Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, January 11, 1924, Image 5

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;; £ank of £a] : ayette ii§Phg&l| Capital and Surplus mOMO.QO Where Your Honey Is Safe The past year was better than 1922. Bus iness gradually picked up and there was a gain over last year along all lines of bus iness. Let us co-operate in this county for a larger gain for 1924. The Bank of LaFayette solicits your ac counts however small or large, and offers you safety, service and a sound banking policy. r Cordially yours, / * President. David VV. Stiles INSURANCE tod Floor Bank of LaFayette Bldg. 1 write all kinds of Insurance and guarantee the lowest prices. See Me Before Insuring / S. W. FARISS • Fire and Life Insurance Reliable Companies LaFayette, Ga. o o R. M. COULTER ,M. D. Telephones : Residence—lß6 Office—l 66 LaFayette, Ga. O —o ' MRS. CAROLINE ARNOLD Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Studio at 27 Cove Street LaFayette, Ga. Town and County FRESH FRUITS—And Fancy Groc eries at Henry’s Store. Get ’em ."rom Henry’s and get fresh and at right prices. , W. W .Phipps, of Carrollton, spent the week-end with relatives. ——O—— Solicitor Eugene Taylor, of Sum merville, .spent Wednesday here. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Corbly, of Ross ville were visitors here Tuesday. Norman Shattuck spent Friday and Saturday in Rome on legal business. o Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dunwoody an nounce the birth on Thursday the 3rd of a son, whom they have christened' Robert Clifton. Mrs. W .H .Wardlaw who has been quite ill at her home on North Main Street was reported to be considerally improved Thursday morning. Mrs. Samuel L. Ransom was the charming hostess at an elegant din ner given last Thursday, at her love ly home on South Main Street, hon oring a few of the business girls of the town. Covers wera-laid for Misses Gerthry Smith, Addie Patterson and Eunice Abney, Mesdames W. M. Ran som, Waynard Harris and Samuel .L. Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Houston have moved into the Johnston house. Miss Vera Wheeler of Chattanooga spent the week-end with homefolks. —M-“ Miss Ruth Ridley of Dalton, was a a guest of Miss Mary Ellen Harmon last week. —-o Mrs. Eva Hunter of Cedar Grove was a recent visitor of Mrs. W. C. Kemp. Marvie Grier of Dublin, was the guest Friday of Col. and Mrs. Paul Wright. William Pharr of Harrisburg re turned Saturday from a visit to At anta relatives. —o— C. C. Shearer, of Chattanooga was the New Year’s day guest of his father, A. V. Shearer. Mrs. C. C. Shearer and Miss Alma Mathis, of Chattanooga were recent visitors of A. V. Shearer. Miss Laura Shearer, who has been teaching at Tazewell, Tenn., is at home with her father, A. V. Shearer, for a vacation. Mrs. Paul D Wright was taken sud denly ill Wednesday night. Thursday morning her condition was reported to show no improvement. A. E. Shearer, Principal of Rock ville High School, Eatontop, Ga., has returned after spending the holidays with his father, A. V. Shearer. —-C Mrs. L. G. Snow has returned from Nashville and will lead the Mission Study Class Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Keown. Roy Neely, Jr., of Knoxville, Tenn. is making his first visit to LaFayette, arriving Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neely. Mrs. W. E. Gray left Wednesday morning for her home at Graymont, Ga., after spending two weeks here with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Ham mond. / Regular convocation of Wp'ker Chapter No. 140 R. A. M. will be neld this evening at the usual hour. This is the first convocation of the new Chapter year and all companions are especially urged to be present—D. W. Herndon, High Priest; R. D. Love, Sec. As a token of appreciation of the work of Robert L. Vansant, as coun ty agent of Walker County the past four years, a group of farmers, of the county and business men of LaFay ette presented him a lovely gold watch atid chain last Friday after noon. ' ' Walker; Couhty Messenger, January ll; 1924. A. R. Fortune left Tuesday for a three weeks' trip to New York on business. Miss Mary Stiles left Monday af ternoon for LaGrange College to re sume her studies. There will be a box supper at Oak Grove schoolhouse on Saturday night the 19th. A large crowd is expected. Come and have a good time—Com. ■ "■( f Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Vansant and little son, Nelson, left Monday for their home at