Walker County messenger. (LaFayette, Ga.) 187?-current, October 10, 1924, Image 3

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ABSOLUTE Auction Sale 60 Beautiful Lots Cedar Lawn Sub-Division Near New Grammar And High School Rossville, Ga. J. W, CARLOCK, Owner a . Saturday October 11th, One O'Clock One Lot Given Away—Other Prizes Buy a Home At Your Own Price. Terms: 10 Per cent Cash, Balance *lO Per Month Sale Conducted By " DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY - , E. B. HELM AN, Auctioneer ■L 1 ’’ ■■ ,T 11 ——^ A----- r ' * T " R. L. WILLIAMS Jeweler and Watchmaker Expert Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spec tacles. Eyes Tested Free By Reliable Registered Optometrist. Don’t Neglect Your Eyes. See Me At Once See Us For Radio Outfits R. L. Williams, Rossville, Ga. PHONE F. 822 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Rossville, Ga. - ■ ■ ■-7^-7=: r, ■ - ' ■■ HOME COOKING REGULAR DINNERS DEW DROP INN , Miss Ella Pitts, Proprietress COLD DRINKS ' COR. McFARLAND and SHORT ORDERS CHICK AM AUG A AVE. * Rossville, Ga. I Notice of Sale On the First Saturday in December 1924 at 16 o’- clock at the Rossville Garage then and there will be sold to the highest bidder for cash the following Automobiles: One Ford Roadster, 1920 Model 490. One Oakland Touring Car, 1918 Model. This car has just been overhauled. This October 6,1924. ROSSVILLE GARAGE 4t Rossville, Ga. * f __ ——, When in need of anything in the 'shoe line visit our up-to-date shoe store. W T e can supply the whole fam ily. New goods are constantly arriving. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Y*ur Patronage \ Appreciated. Itt. Deed £aker Just Over the State Line on the Rossville Boulevard, Next Door to Rossville Hardware Co. /[ Walker County Messenger, October 10, 1924. Religious, Social And Personal News Os Rossville By Mrs. J. L. Rowland Rosrville, Ga. Oct. 7—A large dele gation from the McFarland Memorial church attended the Holston Confer ence at Knoxville the past week and took part in the beautiful and inter esting pageant, representing the his torical John Ross House. The pageant from Rossville was judged to be one of the best of the whole number cf floats represented at the Conference. Os widespread interest to the whole community is the announcement that the Rev. P. P. Martin has been re turned to the church at this place. This beloved pastor who has had charge of the church for the past two years is held in the highest esteem -by not only his own congregation but the entire community. The Rev. John A. King, pastor of the M. E. Church of South' Rossville began a series of meetings at the church Sunday. Dr. J. B. Crippen, of Atlanta, Superintendent of the Geor gia Conference, spent a few days here the past week, holding forth quarter ly conference and going over the work of the church. Since the present pas tor took charge of the church the ~unday school has increased 50 per cent and all other lines of the work have been greatly increased. The , Gospel Chorus Class of Chattanooga,' gave a musical program at the churen Sunday afternoon which was largely The Epworth League of the Mc- Farland Memorial church entertained with a musical program at the churcn Sunday evening. Vocal solos were giv en by Miss Velma Howard, Doc John ston and B. Mr Hudgens. A piano solo was given by Mrs B C Hale. The mem ed quartet furnished several numbers during the evening. About thirty members of the League will attend the League Union in Chattanooga Fri day evening. The Fidelis class of the First Bap tist church held their regular monthly business meeting at the church par lors Monday evening. R. J. Wheeler is .conducting a B. Y. P. U. Training school at this church this week and a | large number of students are in at- j tendance. On account of the Chattanooga fair the meeting of the Parent-Teacher’s association of the Rossville school was postponed from last Thursday until Thursday of this week when an elec tion of officers will take place. All parents are urged to attend. W. P. Kelley has returned to his home here after a visit of several weeks to his son, Oscar Kelley at Co hutta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander are having an attractive bungalow erect ,ed on their property oh Chickamauga Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wyatt of Men lo were the guests the past week* of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Agnew. J. B. Hammond of the J. C. Car mack Drug Store is ill at his home here. Mrs. J. L. Brown of Manchester, Tenn., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Lillie Hale at her home on Cedar Hill. The Young People’s class of the McFarland Memorial church will en tertain with a possum hunt Thursday evening in honor of the new members of tire class. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hixon and children and Miss Lula Galloway who motored to Knoxville the past weeK to attend the Holston Conference were the guests whlie there of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Galloway. Miss Loura Nell McKinney has re- I turned to her home at Jackson, Miss., j after a visit with her cousin, Miss Mattie Funierburke. J. C. Logan is quite ill to the re gret •of his friends at his home on Ohickamauga Avenue. Mr. and Sirs. S. M. Jaeoys of Grays ville, Tenn, were the week-end guests ■of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams. Jack, {he little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tfal Henderson has recovered from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. "WilPams. of (Middle Georgia have "been the guests i the past week of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Williams. Mr. anfi Mrs. J. H. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stephenson spent Sunday at Rock Spring the guests of Mr. and M-rs. J. W. Thoruas. Miss Clara Roberts, a member of tffne faculty of the Cedar Hill school is ill of appendicitis at her home jb “Cedar Hilt J .D. Neal who has beep the guest his brofl.er, J. A. Neal for several days has gone to Menlo where he n„s accepted a position as depot Agent for the T. A. G. R. R. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Orville H*mry h;ve returned to their home at Purksville I Twin., after a few days visit with I homefolks. 1 Mrs. Joe Summers will leave Wed nesday for Newport News, Vi... where she will join her husband. The many friends of Mrs. Summers regret thn she ib leaving this place where she has resided for a long number of years. Claude Easter. Charles Miller and Mi sses Denson and Jones motored to Swetwater T -nn., Sunday where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Easter. Mrs. Jane Brown and Miss Pearl Brown have returned to their home at Kingston, Tenn., after a visit with Mr and Mrs. O. S. Brown. ■Mrs. W. O. Ball and daughter, Miss P"ar) have returned from a delightful visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams ini Birmingham. , M. E. and James Stone have return ed from an extended trip through | East Tennessee. Mrs, J. M, Reece of Shreveport, La.! has arrived for a visit of several days I with her cousins, Mrs. Rrty Crow an i Mrs. Tom Stone at their home on j Chickamauga Avenue. Mrs. \Y. S. Scott of Ft. Payne, Ala.' is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Stone at their home on Cedar Hil . I Lakes Montgomery has gone to Flo- j fid a where she will spend the winter j -M's. J. N. Howard is the guest this week rs her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Full- 1 er at Hennegar, Ala. ‘Hugh Bond, young son of Mr. and i Mrs. Chas, H. Bond has re-entered McCnllic School in Chattanooga. Mrs. \Y. M. Cotton, of McMinnville, Tenn., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. G. Broome. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaw and child ren who have been camping at Red Bank this summer have returned to their home on Cedar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and I children, . f Viola 111., were the spend ! the-day guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Charles ( lark. In the afternoon quite a large number of friends of Mrs. Smith called and a delightful social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Snip a will remain the guests of relatives here for several more days. Miss Ora Davis of Trion is the guest of Mrs. Roy Aikens. Betty Jo, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniel is much im proved from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cooper have tak en an apartment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Allison for the winter. W. M. Loehredge and Mrs. J. W. Leigh of Dalton were the guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trun dle, Miss Ri’la Campbell who has been t ill for several days is reported to be slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Carroll enter tained the Willing Workers’ Class of, the McFarland Memorial church at their home on McFarland Avenue j Thursday evening. After the business* meeting, music and games were en-1 joyed throughout the evening. At a late hour delicious refreshments serv ed by the hostess were enjoyed. The * home was prettily decorated for the ’ occasion with autumn flowers. Mrs. Ira Flegal was hostess to the' Ladies Aid Society of the M. E churcn of South Rossville at her home on ' East Gordon Avenue Thursday. Those' attending were Mesdames Rowland 1 Turner, W. H. Williams, John West- * brooks, William Murray. At the noon * | hour a delicious dinner was served by ! the hostess. Rev. John A. King was 1 an invited guest. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison an 1 son, James, Jr., will leave Wednesday 1 for Gary Ind., where they will be the ' guests for several weeks of Major . and Mrs. Bulloch. C. B. Adams sjient the week-end , with his parents at Lookout, Ga. I On last Sunday between 4 and 5 p. , m. 1080 cars passed the Rossville Ga- . rage on Chickamauga Avenue. One j person held the watch while two men did the counting. About the same! number pass this point every pretty Sunday. i A large number from this place are planning to attend the Walker County Fair. Much interest centers in the Rossville exhibit and Col. Jones an- i nounces that his committee is getting I everything in shape for a nice com munity exhibit. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in due form to have W. B Shaw appoint ed administrator of the estate of S. J. Shaw’ late of said county deceased, notice is hereby given that said appli cation will be passed upon at my of -1 fice in I.nFayette, said county, on the , first M ndny in November next. This Oct. 6, 17)24. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. - LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Walker County. Application having been made in due form to have A. I). Wall appoint ed administrator of Mrs. L. L. Rich ardson, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that I will pass I upon said application at my office in j I said county on the first Monday in November next. This Oct. % 1924. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. ' LETTERS OF DISMISSION Georgia, Walker County. N. B. Partin, administrator of Tom I*artin, late of said county, deceased, has applied to the undersigned I for letters of dismission from said 1 ad , ministrator«’hip. Nirtice is hereby given that I will pass on said appli cation at my office in LaFayette said county -on first Monday ia November next. Given under my haad and offi cial signature this Oct, fi, 1.924. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT „ Georgia, Walker County. To Whom It May foncern: Mrs. Caldonia Anderson, widow of j Dr. P. B. Anderson, late of said coun-1 l ty deceased has applied to the under-! signed i t a year’s support from the estate of said deceased. Notice is ' hereby given that I will pass on said application at my office in LaFayette J , said county on the first Monday in I November next. Given under my hand, and official signature, this Oct. G, 1924. W. L. STANSELL, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION j Georgia, Walker County, Application having been made in I due form to have Robert Deck ap pointed administrator of the estate of J. W. peck, l late of said county da-1 l c ased, notice is hereby given that I | said application will.be passed upon 1 at my office in *LaFa?ette> saidrc<mntv, |on the fir-t Montfy in November, j | next, this Oct. fi, 1924. 1 W. 1,-STANSE! 1,, Ordinary. i - 1 * . 1 1 ■ ■■ " ! I Furniture, Phonographs, Cooking Utensils, Stoves and Ranges. Special on Saturday only Krom Rugs 9 x 12, $5.98. Our Motto Courtesy, Service and Sat isfaction. Phone Franklin 1058 / ! # % Rossville Furniture Company j Rossville, Ga. /J. C. jUllison Dealer In Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery and Ready- To-Wear. We handle “Star Brand Shoes.” • LOOK US OVER WHEN SHOPPING » j 4800 Rossville Boulevard ± r • t Rossville, Ga.-Tenn. , i a ———— - - i Buy Your Bread, Rolls and Cakes at Walker ( oun ty’s Only Bakery. In The Long Building on the Main Street of the Town Rossville Bakery | , ; Y L. Crawford, Proprietor Rossville, Ga, % f .SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia,' Walker County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in the town of LaFayette, said state and county on the First Tuesday in November next, being Nov. 4th., 1924, within the legal hours of sale io the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property to ■wit: One hundred ares, more or less, of lot of land, No. 248, in the 12th District and Fourth section of Walker County, Georgia, more fully describ ed on page 127, book No. 2 of Year’s Support, in office of Ordinary of Walker County, Georgia. Levied on and to be sold as the property of C. J. Evitt and Mrs. M. V. Evitt to satis fy a Superior Court execution f>j. I vor of C. K. Brooks and against C. J. | Evitt and Mrs. M. V. Evitt. Levy made this Bth day of October 1924 L. W. HARMON, Sheriff. NOTICE All notes due Swift and Co., for fertiliser will be found at Bank of La- Fayette, L. I). Little, Agent. t GET YOUR FEED SUPPLIES—Of all kinds from Dan C. Wheeler end Co. Chattanooga. They make a spec ialty of Cotton Seed Meal and Hubs FRESH FRUITS—And Fancy Gro ceries at Henry’s Store. Get ’em from Henry’s and get fresh and at right prices. TR’.DE AT JJFUttYT-tfhet-e you f r , t the asM ’choicest of groceries. Rhone us your orders, call 194 We rhnntr jflrf?-/ffenry’* Store, LaFayette" Ga. LOST—In LaFayette on last Thurs day my discharge from the army. Finder please leave at Messenger of fice—J. J. Gilreath, Trion, Ga. R. 2 It FOR SALE—Fifteen or twenty bush els of fine seed wheat, bearded wheat. —J. P. Hall, LaFayette, Guv. FOR SALE—Baled hay, fLBD per 100 pounds. Berry’s eßa/Miess Seed Wheat, SI.BO per bushel— D. Mur phy, Dougherty Farm, Kensing4m/J, NO HUNTING or Trespass’,ig on Dougherty Farm. Violators will be prosecuted—D. B. Morphy, Kensing ton, Ga. NOTICE—To the people of McLe- More’s Cove and vic aity. » am just in receipt of a car of flour bought on an advantageous contract, which I can offer at less than wholesale prices. Wholesale or retail—Rex Hen ry, Cassandra, Ga. 10-10 2tx Colds Cause Grip and Influenza i.AXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet-, remove '9«; (o.j“' There 1? only one "Bromo Quinine. . W GROVE 3 oiscatJ’e :c box. 30c SAVE THE FRUIT CROP—We are prepared to help you by selling large quantities of sugar at reason able prices—Henry’s Store. Colds Cause drip and Influenza LA" -tve. BROMO QUININE Tablets, remove tL .<* >e J here is only fltje *—YTTI* 1 » v .RO-yk's «tvi'ieev- tv FOR SALE—A pty.ri fre*h,'mlTj< cow E. O. Wheel or, Ln Rove tun Ga. R. i ltx *