The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, March 12, 1897, Image 2
THE MURRAY NEWS --------- ------- Published Every Friday Morning / By C. L. HENRY. Editor and Publisher Sprint! Place, Ga. Official Organ ot Murray County, SUBSCRIPTION ..BATES: 50c .One Year............. 25c. !Six Months ......... Entered at the post-office. at. Spring Place tia., as second class mail matter. ..... - ..... ■ - Advertising Rates ReasonajiC’ x When ^W r fti ng 1 ^for°thfs 'papf r your name must accompany article, not tor of publication, good faith. as a guarantee Address all communications to MURRAY NEWS, Spring Place, Ga. t'KiPAY, m aitac 1 2 x 11 , 1897* General John B. Gordon is now a private citizen. The new cabinet members took the oath of office last .Saturday. Thk famous Arnold di vorce case has been settled ‘ out of court. •The Cubans seem to be giving the Spanish a hard fight over in duba. President McKinley pro poses to use every effort in Iris power to secure international .bimetalism. Sam Jones begun bis revi val, in Atlanta, last Gunda*, and told the people that was, “Very little in hell Atlanta had not. 5 » The Minnesota .has appropriated a fund the salary and expenses of state phrenologist. His ties will he to examine heads of the students of different colleges and ties, and inmates of state re formatories, and other penal institutions. Plucky Greece is defying the Powers of Europe, and it may cause a bad and bloody war. King * George has called for all the Greeks in America to come home at once as country is in need of them. This shows that there is dan ger ahead. 3 Vie King has also instructed his generals to hold all positions they now occupy at all hazards. , The Town Council placed some improvments a round the old oak in square this week, won’t ev ery Citizen of *- pi c take example from the cil in and improve their the front of ' own ty? This would not beautify the city but ennance enh inee tne the vducofvonr vaiueoivoui u " property; try it and see. WlLLlAM McKinley inancni'ratAd President last Thursday J nursad) anu and it ill now remains / J to bo M whether he vv,H fub fill b» plrises perity to this country or not. Let each and t erveitizen help “to him to do 30, for 'in SO doing, Will not 7’ help , him , 7 you C on>V - I 1 •. ... C^rry out nis pledges, DUt 4 111 helping yourselves ns well, 6Uld doing your country a valuable service. A Tib BUTE OF LOVE, what sorrow to tell to the world! o uv dear mother inhere no more; Sho has ended the toils of life, And is resting on the farther shore. Her days were filled with trouble; Many trials came into her way; Ifet patiently she pressed forward Towaid a purer, brighter day. She lived for her yhildi-cn and God; To film she gave .praises and love And many admonitions that we Might ail unite in Heaven above. She taught us, in infancy, to pray To one who is able to keep U« from all bavut during the day, yt, l( j watches o’er us wiiile we steep Kvet faithfu? ar.d ready, she tried To cast, out of our beans the fears That gather on lift’s pathway; Amt, to wipe away all our tears, When we enter our darkened home \\ < wi mu man » t >*■ g >a ■> A deep sadness comes o’er our hearts And a dark shadow falls on our As out of sleep, -quietly she left, us; In Jesus, no doubt, she’s sleeping, Watching and waiting for us all, While we, in sadness, are weeping. O Father, give us the courage To humbly submit to Thy will! And wilt Thou be our guardian, And let us be Thy loved ones Oon.nkient clod, protect ns, And may Thy grace be given That we may so live on the earth That we may meet mother in Heaven. W. W. Sampler. Dennis, Ga, March, 0th 1897. Prcmdoii! McKinley sent his first iiMsfwasjtt to the senate lari; Monday in whicn he nominated Oscar A Jones to be pension agent at Detroit The senate confirmed the nomina tion. It is reported that, some of the most important places for Georgia under Piesident McKinley have al ready been virtually settled - Col. A E Buck is to go to Brazil while Co! E A Angit-r has been agreed up on as the, next district attorney with W L Massey of La Fayette as one of his assitants. The