Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 03, 1924, Image 5

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" a|| Jfan/f of JZaJ'ayetto ||l Capital and Surplus i „ 4JZ0.000.00 Where Your Xlutiey la Stile There was a time when people hid to keep their money at home in . trunks or carry it on their persons. That was the time before banks. Today nobody has to run this sort of risk. \i this busy season of the year with the farmer, when he is marketing nis products and getting his money, it is foolish for him to store his money a t home or carry large sums on his person. Deposit your money in your bank and get a check book. In this sim ple operation you gain protection from loss and inaugurate a simple, re liable business system. We invite your deposits, however large or small. Deposit with us today. k'v i . Cordially yours, > V i ■"' t - ■ . . ■ i •, . . ; > _ .. . ..... ... r*. y ’ r : / President. David VV. -Stiles INSURANCE ms Floor Bunk of LaFuyelte Bldp. write all kinds of Insurance and guarantee the lowest prices. See Me Before Insuring O O H. M. COULTBP ,M. D. Telephones : Eostdance—lß6 Office —166 'Lafayette, Ga. : L o o ° B«. 'FRANK' T. WHITE ? DENTIST Office Over -Carmacks Drug Store S*io. 1. s Roseville, <ia.-Tenn. I O— O O ■ ■ o I NUCKOLLS-KEMP-*tRYAN Inc. j. Funeral Directors and Bnrbalmers AMBULANCE SERVICE i PHONES Day—63 Night—*l2 r>r 223 i <0 O Town and County , 1 '■ ■ %***&*!!! 7 ■ Miss Mary Mae" Seott >pent thd' weekiewJ in. Summerville with rela ** ‘ Mrs. f). A. Martin, of Re me, was the guest Tuesday of Mrs. W : . J A. Maf \ tit. , •, .. . Mrs, Woodfin, of Chattanooga iy the.gueirt this wer* of Mr.- and*M(% G. c. Boggs. , . . * —. * V’ ' ■ ' - r Miss Marguerite Shield” left Mon day for Home, where she will enter Shorter College. Col .ami Mrs. E, A. Jackson left Wednesday for a short stay at Moo tor- 1 , Ala. * *(V*” } * A h-vgr- number of town, apd County people ire attending The' Chattanooga fair this v/er ; k. ‘ > Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Daniel of Chat tanooga were the \v-ek,er,(lgpoats of Mr. end Mrs, A. Hi Surretl. —*— Mi* Mary Stiles, who recently un derwent an operation at a Chattanoo ga hospital, is rapidly recovering. Mi”s Ella Head, of Atlanta is the goe-t of her sister, Mrs. Lester little and Mr. Little rtt t.fieir heme cs Chat £**&*.< - .V. ~»■ **"*>■» FANICY GROCERIES—And Fresh Fruits. Get ’em from Henry’s and you will be sure to be satisfied. l i ■ ■ - The semi-monthly meeting of the Civitan Club will be held at the Fos , ter House Friday at 12:30 o’clock. The condition of (J. C. Boggs, who has been quite ill, shoivs much ina ’ provement. Jktiss Addie Burns spent the week end .the guest of her cousin, Miss Sa -1 die Martin, at Trion. LV. J. H. Hammond attended the anti-tuberculosis meeting of the State Board of Health in Cartersville Wed nesday.. —v— D. C, Wilson, who underwent an * operatic* for the removal of tonsils ( last week, is improving rapidly, to 1 the delight of his many friend,'. Mrs. J. Jt. Leal returned to her home in Chattanooga Monday after -pending the Week-end with her sis- U-r, Mrs, J. C. Reese. Friends of Mrs, J. A. Sartaiu will , be delighted to lean, that she is rap- I idly improving aim*- undergoing an .operation at a C’huttapooga hospital recently. 8k .act —o— ffitZfne many friends of Mrs, W. H. P. Rhyne will be delighted to lulua that shows much imj*rvve. ( »-.<#,.* after an illness us swe-rgl i weeks. ", David F. Pope is in etterdaaee up-L j on the ’Pan-American Congress now in 1 ; session in Atlanta. Mr. Pope k> a dele- ! (gifte Jto the Congress fjvrn this a*<» . tion. " “ -■•••• —o — <. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. family moved ti.is week to the Borne' i of Mrs. P. A. Cooper, on .Mcrth Main • i ?fc,e«t, where they have an apart- { !‘nietff. ’ je ’ * ! J Mrs'. J»s:e Wardlaw and Mt:> j Mary; iMuCaroey, c.' Chattanooga, who have;' j been in a C.lmttai.oc-ga ho„p;Uilg for r i treatment, will leave Sn-'dav i» E's I ,r { Rev. J. W. Brinsficld ai.nc untemhat i ’a revival'campaign will begin ■un-j -..day, October jV?vi* 'at the locai Mgho-- {dirt church. The '1 thodist e ngeega I tion (Xpert to be n their b'.