Marietta, after spend ing a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Allen returned to their'home at Nocrorss, Ga., Wed nesday, after a two weeks’ visit to relatives and friends in the county. —o— Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shaw and son, George Paul returned Monday after noon from a two weeks motor tour to points in Florida. —o — Beginning next Sunday night Rev. J. W. Brinsfield announces that he will preach on some of the old Tes tament themes, beginning with the book of Genesis. The public is cordial ly invited. The first Quarterly conference of the Dalton District Methodist churches for Kensington, LaFayette and LaFayette Circuit will be held as follows: Kensington, Jan. 26th; La- Fayette and Rock Springs and LaFay ette Circuit Sunday Jan. 27th in the afternoon. —o — The Public and High schools opened Monday morning with full enroll ments. All teachers had returned from the Christmas holidays and were pres ent on the opening morning. Miss ifa ney, who had been out of the system for several weeks on account of a death in her family, has returned and resumed her duties in the grade work. ~~~0 ~ ■ The Class mothers were cordially received by the Faculty of the I/a- Fayette School whea holding their first joint meeting. Much interest was evinced and the instructive ideas and suggestions exchanged, were not only helpful, but mufually approved and appreciated. Some of these, it is hoped, will shortly be put into exe cution. Rev. J. W. Brinsfield, Rev. J. R. McCurdy and E. P. Hall, Jr., attend ed the District Stewards meeting and the Missionary Institute of the Dal ton District Methodist conference at Dalton Tuesday. Rev. W. B. Taylor and M. L. Crowder represented the Kensington Methodist church and Rev. J. M. Radford and R. S. Wheeler were represetatives from the Chicka mauga Methodist church. FOR SALE—A good feather bed. Ap ply to Mrs. S. A. Hunt, South Main Street, LaFayette, Ga.’ Wm. Marsh Chapter D. A. R. And Miss Haygood Appreciates Liberal Contributions Received The Daughters of the American ; Revolution who pledged ten dollars and raised the necessary funds to place Miss Martha Haygood, one of our splendid Walker county girls in Berry school wish to thank the Ku Klux Klan for their donation of $77, the Woman’s Club donation of $5.00, the Shriners for $lO and the numer ous individuals for their contribu tions of money and necessary articles needed. Without this help it would have been impossible for Miss Hay good to enter Berry school. She also wishes to thank one and all for their generous help and will do her best to deserve it and make good at school. MRS. D. W. STILES, Chm. Com. Mrs. Hackney Entertains 11. D. C. The Chlckamauga Chapter U. 1). C. held a very interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. T. C. Hackney on Wednesday Jan. 2. After a short business session a very interesting program was given. Gen. Lee was the subject for study. Mrs. I. H. Holle man and Miss Sara Hackney read in teresting papers. Miss Clarentine Knox was an in vited guest. She rendered some very appropriate and inspiring music which was enjoyed by all present. A contest was heartily entered into and Mrs. Holleman made the most points. Miss Orphie Center and Mrs. Sam Shaw gave some interesting war rem iniscences. During the social hour Misses Sara and Mamie Hackney served a tempt ing salad course. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our deep ap preciation to our neighbors and friends for the interest and symn ithy during the illness and death ox cur husband and father; also especially are we grateful for the beautifu flo ral tributes of the various orgr,.liba tions and individuals. We sha'l not soon forget the kindnesses of you all and pray His benedictions upon you. Mrs. C. W. Routt, Miss Mildred Pnubt. Many Interesting Feaures Planned By Woman’s Club For 1921 An unusually interesting meeting of the Lafayette Woman’s Club was held Jan. 4th at the club rooms in the courthouse with Mrs. C. C. Gilbert in the chair. The Club is fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. Gilbert as President, for she has been untir ing in her-efforts for the organization and carried ‘ many projects, sponsor ed by the club, through seemingly un stirmountable obstacles to final suc cess. The club expects this year, with other organizations of the town to establish a Club House of its own, in the historic Gordon Academy. Many plans for work of the remain dor of the year were discussed. The club expects to sponsor several