other assistants plane is contested for by W T Day and Felix Cobb. C C Winbash, col ored of Atlanta, will be surveyor of customs. It is said that these offices have been finally arranged for. Pill- SOUTH KK N 1 : A HAVA VS K,\ BlUlTAT TflK TENNE-SSl'It; CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. Arrangements have been perfect ed by which the Southern Rail way’s territory will be represented at the Exposition which opens at. Nashville on May 1. This, like for mer exhibits made ov that Company, will include sample specimens of iuin*raH agricultural, forest and olb er products of the states of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, East Tennes see and Kentucky, This Company’s exhibit at the Atlanta and Pittsburg Expositions attracted the attention of the agriculturist, manufacturer, miner, stock raiser and others, and did more to educate the visitors to an appreciation of the great & wealth and possibilities of the South . than an y other one exhibit that was and it is the policy of the Company to actively continue this method ot advertising. The scenic beauties of Q „, llltrv thr0 „ Bh the orn Railway runs will not Im* neglect (H , in this exhibit, Practically, this exhibit will be a bureau of i«itormatic.n, so that from the North and aboad can obtain d "» “ *» 1 ”“ lu!itr v . vast , mm ber of points on tbe South ern Railway. r rhi s exhibit is under the direction of the Land and Industrial Depart went of the Southern Railway with at Washington, D. and nersons located along that svs .. ..... they ttink int , reM lBe p„h lic thereby help advance the best inter est of the section from which it comes, should at once communicate with tbe asrent » of that Department, Hits . IS . an exhibit .... in which every citizen of this section should be in invested, and we hope that some of ■ our readers can supply something to represent our territory. tf. LEG A L A UV.tItTl.SE MENU'S MURRAY SHERIFFSAI ES. GEORGIA, M i; nit ay County; f will sell, before the court house ill the town of Spring Place, Georgia, be tween the legal horns of sale, on the first fueaday in April, 1807, the < escn ..a pi npei y, o wi , An tjtidivded one third interest in lot of land number two hundred and seve Rtv eight (278) in the tenth ( 10 ) district and third section (3) section Of Murray county, containing hundred and sixty (ICO) acres more or less. Said property levied cn by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of raid county in , favor , of . Payne and , Spruill ,, ... vs .1 W Mackey, administrator of S M Wood, deceased, and as the prop erty of the said S M Wound, deceased March the 3rd 1897. Also at the same time and nine (9) acres more or „„ , lefts <ff e (ot ot land number t wo hundred and sev (27h) }|1 the ninth { g lh) dfj^trict’and third (3rd) section of M-uriay county, and better described as .follows: Bounded on the north and west by unds of M M Welch, and on the east by Me,Mullins bridge road, and on the south by lands of MVVEheilds Said land levied on to satisfy a Jus lice court fi fa issued from Justice court of 824 district G M of saM state and county in favor of John Chadwick vs Edward Bishop, and levied on as the properly of said * Edward Bishop. March the 2ml 1897. Also at the same time ard lot Of land number one hundred and fifty three (153) lying in the eighth ( 8 th) district and third ( 3 rd) of Mnrrav ; county, ; and cotriair,p.g , hundred ami twenty (. 120 ) acres one more or less. Said land levied on to satisfy a tax li fa issued from the office of the t,ax collector of said state and county, for s; e cial taxes for ©ear 1897, in favor of the said 1 tale vs Peter som and as the property of the said Peter Ransom. This March 4*.h 1897 Also at the same time and jilaee lot of land number two hundred and eighty four (284) in the ninth (9th) district ami thiro (3rd) section of Murray county, containing . . one ban . dred and sixty ( 100 ) acres more ‘> r less. Said Ijnd levied on o> satis,-y two ta.x li fa’s issued from the office of the tax collector of said state- and county for said state and county, for for taxes for year 1 Slid, in favor of said state and county vs Rov F Mann • ’ I and Austin S Mann, ami as the prop ci ty of the said Roy F Mann and ' Austin S ... Mann, lbts March .. . 