-aiiiiM ( new building by that time. i, —O—■ 4 t Annual Rally Day at tb - Preaby-j terian Sunday School next tiupday. moraijig at ten o’clock. All friends of the school are cordially invited tb-j attend, a special program bus kc-n ' arrattged and all the members of'tfa • 5 :4b«to. gse -vwredrarr he pgewrjt; " Walker County Messen r er. October 3, 1924. i FOR -RENT-—My residence and ■store and fixtures, consisting of large safe, computing scales, two large floor show cases and all other necessary fixtures. One mile nortl) of Trion oil Dixie Highway. Best location in North Georgia.—Mrs. R. F. Robert son. 4t John C. Young, of West Armuchee, happened to a very painful accident Thursday morning, getting his hand caught in a gin and sustaining a very severe cut. His friends wish for him a rapid recovery. —n— Saturday .nt. 11 o'clock the fourth quarterly conference of the LaFayette Circuit will be held at Trinity Metho dist church. Let all the officers of the churches he on 'hand with full reports. The Presiding Elder will preach for us at the 11 o’clock service—J. R. Mc- Curdy, P:i« tor. Ob next Monday, >Oct. 6, all those interested in Cove church and ceme tery are requested to meet there for ■ she. purpose l of .cleaning off cemetory j and ebureh grounds. Me<* me there at i o’clock p. in. with the’ proper tools i for doing the tsorlf.. Come out and let | us beautify oiir church grounds and' pu tour cemetery in first das* eondi ' tion— J. H. Kilgore. The first attraction of the Ijyeetun ■ Course, tho Kellam Duo, was present-' ed Monday night to a small but en- i thusiastlc audience. Those who wit-; nessed this performance were highly j ! pleased with the entertainment Mr. i Kellam was a natural humorist, also' | a eplendid musician and Impersonator. ' , His fu-sJetnut, Mias I-ela Lowery pen- I sesaed a strong and attractive soprs j no voice and played moat snccea.sful.iy, the piano and piano acc&rdian. The foartb Quarterly Conference, for .the laFayette and Rock Spring' : charge will meet with the local M. K. i , Church, South, the first Sunday night/ i October sth. This will fee the last con- J ’ ferencc. for the year and all officers : of the churches are urged to be pros- j. eot. Reports for the year from each department of the church will be read i | at this meeting, also officers for the 1 next year will be elected and plans ; adopted. Presiding Elder S. A. Har ! ris, will preach at this service und | preside over the conference. —o— The Woman's Club will hold their | 1 ■ regular monthly meeting at the club room Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Th? following program will be en joyed. Subject. “Great Scientists and ; Inventors of Today.” Mrs R. A. Ward- l . law, Loader. Papers will be read on < Edison, Mrs. Hammond; Burbank, 1 Mrs. I, H. Holloman; Ford, Mrs. J. JO. t Patton; Marconi, Mrs. Wm. Ham- i mond; Dr. Banting, Mrs. W. li. F. i Khyua. All members are urged to b ■ - present. ’■ ; Mrs. Daisy Jones, of Summerville, is spending several days here and in Chattanooga this week. I Mrs E. K. McCarter spent several days this week in Chattanooga, the, I guest of her son, William. O Born Sent. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Wilson, of Harrisburg, a fine ! daughter, who has been named Edna i May. —o — I Mrs. Louise Massey, Mias Agnes llandwerkor and Mrs. Carl Wilson, of Summerville are attending the t res byterial here today, Thursday. — o— *“ Mr. and Mrs. Luthur Shaw are be ing congratulated on the arrival Tues day in their Park Street home ot their fourth son. o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mrs. Dave Tuttle and Mrs. Joe Williams, of Red Bank, and Mrs. Richard Fos ter, of Lexington, Ky., were visitors Sunday in the home of Mrs. W. M. j Scott. Mrs. L. J. McCamey, of Teloga, af ter a three weeks* visit to her daugh ter. Mrs. R. L. Rich, left Tuesday for Summerville where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. C . S. i Kellett. —o— The local chapter O. E. S. will meet tonight, Thursday at 7:110 in their [lodge room. There will be degree J work. The Pocahontas Chapter, of j Rossville, has been invited to meet with the local chapter and a large j delegation from Rossville is expected to be present. All members are urged to attend. Junior Missionary Society Met Monday Afternoon The 1 .aFayette and West LaFnyette Ji-nior Missionary Societies of the Methodist church, South, met Monday afternoon at