #Q4. .Rfv on JC