lec tures and which will be in structive as well as interesting. The club expects to secure the Mercer Glee Club as an attraction at the ear liest possible date and arrangements are being made to secure this splen did attraction. At this meeting Mrs. Gray’s, nee Miss Susie Hammond, resignation as Secretary was accept ed with regret. She has been a loyal member of the club since .its organi zation and will be greatly missed. Mrs. Kirby was elected Secretary to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Gray. The cli'.ss mothers of La Fayette school, a new branch of the Woman’s club, has been splendidly organized with an efficient set of officers, who have many plans for the betterment of our schools. • •' - CLASS MOTHERS MEET ‘ AND ELECT OFFICERS * The eleven women chosen as class mothers, some weeks since by the eleven grades of the LaFayette schools, wore invited to hold their initial meeting with Mrs. A. R. For tune, Thursday, Jan. 3, to organize, discuss plans, etc. Mrs. A. R. Fortune was elected president, Mrs. T. A. Jackson, Sec., Mrs. E. A. Puryear, Treas., Mrs. W. A. Enloe, Press Reporter. The class mothers will meet the first Tuesday of each month with the faculty of the schools at three o’clock at the school building, faculty and mothers holding separate meetings later, the same afternoon. No name has yet been selected for the class mothers as an organization. The Woman’s Club as sponsor and “the reason of being”, will doubtless consider it their privilege to name the offspring. • After the business meeting was ad journed, the hostess served appropri ate and delightful refreshments. MRS. C. S. MASSEY CELEBRATES HER 82NI). BIRTHDAY A pleasant event of thq holiday season was the eighty-second birth day of Mrs. C. S. Massey which was celebrated at’ her home on Lookout Mountain Dec. 23, 1923. The dining room was beautifully decorated in ChrisFmas colors. The dinner was prepared and furnished by her daughters, Mrs T. P Scarbrough, Mrs. H. M. Massey and Mrs. T. M. Massey. Tjie birthday cake was pre sented by her grandchildren, Irvin Carl, Herbert, Edward, Homer, Ger trude and Virginia Massey, Vaughn Martin and Mildred Scarbrough. Af ter the guests were seated at the table the following grandsons formed a circle around the table and lit the candles: Carl, Edward and Homer Massey, Vaughn chd Martin Scar brough. The event was enjoyed by those present and will be long remembered. We all join in wishing her many more happy years. One of the Guests. FOR RENT—Two upstairs furnished front rooms with veranda. I —Mrs. S. W. Fariss, North Main. It Religious, Social ’ And Personal News » Os Rossville By Mrs. J. L. Rowland Rossville, Ga. Jan. B—Pocahontas ; Chapter No. IGS 0. E. S. held a pub lic installation of their officers at ; the Masonic hall Wednesday evening. The Chapter was opened by Mrs. B’er- | thea, Past Worthy Matron of this ! Chapter and sjie with Mrs. C. W. j S Clark had charge of the installation i services, which .vote carried out in a very impressive manner. All the new ' officers were present and the Mission Ridge Chapter were visitors during the evening. This Chapter is in a highly flourishing condition and new members are being initiated at each meeting. After the installation of the officers a social hour was held at i which delicious refreshments were served by a 'ommittee. Miss Mary Fricks, who is the retiring Worthy Matron and who has been critically j ill of pneumonia for several weeks is 1 reported to bo rapidly improving. One of the most delightful social, affairs of the season was the meeting of the Willing Workers of the M. E. j Church South at the home of Mrs. J. 1 iJ. Rhyne on Chlckamauga Avenue, j | Thursday afternoon. About twenty five members were present and the as-1 ternoon was spent in a delightful manner. Contests were .enjoyed,! which were unique and the lucky win- j ners of the prizes offerer! in these contests were Mrs. (thus. W. Clark and Mrs. Glenn Cargle. At a lj/St hour a salad course with hot choco-| ; late was served by the hostess assist ed by Mrs. Ray Crow and Mrs. P. Pj I Martin. The home was prettily deco rated with ferns and potted plants, j The next meeting will be with Mrs.! I Guy Shambaugh on McFarland Ave. Rev. and Mrs. I’. P. Martin enter : tained with a six o’clock dinner at ' their home on East Gordon Avenue \ i Friday evening. Covers were laid for ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonds, Mr. and Mrs. Doc. Johnson, ’Squire and Mrs Ray Crow, Misses Kathleen Bonds and Miss