Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, July 11, 1924, Image 2

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Established 1877 icial Newspapet o 1 the Count} E. P. HALL. JE. Subscription Rate* <e Year SI.OO c Mouths .....60 ree Mouths 60 Foreign A«Jv • rt K«*f>rea«nt#»tive hi:ami.i’k ani'KEss assuciwion , Entered a. the LaFayette, Ga. lor transmission through 4 mails as nwoilii-clsi* matter. The Democratic party seems to have all too many favorite sons. Maybe dark horses at the con vention didn’t go strong because this is the age of the auto. Tourists spent $160,000,000 in Canada last year. The trade-at home idea hasen’t gripped us yet. Not “watchful waiting” but bal lot while you wait, is the depar ture of the Democratic convention. Voting a hundred times in one •convention is some honor for a delegate to hand down to posteri ty. The honor of being a delegate to the Democratic National Conven tion does not come without its price. The delegates at the Democratic National Convention have made themselves famous or infamous for balloting. The camping, fishing .swimming •and taking-it-easy season is with 4is, and just a little later the real Georgia watermelon! If the legislature gets tangled up in the Darwin theory, the Demo «'ratic National Convention will be tame in comparison to it'. King Tut, Stone Mountain and the Pyramids must all give way now to the Democratic National Convention as the Nth wonder of the world. The boll weevil husen’t appeared in any formidable array yet and it is well that he hasen’t because we’ve had enough political distur bance for one season. The East’s ignorance of the South, her history and conditions is appalling, and yet we persist in ■studying Yankee history of the South in our schools. The crop outlook in tills county at this time is reimrted to be en couraging. Weather conditions have been favorable ami prospects now bid fair for a splendid crop. Docs the school or church in .your community need something to make these institutions more •effective and powerful? Look a round and sec and then talk it ov er with the neighbors and do the needful things. r Elsewhere in this issue appear the financial statements of the three county bunks. A perusal of the statements of our banks re veals our county ill splendid condi tion and should be a source of en couragement and inspiration. The list of the August grand ju rors were published in last week’s issue. We call upon these gentle men in their respective communi ties to take note of the boys under 16 driving autos. In this as well as ■other communities in the county this infraction of law is going on without an apparent effort to check it. Last week a little child in Marietta, a daughter of a for mer citizen of this county, was run .down and badly injured when a •boy was at the steering wheel. ONCE IN EVERY TWO YEARS IS ENOUGH The hi-ennial sessi n bill intro- , duced the last session of the legis- | laturc.is to be presented to the house within the next few days it is understood. This is probably the most im- ; portant bill before the legislature for the state at the present time. Its companion bill of extending the tenure of office of statohouse officials to four yoars also sounds business-like. Also a bill to redistrict Georgia in order to cut down the number of senators and representatives ; strikes us as good busines sense, j This will serve to get men of big- I ger calibre, remove the legislature from local politics and will insure better efficiency in the administra tion of the legislature’s business. In several states where the bi ennial session is the law, the leg islature only holds about twenty five days because men of consider able personal interests are mem bers and they transact the busi ness and adjourn. Our legislature is more a clear ing house for political aspirants than most anything else, and the bi-ennial session, we believe, be sides curtailing the expense to the tax puyers, would work for a bet ter grade of polities and more sen sible and state-wide legislation, from which the entire state would benefit. We hope the legislature will concur in the action of the Senate and pass this Dill overwhelmingly. FAIR PREMIUM LIST READY The premium list of the Walker County Fair will be ready for dis tribution this week. It has been carefully worked out, enlarged and is a most attractive offering. AH prizes are cash and special empha sis has been put on agricultural exhibits. A noteworthy improve ment over previous lists is the en largement of tlie woman’s depart ment. Call fur one of the booklets at the County Agent’s office and make plans to display your exhib its at the fair