8 u th 1897 Also at the f\ame time and place, lot of land mirnber seventy nine (79) in the twenty fifth (25th) district and second ( 2 nd; section cimtainirig one hundred and sixty ( 100 ) acres more or less and lots numbers one hundred and twenty seven, (127), one hun dred and sixty four (HU), one dred and seventy six (170), one hun dredand seventy seven (177) hundred and forty six (240),' two SSSSi a { hundred and fifty nine (259), three hundred and seventeen (317), three. . hundred . , , and ... etghteen(ol , 0 , 0 8 )each , , con taining one hundred and s.xty ( 100 ) !acres more or less and lying in j twenty sixth (2bth) district an,i j second (2nd) section of hundred said also lots numbers two two hundred and thirtv two (232) two hundred and sixty eight ( 2 G 8 ) two hundred and fifty two (252) each containing one hundred and ty (1(50) acres more or less and I in f ncmd fw '”'- v „; ,v '"‘ b "®“" <f*> d of i s,ric “ county, also lot number fifty in the ninth [9tli] district and third £3rd]section containing one hundred and sixty [(GO] acres, more or Iests also lot number two hundred and twenty three [228] in the twenty sixthl 26di]district and second (2nd] c»my hundred and sixty Jl«*j more or less. Said land levied on to satisfy a fi fa issued from the office of the t« collector of said state and county for said, state and taxes for yeai the I 18J0, sou 5 in „ favor n said state and county vs Harris & Miilen, and levied on ps the property of the said Harris S 31illen. This March 9th 1897. Also at the same time and sixty four [04 j acres of land more or less off the Noith-east of lot of land n urn her one hundred and fifty seven (l&7)i»» the ninth (9th) district and tail'd (ordjsec* mn of XJunrtv county Georgia. The said land levied on | )V virtue of and to satisfy five Ju» t j Cfl C()urt fi f a ’ s issued from the Jus ticfe court of the eight hundred fW( ., )tv fmirll) (g 24th] district G. M. ,,f said state and eonmy; one in fa vor of W W MuPmux vs 8 S Davis >'* f* v ™ " f P™ 1 National Dank '| jJhS'sHvS- & rCv* Jav ; s a ,,d lw0 in favor of A L Keith vs s s Davis, and as the property of defendant in fi fa. Levy made and returned to me by J M Johnson,L.C , tor the 824th district G. M ot said sWp Wjd , olinty . This the 9th day of March, 1897. J, L. Robinson, Sheriff. OR 1)1 > AUTS ADVERTISEMENTS. Georoia, Murray ' ocsty; kV hereas C. S Dangle Executor of Samuel Ah y represents to the court 'f’ 1 <ln >. v ,J,at he J 1 ? 8 tally administered . said estate. I j s (.herebue to cite all persons con cerned to show cause if any they .-an why said Executor sin old not be discharged anff recei ve letters of'difu mission on the first' Monday in April 1897. T, J. <»Kbcy, Ordinary. Ghoroia, Mcrray County; Whereas IV-• J. Johnson adrninis trator of James Mathis represents to the o<«irt. in his petition duly filed that he has fully administered said estate this is therefore to cite *9 persons concerned to show cause if m-.v tin y can why said adminirirator sbfMalil riot be aischar<jf(*(l from ins mi ni st ration and receive ,,f dismission on the fiistt Monday A ^‘ ’ • s! ' 7 - - 1 ’'• J ‘ ^ Gsorui.y M. mew county, whom it may I! R Reamer Administrator on estate of John H and Susan L jDihri deceased represents to the court, in his petition duly filed that i he has fully administered sajd estate ’ anv * desires letters of dismission and if no legal objection is filed jetjers of dismission will Vie granted on the fj rgt Monday in Juue 1897. This , March the first 1897. T. ■) Gvbev, Ordinary. PIMFSMOXAL GAUDS. —-■■■ W* P. B.uonai,, M- D-, Spring 1 1,11 e, < . 1 , i j 1 coders his protessmoal t() |i)( „ p(M>| . |e Ulis , wli „n. j ^Crmnpi, attention given to (j:iv ,,,^ 1 ,,, 1 , lil l i AK. K. . 11 . 1 I >.1 il n, Ga. Calls in tuwu or countrv prompt!) answcreii. Sr 1:1 1 a ones, 1 M-.ubles. !>b ease ot the 1 -eclmn, tteuionbunts or I lies, bttiec DUeasof the Nose, Tiootu, and ( am.rii. over tirsl .oiuoinit l an!