Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 03, 1924, Image 7

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STOP! wmmmx * g GO! It is dangerous to Go, when the signal says Stop! To heed warnings is to save life. The Stop! signals for health are such warnings as backache, shooting pains, jrecurring headaches, chilliness, dizzi ness, drowsiness, irritability, morose ness, rheumatic twinges, swollen joints, gout. These signals warn you that there is a “traffic jam” in the kidneys, and the "Go” signal can’t be utilized until the clogging poisons (uric acid, mostly) are flushed out. Drinking a glass of hot water each morning is effective and before each meal take an An-uric tablet (anti-uric acid). Step into any drug store and obtain An-uric tablets, discovered by Dr. Pierce, Pres, and made at the famous Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Or, send Dr, Pierce 10c for a trial package. SAVE THE FRUIT CROP—We are prepared to help you by selling large quantities of sugar at reason able prices—Henry’s Store. FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Golc« Medai Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LA” ■■’Jvt BROMO QUININE Tablets remove ti. There is only one‘ Bromc Quinine.’ L W GROVE’S signature in jor. jOc —Walker County Fair — LaFayette, Georgia Thursday and Friday OCTOBER 23rd And 24th Jfandsome Cash Prizes Offered Great Poultry, Agricultural, Live Stock, Industrial And Woman’s Handwork Displays. Fire Works At Night-Clean Amusements Each Day IN EVENT OF RAIN EITHER DAY FAIR WILL CONTINUE THROUGH SATURDAY OCTOBER 25TH. 3he £iggest and Best &ver. B rin 9 pa milg. PETITION FOR CHARTER Georgia, Walker County. To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of Hinton-Wilson, Inc. respectfully shows unto the court: 1. That, on August 28th 1923, by an order duly signed by Honorable Moses Wright, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Rome Circuit, upon the petition of Samuel B. Pollock, Wiley Hinton and D. C. Wilson, it was duly char tered and authorized to do business as a corporation, being by said order granted such rights and privileges as a corporation, as set out in the peti tion for charter. 2 That it now desires to amend said charter, by changing the name of said corporation from Hinton-Wilson, Inc., to D. C. Wilson, Inc. 3. That D. C. Wilson is now the holder and owner of all of the corpo rate stock of said Hinton-Wilson, Inc., and has specifically authorized and di rected such amendment of said char ter. Wherefore, petitioner prays that its charter heretofore granted on Decem ber 4th, 1923, and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Walker County, Georgia, he amended by changing the name and style of said corporation from Hin ton Wilson, Inc., to D. C. Wilson, Inc. ROSSER AND SHAW, Petitioner’s Attorney. Georgia, Walker County. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ori ginal petition for amendment of char ter es Hinton-Wilson, Inc., of file in my office and that said original pe tition was filed on the 15th. day of September, 1924. THOS. W. BRYAN, 10-10 4t Clerk Superior Court, Walker County, Gn. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS Georgia, Walker County. John M. Mallicoat versus Rex Hen ry, B. M. Henry, Hayden Henry, T. T. Henry, Mrs Rachel Roan, Suit to re cover land, etc, in the Superior Court of said county. No. 76, August term 1924. To the non-resident defendants, Hayden Henry, T. T. Henry and Mrs. Rachel Roan: You are commanded to be and ap pear at the next term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in No vember 1924, and make answers in the above-named and stated case, as required by the order and process of said court. Witness the Honorable Moses Wright, Judge of said Court, this 4th. day of September 1924. BESS M. CATRON, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Walker County, Ga. Pii'es Cured in 6 to 14 Days ilruggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fa '.’r, to cure ItchiDi!, Blind, Bleeding or Prsttudmg Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles. • y ou van get restful slepo ef'-T first application. 600 Walker County Messen q:er, October 3,1924. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE I Petition for Divorce in Walker Supe j rior Court, November term, 1924. Mrs. Minnie Goodrum Helton vs George Helton. To the defendant, George Helton. You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the first Monday in Novem ber, 1924 and make aswers in the above-named and stated case, as re quired by order of said court. Witness the Hon. Moses Wright, Judge of the Superior Court. This 19th day of August 1924. THOS. W. BRYAN, Clerk Superior Court. To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES’ HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE’S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. Th.i salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The Healing effect of Hayes' Healing Hnney in aide the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pon-Trate Salve through the pores of he skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. 0 Just* ask your druggist for HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. A Good Thing - DON'T MISS IT. Send vour name an- 1 , address plainly written together with 5 cants (a J this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., I>es Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whoopiug coughs, and tickling throatj Chamberlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it I Take ei S for the liver Beware of imitations. Demand the genuine in 10c and 35c pack ages bearing above trade mark. ANNOUNCEMENT I The T. E. Chapman Warehouse Co. have opened I , their New Warehouse on Patton Ave. and are now 1 ready for business. See Us For Best Prices On I Cotton and Cotton Seed I Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton in the seed. § Get Your Wheat Fertilizer From Us I A Car Load of Cement Just Arrived SEE US FOR BEST PRICES I Come To See Us I T. E. Chapman Warehouse Co. I LaFayette, Georgia I