the Baptist church, the Methodist church being under con struction. After an interesting busi . ness session the following program, being in charge of Misses Mary and Julia Rink, was enjoyed: Song, "Who soever Mewieth Me"; Bible lesson and prayer; Reading, "Just A Litle Boy”, 'Edward Buek Evans; Reading, "Har ry’s Report—J D Wallis; Story of the dimes and pennies, Betty Laudcrbaeh. Reading, Miss Van Valkenburg; piano solo, Jlis* Alexander; mite box open ing; poem on offering aud prayer, Velma lame. Mrs. Russel Thurman gave a very interesting story from “The Honorable Japanese Fan.” Ju nior’s prayer lead by Miss Mary Rink. At. the conclusion of the program, Mrs. S. F. Evans and Mrs. 0. W. Bledsoe served hot chocolate and cake. Mrs. W. M. Hammond, Supt. Mrs. D. C. R. Myers Hostess .To Crochet Club Tuesday Mrs. I). C. R. Myers entertained the ■Crochet Club Tuesday afternoon -at - her home on Patton Avenue. The home was prettily decorated in an ! abundance of autumn flowers. During ’ the business meeting some important 1 j business was transacted, after which ; [ some very interesting contests were 1 j enjoyed. Mrs. O. W. Bledsoe and Mrs W. A. Loach were winners of the “; prizes. Late in the afternoon the hos j tess, assisted by Miss Kara Myers, I served a delicious ice course, followed , i by sandwiches and hot coffee. The fa , j vors were small yellow nut cups filled I | with almonds. The color note of yel r ; low arid white was carried out. Invit k ed guests were Mrs. C .I*. Pickard, l Mrs. D. W. Herndon, Mrs. T. A. Jack son ami Mrs. Joe Wyatt. The next , meeting will bn with Mrs. .1. E. Ross . i or. Mrs. S. F. Evans Compliments ‘ Visitor At Bridge-I.iincheon Mrs. S. F. Evans delightfully en tertained at a bridge-luncheon Friday afternoon, complimenting Mrs. J. K. l>enl, of Chattanooga. The living room and reception room where the guests i were received were artistically deco rated with baskets and vases of blue land rose colored flowers. At one o'- clock a three course luncheon was I served after which. bridge was enjoy ;ed at two tables. Mrs. W. 11. Shaw i made high score and was presented a | presented a lovely guest prize. Thn lovely string of tieads. Mrs. J-eal was ! following ladies wore iuvited to meet i Mrs. Leal: Mrs, J. L. Hammond, Mrs. ; W, B. Shaw, Mrs. K. A. Wardlaw, M)‘:> T. A. Jackson, Mrs. N. C. Napier and jjfclr*, C n Reese. ‘ ' 'New Primped W. M. U. The W. M. U. of Now Proa|>eet met | on Wednesday afternoon Hept. 24 at the borne of Mrs. S. I*. Hall. Mr*. A. ' J. Stephen.*, the president presided, j Mrs Rex Henry imd charge of the program the subject being “Our ■State.” A number of interesting talk' wore made aud plans were made to demonstrate the women’s wi/rk at Pea vine church the 4th Bunday in this month. The alt banter boxes were-dis tributed ami '.:g the lnembers of the .-ociety an'd'tbey also gave ?12T>0 to-* yard buying ;i bed for Dr. Ayer’s hoa-} pltal in Chinn. The next meeting will be held Oct.l 'li with Mr:.. Hex Henry. Mrs. J, C. 1 Tucker will have charge •>£ program.) Folkrwin, the meeting a social hour , was enjoyed and a delicious salad course was servod by the bestesfi. Mrs. Robert Stetlc Hoitesa To Embroidery Circle Mrs. Robert A. Steele was hostess to the Embroidery Circle on last Fri (Lry oftorrmp. The reception roams, ..hire Mi,-, i-'tsi.le received her guc-t* wore decorated with quantities of ear ly fall fluwerf;. After a delightful so cial hour Mm. Steele, assisted by Mrs A. K. F< it im. «.*rve<l a delicious sal ad courst with hot Soffce. + 4 I | Grateful for the + Handout * J By DUFORD PENNE *[ (Copyright.) TV/TARY stopped short with a lfillc gasp of surprise and shock. The. lounging, ill-dressed, haggard figure | on the park bench could be no oilier than Edwin, whom she had seen the last time three years before. The odd llt tie quiver that her first sight of him used to give her went over her. "Kdwiu, Is jt— *' she asked hesitat ingly. “Hullo, Mary. It's been many moons since 1 saw you last, and you suggested It be the last time," he tin swered u little bitterly. His words stirred old memories. “Oh, Edwin, those —won’t you .come with me to lunch? I—l do want t«> chut with you again," she said hur riedly, feeling within her some old memories stir. He u/tived readily, and her quick mind told her that he