Oct. 23-24. Russia, according to statistics, has bought of this country $40,000- 000 worth of cotton up to the present this year, but the mills of the country are not going on part time because of a scarcity of cot ton but because they can’t sell the manufactured products. The situ ation presents a paradox while it mocks. O O | TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO | July 13 1899 o 6 Itelow will be found items of news published in (he Walker County Messenger twenty-five years ago, which will be of interest to the readers of the Messenger today. School opened at the Trans Semi nary Monday. O— Sunday night George Stallion a darkey who lives near Edge’s Cross Roads was struck on the bead by some unknown person pr _bly with an axe. —o — Rev. Allen tilled his appointment at Wa iccville last Saturday and Sun day. 'O — Last week Dr. J. M Undrrwood lost a valuable cow for which he had re fused $35. W. A. Crow has been transferred to the Summerville secti. The game of baseball bet" ->en Sum merville and I .uFayette teams has been set for Thursday the .'oth. ■—4 V There will be no more “hot times in the old town" for you can get ice from D. Fariss and Co. Rev. H. L. Crumley is authority for the statement that,a cross be tween a mogul engine and u scrub cow is a very fine breed. Miss Nannie Clements spent Satur day at Trion visiting her sister. Miss Janie Mae, who has a flourishing mu sic class there. Capt Napier accompanied by his daughter, Miss Dedec, left Monday to attend the mooting of the Georgia Weekly Press Association at Dublin. I We can use several barrels of sor ghum syrup. We pay 20 cents in trade —Waxthen and Sparks. Walker County Messenger, July 11, 1924. SOME FACTS About The Biggest Single Business In The World j THE U. S. POST OFFICE | o 0 Gummed postage was adopted in the United State* in 1847. Postmaster General Montgomery Blair initiated the movement in 1861 which has resulted in the formation of the Universal Postal Union. A concrete example of this interna*'on al co-operation is found in th« feet that the letter sent for 5 cents to Au stralia today cost $204 in 1857. It was the demands of the Postal service which first brouxht night trains on the railroads, and the “first fast mail trains" were followed by fast passenger trains. The money order system was adopt- j od in 1864. Postmen today bring mail to the ! doors of millions of homes. Free de- I livery of mail service in cities began ni 1863. Postal savings banks, the greatest ; savings bank in the world was start ! ed in 1911. R. F. D. service brings the city to i the country. This rural service was i started in 1896. Parcel post was adopted in 1913. Air mail service was started Hfiy j 18 1918. For two years it has been j operating an advancing service on a | transcontinental route 3,000 miles j long from New York to San Francis- I co and earned in J 922 and 1923 the j honor of making the greatest contri bution to the progress of American aviation. Pioneering never stops an the Pos ; tal service. Faster, faster, faster the i relay must be made. This sumrper the 1 Postal Service, if Congress agrees will inaugurate through service, 28 i hours, between New York and the city at the Golden Gate. One-third of this journey will be at night. ROAI) NOTICE Georgia, Walker County. Martin Fehn et al having petition ed for the establishment of a public i road as hereinafter described and the commissioners appointed to mark out and report upon the advisability of the establishment of said road having re ported that the establishment of said public road will be of public utility, if no good cause is shown to the contra ry the public road as follows to-wit, commencing at the Park City road, where same now terminates on the West side of the track of the line of track of the electric street car line running to Dodge, Georgia, running thence South a distance of about 80 I yards through the lands of the Tenn essee Power Company or Chattanooga Railway and Light Co., to the Govern ment road in Chickamauga Park, will be established as a public road at a meeting of the Board of Commission ers of Roads and Revenue of said county on the First Tuesday in Aug ust, 1924. Board of Commissioners, Roads and Revenue Walker County, Ga. CLAUDE CLEMENTS Clerk. Notice To Debtors and Creditors j Georgia, Walker County. All persons holding claims against I W. A. Hatfield of Walker County, de | ceased and all persons indebted to samp estate are required to pay said I claims at once or present any claims held against said estate to us at opce. This July 2, 1924. A. D. HATFIELD, Admr., 8-8 6t ' W. A. Hatfield, Dec. Announcement | To The Voters of Walker County: I wish to announce that I am a can didate for Solicitor-General of the Rome Judicial Circuit, subject to the Democratic primary of September 10, 1924. If elected, Mr. M. Neil Andrews of Walker County, will serve as my assistant. I have had the honor and pleasure of serving, the people of ! Floyd, Chattooga and Walker counties ;as Assistant Solicitor-General, and j hope to have your vote and influence I in promoting me to the office of So licitor General. JAS. F. KELLY. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Solicitor General of the Rome Judicial Circuit, subject to the i action of the Democratic primary. If elected S. W. Fariss, of LaFayette will be my assistant. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. JAMES MADDOX. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days /'ru&jbts refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fnVt> to cure Itch ink. Blind. Bleeding or Prjtrud»ng Piles. Instantly itdlevea Itching Pilea. cV ou can get restful aleeo after first auulicatum. 60c. FOR SALE —A six-room bungalow and a small house on a lot contain ing a little over an acre at Chicka mauga, Ga. A good cistern and good ! cellar, barn etc. Lovely yard with ev | ergreen hedge. Built for a home. For price and terms write—Mrs. Ola M. Sholl, 386 Northwest 22nd St., Mi j ami, Fla. 7-18 4t. j GET YOUR—Screen Doors, Windows, Screen Wire etc., at Kirby-Herndon Hardware Co., LaFayette, Ga. Colds Cause Crip and Influenza LA" •-’.ve. PROMO QUININE Tablets remove U ‘ There is only one * Bromo Quinine.' 11 W GROVE'S sigrature jn Do?- iOu Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative foe Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and should be taken .-egularly foe 14 to 21 days to indace regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. r Very Pleasant to Take. a 60c per buttle. fGoodriciT] Silvertown | Just ask for the Low Price on your size Silvertown Cord — and remember it’s a Goodrich Product. . . Hinton-Wilson, •BEST IN THE LONG RUN” I mm J IN MEMORY OF A DEPARTED WIFE My dear companion whom I loved so well No tongue or pen could ever tell, But she has gone to live with God on High And now' she is rejoicing, though I may weep and sigh. And I cannot understand why she w r as taken away, But I will find out some glorious day, When I have left this world for that City of Gold. Jesus and loved ones I will there be hold. She was so patient, whatever the test, For she had received glorious soul rest, No friend in this wide world can ever take her place, And, Oh how I miss her sweet smiling face. And w'hile I am toiling on, she is en joying sweet rest As God only knows what is for my best. The blessed Holy Spirit can comfort my bleeding heart And through Him, I can conquer every fiery dart. Some day, I know not when my battle will be fought, When it is, then up through the air I shall be caught. And I will rejoice that Iv’e been true, When I reach the pearly gates, my Savior shall take me through. Composed by Rev. A. L. Fowler, Cassandra, Ga. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Georgia. Walker County. Will be sold before the door of the courthouse of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in August, 1924, August 5, 1924, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, to-wit: Sixty acres ff the sfbuth side of lot of land Number 236 in the 26th District and 3rd Section of Walk er County, Georgia. The aforesaid real estate to be sold as the property of L. H. Price and M. M. Price, under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain war ranty deed to secure a debt executed by said L. H. Price and M. M. Price to O. L. Stamps on October 7th, 1915 to secure a loan of $135.00. with in terest at 8 per cent from May 13th, 1915. The said L. H. Price and M. M. Price having defaulted in the payment of said indebtedness, and same having been reduced to judgment in Walker Superior Court the proceeds from said sale will be applied, first to the pay ment of said Judgment, with the ac crued interest and costs incident to the sale, and the remainder, if any, paid to said L. H. Price and M. M. Price. This sth day of July 1924. G. A H HARRIS JR. Trustree in Bankruptcy of 0 L. Stomp*. F. A. BEAGLE PRC*. AND Gen. Mo*. L. V. DU *CAN. SECRCTARV. W. A. SEAGLE. VICE.-PRES. AND ASST. GEN. MGR J- e - PRINCE. IR J. W. BENDER. Vice-president and Supt. PHONE Main 440 PHONE Main 44J CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE OFFICF- 21st and Whiteside Streets. High Grade BOLL R^.iFING High Grade COMPOSITION SHINGLES Special brand. Extra Clear WASHINGTON RED CED' A SHINGLES The Best of everything in LUMBER AND PL/iNING MILL PRODUCTS. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED , . . . LET US SERVE YOU . . . W. H. PAFNB, Pres. K. P. MoCLLNB, See. North Georgia Abstract Go. f.NC First National Bank Bldg LaFayette, Ga. We have recently 3ompiled the records of Walker county and can furnish reliable ab stracts of title prompt ly. * Sideache “ ■ Backache ■ ■ “I have been taking Car- g dui,” says Mrs. Lillie Bolton, | of Lake Providence, La. “I g got down in bad health and g lost in weight until I only g weighed 120 pounds. I had g bad pains in my sides and g back and my legs hurt me g until I couldn’t walk. I g stayed in bed half the time. 9 I tried all kinds of medicine, 9 but it did mo no good. EH Finally I tried EE ■ Hn Woman's Tonic " “It seems like it did me good jgj from the very first. After I g had taken half a bottle I no g ticed an improvement. I con- g tinued its use aRd I got bet- E ter and better. The pains in g my legs and sides disap ■ peared and I began to gain g in weight until now I weigh ■ 155 pounds and feel better g than I ever did in my life. I H am perfectly well and strong. ■ I have given It to my girb, ■ too." ■ Cardoi has relieved many O kinds of pains and distress- B ing symptoms caused by fe- H male trouble. It should help E you, too, in the same way. " Why not give it a fair trial ? B E 103 BEBBBBBBBBB No Worms in a Healthy Child Al 3 htuiiras troth’—' ~M» Worm* have an un healthy color, which ir.Ulu-a.-6 L-i. iikx-!, and «» a rule, there is more or lest3m>;ii disti GROVES TASTELESS shit I TONIC given regular!, for t* ocr three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove. the digestiou, and set ns n General Strength ening ’.'.l:. . o ;he v.'hclo NkuW will th‘ - throw off or dispel the Vurina, a.... ...e Child will I-, in perfect health. ■ Pleasant to take.*6oc tier ;.„:tie. after every meal ■ Cleanses monlh and H teetb and aids digestion. H Relieves tbat over- H eaten leeling and acid ■ Its 1-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor i|£ satisfies tbe craving lor # Wrigicy’s is double 1| value in tbe benclit and w| pleasure it provides. |f| Sealed in ilt Parity 9he flavorlastsj\ Hall's Catarrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal ••'d has been success ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty yean. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, Ohlc | PROFESSIONAI, CARDS , * • « o o j MRS. CAROLINE ARNOLD | | Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE | Summer Class Begins June 2 j I Studio at 27 Cove Street Phone No. 80 LaFayette, Ga. O O H. F. McClure IV. A. McChost HcCLURF & McCLLHE Attornevs-at-Luw Hamilton Natioi.t.l Bunt Building . Chattanooga, Tenu Practice in toe courts of Georgia aae Tennessee. W. M. Heury Earl Jaekaan HENRY A JACKSON Attorney s-at-Law LaFayeUe, Ga. Practice In ail the courts. Office if Jackson Building. J. E. Rosser W. B, Ikig ROSSER & SHAW f/Uorneya-at-Law Offices Walker County Bank Building LaFayette, Georgia Hamilton National Hank Buildiag Chr.tlauooiiu. " enu. NORMAN SHATTUCK Atlorncy-at-Law Office in Bank of LaFayette Bldg LaFayette, Ga Practice in alt Courts, State and Federal OH. W. D. BALLENGEH Dentist JACKSON BUILDING 1-a Fayette - - Georgia. ■ *■'— ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■ 1 4 »— UR. ALLbiM r. n ahiiK.\ KEi J m Dentist .a»i< ayeii't - - Georgia ' second Floor Bank of LaFayette Building DR. J. ill. UNDERWOOD LaFayeUe, Ga. Residence with J. L. Rowland og North Alain Street. Office in Jac-Ksoii nunuing Residence Phone 2 shorts on 152 Office Phone 51. ~ "■■ * tmwm-m JULIUS MINK Aliorney-At-Luw Office in Cooper building, LaFayeUe, Ga ’ 1 • i. A. SHIELDS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon LaFayeUe, Ga Office Over Rhyne Bros. Pharmacy Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 a. ni...1:00-2.00 p. m. Telephones—Res. 151. Office M DR. SHANNON P. WAIUIENFELL* Dentist. At Chiekainauya, Ga. On Saturday! City Office, Room 811. Hamlltag National Bank building. Corner 7th and .Market Sts. Chattauooga, Tenn. 7-20-2* j DEWEY W. HAMMOND, M. D. I Physician and Surgeon Office Over Loach's Pharmacy LaFayette, Georgia Telephones: Day Nos. 159 and 49 Night and Sunday No. 84. S. W. FARISS I Attorney-At-Law I Office Over RHYNE BROS. PHARMACY LaFayette, Ga 1 ’ ~ 1 ” ■ lll ' ■ %. J Notice To Debtors and Creditors All persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Sallie Davis, late of Walker County, Ga., deceased, or holding! claims against said estate will payJ said indebtedness and present sa ; di claims to me at once. A Clark B. Davis, c-o The Bank < I America, 44 Wall St., N. Y. C. 7-18 ’