The bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 191?-19??, December 27, 1946, Image 1

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... Serving Wilkinson and Adjoining Counties for Over 52 Years.... . TR BUT LETIN ::‘ e v‘f’?’j “»;;'i"‘“é %;r'k .:fl:}“ : s&‘4«;_ .“ fi ‘.; ‘. .’ 3 VOLUME 52 Christmas, A Great Occaslon At the ceorgia Baptist Child ren’s Home, according to J. L. ¥ortney, Manager, Christmas will be a great occasion for a round five hundred boys and girls, and even men and women who live with the children. There will be twenty one lovely Christmas tre-sin as many homes where children live, and a num. ber of other places on the campus All these trees will be beautifully lighted and decorated. but under peath them there will be all of the things that children might hope to find at the end of the rainbow. Ther» will be a great stocking for cach child, filled from top to toe with candy, fruits nuts and the like And there will thousands of indiviiual gifts beautifully wrapped for the boys and girls ' Christmas dinner will feature a big turkey on every table, and all the things that go to make for a great Christmas dinner. During the Christmas holidays there will be parties, games, con test, all to be introduced by a beautiful Christmas program in the chapel on Sunday night pre ceding Christmas. Christmas Poem The time draws near the birth of Christ. The moon is hid; the night is still; The Christmas bells from hill to hill Answer each other in the midst. Four voices of four hamlets round, ’From far and near, on meed and moor Swell out and fail, as if a door Were shut between me and the sound. Each voice four changes on the wind, That now dilate, and now decrease, Peace and goed-will, good-will and peace, : Peace and goodwill, to all mankind. ——Tenhyson. Lo e eD S And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great jov, which shall be to all people, For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord. And this shall be & sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrap ped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to ward men, " Luke 2 10:14 [rwinton, Wilkinson County, Georgia FriDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1946 THE SONG The long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem—a new Star in the sky—heavenly music above the : hills of Judea—the flutter of angel wings—the swift journey ing of the Shepherds—Mary and Joseph and the new-born Child— the coming of the Wise Men, with their gifts of gold, frankin cense and myrrh, 3 From these inspiring things the Song of Christmas came more than 20 centuries ago. The vears have added new notes of | : happiness Carols and song upon ! the air-—candles gleaming into the night—secret whisperings : and laughter in the home—greet ' ings going from friend to friend deeds of love and mercy done in the name of a Child. No great symphony or compo sition can match the song of Christmas It rises above the clatter and roar of the city; it throbs through the scattered : town and hamilet; it sings through the sunlit islands of the South; | it permeates the frozen wastes of the Northland- In ever-widen ing volume its strains echo a round the world. , Before its magic the host of host of darkness take flight. It touches the slumbering chords of memory; it heals old hurts and scars; it binds loved onesina closer and deeper tie. There are I no friendless or forsaken within - its sound; under its influence the strong reach out to help the weak Pzace and Love and Joy, these are its loudest notes, and they are for all men. Kor the Song of Christmas is the greatest of all songs because it is understood by every heart. O R T AR TR Peace On Earth c€ace . . G ' ood Will To Men Chn 1946 — s Mistletoe Distinct As Yule Decoration Mistletoe, that distinctive Christ mas green SO common in many parts of America, is usually thought ot as merely good holi day decoration or as a creator of open season on ladies fair for otherwise bashful swains. Mistletoe did notalways hold this position in our lives. The Druids call it ‘‘all-heal’’ and thought it held many miraculous virtues. The scandinavians dedi cated it to their goddess of love. Friga. Probably this goddess of love is responsible for the custom of kissing under the mistletoe. The power to heal, to protect sickness, to perform magic deeds all these a:ud more are the quali ties ascribed to this plant in leg ends, traditions and eyen in an cient histories and literature. Mistletoe is a paracite, which infests branches of various trees of both hardwood and conifers, but mainly on hardwoods, One species is found exclusively, how ever on conifers. Another old traditionis that the mistletoe supplied the wood for the holy cross, as previous to that time it was a forest tree but after the crucifiction was con demned to exist only as a dwarf parasite. Mistletoe Was taken over into the, Christian -tradition in due course and dedicated to the Christ Ohild. An old rhyme reads The mistletoe bough At your Christmas board Shall hang to the honor Os Christ our Lord. LittLe OL’ SANTA The little ol’ Santa propped under our tree is little the worse for Wear, he'’s iost a leg and an arm, you see, but ne one seems to care. Not that we're unsympathetic, rather we are juSt a bit nostalgic. Time was when our Santa, bright and new, benighly welcomned Tommy and Sue. As they tiptoed downstairs to see their presents spread beneath the tree very early Christmas morn. Though Temmie and Sue have out groWn their toys, and entwined their hearts with grown up joys, that little ol’ Santa, propped under the tree, symbolizes Christmas as Christmas ought to be. With toys for children, goed will among men-on earth, Peace dawning. Dorthea Waitzmann He who knows others is élever, but he who knows himseif is enlightened. Lao Tzu No. 50