The bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 191?-19??, October 25, 1946, Image 2

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THE BULLETIN Official Organ Os Wilkinson County Published Every Friday At Wilkinson County, Irwinton, Georgia G. Harrold Carswell Editor Mary Tigner Publisher Entered As Second Class Mail Matter At The Postoffice At Irwinton, Georgia, Under the Act of Congress ot March 9, 1879. Subscription - SI.OO per Year Sugar Stamps Spare Stamp 51., good for 5 pounds...expires Dec, 31, Spare Stamps 9 and 10... each good for 5 pounds canning sugar ...expire Oct, 31, Chicken Feed Savings Only a quarter of a century ago con’ gressman were distributing free gay den seed to their constituents, but the practice was discontinued as wastelul Times have changed since then- Now the tax payer has more to worry about in the way of government spending. The popular order is to have the Federal government finance every thing from kilowats to fertilizer, and from local community spending to compulsory cradle to-the-grave secur ity. “No seed” is chicken feed savings too small in the new order. As the Portland Orgonian put it, “Sometimes we find —we are wishing we Were back —in the comparatively innocent, carefree and simple times when free garden seeds were consid ered to be an unholy political racket. 1 Legal Ads ’ GEORGIA —Wilkinson County, j Whereas, D. A. Bloodworth, ad { ministrator of the estate of George Bloodworth, deceased, has filed his । petition for discharge as administrator of said estate, as provided by law, all persons concerned are required to show cause at the November Term 1946, of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson County, Georgia, why said administrator should not be discharg ed. This 26th day of September, 1946. Geo. H. Carswell, Ordinary, Wilkinson County, Georgia. | GEORGIA —Wilkinson County. To All to Whom it May Concern: O. W. 801 l having, applied for guardianship Os the property of Mol-1 lie Carswell, minor, notice is given 1 that said application will be heard at mv otftce at ten o’clock A. M. on the first Monday in November, 1946. Thia October Bth, 1946. Geo. H. Carswell, Ordinary, 1 Wilkinson County, Ga. ] INSURANCE ' For the best in Fire insurance, ] and all kinds of Bonds, or any information about insurance, see N. H. BACON Irwinton, Ga. The Bulletin, Irwinton, Georgia, Friday, October 25, 1946 - Legal Ads - GEORGlA— Wilkinson County. This is to notify all persons concern ed that E. H. Kingery as administra tor of the estate of A.Thomas Kingery, deceased, has filed with mean applica tion for leave to sell the following lands belonging to said estate, for the pur pose of payment of debts and distribu tion, and that I will pass upon said ap plication in my office in Irwinton, Georgia, at the November term, 1946 of my Court: Description of property to be sold: All that tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the 328th G. M., Bloodworth District, of Wilkinson County, Georgia, containing Thirty three (33) acres, more or less, and be ing bound as follows: East, by the public road leading from Mclntyre to Ivey Station via “Shepherd’s Bridge”; North, by said public road leading from Mclntyre to Ivey Station via “Shep herd’s Biidge”; West by lands of Wal ter Ryles; South, by lands known as the “Old J. W. Kingery Homeplace” now owned by E. H. Snow. This Bth day of October, 1946. Geo. H. Carswell, Ordinary, Wilkinson County, Georgia. * " GEORGlA—Wilkinson County. Whereas, S. G Kimbers, adminis trator of the Estate of Levv Kimbers, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Levy Kim bers ’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismis sion, ou the first Monday in Novem ber, 1946. This 20th day of September, 1946, Geo. H. Carswell, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. To All To Whom It May Concern: Miss Ethel Powell having, in pro per form, applied to me for Perman ent Letters of Administration With Will Annexed on the estate of Mrs. W, A. Jones, late of eaid County,this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of Mrs. W. A. Jones to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in November, next, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., and show cause if any they aan, why Permanent Let ters of Administration With Will An nexed should not be granted to Miss Ethel Powell on Mrs. W. A, Jones’ estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 7th day of October, 1946. Geo. H, Carswell, Ordinary. READ the ADS Dr. George C. Ritchie OPTOMETRIST.. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Office: 10.5 S. Wayne St. Milledgeville, Ga. Office Hours; 8 to 1; 2 to 6 Wednesdays, 8 to 1 Shop Our Store FOR School Supplies Dry Goods Hardware A Fresh Meats - Beef, Pork, Chick en and Fish. Gulf Gas and Oil Tires and Tubes Ice Cream Cookies Candies Cold Drinks. C. C. BECK Irwinton, Ga. Gordon Georgia. I Member Os Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Deposits Insured Up To $5,000 Prevent Forest Fires GIFTS For All Occasions We Take Pride In Our Repair Service. Otts Watch and Jewelry Shop Milledgeville, Georgia.