was mill} hungry. I II go, hut you must pay the cheek. I'm clean broke," be said bluntly, joining her. He was hardly a respectable hg are beside her neat and attractive self, and many eyes were turned to them as they went on. Bui Mary did not care; some of the old happiness returned as she walked beside him. In a sheltered corner of the res taurant, over a laden table, they tl nally faced each other. *T haven't had a square meal in weeks," he admitted with ids old /rankness. “Now, don't tell me I a til wasting my life, us you used to. I'm no good. 1 admit it” “No, Edwin, I won't scold now. Then I hud such bright hopes for you." “Now you have given me up. 1 don't blame you. But I'm grateful for this handout.” t; “Don't," she begged. “I am stl<l— trill Interested in you. Please be kind. Tell me of yourself.” He laughed harshly, then rapidly sketched his drifting from posltloti to position and always downward. Then, gently, the told of her own w.brk as secretary to one of the city’s Infill entlal business men. Ho listened grimly. “You have been successful enough for both of us." She saw that her own success seemed to offend him, aud she., triad to change the subject. "Now I must go. Mary, I thank you for feeding a beggar* by /’ HIV/ way—" "Please, Edwin.” , ' h "That’s what I am. I don't Want to see you pay the check, so 1 uiu going. So long." lie .went quickly, leaving her nl mo-t In tears. He had changed sc much, and yet she caught glimpses, faint It is true, of the man she had loved. She reached for her handbag, which she had hung over the buck of her chair. The bag was gone. Her lienrl seemed to slop beating. Could he Jinve taken the bag? In the confusion in her own mind the truth appeared. He and no other could possibly have taken it. She wailed until the tumult within her had quieted. Then she easily made arrangements to have the lunch charged, and with the world gray about her went buck to the office. In tin weeks lliut grew to months and then to n year the deep wound of Ids act healed, leaving ucross hyr bear) only the thin truce of it tear ilmi gave to the outside world no bint nt the depth of the wound be neaiii. One dny Mr. Shively, her employer, ■ turned lo tier with some papers ‘Mary, one of our western men Is in the nurer oitlce. Please imk him rib lit Up 111," * She obeyed, anil found hcrs.df face to'/nee with*- Edv. ln, no longer, sloven In appearance nor weak of fpce His find was lined, but noi with the cor foiling of dlMSlgatiou, ml her ilie lines of jclf-dlscipllue aoi] sdoiidfini pur f HIH*. •* !-%• , • Sli<» isf mnbie'l burk to tier ivn<i {ltlWiwl lo voice* Unit pmimifU fur I away as she beard Mr. Shlvelj praise hlin for Ids gooil work arid uasnre iifnr p tWf iHjg w-; hr hjm rh.. End, then sTig bear (I EdwdiTs v o!rO; ‘ Jiiij T fee Hits Bukm.Vlipl n mu me.,' Mr. fillfvelv y” *>*». ... -— * - -r Sure enough Marsh. I did u r know you weru old friend*. By t } way, v»Ti liert In the office. 1 » aboui time for my afternoon 'game r golf anyways” be»fd the door i.-lqat M > heard Edwin approach. KTOiefhli 1 *a# in Id on her desk and oj«rtl*U. was her Imndhug. everything in it i fact: and Edwin’s voice, full of pa but Mngefi with some hint of. o mi who- laid found himself, xpnfc- genii ‘Mary, 1 stole that, bill It litis bet the making of me. I found in-ttic Pa tha! little photo,of myself. i( tpU'.lm me io tbe very soul; and I nnple lay mini I would make good Or die m (tic alti nipt • niake good for the snl& j of the mail you might lmve loved. £ | have been through hell, hut 1 belief | I have come through cl«nn. I Jolmifi j ibe western agency, and here J aiu L 'J'be thought of you Inis been very , precious to me through tills year of j struggle. Voa will forgive me, nndi' not think too hard of me, won’t .She tuiu"d suddenly, saw ft- g&f j In 1,1- e.’cs' I•ro« i n anil liinilifiJns »4ii / .vl, t he knew wu iwc fur her; and , 'h> a,;.t un t-cut I n aims- t \\ere -• around his nevk. and Ills wffinltiflfi , v.liilc liie room scctni il to iol with ■■■ KENSINGTON Quite a number of the patrons and friends of. the school attended the ex ercises at the echo'! here Friday af ternoon. Mrs. Wallin and her pupils had prepared an exTcellnet program consisting of songs, recitations and dialogues. Each child did its part in a most creditable manner and Mrs. Wallin is due much credit for train ing them. After closing the exercises Mrs. Wallin suggested to the ladies the- idea of forming a Help You Club. Each responded enthusiastically to.the plan and at once organized. Mrs. E. L. Hunter was elected president, Miss Laura Devore, Secretary. The Club is to meet one afternoon each montli ac the school and its object is to help and discuss with each other the problem? of a farm woman. Poultry raising will be the subject for discussion at the October meeting. All who wish to join will be gladly received. The Epworth League and S. S. at the local church are progressing nice ly. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hunter visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. Mary Con nely in Dalton Tuesday. Mrs. Hunter found her mother much improved from her recent illness. Mrs. Lucy Hunter who underwent a serious operation in a Chattanooga hospital is sufficiently recovered to he removed to her brother’s, Robert Wallin, in Rossville. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens attended the District Rally of the W. M. U. Sun day at Peavine church. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Hall and lit tle daughter, Lettie Sue, of Chatta nooga were the guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. .). P. Hunter. Miss Laura Devore was the spend the-day guest Sunday of her cousin. Miss Mae Hunter. Mrs. Margaret Garmany and grand son, Sam Hall were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clem ents at Cedar Grove. Dan Hice is rapidly recovering from his operation for appendicitis at a Chattanooga hospital. Mr. Hice was in a dangerous condition as gangrene had developed, when operated on. FLINTSTOME ■ '"A new Methodist Sunday school ha? been' Organized and an attendance of '73 was reported for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohannon, of Chickamauga visited Mrs. H. G.‘ Bo hannon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Rogers spent •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rog ers.' * Mr? T. A. Schmitt and little son, Rogers, who are making homo wifh'her parenfs', Mr.’and'Mrs. G. E. Rogers, spent the week-end with Mr. Henry Schmitt at Wallucc- M.r und Mrs. ,1. C. Mcß.ee spent th'„* Weekend at Chickamauga with Mr.). M,'Bee's larents. Clifford Rogers and Tom Lawson, of^Chattanooga visited Mr. Rogers’ parents Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Dinr.on spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Catlett at Lakeview. Mrs. Be«sie Ellis, who has been critically ill at the home of her son, Jesse Ellis, is slightly improving. Mrs. W. H. Hankins is planning to .visit her daughter in LaFayette in a short time. Mrs. A. E. Yates and children visit ed at Warren last week-end. Ml “es Agnes ami Gladys Rogers have returned to their home at South Pittsburg, Tenn., after a weeks visit with their cous'n, Miss Leila Rogers. BARGAINS IN USED CARS FOR HALE 1923 Ford Touring $17f1.00 1923 Ford Touring 200.09 1923 Ford Touring 250.00 1923 Ford Touring 19 , 0 "ord Tourin'' . - ...7 fa* i£i ,25 1 I-Jon Truck t7n fu\ .1921 Ford Coupe 100 00 Light Truck 70 00 f). C. WILSON INC. ,/ FORD DEALER' LaFayette, (,'a. GET YOUR FEED NUl'Pl.ft*-** all kinds from Dun C. Wheeler ill ' J Co Chattanooga. They make a mil} jf Cotior Srr«. t* u< jr.-> •» - NOTICE . AB notes due Swift and Co., for fertilizer will Ik- ft,und at Bank of La- Little, Agent. NOTICE All notes due Swift and Co, far fertiliaer will be foiNtd at Bank of La- Fayette, L. D. Little, Agent. A TONIC Drove’* laateies* chill Tonic .n.«ore» Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel it* strengthening, invigorating effect see how it bring* color to the cheeks anti bow it improves tlie appetite, you will tbtp appreciate its true tonic value. GroveWxuatuiess chlH Tonic is Uinpt Iron una Quinine susjicudr.d in sjrup. S pleasant even children like il. The btuu needs QUININE to Purify it JUKI IRON t, Enrich it. Destroys Malarial grnuia and Grip tjetjns by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c. FOR 'SALE -Fine pigs ■~t\ S. M-- Ca-ty, LaFayett", Gu. R. 1. 10-3 2t< EffiRiSALE- Finis lluroc-Jm-ney itthJjts- U. W'tißis, Ruck Spring, Oh. * • Ifx FDRt SALE —Several .line baby pigs, also two .-heat-, M. N. Vt-ler, La s; j'ettp, Gn. 11.1. Its