Murray County gazette. (Spring Place, Ga.) 187?-1???, June 03, 1879, Image 2

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MURRAY COUNTY GAZETTE. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN NORTH GEORGIA. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square (1 inch) first insertion, 50 cents “ " Each subsequent insertion 25 cts Contract advertising at uniform rate of two cents a line, each insertion. Local Notices five cents a line, each inaer tion. A New Estimate of the World’s Age. Geologist, astronomers and physicists alike have hitherto been baffled in their attempts to set up any satisfactory kind of chronometers which will ap¬ proximately measure geological time, and thus afford us some clue to the antiquity of our globe. Mr Millard Reade, Liverpool, has recently contri buted th the Royal Society a very suggestive paper, in which lie endeavors to grapple with the question by employing the limestone rocks of the earth s crust as an index of geological time. Limestones have been in course of formation from the earliest known geological peri¬ ods, but it would appear that the latter formed strata are more calcareous than the earlier | apd that thege hg§ in fact, increase of caloan ous matterj The verry extensile deposition of carbonate of lime over wide areas of the ocean bottom at the present day is sufficiently attested by the recent soitrtdings of the Challenger. According to Mr. Reade’s estimate, the sedim«itary crust of the earth is at least one mile in average actual thickness. Of which prob¬ ably one-tenth cOnsiss of calca¬ reous matter. In seeking the origin of this calcareous matter, it is assumed that the primitive rocks of the Original crust were of the nature of granitic or ba¬ saltic rocks. By the dieiutegra tien of such rocks, calcareous and other sedimentary deposits have been fornied. The amount of lime salts in water which drain districts made of granites and basalts is found, by a com¬ parison of analyses, to be on an average about 3.73 parts in >0,000 parts of water It is further assumed that le exposed areas of igneous >cks, taking an average throughout all geological time, will bear to the exposures of sedimentary rocks ratio of about one to nine. From these and other data Mr. Reade con 'eludes that the •jj^^ion of the calcareous matter no’ in all the sedimentary must have occupied at least six hundred millions of years, This, therefore, represents the minimum age of the world. The offer infers that the for mation of the Laurentian, Cam¬ brian and Silirian strata must have occupied about two hun¬ dred millions of years; the old red sandstone, the carbonifer¬ ous and the poikilitic systems, another two hundred millions, and all the other strata the re maining two hundred millions. Mr. Reade is’ therefore, led to believe that geological time hjts been. enormously in excess of the limits urged by certain phy¬ sicists; and that it has been -am¬ ple to allow for all the changes which, on the hypothesis of ev¬ olution, have occurred in organic world. Written for the Gaeette. GETTYSBURG. CONTINUED. Never was human valor put to a severer test; never did Southern courage shine forth more conspicuously. It beyond tbe power successfully f s ,hi, wh. Federals fought admirably. All they had to do was to keep cool, ply their guns and hold their position. This they did against the fury of an assault, such as the World seldom wit¬ nessed; The assault of Long street’s corps, on the “Round Top,” was not a battle, it w*s a slaughter, On the left and in the centre the contest Was more 1 equal. The flighting was spl 3n did, the loss of life more disas trous to tig Federals than to the 1 Confederates, In Hill’s front the Federal lines showed evident signs of weakiiesa Hill’s corps was splendidly handled. Eight batteries of heavy guns were ib full play upon the Fed¬ eral lines with telling effect.— When pressed the Federals would retire slowly until re-in forced, when then would press forward with renewed Night put an end to the con¬ flict. The two armies lay in close proximity on that field of blood. The moon rose and looked down upon the drefcdiul 1 scene, shedding her pale raws on pallid brows asleep in deajh.p The ait* was resonant with t«e groans of the wounded anjd ing. j 0^zT the reach ii the /far as can are seen lying in heaps.— they He thickest upon the slopes wd summits where the batte lies of the Federals are planted, 'A battlefield at night is a .terrible sight. War has its victories, its triumphs and its glories, So, also was has its hideous deformities. There lies a naked body, stark and cold m death. The morning sun shone upon him in full posses¬ sion of manly vigor, in perfect health, full of jor and hope, rashing forward to a glory which dazzlingly invited him. He" 1 thought of his wife and children, and suddenly his heart was touched, his eye be come wet with moisture, he breathed a prayer, protect them!” Jn that far off Southern home¬ stead sit a woman and children. Teey are weeping. Yesterday she was the glad wife. Those children had a father. To-day she is a wido# — the children are ofpHank'Jj|.Who sullie s the y^'to^y) tri^tnph? Is there not a great Have theyjnot achieved ^ gloryL Yes t those who a ve achieved the glory, have this woman a widow and re» ^\ ai fT id tni * / ^ ii a • , , The up morning ft desu]toiy 3d fighting, Ju of the of ]y found the two armies in the same position, Up to 10 o’clock in the forenoon there seemed to be no disposition on the part of either, to renew tiie tights pi^parations As the day advanced, were made by Lee to renew the attack. After with his chief officers he determined to mass his ar¬ tillery in front of HilPs corps, and if possible break the Fed¬ eral lines. To this end one hundred and fifty pieces df artillery were placed in position and opened Ob the Federals. At three o’clock, th° scene from the left centre was truly magnificent; it was the most terrific cannona¬ ding of the whole war. The earth shook and trembled^ as if seized With some terrible convulsion of nature. Such a picture as was this scene, falls to the lot of but few men to look upon in any age. For two hours and a half the deafening cannonade was kept up. From tweiiiy different points great volumes bi smoke were every instant leaping from the guns. The air, was filled with the .thery sbapej -bursting that; boated shells. away from the A horrid din filled the air. The noise made by the burst¬ ing of the shells and the falling of the solid shot was unremit- - ting. Nor were the federal bat¬ teries silent amid this dreadful revelry. An exchange of iron compliments had been kept up from the Federal side, eleven o’clock. Heavy columns of Federal infantry could be seen moving from the left of the line to the centre. It was crident that Meade had anticipated design of his adversary and was massing his infantry at this point. TO BE CONTINUED. JOHN H. EVANS ! Tenders his chanks to his friends and'to the weary traveller, and solicits a continuance of. more patronage. He keeps on hand a full line of groceries consisting of confectionaries, pure whiskies, Braudies aud Wines. Look for Saloon on West Side of the public square. GEORGIA,'Mdbray County! WHEREAS, William A. Swanson has ap¬ plied for Exemption of Personalty, and se ,ting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 7th day of June, 1879, at my of • ftce. 20d Wm. H. Ramsby, May 14 th, 1879. . Ordinary’ j. c. h; BY & CO. " in \ f Gopds, Groce £ and ^ ■7 v SPRING^-ACE, GEORGIA The largest and best stock of Staples aud usually Fancy Goods.— first-class Everything Goods found in a Store Dry be and Gro¬ cery can found here LOW PRICES, QUICK BALES. Selling only for CASH, J. C. HENRY CO. can offer great inducements in to North purchasers any house Geor¬ DUPLICATE DALTON BILLS. Specialty; Impliments and Seeds o[5 m StiLOGl(M£f. 1X0 Stisv FOR