Margo 'et B J e Johnson and Rev. and Mrs. Martin. The John Ross Car. l ,) W. O. W. will install their officers at the Masonic ) Hall next Monday evening. A very delightful literary enter tainment is being planned by the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church of South Rossville for Thurs day evening of next week. The enter i tainment will be given at the church j and promises to ba one of extreme and promises to be one of extreme interest. . | I Owing 4 to the zero weather no ser- j ! vices were held at the M. E. Church j j South at this place Sunday but a; j large congregation gathered at the j ! First Baptist church, where a forci- j i ble sermon was delivered by Rev. O’- ! Quinn. ! Bishop and Mr. . Irlouson of Nash- I ville and Mrs. W. E. Brock of Chatta nooga were dinner guests of Rev. and i Mrs. IV P. Martin Thursday. Misses Annie and Jennie Johnson j were the charming hostesses at a luncheon at their home,. Hickory Hill, 1 near this place Tuesday, compliment j ing Mrs. John Veatch of Trion, a recent bride. The home was prettily ! decorated with ferns and potted plants for the occasion. Covers were laid for Mrs. John Veatch, Mrs. J. M. S. Myers, of LaFayette, Miss Mamie Stegall and Mrs. R. B. Stegall. A col or scheme of yellow and white v/as carried out in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Thomus Keegan, of Chattanooga were guests at the Ross ! er House Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Spradline de-1 I lightfully entertained with a dinner I | party Sunday at which the following i guests were present: Miss Bertha i Bryan, of Cleveland, Miss Guggle Bates, of Chattanooga, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. McFarland and Squire and | Mrs. Ray Crow. Geo. Cook of Tellico Plains, Tenn., | is the guest of friends and relatives! , here. Mrs. P. P. Martin was called to | Whitesburg, Tenn., Saturday by the i j death of her grandmother. Eldridge Russell has returned from I a visit to relatives at McMinnville, i I Circle No. 2of the W. M. U. will | meet Wednesday with Mrs. Vann atj l her home on Cedar Hill. Miss Louisa Davis of Chat/Ltfiooga j ; spent a few days here the past week with her niece, Mrs. Ray Crow. Harvey Greene of McMinnviKe is ! the guest of relatives here. The public school at this place will j begin its spring term'the 21st of this month. At that time the new school building will be ready for occupancy, j Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert liay of Cin cinnati are the guests of Mr. and Mrs I Wren Ray at their home on Cedar j | Hill. Mrs. Ophelia Alexander was the i guest the past week of Miss Lidie De j 1 Georgia at her home at Missionary j Ridge. Mrs. Alice Dunwoody, of LaFayette iis with her sister, Mrs. Mary A. Rosser at her home on Chickamuuga Avenue this week. Mrs. John W. May attended the meeting of the Womans Missionary j Society at Stone Church in Chatta nooga Monday. Mrs. Dan Hashberger and children of Big Spring, Tenn., who earne /or a holiday visit with relatives hvre will remain for an indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Page were at Ohickamauga Saturday, Tom. T. Barnes has returned from a trip to Atlanta. Spencer Gilreath has acc( pted a po sition in Chattanooga. Garrett Moore has returned from a trip to Harriman. He was accompani ed home by Mrs. Moore and for the present they will occupy rooms at. the home of Mrs. I). 11. Hixon on Chicka-] mauga Avenue. Mrs. M. P. Carlew of Greenville, Tenn., has been the guests of friends I here the past week. Miss Martha Mas has reteurned I from an extended visit with her grand parents, Rev. and Mrs. Cardwell, at Kingston, Ttnn. R. L. Williams and son, formerly of Graysville. Tenn., have opene’d a jewelry store in’the Morrison build -1 ing on the main street of the town. They are n I < agents for radio sets. The handsome new bungalows re j centlc erected by David Sims on Hast Gordon Avene ■ are now complete and are quite an addition to the street. Mr. und Mrs. D. W. McClain are oc cupying one of them and the other will be occupied roon. Miss Annie Ruth Rroome was the week-end gu>-t of Misses Annie and Jennie Johnson at their home. Hickory Hill. Mr. and Mi . S. R. Stansbury and Miss Ruby Walker have returned from a visit to relatives at Dayton. Tenn. Mrs. Nannie Kittrell and Miss An na Kittrel were the guests the past week of Mrs. S. T. Davis at her home in South Ross ille. Hobart AUg od was a recent visitor at Ringgold. Paul Bailey, who has accepted a position in Chattanooga spent Sunday with homefoll s. Mrs. C. L. Cummings and children of East Lake were the guests the past week of Mrs. I. A. French. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lord announce the birth of i> daughter, whom they have christened, Hazel Lee. Mrs. J. C. Carmack and daughter, M iss Katherine Carmack, will leave this week for a trip through South Georgia and Florida. The condition of Mrs. J. R. McFar land shows nicked improvement dur ing the past lew days. Misses Myra and Mona Allison re turned to Blue Ridge, Ga„ Thursday, where they will resume their studies at the Mary P. Willingham school. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther Tweedell, who hns been quite ill of pneumonia is reported to be im proving at his h | ie in South Ross ville. Edward McCall has returned to Berry school at Rome after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Etta McCall at this place. Francis D. Ward of Cleveland, 0., who has been /in Florida for the past two weeks returned to this place Saturday and will be here for about two weeks on business. Mr. Ward is connected with the Brooks Oil Co. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Shaw of St. Elmo I ive been the guests of rela tives hi o for several days. Mrs. Frances I’lumer and Mrs. H. M. Rhodes of C.hattanoogk were vis itors the past wok hi the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Johnson. Mr. and Mi's. J. C. Posey, of Sod | dy, Tenn., spent a few days the past ' week with Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCall j at their home on Cedar Hill. Mrs. Walter Robertson, who has ■ been / riously ill of pneumonia at her ■ home Cedar Hill is much improved. Mis Esther Flegal has returned I to the State Normal at Murfreesboro | after a visit with homofolks. I Mr. and M rs. W. C. Simmons have returned to their home at Milwaukee after a visit with friends and rela tives here. Miss Ruby O’Quinn has returned to Plains, Ga., after a visit here. Miss Buena Mowery has returned to Hiau si-sec College after a holiday visit with friends and relatives here. The South Eastern Express Co., has opened an office here in the Mor rison building and will run a truck line from this place to Chattanoogu. W. A. Hearn has charge of this office. Harry Clark, who has been the guest of his part .3, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Clark, on Cedar Hill has re turned t) Sewmi where lie will re sume hi duties 1.1 the athletic de partment of the uclionl at this place. Oluy McFarlan' v. '.l begin work on a hand- me bun ’ won his proper ty on McFarland >. enue at an early date. Franl: W. Sorrell, who has been quite ill f ir several wiwks is improv ing and is able be out again to the delimit, of his many friends. . The P. T. A. of he RossviHe Pub lic Sclv-il, w.hicl i to have met this week have postponed their meet ing until the last f this month, ow ing to the absence of the teachers of the sell it. SCHOOL HOOKS Seyi rat months o before a meet ing of teachei of the county as well a> the Me- "nger I called at tention t > the ft- -i that the school book c i itraot would expire on Dec. 31, and fiat in ; 1 probability the books Would be advanced in price on January 1. I asked everyone if pos sible t. anticipate his wants in this line and buy before the advance. 1 fear that some have failed to do so, as several have already been making inquiry about books. I have no quotations from all pub lishers but what I have show that the pr> has advanced at least 60 per cert, more in some instances. It will be i.fficult to get books now as the whole matter is in an uncertain condit r he dealers hesitate to buy a supidy because they do not know what h i s may lie adopted for an other 5-year period, and which left out. I HUgg - it that those who need book.; request v • teacher to order them di rect fr ' the publisher The teacher has a book list with the old prices and it will be well to send at least 50 per cert -tore than the price listed, maybe 00 per cent. The b-i lance will be returned by the publishers. The iwolta for the next 6-year pe riod v, U •(* adopted on J fcuary 20, but th new adoption will nut take ef fect til! Sfept. 1024. I am sorry of thin confu. on about hooks but it shows the difference in price between an adopts;: book by the state and buying it in th open market. I shall fie glad to order books for anyone f requested to Jo so. . A. SARTAIN, O. S. 8. FOR SALE— B-year old hores, well broky. >r will exchange for cattle— R. W. M ilkey, LaFayette,. Ga. R. 1. ltx