-. H J." N. B. I will be in spring Place the first Tuesday m each month. W. \Y. ANDERSON, M 1>. j Physician and Si uokon. Spring Place Offers his services to this and sur ! rounding counties. < . L HENRY. Attorney ami Counsellor m. ^l' 1 ' 11 '- ^ v> ' , ' < U "' c "" ; ' KII!ST ' r T't^ VSTA,! Dalton, Gt». Teams fnrmslmd any lime day _ o, - nisrht. Good teams, careful ^ lhe ^ ()f tun)on . s furnlshed at reaso , ia .V>lo rates ——- ----------—-——rr ; ;„ a c, >m pan\ of Dalton, Ga, and %VO) 1 p{ for all my old in Murray county to call and see when in Dalton. j Very truly, Ilvden Gregory. H. WE SEN D IT FREE! --- TO TEAK j/en, ynd Old Rejoice J with us ill the Discovery, —~;— - a him of all tlirt really makes life worth liv- 1 nioral C courage l) Sf01 . liis .iownward course LT plain ’Sage, the ALL poWEHRUL Or. HOFFMAN’S VITAL ^n*™™.** fore v e j7jflGinT EMISSIONS and all «n natural diains. Returns to former ap could we would decejition. not send u we not cure, and pay' our medicine FREE to try, wben sa , i3fied _ Wnte t 0 .day, as this may not appear again. Address, WESTERN MEDICINE Co. INCORPORATED. bargins for 1897. Our stock of goods is increasing and our trade is OTOwingfast. 1 he Best Grade , plCallCO e- i; f Irom rora A 4 i/ 2 c <~. to * SC • We Carry > a ISiice . Line of General Merchandise, and t- A, op -C c * to Our Line of Gents Hats............ A full line of candies, Oranges, coffee’s, Sugar, Meat, Flour, and Tobacco, In fact, if you want anything in en era ] Merchtmlise, call on us before buying elsewhere and get Jipjcgg GROCERIES : 7 pounds of Coffee for $1.00. $1.00 Arbuckles Coffee 6 Packages, fled Snapper Tobacco, 7cts. per . Green coffee, 20 cts per lb, jj re t on , 4 ounce snuff 10 certs. Brutmis ». ounce snuff '8 c«#ts. Brutons 1 qttnee snuff 4 cents. j plug tffWieco 5 cts, j ^,jck 5 cts per plug. Don’t forget m when you j want to buy Dry Got da or Gro . cel j e9 or Sell Y kur Produce. —------ Also in c nneeti n with our large line of General Mer chandise we a nice line of Staple and Fancy Articles in our claus Department. call and see our 5 and 10 cent Ar tides on onr 5 and IQ cent Counters, A Nice Line of Shoes, Jeans, Jeans Pants, Calicoes, Cashimerg, Nations, of different kinds, Tinware, Glassware e tc - ’ a11 at exceedingly Low Prices. Don’t truly,.... Fail to get oui tices before buying elsewhere. A: ours very FINCHER BROS. Spring Place, Georgia. 0 h oee r 1 es ! >&■ MtdA IteiiiitdiCSt&mii 1-. IVE NOW OFFER YOU STBPLE AND FANBY GROCERIES AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN BUY THEM ANYWIIJSKE. / We ha/vp Bought the Entire Stock of Fleminter Si Heggie, and are now prepared to sell you anything you want in the Grocery line at Hard Time Prices. We also have Hardware of different kinds, and would be glad all our Murray County friends would give US a call before buying elsewhere. Plows, Plow Points, and, infact-ata * ta ^ hin «ou in the Hardware . L.UC. It OL WILL find us at the old Flemister and Heggie Stand, Hll are invited to call and gee us before puprhas for we can and will save you MONEY. Gregory & Gregory, Dalton, Georgia, NOTICE. i am now - running the Treadwell Mill and will be pleased to have all the old customers pontinue their pat ronage as they have so liberally done I.^ „L7s; P5, “|iS y whether the water is high or low. 1 have a new- miller, James Ellis, ?' l] S ivc VOU 6rst class meal at - AU ume8 Aours Respectfully, J. R. Wbitcotton. Wanted-fln VfUmuU ni * Idea I WWW kmss thing to patent? anti nejSy list Washington, of hundred D. C.. inventions for their $l.Su» prise offer two wanted. Ladies TIose 5c. Shirts 2oC. Drawers 20c. Calico 5c. Jeans 10 to 3oc ; Cheviots 8 1-3. Pants, Gents’ Hats, Shoes, Sheeting, etc., at Very Low prices, wish and in in fact, line anything you our the Very Lowest Figures. Give us a trial and be convinced. AT BUCK HOLTZ’S DAILY --Fresh Oysters, Fresh Fish, Celery, MEALS Fbuits, etc. AND LUNCHES Dixie o Rooms. patronage solicited. L., Dal^cXj Ga FOR SALE. A splendid young hprge, gooff e H,™eS d,il ' ;al “ a80pd B “ ggi vv ill fsell ... cheap , for cash. 'F W Sampler, Dennis, Ga